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High glucose causes increased matrix synthesis by glomerular mesangial cells and angiotensin II (Ang II) has been shown to mediate this effect of glucose. These studies investigate whether inhibition of Ang II formation can block high glucose-induced increase in mesangial matrix. Human mesangial cells were incubated with 25 mM glucose (HG) along with captopril, an ACE inhibitor, to block Ang II formation. In other experiments, cells were nucleofected with siRNA to knockdown angiotensinogen (Agt), the precursor of Ang II, and then exposed to high glucose. Captopril blocked high glucose-induced increase in Ang II levels in the cell media (extracellular) but failed to inhibit it in the cell lysate (intracellular). Moreover, captopril treatment did not block the stimulatory effect of high glucose on TGF-β1 and fibronectin. In contrast, knockdown of the Agt gene prevented high glucose-induced increase in both extracellular and intracellular Ang II levels, and was accompanied by normalization of TGF-β1 and fibronectin. These data suggest that intracellular Ang II may play an important role in the mediation of the high glucose effect on matrix and that ACE inhibitors may not be effective in blocking intracellular Ang II formation in mesangial cells.  相似文献   



Skin stem cells contribute to all three major lineages of epidermal appendages, i.e., the epidermis, the hair follicle, and the sebaceous gland. In hair follicles, highly proliferative committed progenitor cells, called matrix cells, are located at the base of the follicle in the hair bulb. The differentiation of these early progenitor cells leads to specification of a central hair shaft surrounded by an inner root sheath (IRS) and a companion layer. Multiple signaling molecules, including bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), have been implicated in this process.  相似文献   

The upregulation of PGE2 by mesangial cells has been observed under chronic inflammation condition. In the present work, renal mesangial cells were stimulated to trigger a huge increase of PGE2 synthesis and were treated in the absence or presence of known PLA2 inhibitors. A variety of synthetic inhibitors, mainly developed in our labs, which are known to selectively inhibit each of GIVA cPLA2, GVIA iPLA2, and GIIA/GV sPLA2, were used as tools in this study. Synthetic sPLA2 inhibitors, such as GK115 (an amide derivative based on the non-natural amino acid (R)-γ-norleucine) as well as GK126 and GK241 (2-oxoamides based on the natural (S)-α-amino acid leucine and valine, respectively) presented an interesting effect on the suppression of PGE2 formation.  相似文献   

Fibrillin-1 is a microfibrillar extracellular matrix protein that was described to be a ligand for α8 integrin. α8 integrin is a matrix receptor specifically expressed in mesangial and smooth muscle cells of the kidney. In previous studies we detected glomerular expression of fibrillin-1. Moreover, fibrillin-1 promoted adhesion, migration, and proliferation of mesangial cells. We hypothesized that fibrillin-1 and α8 integrin might interact in the glomerulus, and thus, regulate mesangial cell properties. Our studies showed that fibrillin-1 and α8 integrin colocalize in the glomerular mesangium. Induction of experimental glomerulonephritis led to an increase of both fibrillin-1 and α8 integrin expression. In vitro studies revealed that mesangial cells deficient for α8 integrin adhere weaker to fibrillin-1 and migrate more easily on fibrillin-1 than wild-type mesangial cells. Baseline proliferation on fibrillin-1 is higher in α8 integrin-deficient mesangial cells, but the induction of proliferation is not different in α8 integrin-deficient and wild-type mesangial cells. We conclude that fibrillin-1 and α8 integrin interact, and thus, regulate mesangial cell adhesion and migration. The concomitant induction of both fibrillin-1 and α8 integrin in a self-limited model of glomerular injury points to a protective role of the interaction of fibrillin-1 with α8 integrin in the glomerulus resulting in reduced damage of the glomerular tuft as a consequence of firm adhesion of mesangial cells.  相似文献   

Here we address the assumption that the massive intact albuminuria accompanying mutations of structural components of the slit diaphragm is due to changes in glomerular permeability. The increase in intact albumin excretion rate in Cd2ap knockout mice by >100-fold was not accompanied by equivalent changes in urine flow rate, glomerular filtration rate or increases in dextran plasma clearance rate, which demonstrates that changes in glomerular permeability alone could not account for the increase in intact albumin excretion. The albuminuria could be accounted for by inhibition of the tubule degradation pathway associated with degrading filtered albumin. There are remarkable similarities between these results and all types of podocytopathies in acquired and toxin-induced renal disease, and nephrotic states seen in mice with podocyte mutations.  相似文献   

Meckel′s cartilage is a transient supporting tissue of the embryonic mandible in mammals, and disappears by taking different ultimate cell fate along the distal–proximal axis, with the majority (middle portion) undergoing degeneration and chondroclastic resorption. While a number of factors have been implicated in the degeneration and resorption processes, signaling pathways that trigger this degradation are currently unknown. BMP signaling has been implicated in almost every step of chondrogenesis. In this study, we used Noggin mutant mice as a model for gain-of-BMP signaling function to investigate the function of BMP signaling in Meckel′s cartilage development, with a focus on the middle portion. We showed that Bmp2 and Bmp7 are expressed in early developing Meckels′ cartilage, but their expression disappears thereafter. In contrast, Noggin is expressed constantly in Meckel′s cartilage throughout the entire gestation period. In the absence of Noggin, Meckel′s cartilage is significantly thickened attributing to dramatically elevated cell proliferation rate associated with enhanced phosphorylated Smad1/5/8 expression. Interestingly, instead of taking a degeneration fate, the middle portion of Meckel′s cartilage in Noggin mutants undergoes chondrogenic differentiation and endochondral ossification contributing to the forming mandible. Chondrocyte-specific expression of a constitutively active form of BMPRIa but not BMPRIb leads to enlargement of Meckel′s cartilage, phenocopying the consequence of Noggin deficiency. Our results demonstrate that elevated BMP signaling prevents degeneration and leads to endochondral ossification of Meckel′s cartilage, and support the idea that withdrawal of BMP signaling is required for normal Meckel′s cartilage development and ultimate cell fate.  相似文献   

Fibrillin-1 is a microfibrillar extracellular matrix protein that was described to be a ligand for α8 integrin. α8 integrin is a matrix receptor specifically expressed in mesangial and smooth muscle cells of the kidney. In previous studies we detected glomerular expression of fibrillin-1. Moreover, fibrillin-1 promoted adhesion, migration, and proliferation of mesangial cells. We hypothesized that fibrillin-1 and α8 integrin might interact in the glomerulus, and thus, regulate mesangial cell properties. Our studies showed that fibrillin-1 and α8 integrin colocalize in the glomerular mesangium. Induction of experimental glomerulonephritis led to an increase of both fibrillin-1 and α8 integrin expression. In vitro studies revealed that mesangial cells deficient for α8 integrin adhere weaker to fibrillin-1 and migrate more easily on fibrillin-1 than wild-type mesangial cells. Baseline proliferation on fibrillin-1 is higher in α8 integrin-deficient mesangial cells, but the induction of proliferation is not different in α8 integrin-deficient and wild-type mesangial cells. We conclude that fibrillin-1 and α8 integrin interact, and thus, regulate mesangial cell adhesion and migration. The concomitant induction of both fibrillin-1 and α8 integrin in a self-limited model of glomerular injury points to a protective role of the interaction of fibrillin-1 with α8 integrin in the glomerulus resulting in reduced damage of the glomerular tuft as a consequence of firm adhesion of mesangial cells.  相似文献   

The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)gamma is expressed not only in adipose tissue but also in macrophages/monocytes and plays important roles in acute/chronic inflammation. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta is a common pathogenic indicator of sclerosis because it induces the accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) in the glomerular mesangium of the kidney. Among components of the ECM, fibronectin (FN) is an acute reactant in inflammation, and isoforms of it produced by splicing of gene variants appear during abnormal conditions such as wound healing. In this study, we examined the effects of pioglitazone, a PPARgamma agonist, on TGF-beta(1)-induced FN synthesis in cultured mesangial cells using RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. We also analyzed its splicing variant, extra domain (ED) A, containing FN (EDA(+)FN). TGF-beta(1) enhanced the production of both FN and EDA(+) FN and down-regulated PPARgamma expression. Pioglitazone reversed both these effects of TGF-beta(1). These findings suggest that PPARgamma activation by pioglitazone may affect the TGF-beta(1)-induced FN accumulation observed in the glomerular mesangium in cases of glomerulosclerosis, although further in vivo experiments are needed to evaluate this inference.  相似文献   

Summary Certain secretory cells in the hypophysial pars tuberalis of the Djungarian hamster display marked circannual structural alterations. The present investigation deals with the immunohistochemical properties of this cell group. A distinct TSH-like immunoreactivity was found in secretory cells of this type in the pars tuberalis of animals exposed to long photoperiods, whereas under short photoperiods the TSH-like immunoreactivity was nearly absent. In the pars distalis, the number and distribution of TSH-positive cells did not differ significantly between animals maintained under long and under short photoperiods. LH-and FSH-positive cells could not be detected in the pars tuberalis, but they are clearly present in the pars distalis of both groups of hamsters. Our immunocytochemical results suggest that photoperiodic stimuli influence the secretory activity of TSH-like immunoreactive cells in the pars tuberalis. A connection with the neuroendrocrine-thyroid axis is discussed.The study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Wi 558/3-1, Pe 134/2-4)  相似文献   

Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is a component of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) which converts Ang II, a potent vasoconstrictor peptide into Ang 1-7, a vasodilator peptide which may act as a negative feedback hormone to the actions of Ang II. The discovery of this enzyme added a new level of complexity to this system. The mesangial cells (MC) have multiple functions in glomerular physiology and pathophysiology and are able to express all components of the RAS. Despite of being localized in these cells, ACE2 has not yet been purified or characterized. In this study ACE2 from mice immortalized MC (IMC) was purified by ion-exchange chromatography. The purified enzyme was identified as a single band around 60-70 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide gel and by Western blotting using a specific antibody. The optima pH and chloride concentrations were 7.5 and 200 mM, respectively. The N-terminal sequence was homologous with many species ACE2 N-terminal sequences as described in the literature. ACE2 purified from IMC was able to hydrolyze Ang II into Ang 1-7 and the Km value for Ang II was determined to be 2.87 ± 0.76 μM. In conclusion, we purified and localized, for the first time, ACE2 in MC, which was able to generate Ang 1-7 from Ang II. Ang 1-7 production associated to Ang II degradation by ACE2 may exert a protective effect in the renal hemodynamic.  相似文献   

An experimental nephritis accompanied by transient proteinuria can be produced by an intravenous injection of the monoclonal antibody, 1-22-3, raised against isolated rat glomeruli. The present study deals with the ultrastructural changes in the glomeruli in rats after the injection of this antibody. At 2 h after injection, all the mesangial cells had completely degenerated and neutrophils invaded most mesangial areas. Monocytes occupied the vacant mesangial areas at 24 h and gradually increased in number over the next 4 days. At 4 and 6 days, macrophage-like cells, possibly derived from monocytes, underwent frequent mitosis, resulting in a remarkable proliferation of these cells. The interpretation of these cells as macrophages was strongly supported by the fact that they contained previously injected latex particles in large numbers. From 2 to 4 weeks after injection, the macrophage-like cells gradually transformed into cells indistinguishable from normal mesangial cells. In the present experimental nephritis where all mesangial cells were initially destroyed, cells of the monocyte-macrophage system appear to play a leading role in the pathogenesis of the ensuing proliferative glomerulonephritis, and represent the source of the replacing mesangial cells.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP-7) protects kidneys from diabetic nephropathy (DN), and high glucose (HG)-induced oxidative stress is involved in DN. We investigated the antioxidative ability of BMP-7 using HG-treated mesangial cells. We treated rat mesangial cells (RMCs) with recombinant human BMP-7 (rhBMP-7) and examined changes in reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and intracellular signals in response to HG-induced oxidative stress. rhBMP-7 decreased the level of ROS in HG-treated RMCs. In contrast, lowering endogenous BMP-7 by siRNA or BMP receptor II (BMP-RII) by anti-BMP-RII antibodies increased the level of ROS in HG-treated RMCs. rhBMP-7 increased Smad-1,5,8 phosphorylation, decreased PKCζ and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) phosphorylation, and decreased fibronectin and collagen IV synthesis in HG-treated RMCs. In conclusion, we found that BMP-7 could protect mesangial cells from HG-induced oxidative stress by activating BMP-RII. The antioxidative activity of BMP-7 was primarily due to inhibition of PKCζ, JNK phosphorylation, and c-jun activation.  相似文献   

Acidic glycans (glomerular polyanion substances) in the rat kidney were visualized ultrastructurally by three cationic markers: colloidal iron, ruthenium red, and polyethylenimine-phosphotungstic acid (PEI-PTA). Heavy metal atoms (Fe, Ru and W) were detected in ultrathin sections by energy-dispersive electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). Characteristic peaks of the locally bound elements were obtained in spectra derived from the dense structures seen by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) — i.e. the glycocalyx of podocytes and/or the polyanion sites in the lamina rara externa of the glomerular basement membrane. Weaker signals were emitted by some extraglomerular structures. This finding may reflect a low concentration of glycans in structures lacking apparent density by TEM, and/or incomplete specificity of the markers, partial dislocation of reactive substances or the presence of an endogenous element (Fe). Experimental argyrosis was elicited by the peroral administration of silver nitrate. Dense Ag precipitates were seen chiefly in the lamina densa and characteristic peaks of silver were displayed in this site by EPMA, and was best demonstrated in non-contrasted sections. A single i.v. injection of Ag proteinate failed to produce glomerular pigmentation. The only dense granular product in tubular cells yielded characteristic peaks of Fe (endogenous siderosomes) but EPMA excluded detectable amounts of silver.  相似文献   

Adenosine (ADO) is an intermediary metabolite of adenosine trisphosphate degradation and a vasoactive mediator. We showed previously that ADO induces contraction and proliferation in rat mesangial cells by a mechanism involving A1 and A2 receptors. The studies concerning the effect of ADO on extracellular matrix (ECM) accumulation in mesangial cells are scarce. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the effect of ADO and the effect of the selective stimulation of A1 and A2 ADO receptors on the expression of ECM components fibronectin and collagen type I, in human and rat renal mesangial cells. Cultured human and rat renal mesangial cells were subjected to selective stimulation of A1 and A2 ADO receptors for 24 and 48 h. Fibronectin and collagen type I expression was evaluated by Western blot; total collagen synthesis was measured by [3H]-proline incorporation into collagen proteins. ADO, A1 and A2 receptor stimulation induce increases in fibronectin expression in rat mesangial cells, and A1 receptor stimulation partially inhibits fibronectin expression in serum-stimulated rat mesangial cells, without any effect in human mesangial cells. A2 receptor stimulation reduces collagen type I expression in serum-stimulated mesangial cells. Neither ADO nor A1 or A2 receptor stimulation induce significant changes in total collagen synthesis. These data suggest that ADO is not a major regulator of ECM synthesis in rat and human mesangial cells.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter 2 (ABCG2) is expressed by stem cells in many organs and in stem cells of solid tumors. These cells are isolated based on the side population (SP) phenotype, a Hoechst 3342 dye efflux property believed to be conferred by ABCG2. Because of the limitations of this approach we generated transgenic mice that express Nuclear GFP (GFPn) coupled to the Puromycin-resistance gene, under the control of ABCG2 promoter/enhancer sequences. We show that ABCG2 is expressed in neural progenitors of the developing forebrain and spinal cord and in embryonic and adult endothelial cells of the brain. Using the neurosphere assay, we isolated tripotent ABCG2-expressing neural stem cells from embryonic mouse brain. This transgenic line is a powerful tool for studying the expression of ABCG2 in many tissues and for performing functional studies in different experimental settings.  相似文献   

The interaction between bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and their antagonist, Noggin, is critical for normal development. Noggin null mice die at birth with a severely malformed skeleton that is postulated to reflect the activity of unopposed BMP signaling. However, the widespread expression and redundancy of different BMPs have made it difficult to identify a specific role for individual BMPs during mammalian skeletal morphogenesis. Here, we report the effects of modifying Bmp4 dosage on the skeletal development of Noggin mutant mice. The reduction of Bmp4 dosage results in an extensive rescue of the axial skeleton of Noggin mutant embryos. In contrast, the appendicular skeletal phenotype of Noggin mutants was unchanged. Analysis of molecular markers of somite formation and somite patterning suggests that the loss of Noggin results in the formation of small mispatterned somites. Mis-specification and growth retardation rather than cell death most likely account for the subsequent reduction or loss of axial skeletal structures. The severe Noggin phenotype correlates with Bmp4-dependent ectopic expression of Bmp4 in the paraxial mesoderm consistent with Noggin antagonizing an auto-inductive feed-forward mechanism. Thus, specific interactions between Bmp4 and Noggin in the early embryo are critical for establishment and patterning of the somite and subsequent axial skeletal morphogenesis.  相似文献   

We recently identified ganglioside GM3 as a modulator of glomerular hypertrophy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (Life Sci., 72: 1997-2006, 2003). This study examined whether alteration of ganglioside GM3 expression could modulate the high glucose-induced proliferation of glomerular mesangial cells (GMCs). GMCs isolated from rat kidneys were cultured under normal (5.6 mM) or high (25 mM) glucose condition for 24-72 hrs. Cell proliferation was predominantly stimulated when GMCs were cultured with high glucose as well as 20 microM of d-threo-PDMP, an inhibitor of ganglioside biosynthesis, for 24 hrs, whereas raising ambient glucose significantly reduced the mesangial sialic acid contents. Based upon mobility on high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC), GMCs showed a complex pattern of ganglioside expression that consisted of three major components of gangliosides, mainly GM3. High glucose induced a significant reduction of ganglioside expression with apparent changes in the composition of major ganglioside GM3, and semi-quantitative analysis by HPTLC showed that ganglioside GM3 was reduced to 62% of GMCs cultured under normal glucose condition. A prominent immunofluorescence microscopy using anti-GM3 monoclonal antibody also showed a dramatic disappearance of immunoreactivity in high glucose-treated GMCs. Moreover, high glucose significantly lowered the Km values of GM3 synthase (16 microM vs. 49 microM), but did not change the Vmax. These results provide the pathophysiological relationship between the high glucose-induced proliferation of GMCs and the decreased expression of ganglioside GM3, indicating a mechanism for the negative regulation of mesangial proliferation by ganglioside GM3. This mechanism may play an important role in the development of diabetic glomerulopathy.  相似文献   

Glomerular filtration rates in whole kidney and in outer, middle and inner cortical zones have previously been estimated by measuring the amount of iodinated Aprotinin, filtered and taken up in the first two thirds of the proximal convoluted tubules, in part positioned more superficial than the parent glomerulus. Thus, an appreciable amount of the absorbed Aprotinin may be located superficial to its filtration site and lead to an underestimate of glomerular filtration in deep cortical layers. Therefore, in this study we have measured the distance from the glomerulus to the center of proximal convoluted tubular ball and the site of Aprotinin uptake. Measurements were made on photos of Microfil-injected tubules and on camera lucida drawings of tubular transections from autoradiographs of nephrons containing both Microfil and iodinated Aprotinin. Both techniques showed that the center of the tubular ball was localized more superficial in all cortical layers. The average distance, in percent of cortical thickness, from all proximal convoluted tubular transections to the parent glomerulus was 9% in deep and 13% in middle and superficial cortex. Corresponding distances for tubular transections containing Aprotinin were 7 and 12%. Grain density in five reconstructed proximal convoluted tubules showed a continuous and exponential fall of Aprotinin along the uptake segment. The results may be used to estimate single nephron filtration rate from Aprotinin uptake and glomerular density in outer, middle, and inner cortex.  相似文献   

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