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Peridiniopsis polonicum (Wolosz.) Bourrelly requires vitamin B12, and Peridinium limbatum (Stokes) Lemm. requires thiamin for growth. Unlike marine Peridinium species, Peridinium willei Huit.-Kaas, P. volzii Lemm., and P. inconspicuum Lemm. do not display auxotrophy. Peridinium volzii is strongly inhibited by concentrations of biotin above 1 μg L?1.  相似文献   

A technique is presented to stain, squash, and enumerate thecate dinoflagellate chromosomes using a cellulose incubation and propionocarmine stain. Chromosome numbers for six freshwater armored dinoflagellates (Peridinium cinctum (O.F.M.) Ehrenberg, P. inconspicuum Lemm., P. limbatum (Stokes) Lemm., P. volzii Lemm., P. willei Huit.-Kaas, and Peridiniopsis polonicum (Wolosz.) Bourrelly) range from 41 (P. inconspicuum) to 210 (P. cinctum). Evidence is presented for dinoflagellate aneuploidy in culture.  相似文献   

下辽河西部坳陷锦128井藻类生物标志物(分子化石)的研究*   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
本文描述了松辽盆地早白垩世沙河子组一登娄库组(别里亚士期—阿普第早期)淡水角藻类沟鞭藻囊孢4属、5新种和2个未定种,并对拟蝙蝠藻属(Vesperopsis Bint, 1986)进行了修订。  相似文献   

This study indicates that bilaterally flattened, armored, benthic dinoflagellates are more diverse in morphology than previously known. A new species, Plagiodinium belizeanum Faust et Balech gen. et. sp. nov., is described in floating detritus from Twin Cays, Belize, mangrove habitats. Plagiodinium belizeanum cells are small, with dimensions of 26.5–30.5 μm in length, 20–24.5 μm in width, and 6.5–8.5 μm in depth. Cells are oblong and bilaterally compressed with a posteriorly located, spherical nucleus, many chloroplasts, and spherical starch granules. The epitheca descends ventrally, is cap-shaped, and is composed of five plates and a very small platelet provisionally named P0 situated in the center. The epitheca is narrowly oval in apical view with a pointed truncated ventral side and a rounded dorsal side. The cingulum is composed of five plates. The hypotheca is constructed of five posteriorly elongated postcingular plates and one antapical plate. The sulcus is very short and narrow, comprised of five very small plates. The thecal plate arrangement of P. belizeanum is P0, 5′, O″, 5C, 5″′, 1″″, 5S. No lists are present. Thecal plates have a smooth surface with small and irregularly scattered pores. The intercalary band is smooth on outer cell surface and broadly striated on its inner surface. We conclude that P. belizeanum represents a new, benthic, peridinioid, armored genus, Plagiodinium gen. nov. The taxonomic position of P. belizeanum sp. nov. is compared to related sand-dwelling and bilaterally flattened benthic dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

The role of excystment in relation to seasonal succession was investigated in two freshwater dinoflagellates, Ceratium hirundinella (O.F. Müller) Dujardin and Peridinium aciculiferum (Lemmermann). Field studies and laboratory experiments were performed to determine which factors regulate the timing of cyst germination. Environmental factors (temperature, light, nutrients, and anoxia) and endogenous factors (maturation period and biological clock) were investigated. Our main results indicate that temperature and internal maturation period determine when germination can occur. C. hirundinella had a maturation period of 4.5 months and germinated in the laboratory and in the field at temperatures above 6° C. P. aciculiferum had a maturation period of 2.5 months and germinated in the laboratory and in the field at temperatures below 7° C. In addition, our results indicated that both species were regulated by a biological clock. Furthermore, anoxia prevented the germination of C. hirundinella, contrary to results in earlier studies. To conclude, we could explain the appearance in plankton of the two dinoflagellate species through two main factors regulating excystment, that is, temperature and maturation period.  相似文献   

对渤海藻类的新认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了对渤海藻类的新认识。主要指明其为由顶和前间系组成的( 3Ia 或 3I)联合古口的性质,腰凸的数量(2—4个)和分布(2个位腹面,0—2个位背面)及腰褶的次生性质。据此,讨论了该类在多甲藻亚目中的系统位置。除修订本亚科所属的老属、种外,本文还描述了该亚科的2个新种和3个新形态型。并在回顾世界上非海相沟鞭藻的历史、阐述渤海藻亚科在地层中的产出及共生分子的基础上,结合其他地质、古生物证据,探讨了本亚科的古生态及它为多甲藻亚目中一支向淡水环境迁侈的先祖的可能性。  相似文献   

Effects of temperature, irradiance, and nitrogen availability on the encystment and growth of the freshwater dinoflagellates Peridinium cinctum Ehrenberg and Peridinium willei Huitfeld-Kaas were studied in culture. Lack of nitrogen was the main trigger of encystment in both species. Irradiance had a secondary effect on the percentage of the population of each species that encysted. Temperature did not significantly affect encystment in either species. In both species, only a small percentage of the population underwent encystment. Low light had an inhibitory effect on the growth of P. willei growing in nitrogen-sufficient medium.  相似文献   

Information on the population structure of planktonic dinoflagellates is reported in the coral reef‐mangrove ecosystem at Pelican Cays, Belize. Six sites examined included: Cat Cay, Douglas Cay, Elbow Cay, Fisherman's Cay, Lagoon Cay and Manatee Cay. A spectacular and rich dinoflagellate taxa including oceanic, coastal and offshore species are illustrated. The presence of oceanic species in the studied cays is an unexpected observation since dinolfagellate assemblages are virtually enclosed within ponds bordered by coral ridges that limits water exchange with the open ocean except during storm events. I am also reporting significant differences in the dinoflagellate associations among the studied cays. Dominant taxa included 16 Proroperidinium species, 11 Gonyaulax species, and ten Ceratium species. Only six planktonic species were harmful. Bloom forming species included Ceratium furca and Gonyaulax polygramma. A much more diverse authotrophic and heterotrophic dinoflagellate population characterizes the Pelican Cays than previously suspected. Some species are reported the first time: Protoperidinium belizeanum sp. nov., P. pyrum Balech, P. steidingerae Balech, P. depressum (Bailey) Balech, and P. divergens (Ehrenberg) Balech. These results demonstrate that the Belizean coral reef‐mangrove ecosystem is a delicate and species‐rich environment, and as such, should be protected and preserved.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence is broadly distributed in marine dinoflagellates and has been intensively studied in Lingulodinium (Gonyaulax) polyedra. In this species, bioluminescence is regulated in a circadian fashion; the enzyme (luciferase) and the luciferin (substrate)‐binding protein are synthesized and degraded on a daily basis. Synthesis of both proteins is regulated at the level of translation. The L. polyedra luciferase gene is composed of three contiguous domains that are greater than 75% identical at the nucleic acid level. Possible explanations for the high degree of sequence conservation include: (1) the domains evolved through a recent duplication event; (2) the sequence similarity is maintained by a molecular process such as gene conversion; or (3) there is a functional role associated with the primary nucleic acid sequence, such as in the translational regulation of luciferase expression. The phylogenetic relationship of dinoflagellates predicted from 18S rDNA genes provides a framework for examining the molecular evolution of the regulation of luciferase expression and of genes encoding luciferase and the luciferin‐binding protein. In particular, we are examining the evolution of the circadian rhythm of bioluminescence and of luciferase abundance, the presence/absence of the luciferin‐binding protein, and the molecular structure of the luciferase gene. We anticipate that this approach will distinguish between regions of the luciferase molecule that are conserved for enzyme function versus those concerned with the regulation of protein expression. In addition, it will provide insight into the evolution of the regulatory processes and pathways.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the amphiesma during pellicle formation was investigated in two species of Dinophyceae, Amphidinium rhynchocephalum Anissimowa and Heterocapsa niei (Loeblich) Morrill & Loeblich using thin sections. In both species the amphiesma consists of an outermost membrane (i.e. the plasma membrane) underlain by amphiesmal vesicles. In A. rhynchocephalum the latter appear empty whereas each amphiesmal vesicle in H. niei contains a thecal plate and a thin, amorphous layer (dark-staining layer) located between, the thecal plate and the inner amphiesmal vesicle membrane. When cells of both taxa are carefully fixed, amphiesmal vesicles are always separate entities (i.e. the sutures are undisrupted). During ecdysis the following amphiesmal components are shed: the plasma membrane, the outer amphiesmal vesicle membrane, and in H. niei the thecal plates. The inner membranes of the amphiesmal vesicles then fuse with each other and form a continuous membrane (termed pellicle membrane) that remains tightly oppressed to an underlying amorphous layer (pellicular layer). In A. rhynchocephalum the pellicular layer is already present in vegetative non-ecdysed cells, whereas in H. niei it forms during ecdysis beneath the pellicle membrane. During ecdysis in H. niei, material from the dark-staining layer precipitates on the outer surface of the pellicle membrane, where it forms a characteristic honeycomb pattern. The new observations are incorporated into a revised model of pellicle formation in dinoflagellates and contrasted with earlier proposals.  相似文献   

黑龙江绥滨地区晚侏罗世东荣组的沟鞭藻类   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文对黑龙江绥滨86-11孔的沟鞭藻类进行了初步研究,共描述化石10属16种(包括2新种,6未定种);其中不少是在我国首次描述的。这些化石分成两个组合,其优势分子分别为Gonyaulacysta jurassica和Amphorula delicata。根据组合内各分子的时代分布,两化石组合的时代分别为Late Oxfordian—Early Kimmeridgian和Portlandian期,并对其产出层位东荣组的时代作了讨论,认为属于晚侏罗世。  相似文献   

Molluscan community diversity and composition were studied ina string of 39 ponds of uniform age and similar size, but ofvaried water chemistry, in eastern Manitoba, Canada. Speciesdistribution was examined in relation to bottom substrate, 11water chemistry parameters, macrophyte diversity and distancebetween ponds. Fifteen gastropod and 3 bivalve species werepresent in the ponds, which showed a mean mollusc species diversityof 4.3. Cluster analyses indicated that adjacent ponds wereseldom similar in community composition or water chemistry.Several species appeared to be restricted in distribution amongthe ponds by unsuitable water chemistry parameter values, themost significant of these being total dissolved solids, pH andtotal alkalinity. Stepwise multiple regression analysis identifiedtotal dissolved solids as the most important water chemistryparameter associated with mollusc diversity in the ponds, butthis factor explained only a small proportion of the total variance.The most common species had broad tolerance ranges for mostparameters while species restricted in terms of some environmentalparameters were less frequent and generally occurred at greatermean distances. The pond communities appeared to be the productof a number of environmental and biotic variables, whose relativeimportance differed among species as well as among ponds. Theelement of chance was probably important as well. (Received 15 May 1986;  相似文献   

四川省淡水蟹类的研究(软甲纲:十足目)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文详细报道了四川省淡水蟹类8个新种及亚种:Potamiscus elaphrius sp. nov., P. rongjingense sp. nov., Trichopotamon yenyuanense sp. nov., Aparapotamon muliense sp. nov., Isolapotamon sheni sp. nov., Sinopotamon weiyuanense sp. nov., S. shensiense wushanense subsp. nov. S. nanum sp. nov.  相似文献   

Presence of buried viable seeds at three depths in freshwater marsh soils was determined by observing seedling emergence in the greenhouse. These results were compared with field germination. For the greenhouse study soils were collected in December 1976, and March 1977, from six vegetation types in the Hamilton Marshes near Trenton, New Jersey. Three to five times more seeds and almost three times as many species germinated in the greenhouse than in the field. Of the ten most numerous species in greenhouse samples, 7.2 ± 0.2 SE species were also observed as seedlings at that site in the field. Annuals comprised seven of the ten most numerous species in both the greenhouse and in the field. Estimated seed densities for the top 10 cm of marsh soil ranged from 6,405 to 32,400 seeds m−2. Germination in soils collected in March was 31% greater than for those collected in December. Decrease in species number with depth was significant for March soils. While seedling numbers also decreased with depth, considerable variability occurred and the differences were not significant. The seed bank profile suggests that viability and/or dormancy are prolonged in these freshwater tidal marsh soils.  相似文献   

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