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Supernatants of phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human tonsil cells contain two growth inhibitory factors. These factors, called inhibitors of DNA synthesis (IDS), reduce (3)H-thymidine incorporation into mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes and into growing HeLa cells. By Sephadex chromatography, these factors have volumes of distribution corresponding to about 80,000 and 40,000 daltons. Both factors inhibit the activity of calf thymus DNA polymerase alpha in cell-free assays (termed inhibitor of DNA polymerase, IDP). The larger factor, which is chromatographically separable from alpha-lymphotoxin (alpha-LT), is completely inactivated by heating at 70 degrees C for 15 min. This treatment does not destroy alpha-LT. Using supernatants from PHA-stimulated tonsil cells cultured for 5 days in serum-free medium, we attained a 150-fold purification with a succession of molecular sieving, ion exchange, and adsorption chromatographic procedures. Although not purified to homogeneity, the extensive copurification of IDS and IDP activities and their identical heat inactivation profiles suggest that they are the same entity. IDP separated free of alpha-LT inhibits thymidine incorporation into HeLa cells without causing cell death. alpha-LT purified free of IDS does not inhibit thymidine incorporation into HeLa cells, not even at concentrations 7000 times that necessary to kill 50% of growth-inhibited L cell cultures.  相似文献   

The conditions neccessary for production of inhibitor of DNA synthesis (IDS) by rat lymphocytes were investigated.In concanavalin A (Con A)-stimulated lymph node cell (LNC) cultures, IDS production was not detected in the culture supernatant during the first 24 hr, and it increased gradually after that to reach a maximum at 3 to 4 days.When the cells were pretreated with mitomycin C, IDS was not produced, suggesting that DNA synthesis of LNC or a LNC subpopulation is necessary for IDS production. In contrast, Con A-stimulated spleen cells priduced a high level of IDS within 24 hr, and its production fell off sharply thereafter. Con A-stimulated rat thymocytes also produced IDS reaching a maximum at 2 to 3 dyas. However, thymus cells from rats treated with hydrocortisone 48 hr previously did not produce IDS. This finding implies that cortisol-sensitive (cortical) thymocytes are capable of producing IDS and cortisol-resistant (medullary) thymocytes are not. IDS production by lymphoblasts was proportional to cell number and unaffected eith by cell density (1 to 10 x 106/ml) or by the concomitant presence of normal cells from spleen, lymph node, or thymus. Thus Con A-stimulated cells, after becoming blasts, appear to produce IDS automatically wihtout affecting or being affected by other cells. Both spleen and thymus cells from rats injected with a large dose of antigen (ovalbumin, 100 mg, i.p.) 24 hr in advance produced substantial amounts of IDS in culture within 24 hr in the absence of mitogen or additional antigen, but not the cells from rats injected with an immunizing dose (1 mg) of the same antigen. The cells producing IDS in the spleen were shown to be adherent to glass wool, and those in the thymus were partially so. IDS production by antigen-stimulated spleen cells was abrogated by injecting rats with bromodexyuridine (BUdR) at 0 and 12 hr after the ovalbumin. These findings suggest that a subpopulation ofadherent spleen cells (possibly resembling cortical thymocytes), which begins to proliferate within a few hours after a large dose of systemic antigen, produces IDS. This may account for increased nonspecific suppressor activity observed at the same time.  相似文献   

12-O-Tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate is a very effective tumor promotor and inflammatory agent and can act as a mitogen for a subset of T lymphocytes. We report here that even short exposure of lymphocytes to 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate changes the balance between the levels of neutral ribonuclease and ribonuclease inhibitor. The most dramatic change occurs in a B-lymphocyte-enriched population. We find that most, if not all, of the neutral ribonuclease activity in circulating lymphocytes is associated with this population and that this activity is lost with exposure to 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate. Both 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate and phytohaemagglutinin increase the level of ribonuclease inhibitor in T cells. However, phytohaemagglutinin has no effect on the ribonuclease or inhibitor level of the B-cell-enriched population.  相似文献   

The effects of cholesterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol, vitamin D3 and several synthetic vitamin D3 analogs on ribonuclease P (RNase P) were investigated using a cell-free system from the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. RNase P is an ubiquitous and essential enzyme that endonucleolytically cleaves all tRNA precursors to produce the mature 5' end. Among the compounds tested, only calcipotriol was capable of affecting RNase P activity, and revealed a bimodal action at the kinetic phase of the reaction. Depending on the concentration of the drug, both activation and inhibition of tRNA maturation were observed, indicating that calcipotriol may have a direct effect on tRNA biogenesis, possibly associated with the presence of a highly reactive small ring on the side chain of its molecule.  相似文献   

Incubation of normal mouse spleen cells with homologous IgE resulted in the formation of soluble factors that inhibited rosette formation of mouse Fc epsilon R+ cells with IgE-coated ox erythrocytes. The soluble factors could be absorbed with mouse or rat IgE coupled to Sepharose and recovered from the beads by acid elution. However, the factors had no affinity for either human IgE or mouse IgG. The IgE-binding factors were derived from T cells. Production of the factors required Lyt1+ T cells and Fc gamma R+ cells, which suggests that the factors are derived from Fc gamma R+ Lyt 1+ T cells. The molecular size of IgE-binding factors was approximately 15,000 daltons. When IgE-binding factors were formed by BALB/c spleen cells, nearly one-half of the factors had affinity for lentil lectin, and the remaining half of the factors failed to bind to the lectin. The proportion of the two species of IgE-binding factors differed depending on mouse strains. The majority of the factors formed by B6D2F1 spleen cells had affinity for lentil lectin, but those formed by SJL spleen cells failed to bind to the lectin. The IgE-binding factors were also induced by incubation of normal spleen cells with polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (pI:pC). The nucleotide stimulated splenic adherent cells to form "inducers" of IgE-binding factors, which in turn induced normal lymphocytes to form IgE-binding factors. The inducers of IgE-binding factors were inactivated (or neutralized) by antibodies specific for mouse Type I interferon. It was also found that purified mouse beta interferon could induce the formation of IgE-binding factors. IgE-binding factors induced by pI:pC consisted of two different molecules: one had a m.w. of 15,000 daltons, and another had a m.w. of between 40,000 and 60,000 daltons.  相似文献   

Microtubule protein purified from brain tissue by cycles of in vitro assembly-disassembly contains ATPase activity that has been postulated to be associated with microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) and therefore significant for studies of microtubule-dependent motility. In this paper we demonstrate that greater than 90% of the ATPase activity is particulate in nature and may be derived from contaminating membrane vesicles. We also show that the MAPs (MAP-1, MAP-2, and tau factors) and other high molecular weight polypeptides do not contain significant amounts of ATPase activity. These findings do not support the concept of "brain dynein" or of MAPs with ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood lymphocytes from MS patients and from healthy control donors were compared for their ability to mediate spontaneous and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. They were also compared for their ability to respond to infection with various strains of measles and sSPE viruses with interferon production and enhanced NK activity. Neither SLMC nor ADCC against several different target cells was found to be impaired in the MS population. Furthermore, no defect was detected in the response of patients' lymphocytes to virus challenge in vitro in terms of both activation of NK cells and interferon production. Enhanced NK activity was also induced by an exogenous interferon preparation and by Poly I:C to the same extent in patients and controls.  相似文献   

Lymphokines produced by thymic medullary cells (TMC) or by normal spleen cells after allogeneic stimulation have been tested for their chemotactic properties in an in vitro migration test. Lymphokines produced by TMC specifically attract cells from nude spleen or from T-cell-deprived spleen depleted of macrophagic cells, but not from normal adult spleen. Supernatants produced by normal adult spleen cells did not attract any of the cells tested (nude spleen cells, T-cell-deprived spleen cells, or normal spleen cells). These results suggest a role for mature TMC in intrathymic stem cell homing. These cells could deliver a second signal to the stem cell, complementary to those provided by thymic epithelium.  相似文献   

The ribonuclease activity of nucleolar protein B23.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Protein B23 is an abundant nucleolar protein and putative ribosome assembly factor. The protein was analyzed for ribonuclease activity using RNA-embedded gels and perchloric acid precipitation assays. Three purified bacterially expressed forms of the protein, B23.1, B23.2 and an N-terminal polyhistidine tagged B23.1 as well as the natural protein were found to have ribonuclease activity. However, the specific activity of recombinant B23.1 was approximately 5-fold greater than that of recombinant B23.2. The activity was insensitive to human placental ribonuclease inhibitor, but was inhibited by calf thymus DNA in a dose dependent manner. The enzyme exhibited activity over a broad range of pH with an apparent optimum at pH 7.5. The activity was stimulated by but not dependent on the presence of low concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+ or NaCl. The Ca2+ effect was saturable and only stimulatory in nature. In contrast, Mg2+ and NaCl exhibited optimal concentrations for stimulation and both inhibited the ribonuclease at concentrations above these optima. These data suggest that protein B23 has intrinsic ribonuclease activity. The location of protein B23 in subcompartments of the nucleolus that contain preribosomal RNA suggests that its ribonuclease activity plays a role in the processing of preribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

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