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重组人干扰素α2b的提取和纯化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高重组人干扰素α2b的质量 ,增加产量 ,降低成本 ,通过破菌 ,包涵体提取 ,离子交换层析 ,凝胶过滤等纯化方法制备干扰素纯品。结果表明干扰素纯度可达 95%以上 ,比活达到 1.2× 10 8IU/mg以上。结果提示 ,采用本方法收率高 ,纯度好 ,工艺稳定 ,适合大规模生产  相似文献   

将重组人干扰素α2b栓剂在不同温度下保存不同时间,检验干扰素生物活性、溶出度试验、融变时限、pH值和微生物限度及外观的稳定性。重组人干扰素α2b栓剂在4~8℃条件下放置48个月;在20~25℃条件下放置24个月IFN生物活性未见下降,37℃放置4个月IFN生物活性未见下降。重组人干扰素α2b栓剂的生物学活性及理化性质有较好的稳定性。  相似文献   

研究重组人干扰素α2b栓剂的稳定性。方法将重组人干扰素α2b栓在不同温度下保存不同时间,分别检验干扰素生物学活性、溶出度试验、融变时限、pH和微生物限度及外观的稳定性。结果重组人干扰素α2b栓在4~8℃条件下放置当时和放置48个月后的IFN生物学活性基本一致,未见下降;在20~25℃条件下放置24个月后IFN生物学活性未见下降,放置32个月后活性下降32%,36个月后IFN生物学活性下降55%;37℃条件下放置4个月后IFN生物学活性未见下降。结论重组人干扰素α2b栓剂的生物学活性及理化性质的稳定性好。  相似文献   

本文通过对三批注射用重组人干扰素α2b(rIFN-α2b)冻干制剂在不同温度下,保存不同时间取样,对其外观、生物学活性、pH值、溶解状态及无菌试验等各项理化指标的观察试验,结果本品的冻干制剂在-20℃和4-8℃的条件下保存42个月,其上述各项检定指标无明显变化,均符合质检规程,即本文制品在此条件下稳定性良好,有效期可定为三年。同时说明该产品的生产工艺稳定。  相似文献   

重组人干扰素α-2b滴鼻剂的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重组人干扰素α-2b(rIFNα-2b)滴鼻剂的试制及临床前工作研究.进行了理化和生物学性质试验、稳定性试验、鼻腔局部刺激性试验、急性毒性试验、长期毒性试验和动物体内抗病毒试验等.本品连续三批工艺稳定,检定合格,性质稳定,2~8℃保存24个月后生物学活性无明显下降,使用安全,无不良反应.其它各项试验均符合现行<中国药典>的要求.表明该制剂具有比较好的开发与应用前景.  相似文献   

目的:制备重组人干扰素α2b阴道泡腾片,并对其质量和局部用药安全性进行研究。方法:将重组人干扰素α2b经制粒干燥,用酸、碱分开制粒法制备重组人干扰素α2b阴道泡腾片,按照《中国药典》对其性状、重量差异、崩解时限、pH、干扰素效价、水份含量、稳定性以及局部刺激性进行了考察。结果:本品处方、工艺合理,制备过程对干扰素生物活性影响较小;制剂质量符合规定,在4℃低温条件下保存具有较好的稳定性;局部刺激试验对家兔阴道组织无明显的刺激性。结论:该制剂质量稳定、可控,具有良好的稳定性和安全性。  相似文献   

人干扰素α-2b生产工艺的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人干扰素α-2b的简易、高效生产工艺研究,包括高效率、小型化的发酵技术.不用单克隆抗体亲和层析的纯化工序.以及大肠杆菌表达的人干扰索α-2b包涵体蛋白的天然构型复性等问题.从10L基因工程大肠杆菌发酵液所得l000g菌体中得人干扰素α-2b约500mg,效价为l×103u/mg,设备投资少,生产成本低,产品表现了高纯度、高效价。适宜大量生产,为广大人民群众提供廉价高质量药品创造了条件。  相似文献   

目的:建立检测聚乙二醇位点特异性修饰重组人干扰素α-2b反应的方法。方法:采用分子量20000的甲氧基聚乙二醇马来酰亚胺修饰重组人干扰素α-2b,反应混合物样品经十二烷基硫酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)后,碘染色法判断反应产物组成。结果:该修饰反应产物除含有单PEG化的干扰素α-2b外,还有不同修饰程度的多PEG化干扰素。结论:本方法方便快捷、分辨率高、特异性强,同时可用于其它聚乙二醇修饰蛋白质的分析研究。  相似文献   

人干扰素α—2b生产工艺的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人干扰素α-2b的简易、高效生产工艺研究,包括高效率、小型化的发酵技术,不用单克隆抗体亲和层析的纯化工序,以及大肠杆菌表达的人干扰素α-2b包涵体蛋白的天然构型复性等问题,从10L基因工程大肠杆菌发酵液所得1000g菌体中得人干扰素α-2b约500mg,效价为1×10~8u/mg,设备投资少,生产成本低,产品表现了高纯度、高效价。适宜大量生产,为广大人民群众提供廉价高质量药品创造了条件。  相似文献   

用国产单克隆抗体纯化重组干扰素α1b的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
制备高纯度的重组干扰素α1b的关键技术是单克隆抗体亲和层析。我们过去用英国Celltech公司提供的抗干扰素α单克姓抗体珠进行纯化。为适应大规模生产的需要,我们用安科生物高科技公司所建的杂交瘤细胞分泌的干扰素单克隆抗体及其制备的抗体珠进行纯化,获得较好的结果,纯化IFNα1原液纯度(SDS-PAGE,HPLC,比活),鼠IgG及单克姓抗体珠的吸附量,使用次数等均符合要求,并用于大规模生产。  相似文献   

目的 观察重组人干扰素α2b凝胶联合乳酸菌阴道胶囊治疗宫颈高危型人乳头瘤病毒(highrisk human papillomavirus,HPV)持续感染的临床效果。 方法 将110例宫颈高危型HPV持续感染而液基细胞学检查阴性的患者随机分为两组,其中对照组(58例)予以重组人干扰素α2b凝胶治疗,观察组(52例)予以重组人干扰素α2b凝胶联合乳酸菌阴道胶囊治疗,两组患者均连续治疗3个月经周期。比较两组患者HPV转阴率及阴道微生态改善情况。 结果 观察组患者治疗总有效率(82.69%)高于对照组(63.79%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.937,P=0.026)。治疗后,两组患者阴道微生态失调率均有所下降,且观察组改善情况更为显著(均P结论 在重组人干扰素α2b凝胶治疗的基础上联合应用乳酸菌阴道胶囊能明显提高宫颈高危型HPV持续感染的转阴率,其中促进阴道微生态恢复平衡可能是其发挥作用的机制之一。  相似文献   

Plants have attracted interest as hosts for protein expression because of the promise of a large production capacity and a low production cost. However, recovery costs remain a challenge as illustrated for recovery of recombinant aprotinin, a trypsin inhibitor, with removal of native corn trypsin inhibitor from transgenic corn (Azzoni et al. in Biotechnol Bioeng 80:268–276, 2002). When expression is targeted to corn grain fractions, dry milling can separate germ and endosperm fractions. Hence, only the product-containing fraction needs to be extracted, reducing the cost of extraction and the impurity level of the extract. Selective extraction conditions can reduce impurity levels to the point that low-cost adsorbents can result in relatively high purity levels. In this work, we attempted to achieve comparable purity with these lower cost methods. We replaced whole grain extraction and purification of recombinant aprotinin with sequential trypsin affinity and IMAC steps with an alternative of germ fraction extraction and purification with ion exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). Using germ extraction at acidic pH supplemented with heat precipitation to remove additional host proteins resulted in a higher specific activity feed to the chromatographic steps. The cation exchange step provided 7.6× purification with 76.4% yield and no sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis detectable native corn trypsin inhibitor. After the HIC step (2.7× step purification with 44.0% yield), the final product had a specific activity that was 75.3% of that of the affinity-purified aprotinin.  相似文献   

Overexpression of rhIFN-alpha2b was obtained by synthesizing a codon optimized gene for IFN-alpha2b and expressing it in the form of inclusion bodies (IBs) in Escherichia coli. The recombinant plasmid pRSET-IFNalpha, which had the IFN-alpha2b gene under the T7 promoter, was coexpressed with plasmid pGP1-2, which carried the gene for T7 RNA polymerase under the heat inducible lambdaP(L) promoter. This two plasmid expression system was optimized with respect to heat shock time, media, and time of induction in shake flask cultures. This was then scaled up into a bioreactor to get a maximum volumetric product yield of 5.2g/L at a final OD(600) of 67. At this point, the IBs represented approximately 40% of the total cellular protein. This high specific product yields eased the further downstream processing steps and improved product recoveries. The IBs were isolated and purified through ion exchange followed by step refolding to give a final product yield of approximately 3g/L, which is maximum reported in the literature. The bioassay of the refolded protein gave a specific activity of approximately 3 x 10(9)IU/mg protein.  相似文献   

目的探讨重组干扰素α-2b栓治疗宫颈人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)亚临床感染的疗效及安全性观察。方法选择宫颈HPV亚临床感染患者80例,随机分为观察组与对照组。观察组患者予以重组人干扰素α-2b栓阴道内放置,每晚1枚,隔日1次,10d为1个疗程,连用3个疗程。对照组患者予以双唑泰栓阴道塞入,每晚1枚,隔日1次,10d为1个疗程,连用3个疗程。观察并比较两组患者治疗后的临床疗效及药物不良反应情况。结果治疗3个疗程后,观察组患者临床总有效率为95.0%,明显高于对照组的80.0%(X^2=4.11,P〈0.05)。对照组与观察组治疗期间分别出现不良反应4例和2例,均为阴道瘙痒,症状较轻微,未发生严重的药物不良反应。两组患者治疗期间不良反应发生率比较差异无统计学意义(X^2=0.18,P〉0.05)。结论重组干扰素α-2b栓治疗宫颈HPV亚临床感染的疗效较肯定,具有不良反应轻,安全性较好,使用方便等优点。  相似文献   

Chitosan beads were modified with glutaraldehyde and modified chitosan was investigated as matrix for hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The influence of temperature, type of salt and its ionic strength on the adsorption of -galactosidase was studied. -Galactosidase was found to bind in presence of high concentration of ammonium sulphate (3 M, w/v) and 90% of the bound enzyme was eluted with decreasing salt concentration in presence of 10% ethylene glycol. Attempt was made to purify -galactosidase from modified chitosan, -galactosidase showed 1.7-fold purification with 43.96% recovery of enzyme activity. The SDS–PAGE analysis of enzyme showed considerable purification and its molecular weight was found to be 63–64 kDa. Unlike other chromatographic matrices, the prepared chitosan beads were used five times. The results showed that purification and recovery of the enzyme did not change even when column size was increased.  相似文献   

地高辛标记探针检测重组人干扰素β_(1b)中DNA残留量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为检测注射用重组人干扰素β1b半成品中外源性DNA残留量,以重组人干扰素β1b工程菌基因组DNA为模板,用地高辛标记探针,并以此探针进行点杂交。结果证明,该方法检测灵敏度较好,特异性较强,操作较安全简便,可用于重组人干扰素β1b制备过程中的质量监控及半成品的检定。  相似文献   

疏水层析用于大规模纯化重组HBsAg的工艺研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用疏水层析法从CHO细胞培养液中纯化HBsAg,每根制备柱每次可处理细胞收液350L,在适宜的上样流速和层析温度条件下,层析后可去除96%的杂蛋白,再经超速离心和凝胶过滤层析,可获HBsAg纯品。经检定,HPLC纯度高于95%,其余各项检定指标均符合《中国生物制品规程》要求。结果表明,此方法纯化效率高、处理样品量大、成本低,适于大规模生产。  相似文献   

Antithrombin (AT) is a serine proteinase inhibitor and a major regulator of the blood coagulation cascade. AT in human plasma has two isoforms, a predominant alpha-isoform and a minor beta-isoform; the latter lacks N-glycosylation at Asn 135 and has a higher heparin affinity. From the difference in its folding states, the AT molecule can be separated into three forms: a native form, a denatured and inactive form known as the latent form, and a partially denatured form called the prelatent form. In this study, we purified and characterized recombinant human AT (rAT) containing the prelatent form produced by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. When rAT was purified at physiological pH, its specific activity was lower than that of plasma-derived human AT (pAT). The latent and prelatent forms were detected in rAT by using hydrophobic interaction chromatography analysis. However, when rAT was purified at alkaline pH, the prelatent form was reversibly folded to the native form and the inhibitory activity of rAT increased to a value similar to that of pAT. Highly purified rAT was analyzed and compared with pAT by using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, circular dichroism spectroscopy, amino acid composition, N-terminal sequence, monosaccharide composition, peptide mapping, and heparin-binding affinity. From these analyses, rAT was found to be structurally identical to pAT, except for carbohydrate side-chains. rAT in CHO cells had a high beta-isoform content and it caused a higher heparin affinity than by pAT and also pH-dependent reversible inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

目的:评价国产重组人干扰素α2b注射剂的质量现状及存在问题。方法:采用法定检验方法结合探索性研究进行样品检验,统计分析检验结果,对国产重组人干扰素α2b注射剂的质量现状进行评价。结果:法定检验显示92批成品91批合格,合格率98.9%;24批原液20批合格(部分检验),合格率83.3%;探索性研究表明,按欧洲药典标准在原液中增加相关蛋白含量测定,则有两家企业的产品符合要求。结论:该品种总体质量状况良好,现行检验标准基本可行,建议在原液中增加相关蛋白含量检测。  相似文献   

应用疏水层析对大肠杆菌表达的人重组白细胞介素-4(rhIL-4)进行了纯化,含有rhIL-4的包涵体,经洗涤、变性、复性后,以Butyl-Sepharose层析,得到了高纯度的rhIL-4.纯度达97%;回收率为32%;比活性为2×10~7U/mg,讨论了rhIL-4疏水层析的条件,并对不同的方法纯化白细胞介素-4进行了比较.  相似文献   

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