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Thin sections, lanthanum tracer and the freeze-fracture technique revealed the presence of different types of cell junctions in early sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) embryos. During the first four cleavage cycles, which are characterized by synchrony of cell division, sister blastomeres were connected only by intercellular bridges, formed as a result of incomplete cytokinesis; no trace of other junctions was found at these stages. From the 16-cell stage onwards, septate junctions and gap junctions began to appear between blastomeres. It is postulated that cell-cell interactions may provide a mechanism for the propagation of signals necessary for the coordination of cell proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Animal-vegetal axis patterning mechanisms in the early sea urchin embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During mouse fertilization the spermatozoon induces a series of low-frequency long-lasting Ca(2+) oscillations. It is generally accepted that these oscillations are due to Ca(2+) release through the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptor. However, InsP(3) microinjection does not mimic sperm-induced Ca(2+) oscillations, leading to the suggestion that the spermatozoon causes Ca(2+) release by sensitizing the InsP(3) receptor to basal levels of InsP(3). This contradicts recent evidence that the spermatozoon triggers Ca(2+) oscillations by introducing a phospholipase C or else an activator of phospholipase C. Here we show for the first time that sperm-induced Ca(2+) oscillations may be mimicked by the photolysis of caged InsP(3) in both mouse metaphase II eggs and germinal vesicle stage oocytes. Eggs, and also oocytes that had displayed spontaneous Ca(2+) oscillations, gave long-lasting Ca(2+) oscillations when fertilized or when caged InsP(3) was photolyzed. In contrast, oocytes that had shown no spontaneous Ca(2+) oscillations did not generate many oscillations when fertilized or following photolysis of caged InsP(3). Fertilization in eggs was most closely mimicked when InsP(3) was uncaged at relatively low amounts for extended periods. Here we observed an initial Ca(2+) transient with superimposed spikes, followed by a series of single transients with a low frequency; all characteristics of the Ca(2+) changes at fertilization. We therefore show that InsP(3) can mimic the distinctive pattern of Ca(2+) release in mammalian eggs at fertilization. It is proposed that a sperm Ca(2+)-releasing factor operates by generating a continuous small amount of InsP(3) over an extended period of time, consistent with the evidence for the involvement of a phospholipase C.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that gastrulation in the sea urchin embryo involves movement of cells over the blastopore lip (involution). Some cells in the vegetal plate of the late blastula become bottle-shaped but they play a limited role in gastrulation. The functions of specific integrins, regulators of cell-cell adhesion, and extracellular matrix components in gastrulation are currently being analyzed. In addition, light-microscopic studies continue to provide a unique picture of dynamic cell behavior in vivo.  相似文献   

In Xenopus and Drosophila, the nucleocytoplasmic ratio controls many aspects of cell-cycle remodeling during the transitory period that leads from fast and synchronous cell divisions of early development to the slow, carefully regulated growth and divisions of somatic cells. After the fifth cleavage in sea urchin embryos, there are four populations of differently sized blastomeres, whose interdivision times are inversely related to size. The inverse relation suggests nucleocytoplasmic control of cell division during sea urchin development as well. To investigate this possibility, we developed a mathematical model based on molecular interactions underlying early embryonic cell-cycle control. Introducing the nucleocytoplasmic ratio explicitly into the molecular mechanism, we are able to reproduce many physiological features of sea urchin development.  相似文献   

Skeletogenesis in the sea urchin embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Early morphogenetic events of primary mesenchyme cell (PMC) ingression and gastrulation were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, with special attention directed to changes in the shape of vegetal pole cells, the length of their microvilli, and interactions between microvilli and the hyaline layer (HL). Eight cells (vegetal pole cells) with elongated microvilli remained in the vegetal pole region while surrounding cells ingressed into the blastocoel to form the primary mesenchyme. These vegetal pole cells indented with the surrounding cells at the stage of gastrulation. The outer surface area with elongated microvilli of vegetal pole cells expanded at the stage of PMC ingression, but was considerably reduced at gastrulation. Microvilli on vegetal pole cells continued to adhere to the HL up to the stage of PMC ingression, but ceased to do so at the time of gastrulation. Thus, the area with separated HL, which is restricted to the region of the PMC released at the stage of PMC ingression, spreads almost entirely throughout the area of the indenting vegetal plate at gastrulation. The apical lamina, apparently consisting of fibrous material intertwinning the stalks of the microvilli, filled the space between the HL and ectodermal cells. The cells surrounding those of the vegetal pole and indenting with those at the stage of gastrulation appeared to behave in the same way as ingressing PMCs in both cell-shape and loss of adhesion of microvilli to HL. The role of vegetal pole cells in early morphogenetic events is discussed.  相似文献   

It has been known from results obtained in the classical experiments on sea urchin embryos that cell isolation and transplantation showed extensive interactions between the early blastomeres and/or their descendants. In the experiments reported here a systematic reexamination of recombination of mesomeres and their progeny (which come from the animal hemisphere) with various vegetal cells derived from blastomeres of the 32- and 64-cell stage was carried out. Cells were marked with lineage tracers to follow which cell gave rise to what structures, and newly available molecular markers have been used to analyze different structures characteristic of regional differentiation. Large micromeres form spicules and induce gut and pigment cells in mesomeres, conforming to previous results. Small micromeres, a cell type not heretofore examined, gave rise to no recognizable structure and had very limited ability to evoke poorly differentiated gut tissue in mesomeres. Macromeres and their descendants, Veg 1 and Veg 2, form primarily what their normal fate dictated, though both did have some capacity to form spicules, presumably by formation from secondary mesenchyme. Macromeres and their descendants were not potent inducers of vegetal structures in animal cells, but they suppress the latent ability of mesomeres to form vegetal structures. The results lead us to propose that the significant interactions during normal development may be principally suppressive effects of mesomeres on one another and of adjacent vegetal cells on mesomeres.  相似文献   

The entry of beta-catenin into vegetal cell nuclei beginning at the 16-cell stage is one of the earliest known molecular asymmetries seen along the animal-vegetal axis in the sea urchin embryo. Nuclear beta-catenin activates a vegetal signaling cascade that mediates micromere specification and specification of the endomesoderm in the remaining cells of the vegetal half of the embryo. Only a few potential target genes of nuclear beta-catenin have been functionally analyzed in the sea urchin embryo. Here, we show that SpWnt8, a Wnt8 homolog from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, is zygotically activated specifically in 16-cell-stage micromeres in a nuclear beta-catenin-dependent manner, and its expression remains restricted to the micromeres until the 60-cell stage. At the late 60-cell stage nuclear beta-catenin-dependent SpWnt8 expression expands to the veg2 cell tier. SpWnt8 is the only signaling molecule thus far identified with expression localized to the 16-60-cell stage micromeres and the veg2 tier. Overexpression of SpWnt8 by mRNA microinjection produced embryos with multiple invagination sites and showed that, consistent with its localization, SpWnt8 is a strong inducer of endoderm. Blocking SpWnt8 function using SpWnt8 morpholino antisense oligonucleotides produced embryos that formed micromeres that could transmit the early endomesoderm-inducing signal, but these cells failed to differentiate as primary mesenchyme cells. SpWnt8-morpholino embryos also did not form endoderm, or secondary mesenchyme-derived pigment and muscle cells, indicating a role for SpWnt8 in gastrulation and in the differentiation of endomesodermal lineages. These results establish SpWnt8 as a critical component of the endomesoderm regulatory network in the sea urchin embryo.  相似文献   

Fibronectin in the developing sea urchin embryo   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The presence of fibronectin in developing sea urchin embryos was studied uing immunofluorescence staining. The fluorescence pattern indicates that fibronectin is found on the cell surfaces and between cells in the blastula and gastrula stages, indicating that it plays a role in cell adhesion. Its presence on invaginating cells also suggests its involvement in morphogenesis during early development.  相似文献   

In early tailbud embryos of the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), cells of the anterior myotomes begin to elongate and align along the longitudinal axis of the animal. Soon thereafter, gap junctions appear between the differentiating myotubes. These junctions occur between adjacent cells within a myotome (intramyotomal) and between the cells of adjacent myotomes which are separated from one another by narrow connective tissue septa (intermyotomal). The latter are found at the ends of the elongating cells where muscle-tendon insertion will occur and nerve-muscle synapses will form. The gap junctions are transient: They appear with the onset of myofibrillar formation at the time that nerve fibers enter the intermyotomal septa. The junctions last until the cells have differentiated into mature striated muscle cells and neuromuscular synapses are fully developed.These gap junctions may provide a means for the direct intercellular spread of electrical excitation between the differentiating muscle cells and so account for the observed myogenic contraction of myotomes. We also suggest that these junctions may form a means for cellular communication and interaction during the development of the axial musculature.  相似文献   

Cell lineage conversion in the sea urchin embryo   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
The mesoderm of the sea urchin embryo conventionally is divided into two populations of cells; the primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs), which produce the larval skeleton, and the secondary mesenchyme cells (SMCs), which differentiate into a variety of cell types but do not participate in skeletogenesis. In this study we examine the morphogenesis of embryos from which the PMCs have been removed microsurgically. We confirm the observation of Fukushi (1962) that embryos lacking PMCs form a complete skeleton, although in a delayed fashion. We demonstrate by microsurgical and cell marking experiments that the appearance of skeletogenic cells in such PMC-deficient embryos is due exclusively to the conversion of other cells to the PMC phenotype. Time-lapse video recordings of PMC-deficient embryos indicate that the converting cells are a subpopulation of late-ingressing SMCs. The conversion of these cells to the skeletogenic phenotype is accompanied by their de novo expression of cell surface determinants normally unique to PMCs, as shown by binding of wheat germ agglutinin and a PMC-specific monoclonal antibody. Cell transplantation and cell marking experiments have been carried out to determine the number of SMCs that convert when intermediate numbers of PMCs are present in the embryo. These experiments indicate that the number of converting SMCs is inversely proportional to the number of PMCs in the blastocoel. In addition, they show that PMCs and converted SMCs cooperate to produce a skeleton that is correct in both size and configuration. This regulatory system should shed light on the nature of cell-cell interactions that control cell differentiation and on the way in which evolutionary processes modify developmental programs.  相似文献   

Determination and morphogenesis in the sea urchin embryo   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The study of the sea urchin embryo has contributed importantly to our ideas about embryogenesis. This essay re-examines some issues where the concerns of classical experimental embryology and cell and molecular biology converge. The sea urchin egg has an inherent animal-vegetal polarity. An egg fragment that contains both animal and vegetal material will produce a fairly normal larva. However, it is not clear to what extent the oral-aboral axis is specified in embryos developing from meridional fragments. Newly available markers of the oral-aboral axis allow this issue to be settled. When equatorial halves, in which animal and vegetal hemispheres are separated, are allowed to develop, the animal half forms a ciliated hollow ball. The vegetal half, however, often forms a complete embryo. This result is not in accord with the double gradient model of animal and vegetal characteristics that has been used to interpret almost all defect, isolation and transplantation experiments using sea urchin embryos. The effects of agents used to animalize and vegetalize embryos are also due for re-examination. The classical animalizing agent, Zn2+, causes developmental arrest, not expression of animal characters. On the other hand, Li+, a vegetalizing agent, probably changes the determination of animal cells. The stability of these early determinative steps may be examined in dissociation-reaggregation experiments, but this technique has not been exploited extensively. The morphogenetic movements of primary mesenchyme are complex and involve a number of interactions. It is curious that primary mesenchyme is dispensable in skeleton formation since in embryos devoid of primary mesenchyme, the secondary mesenchyme cells will form skeletal elements. It is likely that during its differentiation the primary mesenchyme provides some of its own extracellular microenvironment in the form of collagen and proteoglycans. The detailed form of spicules made by primary mesenchyme is determined by cooperation between the epithelial body wall, the extracellular material and the inherent properties of primary mesenchyme cells. Gastrulation in sea urchins is a two-step process. The first invagination is a buckling, the mechanism of which is not understood. The secondary phase in which the archenteron elongates across the blastocoel is probably driven primarily by active cell repacking. The extracellular matrix is important for this repacking to occur, but the basis of the cellular-environmental interaction is not understood.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary A novel fibronectin-binding acid polysaccharide (FAPS) was isolated from embryos of the sea urchin. Binding of FAPS to fibronectin was quantitatively measured at physiological pH and ionic strength by two different assay systems. Immunofluorescent studies revealed that FAPS is localized in the extracellular matrix surrounding the mesenchyme cells and primitive gut of middle gastrula. Sea urchin fibronectin was also detected in the extracellular matrix surrounding mesenchyme cells and the cells surrounding the blastopore. When a monoclonal antibody to FAPS (anti-FAPS) was microinjected into the blastocoel, more than one pair of triradiate spicular rudiments was formed and the malformation of spicules was induced. Armless and deformed larvae were also induced by anti-FAPS. FAPS may regulate the number, length, position and direction of spicules. These results implicate the extracellular matrix of the blastocoel in the complex process of differentiation of mesenchyme and the formation of spicules.  相似文献   

In sea urchin embryos, blastula formation occurs between the seventh and tenth cleavage and is associated with changes in the permeability properties of the epithelium although the structures responsible for mediating these changes are not known. Tight junctions regulate the barrier to paracellular permeability in chordate epithelia; however, the sea urchin blastula epithelium lacks tight junctions and instead possesses septate junctions. Septate junctions are unique to non-chordate invertebrate cell layers and have a characteristic ladder-like appearance whereby adjacent cells are connected by septa. To determine the function of septate junctions in sea urchin embryos, the permeability characteristics of the embryonic sea urchin epithelia were assessed. First, the developmental stage at which a barrier to paracellular permeability arises was examined and found to be in place after the eighth cleavage division. The mature blastula epithelium is impermeable to macromolecules; however, brief depletion of divalent cations renders the epithelium permeable. The ability of the blastula epithelium to recover from depletion of divalent cations and re-establish a barrier to paracellular permeability using fluorescently labelled lectins was also examined. Finally, septate junction structure was examined in embryos in which the permeability status of the epithelium was known. The results provide evidence that septate junctions mediate the barrier to paracellular permeability in sea urchin embryos.  相似文献   

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