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原卟啉IX发光特性与癌发光关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

本文研究了白蛋白和原卟啉的敏化荧光特性,通过这一模拟实验,探讨了癌固有荧光的物质基础.  相似文献   

研究了人体内源性卟啉──原卟啉Ⅸ(ProtoporphyrinⅨ简称PP)的发光特性,结果表明,它与癌组织抽提物的发光及目前用于临床研究所选用的癌固有荧光特征峰其本相类同  相似文献   

采用频率为2.2 MHz、声强为3 W/cm2 的低强度聚焦超声结合原卟啉Ⅸ对艾氏腹水瘤细胞的损伤进行研究, 并初步探讨其作用的生物学机制.分别用荧光分光光度法、激光共聚焦扫描显微镜分析原卟啉Ⅸ在肿瘤细胞内的积聚、定位情况;利用台盼蓝拒染法测定聚焦超声激活原卟啉Ⅸ对细胞存活率的影响;透射电镜观察细胞的超微结构变化;罗丹明123检测线粒体膜电位变化;2',7'-二氯荧光黄双乙酸盐(2',7'- dichlorodihydrofluorescin diacetate, DCFH-DA)检测细胞内活性氧(Reactive oxygen species, ROS)水平;硫代巴比妥酸法检测细胞膜脂质过氧化水平的变化.通过研究发现,艾氏腹水瘤细胞对原卟啉Ⅸ有一定的选择性吸收和潴留作用,原卟啉Ⅸ主要定位于细胞的线粒体中;在超声结合原卟啉Ⅸ作用下,艾氏腹水瘤细胞的存活率明显下降;细胞的超微结构发生明显损伤;线粒体膜电位下降;ROS生成量显著增加;脂质过氧化水平显著增加.研究结果表明:超声激活原卟啉Ⅸ对艾氏腹水瘤细胞有着明显的协同杀伤效应,其间产生的活性氧自由基作用,降低线粒体膜电位,增加膜的脂质过氧化水平,可能是其损伤艾氏腹水瘤细胞的主要因素之一.  相似文献   

110ke V Fe^ 离子注入原卟啉IX二钠盐薄膜亲品后的一些谱学分析结果表明,低能铁离子束辐照可以导致生物分子的损伤和化学改性,并且初步证实注入铁离子在样品分子中慢化沉积后形成含铁的金属络合物,即注入铁离子的质量沉积。  相似文献   

刘全宏  王筱冰  王攀  张坤  汤薇  米娜  郝巧 《动物学报》2007,53(2):303-314
采用频率为2.2MHz,声强为3W/cm2的低强度聚焦超声结合原卟啉Ⅸ对S180肿瘤细胞的损伤以及诱导细胞凋亡的发生进行研究,并探讨其作用的分子机制。超声激活原卟啉Ⅸ作用于S180肿瘤细胞处理后,不同时间段取材,通过Annexin V-PI荧光双染观察凋亡细胞的形态学变化;采用TUNEL末端标记法检测细胞凋亡的发生率;利用间接免疫荧光技术和免疫细胞化学技术检测细胞内凋亡相关蛋白Caspase-8、Caspase-3以及死亡底物聚ADP核糖聚合酶[poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase,PARP]的表达活性变化。实验结果显示:超声激活原卟啉Ⅸ可以诱导S180肿瘤细胞凋亡的发生,并且凋亡细胞的比例随着取材时间的延迟明显增加;免疫细胞化学染色表明声动力学处理显著增强了细胞内Caspase-8和Caspase-3的蛋白表达活性,并且其活化程度分别于处理后1h和3h达到最高,而死亡底物PARP也发生时间相关性剪切。研究表明,超声结合原卟啉Ⅸ可以通过诱导细胞凋亡的方式发挥其抗肿瘤活性,其作用的分子机制可能涉及到膜受体介导的Caspase-8、Caspase-3以及PARP依赖性的凋亡信号调节通路  相似文献   

为建立定量测定癌细胞内原卟啉Ⅸ含量的高效液相色谱-荧光检测法,采用BDSC18色谱柱;流动相:甲醇、乙腈、乙醇,pH=7.0;激发波长:410nm;发射波长:630nm,细胞密度1×106/mL的癌细胞悬液1mL冻融,离心,取0.3mL加流动相处理,20μL进样,样品在5min检测完毕.原卟啉IX在0.1~2.7μg/L浓度范围内线性良好,最低检出浓度为0.027μg/L.该法测定癌细胞内原卟啉Ⅸ含量方法简单、取样少、灵敏度高、结果准确可靠.  相似文献   

利用110keV Fe^ 离子注入原卟啉IX二钠盐薄膜,动物实验和细胞学观察等表明辐照混合产物对于治疗^60Coγ射线所致实验性小鼠再生障碍性贫血具有一定的疗效,且无明显的毒副作用,有望从中筛选治疗再生障碍性贫血的新药或其先导化合物。  相似文献   

用不同的生物治疗方式治疗人胃癌的裸鼠模型,通过测量治疗后的瘤体体积和检查病理组织学的变化,确定了各组胃癌组织中癌细胞的不同坏死程度.应用激光诱导自体荧光光谱系统测量不同坏死程度的胃癌组织的自体荧光光谱.结果发现,随肿瘤坏死程度的加重,自体荧光光谱中内源性原卟啉Ⅸ(Pp Ⅸ)的特征峰值降低,而烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NADH)的特征峰未能提示该变化.表明Pp Ⅸ可以作为标识,灵敏地表征胃癌组织的生长状态.  相似文献   

用不同的生物治疗方式治疗人胃癌的裸鼠模型,通过测量治疗后的瘤体体积和检查病理组织学的变化,确定了各组胃癌组织中癌细胞的不同坏死程度。应用激光诱导自体荧光光谱系统测量不同坏死程度的胃癌组织的自体荧光光谱。结果发现,随肿瘤坏死程度的加重,自体荧光光谱中内源性原卟啉Ⅸ(Pp Ⅸ)的特征峰值降低,而烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NADH)的特征峰未能提示该变化。表明Pp Ⅸ可以作为标识,灵敏地表征胃癌组织的生长状态。  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) had been shown effective in the treatment of intimal hyperplasia, which contributes to restenosis, by eradicating cells in the vessel wall. This study is designed to evaluate the effects of PDT with protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) on the viability of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and to define the cell-death pathway. Fluorescence microscopy and laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopic detection showed that SMCs selectively uptake PpIX, and the intracellular PpIX concentration increases with the amount of PpIX in the incubation solution. PDT with PpIX impaired cellular viability from 93 ± 3.4% to 36 ± 3.9% when the light intensity increases from 2 to 9 J/cm2 and intracellular PpIX concentration increases from 0.5 to 20 μg/ml. Although PDT induced both apoptosis and necrosis, the ratio of apoptotic cells increased with light dosage or intracellular PpIX concentration. The loss of mitochondrial membrane potential coincided with the apoptotic ratio. Our results indicated that the induction of apoptosis of SMCs may be one of the mechanisms by which PDT inhibits restenosis in vivo.  相似文献   

The accumulation of protoporphyrin IX (Proto IX) in light-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli was detected by spectrofluorimetry. Fluorescence emission and excitation spectra were recorded from extracts of bacterial cells. Proto IX clearly accumulated in cells with mutations in the visA (hemH) gene but not in the wild-type strain CA274 or in visA mutants that had been rendered light-resistant by introduction of the wild-type visA+ gene. Accumulation of Proto IX was also not observed in cells with a mutation in the visB gene. These results confirm the hypothesis that the sensitivity of the visA mutants to light is caused by the abnormal accumulation of Proto IX, a substrate of ferrochelatase, as the result of a genetic defect in the gene for ferrochelatase.  相似文献   

Envelope membranes were prepared from mature pea chloroplasts. The tetrapyrrole contents of envelope membranes were analysed. The envelope membranes of pea chloroplasts contained substantial amounts of protoporphyrin IX and trace amounts of Mg-protoporphyrin IX and its monoester in addition to protochlorophyllide. The protoporphyrin IX content of envelope membranes was 89.25 pmol (mg protein)(-1). Its content in pea envelope membrane was higher than that of protochlorophyllide. The proportion of monovinyl and divinyl forms of protochlorophyllide present in pea chloroplast envelope membrane was 3:7. The significance of the presence of protoporphyrin IX in the envelope membrane is discussed in relation to plastidic Chl biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The 2,2"-dipyridyl-induced accumulation of protoporphyrin IX in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells was shown to be accompanied by the photoinhibition of cell respiration and the enhancement of the photoinduced permeability of plasma membranes to the fluorescent dye primuline. The visible-light illumination (at 400–600 nm) of the mitochondria and plasma membranes isolated from yeast cells with a high level of endogenous protoporphyrin IX intensified lipid peroxidation in these subcellular organelles. Comparative studies showed that the rad 52 mutant cells, which are deficient in the postreplicative recombinational DNA repair system, are considerably more sensitive to the inactivating action of visible light than are the wild-type cells and the rad 3 mutant cells, which are deficient in the excision DNA repair system. The contribution of photodynamic damage to the yeast subcellular organelles to the lethal photodynamic effect is discussed.  相似文献   

Manohara MS  Tripathy BC 《Planta》2000,212(1):52-59
Subplastidic preparations from cotyledons of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were tested for their ability to synthesize protoporphyrin IX from the substrate 5-aminolevulinic acid. Envelope or thylakoid membranes failed to synthesize protoporphyrin IX from the substrate 5-aminolevulinic acid. Stromal preparations synthesized a very low amount of protoporphyrin IX. In a reconstitution experiment using stroma + envelope membranes, protoporphyrin IX synthesis from 5-aminolevulinic acid was enhanced by 660% over that of stroma alone. However, when thylakoids were added to the stroma + envelope mixture, protoporphyrin IX synthesis from 5-aminolevulinic acid was completely inhibited. In the reconstituted stroma + envelope membrane mixture, the reducing agent dithiothreitol enhanced the protoporphyrin IX-synthesizing ability and completely abolished the inhibition of protoporphyrin IX synthesis by thylakoids. This suggested that the oxidizing agents usually associated with the thylakoid membranes inhibited protoporphyrin IX biosynthesis and the inhibition was alleviated by the reducing power of dithiothreitol. This study exposes the weakness of in vitro reconstitution experiments in mimicking the in vivo-conditions. Addition of ATP stimulated protoporphyrin IX synthesis by 50% in the supernatant fraction of chloroplast lysate. This ATP-induced stimulation of protoporphyrin IX synthesis was due to the enhancement of the activities of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase and protoporphyrinogen oxidase, involved in tetrapyrrole biosynthesis. The ATP-induced stimulation of porphyrinogen oxidase activity was an energy-dependent reaction. Received: 21 March 2000 / Accepted: 9 May 2000  相似文献   


Among the diagnostic techniques for the identification of tumour biomarkers, the liquid biopsy is considered one that offers future research on precision diagnosis and treatment of tumours in a non-invasive manner. The approach consists of isolating tumor-derived components, such as circulating tumour cells (CTC), tumour cell-free DNA (ctDNA), and extracellular vesicles (EVs), from the patient peripheral blood fluids. These elements constitute a source of genomic and proteomic information for cancer treatment. Within the tumour-derived components of the body fluids, the enzyme indicated with the acronym CA IX and belonging to the superfamily of carbonic anhydrases (CA, EC is a promising aspirant for checking tumours. CA IX is a transmembrane-CA isoform that is strongly overexpressed in many cancers being not much diffused in healthy tissues except the gastrointestinal tract. Here, it is summarised the role of CA IX as tumour-associated protein and its putative relationship in liquid biopsyfor diagnosing and monitoring cancer progression.  相似文献   

BackgroundProtoporphyrin IX (PP IX), the immediate precursor to heme, combines with ferrous iron to make this product. The effects of exogenous PP IX on iron metabolism remain to be elucidated. Peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) is implicated in the transport of coproporphyrinogen into the mitochondria for conversion to PP IX. We have demonstrated that PBR-Associated Protein 7 (PAP7) bound to the Iron Responsive Element (IRE) isoform of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1). PP IX and PAP7 are ligands for PBR, thus, we hypothesized that PAP7 interact with PP IX via PBR.MethodsWe have examined in K562 cells, which can be induced to undergo erythroid differentiation by PP IX and hemin, the effects of PP IX on the expression of PAP7 and other proteins involved in cellular iron metabolism, transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1), DMT1, ferritin heavy chain (FTH), c-Myc and C/EBPα by western blot and quantitative real time PCR analyses.ResultsPP IX significantly decreased mRNA levels of DMT1 (IRE) and (non-IRE) from 4 h. PP IX markedly decreased protein levels of C/EBPα, PAP7 and DMT1. In contrast, hemin, which like PP IX also induces K562 cell differentiation, had no effect on PAP7 or DMT1 expression.ConclusionWe hypothesize that PP IX binds to PBR displacing PAP7 protein, which is then degraded, decreasing the interaction of PAP7 with DMT1 (IRE) and resulting in increased turnover of DMT1.General significanceThese results suggest that exogenous PP IX disrupts iron metabolism by decreasing the protein expression levels of PAP7, DMT1 and C/EBPα.  相似文献   

The ability to differentiate benign metaplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus (BE) from neoplasia in vivo remains difficult as both tissue types can be flat and indistinguishable with white light imaging alone. As a result, a modality that highlights glandular architecture would be useful to discriminate neoplasia from benign epithelium in the distal esophagus. VFI is a novel technique that uses an exogenous topical fluorescent contrast agent to delineate high grade dysplasia and cancer from benign epithelium. Specifically, the fluorescent images provide spatial resolution of 50 to 100 μm and a field of view up to 2.5 cm, allowing endoscopists to visualize glandular morphology. Upon excitation, classic Barrett’s metaplasia appears as continuous, evenly-spaced glands and an overall homogenous morphology; in contrast, neoplastic tissue appears crowded with complete obliteration of the glandular framework. Here we provide an overview of the instrumentation and enumerate the protocol of this new technique. While VFI affords a gastroenterologist with the glandular architecture of suspicious tissue, cellular dysplasia cannot be resolved with this modality. As such, one cannot morphologically distinguish Barrett’s metaplasia from BE with Low-Grade Dysplasia via this imaging modality. By trading off a decrease in resolution with a greater field of view, this imaging system can be used at the very least as a red-flag imaging device to target and biopsy suspicious lesions; yet, if the accuracy measures are promising, VFI may become the standard imaging technique for the diagnosis of neoplasia (defined as either high grade dysplasia or cancer) in the distal esophagus.  相似文献   

Ferrochelatase catalyzes the metallation of protoporphyrin IX in the terminal step of heme biosynthesis. Mutations in the ferrochelatase gene can lead to the disease erythropoietic porphyria. The catalyzing mechanism of ferrochelatase is still not fully understood. In this paper, we have studied the insertion of Fe2+ into the protoporphyrin IX ring by Bacillussubtilis ferrochelatase using combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations. Geometries were optimized at the BP86/6-31G∗ level and energies were calculated at the B3LYP/TZVP level. The overall process involves the stepwise displacement of Glu-264, His-183, and a water molecule from Fe2+, and the removal of two protons from the porphyrin ring. The rate-determining step is the cleavage of the bond between the oxygen atom of Glu-264 and Fe2+, concomitant with the formation of the first Fe-N bond. It has an energy barrier of 57 kJ mol−1. The porphyrin ring is only slightly distorted in the enzyme active site. The residue Tyr-13 plays a key role for the catalytic process extracting two protons from protoporphyrin IX.  相似文献   

We report the thermal broadening of the Soret band in heme-CO, heme-OH and protoporphyrin IX in the temperature range 300–20 K. For protoporphyrin IX the temperature dependent Gaussian line broadening follows the behavior predicted by the harmonic approximation in the entire temperature range investigated. In contrast, for heme-CO and heme-OH the harmonic behavior is obeyed only up to about 180 K and an anomalous line broadening increase is observed at higher temperatures. This effect is attributed to the onset of anharmonic motions of the iron atom with respect to the porphyrin plane. Comparison with previously reported analogous data for heme proteins enables us to suggest that the onset of substate interconversions in these latter systems can be reflected in motions of the iron atom with respect to the porphyrin plane. Correspondence to: L. Cordone  相似文献   

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