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As one of the few areas apt for horticulture in Northern Chile's arid landscape, the prehistory of the Atacama oases is deeply enmeshed with that of the inter‐regional networks that promoted societal development in the south central Andes. During the Middle Horizon (AD 500–1000), local populations experienced a cultural apex associated with a substantial increase in inter‐regional interaction, population density, and quantity and quality of mortuary assemblages. Here, we test if this cultural peak affected dietary practices equally among the distinct local groups of this period. We examine caries prevalence and the degree of occlusal wear in four series recovered from three cemeteries. Our results show a reduction in the prevalence of caries for males among an elite subsample from Solcor 3 and the later Coyo 3 cemeteries. Dental wear tends to increase over time with the Late Middle Horizon/Late Intermediate Period cemetery of Quitor 6 showing a higher average degree of wear. When considered in concert with archaeological information, we concluded that the Middle Horizon was marked by dietary variability wherein some populations were able to obtain better access to protein sources (e.g., camelid meat). Not all members of Atacameño society benefited from this, as we note that this dietary change only affected men. Our results suggest that the benefits brought to the San Pedro oases during the Middle Horizon were not equally distributed among local groups and that social status, relationship to the Tiwanaku polity, and interment in particular cemeteries affected dietary composition. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The existing biocultural links are analyzed among ancient inhabitants of the Cochabamba valleys (Bolivia) from the Formative and Tiwanaku periods, coastal and inland Azapa region (Chile) from the Late Archaic to the Late periods, and the Atacama Desert oases (Chile) from the Formative period to the time of European contact. Craniometric information obtained from a sample of 565 individuals from different sites of the studied regions was evaluated using methods derived from quantitative genetics and multivariate statistical analysis techniques. It is shown that during the Formative and Tiwanaku periods inhabitants of the Cochabamba valleys maintained contact with the population of northern Chile. This contact was more fluid with the people from the interior valley of Azapa than it was with the settlers of San Pedro Atacama (SPA). An important biological affinity in the Late Period between the inhabitants of the Azapa valley and the late SPA groups is also examined. The Late‐Inca Catarpe SPA sample shows a broad genetic variability shared with the majority of the groups studied. The results reaffirm the differences between the coastal and interior Azapa valley groups and strengthen the hypothesis of two pathways to populating the south central Andean area. The divergence observed among subpopulations can be explained by the spatiotemporal dispersion between them, genetic drift dispersion compensated by the action of gene flow, and cultural norms that regulate within group mating. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:591–599, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Bioarchaeological approaches are well suited for examining past responses to political and environmental changes. In the Andes, we hypothesized that political and environmental changes around AD 1100 resulted in behavioral changes, visible as shifts in paleodiet and paleomobility, among individuals in the San Pedro de Atacama oases and Loa River Valley. To investigate this hypothesis, we generated carbon and oxygen isotope data from cemeteries dating to the early Middle Horizon (Larache, Quitor‐5, Solor‐3), late Middle Horizon (Casa Parroquial, Coyo Oriental, Coyo‐3, Solcor‐Plaza, Solcor‐3, Tchecar), and Late Intermediate Period (Caspana, Quitor‐6 Tardío, Toconce, Yaye‐1, Yaye‐2, Yaye‐3, Yaye‐4). Carbon isotope data demonstrate a greater range of carbon sources during the late Middle Horizon compared with the Late Intermediate Period; while most individuals consumed largely C3 sources, some late Middle Horizon individuals consumed more C4 sources. Oxygen isotope data demonstrate greater diversity in drinking water sources during the late Middle Horizon compared with the Late Intermediate Period. Water samples were analyzed to provide baseline data on oxygen isotope variability within the Atacama Desert, and demonstrated that oxygen isotope values are indistinguishable in the San Pedro and Loa Rivers. However, oxygen isotope values in water sources in the high‐altitude altiplano and coast are distinct from those in the San Pedro and Loa Rivers. In conclusion, instead of utilizing a wider variety of resources after environmental and political changes, individuals exhibited a wider range of paleodietary and paleomobility strategies during the Middle Horizon, a period of environmental and political stability. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:179–201, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Atacama desert in Chile is one of the driest and most lifeless environments on Earth. It rains possibly once a decade. NASA examined these soils as a model for the Martian environment by comparing their degradation activity with Martian soil and looking for “the dry limit of life”. The existence of heterotrophic bacteria in Atacama soil was demonstrated by DNA extraction and by the isolation of microorganisms. So far, however, no data have been available about the metabolic activities in these soils due to the limitations of the existing methodologies when applied to desert soils. Calorimetry was used to obtain information on the metabolic and thermal properties of eleven soil samples collected at different sites in the Atacama desert. Differential scanning calorimetry and isothermal calorimetry were employed to determine the pyrolysis properties of the carbon‐containing matter and to measure biomass and microbial metabolism. They were compared to other soil properties such as total carbon and nitrogen, carbon to nitrogen ratio and pH. There was measurable organic matter in nine of the eleven samples and the heat of pyrolysis of those soils was correlated to the carbon content. In five of the eleven samples no biomass could be detected and the existence of basal microbial metabolism could not be established because all samples showed endothermic activity, probably from inorganic reactions with water. Six samples showed microbial activation after the addition of glucose. Carbon content, nitrogen content and the microbial activity after glucose amendment were correlated to the altitude and to the average minimum temperature of the sampling sites calculated from meteorological data. The detectable microbial metabolism was more dissipative with increasing altitude and decreasing temperature.  相似文献   

Trauma incidence analysis in skeletal populations has been very popular among skeletal biologists during the last two decades. In this context, the work of Lovejoy and Heiple ([1981] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 55:529–541) has been quoted as a landmark because their analysis rested on a populational approach, avoiding simple assumptions about cause and etiology. In this study, we apply to the prehistoric population of San Pedro de Atacama, northern Chile, an approach similar to that carried out by Lovejoy and Heiple (1981). The results obtained point to a peak of risk of fractures among old people, estimated age around 45 years. The distribution of fractures by sex and age suggests that the prevailing etiology is related to accidents and not violence. When the frequencies of fractures are compared, the Libben population shows a much higher incidence than the Atacamenean population. It is suggested that this difference can be explained by peculiarities of the subsistence economies of the two populations. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:253–258, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Over one thousand prehistoric crania (n = 1,149) from northern Chile were analyzed to determine if the presence of external auditory exostosis (EAE) was a type of subsistence-induced pathology, a consequence of habitual fishing i the cold water of the Pacific Ocean, rather than genetically determined. To test this occupational hypothesis, the sample was divided according to chronology, type of economy, site elevation, and sex. The crania came from 43 sites, including the coast, lowland valleys (100–2,000 m), and highlands (2,000 to 4,000 m) with a time frame of 7,000 B.C. to the Inca era (1500 A.D.). There was a significant association between EAE, environment, and sex. The coastal inhabitants had the highest prevalence of EAE with 30.7% (103/336), followed by 2.3% (6/264) for the valley people and 0% (0/549) for highlanders. Coastal and valley men were significantly more affected than their female counterparts. Contrary to expectations, there was nonsignificant association between EAE and economy and/or chronology. In the Arica area, the early Chinchorro fishers, without agriculture, had 27.7% (26/94) EAE, the subsequent agro-pastoralists, 42.7% (32/75), and the late Arican agro-pastoral fishers had 35.6% (36/101) EAE. Apparently, with the advent of agriculture, the coastal Arican populations increased their ocean harvests, rather than decreased them, to gain a surplus in order to trade with nonmaritime groups. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:119–129, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Middle Period (AD 400–1000) in northern Chile's Atacama oases is characterized by an increase in social complexity and regional interaction, much of which was organized around the power and impact of the Tiwanaku polity. Despite the strong cultural influence of Tiwanaku and numerous other groups evident in interactions with Atacameños, the role of immigration into the oases during this period is unclear. While archaeological and bioarchaeological research in the region has shown no evidence that clearly indicates large groups of foreign immigrants, the contemporary increase in interregional exchange networks connecting the oases to other parts of the Andes suggests residential mobility and the possibility that movement of people both into and out of the oases accompanied these foreign influences. Here, we analyze biodistance through cranial non‐metric traits in a skeletal sample from prehistoric San Pedro de Atacama to elucidate the extent of foreign influence in the oases and discuss its implications. We analyzed 715 individuals from the Middle Period (AD 400–1000) and later Regional Developments Period (AD 1000–1450), and found greater phenotypic differences between Middle Period cemeteries than among cemeteries in the subsequent period. We argue that this greater diversity extends beyond the relationship between the oases and the renowned Tiwanaku polity and reflects the role of the oases and its different ayllus as a node and way station for the Middle Period's myriad interregional networks. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:370–382, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The past two decades have seen a proliferation in bioarchaeological literature on the identification of scurvy, a disease caused by chronic vitamin C deficiency, in ancient human remains. This condition is one of the few nutritional deficiencies that can result in diagnostic osseous lesions. Scurvy is associated with low dietary diversity and its identification in human skeletal remains can provide important contextual information on subsistence strategy, resource allocation, and human-environmental interactions in past populations. A large and robust methodological body of work on the paleopathology of scurvy exists. However, the diagnostic criteria for this disease employed by bioarchaeologists have not always been uniform. Here we draw from previous research on the skeletal manifestations of scurvy in adult and juvenile human skeletal remains and propose a weighted diagnostic system for its identification that takes into account the pathophysiology of the disease, soft tissue anatomy, and clinical research. Using a sample of individuals from the prehistoric Atacama Desert in Northern Chile, we also provide a practical example of how diagnostic value might be assigned to skeletal lesions of the disease that have not been previously described in the literature.  相似文献   

The Atacama Desert, one of the driest deserts in the world, represents a unique extreme environmental ecosystem to explore the bacterial diversity as it is considered to be at the dry limit for life. A 16S rRNA gene (spanning the hyper variable V3 region) library was constructed from an alkaline sample of unvegetated soil at the hyperarid margin in the Atacama Desert. A total of 244 clone sequences were used for MOTHUR analysis, which revealed 20 unique phylotypes or operational taxonomic units (OTUs). V3 region amplicons of the 16S rRNA were suitable for distinguishing the bacterial community to the genus and specie level. We found that all OTUs were affiliated with taxa representative of the Firmicutes phylum. The extremely high abundance of Firmicutes indicated that most bacteria in the soil were spore-forming survivors. In this study we detected a narrower diversity as compared to other ecological studies performed in other areas of the Atacama Desert. The reported genera were Oceanobacillus (representing the 69.5 % of the clones sequenced), Bacillus, Thalassobacillus and Virgibacillus. The present work shows physical and chemical parameters have a prominent impact on the microbial community structure. It constitutes an example of the communities adapted to live in extreme conditions caused by dryness and metal concentrations .

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12088-015-0539-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Aim We evaluated the phylogeography of sigmodontine taxa of the genera Phyllotis and Abrothrix at the intra and interspecific level, in the Atacama desert and adjacent Andean and Puna regions of northern Chile. The major goal was to test the hypothesis that sigmodontine mice differentiated in the lowlands, most likely via peripatric speciation, dispersing from highland to lowland areas across the desert vegetated canyons, thus reaching the Pacific coast. Dispersing individuals may have found favourable habitats along these valleys, in northern Chile, which connect the high altitude Puna region with the lowlands. Location The study was conducted in northern Chile (18–22° S), in coastal pre‐Puna and Puna regions. Methods For phylogeographic analyses we analysed cytochrome b mitochondrial sequences for 29 specimens of the genera Abrothrix and Phyllotis, from the region of study. All results were analysed phylogenetically using maximum‐likelihood, Bayesian, and uncorrected median‐joining network methodology. Results In Phyllotis we recognized two major clusters of taxa: one restricted to the Puna region identified as Phyllotis xanthopygus chilensis, in close association to a pre‐Punean and lowland clade constituted by Phyllotis limatus, on the western slopes of the Andes. A similar pattern was distinguished for Abrothrix, where Abrothrix andinus was recognized in the Andean Altiplano‐pre‐Puna region and Abrothrix olivaceus in the lowlands of northern Chile. Main conclusions We found that the radiation of sigmodontine mice in the central Andes may have been facilitated by the historical events that affected high Andean elevations during Pleistocene times, as well as changes in the vegetation composition and climate that started to prevail during that time. Our results also support previous hypotheses that the major mode of evolution for small mammals in the Andes region has been based on the founder effect or the peripheral isolates model, from a central range located in the Andes.  相似文献   

Understanding the regeneration niche of species may allow us to gain insight into how communities are structured. In deserts, the regeneration niche is usually related to spaces beneath shrubs where shade cast by shrubs creates microenvironments that benefit seedlings and where even small amounts of rain may favour germination and establishment. Shade and water may also interact with different types of soils. However, species may have different requirements for germination and seedling survival. We could expect that shrub species with different drought tolerances exhibit different responses to the combination of these factors. We ask if responses of dominant species of the Atacama Desert to abiotic factors (shade, water and soil type) are related to their drought tolerance, a topic not exhaustively explored in shrubs growing in true deserts. We conducted two factorial experiments. The first one was designed to evaluate how shade (microhabitat) in combination with water may affect germination (emergence) and early survival. In the second experiment, we assessed the influence of shade in relation to soil type. Each species responded distinctively to the three variables under study, but in general, their emergence responses were more influenced by water (more water, greater emergence) than by microhabitat or soil type. Survival was influenced both by microhabitat and by water and was higher under shade and abundant water. Soil type affected only one of our species in terms of emergence. Species responses in general depended on their tolerance to stress. In one species, there was indication of a seed–seedling conflict. Our results show similar species responses to environmental constraints but also more or less unique responses that are related to their tolerance to drought and which may ultimately permit species coexistence. We found that shade may not be important for germination but may be crucial for survival in dry years.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial changes of epibenthic macroinvertebrates (EMI) were described from a ten-year (1985–1995) trawl study on the San Pedro Shelf, California. Community measures including number of species, individuals, biomass, dominance (DI), evenness (J'), and diversity (H' and SR) per trawl were computed for eight trawl stations representing four isobaths. Two reference stations and a test station (located at an ocean outfall) were featured in statistical analyses examining whether the outfall had any effect on EMI. During the ten-year period 127,389 individuals provided 106 EMI taxa. Water depth was the most important factor affecting EMI composition. Although some statistically significant differences in EMI community measures among trawl stations were found. differences between the outfall and both reference stations were either insignificant or inconsistent, providing no obvious ecological impacts attributable to the outfall.  相似文献   

The present paper reconstructs the biogeographic diversification for Nolana L.f. (Solanaceae), a genus of 89 endemic species largely restricted to fog-dependent desert lomas formations of coastal Peru and Chile. Previous efforts have reconstructed a phylogenetic estimate for Nolana using a combination of molecular markers. Herein, we expand on those results to examine hypotheses of biogeographic origins and diversification patterns. Nolana occupies habitats within a continuous coastal desert and forms a terrestrial archipelago of discrete "islands" unique in size, topography, and species composition. Each locality contains at least one Nolana species and many contain multiple species in sympatry. The genus has a Chilean origin, with the basal clades confined to Chile with wide geographic and ecological distributions. Peru contains two strongly supported clades, suggesting two introductions with subsequent radiation. A Chilean clade of shrubby, small-flowered species appears to have had its origins from the same ancestors of the second line that radiated in Peru and northern Chile. Nolana galapagensis is endemic to the Islas Galapagos, with origins traced to Peruvian taxa with a divergence time of 0.35 mya. Rates of diversification over the past 4.02 mya in Nolana, in one of the driest habitats on Earth, suggest rapid adaptive radiation in several clades. Success in Nolana may be attributed to characters that confer a competitive advantage in unpredictable and water-dependent environments, such as succulent leaf anatomy and ecophysiology, and the reproductive mericarp unique to Nolana. The processes affecting or shaping the biota of western South America are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently scholars have advocated for the use of a critical biocultural approach in bioarchaeology, where osteological and dental markers of stress are used to understand the broader biosocial context of past populations. However, the ability to accomplish this task rests on the assumption that ultimate-level environmental stressors and well-being in the past can be reconstructed from the prevalence of pathologies in skeletal collections. Here we test this assumption using anemia prevalence in the Mexican Family Life Survey. Specifically we test three hypotheses: (1) that individuals sharing the same household are more likely to share anemia status; (2) anemia status is a predictor of economic status (a common proxy for broader environmental context); and (3) anemia status is related to self-rated health. Results demonstrate that: anemia status was not commonly shared between household members; there was a significant overlap in economic status between anemic and nonanemic individuals (i.e., anemia poorly predicted economic status) and; while anemia status was associated with self-perceived health, the majority of those who reported poor health were nonanemic while a significant number of those who reported very good health were anemic. We argue that these findings are likely related to variation in individual frailty, which is shaped by biological and cultural risk factors. Therefore, we advocate for greater incorporation of individual frailty into bioarchaeological investigations, and, in effort to overcome some of the difficulties associated with this task, increased use of data from living populations and greater collaboration between bioarchaeologists and human biologists. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:210–220, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Age‐related anatomical changes to the surface of the pubic symphysis are well‐documented in the literature. However, aligning these morphological changes with chronological age has proven problematic, often resulting in biased age estimates. Statistical modeling provides an avenue for forensic anthropologists and bioarchaeologists to increase the accuracy of traditional aging methods. Locating appropriate samples to use as a basis for modeling age estimations can be challenging due to differing sample age distributions and potentially varying patterns of senescence. We compared two approaches, Rostock and Forensic, coupled with a Bayesian methodology, to address these issues. Transition analysis was run specific to each method (which differ by sample selection). A Gompertz model was derived from an informative prior that yielded the mortality and senescence parameters for constructing highest posterior density ranges, i.e., coverages, which are analogous to age ranges. These age ranges were generated from both approaches and are presented as reference tables useful for historic male and female Italian samples. The age ranges produced from each approach were tested on an historic Italian sample, using cumulative binomial tests. These two approaches performed similarly, with the Forensic approach showing a slight advantage. However, the Forensic approach is unable to identify varying senescence patterns between populations, thus preference for one approach over the other will depend on research design. Finally, we demonstrate that while populations exhibit similar morphological changes with advancing age, there are no significant sex differences in these samples, and the timing of these changes varies from population to population. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:466–473, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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