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Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is a histochemical marker of the osteoclast. It is also characteristic of monohistiocytes, particularly alveolar macrophages, and is associated with diverse pathological conditions, including hairy cell leukemia and AIDS encephalopathy. To study the biology of this enzyme, we investigated its expression and activity in mouse tissues. Confocal fluorescence studies showed that TRAP is localized to the lysosomal compartment of macrophages. In adult mice, high activities of the enzyme were demonstrated in bone, spleen, liver, thymus, and colon, with lower amounts in lung, stomach, skin, brain, and kidney. Trace amounts were detected in testis, muscle, and heart. Expression of TRAP mRNA was investigated in tissue sections by in situ hybridization and protein expression was monitored by histochemical staining or immunohistochemically. TRAP is widely expressed in many tissues, where it is associated with cells principally originating from the bone marrow, including those of osteoclast/macrophage lineage. The cellular distribution of TRAP mRNA and enzyme antigen in the tissues corresponds closely to that of cells staining with an antibody directed to the CD80 (B7) antigen. Therefore, to confirm its putative localization in dendritic cells, isolated bone marrow dendritic cells were matured in culture. These co-stained strongly for TRAP protein and the CD80 antigen. These studies demonstrate that TRAP is a lysosomal enzyme that is found in diverse murine tissues, where it is expressed in dendritic cells as well as osteoclasts and macrophages, as previously shown. (J Histochem Cytochem 48:219-227, 2000)  相似文献   

Mannose 6-phosphate (Man6P) residues represent a recognition signal required for efficient receptor-dependent transport of soluble lysosomal proteins to lysosomes. Upon arrival, the proteins are rapidly dephosphorylated. We used mice deficient for the lysosomal acid phosphatase Acp2 or Acp5 or lacking both phosphatases (Acp2/Acp5(-/-)) to examine their role in dephosphorylation of Man6P-containing proteins. Two-dimensional (2D) Man6P immunoblot analyses of tyloxapol-purified lysosomal fractions revealed an important role of Acp5 acting in concert with Acp2 for complete dephosphorylation of lysosomal proteins. The most abundant lysosomal substrates of Acp2 and Acp5 were identified by Man6P affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry. Depending on the presence of Acp2 or Acp5, the isoelectric point of the lysosomal cholesterol-binding protein Npc2 ranged between 7.0 and 5.4 and may thus regulate its interaction with negatively charged lysosomal membranes at acidic pH. Correspondingly, unesterified cholesterol was found to accumulate in lysosomes of cultured hepatocytes of Acp2/Acp5(-/-) mice. The data demonstrate that dephosphorylation of Man6P-containing lysosomal proteins requires the concerted action of Acp2 and Acp5 and is needed for hydrolysis and removal of degradation products.  相似文献   

Histochemical demonstration of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is used for the specific identification of osteoclasts. The enzyme, which we have shown to be critical for normal bone development in mice, is also characteristic of monohistiocytes, including alveolar macrophages, and is associated with diverse pathological conditions such as Gaucher's disease and hairy cell leukemia. TRAP activity is enhanced in serum when bone resorption is increased, and the activity is used routinely to monitor treatment responses in Gaucher's disease. We have lately shown widespread expression of the enzyme in murine tissues with particular reference to the skin, thymus, gut epithelia, and isolated dendritic cells, suggesting a possible role in immunity. To further clarify the significance of TRAP in human physiology, we have examined its distribution in non-skeletal human tissues and in CD34+ -derived human dendritic cells. TRAP mRNA determined by Northern blotting analysis was expressed abundantly in spleen, liver, colon, lung, small intestine, kidney, stomach, testis, placenta, lymph node, thymus, peripheral blood leukocyte, bone marrow, and fetal liver. Expression of TRAP protein was investigated by immunohistochemistry, with which the enzyme was identified in multiple tissues. Histochemical staining detected enzymatically active protein in spleen, lung, skin, colon, stomach, and ileum. Active TRAP was identified in CD34+ -derived immature dendritic cells and co-localized to intracellular CD63 positive organelles. When these cells were matured by induction with LPS, the TRAP activity increased fivefold and remained within the cell during the phase associated with CD63 surface expression. Our findings demonstrate widespread expression of TRAP in human tissues. Its abundant expression in epithelia and dendritic cells suggests a potential role in antigen processing and in immune responses.  相似文献   

Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is an enzyme highly expressed in osteoclasts (OC) and chondroclasts. As an approach to pinpoint the function of TRAP in bone-resorbing osteoclasts, the morphological phenotypic alterations of bone and osteoclasts in mice with targeted disruption of the TRAP gene were assessed by quantitative histomorphometry and immunocytochemistry at the light microscopic and ultrastructural levels. TRAP-deficient mice display alterations in the epiphyseal growth plates as evidenced by increased height with disorganized columns of chondrocytes, in particular affecting the zone of hypertrophic chondrocytes, consistent with a disturbance of chondrocyte maturation and chondroclastic resorption at the epiphyseal/metaphyseal junction. TRAP -/- mice express an early onset osteopetrotic bone phenotype, apparent already at 4 weeks of age. The differentiation of OCs was apparently normal; however, the osteoclasts in TRAP-deficient mice were less active in terms of degradation or release of the resorption marker C-terminal type I collagen cross-linked peptide, indicative of an intrinsic defect. Ultrastructural morphometry disclosed that OCs from TRAP-deficient young mice exhibited an increased relative area of ruffled borders. Moreover, mutant OC accumulated cytoplasmic vesicles 200-500 nm in size in both ruffled border and basolateral parts of the cytoplasm, reflecting disturbed intracellular transport. The accumulated vesicles were not likely derived from the secretory pathway, since cathepsin K was detected at normal levels in the ruffled border area and matrix in TRAP -/- mice. In summary, the resorptive defect in TRAP-deficient OCs is reflected by a disturbance at the level of ruffled borders and intracellular transport vesicles. Consequently, accumulation of vesicles in the cytoplasm of mutant OCs indicates a novel function for TRAP in modulating intracellular vesicular transport in osteoclasts.  相似文献   

Tartrate-resistant acid adenosine triphosphatase activity at pH 6.5, using a lead-salt method, was localized at light and electron microscopic levels in cartilage and bone matrices, osteoclasts, and chondroclasts. Cartilage matrix staining occurred after vascular invasion of the growth plate. In osteoclasts, activity was present in lysosomes, extracellular ruffled border channels, and the underlying cartilage and bone matrices. Staining artifacts occurred at lower pH levels (pH 5.4, 5.0). Adenosine diphosphate, p-nitrophenylphosphate, thiamine pyrophosphate, and alpha-naphthylphosphate also acted as substrates; but no activity was observed when adenosine monophosphate, adenylate-(beta, gamma-methylene) diphosphate, and beta-glycerophosphate were used. The activity was inhibited by NaF, dithionite, and a high concentration of p-chloromercuribenzoic acid, and activated by simultaneous addition of FeCl2 and ascorbic acid, as has been shown in biochemical studies. These histochemical results support the view that the adenosine triphosphate hydrolyzing activity at pH 6.5 is due to tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). There were some differences in ultrastructural localization between TRAP and tartrate-sensitive acid phosphatase (TSAP) activities in osteoclasts: TSAP activity was more intense in lysosomes and Golgi complexes and TRAP was stronger in the cartilage and bone matrices. It is suggested, therefore, that most of TRAP is in an inactive form in cells and is activated when secreted.  相似文献   

Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) is a cytochemical marker for hairy cell leukemia, macrophages, dendritic cells, and osteoclasts. Our purpose was to develop multicolor cytofluorometric methods to evaluate intracellular TRACP enzymic activity using a fluorogenic cytochemical reaction in combination with immunochemical stains for distinct surface membrane antigens. Monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) were the model TRACP-expressing cells studied. Intracellular TRACP activity was disclosed using naphthol-ASBI phosphate as substrate with fast red-violet LB salt as coupler for the reaction product. Before the TRACP enzymic reaction, surface antigens, CD86 and CD11c of DCs, were bound with specific fluorescent antibodies to test compatibility of surface labeling and intracellular staining. TRACP activity varied in DCs from donor to donor but was reproducible on repeated examinations of each sample. Samples could be stained for simultaneous analysis of surface antigens and intracellular TRACP activity, provided certain technical details were observed. The TRACP reaction time should not exceed 9 min and the cell number should not exceed 2 x 10(5)/100 micro l test. Fluorescent surface labels did not affect the intensity of the TRACP stain, but the intensity of some surface labels may be diminished by elution of low-affinity antibodies during the TRACP reaction. Readjustment of the threshold settings in triple-labeled cells is needed to compensate for this phenomenon. Intracellular TRACP activity can be quantitated in subpopulations of cells within mixed cell populations by flow cytofluorometry using simple cytochemical methods in combination with fluorescent antibodies to cell-surface and other differentiation antigens. The cytochemical method should be useful for basic investigations of differentiation, maturation, and function of macrophages, DCs, and osteoclasts, and for diagnosis and management of hairy cell leukemia.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to develop a specific method for the separation of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) derived exclusively from osteoclasts. Heparin column-bound TRAP in human serum was separated into three peaks of TRAP activity when eluted with a linear gradient of sodium chloride. The last peak corresponded to TRAP 5b which was first named according to its electrophoretic mobility [Clin. Chem. 24 (1978) 309] and was considered to be derived from osteoclasts [J. Bone Miner. Res. 13 (1998) 683]. The second peak was found to be TRAP 5a. The height of the last peak varied from age to age.  相似文献   

Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) was shown to be critical for skeleton development, and TRAP deficiency leads to a reduced resorptive activity during endochondral ossification resulting in an osteopetrotic phenotype and shortened long bones in adult mice. A proper longitudinal growth depends on a timely, well-coordinated vascularization and formation of the secondary ossification center (SOC) of the long bones epiphysis. Our results demonstrate that TRAP is not essential for the formation of the epiphyseal vascular network. Therefore, in wild type (Wt) controls as well as TRAP deficient (TRAP(-/-)) mutants vascularised cartilage canals are present from postnatal day (P) five. However, in the epiphysis of the TRAP(-/-) mice cartilage mineralization, formation of the marrow cavity and the SOC occur prematurely compared with the controls. In the mutant mice the entire growth plate is widened due to an expansion of the hypertrophic zone. This is not seen in younger animals but first detected at week (W) three and during further development. Moreover, an enhanced number of thickened trabeculae, indicative of the osteopetrotic phenotype, are observed in the metaphysis beginning with W three. Epiphyseal excavation was proposed as an important function of TRAP, and we examined whether TRAP deficiency affects this process. We therefore evaluated the marrow cavity volume (MCV) and the epiphyseal volume (EV) and computed the MCV to EV ratio (MCV/EV). We investigated developmental stages until W 12. Our results indicate that both epiphyseal excavation and establishment of the SOC are hardly impaired in the knockouts. Furthermore, no differences in the morphology of the epiphyseal bone trabeculae and remodeling of the articular cartilage layers are noted between Wt and TRAP(-/-) mice. We conclude that in long bones, TRAP is critical for the development of the growth plate and the metaphysis but apparently not for the epiphyseal vascularization, excavation, and establishment of the SOC.  相似文献   

We report the localization of the gene for the human type 5, tartrate-resistant, iron-containing acid phosphatase isoenzyme (HGM designation ACP5) to chromosome 15 (15q22-q26) using the technique of in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. We have localized this gene using peripheral blood chromosomes obtained from both a normal male and an individual carrying an unbalanced translocation involving chromosome 15 [45,XY,-15,-18,+der(18)-t(15;18)(q13;p11)]. In addition, we have demonstrated the utility of employing a standard fluorescent staining technique (distamycin/DAPI) to an emulsion-coated, Wright-stained, and destained chromosome preparation.  相似文献   

According to the new KDIGO (Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes) guidelines, the term of renal osteodystrophy, should be used exclusively in reference to the invasive diagnosis of bone abnormalities. Due to the low sensitivity and specificity of biochemical serum markers of bone remodelling,the performance of bone biopsies is highly stimulated in dialysis patients and after kidney transplantation. The tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) is an iso-enzyme of the group of acid phosphatases, which is highly expressed by activated osteoclasts and macrophages. TRACP in osteoclasts is in intracytoplasmic vesicles that transport the products of bone matrix degradation. Being present in activated osteoclasts, the identification of this enzyme by histochemistry in undecalcified bone biopsies is an excellent method to quantify the resorption of bone. Since it is an enzymatic histochemical method for a thermolabile enzyme, the temperature at which it is performed is particularly relevant. This study aimed to determine the optimal temperature for identification of TRACP in activated osteoclasts in undecalcified bone biopsies embedded in methylmethacrylate. We selected 10 cases of undecalcified bone biopsies from hemodialysis patients with the diagnosis of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Sections of 5 μm were stained to identify TRACP at different incubation temperatures (37º, 45º, 60º, 70º and 80ºC) for 30 minutes. Activated osteoclasts stained red and trabecular bone (mineralized bone) was contrasted with toluidine blue. This approach also increased the visibility of the trabecular bone resorption areas (Howship lacunae). Unlike what is suggested in the literature and in several international protocols, we found that the best results were obtained with temperatures between 60ºC and 70ºC. For technical reasons and according to the results of the present study, we recommended that, for an incubation time of 30 minutes, the reaction should be carried out at 60ºC. As active osteoclasts are usually scarce in a bone section, the standardization of the histochemistry method is of great relevance, to optimize the identification of these cells and increase the accuracy of the histomosphometric results. Our results, allowing an increase in osteoclasts contrast, also support the use of semi-automatic histomorphometric measurements.  相似文献   

Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is expressed by osteoclasts, macrophages and dendritic cells. TRAP has been identified in a wide variety of tissues, however, its biological function is not fully understood. Serum TRAP is a marker of diseases involving excessive bone resorption including metastatic bone disease in breast cancer patients and can be used to monitor responses to treatment. Our aim in this study was to determine whether TRAP is expressed by human breast tumours. Four breast cancer cell lines were assayed for TRAP activity. MDA-MB-435, the most tumourigenic line, had an activity twofold higher than the other cell lines. Immunohistochemistry using a TRAP specific antibody confirmed that both cell lines and human breast tumours express TRAP. Expression was absent in benign tissues and abundant in more aggressive tumours. This work suggests that tumour derived TRAP contributes to the raised enzyme activity found in the serum of breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

There have been dramatic advances recently in our understanding of the regulation of osteoclastic differentiation. However, much less is known of the mechanisms responsible for the induction and modulation of resorptive behavior. We have developed a strategy whereby osteoclasts can be generated in vitro and released into suspension in a fully-functional state. We now exploit this approach to show that tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is released by osteoclasts during bone resorption. TRAP release was inhibited by the secretion-inhibitor Brefeldin A, and was not accompanied by LDH release. This suggests that TRAP release is due to secretion, rather than cell death. Consistent with this, TRAP secretion was stimulated by resorbogenic cytokines, was inhibited by the resorption-inhibitor calcitonin, and correlated with excavation of the bone surface. We found that, in contrast to incubation on bone, incubation on plastic, glass, or vitronectin-coated plastic substrates did not induce secretion of TRAP. This suggests that the induction of resorptive behavior in osteoclasts depends upon stimulation by bone matrix of a putative osteoclastic "mineral receptor." Release of TRAP by osteoclasts thus represents not only a productive approach to the analysis of the mechanisms that modulate the rate of resorptive activity, but also a system whereby the mechanism through which bone substrates induce resorptive behavior can be identified.  相似文献   

Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase is one of the major enzymes produced and secreted by osteoclasts. To obtain sufficient enzyme for biochemical characterization, we have purified this enzyme from human osteoclastomas by sequential chromatography on SP-Sephadex, CM-Sephadex, hydroxylapatite, Sephadex G-150 and concanavalin A-Sepharose. The purification over the original tumour extract was about 2000-fold, with a yield of 10%. The enzyme appeared to be homogeneous when assessed by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Both gel filtration and SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis indicated an Mr of about 30,000. The reduced and alkylated enzyme consists of two subunits with Mrs of 15,000 and 17,500. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of both subunits indicates that there is a high degree of identity between the osteoclastoma enzyme and similar enzymes purified from spleen and uterus. Using 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate as substrate, the specific activity of the purified enzyme was 387 units.mg-1, and the Km was 284 microns. The pH optimum was 5.7. Unlike similar enzymes purified from human and bovine bone, osteoclastoma acid phosphatase is not activated by reducing agents (2-mercaptoethanol or ascorbic acid). The enzyme contains 4.8 mol of Fe2+/3+, 0.3 mol of Mn2+ and 1.7 mol of Mg2+ per mol of enzyme. Although the enzyme loses 50% of its activity in the presence of EDTA, it is not inhibited by the iron chelator 1,10-phenanthroline. However, the enzyme is activated to a small extent by Mn2+ and Mg2+. Using a variety of substrates and inhibitors, we demonstrate that there are differences between the osteoclastoma acid phosphatase and the enzyme purified from other sources.  相似文献   

Morphologically macrophage-like cells were cloned from hamster bone marrow cells by coculturing bone marrow cells with hamster chondrocytes. One of the clones (CCP-2) was characterized in the present study. CCP-2 cells were positive in an osteoclast marker enzyme, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and non-specific esterase (NSE). We showed CCP-2 cells degraded cartilage matrix and hydroxyapatite coated on Osteologic disks. A gelatinase secreted from CCP-2 cells was observed and purified from serum-free conditioned medium of the cells. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of the purified enzyme revealed it was matrix metalloproteinase-9. However, CCP-2 cells failed to express calcitonin receptors, a mature osteoclast marker, even after coculture with osteoblast ST2 cells in the presence of 1alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1alpha, 25-(OH)2D3]. The cells showed high affinity to types X and I but not to type II collagen. In addition, histochemical studies have shown the presence of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase double positive cells at the secondary ossification site of the hamster humerus. From these observations, we concluded that CCP-2 cells are similar to osteoclast but not the same. CCP-2 cells are therefore important tools for investigating chondroclastogenesis/osteoclastogenesis and endochondral ossification.  相似文献   

BHK cells expressing human lysosomal acid phosphatase (LAP) transport LAP to lysosomes as an integral membrane protein. In lysosomes LAP is released from the membrane by proteolytic processing, which involves at least two cleavages at the C terminus of LAP. The first cleavage is catalysed by a thiol proteinase at the outside of the lysosomal membrane and removes the bulk of the cytoplasmic tail of LAP. The second cleavage is catalysed by an aspartyl proteinase inside the lysosomes and releases the luminal part of LAP from the membrane-spanning domain. The first cleavage at the cytoplasmic side of the lysosomal membrane depends on acidification of lysosomes and the second cleavage inside the lysosomes depends on prior processing of the cytoplasmic tail. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic tail controls the conformation of the luminal portion of LAP and vice versa.  相似文献   

Summary Apl, a gene involved in the processing of lysosomal acid phosphatase in mouse liver, has been mapped on Chromosome 17. The gene order and map distances in per cent recombination of the loci studied are T (20.6±3.4) Pgk-2 (7.4±2.2) Apl. Thus, Apl is at least 7 cM distal to H-2 on this chromosome. In addition, strain-specific allelic variants for Apl have been demonstrated on cellulose acetate gels, a quick and inexpensive method of electrophoresis.This work was supported by Contract NO1-ES42159 with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Grant 1–476 from the National Foundation, March of Dimes, and Grant GM 20919 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. The Jackson Laboratory is fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care  相似文献   

Osteoclasts and macrophages express high amounts of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP), an enzyme with unknown biological function. TRACP contains a disulfide bond, a protease-sensitive loop peptide, and a redox-active iron that can catalyze formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We studied the effects of proteolytic cleavage by trypsin, reduction of the disulfide bond by beta-mercaptoethanol, and reduction of the redox-active iron by ascorbate on the phosphatase and ROS-generating activity of baculovirus-generated recombinant human TRACP. Ascorbate alone and trypsin in combination with beta-mercaptoethanol increased k(cat)/K(m) of the phosphatase activity seven- to ninefold. The pH-optimum was changed from 5.4-5.6 to 6.2-6.4 by ascorbate and trypsin cleavage. Trypsin cleavage increased k(cat)/K(m) of the ROS-generating activity 2.5-fold without affecting the pH-optimum (7.0). These results suggest that the protease-sensitive loop peptide, redox-active iron, and disulfide bond are important regulatory sites in TRACP, and that the phosphatase and ROS-generating activity are performed with different reaction mechanisms.  相似文献   

Albarran-Zeckler RG  Sun Y  Smith RG 《Peptides》2011,32(11):2229-2235
Ghrelin is a hormone made in the stomach and known primarily for its growth hormone releasing and orexigenic properties. Nevertheless, ghrelin through its receptor, the GHS-R1a, has been shown to exert many roles including regulation of glucose homeostasis, memory & learning, food addiction and neuroprotection. Furthermore, ghrelin could promote overall health and longevity by acting directly in the immune system and promoting an extended antigen repertoire. The development of mice lacking either ghrelin (ghrelin−/−) or its receptor (ghsr−/−) have provided a valuable tool for determining the relevance of ghrelin and its receptor in these multiple and diverse roles. In this review, we summarize the most important findings and lessons learned from the ghrelin−/− and ghsr−/− mice.  相似文献   

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