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The maternal metabolic clearance rate (MCR) and the binding of cortisol in the plasma of fetus and mother were estimated 8 days before term in conscious pregnant guinea-pigs, control or subjected to a neurotrophic stress (they were immobilized for 3 h in a dark room in front of an intermittent luminous flash). The maternal MCR of cortisol dropped during pregnancy related to an increase in corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) and the stress mimicked these changes with a decrease in MCR and a rise in CBG. The increase in cortisol concentrations occurring in the fetal plasma after maternal stress could be related to the increase in free cortisol in the stressed mother. Nevertheless, although the fetal CBG did not rise after maternal stress, the increase in free cortisol in the fetal plasma remained moderate, due to the numerous free sites of CBG and albumin for cortisol.  相似文献   

Compared to younger rats, old rats exhibit prolonged elevations of plasma ACTH and corticosterone (CORT) in response to stress. In addition, CORT crosses the placenta. To investigate whether fetuses of older rats may be exposed to higher concentrations of CORT during development than fetuses of young rats, we compared the effects of stress on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function in young and aging pregnant rats and their 19-day-old fetuses. The plasma of the mothers and fetuses was assayed for ACTH and CORT by radioimmunoassay. Both young and aging pregnant rats showed a significant increase in plasma ACTH and CORT immediately after exposure to stress. However, aging rats had more prolonged elevations of ACTH and CORT than young rats. This suggests that, like old male rats, aging pregnant rats have an alteration in feedback inhibition of the HPA axis. Prolonged elevation of CORT was also seen in fetuses of aging mothers. These results have important implications concerning the effects of stress during pregnancy at different maternal ages, and for the potential deleterious consequences of prolonged prenatal elevation in stress hormones on the offspring of aging females.  相似文献   

Pregnancy is thought to create a metabolic condition of accelerated starvation. To clarify this idea, the effect of fasting on pregnant rats (day 21 of gestation) and their fetuses was examined. Although pregnancy significantly increased plasma insulin, plasma ketone body concentrations in fed pregnant rats were higher than those of age-matched fed virgin rats. After 48 hr fasting (i.e., fasting during days 19-21 of gestation), plasma insulin was markedly decreased in virgin rats compared with term pregnant rats, while ketone bodies were significantly higher in pregnant rats than in virgin rats. Body weight was lower in fetuses from fasted mothers than those from fed mothers. Starvation also markedly diminished the insulin response to glucose in isolated, perfused pancreases in both virgin and pregnant rats. The amount of insulin released during glucose stimulation was greater in pregnancy, and the inhibitory effect of 48 hr fasting on insulin release was greater in virgin rats than in pregnant rats. It is possible, therefore, that in term pregnant rats a decrease in insulin release caused by fasting may cause more profound catabolism than in nongravid rats.  相似文献   

The dose-response relationship in brain, plasma, and adrenal monoamine changes after acute oral ethanol administration (1, 2, 4 g/kg body wt) was studied in virgin rats to determine whether the response to the highest dose differed in 21-day pregnant animals, and to assess the potential consequences of ethanol on the neurotransmitter systems of their fetuses. Blood ethanol and acetaldehyde concentrations in blood increased progressively with the ethanol dose in virgin rats, and values in pregnant animals were very similar. Ethanol concentration in fetal blood and amniotic fluid did not differ from that in mother's blood whereas fetal acetaldehyde concentrations were negligible. In a dose-related manner, ethanol decreased brain DA, DOPAC and 5HT concentrations did not affect those of NA and 5HIAA, or adrenal A and NA concentrations, whereas it enhanced plasma NA levels. Basal levels of monoamines and their changes after ethanol intake did not differ in pregnant and virgin rats. Monoamine and metabolite concentrations were much lower in fetal than in maternal brains whereas plasma and adrenal catecholamine concentrations were very similar and maternal ethanol intake did not modify these fetal parameters in the fetus. Results are in agreement with the known similar metabolic response to ethanol in fed pregnant and virgin rats. The lack of fetal monoamine response to maternal ethanol intake may be a consequence of the incapacity of fetal liver to form acetaldehyde and the ability of the placenta to oxidize maternal acetaldehyde which protects the fetus from maternal alcohol intake at late gestation.  相似文献   

Cystathionine accumulated in several tissues of dams and fetuses by a single intraperitoneal administration of L-proparglyglycine to pregnant rats. Cystathionine in the liver of dams reached its maximal level at about 15 hrs after L-proparglyglycine injection (10 mg/300g), while that in the kidney and brain of dams, and in the liver, kidney, and brain of fetuses reached a maximum at about 21 hrs. The content of cystine in the liver of fetuses decreased gradually in proportion to the amount of L-proparglyglycine administered. Cystathionine gamma-lyase activity in the liver of dams and fetuses decreased to about 2-4% of that of control rats at 15 hrs after L-proparglyglycine injection, and that in the kidney and pancreas of dams to about 10-20% of that of control rats. On the other hand, cystathionine beta-synthase activity did not show significant changes from that of control rats.  相似文献   

The effect of the administration of L-tryptophan on hepatic polyribosomes and protein synthesis in pregnant rats and their fetuses and in lactating rats and their pups was investigated. Pregnant rats tube-fed tryptophan 1 hr before killing revealed increased hepatic protein synthesis but essentially unmodified polyribosomal aggregation of maternal livers while no changes were observed in fetal livers in comparison to controls (water-treated). Lactating rats tube-fed tryptophan 1 hr before killing revealed increased polyribosomal aggregation and protein synthesis of the livers in comparison to controls. Pups of these mothers that received tryptophan intraperitoneally 1 hr before killing did not reveal a significant change in the hepatic polyribosomes or protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Maternal hypothyroidism, when induced by surgical thyroidectomy with parathyroid hormone replacement, results in fewer live fetuses and smaller fetuses at the 22nd day of gestation. The hypothyroid mother shows the ability to mobilize adequate amounts of glucose even at the expense of her own reserves but the supply of glucose to the fetus appears to be impaired. These fetuses have subnormal skeletal muscle and liver glycogen and are severely hypoglycemic. The impaired development of these fetuses may result from alterations of either transplacental carbohydrate transport or placentofetal carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

M Aschner  T W Clarkson 《Teratology》1988,38(2):145-155
To investigate the effect of amino acids and the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) on tissue uptake of methylmercury (MeHg) in the developing rat fetus in utero, pregnant rats were continuously infused into the external jugular vein with 0.1 mM L-cysteine, 0.1 mM L-leucine, 0.1 mM GSH or saline commencing on day 17 of gestation. This was followed at 24, 48, and 72 hours by external jugular infusion of 50 microM [203Hg]-MeHgCl administered in 1 ml over 1 hour. Pups were surgically removed from the uterus on gestational day 21. Whole body, brain, kidney, liver, and placental 203Hg radioactivity was measured by means of gamma-spectrometry. Brain 203Hg concentration in pups exposed in utero to L-cysteine was significantly higher compared with pups exposed to saline (P less than 0.05). Brain 203Hg concentration in pups exposed in utero to L-leucine and GSH was significantly depressed compared with pups exposed to saline (P less than 0.05). Kidney 203Hg concentration was not significantly changed in all treatment groups compared with controls. Liver 203Hg concentration was significantly depressed in L-leucine- and GSH-treated pups compared with controls (P less than 0.05). Placental 203Hg concentration was not affected by any treatment compared with controls. These effects occurred despite no difference in total 203Hg body burden among pups, irrespective of the treatment. In addition, infusion with L-cysteine resulted in a significant increase in 203Hg brain concentration in dams compared with controls, and 203Hg brain concentration in L-leucine- and GSH-treated dams was significantly depressed compared with controls. Thus 203Hg distribution in both adult and developing animals is altered by chronic amino acid or GSH infusions and suggests that MeHg uptake may be mediated through the formation of a cysteine-MeHg complex which is transported across the blood-brain barrier by the neutral amino acid carrier transport system.  相似文献   

DOC and DOC-SO4, which are present in large amounts in the blood of pregnant women, are derived from sources other than maternal adrenal. Other investigators demonstrated that treatment of near-term pregnant women with ACTH or dexamethasone did not cause alterations in the blood levels of DOC. To define the source(s) of DOC and DOC-SO4 in plasma of pregnant women, we evaluated the conversion of plasma progesterone (P) to DOC in extraadrenal sites. DOC is formed from plasma P and, provided that the pregnancy is one characterized by the usual large production of estrogen, DOC production in a given woman is proportional to the level of P in plasma. Unlike other steroid conversions or interconversions, however, the fractional conversion of P to DOC among apparently normal persons varied widely 0.011 ± 0.003 (mean ± SEM, n = 40, range = 0.001 to 0.030). In women pregnant with a normal living fetus, the product of the production rate of P and the fractional conversion of P to DOC is sufficient to account for the majority of DOC produced in the mother. There may be a second source of DOC, i.e. the transfer of DOC from the fetal to the maternal compartment in a manner that involves (a) direct transfer of DOC by way of trophoblast and (b) by desulfurylation of DOC-SO4 from fetal umbilical arterial plasma in trophoblast and thence transfer of DOC liberated in trophoblast to the maternal compartment.Presently, it is clear that DOC-SO4 in blood of pregnant women is not derived from plasma DOC; and there is little or no evidence in support of the proposition that DOC-SO4 (as a sulfoconjugate) is transferred from the fetal to the maternal compartment because of placental hydrolysis to DOC. Among the extraadrenal tissue sites identified as those in which 21-hydroxylation of plasma P could be effected are some also believed to be tissue sites of mineralocorticosteroid action, viz. kidney, aorta, thymus, and spleen. Quantitatively, the origin of DOC in the fetus is not as clear as in the maternal compartment; yet, many tissues of the fetus have been identified in which both steroid 21-hydroxylase and 21-hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase activity are present. Thus, in the human fetus, extraadrenal as well as adrenal production of DOC and DOC-SO4 are possible.  相似文献   

Ethylmercuric chloride (EtHg), at the dose of 2.5 mg Hg/kg, was administered by gavage every other day to pregnant rats from d 6 to 20 of gestation. On the 21st day of gestation, females were sacrificed to allow the evaluation of embryotoxicity and take the material for analytical determinations. Copper, zinc, iron, and calcium were determined by AAS in liver, kidneys, brain, intestines of fetal and pregnant female rats, as well as in maternal spleen, whole blood, placenta, and fetal carcass. Ethylmercury caused a decrease of the body weight gain during gestation and diminution of relative liver weight of intoxicated females. This compound also induced fetotoxic effects, evidenced by slight diminution of the length as well as the weight of fetuses. It was found that the effect of EtHg on the levels of endogenous metals is different in females and fetuses. In pregnant females, EtHg administration resulted in a significant increase of copper levels in kidneys, liver, and spleen: and in the decrease of zinc concentration in the kidneys, but an increase in placenta and blood compared with pregnant controls. EtHg induced slight decrease of iron concentration in kidneys and intestinal wall of pregnant females. The concentrations of iron in liver and kidney and of zinc in whole blood and liver were lower in control pregnant rats than those in control non-pregnant females. In fetuses of EtHg-exposed mothers, increases in kidney zinc and liver calcium levels were found, whereas tissue copper and iron concentrations were the same as in controls.  相似文献   


Maternal circadian rhythms provide highly important input into the entrainment and programming of fetal and newborn circadian rhythms. The light-dark cycle is an important regulator of the internal biological clock. Even though pregnant women spend a greater part of the day at home during the latter stages of pregnancy, natural light exposure is crucial for the fetus. The current recommended COVID-19 lockdown might dramatically alter normal environmental lighting conditions of pregnant women, resulting in exposure to extremely low levels of natural daylight and high-intensity artificial light sources during both day and night. This article summarizes the potential effects on pregnant woman and their fetuses due to prolonged exposure to altered photoperiod and as consequence altered circadian system, known as chronodisruption, that may result from the COVID-19 lockdown.  相似文献   

Pregnant SPF Wistar rats and ICR/Swiss albino mice were injected in the tail vein with 85SrCl2 with 0.05 mM inactive carrier (SrCl2) given in volumes of 0.1 ml. The activity in the injected volume was about 14 MBq per kg of rat and 13 MBq per kg of mouse. The animals were injected at 2 or 13 days of gestation. The activity retained by the fetuses was quantitatively determined at three stages of the fetal intrauterine development: in rats at 14, 16 and 21 days of gestation, in mice at 14, 16 and 20 days of gestation. The activity of fetuses and/or placentas with fetal membranes was measured using a TESLA automatic gamma counter. Results indicate that fetuses of mice retained a significantly (P less than 0.01) greater percent of strontium activity than fetuses of rats. The highest specific activities (the percentage of total activity retained per gram of fetal tissue) were found in the late pregnancy period (at 21 days of gestation in rats and 20 days of gestation in mice) in animals that were injected with the radionuclide at 13 days of gestation.  相似文献   

A study was made of the incorporation of 35S-methionine into nuclear matrix proteins of hepatic cells of pregnant rats and their embryos subjected to single gamma-irradiation (60Co, 1 and 2 Gy, 0.0233 Gy/s) on days 3, 13 and 17 of pregnancy and embryogenesis. On day 21 of pregnancy and embryogenesis a decrease in the rate of incorporation of 35S-methionine into nuclear matrix proteins was shown to be a function of radiation dose and time of pregnancy and embryogenesis on the moment of exposure.  相似文献   

Summary In the thymus of normally fed pregnant rats the plasma membrane enzymes dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) and alkaline phosphatase (alP) were found in cortical and medullary lymphocytes (thymocytes). Plasma membrane aminopeptidase A (APA) and adenosine monophosphate hydrolysing phosphatase (AMPP) were present in cortical reticular cells. In medullary reticular cells, aminopeptidase M (APM), -glutamyl transferase (GGT), adenosine triphosphate (ATPP) and thiamine pyrophosphate (TPPP) cleaving phosphatases were detected. Medullary reticular cells did not contain APA. Lysosomal DPP I and II, acid phosphatase, acid -d-galactosidase, -d-N-acetylglucosaminidase, -d-glucuronidase and non-specific esterases occurred especially in macrophages at the corticomedullary junction. The 21-day-old fetal thymus showed a similar reaction pattern as the maternal organ except for APA which was absent before birth.—After treatment of the pregnant rats with valproic acid (VPA), salicylic acid (SA), streptozotocin (ST) and retinoic acid (RA) APA showed an increase in activity in the thymic cortex. In addition, ST and RA induced AMPP, ATPP and TPPP activity in cortical reticular cells up to the same pattern as in medullary reticular cells. After ethanol (ET) administration severe damages occurred. The thymic cortex was free of DPP IV-positive lymphocytes; the medullary reticular cells showed reduced or no GGT and occasionally an increased APM activity. Dexamethasone (DEXA) given to normal or zinc-deficient rats produced the most severe lesions; thymocytes with DPP IV activity were completely absent in the cortex and medulla. In Zn-deficient pregnant rats similar alterations were observed as after ET. When the drugs were applied to Zn-deficient pregnant rats, the alterations resembled those observed after drug treatment alone. In all cases of severe thymus degeneration, i.e. ET and DEXA treatment and Zn-deficiency, the number of macrophages and activities of lysosomal hydrolases in macrophages and reticular cells were increased; the lysosomal hydrolases were often homogeneously distributed over the cortex. Cell contacts between reticular cells and lymphocytes were reduced. Vacuoles occurred within the reticular cells.—The fetal thymus was reduced in size and the number of macrophages and the activities of their lysosomal enzymes were increased after Zn-deficiency, DEXA treatment and Zn-deficiency combined with ET administration.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sfb 174)  相似文献   

In the thymus of normally fed pregnant rats the plasma membrane enzymes dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) and alkaline phosphatase (alP) were found in cortical and medullary lymphocytes (thymocytes). Plasma membrane aminopeptidase A (APA) and adenosine monophosphate hydrolysing phosphatase (AMPP) were present in cortical reticular cells. In medullary reticular cells, aminopeptidase M (APM), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), adenosine triphosphate (ATPP) and thiamine pyrophosphate (TPPP) cleaving phosphatases were detected. Medullary reticular cells did not contain APA. Lysosomal DPP I and II, acid phosphatase, acid beta-D-galactosidase, beta-D-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase, beta-D-glucuronidase and non-specific esterases occurred especially in macrophages at the corticomedullary junction. The 21-day-old fetal thymus showed a similar reaction pattern as the maternal organ except for APA which was absent before birth. After treatment of the pregnant rats with valproic acid (VPA), salicylic acid (SA), streptozotocin (ST) and retinoic acid (RA) APA showed an increase in activity in the thymic cortex. In addition, ST and RA induced AMPP, ATPP and TPPP activity in cortical reticular cells up to the same pattern as in medullary reticular cells. After ethanol (ET) administration severe damages occurred. The thymic cortex was free of DPP IV-positive lymphocytes; the medullary reticular cells showed reduced or no GGT and occasionally an increased APM activity. Dexamethasone (DEXA) given to normal or zinc-deficient rats produced the most severe lesions; thymocytes with DPP IV activity were completely absent in the cortex and medulla. In Zn-deficient pregnant rats similar alterations were observed as after ET.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Induction of diabetes in female rats by streptozotocin administration 7 days before mating led to an increase in maternal and fetal calcemia at day 21 of gestation. The plasma levels of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25 OH D3) were increased in the diabetic mother whereas the 25 OHD3 contents in entire fetuses were greatly decreased in comparison with control values obtained in both normal pregnant rat and normal fetuses. Our results obtained in pregnant rat were different from those found in the literature concerning non pregnant animals in which only 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol was affected by diabetes.  相似文献   

Pregnant rats were given pharmacological doses of cortisol or ACTH or no hormone from gestation day 9 to 19 and maternal and fetal hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity and plasma cholesterol studied on gestation day 20. Reductase activity was also studied in the maternal and fetal adrenal of the rats given cortisol or no hormone. Cortisol administration increased the maternal and fetal plasma cholesterol but had no effect on the hepatic active (phosphorylated) 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity when compared to untreated rats. Total (active + inactive) 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity, however, was reduced in maternal liver but not altered in the fetal liver by cortisol. The maternal cortisol treatment decreased the fetal, but not maternal, adrenal 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase total enzyme activity. The data support a hypothesis that utilization of plasma cholesterol for adrenal steroidogenesis may be an important determinant of plasma cholesterol homeostasis in the rat fetus. Maternal ACTH administration increased the foetal but not maternal plasma cholesterol, whilst active 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity was increased in the pregnant rat but not her fetuses. This result may suggest coordination of hepatic active reductase activity with adrenal cholesterol utilization in the pregnant rat. The reason for the fetal hypercholesterolaemia caused by ACTH, which is not known to cross the placenta, is uncertain. The studies, however, indicate that fetal cholesterol homeostasis and the rate limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis is influenced by maternal glucocorticoid administration.  相似文献   

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