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In order to investigate instances of genetic instability in divergent cell hybrids, we studied several RAT-resistant colonies recovered from fusions between HPRT or TK-deficient rodent cells and marsupial or monotreme cells. Most of these colonies proved to lack HPRT or TK activity and to have survived by acquiring resistance to aminopterin; such aminopterin-resistant lines were never recovered from parent cells subjected to HAT selection. Two of the aminopterin-resistant hybrids over-produced DHFR, and possessed either double minutes or an abnormally banded region, the cytological manifestations of gene amplification. Selection in higher aminopterin concentrations yielded a highly resistant line with 100X wild-type DHFR activity and a large homogeneously staining region. We suggest that interspecific cell hybrids are predisposed to gene amplification and may also show many other types of genetic and chromosomal instability, possibly thein vitro equivalent of the “genomic shock” phenomena described for interstrain or interspecies hybrids of plants or animals. This paper, no. II in a series by these authors, reached the Editorial Office on the date given, although it had been mailed earlier than paper no. III; the latter paper also appears in this number — Eds.  相似文献   

Gene amplification is involved in various biological phenomena such as cancer development and drug resistance. However, the mechanism is largely unknown because of the complexity of the amplification process. We describe a gene amplification system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is based on double rolling-circle replication utilizing break-induced replication. This system produced three types of amplification products. Type-1 products contain 5-7 inverted copies of the amplification marker, leu2d. Type-2 products contain 13 to approximately 100 copies of leu2d (up to approximately 730 kb increase) with a novel arrangement present as randomly oriented sequences flanked by inverted leu2d copies. Type-3 products are acentric multicopy minichromosomes carrying leu2d. Structures of type-2 and -3 products resemble those of homogeneously staining region and double minutes of higher eukaryotes, respectively. Interestingly, products analogous to these were generated at low frequency without deliberate DNA cleavage. These features strongly suggest that the processes described here may contribute to natural gene amplification in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gradient electrophoresis allows the separation of large DNA molecules up to 2,000 kilobases (kb) in length and has the potential to close the resolution gap between standard electrophoresis of DNA molecules (smaller than 50 kb) and standard cytogenetics (larger than 2,000 kb). We have analysed the amplified DNA in four cell lines containing double minute chromosomes (DMs) and two lines containing homogeneously staining regions. The cells were immobilized in agarose blocks, lysed, deproteinized, and the liberated DNA was digested in situ with various restriction endonucleases. Following electrophoretic separation by pulsed field gel electrophoresis, the DNA in the gel was analysed by Southern blotting with appropriate probes for the amplified DNA. We find that the DNA in intact DMs is larger than 1,500 kb. Our results are also compatible with the notion that the DNA in DMs is circular, but this remains to be proven. The amplified segment of wild-type DNA covers more than 550 kb in all lines and possibly up to 2,500 kb in some. We confirm that the repeat unit is heterogeneous in some of the amplicons. In two cell lines, however, with low degrees of gene amplification, we find no evidence for heterogeneity of the repeats up to 750 (Y1-DM) and 800 kb (3T6-R50), respectively. We propose that amplicons start out long and homogeneous and that the heterogeneity in the repeat arises through truncation during further amplification events in which cells with shorter repeats have a selective advantage. Even if the repeats are heterogeneous, however, pulsed field gradient gels can be useful to establish linkage of genes over relatively short chromosomal distances (up to 1,000 kb). We discuss some of the promises and pitfalls of pulsed field gel electrophoresis in the analysis of amplified DNA.  相似文献   

Amplified genes in many human cancer cells usually localize at the extrachromosomal double minutes (DMs). In the present study, we show that multiple DMs in the human colorectal tumor COLO 320DM line replicated semisynchronously during the early S phase. On the other hand, during longer passage of the cells with DMs, cells with the amplified genes at the chromosomal homogeneously staining region (HSR) generally dominate the population. We currently report that HSR was composed of a tandem array of DM-derived sequences, which was shown using a unique DM-painting probe. Nevertheless, we found that HSR was replicated much later during the S phase, unless the amplified c-myc genes were expressed almost equally from DMs and HSR. Therefore, this provided a novel instance in which the cytogenetic localization affected replication timing without alteration of expression. Furthermore, we unexpectedly found that HSR had a distinctive band structure with respect to replication timing. The replication band structure was usually associated with the chromosomal G/R bands; however, HSR was homogeneous in the G/R band and in the distribution of highly repetitive sequences. We discuss the mechanism by which the replication band may arise, in relation to the folding of chromatin inside the nucleus.  相似文献   

Amplified genes are frequently localized on extrachromosomal double minutes (DMs) or in chromosomal homogeneously staining regions (HSRs). We previously showed that a plasmid bearing a mammalian replication initiation region could efficiently generate DMs and HSRs after transfection into human tumor cell lines. The Breakage-Fusion-Bridge (BFB) cycle model, a classical model that explains how HSRs form, could also be used to explain how the transfected plasmids generate HSRs. The BFB cycle model involves anaphase bridge formation due to the presence of dicentric chromosomes, followed by the breakage of the bridge. In this study, we used our plasmid-based model system to analyze how anaphase bridges break during mitosis. Dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses revealed that anaphase bridges were most frequently severed in their middle irrespective of their lengths, which suggests that a structurally fragile site exists in the middle of the anaphase bridge. Breakage of the chromosomal bridges occurred prior to nuclear membrane reformation and the completion of cytokinesis, which indicates that mechanical tension rather than cytokinesis is primarily responsible for severing anaphase bridges. Time-lapse observation of living cells revealed that the bridges rapidly shrink after being severed. If HSR length was extended too far, the bridge could no longer be resolved and became tangled depending on the tension. The unbroken bridge appeared to inhibit the completion of cytokinesis. These observations strongly suggest that anaphase bridges are highly elastic and that the length of the spindle axis determines the maximal HSR length.  相似文献   

Breakage-fusion-bridge cycles contribute to chromosome aberrations and generate large DNA palindromes that facilitate oncogene amplification in cancer cells. At the molecular level, large DNA palindrome formation is initiated by chromosome breaks, and genomic architecture such as short inverted repeat sequences facilitates this process in mammalian cells. However, the prevalence of DNA palindromes in cancer cells is currently unknown. To determine the prevalence of DNA palindromes in human cancer cells, we have developed a new microarray-based approach called Genome-wide Analysis of Palindrome Formation (GAPF, Tanaka et al., Nat Genet 2005; 37: 320-7). This approach is based on a relatively simple and efficient method to purify "snap-back DNA" from large DNA palindromes by intramolecular base-pairing, followed by elimination of single-stranded DNA by nuclease S1. Comparison of Genome-wide Analysis of Palindrome Formation profiles between cancer and normal cells using microarray can identify genome-wide distributions of somatic palindromes. Using a human cDNA microarray, we have shown that DNA palindromes occur frequently in human cancer cell lines and primary medulloblastomas. Significant overlap of the loci containing DNA palindromes between Colo320DM and MCF7 cancer cell lines suggests regions in the genome susceptible to chromosome breaks and palindrome formation. A subset of loci containing palindromes is associated with gene amplification in Colo320DM, indicating that the location of palindromes in the cancer genome serves as a structural platform that supports subsequent gene amplification.  相似文献   

We describe a strategy for the selection and amplification of foreign gene expression in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells employing a metallothionein gene-containing expression vector. This report describes an amplification procedure that results in an enrichment of clones exhibiting high levels of recombinant protein production and reduces the labour required for screening recombinant cell lines.  相似文献   

Penicillium chrysogenum low and high penicillin producing strains were transformed with a cosmid containing the whole penicillin biosynthetic gene cluster. The cosmid library was constructed in a newly developed cosmid vector, IztapaCos, which allows cloning and direct introduction of large DNA fragments in fungal recipients using phleomycin resistance as selection marker. The effect of increased gene dosage on penicillin production was evaluated both in submerged (SmF) and solid-state fermentation (SSF). Transformants from the low-producing strain Wis 54-1255, showed a 67.3 and 28.3% increased penicillin titer in SSF and SmF, respectively. In transformants from the high-producing strain P2-32 the increase was 92.9 and 158.4% respectively. Strain P2-32 already contains originally about 14 copies of the penicillin biosynthetic cluster, which shows that the strategy of increasing the gene dosage is still valid for high copy-number strains. The different behavior of the two strains in each type of culture is discussed, along with the practical implications for industrial penicillin production.  相似文献   

Gu MB  Todd P  Kompala DS 《Cytotechnology》1995,18(3):159-166
Foreign protein production levels in two recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines were compared in cells transfected with different expression vectors. One vector pNL1 contained the gene for neomycin resistance (neo r ) and thelacZ gene which codes for intracellular -galactosidase, with both genes controlled by the constitutive simian virus (SV40) promoter. The other vector CDG contained the amplifiabledhfr gene andlacZ gene, controlled by the constitutive SV40 and cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoters, respectively. Cell growth and -galactosidase expression were compared quantitatively after cells were selected in different concentrations of the neomycin analog G418 and methotrexate, respectively. A 62% reduction in growth rate occurred in recombinant CHO cells in which thelacZ anddhfr genes were highly amplified and expressed. In contrast, the combined effects of the unamplifiedneo r gene andlacZ gene expression on the growth kinetics were small. Any metabolic burden caused bylacZ gene expression, which was evaluated separately from the effect ofneo r gene expression, must be negligible, as higher expression of -galactosidase (1.5×10–6 units/cell) occurred in unamplified cells compared to the cells in whichlacZ was amplified by thedhfr-containing vector (3×10–7 units/cell). Thus, the main factor causing severe growth reduction (metabolic burden) in cells containing the amplifieddhfr gene system was not overexpression of -galactosidase butdhfr andlacZ gene co-amplification anddhfr gene expression.  相似文献   

Prions, infectious agents causing TSEs, are composed primarily of the pathogenic form (PrP(Sc)) of the PrP(C). The susceptibility of sheep to scrapie is determined by polymorphisms in the coding region of the PRNP, mainly at codons 136, 154, and 171. The efficiency of in vitro amplification of sheep PrP(Sc) seems to be linked also to the PrP genotype. PrP(Sc) derived from sheep with V(136)R(154)Q(171)-associated genotypes can be amplified efficiently by PMCA in the presence of additional polyanion such as poly A, but there are no reports that cite ultrasensitive detection of PrP(Sc) derived from sheep of other PrP genotypes. We report here that sheep PrP(Sc) derived from ARQ and AHQ homozygotes was amplified efficiently by serial PMCA using mouse brain homogenate as PrP(C) substrate. ARQ/ARQ PrP(Sc) was detected in infected brain homogenates diluted up to 10(-10) after five rounds of amplification, and AHQ/AHQ PrP(Sc) was detected in samples diluted up to 10(-8) after four rounds of amplification. On the other hand, amplification of PrP(Sc) from VRQ/ARQ sheep seemed to be less efficient under the experimental conditions used. The interspecies PMCA developed in this study may be useful in the detailed analysis of PrP(Sc) distribution in classical scrapie-infected ARQ and AHQ homozygote sheep.  相似文献   

The tea plant (Camellia sinensis) is a thermophilic cash crop and contains a highly duplicated and repeat-rich genome. It is still unclear how DNA methylation regulates the evolution of duplicated genes and chilling stress in tea plants. We therefore generated a single-base-resolution DNA methylation map of tea plants under chilling stress. We found that, compared with other plants, the tea plant genome is highly methylated in all three sequence contexts, including CG, CHG and CHH (where H = A, T, or C), which is further proven to be correlated with its repeat content and genome size. We show that DNA methylation in the gene body negatively regulates the gene expression of tea plants, whereas non-CG methylation in the flanking region enables a positive regulation of gene expression. We demonstrate that transposable element-mediated methylation dynamics significantly drives the expression divergence of duplicated genes in tea plants. The DNA methylation and expression divergence of duplicated genes in the tea plant increases with evolutionary age and selective pressure. Moreover, we detect thousands of differentially methylated genes, some of which are functionally associated with chilling stress. We also experimentally reveal that DNA methyltransferase genes of tea plants are significantly downregulated, whereas demethylase genes are upregulated at the initial stage of chilling stress, which is in line with the significant loss of DNA methylation of three well-known cold-responsive genes at their promoter and gene body regions. Overall, our findings underscore the importance of DNA methylation regulation and offer new insights into duplicated gene evolution and chilling tolerance in tea plants.  相似文献   

Optimization of highly sensitive methods to detect methylation of CpG islands in gene promoter regions requires adequate methylated and unmethylated control DNA. Whereas universal methylated control DNA is available, universal unmethylated control (UUC) DNA has not been made because demethylase is not available to remove methyl groups from all methylated cytosines. On the basis that DNA synthesized by DNA polymerase does not contain methylated cytosines, we developed a method to create UUC DNA by nested whole genome amplification (WGA) with phi29 DNA polymerase. Contamination of the template genomic DNA in UUC was only 3.1 x 10(-7), below the detection limit of sensitive methods used for methylation studies such as methylation-specific PCR. Assessment of microsatellite markers demonstrated that even nested phi29 WGA achieves highly accurate and homogeneous amplification with very low amounts of genomic DNA as an initial template. The UUC DNA created by nested phi29 WGA is practically very useful for methylation analysis.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒C蛋白基因的克隆表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据已知的C蛋白基因序列设计一对引物,用PCR法从HBV adw亚型全基因组克隆中扩增出约500bp的NDA片段,将该基因克隆到表达质粒pQE30中,转化大肠杆菌,进一步对重组质粒中的插入片段进行DNA测序,证明是C基因,阳性克隆子经IPTG诱导后,获得了目的蛋白的表达,菌体经超声破碎后,目的蛋白主要存在于上清中,为下一步研究其抗原性和免疫原性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

New adenovirus vectors for protein production and gene transfer   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Based on two new adenovirus expression cassettes, we have constructed a series of Ad transfer vectors for the overexpression of one or two genes either in a dicistronic configuration or with separate expression cassettes. Inclusion of the green or blue fluorescent protein in the vectors accelerates the generation of adenovirus recombinants and facilitates the functional characterization of genes both in vitro and in vivo by allowing easy quantification of gene transfer and expression. With our optimized tetracycline-regulated promoter (TR5) we have generated recombinant adenoviruses expressing proteins, that are either cytotoxic or which interfere with adenovirus replication, at levels of 10–15% of total cell protein. Proteins that are not cytotoxic can be produced at levels greater than 20% of total cell protein. As well, these levels of protein production can be achieved with or without adenovirus replication. This yield is similar to what can be obtained with our optimized human cytomegalovirus-immediate early promoter-enhancer (CMV5) for constitutive protein expression in non-complementing cell lines. Using the green fluorescent protein as a reporter, we have shown that a pAdCMV5-derived adenovirus vector expresses about 6-fold more protein in complementing 293 cells and about 12-fold more in non- complementing HeLa cells than an adenovirus vector containing the standard cytomegalovirus promoter. Moreover, a red-shifted variant of green fluorescent protein incorporated in one series of vectors was 12-fold more fluorescent than the S65T mutant, making the detection of the reporter protein possible at much lower levels of expression. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

司鑫鑫  孙玉洁 《遗传》2014,36(5):411-419
肿瘤耐药是导致肿瘤化疗失败的主要原因, 其产生机制复杂多样, 是多种因素共同作用的结果。近年来, 表观遗传改变在肿瘤耐药中的作用日益受到关注。DNA甲基化是一种重要的表观遗传修饰, 在调节基因表达和维持基因组稳定性中扮演着重要角色。原发性或获得性耐药的肿瘤细胞大多伴随DNA异常甲基化, 越来越多的证据显示, DNA甲基化异常是肿瘤细胞耐药表型产生的重要机制。文章就DNA甲基化异常与肿瘤细胞耐药的关系及相关作用机制进行了综述。  相似文献   

DNA methylation and histone modifications are vital in maintaining genomic stability and modulating cellular functions in mammalian cells. These two epigenetic modifications are the most common gene regulatory systems known to spatially control gene expression. Transgene silencing by these two mechanisms is a major challenge to achieving effective gene therapy for many genetic conditions. The implications of transgene silencing caused by epigenetic modifications have been extensively studied and reported in numerous gene delivery studies. This review highlights instances of transgene silencing by DNA methylation and histone modification with specific focus on the role of these two epigenetic effects on the repression of transgene expression in mammalian cells from integrative and non-integrative based gene delivery systems in the context of gene therapy. It also discusses the prospects of achieving an effective and sustained transgene expression for future gene therapy applications.  相似文献   

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