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The study of the effect of nucleoside phosphates on the activity of cyanide-resistant oxidase in the mitochondria and submitochondrial particles of Yarrowia lipolytica showed that adenosine monophosphate (5'-AMP, AMP) did not stimulate the respiration of intact mitochondria. The incubation of mitochondria at room temperature (25 degrees C) for 3-5 h or their treatment with ultrasound, phospholipase A, and the detergent Triton X-100 at a low temperature inactivated the cyanide-resistant alternative oxidase. The inactivated alternative oxidase could be reactivated with AMP. The reactivating effect of AMP was enhanced by azolectin. Some other nucleoside phosphates also showed reactivating ability in the following descending order: AMP = GMP > GDP > GTP > MP > IMP. The apparent K(m) values for AMP in reactivation of the alternative oxidase of submitochondrial particles or mitochondria treated with Triton X-100 and incubated at 25 degrees C were calculated. Physiological aspects of activation of the alternative oxidase are discussed in connection with the impairment of electron transfer through the cytochrome pathway.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that cyanide-resistant respiration (CRR) is very common in Crabtree-negative yeasts (incapable of aerobic fermentation) and in non-fermentative yeasts. It is conferred by a salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive alternative oxidase that transfers electrons from ubiquinol to oxygen, bypassing the cytochrome chain. An interesting finding is that, in general, whenever CRR is present, complex I is also present. In this article we briefly review the occurrence of CRR, the biochemistry and molecular biology of the alternative oxidase, and summarise the putative functions that have been attributed to this ubiquitous metabolic pathway, whose usefulness for the yeast cells still remains obscure.  相似文献   

The activity of the cyanide-resistant alternative oxidase (pathway) of Y. lipolytica mitochondria was studied as a function of the activity of the major, cyanide-sensitive, cytochrome pathway. The contribution of the alternative oxidase to the total respiration of mitochondria was evaluated by measuring the rate of oxygen consumption in the presence of cyanide (an inhibitor of the cytochrome pathway). The potential activity of the cytochrome pathway was evaluated spectrophotometrically, by measuring the oxidation rate of cytochrome c by ferricyanide, which accepts electrons from complex III (cytochrome c) of this pathway. The oxidation of succinate by mitochondria in the presence of ferricyanide and cyanide was accompanied by oxygen consumption due to the transfer of electrons through the alternative pathway. The subsequent addition of ADP or FCCP (an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation in the cytochrome pathway) completely inhibited the consumption of oxygen by the mitochondria. Under these conditions, the inhibition of the alternative pathway by benzohydroxamic acid failed to affect the transfer of electrons from cytochrome c to ferricyanide. Benzohydroxamic acid did not influence the rate of ferricyanide reduction by the cytochrome pathway occurring in controlled state 4, nor could it change the phosphorylation quotient ATP/O upon the oxidation of various substrates. These findings indicate that the alternative pathway is unable to compete with the cytochrome respiratory chain for electrons. The alternative pathway transfers only electrons that are superfluous for the cytochrome chain.  相似文献   

The alternative respiration pathway in plants: Role and regulation   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
In the past few years, knowledge of the nature and regulation of the alternative oxidase in plant mitochondria has increased greatly. The protein has been characterized and mechanisms that regulate its activity have been described. The consequences of these regulatory mechanisms are that in vivo the cytochrome pathway and the alternative pathway may compete for electrons. The implications for the interpretation of the 'Bahr and Bonner' inhibitor titrations, formerly used to estimate the partitioning of electrons over the two pathways, are discussed.
It is proposed that activation and engagement of the alternative oxidase may keep Q reduction levels low in order to prevent harmful high levels of free radical production. A model is presented for the regulation of alternative oxidase protein induction, involving a signalling function of active oxygen species.  相似文献   

The effect of nematode infestation on the alternative pathway respiration of mitochondria isolated from resistant and susceptible tomato roots greatly depended on the oxidisable substrate tested. The percentage of alternative respiration in NADH, malate and succinate oxidation was markedly different between the resistant (Rossol) and the susceptible (Roma VF) cultivars before infestation. Only the percentage of malate alternative oxidation in mitochondria from the resistant roots was influenced by nematode invasion. Conversely, attacked roots showed consistent variations in the content of mitochondria per unit fresh weight and in the phosphorylation efficiency (ADP/O) of the organelles. Expression of the alternative pathway (ρ' value) was found to be unchanged in intact roots and isolated mitochondria six days after nematode inoculation.  相似文献   

In Pichia membranifaciens, cyanide-resistant respiration (CRR) sensitive to salicylhydroxamic acid emerged after forced aeration of starved cells for 4 h. Surveying a large number of species by this simple methodology, we found that CRR is very frequent among yeasts. Remarkably, considering our results together with previous data in the literature, CRR was present in 24 out of 28 non-fermentative or Crabtree-negative yeasts and absent in 10 out of 12 Crabtree-positive yeasts. We submit that, as alternatives to cytochromic respiration, yeasts developed two strategies: either aerobic fermentation in Crabtree-positive yeasts or CRR in non-fermentative or Crabtree-negative yeasts.  相似文献   

The activity of the cyanide-resistant alternative oxidase (pathway) of Yarrowia lipolytica mitochondria was studied as a function of the activity of the major, cyanide-sensitive, cytochrome pathway. The contribution of the alternative oxidase to the total respiration of mitochondria was evaluated by measuring the rate of oxygen consumption in the presence of cyanide (an inhibitor of the cytochrome pathway). The potential activity of the cytochrome pathway was evaluated spectrophotometrically, by measuring the oxidation rate of cytochrome c by ferricyanide, which accepts electrons from complex III (cytochrome c) of this pathway. The oxidation of succinate by mitochondria in the presence of ferricyanide and cyanide was accompanied by oxygen consumption due to the transfer of electrons through the alternative pathway. The subsequent addition of ADP or FCCP (an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation in the cytochrome pathway) completely inhibited the consumption of oxygen by the mitochondria. Under these conditions, the inhibition of the alternative pathway by benzohydroxamic acid failed to affect the transfer of electrons from cytochrome c to ferricyanide. Benzohydroxamic acid did not influence the rate of ferricyanide reduction by the cytochrome pathway occurring in controlled state 4, nor could it change the phosphorylation quotient ATP/O upon the oxidation of various substrates. These findings indicate that the alternative pathway is unable to compete with the cytochrome respiratory chain for electrons. The alternative pathway transfers only electrons that are superfluous for the cytochrome chain.  相似文献   

In this study the question whether the alternative respiratory pathway acts as an electron bypass for the cytochrome pathway under conditions of growth on limited phosphorus in leaves of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and Gliricidia sepium Walp was investigated. The oxygen isotope fractionation technique was used to assess the in vivo activities of the cytochrome and alternative respiratory pathways in the absence of added inhibitors. The response of respiration to low phosphorus supply varied among species. Growth at low phosphorus reduced cytochrome pathway activity in bean and tobacco. Alternative pathway activity increased only in bean leaves in response to low phosphorus and not in tobacco. In the case of G. sepium, cytochrome pathway activity remained unchanged whereas the alternative pathway activity increased with low nutritional phosphorus. At low phosphorus, alternative oxidase protein levels increased in the leaves of bean and G. sepium but not in tobacco, suggesting a dependence of alternative pathway activity on protein level. Alternative pathway activity was also not correlated with soluble carbohydrate concentration in bean or tobacco at any phosphorus level. These results show that the alternative pathway does not always act as an electron bypass in response to the downstream restriction of the cytochrome pathway imposed by low phosphorus supply. These results suggest that factors in addition to cellular carbohydrate level and adenylate control can act to regulate alternative pathway activity.  相似文献   

Potato tubers ( Solanum tubersum L. cv. Grata) were stored for atleast 1 week at room temperature and then incubated with an equal amount of apples ( Malus domestica L.) for 2 days. After this treatment, intact tuber mitochondria isolated by Percoll gradient centrifugation showed a high degree of induction of the alternative oxidase, measured as cyanide-resistant, salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive respiration. With succinate as substrate an activity of more than 130 nmol O2(mg protein) 1 min t was obtained. An assay of the alternative oxidase using duroquinol as an electron donor was developed. To become reliable the assay required the presence of defatted bovine serum albumin (BSA) and catalase (EC 1. 11. 1. 6). Furthermore, a lowering of the assay temperature to 15°C improved the stability of the duroquinol-based activity. One remarkable finding was that with duroquinol (or external NADH) as substrate the alternative oxidase was synergistically activated by succinate (as well as by malate) even in the presence of the succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor malonate. Our interpretation is that succinate and malate (indirectly) activate the alternative oxidase and that this activation is part of a physiological mechanism for regulation of the alternative oxidase.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from the pericarp tissue of green bell pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) fruit and purified on a Percoll gradient produced superoxide in buffers aerated with oxygen. ADP and uncouplers of the electron transport chain reduced superoxide production. Disulfiram, an inhibitor of the alternative oxidase, enhanced superoxide production. Inhibitors of complex III had little effect on superoxide production by mitochondria which were insensitive to cyanide. Less superoxide was produced when dithiothreitol was used to reduce the sulfhydryl groups of the alternative oxidase protein and the enzyme was activated with pyruvate than when the sulfhydryl groups were oxidized with diamide. A role for the alternative oxidase in limiting the level of reactive oxygen species produced in stressed and senescing plant tissues is suggested.  相似文献   

The relationships between heat production, alternative oxidase(AOX) pathway flux, AOX protein, and carbohydrates during floraldevelopment in Nelumbo nucifera (Gaertn.) were investigated.Three distinct physiological phases were identified: pre-thermogenic,thermogenic, and post-thermogenic. The shift to thermogenicactivity was associated with a rapid, 10-fold increase in AOXprotein. Similarly, a rapid decrease in AOX protein occurredpost-thermogenesis. This synchronicity between AOX protein andthermogenic activity contrasts with other thermogenic plantswhere AOX protein increases some days prior to heating. AOXprotein in thermogenic receptacles was significantly higherthan in post-thermogenic and leaf tissues. Stable oxygen isotopemeasurements confirmed that the increased respiratory flux supportingthermogenesis was largely via the AOX, with little or no contributionfrom the cytochrome oxidase pathway. During the thermogenicphase, no significant relationship was found between AOX proteincontent and either heating or AOX flux, suggesting that regulationis likely to be post-translational. Further, no evidence ofsubstrate limitation was found; starch accumulated during theearly stages of floral development, peaking in thermogenic receptacles,before declining by 89% in post-thermogenic receptacles. Whilstcoarse regulation of AOX flux occurs via protein synthesis,the ability to thermoregulate probably involves precise regulationof AOX protein, most probably by effectors such as -keto acids. Key words: Alternative oxidase, alternative pathway respiration, Nelumbo nucifera, plant thermogenesis, starch Received 11 November 2007; Accepted 28 November 2007  相似文献   

《FEMS yeast research》2005,5(3):231-236
The study of the effect of nucleoside phosphates on the activity of cyanide-resistant oxidase in the mitochondria and submitochondrial particles of Yarrowia lipolytica showed that adenosine monophosphate (5′-AMP, AMP) did not stimulate the respiration of intact mitochondria. The incubation of mitochondria at room temperature (25 °C) for 3–5 h or their treatment with ultrasound, phospholipase A, and the detergent Triton X-100 at a low temperature inactivated the cyanide-resistant alternative oxidase. The inactivated alternative oxidase could be reactivated with AMP. The reactivating effect of AMP was enhanced by azolectin. Some other nucleoside phosphates also showed reactivating ability in the following descending order: AMP = GMP > GDP > GTP > XMP > IMP. The apparent Km values for AMP in reactivation of the alternative oxidase of submitochondrial particles or mitochondria treated with Triton X-100 and incubated at 25 °C were calculated. Physiological aspects of activation of the alternative oxidase are discussed in connection with the impairment of electron transfer through the cytochrome pathway.  相似文献   

Møller, I. M., Bérczi, A., van der Plas, L. H. W. and Lambers, H. 1988. Measurement of the activity and capacity of the alternative pathway in intact plant tissues: Identification of problems and possible solutions. - Physiol. Plant. 72: 642–649.
The cyanide-insensitive, benzhydroxamic acid-sensitive (e.g. salicylhydroxamic acid, SHAM) alternative pathway is located in the inner membrane of plant mitochondria and electron flow through it is not coupled to H+ pumping and ATP synthesis. When estimating the activity and capacity of the alternative pathway in intact plant tissues three main problems arise: 1) There is almost always a substantial (10–50%) KCN-insensitive, SHAM-insensitive residual respiration, which may be due to peroxisomal a-oxidation of fatty acids, and which must be subtracted from all data in the further analyses. 2) There is a (KCN-sensitive) peroxidase in many tissues that is stimulated by low SHAM concentrations (1–10 mAf), but inhibited at higher concentrations (15–50 m M ). 3) High concentrations of SHAM may inhibit the cytochrome pathway. Means of identifying and alleviating these problems are presented. Provided experimental conditions are chosen such as to minimize the three problems for each new plant organ or species or each new growth condition, SHAM can be used to estimate the size of the alternatively pathway in vivo.  相似文献   

The specific inhibitory effect of benzhydroxamic acid on the cyanide-insensitive respiration could be reversed in whole cells of the yeast Saccharomycopsis lipolytica, by addition of Fe(III), in a way suggesting a competition between the added iron and an enzyme-bound metallic ion, both central atoms for the ligand benzhydroxamic acid. The possibility that added metal ions modify the penetration of BHAM into the cells was ruled out. Co(II), Cu(II) and Al(III) could substitute for Fe(III). A linear relation between the concentration in added Fe(III) and the reversed respiration rate was observed. At a given cell concentration. the reversion by added Fe(III) of the inhibitory effect of benzhydroxamic acid on the alternative respiration appeared more related to the degree of inhibition rather than to the concentration in added inhibitor. Increasing cell concentrations required increasing amounts of Fe(III) to reach the same level of reversion. No reversal occurred at concentrations in added Fe(III) lower than 0.1 mM, whatever the benzhydroxamic concentration, the cell concentration or the yeast batch.  相似文献   

Treatment of cotyledons of 4-day-old cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Tokiwa-jibae) seedlings with cycloheximide (0.3 m M ) inhibited protein synthesis in the cotyledons by 80%. In spite of this inhibition, the cycloheximide treatment induced a marked increase in the capacity of the alternative respiration in mitochondria, accompanied by an increase in the contribution of the pathway to the total respiration. In contrast, the activity of the cytochrome pathway was reduced by cycloheximide treatment. As a result, the total respiration was almost the same in mitochondria from cycloheximide-treated cotyledons and untreated cotyledons. Activities of some mitochondrial enzymes examined were also similar. Mitochondrial proteins synthesized during the treatment were separated by two-dimensional gel-electrophoresis and examined by fluorography. No new spots appeared and no spots disappeared on the fluorograms, but the labeling intensity of some polypeptides showed a relative increase or decrease as the result of cycloheximide treatment.  相似文献   

The study of the effect of nucleoside phosphates on the activity of cyanide-resistant oxidase in the mitochondria and the submitochondrial particles of Yarrowia lipolytica showed that adenosine monophosphate (5'-AMP, AMP) did not stimulate the respiration of the intact mitochondria. The incubation of the mitochondria at room temperature (25 degrees C) for 3-5 h or their treatment with ultrasound, phospholipase A, and detergent Triton X-100 at a low temperature inactivated the cyanide-resistant alternative oxidase. The inactivated alternative oxidase could be reactivated by AMP. The reactivating effect of AMP was enhanced by azolectin. Some other nucleoside phosphates also showed reactivating ability in the following descending order. AMP = GMP > GDP > GTP > XMP > IMP. The apparent reaction rate constant Km for AMP upon the reactivation of the alternative oxidase of mitochondria treated with Triton X-100 or incubated at 25 degrees C was 12.5 and 20 microM, respectively. The Km for AMP upon the reactivation of the alternative oxidase of submitochondrial particles was 15 microM. During the incubation of yeast cells under conditions promoting the development of alternative oxidase, the content of adenine nucleotides (AMP, ADP, and ATP) in the cells and their respiration tended to decrease. The subsequent addition of cyanide to the cells activated their respiration, diminished the intracellular content of ATP three times, and augmented the content of AMP five times. These data suggest that the stimulation of cell respiration by cyanide may be due to the activation of alternative oxidase by AMP.  相似文献   

Ethanol, when added to the incubation medium of callus-forming potato tuber discs, inhibits callus growth and causes an increase of the mitochondrial antimycin-A resistant respiration, expressed as a percentage of state III-respiration. This increase in resistance to antimycin-A is the result of a poor development of the cytochrome pathway in tissue discs treated with ethanol. The development of the antimycin-A resistant alternative oxidase sensitive to chelator is about the same for treated and untreated discs. The respiratory control (RC) ratio of the mitochondrial respiration increases after addition of a chelator, which inhibits the alternative pathway. The RC ratio of the uninhibited mitochondrial respiration appears to be inversely related to the capacity of the alternative pathway, when mitochondrial preparations with different capacities to transfer electrons via the alternative path are compared. From the experimentally observed relation between RC-ratio and alternative oxidase capacity, it was concluded that at least half of the capacity of the alternative path is used in uninhibited state IV respiration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A study of the effect of respiratory inhibitors on O2 uptake of Euglena gracilis mitochondria, isolated from cells grown in the presence of cyanide or with ethanol as carbon source, was undertaken. The contents of cytochrome c oxidase and alternative oxidase were also determined. Inhibition of respiration by antimycin and cyanide was only partial and it was dependent on the oxidizable substrate used. Succinate oxidation was the most sensitive to cyanide whereas lactate oxidation was the most resistant. Cell growth in the presence of cyanide or with ethanol as carbon source brought about an enhanced content of alternative oxidase without a concomitant increase in cytochrome aa3 content. However, a correlation between cyanide-resistant respiration and alternative oxidase content was not found. Analysis of heme types in mitochondrial membranes revealed the absence of heme O. The data suggest the presence of an inducible alternative oxidase in Euglena mitochondria which has high resistance to cyanide and contains heme B. A close relationship between Euglena alternative oxidase and bacterial quinol oxidases containing B-type heme is proposed.  相似文献   

Respiration rates for excised cotyledons of Pinus radiata cultured in the presence (shoot-forming) and absence (non-shoot-forming) of N6-benzyladenine (BA) over a 21-day period were measured using a Clark-type oxygen electrode. The capacities and activities of cytochrome and alternative pathways of respiration were determined from titrations with KCN (1-10 m M ) and salicylhydroxamic acid (2–20 m M ) individually and in combination. Respiration accounted for by alternative (AP) and cytochrome (CP) pathways varied with both culture treatment and age in culture. Rates of total respiration, CP respiration and AP activity rose concurrent with key developmental events of shoot bud formation. The greatest AP capacity was measured at day 3 in shoot-forming tissue. In contrast, for cotyledons cultured under non-shoot-forming conditions, no AP activity was observed after day 3 despite relatively constant AP capacity throughout the culture period. Although initial increases in cotyledon respiration during the culture period may be related to wounding and introduction to a tissue culture environment, later differences in respiratory patterns between shoot-forming and non-shoot-forming cotyledons appear to be associated with the cytokinin-induced developmental changes which give rise to shoot primordia in cultured radiata pine cotyledons.  相似文献   

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