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Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase B (DHODB) catalyzes the oxidation of dihydroorotate (DHO) to orotate and is found in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. The Lactococcus lactis enzyme is a dimer of heterodimers containing FMN, FAD, and a 2Fe-2S center. Lys-D48 is found in the catalytic subunit and its side-chain adopts different positions, influenced by ligand binding. Based on crystal structures of DHODB in the presence and absence of orotate, we hypothesized that Lys-D48 has a role in facilitating electron transfer in DHODB, specifically in stabilizing negative charge in the reduced FMN isoalloxazine ring. We show that mutagenesis of Lys-D48 to an alanine, arginine, glutamine, or glutamate residue (mutants K38A, K48R, K48Q, and K48E) impairs catalytic turnover substantially (approximately 50-500-fold reduction in turnover number). Stopped-flow studies demonstrate that loss of catalytic activity is attributed to poor rates of FMN reduction by substrate. Mutation also impairs electron transfer from the 2Fe-2S center to FMN. Addition of methylamine leads to partial rescue of flavin reduction activity. Nicotinamide coenzyme oxidation and reduction at the distal FAD site is unaffected by the mutations. Formation of the spin-interacting state between the FMN semiquinone-reduced 2Fe-2S centers observed in wild-type enzyme is retained in the mutant proteins, consistent with there being little perturbation of the superexchange paths that contribute to the efficiency of electron transfer between these cofactors. Our data suggest a key charge-stabilizing role for Lys-D48 during reduction of FMN by dihydroorotate, or by electron transfer from the 2Fe-2S center, and establish a common mechanism of FMN reduction in the single FMN-containing A-type and the complex multicenter B-type DHOD enzymes.  相似文献   

Dihydroorotate dehydrogenases (DHODs) oxidize dihydroorotate (DHO) to orotate (OA) using the FMN prosthetic group to abstract a hydride equivalent from C6 and a protein residue (cysteine for class 1A DHODs) to deprotonate C5. The fundamental question of whether the scission of the two DHO C-H bonds is concerted or stepwise was addressed for the class 1A enzyme from Lactococcus lactis by determining kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) on flavin reduction in anaerobic stopped-flow experiments. Isotope effects were determined at two pH values. At pH 7.0, KIEs were approximately 2-fold for DHO labeled singly at the 5-position or the 6-position and approximately 4-fold for DHO labeled at both the 5- and 6-positions. At pH 8.5, the KIEs observed for DHO labeled at the 5-position, the 6-position, and the 5- and 6-positions were approximately 2-, approximately 3-, and approximately 6-fold, respectively. These isotope effects are consistent with a concerted oxidation of DHO. The pH dependence of reduction was also determined, and a pKa of 8.3 was found. This pKa can be attributed to the ionization of the active site cysteine which deprotonates C5 of DHO during the reaction. To further investigate the importance of the active site base, two site-directed mutants were also studied: Cys130Ala (removal of the active site base) and Cys130Ser (replacement with the active site base used by class 2 DHODs). Both mutant enzymes exhibited binding affinities for DHO similar to that of the wild-type enzyme. Reduction of both mutants was extremely slow compared to that of the wild type; the rate of reduction increased with pH, showing no sign of a plateau. Interestingly, double-deuterium isotope effects on the Cys130Ser mutant also showed a concerted mechanism for flavin reduction.  相似文献   

Dihydroorotate dehydrogenases (DHODs) catalyze the oxidation of dihydroorotate to orotate in the only redox reaction in pyrimidine biosynthesis. The pyrimidine binding sites are very similar in all structurally characterized DHODs, suggesting that the prospects for identifying a class-specific inhibitor directed against this site are poor. Nonetheless, two compounds that bind specifically to the Class 1A DHOD from Lactococcus lactis, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate (3,4-diOHB) and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoate (3,5-diOHB), have been identified [Palfey et al. (2001) J. Med. Chem. 44, 2861-2864]. The mechanism of inhibitor binding to the Class 1A DHOD from L. lactis has now been studied in detail and is reported here. Titrations showed that 3,4-diOHB binds more tightly at higher pH, whereas the opposite is true for 3,5-diOHB. Isothermal titration calorimetry and absorbance spectroscopy showed that 3,4-diOHB ionizes to the phenolate upon binding to the enzyme, but 3,5-diOHB does not. The charge-transfer band that forms in the 3,4-diOHB complex allowed the kinetics of binding to be observed in stopped-flow experiments. Binding was slow enough to observe from pH 6 to pH 8 and was (minimally) a two-step process consisting of the rapid formation of a complex that isomerized to the final charge-transfer complex. Orotate and 3,5-diOHB bind too quickly to follow directly, but their dissociation kinetics were studied by competition and described adequately with a single step. Crystal structures of both inhibitor complexes were determined, showing that 3,5-diOHB binds in the same orientation as orotate. In contrast, 3,4-diOHB binds in a twisted orientation, enabling one of its phenolic oxygens to form a very strong hydrogen bond to an asparagine, thus stabilizing the phenolate and causing charge-transfer interactions with the pi-system of the flavin, resulting in a green color.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The fourth step and only redox reaction in pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis is catalyzed by the flavoprotein dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHOD). Based on their sequences, DHODs are grouped into two major families. Lactococcus lactis is one of the few organisms with two DHODs, A and B, belonging to each of the two subgroups of family 1. The B enzyme (DHODB) is a prototype for DHODs in Gram-positive bacteria that use NAD+ as the second substrate. DHODB is a heterotetramer composed of two different proteins (PyrDB and PyrK) and three different cofactors: FMN, FAD, and a [2Fe-2S] cluster. RESULTS: Crystal structures have been determined for DHODB and its product complex. The DHODB heterotetramer is composed of two closely interacting PyrDB-PyrK dimers with the [2Fe-2S] cluster in their interface centered between the FMN and FAD groups. Conformational changes are observed between the complexed and uncomplexed state of the enzyme for the loop carrying the catalytic cysteine residue and one of the lysines interacting with FMN, which is important for substrate binding. CONCLUSIONS: A dimer of two PyrDB subunits resembling the family 1A enzymes forms the central core of DHODB. PyrK belongs to the NADPH ferredoxin reductase superfamily. The binding site for NAD+ has been deduced from the similarity to these proteins. The orotate binding in DHODB is similar to that in the family 1A enzymes. The close proximity of the three redox centers makes it possible to propose a possible electron transfer pathway involving residues conserved among the family 1B DHODs.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis is the only organism known to contain two dihydroorotate dehydrogenases, i.e., the A- and B-forms. In this paper, we report the overproduction, purification, and crystallization of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase A. In solution, the enzyme is bright yellow. It is a dimer of subunits (34 kDa) that contain one molecule of flavin mononucleotide each. The enzyme shows optimal function in the pH range 7.5-9.0. It is specific for L-dihydroorotate as substrate and can use dichlorophenolindophenol, potassium hexacyanoferrate (III), and, to a lower extent, also molecular oxygen as acceptors of the reducing equivalents, whereas the pyridine nucleotide coenzymes (NAD+, NADP+) and the respiratory quinones (i.e., vitamins Q6, Q10 and K2) were inactive. The enzyme has been crystallized from solutions of 30% polyethylene glycol, 0.2 M sodium acetate, and 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.5. The resulting yellow crystals diffracted well and showed little sign of radiation damage during diffraction experiments. The crystals are monoclinic, space group P21 with unit cell dimensions a = 54.19 A, b = 109.23 A, c = 67.17 A, and beta = 104.5 degrees. A native data set has been collected with a completeness of 99.3% to 2.0 A and an Rsym value of 5.2%. Analysis of the solvent content and the self-rotation function indicates that the two subunits in the asymmetric unit are related by a noncrystallographic twofold axis perpendicular to the crystallographic b and c axes.  相似文献   

Chiral recognition with magnetic methods requires the formation of diastereomers. Due to the variety of appropriate reactions, hydrogen bond formation, esterification, and acetalization as well as host–guest interactions were chosen for basic investigations. The results obtained indicate that in the case of diamagnetic compounds the chemical shifts and for paramagnetic compounds the β-proton coupling constants are the most useful parameters. By combination of both pieces of information, assignment of the absolute configuration was achieved. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lactococcin B (LcnB) is a small, hydrophobic, positively charged bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 9B4. Purified LcnB has a bactericidal effect on sensitive L. lactis cells by dissipating the proton motive force and causing leakage of intracellular substrates. The activity of LcnB depends on the reduced state of the Cys-24 residue. Uptake and efflux studies of different solutes suggest that LcnB forms pores in the cytoplasmic membrane of sensitive L. lactis cells in the absence of a proton motive force. At low concentrations of LcnB, efflux of those ions and amino acids which are taken up by proton motive force-driven systems was observed. However, a 150-fold higher LcnB concentration was required for efflux of glutamate, previously taken up via a unidirectional ATP-driven transport system. Strains carrying the genetic information for the immunity protein against LcnB were not affected by LcnB. The proton motive force of immune cells was not dissipated, and no leakage of intracellular substrates could be detected.  相似文献   

To find an EPR dosimeter material that is sensitive enough for clinical use, the substance 2-methylalanine (2MA) with the chemical structure (CH(3))(2)C(NH(3)(+))COO(-) was tested for its sensitivity to ionizing radiation, dose response, and radical stability over time. At equal and moderate settings of microwave power and modulation amplitude, 2MA was found to be 70% more sensitive than L-alpha-alanine, which is the most common EPR dosimeter material today. The dose response is linear, at least in the dose range of interest (0.5-00 Gy), and the time-dependent variations in signal intensity are very small and may be corrected for easily. The energy dependence of the stopping power and energy absorption was calculated and was found to be similar to that of alanine. The dependence of the signal intensity on microwave power and modulation amplitude was investigated, and the optimal settings were found to be 25 mW (Bruker ER 4102ST) and 12 gauss, respectively. Single crystals of 2MA were analyzed using ENDOR and ENDOR-induced EPR to identify the radiation-induced radicals that formed. Only one radical, in which the amino group is detached from the original molecule, was identified. This radical is obviously dominating and is apparently the only one relevant for dosimetry purposes. The complete set of coupling parameters for three hyperfine couplings is reported. The power saturation properties and spectral line width are ruled by the relaxation times T(1) and T(2). To determine the relaxation times of 2MA, pulsed EPR experiments were performed on single crystals. Two different values of T(1) were obtained, one in the range 1-3 micros, shown to be of importance for the dosimetry properties, and another that is strongly anisotropic with a value between 10 and 35 micros that does not seem to affect the saturation behavior. T(2) was estimated to be of the order of 200-300 ns.  相似文献   

微生物来源的二氢乳清酸脱氢酶抑制剂F01WB-1315A,B   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:目的 从微生物次生代谢产物中筛选免疫相关疾病治疗药物重要靶点—-二氢乳清酸脱氢酶的抑制剂。方法 利用自建的快速、高效的二氢乳清酸脱氢酶抑制剂的高通量筛选方法,从4560株真菌菌株中筛选阳性菌株。阳性菌株的发酵产物进行分离纯化获得活性化合物,再通过对活性化合物的紫外、质谱、核磁等理化数据的分析进行结构鉴定。结果 筛选分离得到2个活性化合物F01WB-1315A和F01WB-1315B。F01WB-1315A对二氢乳清酸脱氢酶有强的抑制活性,IC50=0.07 μg/mL,于20 μg/mL浓度下对体外  相似文献   

Single crystals of anhydrous inosine were studied subsequent to exposure to high and low doses of X radiation at 10 K using K-band, EPR, ENDOR, and field-swept-ENDOR (FSE) techniques. Immediately following high radiation doses at 10 K at least eight different radicals, RI-RVIII, were observed. All radicals, except for RVIII, were also observed at low doses, but the relative yields varied with the radiation doses. RI, which decayed with no observable successor at about 65 K, has magnetic characteristics similar to those expected for the hypoxanthine base cation. RII, the dominating radical at low radiation doses, exhibits only one hyperfine coupling amenable for ENDOR analysis. From the nature of this coupling and the EPR and FSE characteristics of the resonance, it is suggested that RII is formed by addition of a neighbor sugar fragment to the C2 position of a hypoxanthine base, forming a C2-O5'-C5' ester bond. RII is unstable and decayed at about 60 K without any detectable successor. RIII and RIV are the C2 and C8 H-addition radicals, respectively. These species are formed in minor amounts after irradiation at low temperatures, and they are the only observable radicals left at room temperature. Two sugar-centered radicals, RV and RVI, are formed by net H-abstraction from the C4' and C5' positions, respectively. These radicals dominate the EPR spectra after high radiation doses at low temperatures. A transformation from RV into RIII, the C2 H-adduct, started at about 80 K. Similarly, a transformation of RVI into RIV started at about 210 K. Several minor species were analyzed. RVII is characterized by an alpha-coupling due to 26% spin density at C8, and RVIII is characterized by 12% pi-spin density at N1. Possible structures for these radicals are discussed.  相似文献   

High-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance (HF EPR) techniques have been employed to look for localized light-induced conformational changes in the protein environments around the reduced secondary quinone acceptor (Q(B)(-)) in Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Blastochloris viridis RCs. The Q(A)(-) and Q(B)(-) radical species in Fe-removed/Zn-replaced protonated RCs substituted with deuterated quinones are distinguishable with pulsed D-band (130 GHz) EPR and provide native probes of both the low-temperature Q(A)(-)Q(B) --> Q(A)Q(B)(-) electron-transfer event and the structure of trapped conformational substates. We report here the first spectroscopic evidence that cryogenically trapped, light-induced changes enable low-temperature Q(A)(-)Q(B) --> Q(A)Q(B)(-) electron transfer in the B. viridis RC and the first observation of an inactive, trapped P(+)Q(B)(-) state in both R. sphaeroides and B. viridis RCs that does not recombine at 20 K. The high resolution and orientational selectivity of HF electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) allows us to directly probe protein environments around Q(B)(-) for distinct P(+)Q(B)(-) kinetic RC states by spectrally selecting specific nuclei in isotopically labeled samples. No structural differences in the protein structure near Q(B)(-) or reorientation (within 5 degrees ) of Q(B)(-) was observed with HF ENDOR spectra of two states of P(+)Q(B)(-): "active" and "inactive" states with regards to low-temperature electron transfer. These results reveal a remarkably enforced local protein environment for Q(B) in its reduced semiquinone state and suggest that the conformational change that controls reactivity resides beyond the Q(B) local environment.  相似文献   

The genes responsible for conjugative transfer of the 48.4-kb Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ML3 plasmid pRS01 were localized by insertional mutagenesis. Integration of the IS946-containing plasmid pTRK28 into pRS01 generated a pool of stable cointegrates, including a number of plasmids altered in conjugative proficiency. Mapping of pTRK28 insertions and phenotypic analysis of cointegrate plasmids identified four distinct regions (Tra1, Tra2, Tra3, and Tra4) involved in pRS01 conjugative transfer. Tra3 corresponds closely to a region previously identified (D. G. Anderson and L. L. McKay, J. Bacteriol. 158:954-962, 1984). Another region (Tra4) was localized within an inversion sequence shown to correlate with a cell aggregation phenotype. Tra1 and Tra2, two previously unidentified regions, were located at a distance of 9 kb from Tra3. When provided in trans, a cloned portion of the Tra3 region complemented Tra3 mutants.  相似文献   

The X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (X-PDAP) from Lactococcus lactis is a dimeric enzyme catalyzing the removal of Xaa-Pro dipeptides from the N terminus of peptides. The structure of the enzyme was solved at 2.2 A resolution and provides a model for the peptidase family S15. Each monomer is composed of four domains. The larger one presents an alpha/beta hydrolase fold and comprises the active site serine. The specificity pocket is mainly built by residues from a small helical domain which is, together with the N-terminal domain, essential for dimerization. A C-terminal moiety probably plays a role in the tropism of X-PDAP toward the cellular membrane. These results give new insights for further exploration of the role of the enzymes of the SC clan.  相似文献   

H G Griffin  S R Swindell  M J Gasson 《Gene》1992,122(1):193-197
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; EC1.1.1.27) is a key enzyme in the fermentation of milk by lactic acid bacteria used in the dairy industry. An 800-bp DNA fragment containing part of the gene (ldh) encoding LDH was amplified from Lactococcus lactis in a polymerase chain reaction using primers designed from the partial amino acid sequence of a lactococcal LDH. This fragment was radioactively labelled and used to probe a phage lambda library of Lc. lactis genomic DNA. Fragments containing ldh were subcloned from lambda to pUC13 and pUC18 and a 1.2-kb region was sequenced. The deduced aa sequence reveals that the lactococcal LDH is highly homologous to the LDHs of other organisms. The active site and several other domains of unknown function are highly conserved between all LDH enzymes (prokaryotic and eukaryotic). An evolutionary study of LDH sequences clearly divides the prokaryotic from the eukaryotic enzymes except for the Bifidobacterium longum LDH which anomalously groups with the eukaryotic enzymes. The LDHs from Gram-positive bacteria form a separate group from the enzymes from the Gram-negative organisms. The lactococcal LDH is phylogenetically closest to the streptococcal LDH.  相似文献   

目的构建含幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)热休克蛋白A编码基因的重组载体,并电转入乳酸乳球菌MG1363,表达目的蛋白并分析其免疫原性,为H.pylori基因工程口服疫苗的研究和开发奠定基础。方法以H.py-loriNCTC 11637株基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增hspA基因,并克隆至乳酸乳球菌表达载体pMG36e中。将重组质粒转化E.coliDH5α,经鉴定的阳性重组质粒命名为pMG36e/hspA。以电穿孔法将pMG36e/hspA转化乳酸乳球菌MG1363并用Western blot检测HspA蛋白的表达。结果克隆重组后得到pMG36e/hspA。将pMG36e/hspA电转化MG1363后,收集菌体蛋白进行Western blot分析,在HspA的相对分子质量(Mr≈13 kDa)处出现特异性条带。结论首次成功构建了表达H.pyloriHspA的重组乳酸乳球菌MG1363,为进一步口服疫苗的相关研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenases are redox enzymes that participate in distinctive catabolic pathways that enable bacteria to grow on various alcohols as the sole source of carbon and energy. The x-ray structure of the quinohemoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase from Comamonas testosteroni has been determined at 1.44 A resolution. It comprises two domains. The N-terminal domain has a beta-propeller fold and binds one pyrroloquinoline quinone cofactor and one calcium ion in the active site. A tetrahydrofuran-2-carboxylic acid molecule is present in the substrate-binding cleft. The position of this oxidation product provides valuable information on the amino acid residues involved in the reaction mechanism and their function. The C-terminal domain is an alpha-helical type I cytochrome c with His(608) and Met(647) as heme-iron ligands. This is the first reported structure of an electron transfer system between a quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase and cytochrome c. The shortest distance between pyrroloquinoline quinone and heme c is 12.9 A, one of the longest physiological edge-to-edge distances yet determined between two redox centers. A highly unusual disulfide bond between two adjacent cysteines bridges the redox centers. It appears essential for electron transfer. A water channel delineates a possible pathway for proton transfer from the active site to the solvent.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that lactose-fermenting ability (Lac+) in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris AM1, SK11, and ML1 is associated with plasmid DNA, even though these strains are difficult to cure of Lac plasmids. When the Lac plasmids from these strains were introduced into L. lactis subsp. lactis LM0230, they appeared to replicate in a thermosensitive manner; inheritance of the plasmid was less efficient at 32 to 40 degrees C than at 22 degrees C. The stability of the L. lactis subsp. cremoris Lac plasmids in lactococci appeared to be a combination of both host and plasmid functions. Stabilized variants were isolated by growing the cultures at 32 to 40 degrees C; these variants contained the Lac plasmids integrated into the L. lactis subsp. lactis LM0230 chromosome. In addition, the presence of the L. lactis subsp. cremoris Lac plasmids in L. lactis subsp. lactis resulted in a temperature-sensitive growth response; growth of L. lactis subsp. lactis transformants was significantly inhibited at 38 to 40 degrees C, thereby resembling some L. lactis subsp. cremoris strains with respect to temperature sensitivity of growth.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation promotes the formation of a cyclobutane ring between adjacent pyrimidine residues on the same DNA strand to form a pyrimidine dimer. Such dimers may be restored to their monomeric forms through the action of a light-absorbing enzyme named DNA photolyase. The redox-active cofactor involved in the light-induced electron transfer reactions of DNA repair and enzyme photoactivation is a noncovalently bound FAD. In this paper, the FAD cofactor of Escherichia coli DNA photolyase was characterized as the neutral flavin semiquinone by EPR spectroscopy at 9.68 and 94.5 GHz. From the high-frequency/high-field EPR spectrum, the principal values of the axially symmetric g-matrix of FADH(*) were extracted. Both EPR spectra show an emerging hyperfine splitting of 0.85 mT that could be assigned to the isotropic hyperfine coupling constant (hfc) of the proton at N(5). To obtain more information about the electron spin density distribution ENDOR and TRIPLE resonance spectroscopies were applied. All major proton hfc's could be measured and unambiguously assigned to molecular positions at the isoalloxazin moiety of FAD. The isotropic hfc's of the protons at C(8alpha) and C(6) are among the smallest values reported for protein-bound neutral flavin semiquinones so far, suggesting a highly restricted delocalization of the unpaired electron spin on the isoalloxazin moiety. Two further hfc's have been detected and assigned to the inequivalent protons at C(1'). Some conclusions about the geometrical arrangement of the ribityl side chain with respect to the isoalloxazin ring could be drawn: Assuming tetrahedral angles at C(1') the dihedral angle between the C(1')-C(2') bond and the 2p(z)() orbital at N(10) has been estimated to be 170.4 degrees +/- 1 degrees.  相似文献   

[目的]微生物在适应外界环境急剧降温的条件下都会发生应激反应,产生一系列蛋白质被称为冷休克蛋白.冷休克蛋白对乳酸菌适应低温环境和增强抗冻能力方面发挥着重要作用.本文目的是为了研究乳酸乳球菌中冷休克蛋白CspC、CspD的作用.[方法]将冷休克蛋白CspC、CspD基因分别重组到质粒pNZ8148,转化乳酸乳球菌NZ9000后,加入Nisin诱导,对表达产物进行SDS-PAGE电泳分析,比较重组菌与空白菌在30℃条件下菌体生长差异及反复冻融活菌数的差异.[结果]得出CspC、CspD的相对分子量分别为7.0、6.2 kDa.[结论]CspC使菌体更加迅速的恢复了生长;冷休克蛋白CspD增强了菌体的抗冻存活率(增加了30~40倍).  相似文献   

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