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Inhibition in the mammalian cerebral cortex is mediated by a small population of highly diverse GABAergic interneurons. These largely local neurons are interspersed among excitatory projection neurons and exert pivotal regulation on the formation and function of cortical circuits. We are beginning to understand the extent of GABAergic neuron diversity and how this is generated and shaped during brain development in mice and humans. In this review, we summarise recent findings and discuss how new technologies are being used to further advance our knowledge. Understanding how inhibitory neurons are generated in the embryo is an essential pre-requisite of stem cell therapy, an evolving area of research, aimed at correcting human disorders that result in inhibitory dysfunction.  相似文献   

An understanding of the diversity of cortical GABAergic interneurons is critical to understand the function of the cerebral cortex. Recent data suggest that neurons expressing three markers, the Ca2+-binding protein parvalbumin (PV), the neuropeptide somatostatin (SST), and the ionotropic serotonin receptor 5HT3a (5HT3aR) account for nearly 100% of neocortical interneurons. Interneurons expressing each of these markers have a different embryological origin. Each group includes several types of interneurons that differ in morphological and electrophysiological properties and likely have different functions in the cortical circuit. The PV group accounts for ~40% of GABAergic neurons and includes fast spiking basket cells and chandelier cells. The SST group, which represents ~30% of GABAergic neurons, includes the Martinotti cells and a set of neurons that specifically target layerIV. The 5HT3aR group, which also accounts for ~30% of the total interneuronal population, is heterogeneous and includes all of the neurons that express the neuropeptide VIP, as well as an equally numerous subgroup of neurons that do not express VIP and includes neurogliaform cells. The universal modulation of these neurons by serotonin and acetylcholine via ionotropic receptors suggests that they might be involved in shaping cortical circuits during specific brain states and behavioral contexts.  相似文献   

The cerebral cortex is composed of a large variety of distinct cell‐types including projection neurons, interneurons, and glial cells which emerge from distinct neural stem cell lineages. The vast majority of cortical projection neurons and certain classes of glial cells are generated by radial glial progenitor cells in a highly orchestrated manner. Recent studies employing single cell analysis and clonal lineage tracing suggest that neural stem cell and radial glial progenitor lineage progression are regulated in a profound deterministic manner. In this review we focus on recent advances based mainly on correlative phenotypic data emerging from functional genetic studies in mice. We establish hypotheses to test in future research and outline a conceptual framework how epigenetic cues modulate the generation of cell‐type diversity during cortical development.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis is a powerful mechanism for structural and functional remodeling that occurs in restricted areas of the adult brain. Although different neurotransmitters regulate various aspects of the progression from neural stem cell quiescence to neuronal maturation, GABA is the main player. The developmental switch from excitation to inhibition combined with a heterogeneous population of GABAergic interneurons that target different subcellular compartments provides multiple points for the regulation of development and function of new neurons. This complexity is enhanced by feedback and feedforward networks that act as sensors and controllers of circuit activity, impinging directly or indirectly onto developing granule cells and, subsequently, on mature neurons. Newly generated granule cells ultimately connect with input and output partners in a manner that is largely sculpted by the activity of local circuits.  相似文献   

The hippocampal region contains several principal neuron types, some of which show distinct spatial firing patterns. The region is also known for its diversity in neural circuits and many have attempted to causally relate network architecture within and between these unique circuits to functional outcome. Still, much is unknown about the mechanisms or network properties by which the functionally specific spatial firing profiles of neurons are generated, let alone how they are integrated into a coherently functioning meta-network. In this review, we explore the architecture of local networks and address how they may interact within the context of an overarching space circuit, aiming to provide directions for future successful explorations.  相似文献   

Recent physiological studies have shown that neurons in various regions of the central nervous systems continuously receive noisy excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs in a balanced and covaried fashion. While this balanced synaptic input (BSI) is typically described in terms of maintaining the stability of neural circuits, a number of experimental and theoretical studies have suggested that BSI plays a proactive role in brain functions such as top-down modulation for executive control. Two issues have remained unclear in this picture. First, given the noisy nature of neuronal activities in neural circuits, how do the modulatory effects change if the top-down control implements BSI with different ratios between inhibition and excitation? Second, how is a top-down BSI realized via only excitatory long-range projections in the neocortex? To address the first issue, we systematically tested how the inhibition/excitation ratio affects the accuracy and reaction times of a spiking neural circuit model of perceptual decision. We defined an energy function to characterize the network dynamics, and found that different ratios modulate the energy function of the circuit differently and form two distinct functional modes. To address the second issue, we tested BSI with long-distance projection to inhibitory neurons that are either feedforward or feedback, depending on whether these inhibitory neurons do or do not receive inputs from local excitatory cells, respectively. We found that BSI occurs in both cases. Furthermore, when relying on feedback inhibitory neurons, through the recurrent interactions inside the circuit, BSI dynamically and automatically speeds up the decision by gradually reducing its inhibitory component in the course of a trial when a decision process takes too long.  相似文献   

How are functional neural circuits formed during development? Despite recent advances in our understanding of the development of individual neurons, little is known about how complex circuits are assembled to generate specific behaviors. Here, we describe the ways in which Drosophila motor circuits serve as an excellent model system to tackle this problem. We first summarize what has been learned during the past decades on the connectivity and development of component neurons, in particular motor neurons and sensory feedback neurons. We then review recent progress in our understanding of the development of the circuits as well as studies that apply optogenetics and other innovative techniques to dissect the circuit diagram. New approaches using Drosophila as a model system are now making it possible to search for developmental rules that regulate the construction of neural circuits.  相似文献   

Tangential migration is a mode of cell movement, which in the developing cerebral cortex, is defined by displacement parallel to the ventricular surface and orthogonal to the radial glial fibers. This mode of long‐range migration is a strategy by which distinct neuronal classes generated from spatially and molecularly distinct origins can integrate to form appropriate neural circuits within the cortical plate. While it was previously believed that only GABAergic cortical interneurons migrate tangentially from their origins in the subpallial ganglionic eminences to integrate in the cortical plate, it is now known that transient populations of glutamatergic neurons also adopt this mode of migration. These include Cajal‐Retzius cells (CRs), subplate neurons (SPs), and cortical plate transient neurons (CPTs), which have crucial roles in orchestrating the radial and tangential development of the embryonic cerebral cortex in a noncell‐autonomous manner. While CRs have been extensively studied, it is only in the last decade that the molecular mechanisms governing their tangential migration have begun to be elucidated. To date, the mechanisms of SPs and CPTs tangential migration remain unknown. We therefore review the known signaling pathways, which regulate parameters of CRs migration including their motility, contact‐redistribution and adhesion to the pial surface, and discuss this in the context of how CR migration may regulate their signaling activity in a spatial and temporal manner. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 847–881, 2016  相似文献   

The appearance of the neocortex, its expansion, and its differentiation in mammals, represents one of the principal episodes in the evolution of the vertebrate brain. One of the fundamental questions in neuroscience is what is special about the neocortex of humans and how does it differ from that of other species? It is clear that distinct cortical areas show important differences within both the same and different species, and this has led to some researchers emphasizing the similarities whereas others focus on the differences. In general, despite of the large number of different elements that contribute to neocortical circuits, it is thought that neocortical neurons are organized into multiple, small repeating microcircuits, based around pyramidal cells and their input-output connections. These inputs originate from extrinsic afferent systems, excitatory glutamatergic spiny cells (which include other pyramidal cells and spiny stellate cells), and inhibitory GABAergic interneurons. The problem is that the neuronal elements that make up the basic microcircuit are differentiated into subtypes, some of which are lacking or highly modified in different cortical areas or species. Furthermore, the number of neurons contained in a discrete vertical cylinder of cortical tissue varies across species. Additionally, it has been shown that the neuropil in different cortical areas of the human, rat and mouse has a characteristic layer specific synaptology. These variations most likely reflect functional differences in the specific cortical circuits. The laminar specific similarities between cortical areas and between species, with respect to the percentage, length and density of excitatory and inhibitory synapses, and to the number of synapses per neuron, might be considered as the basic cortical building bricks. In turn, the differences probably indicate the evolutionary adaptation of excitatory and inhibitory circuits to particular functions.  相似文献   

Vocalization is a common means of communication across vertebrates, but the evolutionary origins of the neural circuits controlling these behaviors are not clear. Peripheral mechanisms of sound production vary widely: fish produce sounds with a swimbladder or pectoral fins; amphibians, reptiles, and mammalians vocalize using a larynx; birds vocalize with a syrinx. Despite the diversity of vocal effectors across taxa, there are many similarities in the neural circuits underlying the control of these organs. Do similarities in vocal circuit structure and function indicate that vocal behaviors first arose in a single common ancestor, or have similar neural circuits arisen independently multiple times during evolution? In this review, we describe the hindbrain circuits that are involved in vocal production across vertebrates. Given that vocalization depends on respiration in most tetrapods, it is not surprising that vocal and respiratory hindbrain circuits across distantly related species are anatomically intermingled and functionally linked. Such vocal‐respiratory circuit integration supports the hypothesis that vocal evolution involved the expansion and functional diversification of breathing circuits. Recent phylogenetic analyses, however, suggest vocal behaviors arose independently in all major tetrapod clades, indicating that similarities in vocal control circuits are the result of repeated co‐options of respiratory circuits in each lineage. It is currently unknown whether vocal circuits across taxa are made up of homologous neurons, or whether vocal neurons in each lineage arose from developmentally and evolutionarily distinct progenitors. Integrative comparative studies of vocal neurons across brain regions and taxa will be required to distinguish between these two scenarios.  相似文献   

The patients suffering from acidosis usually sign psychological deficits. The cerebral dysfunction is reportedly caused by an acid-induced functional impairment of GABAergic neurons; however, the role of pyramidal neurons in this process remains unclear. By using electrophysiological method and changing extracellular pH, we investigated the influence of acidic environment on pyramidal neurons in the cortical slices, such as their ability of firing spikes and response to synaptic inputs. A low pH of artificial cerebral spinal fluid elevates the responses of pyramidal neurons to excitatory synaptic inputs and their ability of encoding digital spikes, as well as reduces the signal transmission at GABAergic synapses. The elevated ability of neuronal spiking is associated with the decreases of refractory periods and threshold potentials. Therefore, acidosis deteriorates brain functions through making the activities between cortical pyramidal neurons and GABAergic neurons imbalanced toward the overexcitation of neural networks, a process similar to neural excitotoxicity.  相似文献   

黄佐石 《生命科学》2008,20(5):702-706
现代神经科学的一个重要课题足阐明复杂神经环路及其细胞组成形成行为的机制。我们希望可以通过对特定神经元群体的区分和操作在引发行为的神经计算和特定神经元群体活性之间建立一种因果联系。运用BAC重组工程技术,我们建立了超过20个“敲入”驱动品系。在这些驱动品系中,Cre或者是可诱导的CreER能够在特定类掣的GABA能细胞中表达。另外,我们还建立了一些Cre报告小鼠品系和一。个基于病毒转染的蛋白表达系统。这些病毒包含一个Cre-激活的表达元件,可以将一些荧光蛋白或分了开关在体内以很高的效率表达。这种基因操作的策略可以使我们进行如下的一些观察和操作:(1)在突触水平观察中间神经元的形态和他们之间的联系;(2)观察中间神经元的活性及其过往的活动;(3)在生理的时间分辨率上操纵特定细胞群的发放和突触传递。这将使我们对复杂神经环路功能和组织的认识进入。个全新的领域。  相似文献   

The regulation of fate decisions in progenitor cells lays the foundation for the generation of neuronal diversity and the formation of specialized circuits with remarkable processing capacity. Since the discovery more than 20 years ago that inhibitory (GABAergic) neurons originate from progenitors in the ventral part of the embryonic brain, numerous details about their development and function have been unveiled. GABAergic neurons are an extremely heterogeneous group, comprising many specialized subtypes of local interneurons and long-range projection neurons. Clearly distinguishable types emerge during postmitotic maturation, at a time when precursors migrate, morphologically mature, and establish synaptic connections. Yet, differentiation begins at an earlier stage within their progenitor domains, where a combination of birthdate and place of origin are key drivers. This review explains how new insights from single-cell sequencing inform our current understanding of how GABAergic neuron diversity emerges.  相似文献   

Cheng X  Li Y  Huang Y  Feng X  Feng G  Xiong ZQ 《Cell research》2011,21(2):338-349
Research over the past decades has demonstrated that adult brain produces neural progenitor cells which proliferate and differentiate to newborn neurons that integrate into the existing circuit. However, detailed differentiation processes and underlying mechanisms of newly generated neurons are largely unknown due to the limitation of available methods for labeling and manipulating neural progenitor cells and newborn neurons. In this study, we designed a tightly controlled, noninvasive system based on Cre/loxP recombination to achieve long-term tracing and genetic manipulation of adult neurons in vivo. In this system, tamoxifen-inducible recombinase, CreER(T2), was driven by BAC-based promoter of doublecortin (DCX, a marker of newborn neurons). By crossing this Cre line with reporter mouse, we found that newborn neurons in the dentate gyrus (DG) could be selectively pulse-labeled by tamoxifen-induced expression of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP). YFP-positive neurons were identified by coimmunostaining with cell type-specific markers and characterized by electrophysiological recording. Furthermore, analysis of the migration of these neurons showed that the majority of these labeled neurons migrated to the inner part of granule cell layer. Moreover, spine growth of inner molecular layer of newborn granule neurons takes a dynamic pattern of invert U-shape, in contrast to the wedge-shaped change in the outer molecular layer. Our transgenic tool provides an efficient way to selectively label and manipulate newborn neuron in adult mouse DG.  相似文献   

Towards understanding of the cortical network underlying associative memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Declarative knowledge and experiences are represented in the association cortex and are recalled by reactivation of the neural representation. Electrophysiological experiments have revealed that associations between semantically linked visual objects are formed in neural representations in the temporal and limbic cortices. Memory traces are created by the reorganization of neural circuits. These regions are reactivated during retrieval and contribute to the contents of a memory. Two different types of retrieval signals are suggested as follows: automatic and active. One flows backward from the medial temporal lobe during the automatic retrieval process, whereas the other is conveyed as a top-down signal from the prefrontal cortex to the temporal cortex during the active retrieval process. By sending the top-down signal, the prefrontal cortex manipulates and organizes to-be-remembered information, devises strategies for retrieval and monitors the outcome. To further understand the neural mechanism of memory, the following two complementary views are needed: how the multiple cortical areas in the brain-wide network interact to orchestrate cognitive functions and how the properties of single neurons and their synaptic connections with neighbouring neurons combine to form local circuits and to exhibit the function of each cortical area. We will discuss some new methodological innovations that tackle these challenges.  相似文献   

Flames N  Marín O 《Neuron》2005,46(3):377-381
GABAergic interneurons are critical components of cortical circuits. However, understanding their function has become extremely challenging because they constitute one of the most diverse groups of cells in the central nervous system. Indeed, cortical GABAergic interneurons are heterogeneous in so many different ways--morphology, molecular profiling, electrical properties--that even attempts to discern what parameters should be used to identify cortical interneuron subtypes have failed to generate broad consensus among experts in the field. The extent to which cortical interneuron diversity emerges during development is largely unknown, but it is likely that insights on how this process takes place may help us understand their role as integrative and synchronizing elements in cortical function. Here, we review recent data on how the large variety of distinct classes of cortical interneurons may arise during development.  相似文献   

The mammalian telencephalon, which comprises the cerebral cortex, olfactory bulb, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and amygdala, is the most complex and intricate region of the CNS. It is the seat of all higher brain functions including the storage and retrieval of memories, the integration and processing of sensory and motor information, and the regulation of emotion and drive states. In higher mammals such as humans, the telencephalon also governs our creative impulses, ability to make rational decisions, and plan for the future. Despite its massive complexity, exciting work from a number of groups has begun to unravel the developmental mechanisms for the generation of the diverse neural cell types that form the circuitry of the mature telencephalon. Here, we review our current understanding of four aspects of neural development. We first begin by providing a general overview of the broad developmental mechanisms underlying the generation of neuronal and glial cell diversity in the telencephalon during embryonic development. We then focus on development of the cerebral cortex, the most complex and evolved region of the brain. We review the current state of understanding of progenitor cell diversity within the cortical ventricular zone and then describe how lateral signaling via the Notch-Delta pathway generates specific aspects of neural cell diversity in cortical progenitor pools. Finally, we review the signaling mechanisms required for development, and response to injury, of a specialized group of cortical stem cells, the radial glia, which act both as precursors and as migratory scaffolds for newly generated neurons.  相似文献   

GABA Effects During Neuronal Differentiation of Stem Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gamma-amino butyrate (GABA) is the most prevalent inhibitory neurotransmitter in the adult brain. In this review, we summarize the pharmacology and regulation of GABAergic transmission components (biosynthetic enzymes, receptors and transporters) in adult non-neurogenic brain regions. The effects of targeted mutations in genes relevant for GABAergic functions and how they influence specific neuronal circuits and pathological states are presented. We then review GABA actions on neuronal differentiation. During brain development, GABA has depolarizing activity in cerebrocortical neural precursors, controlling cell division and contributing to neuronal migration and maturation. In the adult forebrain there are two neurogenic regions exposed to synaptic and non-synaptic GABA release. Neural stem cells and neuronal progenitors express GABA receptors in subventricular and subgranular zones. GABA effects in these cells are very similar to those found in embryonic cortical precursor cells, and therefore it is possible that this amino acid has important roles during adult brain plasticity. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Ricardo Tapia.  相似文献   

Pozas E  Ibáñez CF 《Neuron》2005,45(5):701-713
Cortical GABAergic neurons are generated in the ventral telencephalon and migrate dorsally into the cortex following a tangential path. GDNF signaling via GFRalpha1 was found to promote the differentiation of ventral precursors into GABAergic cells, enhancing their neuronal morphology and motility. GDNF stimulated axonal growth in cortical GABAergic neurons and acted as a potent chemoattractant of GABAergic cells. These effects required GFRalpha1 but neither RET nor NCAM, the two transmembrane signaling receptors known for GDNF. Mutant mice lacking GDNF or GFRalpha1, but neither RET nor NCAM, showed reduced numbers of GABAergic cells in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. We conclude that one of the normal functions of GDNF signaling via GFRalpha1 in the developing brain is to promote the differentiation and migration of cortical GABAergic neurons. The lack of involvement of RET or NCAM in these processes suggests the existence of additional transmembrane effectors for GDNF.  相似文献   

Some cortical circuit models study the mechanisms of the transforms from visual inputs to neural responses. They model neural properties such as feature tunings, pattern sensitivities, and how they depend on intracortical connections and contextual inputs. Other cortical circuit models are more concerned with computational goals of the transform from visual inputs to neural responses, or the roles of the neural responses in the visual behavior. The appropriate complexity of a cortical circuit model depends on the question asked. Modeling neural circuits of many interacting hypercolumns is a necessary challenge, which is providing insights to cortical computations, such as visual saliency computation, and linking physiology with global visual cognitive behavior such as bottom-up attentional selection.  相似文献   

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