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1.从三种洋麻品种对不同光照长度反应的结果,说明洋麻在短日照条件下发育显著加速;“塔什干”在短日照及上海自然日照下植株转向发育均较早,“普通洋麻”“嫁接洋麻”在短日照下发育最快,三个品种在长光照下植株发育均显著延缓。 2.洋麻植株在经过一定短日照的天数处理后,即可显著提早现蕾,亦即完成光照阶段。但是现蕾後如无适当的光照条件仍不能继续开花。植株在开花後如移入不适合的光照条件下,则植株不能继续现蕾开花而上部植株乃继续营养生长,这可能与这种植株自下而上向顶的不断开花习性有关。  相似文献   

光照和温度对望天树种子萌发的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
闫兴富  曹敏 《植物学通报》2006,23(6):642-650
在实验室内人工气候箱控制的条件下,研究了我国重要珍稀濒危植物望天树(Shorea wantianshuea,龙脑香科(Dipterocarpaceae))种子萌发对持续光照、14小时光照/10小时黑暗周期性光照的反应;同时研究了望天树种子的萌发对不同温度的反应和低温贮藏对种子活力的影响。结果表明,不论是持续光照还是周期性光照都不能提高望天树种子的萌发率,相反,持续光照和周期性光照都不同程度降低了种子萌发率。光照能通过加速或延迟种子萌发的进程、或改变幼苗活力指数和萌发指数而影响种子萌发的质量;持续光照延迟种子萌发的进程,而周期性光照加快种子萌发的进程。30℃是种子的最适萌发温度,虽然15℃和5℃的相对低温对幼苗活力指数影响不大,但大大延迟了种子萌发进程,并提高萌发率。望天树种子不能耐受5℃低温贮藏,但具有在15℃下短期贮藏的潜力和一定程度的生理性休眠。  相似文献   

闫兴富  曹敏 《植物学报》2006,23(6):642-650
在实验室内人工气候箱控制的条件下, 研究了我国重要珍稀濒危植物望天树 (Shorea wantianshuea,龙脑香科 (Dipterocarpaceae)) 种子萌发对持续光照、14小时光照 / 10小时黑暗周期性光照的反应; 同时研究了望天树种子的萌发对不同温度的反应和低温贮藏对种子活力的影响。结果表明, 不论是持续光照还是周期性光照都不能提高望天树种子的萌发率, 相反, 持续光照和周期性光照都不同程度降低了种子萌发率。光照能通过加速或延迟种子萌发的进程、或改变幼苗活力指数和萌发指数而影响种子萌发的质量; 持续光照延迟种子萌发的进程, 而周期性光照加快种子萌发的进程。30℃是种子的最适萌发温度, 虽然15℃和5℃的相对低温对幼苗活力指数影响不大, 但大大延迟了种子萌发进程, 并提高萌发率。望天树种子不能耐受5℃低温贮藏, 但具有在15℃下短期贮藏的潜力和一定程度的生理性休眠。  相似文献   

黄晨西  林琳  李庆芬 《兽类学报》2006,26(4):346-353
本文通过测定静止代谢率(RMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)、线粒体呼吸酶、脂肪代谢酶活力、褐色脂肪 组织(BAT)线粒体GTP 结合能力、下丘脑促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)和促肾上腺激素释放激素(CRH)等指标,探讨短光照对达乌尔黄鼠产热的诱导和调节。结果表明,温暖(22℃ ) 短光照(8D∶ 6L)组,达乌尔黄鼠的RMR、NST、肝脏和BAT 线粒体细胞色素C 氧化酶活力以及BAT 线粒体GTP 结合能力均明显高于温暖长光照(16D∶ 8L)组中的动物,而体重、BAT 重量、肝细胞呼吸、BAT α - 磷酸甘油氧化酶活力则没有明显变化。短光照组黄鼠下丘脑TRH 水平显著高于长光照组,而血清中三碘甲腺原氨酸(T3 )及甲状腺素(T4 )浓度、T3 / T4 以及BAT 中T4 - 5’脱碘酶的活性没有明显变化。短光照组黄鼠下丘脑CRH 水平显著高于对照组,而肾上腺皮质酮含量无明显变化。结果表明短光照能够诱导达乌尔黄鼠产热增加,主要是通过激活细胞色素C 氧化酶活性和增加BAT 中解偶联蛋白浓度;短光照可能激活下丘脑TRH 和CRH,但它们没有直接诱导产热增加,推测其增加了黄鼠潜在的产热能力。  相似文献   

光照与飞蝗卵耐寒性的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
景晓红  康乐 《动物学研究》2003,24(3):196-199
用热电偶法测定长光照(L:D=14:10)和短光照(L:D=10:14)条件下饲养的飞蝗所产卵的过冷却点;并对长、短光照组分别设置5个温度(0、-5、-10、-15和-20℃)处理,每一温度又设置5个时间(6h,1、3、5和10d)处理,然后检查其28℃的孵化数,以此计算低温存活率和半致死温度。长、短光照组卵的过冷却点没有差异;两种光照条件下的低温存活率随着卵处理温度的降低和时间的延长而下降,在-5和-10℃时短光照组的低温存活率显著高于长光照组;卵的半致死温度随低温处理时间的延长而升高,短光照组的半致死温度明显低于长光照组。接受短光照的飞蝗母本能产出耐寒性较高的卵,暗示秋天所产的卵能更成功地越冬。  相似文献   

缩短光照对貉冬毛生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
貉是一种季节性换毛动物。其毛被的生长受光因子的影响。自然光照条件下4—8月间冬季绒毛陆续脱落,新生绒毛于7—11月间生长和逐渐成熟。冬季针毛在6月开始脱落,同时新生针毛开始生长,于10月下旬成熟,因此貉在夏季是以稀疏、粗硬的针毛和稀短的绒毛组成毛被。本文用控光的方法研究了貉冬毛生长的规律,得到了缩短光照时间能诱导毛皮提前32天成熟的结果并表现出较自然光照条件下毛皮生长成熟期缩短的趋勢。  相似文献   

光照和温度对百合属6种植物种子萌发的影响   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
对不同光照和温度条件对条叶百合(Lilium callosum Sieb.et Zucc.)、大花卷丹[L. leichtlinii Hook.f var.maximowicaii(Regel)Baker]、有斑百合[L.concolor Salisb.var.pulchellum(Fisch.)Regel]、川百合[L.davidii Duchartre)、毛百合(L. dauricum Ker-Gawl.)和东北百合(L.distichum Nakai)种子萌发的影响进行了研究。结果表明:光照对有斑百合、川百合和毛百合种子萌发有明显促进作用,可缩短种子萌发时间,提高种子萌发率。24h光照下种子萌发完全所需天数比12h光照少,种子萌发率以24h光照最佳。避光条件下温度对大花卷丹、有斑百合、毛百合、川百合及东北百合种子萌发率和萌发速度有影响,对条叶百合种子影响最大,其种子萌发最适温度为20℃,5~6d开始萌动,2~3周萌发完全,随着温度的升高或降低其种子萌发率下降。光照条件下,变温对种子萌发影响不明显。子叶留土类型的毛百合种子有二次休眼现象,9000lx光照能代替低温解除二次休眼。经不同前处理的百合种子萌发率和萌发速度不同。  相似文献   

不同光照时间红蓝LED光对生菜生长和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生菜(Lactuca sativa var. ramosa Hort.)富含维生素、花青素和胡萝卜素等营养成分,且具有抗衰老和抗癌功能[1] ,是可控环境下主栽蔬菜种类之一. 光照时间能调控植物开花、花性分化、发育进程及光合生长[2-3]. 夜间补光和低光量子通量密度条件下延长光照时间可以提高生菜的生物量和品质[4-5]. 全人工光照条件下,红蓝光是培育植物的适宜光谱[6-7].  相似文献   

不同光强对入侵种三裂叶豚草表型可塑性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过人工遮光,研究了不同光照强度下入侵植物三裂叶豚草的形态、生物量分配以及光合特性的表型可塑性.结果表明:与对照相比,遮光条件下,三裂叶豚草的株高、冠宽、单株叶面积、比叶面积和叶生物量比重显著增加,总生物量、单位叶面积生物量和根冠比减小;在全光照条件下,其冠宽和单株叶面积较小,根冠比较大,有利于高温强光下减少水分散失,表现出对不同光强较强的形态和生物量可塑性.遮光使三裂叶豚草叶片的日均净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度下降,胞间CO2浓度上升.正午光照最强时,低遮光处理植株的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度最大.中遮光和高遮光条件下,其叶绿素含量显著增加,叶绿素a/b显著减小,有利于提高三裂叶豚草的光能利用效率,以适应弱光环境.  相似文献   

姜瑞芳  刘艳红 《生态科学》2017,36(5):114-120
为了解珙桐幼苗对光强的适应性, 以3 年生珙桐幼苗为实验材料, 设置了全光照, 62%全光照及43%全光照3种光环境, 观测了110 d 后珙桐幼苗光合特性及生物量分配的变化情况。结果表明: (1)珙桐幼苗净光合速率(Pn)日变化在全光照条件下呈双峰型, 有明显“光合午休”现象, 而遮阴条件下呈单峰型; (2)遮阴处理下最大光合速率(Pmax)、表观量子效率(AQY)、水分利用效率(WUE)及光能利用效率(LUE)均高于全光照, 光补偿点(LCP)和暗呼吸速率(Rd)均低于全光照; (3)遮阴显著降低珙桐幼苗根冠比, 增加了比叶面积(SLA)和总生物量。上述结果说明: 遮阴处理后, 珙桐幼苗在光合特性和生长特性上表现出对弱光一定程度的驯化适应, 对比三种遮阴条件可以得知, 适度的遮阴更有利于幼苗的正常生长, 甚至在较低光照(43%全光照)环境下有更高的光能利用率。  相似文献   

Leaves of resistant and susceptible breeding lines of two closely related varieties of cabbage, ‘Glory’ and ‘Globe,’ showing internal tipburn were examined anatomically. Since both resistant and susceptible lines developed tipburn, the type of injury rather than the amount was considered. Regardless of the degree of resistance, cellular disorders in the tipburned areas were the same. Early symptoms showed small gray areas at the lobes of the leaves. The outer parenchymatous cells of these areas remained normal. Some of the xylem vessels became occluded with a granular substance; surrounding cells, including the idioblasts, enlarged. The idioblasts, reported to contain the enzyme myrosin, contained a particulate substance. Some idioblasts hypertrophied and also divided resulting in the distribution of the particles to additional cells. The conditions causing tipburn also affected cell walls, causing thickening and the production of pectic warts between cells and on walls facing the intercellular spaces. As more xylem vessels became occluded, and as the number of idioblasts with particles increased, the cells at the periphery of the leaf collapsed.  相似文献   

In contrast to the odd-pinnately compound leaf of the normal (+/+) tomato plant (Lycopersicon esculentum), the single-gene mutant lanceolate (La/+) generally has a simple leaf. Lanceolate plants, also, have small fruits and flowers, weak apical dominance, and exhibit variation in the position and fusion of cotyledons. Homozygous mutants (La/La) appear in 3 different phenotypes, 1 of which, narrow, has narrow simple leaves, sterile inflorescences, and extremely weak apical dominance. The other 2, modified, and reduced, lack an organized shoot. After selfing La/ + plants for 9 generations, autotetraploids were produced with the aid of colchicine. In addition, several triploid plants arose spontaneously. The study of diploid, triploid, and tetraploid material with various proportions of the La allele revealed in many characters a graded series as a function of the La dosage. With increasing La dose, there was a gradual reduction in: (1) total leaf length; (2) the number and size of primary and secondary lateral leaflets; (3) the number and size of marginal lobes of the terminal leaflet, associated with an increase in the proportional length of the terminal leaflet. Many leaves were found with the basal lobes of the terminal leaflet resembling incompletely separated lateral leaflets. The differences in leaf shape between different genotypes came about before the leaf primordium was 3 mm long. There was a progressive delay in the initiation of lateral primordia with increasing La dosage. It is proposed that the gradual changes from compound to simple leaves with increasing La dosage are produced by successively greater restrictions of meristematic activity after the terminal leaflet is formed. With increasing proportion of La alleles, the reproductive structures showed: (1) a decrease in the number of flowers per inflorescence; (2) a decrease in the length of the sepals; (3) an increase in the proportion of flowers with dialytic anthers. Dialytic anthers had narrow adaxial lobes and were frequently twisted along their main axes. The common denominator for most trends affected by the La allele seems to be a general reduction of growth, but more so in lateral than in longitudinal growth. Histological data suggest that the reduction in lateral growth is mainly brought about by a reduction of cell division in lateral meristems.  相似文献   

四爪陆龟消化、呼吸系统的解剖   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
四爪陆龟(Testudohorsfieldi)的消化管总长度为体长的4.5—4.8倍。喙缘锋利,硬腭侧缘具细齿,舌不伸出口,食道扩展性强,胃呈囊状,被肝叶覆盖,小肠较长,盲肠发达。肝较大,重18.3g,分左叶、中叶和右叶,绿色胆囊位于右肝两小叶间。胰腺长条形,分布于十二指肠内。肺长囊形,紧贴在背甲的内表面,位于肩带和腰带之间。气管较短由15-20个软骨环组成,支气管较长由70个左右的软骨环组成。  相似文献   

本文研究了缓慢细蚤L.segnis不等单蚤M.anisus和猫栉首蚤指名亚种C.felis felis的臀板发育,详细观察了上述蚤种幼虫至成虫臀板、肛节的内部结构变化。认为在早期三龄幼虫,臀板芽开始出现在第10腹节背板前1/2处中部;在前蛹期第11腹节明显可见并由肛背叶和肛腹叶组成;在蛹期臀板充分发育,臀板载板在雌蚤外面由9背板,内面由10背板融合而成,而在雄蚤外面由9背板,内面由10背板和阳茎副叶基段的背突融合而成。本文对一直有争议的臀板、肛节起源问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Abstract The result of a study on the internal structures during the development of sensilium and anal segment from first instar larva to adult of Leptopsylla segnis (Schinherr 1811), Monopsyllus anisus (Rothschild 1907) and Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouche 1835) is reported and summarized as follows: (1) The development of the sensilium and anal segment of these fleas is essentially the same. (2) The first sensilium rudiment appears in the early third instar larva on the anterior one-second part of the tergite of the tenth abdominal segment, and in prepupa the eleventh abdominal segment which is composed of the dorsal and ventral anal lobes is formed, and in the pupa the sensilium and its frame are fully developed. (3) The differenced of opinions on the terminal segments of the flea are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of stipules especially their spatial and temporal pattern of initiation in relation to the leaf was investigated in Vitis riparia Michx., cv. Concord, Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Sieb. & Zucc.) Planch., Cissus oblonga (Benth.) Planch., Cissus hypoglauca (F.v.M.) A. Gray, and Cissus rhombifolia Vahl. Early initiation is characterized by the occurrence of a single primordium with a wide insertion on the flank of the shoot apex. Distinguishing between stipule primordia and the leaf primordium is impossible at this early stage. Distinct primordia can only be seen in later stages of development. At maturity, the stipules occupy free lateral positions. Developmental processes such as timing of initiation and zonal growth seem to play an important role in early development. In five of the six taxa examined in this study, the early initiation of stipules, their close association with the leaf and also their faster relative rate of growth during early development appear to give them a characteristic protective function. In contrast, C. rhombifolia stipules are initiated later than the leaf and seem to develop at a slower rate than the leaf proper. Consequently, they never enclose their associated leaf but instead cover the next youngest leaf. Many different criteria are used to distinguish the broad category of stipules, and therefore many interpretations have been made depending on the type of approach that is used. This study attempts to look at stipules in terms of developmental processes and demonstrates a more accommodating leaf/stipule concept which provides a clearer comprehension of the nature of the stipule.  相似文献   

Methods are described for the chemical separation from leaf material of the ventral and dorsal surface cuticular membranes and for the determination of cutin in the membranes and leaf tissues.
The cutin contents of the cuticular membranes separated from leaves of laurel, rhododendron, and Euonymus , and of leaf tissues of cauliflower, red beet, banana, tomato, strawberry and blackcurrant are reported. The relationship between the cutin and waxy components of the leaf cuticle is discussed, and earlier work on the development, structure and chemistry of the cuticle is reviewed.  相似文献   

Using carborundum as an abrasive and light rubbing with a culture of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, leaves of various species of bean and tobacco develop tumors on the leaf lamina. The induction of these tumors requires wounding, the presence of a virulent strain of the bacterium and is due to the bacterium, not substances released into the bacterial culture medium during growth. Observations of the histology and cytology of these tumors on the primary leaves of pinto bean show no significant differences from the more commonly studied stem tumors. The tumors on pinto beans first appear as chlorotic nests of dividing cells which gradually accumulate chlorophyll, eventually becoming dark green in color as opposed to the surrounding leaf tissue which is completely chlorotic at this stage. Tumor development is enhanced by a dark period following inoculation while growth of the leaf is essentially stopped. The tumors thus exhibit a pattern of growth and development independent of that of the normal leaf. The number of tumors obtained on pinto bean leaves was found to depend on the concentration of bacteria in the inoculum and on the age of the plants. A sharp peak in response was observed at about 7 days from planting. Best results were obtained by adding the bacterium at the time of wounding. The tumors were shown to differ from IAA-induced leaf proliferations with respect to their point of origin on the leaf, morphology, physiology and development.  相似文献   

Abstract— An acidic protein has been isolated from the optic lobes of two cephalopods, Sepia officinalis and Loligo vulgaris. The protein has been obtained in pure form by fractionation with ammonium sulphate and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G 100. Its apparent molecular weight is 13,000–15,000. Glutamic and aspartic acids account for 35 per cent of the amino acid residues. The protein binds Ca2+ ions with an apparent dissociation constant of 2·5 × 10−5 M at physiological concentrations of KCI. Antibodies have been prepared against the protein purified from Sepia officinalis. By the micro-complement fixation technique it has been shown that the protein is highly concentrated in the nervous system of cephalopods and that the amount in the axoplasm of squid giant axons is eight to nine-fold higher than in the optic lobes of the same animal.  相似文献   

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