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The effect of dolichol C95 on the structure and thermotropic phase behaviour of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine and stearoyloleoylphosphatidylethanolamine has been examined by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. The presence of dolichol C95 had no detectible effects on the temperature of either the gel to ripple or the ripple to liquid-crystal phase transition of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. A proportionate increase of a few degrees in the temperature of the gel to lamellar liquid-crystal phase transition is observed in dispersions of dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine and significantly there is a decrease in the temperature of the lamellar to non-lamellar phase transition of stearoyloleoylphosphatidylethanolamine. There was no significant change in the bilayer repeat spacing of all three mixed dispersions in gel phase in the presence of up to 20 mol% dolichol C95. Electron density calculations showed that there was no change of bilayer thickness of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine with incorporation of up to 7.5 mol% dolichol C95. These data suggest that effect of dolichol on the phospholipid model membranes depend on both the head group and the hydrocarbon chains of the phospholipid molecules. The presence of dolichol in phosphatidylcholine bilayers conforms to a model in which the polyisoprene compound is phase separated into a central domain sandwiched between the two monolayers in gel phase. In bilayers of phosphatidylethanolamines dolichol tends to stabilize the bilayers in gel phase at low temperatures and destabilize the bilayers in lamellar disordered structure at high temperatures. Non-lamellar structures coexist with lamellar disordered phase over a wide temperature range suggesting that dolichol is enriched in domains of non-lamellar structure and depleted from lamellar phase. These findings are useful to understand the function of dolichol in cell membranes.  相似文献   

A variety of proteins have been studied for their ability to interact and alter the thermotropic properties of phospholipid bilayer membranes as detected by differential scanning calorimeter. The proteins studied included: basic myelin protein (A1 protein), cytochrome c, major apoprotein of myelin proteolipid (N-2 apoprotein), gramicidin A, polylysine, ribonuclease and hemoglobin. The lipids used for the interactions were dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol. The interactions were grouped in three categories each having very different effects on the phospholipid phase transition from solid to liquid crystalline. The calorimetric studies were also correlated with data from vesicle permeability and monolayer expansion.Ribonuclease and polylysine which exemplify group 1 interactions, show strong dependence on electrostatic binding. Their effects on lipid bilayers include an increase in the enthalpy of transition (ΔH) accompanied by either an increase or no change in the temperature of transition (Tc). In addition, they show minimal effects on vesicle permeability and monolayer expansion. It was concluded that these interactions represent simple surface binding of the protein on the lipid bilayer without penetration into the hydrocarbon region.Cytochrome c and Al protein, which exemplify group 2 interactions, also show a strong dependence on the presence of net negative charges on the lipid bilayers for their binding. In contrast to the first group, however, they induce a drastic decrease in both Tc and ΔH of the lipid phase transition. Furthermore, they induce a large increase in the permeability of vesicles and a substantial expansion in area of closely packed monolayers at the air-water interface. It was concluded that group 2 interactions represent surface binding followed by partial penetration and/or deformation of the bilayer.Group 3 interactions, shown by proteolipid apoprotein and gramicidin A, were primarily non-polar in character, not requiring electrostatic charges and not inhibited by salt and pH changes. They had no appreciable effect on the Tc but did induce a linear decrease in the magnitude of the ΔH, proportional to the percentage of protein by weight. Membranes containing 50% proteolipid protein still exhibited a thermotropic transition with a ΔH one half that of the pure lipid, and only a small diminution of the size of the cooperative unit. It was concluded that in this case the protein was embedded within the bilayer, associating with a limited number of molecules via non-polar interactions, while the rest of the bilayer was largely unperturbed.  相似文献   

Amantadine and tromantadine are agents used against influenza and herpes infections, respectively. Tromantadine raises the bilayer to hexagonal phase transition temperature of synthetic phosphatidylethanolamines and is less disruptive to phospholipid packing. Tromantadine acts similar to cyclosporin A, previously demonstrated to inhibit viral-induced cell-cell fusion. We suggest the balance between the hydrophobic and hydrophilic group sizes would allow tromantadine to prevent membrane fusion more than amantadine and thus inhibit infection by viruses such as Herpes, which fuse with the plasma membrane. Study of agents which stabilize the bilayer phase of membranes may lead to efficacious inhibitors of viral infections requiring cell fusion events.Abbreviations DEPE dielaidoyl phosphatidylethanolamine - POPE 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine - DMPC dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine - DSC differential scanning calorimetry - PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulphonic acid) - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - tromantadine N-1-adamantyl-N-[2-(dimethylamino)ethoxy]a(ethoxy]acetamide-hydrochloride - amantadine (1-adamantamine)-hydrochloride - HSV Herpes Simplex Virus  相似文献   

The importance of the surrounding lipid environment on the availability of glycolipid carbohydrate for ligand binding was demonstrated by studying the influence of phosphatidylcholine fatty acid chain length on binding of verotoxins (VT1 and VT2c) to their specific cell surface receptor, globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) in the presence of auxiliary lipids both in a microtitre plate surface bilayer film and in a liposome membrane model system. In the microtitre assay, both VT1 and VT2c binding to Gb3 was increased as a function of decreasing PC acyl chain length likely resulting in increased Gb3 exposure. In the liposome assay VT1 binding was similarly modulated, however the effect on VT2c binding was more complex and did not follow a simple function of increased carbohydrate exposure. Earlier work established that C22:1 and C18:1Gb3 fatty acid homologues were the preferred Gb3 receptor isoforms in the microtitre assay for VT1 and VT2c respectively. This selectivity was maintained in C16PC containing liposomes, but in C14PC liposomes, binding to C22:1Gb3 (but not C18:1Gb3) was elevated such that this Gb3 species now became the preferred receptor for both toxins. This change in verotoxin/Gb3 homologue binding selectivity in the presence of C14PC did not occur in the microtitre bilayer format. These results are consistent with our proposal that these toxins recognize different epitopes on the Gb3 oligosaccharide. We infer that relative availability of these epitopes for toxin binding in an artificial bilayer is influenced not only by the exposure due to the discrepancy between the fatty acyl chain lengths of Gb3 and PC, but by the physical mode of presentation of the bilayer structure. Such acyl chain length differences have a more marked effect in a supported bilayer film whereas only the largest discrepancies affect Gb3 receptor function in liposomes. The basis of phospholipid modulation of glycolipid carbohydrate accessibility for receptor function is likely complex and will involve phase separation, gel/liquid crystalline transition, packing and lateral mobility within the bilayer, suggesting that such parameters should be considered in the assessment of glycolipid receptor function in cells.  相似文献   

Calcitonin, a peptide hormone associated with medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, has the potential to form amyloid fibrils and may be a valuable model for investigating the role of peptide-membrane interactions in beta-sheet and amyloid formation. Via a new model peptide system, bovine calcitonin, we found that the exposure of peptide to phospholipid membranes altered its structure relative to the structures formed in aqueous solutions. Of particular relevance to the amyloidoses, incubation of calcitonin with cholesterol-rich and ganglioside-containing membranes resulted in significant enrichment in the beta-sheet and amyloid content of the peptide. The formation of amyloid was also accelerated in these systems. A correlation between the phospholipid-induced structural alterations and calcitonin binding affinities to phospholipid membranes was evident. Bovine calcitonin has considerably higher binding affinity for the phospholipid systems that enhanced its beta-sheet and amyloid structure. Electrostatic forces were not the governing forces behind the observed behavior, as supported by the fact that the ionic strength did not affect the peptide structures or binding affinities. A Van't Hoff analysis of the temperature-dependent peptide binding affinities indicated that binding led to an increase in enthalpy and possibly an increase in entropy of the peptide-membrane systems. Experiments with other amyloid-forming peptides such as beta-amyloid of Alzheimer's disease have also shown similar results and may indicate the need to manipulate peptide-membrane interactions in order to control amyloid formation and its associated disease.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to analyze the thermotropic phase behavior of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers in the presence of pentanol isomers. The concentration of each pentanol isomer needed to induce the interdigitated phase was determined by the appearance of a biphasic effect in the main transition temperatures, the onset of a hysteresis associated with the main transition from the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase, and the disappearance of the pretransition. Lower threshold concentrations were found to correlate with isomers of greater alkyl chain length while branching of the alkyl chain was found to increase biphasic behavior. The addition of a methyl group to butanol systems drastically decreased threshold concentrations. However, as demonstrated in the DPPC/neopentanol system, branching of the alkyl chain away from the -OH group lowers the threshold concentration while maintaining a biphasic effect.  相似文献   

Lipid phase behavior and stabilization of domains in membranes of platelets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lipid domains are acquiring increasing importance in our understanding of the regulation of several key functions in living cells. We present here a discussion of the physical mechanisms driving the phase separation of membrane lipid components that make up these domains, including phase behavior of the lipids and the role of cholesterol. In addition, we discuss phenomena that regulate domain geometry and dimensions. We present evidence that these mechanisms apply to the regulation of domains in intact cells. For example, the observation that physiologically functional microdomains present at 37°C aggregate into macrodomains in human blood platelets when they are chilled below membrane lipid phase transition temperatures is predictable from the known behavior of the constituent lipids in vitro. Finally, we show that the principles developed from studies on these lipids in model systems can be used to develop techniques to stabilize the physiological, resting microdomain structure of platelets during freeze-drying. These latter findings have immediate applications in clinical medicine for the development of methods for storing platelets for therapeutic use.  相似文献   

Triclosan is a hydrophobic antibacterial agent used in dermatological preparations and oral hygiene products. Although the molecular mechanism of action of this molecule has been attributed to inhibition of fatty acid biosynthesis, earlier work in our laboratories strongly suggested that the antibacterial action of Triclosan is mediated at least partly through its membranotropic effects. In order to assess its location in phospholipid membranes, high-resolution magic-angle spinning natural abundance 13C NMR of Triclosan embedded within egg yolk lecithin model membranes has been used to obtain 13C spin–lattice relaxation times for both Triclosan and lecithin carbon atoms in the presence of Gd3+ ions. The results indicate that Triclosan is localized in the upper region of the phospholipid membrane, its hydroxyl group residing in the vicinity of the C=O/C2 carbon atoms of the acyl chain of the phospholipid, and the rest of the Triclosan molecule is probably aligned in a nearly perpendicular orientation with respect to the phospholipid molecule. Intercalation of Triclosan into bacterial cell membranes likely compromises the functional integrity of those membranes, thereby accounting for at least some of this compounds antibacterial effects.Abbreviations COLOC correlation by long-range coupling - EYL egg yolk lecithin - HETCOR heteronuclear chemical-shift correlation - MAS magic-angle spinning - MLV multilamellar vesicles  相似文献   

The phase transition in multilamellar dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles was studied during exposure to continuous wave 1.0-GHz microwave radiation. Fluorescence depolarization measurements using a lipid-seeking molecular probe, diphenylhexatriene (DPH). were performed as a function of temperature. Semilog plots of microviscosity versus temperature illustrate the phase transition which shows a 5°C shift when the vesicles are treated with chloroform as a positive control. No shift of the phase transition was found during exposure to microwave radiation at specific absorption rates between 1 and 30 W/kg. Samples were exposed in a rectangular transmission line (TEM cell), and specific absorption rates were calculated from electrical measurements of incident, reflected, and transmitted power. Samples were exposed to increasing intensities of radiation, while the temperature was maintained at either 23.5 or 25.5 °C; these temperatures represented the two ends of the phase transition region for these vesicles. No statistically significant difference was found between exposed and control samples. These results are in contrast to those of others using laser Raman spectroscopy to measure the phase transition in similar multilamellar vesicles exposed to microwave radiation.  相似文献   

In previous studies on the causes of imbibitional leakage in dry polien we have presented data which suggest that the leakage is due to a gel to liquid crystalline phase transition in membrane phospholipids during the rehydration event. In the present study we greatly extend and confirm those results. A supplemented phase diagram for the hydration dependent transition temperature of membrane phospholipids in pollen is presented. In pollen containing > 0.05 g H2O g−1 dry weight at the time of imbibition, this phase diagram for the phospholipids precisely predicts the conditions for rehydration under which germination is maximal and leakage is minimal. However, in extremely dry pollen, containing < 0.05 g H2O g−1 dry weight the predictive value of the phase diagram for phospholipids in the pollen is not in agreement with data for germination and leakage. Thus, an alternative explanation must be sought for leakage in these circumstances. We examined the available evidence and suggest here that a modified form of the non-bilayer phase hypothesis proposed by Simon (1974) may apply in the specialized case of extremely dry cells.  相似文献   

J D Pilot  J M East  A G Lee 《Biochemistry》2001,40(49):14891-14897
Diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) of Escherichia coli has been reconstituted into a variety of phospholipid bilayers and its activity determined as a function of lipid headgroup structure and phase preference. The anionic phospholipids dioleoylphosphatidic acid, dioleoylphosphatidylserine, and cardiolipin were all found to support activities lower than that supported by dioleoylphosphatidylcholine. In mixtures of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine and 20 mol % anionic phospholipids, the presence of anionic phospholipids all resulted in lower activities than in dioleoylphosphatidylcholine, except for dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol whose presence had little effect on activity. In some cases, the low activity in the presence of anionic phospholipid followed from a decrease in v(max); in some cases, it followed from an increase in the K(m) for diacylglycerol, and in the case of dioleoylphosphatidic acid, it followed from both. Activities in mixtures containing 80 mol % dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine were lower than in dioleoylphosphatidylcholine at temperatures where both lipids adopted a bilayer phase; at higher temperatures where dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine preferred a hexagonal H(II) phase, the differences in activity were greater. These experiments suggest that the presence of lipids preferring a hexagonal H(II) phase leads to low activities. Activities of DGK are low in a gel phase lipid.  相似文献   

A variety of proteins have been studied for their ability to interact and alter the thermotropic properties of phospholipid bilayer membranes as detected by differential scanning calorimeter. The proteins studied included: basic myelin protein (A1 protein), cytochrome c, major apoprotein of myelin proteolipid (N-2 apoprotein), gramicidin A, polylysine, ribonuclease and hemoglobin. The lipids used for the interactions were dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol. The interactions were grouped in three catagories each having very different effects on the phospholipid phase transition from solid to liquid crystalline. The calorimetric studies were also correlated with data from vesicle permeability and monolayer expansion. Ribonuclease and polylysine which exemplify group 1 interactions, show strong dependence on electrostatic binding. Their effects on lipid bilayers include an increase in the enthalpy of transition (deltaH) accompanied by either an increase or no change in the temperature of transition (Tc). In addition, they show minimal effects on vesicle permeability and monolayer expansion. It was concluded that these interactions represent simple surface binding of the protein on the lipid bilayer without penetration into the hydrocarbon region. Cytochrome c and A1 protein, which exemplify group 2 interactions, also show a strong dependence on the presence of net negative charges on the lipid bilayers for their binding. In contrast to the first group, however, they induce a drastic decrease in both Tc and deltaH of the lipid phase transition. Furthermore, they induce a large increase in the permeability of vesicles and a substantial expansion in area of closely packed monolayers at the air-water interface. It was concluded that group 2 interactions represent surface binding followed by partial penetration and/or deformation of the bilayer. Group 3 interactions, shown by proteolipid apoprotein and gramicidin A, were primarily non-polar in character, not requiring electrostatic charges and not inhibited by salt and pH changes. They had no appreciable effect on the Tc but did induce a linear decrease in the magnitude of the deltaH, proportional to the percentage of protein by weight. Membranes containing 50% proteolipid protein still exhibited a thermotropic transition with a deltaH one half that of the pure lipid, and only a small diminution of the size of the cooperative unit. It was concluded that in this case the protein was embedded within the bilayer, associating with a limited number of molecules via non-polar interactions, while the rest of the bilayer was largely unperturbed.  相似文献   

The dielectric dispersion in the MHz range of the zwitterionic dipolar phosphocholine head groups has been measured from 0–70°C for various mixtures of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) and cholesterol. The abrupt change in the derived relaxation frequency f2 observed for pure DPPC at the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition at 42°C reduces to a more gradual increase of frequency with temperature as the cholesterol content is increased. In general the presence of cholesterol increases the DPPC head group mobility due to its spacing effect. Below 42°C no sudden changes in f2 are found at 20 or 33 mol% cholesterol, where phase boundaries have been suggested from other methods. Above 42°C, however, a decrease in f2 at cholesterol contents up to 20–30 mol% is found. This is thought to be partly due to an additional restricting effect of the cholesterol on the number of hydrocarbon chain conformations and consequently on the area occupied by the DPPC molecules.  相似文献   

Our study was aimed to investigate the significance of the isoprenoid side chain size as well as redox state of the quinone ring for interaction of two main classes of prenylquinones: plastoquinones (PQ) and ubiquinones (UQ) with lipid bilayers. By use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) we have followed the thermotropic behaviour of multilamellar vesicles prepared from dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) upon incorporation of increasing amount (1.3-12 mol%) of quinone (quinol) molecules. Our studies reveal that as the side chain is shorter (from 9 to 2 isoprenoid units) the height of the calorimetric profiles is reduced and the temperature of the main transition of DPPC (T(m)) decreases (T(m)=39.4 degrees C for a sample with 12 mol% of PQ-2), and then increases up to 39.8 degrees C for PQ-1. For the samples containing quinols the effect is more pronounced even at lower concentration. The greater influence of the added prenylquinones on the pretransition demonstrates a stronger distortion of the DPPC packing in the gel state. It seems that this is the isoprenoid side chain length rather than the redox state of prenylquinones that determines their effectiveness in perturbation of thermotropic properties of lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The phase behavior of the main classes of polar lipids found in the photosynthetic membranes of higher plants and algae is reviewed and compared to that of binary lipid mixtures and total lipid extracts of such membranes. Particular interest is paid to the way in which factors such as temperature and acyl chain saturation influence the phase behavior of these lipids and the implications this has in terms of the ability of photosynthetic membranes to resist environmental stress.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of 1-alkanols upon the main phase-transition temperature of phospholipid vesicle membranes between gel and liquid-crystalline phases was not a simple monotonic function of alkanol concentration. For instance, 1-decanol decreased the transition temperature at low concentrations, but increased it at high concentrations, displaying a minimal temperature. This concentration-induced biphasic effect cannot be explained by the van't Hoff model on the effect of impurities upon the freezing point. To explain this nonlinear response, a theory is presented which treats the effect of 1-alkanols (or any additives) on the transition temperature of phospholipid membranes in a three-component mixture. By fitting the experimental data to the theory, the enthalpy of the phase transition H * and the interaction energy, AB * between the additive and phospholipid molecules may be estimated. The theory predicts that when AB * >2 (where AB * = AB,/RT o,T o being the transition temperature of phospholipid), both maximum and maximum transition temperatures should exist. When AB * = 2, only one inflection point exists. When AB * < 2, neither maximum nor minimum exists. The alkanol concentration at which the transition temperature is minimum (X min) depends on the AB * value: the larger the AB * values, the smaller theX min. When AB * is large enough,X min values become so small that the plot T vs.X shows positive T in almost all alkanol concentrations. The interaction energy between 1-alkanols and phospholipid molecules increased with the increase in the carbon chain-length of 1-alkanols. In the case of the dipalmitcylphosphatidylcholine vesicle membrane, the carbon chain-length of 1-alkanols that caused predominantly positive T was about 12.  相似文献   

Virus replication inhibitory peptide (carbobenzoxy-D-Phe-L-PheGly) was shown to be a potent specific inhibitor of the replication of paramyxovirus and myxovirus (Richardson, Scheid and Choppin (1980), Virology105, 205–222). This peptide inhibits the membrane fusing activity of a viral glycoprotein.Many agents which promote the formation of the hexagonal phase in membranes also accelerate membrane fusion. At a mole fraction of 0.1, viral replication inhibitory peptide can raise the bilayer to hexagonal phase transition temperature of dielaidoylphosphatidylethanolamine by almost 10°. Two related peptides, carbobenzoxy-L-PheGly and carbobenzoxy-L-GlyPhe, are less potent in raising the bilayer to hexagonal phase transition temperature, with the latter peptide being the least effective of the three. This order of potency is the same as the order of potency in inhibiting viral replication. Substances which inhibit hexagonal phase formation of pure lipids may also inhibit membrane fusion.Abbreviations DEPE dielaidoylphosphatidyethanolamine - Z carbobenzoxy - DSC differential scanning calorimetry - VRIP virus replication inhibitory peptide (Z-D-Phe-L-PheGly)  相似文献   

The thermotropic behaviour of fatty acid-homogeneous membranes of Acholeplasma laidlawii B was investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The organism was grown at 37°C in the presence of avidin, an inhibitor of fatty acid synthesis, in a medium supplemented with pentadecanoic acid-d29; the enrichment of the membranes with this fatty acid was 95%. The temperature-dependent phase behaviour of the membranes was studied via the C–D stretching vibrational modes of the membrane lipids and was compared with that of the lipid extract. The high level of fatty acid homogeneity results in a sharp (for natural membranes) gel to liquid crystalline phase transition. The transition, in both the membranes and extracted lipids, is centered at about 6°C above the growth temperature. During the transition two principal liquid states are evident, one being more conformationally ordered than the other. The effect of proteins on the principal lipid phase transition is minimal. However, in the intact membranes there is evident a weaker, lower temperature transition, which is not evident in the extracted lipids.  相似文献   

To characterize the specificity of ion binding to phospholipids in terms of headgroup structure, hydration and lyotropic phase behavior we studied 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine as a function of relative humidity (RH) at 25 degrees C in the presence and absence of Li+, Na+, K+, Be2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ ions by means of infrared (IR) spectroscopy. All divalent cations and Li+ shift the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition towards bigger RH values indicating stabilization of the gel state. The observed shift correlates in a linearly fashion with the electrostatic solvation free energy for most of the ions in water that in turn, is inversely related to the ionic radius. This interesting result was interpreted in terms of the excess chemical potential of mixing of hydrated ions and lipids. Calcium, zinc and partially lithium, cause a positive deviation from the linear relationship. IR spectral analysis shows that the carbonyl groups become more accessible to the water in the presence of Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ probably because of their involvement into the hydration shell of the ions. In contrast, Be2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ dehydrate the carbonyl groups at small and medium RH. The ability of the lipid to take up water is distinctly reduced in the presence of Zn2+ and, partially, of Cu2+ meaning that the headgroups have become less hydrophilic. The binding mode of Be2+ to lipid headgroups involves hydrolyzed water. Polarized IR spectra show that complex formation of the phosphate groups with divalent ions gives rise to conformational changes and immobilization of the headgroups. The results are discussed in terms of the lyotropic Hofmeister series and of fusogenic activity of the ionic species.  相似文献   

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