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In territorial animals that hide to avoid predators, a predatory attack creates a conflict because a hiding animal cannot defend its territory from conspecific intruders. When intruders are persistent, a past conspecific intrusion informs a territorial resident that future intrusions by the same animal are likely. Using a mathematical model, I examine the effects that past territorial intrusions can have on antipredator behaviour. Past territorial intrusions rarely affect a resident animal's time to hide (the optimal behaviour is to hide as soon as the predator initiates its attack). In contrast, past intrusions should shorten the length of time during which territory holders remain in hiding, with the magnitude of this effect depending on the time of the predator's attack, the re-intruder's pattern of return, and the intrusion rates of other conspecifics. The results of the model show that we need more information on patterns of re-intruders' behaviour, and emphasize that a similar functional explanation could underlie other behavioural changes following territorial and/or aggressive encounters (such as winner/loser effects or changes in display frequency and territorial vigilance). Differences between my findings and those from previous studies suggest that the trade-off between antipredator behaviour and territorial defence can involve different costs from the trade-off between antipredator behaviour and foraging.  相似文献   

It is well known that young, small predator stages are vulnerable to predation by conspecifics, intra-guild competitors or hyperpredators. It is less known that prey can also kill vulnerable predator stages that present no danger to the prey. Since adult predators are expected to avoid places where their offspring would run a high predation risk, this opens the way for potential prey to deter dangerous predator stages by killing vulnerable predator stages. We present an example of such a complex predator–prey interaction. We show that (1) the vulnerable stage of an omnivorous arthropod prey discriminates between eggs of a harmless predator species and eggs of a dangerous species, killing more eggs of the latter; (2) prey suffer a minor predation risk from newly hatched predators; (3) adult predators avoid ovipositing near killed predator eggs, and (4) vulnerable prey near killed predator eggs experience an almost fourfold reduction of predation. Hence, by attacking the vulnerable stage of their predator, prey deter adult predators and thus reduce their own predation risk. This provides a novel explanation for the killing of vulnerable stages of predators by prey and adds a new dimension to anti-predator behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary Two prey populations that share a common predator can interact indirectly by causing changes in the predator's foraging behaviour. Previous work suggests that adaptive choice of prey by the predator usually has two related consequences: (i) the predation rate on a particular prey species increases with the relative and/or absolute abundance of that prey; and (ii) increases in either prey population produce a short-term increase in the fitness of the other prey (short-term indirect mutualism between prey). This paper investigates how these two consequences are changed if the prey exhibit adaptive anti-predator behaviour. In this case, the predation rate on a particular prey often decreases as the prey's density increases. The predator then usually exhibits negative switching between prey. However, the presence of adaptive antipredator behaviour does not change the short-term mutualism between prey. In this case, as a prey becomes less common, it achieves a larger growth rate by reducing its anti-predator effort. These results imply that observations of the relationship between prey density and predation rate cannot be used to infer the nature of the behavioural indirect effect between prey that share a predator.  相似文献   

Antipredator behaviour of prey costs time and energy, at the expense of other activities. However, not all predators are equally dangerous to all prey; some may have switched to feeding on another prey species, making them effectively harmless. To minimize costs, prey should therefore invest in antipredator behaviour only when dangerous predators are around. To distinguish these from harmless predators, prey may use cues related to predation on conspecifics, such as odours released by a predator that has recently eaten conspecific prey or alarm pheromones released by attacked prey. We studied refuge use by a herbivorous/omnivorous thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, in response to odours associated with a generalist predatory bug, Orius laevigatus, fed either with conspecific thrips or with other prey. The refuge used by thrips larvae is the web produced by its competitor, the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, where thrips larvae experience lower predation risk because the predatory bug is hindered by the web. Thrips larvae moved into this refuge when odours associated with predatory bugs that had previously fed on thrips were present, whereas odours from predatory bugs that had fed on other prey had less effect. We discuss the consequences of this antipredator behaviour for population dynamics. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Most organisms possess anti-predator adaptations to reduce their risk of being consumed, but little is known of the adaptations prey employ during vulnerable life-history transitions when predation pressures can be extreme. We demonstrate the use of a transition-specific anti-predator adaptation by coral reef fishes as they metamorphose from pelagic larvae to benthic juveniles, when over half are consumed within 48 h. Our field experiment shows that naturally settling damselfish use olfactory, and most likely innate, predator recognition to avoid settling to habitat patches manipulated to emit predator odour. Settlement to patches emitting predator odour was on average 24-43% less than to control patches. Evidence strongly suggests that this avoidance of sedentary and patchily distributed predators by nocturnal settlers will gain them a survival advantage, but also lead to non-lethal predator effects: the costs of exhibiting anti-predator adaptations. Transition-specific anti-predator adaptations, such as demonstrated here, may be widespread among organisms with complex life cycles and play an important role in prey population dynamics.  相似文献   

According to the 'parasitic manipulation hypothesis', phenotypic changes induced by parasites in their intermediate hosts are effective means of increasing trophic transmission to final hosts. One obvious prediction, although seldom tested, is that increased vulnerability of infected prey to an appropriate predator should be achieved by the parasite altering the anti-predator behaviour of its intermediate host. In this study, we tested this prediction using the fish acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus tereticollis and the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex. Firstly, we estimated the relative vulnerability of infected and uninfected gammarids to predation by the bullhead Cottus gobio in the field. Second, we investigated under experimental conditions how two common anti-predator behaviours of aquatic invertebrates, refuge use and short-distance reaction to predator chemical cues, were affected by infection status. We found that the prevalence of infection in the field was 10 times higher among gammarids collected from the stomach contents of bullheads compared with free-ranging individuals collected in the same river. In a microcosm uninfected gammarids, but not infected ones, increased the use of refuge in the presence of a bullhead. Finally, a behavioural experiment using an Y-maze olfactometer showed opposite reactions to predator odour. Whereas uninfected gammarids were significantly repulsed by the chemical cues originating from bullheads, infected ones were significantly attracted to the odour of the predator. Taken together, our results suggest that the alteration of anti-predator behaviour in infected G. pulex might enhance predation by bullheads in the field. Reversing anti-predator behaviour might thus be an efficient device by which parasites with complex life-cycles increase their trophic transmission to final hosts. Further studies should pay more attention to both the increased vulnerability of infected prey to an appropriate predator in the field and the influence of parasitic infection on the anti-predator behaviour of intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

The pre‐eminent model of flight initiation distance assumes that the function relating predation risk to distance between predator and prey is constant. However, the risk–distance function can change dramatically during approaches by predators. Changes in predator behavior during approach and in availability of benefits (e.g. food or potential mates) may alter risks and/or costs during encounters. Thus, prey should be able to respond appropriately to changes in cues to risk, such as predator approach speed. Under the assumption that prey assess risk in real time, it was predicted that flight initiation distance (distance between predator and prey when escape begins) decreases when approach speed increases and increases when approach speed decreases during an encounter. Effects of single, abrupt changes from slower to faster approach or the reverse were studied in a lizard, Anolis lineatopus. Flight initiation distances were determined solely by final approach speed, being nearly identical for: (1) continuously fast approaches and approaches initially at the slower and finally at the faster speed and (2) for continuously slower approaches and approaches initially at faster and finally at slower speed. Escape should be adjusted to match changes in risk and cost caused by changes in predator behavior, ability to escape, and costs of escape as attacks unfold. A recent model by Broom and Ruxton [Behavioural Ecology (2004) vol. 16, pp. 534—540] predicts that cryptic prey should stay motionless until detected, then flee immediately. Our results suggest that current escape models can be applied to prey escape strategies when cues to risk change, by assuming that prey base decisions on the current relationship between risk and distance. Empirical studies are needed to test predictions concerning continuous risk assessment.  相似文献   

Fixed anti-predator activities are costly because they limit the ability of the prey to take advantage of short term temporal patchiness in predation pressure. The ability to discriminate between hungry and satiated predators and a flexible response to the differential threat can help to lower the costs of anti-predator behavior. In this study Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) were found to distinguish between hungry and satiated predators. In Trinidad, populations of guppies experience different levels of predation from piscivorous fish. Individuals taken from populations with chronically high predation pressure responded stronger to the hungry predator than those from low predation sites.  相似文献   

王亚  付成  胡月  付世建 《水生生物学报》2021,45(5):1154-1163
为了比较早期捕食胁迫经历和当前环境中存在的捕食者对鱼类行为的影响,并考查这些影响是否存在种间差异,研究分别考查了测定环境(有、无捕食者存在)对有、无捕食胁迫经历的鳊(Parabramis pekinensis)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲫(Carassius auratus)和中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)等4种鲤科鱼类探索性、活跃性和勇敢性的影响。结果发现:早期捕食胁迫经历与当前环境条件对鱼类行为产生截然不同的影响,且存在较大的种间差异。无捕食胁迫经历的鳊、草鱼和中华倒刺鲃均会对陌生的捕食者乌鳢(Channa argus)做出行为响应,提示这3种鱼可能对陌生捕食者具有一定的识别能力,但这种识别与猎物鱼通过捕食胁迫经历获得的识别仍具有一定差距;具有捕食胁迫经历的鳊和中华倒刺鲃在空白环境中未表现出反捕食行为,可能是节约能量的一种策略。总体而言,草鱼对捕食胁迫经历和测定环境处理反应更为敏感,而中华倒刺鲃的反应则相对保守。但当周围环境中存在捕食者时, 4种鲤科鱼类均会通过维持较高运动状态的方式来应对捕食者。维持这种应激状态可能对猎物鱼...  相似文献   

Many classical models of food patch use under predation risk assume that predators impose patch-specific predation risks independent of prey behavior. These models predict that prey should leave a chosen patch only if and when the food depletes below some critical level. In nature, however, prey individuals may regularly move among food patches, even in the apparent absence of food depletion. We suggest that such prey movement is part of a predator-prey "shell game", in which predators attempt to learn prey location, and the prey attempt to be unpredictable in space. We investigate this shell game using an individual-based model that allows predators to update information about prey location, and permits prey to move with some random component among patches, but with reduced energy intake. Our results show the best prey strategy depends on what the predator does. A non-learning (randomly moving) predator favors non-moving prey – moving prey suffer higher starvation and predation. However, a learning predator favors prey movement. In general, the best prey strategy involves movement biased toward, but not completely committed to, the richer food patch. The strategy of prey movement remains beneficial even in combination with other anti-predator defenses, such as prey vigilance.  相似文献   

Anti-predator behaviour affects prey population dynamics, mediates cascading effects in food webs and influences the likelihood of rapid extinctions. Predator manipulations in natural settings provide a rare opportunity to understand how prey anti-predator behaviour is affected by large-scale changes in predators. Here, we couple a long-term, island-wide manipulation of an important rodent predator, the island fox (Urocyon littoralis), with nearly 6 years of measurements on foraging by deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) to provide unequivocal evidence that prey closely match their foraging behaviour to the number of fox predators present on the island. Peromyscus maniculatus foraging among exposed and sheltered microhabitats (a measure of aversion to predation risk) closely tracked fox density, but the nature of this effect depended upon nightly environmental conditions known to affect rodent susceptibility to predators. These effects could not be explained by changes in density of deer mice over time. Our work reveals that prey in natural settings are cognizant of the dynamic nature of their predators over timescales that span many years, and that predator removals spanning many generations of prey do not result in a loss of anti-predator behaviour.  相似文献   

The amount of risk animals perceive in a given circumstance (i.e. their degree of 'fear') is a difficult motivational state to study. While many studies have used flight initiation distance as a proxy for fearfulness and examined the factors influencing the decision to flee, there is no general understanding of the relative importance of these factors. By identifying factors with large effect sizes, we can determine whether anti-predator strategies reduce fear, and we gain a unique perspective on the coevolution of predator and anti-predator behaviour. Based on an extensive review and formal meta-analysis, we found that predator traits that were associated with greater risk (speed, size, directness of approach), increased prey distance to refuge and experience with predators consistently amplified the perception of risk (in terms of flight initiation distance). While fish tolerated closer approach when in larger schools, other taxa had greater flight initiation distances when in larger groups. The presence of armoured and cryptic morphologies decreased perception of risk, but body temperature in lizards had no robust effect on flight initiation distance. We find that selection generally acts on prey to be sensitive to predator behaviour, as well as on prey to modify their behaviour and morphology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Minimizing risk of predation from multiple predators can be difficult, particularly when the risk effects of one predator species may influence vulnerability to a second predator species. We decomposed spatial risk of predation in a 2-predator, 2-prey system into relative risk of encounter and, given an encounter, conditional relative risk of being killed. Then, we generated spatially explicit functions of total risk of predation for each prey species (elk [Cervus elaphus] and mule deer [Odocoileus hemionus]) by combining risks of encounter and kill. For both mule deer and elk, topographic and vegetation type effects, along with resource selection by their primary predator (cougars [Puma concolor] and wolves [Canis lupus], respectively), strongly influenced risk of encounter. Following an encounter, topographic and vegetation type effects altered the risk of predation for both ungulates. For mule deer, risk of direct predation was largely a function of cougar resource selection. However, for elk, risk of direct predation was not only a function of wolf occurrence, but also of habitat attributes that increased elk vulnerability to predation following an encounter. Our analysis of stage-based (i.e., encounter and kill) predation indicates that the risk effect of elk shifting to structurally complex habitat may ameliorate risk of direct predation by wolves but exacerbate risk of direct predation by cougars. Information on spatiotemporal patterns of predation will be become increasingly important as state agencies in the western United States face pressure to integrate predator and prey management.  相似文献   

Predators influence prey populations not only through predation itself, but also indirectly through prompting changes in prey behaviour. The behavioural adjustments of prey to predation risk may carry nutritional costs, but this has seldom been studied in the wild in large mammals. Here, we studied the effects of an ambush predator, the African lion (Panthera leo), on the diet quality of plains zebras (Equus quagga) in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. We combined information on movements of both prey and predators, using GPS data, and measurements of faecal crude protein, an index of diet quality in the prey. Zebras which had been in close proximity to lions had a lower quality diet, showing that adjustments in behaviour when lions are within short distance carry nutritional costs. The ultimate fitness cost will depend on the frequency of predator–prey encounters and on whether bottom-up or top-down forces are more important in the prey population. Our finding is the first attempt to our knowledge to assess nutritionally mediated risk effects in a large mammalian prey species under the threat of an ambush predator, and brings support to the hypothesis that the behavioural effects of predation induce important risk effects on prey populations.  相似文献   

Many prey organisms will approach (inspect) potential predators, primarily to assess local risk of predation. It has been demonstrated that Ostariphysan prey fishes can detect conspecific alarm pheromones in the diet of potential predators and use this chemical information to reduce their risk of predation while still gaining significant benefits associated with predator inspection. We conducted the current study to examine the possible effects of mixed diets on the use of these chemical predator diet cues during inspection visits. Shoals of four glowlight tetras ( Hemigrammus erythrozonus ) were exposed to Jack Dempsey cichlids ( Cichlasoma octofaciatum ) which had been fed diets consisting of: 100% tetras (with alarm pheromone); 75% tetra, 25% swordtail ( Xiphophorus helleri , which lack a recognizable alarm pheromone); 25% tetra, 75% swordtail; or 100% swordtails. Tetras significantly increased their anti-predator behaviour in response to predators fed 100% tetra or the two mixed predator diets, but not when exposed to predators fed a 100% swordtail diet. Likewise, we observed significant differences in inspection behaviour. Tetras took longer to initiate an inspection, inspected in smaller groups and directed a greater proportion of inspection visits towards the tail region of the predator when it had been fed 100% tetra or either of the two mixed prey diets. We found no significant differences in either anti-predator or inspection behaviour among the three diet treatments containing tetras. These data strongly suggest that glowlight tetras are capable of detecting relatively small amounts of conspecific alarm pheromone in the diet of potential predators and that they modify their behaviour based on the presence or absence of these cues.  相似文献   

S. M. Dixon  R. L. Baker 《Oecologia》1988,76(2):200-205
Summary We used laboratory studies to examine the role of predation risk and cost of anti-predator behaviour in determining the behavioural response of several larval instars of Ischnura verticalis to a fish predator (Lepomis gibbosus). Smaller larvae were less susceptible to fish predation than larger larvae. Smaller larvae depressed movement to a greater degree in the presence of fish than did larger larvae; large larvae were generally less active than small larvae regardless of fish presence. Reduced feeding resulted in smaller larvae suffering more in terms of reduced growth than did large larvae. In general, our results tend to support the hypothesis that individuals that suffer high costs of anti-predator behaviour but little risk of predation may only exhibit anti-predator behaviours in the presence of predators, whereas individuals with a higher risk of predation and a lower cost of anti-predator behaviour may evolve anti-predator mechanisms that are in effect even in the absence of predators.  相似文献   

1. Predators impose costs on their prey but may also provide benefits such as protection against other (e.g. nest) predators. The optimal breeding location in relation to the distance from a nesting raptor varies so as to minimize the sum of costs of adult and nest predation. We provide a conceptual model to account for variation in the relative predation risks and derive qualitative predictions for how different prey species should respond to the distance from goshawk Accipiter gentilis nests. 2. We test the model predictions using a comprehensive collection of data from northern Finland and central Norway. First, we carried out a series of experiments with artificial bird nests to test if goshawks may provide protection against nest predation. Second, we conducted standard bird censuses and nest-box experiments to detect how the density or territory occupancy of several prey species varies with distance from the nearest goshawk nest. 3. Nest predation rate increased with distance from goshawk nest indicating that goshawks may provide protection for birds' nests against nest predation. Abundance (or probability of presence) of the main prey species of goshawks peaked at intermediate distances from goshawk nests, reflecting the trade-off. The abundance of small songbird species decreased with distance from goshawk nests. The goshawk poses little risk to small songbirds and they may benefit from goshawk proximity in protection against nest predation. Finally, no pattern with distance in pied flycatcher territory (nest box) occupation rate or the onset of egg-laying was detected. This is expected, as flycatchers neither suffer from marked nest predation risk nor are favoured goshawk prey. 4. Our results suggest that territory location in relation to the nest of a predator is a trade-off situation where adult birds weigh the risk of themselves being predated against the benefits accrued from increased nest survival. Prey species appear able to detect and measure alternative predation risks, and respond adaptively. From the prey perspective, the landscape is a mosaic of habitat patches the quality of which varies according to structural and floristic features, but also to the spatial distribution of predators.  相似文献   

Forty years ago, the ‘life‐dinner principle’ was proposed as an example of an asymmetry that may lead prey species to experience stronger selection than their predators, thus accounting for the high frequency with which prey escape alive from interaction with a predator. This principle remains an influential concept in the scientific literature, despite several works suggesting that the concept relies on many under‐appreciated assumptions and does not apply as generally as was initially proposed. Here, we present a novel model describing a very different asymmetry to that proposed in the life‐dinner principle, but one that could apply broadly. We argue that asymmetries between the relative costs and benefits to predators and prey of selecting a risky behaviour during an extended predator–prey encounter could lead to an enhanced likelihood of escape for the prey. Any resulting advantage to prey depends upon there being a behaviour or choice that introduces some inherent danger to both predator and prey if they adopt it, but which if the prey adopts the predator must match in order to have a chance of successful predation. We suggest that the circumstances indicated by our model could apply broadly across diverse taxa, including both risky spatial or behavioural choices.  相似文献   

Decisions regarding flight initiation distance have received scant theoretical attention. A graphical model by Ydenberg and Dill (1986. The economics of fleeing from predators. Adv. Stud. Behav. 16, 229-249) that has guided research for the past 20 years specifies when escape begins. In the model, a prey detects a predator, monitors its approach until costs of escape and of remaining are equal, and then flees. The distance between predator and prey when escape is initiated (approach distance = flight initiation distance) occurs where decreasing cost of remaining and increasing cost of fleeing intersect. We argue that prey fleeing as predicted cannot maximize fitness because the best prey can do is break even during an encounter. We develop two optimality models, one applying when all expected future contribution to fitness (residual reproductive value) is lost if the prey dies, the other when any fitness gained (increase in expected RRV) during the encounter is retained after death. Both models predict optimal flight initiation distance from initial expected fitness, benefits obtainable during encounters, costs of escaping, and probability of being killed. Predictions match extensively verified predictions of Ydenberg and Dill's (1986) model. Our main conclusion is that optimality models are preferable to break-even models because they permit fitness maximization, offer many new testable predictions, and allow assessment of prey decisions in many naturally occurring situations through modification of benefit, escape cost, and risk functions.  相似文献   

The low incidence of intraspecific combat in territorial systems has traditionally been accounted for by theories that emphasize the bio-energetic advantages or the diminished risk of injury of threat display posture when compared with combat. Recently, however, it has been suggested that territory-holding passerines engaging in highly aggressive defensive behaviour are likely to pay a cost in terms of reduced vigilance for avian predators. To examine this further, two defensive options (combat and threat display) were evoked and observed in territorial European Robins Erithacus rubecula , in both winter and summer. It was found that Robins that engaged in combat during simulated territorial intrusion were significantly slower to react to a stuffed Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus , than those eliciting threat display. Therefore, the decreased vigilance in escalated fighting may result in higher vulnerability to predation, and this might help, in part, to explain why threat display is favoured over direct combat. Moreover, the mean time to evade the predator was significantly longer in summer than in winter in threat-displaying Robins. In addition to this finding, a clear difference in the type of behaviour adopted between the seasons was observed, with lower incidence of combatative response during the winter months. This difference in response to the appearance of a predator is discussed in relation to reduced levels of safe cover, a reduction in the availability of alternative prey during the winter months and to seasonal fluctuations in plasma androgen levels.  相似文献   

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