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Gonadally intact pseudohermaphroditic female and normal female and neonatally castrated male rhesus monkeys were given estrogen treatment as adults and evaluated for attractivity, proceptivity, and receptivity during tests with a tethered stud male. Pseudohermaphrodites were produced by injecting their mothers during pregnancy with either testosterone propionate (TP) or dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP). Castrated males had reliably lower attractivity than normal females on all indicator responses shown by the tethered males. Additionally, castrated males showed reliably fewer proceptive responses on 4 of 5 measures than normal females. Receptivity could not be assessed in this situation for castrated males, because tethered males never contacted them unless the castrated males were displaying presentation. No reliable differences were observed between pseudohermaphrodites produced by prenatal treatments with TP or DHTP. Pseudohermaphrodites generally showed reliably less attractivity and proceptivity than normal females and reliably more of these traits than castrated males. Attractivity scores for pseudohermaphrodites were not different from those for normal females until proximity to the tethered male was established. Receptivity was not different in pseudohermaphrodites compared with normal females. Results indicate prenatal androgenization and its developmental sequelae lead to a defeminization in adulthood which, in this testing situation, was principally manifested by a deficiency in the performance of proceptive behaviors. Additionally, defeminization in rhesus monkeys, unlike that demonstrated in rodents, does not depend upon actions of an aromatizable androgen.  相似文献   

Optimal environments for captive primates are assumed to be those which simulate certain ecological features and elicit a wide range of species-typical behavior patterns. Outdoor environments are often thought to be more suitable than indoor environments in that they provide more space and potentially higher levels of stimulation. The purpose of this study was to compare the long-term behavioral responses of several groups of animals that had been reared identically during the first two years of life and then exposed to different environments. Two groups were moved into separate “enriched” indoor pens while one group was moved to an outdoor area covering approximately 5 acres. The monkeys were observed during the first year of life and again in these different environments between the ages of 6 and 10. Although behaviorally similar during the first year of life, monkeys developed different response patterns to indoor and outdoor environments. Contrary to commonly held views, indoor monkeys were not more aggressive, nor did they show higher levels of stereotypical behavior. Instead, indoor monkeys exhibited higher levels of grooming, sexual posturing, tactile/oral exploration, and passive visual behavior than their outdoor counterparts. These differences are consistent with the reconciliation model of de Waal. Individual monkeys also showed remarkable stability in certain traits over the 5-year period. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The accepted model of breeding seasonality in rhesus monkeys states that females become reproductively active in response to an environmental cue and that males become sexually active in response to ovulating females. This model must be modified to include direct responses of the male to the physical environment, endocrine responses of males to sexual activity, and responses of the female to the sexual activation of fellow group members. The complex set of social stimuli that influences the breeding readiness of both sexes may serve to delimit more precisely the annual periods of conception and birth than would be the case if each individual responded only to the changing physical environment.  相似文献   

Two environments were provided to laboratory rhesus monkeys to determine if the animals spent more time (for the purposes of this study, defined as the cage side preference) in an enriched cage side than an unenriched cage side. The side (right or left) of a double-wide cage in which the animal spent the most time (as determined by Chi square analysis) was initially determined during baseline observations. The "nonpreferred" side was then enriched during the experimental phase of the study. The enrichment consisted of a perch, a Tug-A-Toy suspended inside the cage, a Kong toy suspended on the outside of the cage, and a grooming board mounted on the outside of the cage. No statistically significant changes in use of the enrichments were detected over time. Fifty percent of the animals switched cage side preference to the enriched side during the study. All subjects showed reduced behavioral pathology during exposure to the enriched environment with a return of behavioral pathology when the enrichments were removed.  相似文献   

Persistent elevated adrenocortical responsiveness to ACTH has been demonstrated in female rhesus monkeys as long as 13 weeks after relocation into new single male breeding groups. Measures of immediate responses to psychosocial stress of grouping such as aggressive interaction and circulating plasma cortisol levels were highest immediately after grouping, but tended to decline to lower levels after the first month. In a retrospective comparison of such 'new' breeding groups (less than one year) versus established breeding groups (more than two years), stress-related morbidities such as trauma (wounding) and loose stools were higher for as long as six months after new group formation. The actual and potential adverse effects of regrouping stress on colony health and reproduction are relevant to cost-benefit assessment of such colony management procedures.  相似文献   

This is a study of the effects of geographic transfer on the timing of seasonal breeding of free-living rhesus monkeys on Cayo Santiago and La Parguera islands in Puerto Rico. The results demonstrated a progressive shift in the breeding season of the transferred group. The full shift required a period of 2 years. Change from one environment to another produced shifts in onset of estrous. The explanation for this phenomenon proposes an interaction between the specific reproductive state of the female, which may or may not be sensitive to a particular environmental change, and the environmental variation which is correlated with onset of breeding.  相似文献   

Six adult male rhesus monkeys were introduced individually to an all-female group for 10 days during the mating season. The initial aggressive responses of the females were rapidly replaced by positive social behaviour, and each male achieved alpha status and had access to social and sexual partners. A repetition of this paradigm in the non-breeding season produced significantly more female aggression, and no male attained high rank or engaged in sexual or other social behaviour. Male testosterone levels rose following introduction to the females in both seasons, but were significantly higher during the breeding season. Hormonal levels following removal from the females suggest a complex interplay between social, sexual and seasonal variables and recent social experiences. The differences in female social behaviour with newly introduced males, as a function of season, suggest an explanation for the seasonal limitation of male troop transfers.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys housed outdoors exhibit a distinct breeding season limited to the fall and winter months. Four groups of female rhesus monkeys, multiparous nonlactating (MNL; n = 8), multiparous lactating (ML; n = 6), primiparous lactating (PL; n = 3) and nulliparous first-time ovulators (N; n = 6) were studied to investigate the influence of age, parity, and social dominance rank on the parameters of the breeding season. MNL exhibited the longest season (146 days), and PL the shortest (70 days), with N (106 days) and ML (89 days) intermediate. PL females also had a significantly reduced percentage of normal ovulations compared to other groups. Neither body weight nor estimates of body fat were related to either the timing of the ovulatory season or the quality of ovulations within the season. Parity and social dominance rank were significantly related to the percentage of normal ovulations (r = 0.85), with low-ranking, primiparous females exhibiting the fewest normal ovulations. These data indicate that the presence of a suckling infant acts synergistically with environmental factors to determine the parameters of the breeding season. Furthermore, postpubertal females may be more responsive to those factors that terminate the breeding season, and some factor independent of body weight but associated with low social dominance rank and/or primiparity renders females less capable of normal luteal function during the breeding season.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay for serum testosterone which does not require chromatographic separation was used to measure the diurnal variations in intact and orchidecomized males and intact and ovariectomized females. The intact male rhesus monkey shows a distinctive diurnal variation in serum levels of testosterone characterized by lower values during the day and a marked increase in the early evening (1900-2200 hr). The testosterone levels remain high throughout most of the lights-off period in the intact male. In contrast to the intact male, the markedly lowered serum levels of testosterone in the orchidectomized male were higher during the day and consistently showed a nadir during the early evening (2000-2200 hr). The evening nadir of testosterone levels was 51.0% lower than the 24-hr mean whereas the maximum serum level was 46.4% higher. A similar circadian pattern of testosterone was seen in both the intact and ovariectomized females. The testosterone values were higher during the day and consistently showed a nadir during the early evening. These results suggest that the adrenal secretion of testosterone varies in a diurnal pattern characterized by an early evening nadir. This adrenal pattern is overshadowed by a much larger gonadal rhythm in the intact male.  相似文献   

The behavior of nine intact group-living adult female rhesus was observed for 30 min daily with each of four adult male rhesus across a verified ovulatory menstrual cycle. Blood samples collected from females daily or on alternate days were analyzed for estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone. Female patterns of approach, follow, and initiate proximity increased several days prior to the estradiol peak, peaked on the day of the estradiol peak, then declined completely or to very low frequencies. Mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations increased significantly on the day of the estradiol peak, remained elevated for 2 more days, then declined completely by the fifth day after peak estradiol. Ejaculations never occurred outside of a 10-day period starting 4 days before the estradiol peak and ending 5 days after the estradiol peak. During this period females initiated over 90% of all approaches. Female hand slap, threaten away, and stand up increased significantly on the first day of increased copulation, remained elevated while copulation was significantly elevated, then decreased along with the decline in copulation. Ten of eleven patterns of female behavior correlated significantly with estradiol level prior to the estradiol peak. All were significantly inversely correlated with progesterone level after the estradiol peak. No pattern of female behavior correlated significantly with testosterone either before or after the estradiol peak. Similarly, male patterns of behavior correlated with female levels of estradiol and progesterone, but not testosterone. These results demonstrate a relationship between increased serum estradiol and increased female initiation of sexual behavior. The finding that some patterns of female behavior increase several days prior to copulation, whereas other behaviors increase coincident with increased copulation suggests that the behavior of group-living rhesus females serves two functions. The first is to communicate sexual interest and the second is to maintain the consort pair and increase the probability that ejaculation will occur. In addition, the strong correlation between preovulatory female behavior and estradiol level suggests that the female's behavior provides precise information about her reproductive state and could thus coordinate copulation with maximal fertility.  相似文献   

Measurement of height (crown–rump length), body weight, and abdominal subcutaneous fat depth, based on skinfold thickness taken from 13 female rhesus monkeys comprising two age groups were correlated with body fat values derived from tritiated water determinations of total body water. The manner with which each measure was related to percent body fat differed as a function of age of the animal. In the young, nulliparous females, crown–rump length was the single best predictor of body fat, whereas in the older, multiparous females, skinfold thickness correlated most highly with body fat. When all measurements, including the Quetelet index [(wt/ht)2 × 1,000], were combined statistically and regressed against percent body fat, a significant increase in predictive ability was obtained. When each age group was considered separately, the resulting equations again reflected the agegroup biases. In addition, as an internal check on the validity of the regression equations, an additional regression analysis was performed using morphometric data from selected animals in each age group. These equations yielded accurate estimates of body fat when compared to determinations made from total body water. These analyses indicate that the predictive accuracy of morphometric data is greatly enhanced by using these measurements in concert. Furthermore, the utility of such predictions is influenced by the specific physical characteristics of the subject population.  相似文献   

One triad of male and two triads of female gonadectomized rhesus monkeys were observed as social groups assembled for repeated hour-long sessions. Social relationships were measured in terms of aggressive behavior between the members of each group in order to determine the dominance hierarchical order. Sexual performance was assessed for each male, before and after castration, in tests with an estrogen-stimulated ovariectomized female. Similar measures were made when the same female was periodically introduced to the all-male triad. When dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP) was administered for a period of 6 weeks to the middle-ranking member of each group, social status changes occurred in two groups, one male and one female, resulting in the elevation of the treated monkeys to the highest rank in the dominance hierarchy. In the other female group, aggressive behavior was increased with DHTP treatment of the middle-ranking female. Somatic effects, particularly a gain in body weight, occurred in all treated animals. Yawning behavior also increased significantly in those animals receiving DHTP. The latter two effects returned toward pretreatment levels following the cessation of hormone injection; however, changes in dominance hierarchy persisted to the end of the experiment, 6 weeks following the last DHTP treatment.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that in a simple pair test situation the expression of adult male sexual behavior by rhesus monkeys depends on both prenatal (organizational) and adult (activational) androgen exposure. In the present study we used a more complex social situation (trio tests) to evaluate the behavior of males, females, and female pseudohermaphrodites. In these trio tests, the experimental subjects were tested with two estrogenized stimulus females simultaneously. Sex differences in behavior were made apparent by this complex testing situation that could not have emerged in the pair test. Gonadectomized males and female pseudohermaphrodites, but not ovariectomized females that were concurrently receiving TP, exhibited increased male sexual behavior in trio tests compared to pair tests. In trio tests, the males and pseudohermaphrodites showed evidence of partner preference by interacting almost exclusively with one of the two stimulus females. These "preferred females" in turn were responsible for the majority of the proceptive behavior exhibited in these tests. Ovariectomized females rarely displayed male sexual behavior in either test situation. These results further support the hypothesis that prenatal androgen exposure predisposes monkeys to exhibit masculine behavior traits when they reach adulthood and are exposed to the activational influences of androgens.  相似文献   

1. The pharmacokinetics of frusemide have been compared in 3 non-human primate species after single intravenous dose of 3 mg/kg of the drug. 2. Peak mean plasma concentrations of frusemide were 31.6, 33.6, 43.6 micrograms/ml in the rhesus monkey, cynomolgus monkey and baboon respectively, and concentrations declined with a half-life of about 20 min. 3. There were no notable differences in the pharmacokinetic parameters estimated from either a one-compartment or two-compartment open model. 4. There were statistically significant species-related differences in clearance, half-lives and volumes of distribution adjusted for bodyweight. 5. The pharmacokinetics of frusemide in the cynomolgus monkey are closer to those in man than are those in the rhesus monkey, the baboon or other commonly used laboratory animal species.  相似文献   

Altmann's model describing the relationship of social dominance to breeding behavior in some non-human primate species has been tested using data from the Cayo Santiago rhesus colony. Although some of the model's assumptions are clearly not met by field observations, a good fit is often found for groups containing relatively few sexually mature, non-pregnant females. It is suggested that genetic change could be rapid under conditions described by this model. It is estimated that a “beneficial mutation” could spread through all the breeding males in as little as six generations regardless of group size. The speed at which an allele can spread through the group is discussed in terms of the mean length of female receptivity.  相似文献   

The short-term dynamics and distribution of airborne biological and total particles have been assessed in a large university hallway by particle counting using laser particle counters and impaction air samplers. Particle numbers of four different size ranges were determined every 2 min over several hours. Bioaerosols (culturable bacteria and fungi determined as colony-forming units) were directly collected every 5 min on Petri dishes containing the appropriate growth medium. Results clearly show distinct short-term dynamics of particulate aerosols, of both biological and non-biological origin. These reproducible periodic patterns are closely related to periods when lectures are held in lecture rooms and the intermissions in between when students are present in the hallway. Peaks of airborne culturable bacteria were observed with a periodicity of 1 h. Bioaerosol concentrations follow synchronously the variation in the total number of particles. These highly reproducible temporal dynamics should be considered when monitoring indoor environments to determine air quality.  相似文献   

The seasonal restriction of ovulations in rhesus monkeys is thought to be due to enhanced estradiol (E2)-negative feedback suppression of luteinizing hormone (LH) during the spring and summer anovulatory months. This hypothesis was examined in seven ovariectomized monkeys housed in an outdoor environment and treated with various doses of E2 in a counterbalanced design during both the anovulatory season (May-Jul) and the breeding season (Sep-Nov). Subcutaneous implants of E2 produced levels that mimicked late follicular (LF-100 pg/ml) or periovulatory concentrations (PO-190 pg/ml). Analyses of twice weekly serum samples revealed that during the period of no E2 treatment (NT), basal levels of bioactive LH were significantly lower in the summer than the fall. Although treatment with both doses of E2 lowered basal LH levels during both seasons, the decrease in LH was significantly greater during the summer. Samples collected at 15-min intervals for 2 h revealed that during NT, LH pulses were significantly slower during the summer than in the fall, whereas pulse amplitude did not differ between seasons. Treatment with both doses of E2 either abolished or significantly reduced both LH pulse amplitude and frequency in the summer. In contrast, LH pulses during the fall were not affected by E2 treatment. Response to treatment with LH-releasing hormone (5 micrograms/kg i.v.) revealed that release was significantly reduced during E2 treatment in the summer. These data indicate that seasonal changes in the environment influence both nongonadal control and E2-negative feedback inhibition of LH secretion. The reduced ability of E2 to maximally suppress LH release in the fall can thus account for the seasonally delimited pattern of ovulations observed in rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

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