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1. Stormwater management ponds (SWMPs) are taking the place of natural ponds and wetlands in urban areas. SWMPs have the potential to serve as hotspots for nutrient cycling, yet little is known about how urban catchments affect nutrient chemistry and stoichiometry within these ponds. 2. We sampled 50 SWMPs in Southern Ontario, Canada, to characterise their seston stoichiometry and make comparisons with published lake and pond data and models of seston stoichiometry. We tested (i) whether C : N : P ratios were similar to natural ponds and small lakes, (ii) whether seston stoichiometry was scale dependent and (iii) whether variability in seston chemistry could be explained by landscape and pond characteristics, such as catchment imperviousness and hydrological condition (based on recently received rainfall). 3. Seston C : N and C : P ratios were significantly lower in SWMPs than published ratios for small lakes, likely because of high nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in SWMPs. Our results also showed no dependency of stoichiometric ratios on pond size. Analyses of ratios versus landscape and pond characteristics revealed significant relationships only when ponds were grouped based on the hydrological condition of the catchments. 4. It is likely that SWMPs function very differently during wet and dry periods. When SWMPs are disconnected from the landscape after a lengthy dry period, internal processes become increasingly important for seston stoichiometry.  相似文献   

1. The light : nutrient hypothesis (LNH) proposes that herbivore growth rates are maximised at intermediate light‐to‐nutrient ratios. A reduction to light intensity (i.e. decreased light‐to‐nutrient ratio) should lead to reduced food availability for herbivores while excessive light intensity in oligotrophic environments (i.e. increased light‐to‐nutrient ratios) should increase the C : N and C : P ratios of producers. However, this hypothesis has not yet been supported by studies on stream ecosystems. 2. We tested the LNH by experimental application of controlled natural gradients in light intensity to oligotrophic laboratory channels that included periphyton and the freshwater snail Gyraulus chinensis. 3. The results in this oligotrophic environment indicate that light regulated the flow of matter between trophic levels and grazer reproduction by controlling C : P ratios of the producers.  相似文献   

Aims Recent theories indicate that N is more in demand for plant growth than P; therefore, N concentration and N : C and N : P ratios are predicted to be positively correlated with relative growth rate (RGR) in plants under nutrient-enriched conditions. This prediction was tested in this study.Methods We examined the whole-plant concentrations of C, N and P and RGR, as well as the relationship between RGR and the concentrations and the ratios of N : C, P : C and N : P, for different harvest stages (the days after seed germination) of the seedlings of seven shrub species and four herbaceous species grown in N and P non-limiting conditions. The relationships among plant size, nutrient concentrations and ratios were subsequently determined.Important findings RGR was positively correlated with N concentration and the ratios of N : P and N : C when the data were pooled for all species and for each shrub species, but not for individual herbaceous species. However, the relationship between RGR and P concentration and P : C was not significantly correlated for either shrubs or herbs. The variation of N among harvest stages and species was much greater than that of P, and the variation in N : P ratio was determined primarily by changes in N concentration. The shrub species differed from the herbaceous species in their N and P concentrations, nutrient ratios and in intraspecific relationships between RGR and nutrient ratios. These differences possibly reflect differences in the capacity for P storage and biomass allocation patterns. In general, our data support recent theoretical predictions regarding the relationship between RGR and C : N : P stoichiometry, but they also show that species with different life forms differ in the relationships among RGR and C : N : P stoichimetries.  相似文献   

温带森林演替加剧了氮限制:来自叶片化学计量和养分重吸收的证据 森林生产力和碳汇功能在很大程度上取决于土壤氮和磷的有效性。然而,迄今为止,养分限制随森林演替的时间变化仍存在争议。叶片化学计量和养分重吸收是预测植物生长养分限制的重要指标。基于此,本研究测定了温带森林4个演替阶段所有木本植物叶片和凋落叶中氮和磷的含量,并分析了演替过程中非生物因子和生物因子如何影响叶片化学计量和养分重吸收。研究结果表明,在个体尺度上,叶片氮磷含量在演替末期显著增加,而叶片氮磷比无显著变化;氮的重吸收效率随演替显著增加,然而磷的重吸收效率先增加后减少;氮重吸收效率与磷重吸收效率的比值仅在演替末期显著增加。此外,植物氮素循环对土壤养分的响应比磷素循环更弱。在群落尺度上,叶片氮磷含量随森林演替呈现先降低后升高的趋势,主要受香农-维纳多样性指数和物种丰富度的影响;叶片氮磷比随演替而显著变化,主要由胸径的群落加权平均值决定;氮的重吸收效率增加,主要受物种丰富度和胸径的影响,而磷的重吸收效率相对稳定。因此,氮重吸收效率与磷重吸收效率的比值显著增加,表明随着温带森林演替,氮限制加剧。这些结果可能反映了较高生物多样性群落中物种间对有限资源的激烈竞争,强调了生物因子在驱动森林生态系统养分循环中的重要性,为中国温带和北方森林可持续经营的施肥管理提供了参考。  相似文献   

1. The growth rate hypothesis predicts positive relationships among growth rate (μ), body RNA (%RNA of dry mass) and body P (%P of dry mass) contents. 2. We tested this within‐ and across‐species by growing five species/clones of Daphnia (Daphnia magna, Daphnia pulex, Daphnia galeata and two isolates of Daphnia pulicaria) with different combinations of food quantity and stoichiometric food quality. 3. Within each species, positive correlations among μ, %RNA and %P were seen and across species there was a strong association between%RNA and %P, consistent with the growth rate hypothesis. However, coupling of growth to %RNA and to %P differed for different species. In particular, the %RNA–μ and %P–μ relationships had similar slopes but considerably different y‐intercepts (i.e.%P or %RNA at zero growth), with D. pulicaria and D. galeata having higher intercepts than D. magna and especially D. pulex. As a result of these displacements, the relative rankings of the species on the basis of %P and %RNA did not correspond to their rankings based on μ. 4. These findings suggest that within a narrow clade (e.g. the daphnids), interspecific differences in body P content may reflect not growth rate‐related RNA allocation but instead the amount of RNA required for support of maintenance processes.  相似文献   

Stoichiometric homeostasis of heterotrophs is a common, but not always well‐examined premise in ecological stoichiometry. We experimentally evaluated the relationship between substrate (plant litter) and consumer (microorganisms) stoichiometry for a tropical terrestrial decomposer system. Variation in microbial C : P and N : P ratios tracked that of the soluble litter fraction, but not that of bulk leaf litter material. Microbial N and P were not isometrically related, suggesting higher rates of P than N sequestration in microbial biomass. Shifts in microbial stoichiometry were related to changes in microbial community structure. Our results indicate that P in dissolved form is a major driver of terrestrial microbial stoichiometry, similar to aquatic environments. The demonstrated relative plasticity in microbial C : P and N : P and the critical role of P have important implications for theoretical modelling and contribute to a process‐based understanding of stoichiometric relationships and the flow of elements across trophic levels in decomposer systems.  相似文献   

分别对9年生与13年生刨花楠林木叶片氮磷养分之间关系及林木生物量相对生长速率与叶片碳氮磷化学计量比关系进行分析,探讨不同相对生长速率下的林木叶片N、P养分适应特征,并检验相对生长速率假说理论对刨花楠树种的适应性。结果表明:两种年龄刨花楠林木生物量相对生长速率、叶片C、N、P含量及其计量比值均存在显著差异;同一年龄的林木叶片N、P之间存在显著相关性,二者具有协同相关性;9年生林木叶片P含量及C∶P、N∶P与生物量相对生长速率呈二次曲线相关,而13年生林木叶片N、P含量及C∶N、C∶P、N∶P则与生物量相对生长速率均呈线性相关。研究表明,在能满足植物生长所需养分供给的土壤环境中,叶片N、P含量与林木相对生长速率间呈线性正相关,但当土壤中养分供应满足不了植物高速生长时,植物则会对有限的养分资源进行适应性调整。  相似文献   

刘立斌  钟巧连  倪健 《生态学报》2019,39(22):8606-8614
选取贵州高原型喀斯特次生常绿落叶阔叶混交林为对象,对其生态系统各组分碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)生态化学计量特征进行了研究,并全面估算了其生态系统C、N、P储量。结果表明,N、P含量在各树种和各器官(干、皮、枝、叶)之间表现出较大的变异,而C含量在各树种和各器官之间变异较小。C/N和C/P表现为叶片最高,树干(乔木)/枝干(灌木)最低,N/P在各器官间差异不显著(P > 0.05)。凋落物和木质残体的N/P显著(P < 0.01)高于植物活体。土壤C、N、P含量均随土壤深度的增加而降低,最表层(0-10 cm)土壤的C、N、P含量及N/P显著(P < 0.05)高于深层土壤;C/N和C/P在各土层间差异不显著(P > 0.05)。高原型喀斯特次生常绿落叶阔叶混交林的生态系统C、N、P储量分别为172.42 Mg/hm2、5.24 Mg/hm2和1.19 Mg/hm2。大部分森林C(54.69%)、N(84.46%)、P(97.26%)存储于土壤中。与非喀斯特森林相比,喀斯特森林植物叶片N、P含量低,土壤C含量高,生态系统C、N、P储量低。  相似文献   

1. The inter‐ and intra‐annual changes in the biomass, elemental (carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)) and taxonomical composition of the phytoplankton in a high mountain lake in Spain were studied during 3 years with different physical (fluctuating hydrological regime) and chemical conditions. The importance of internal and external sources of P to the phytoplankton was estimated as the amount of P supplied via zooplankton recycling (internal) or through ice‐melting and atmospheric deposition (external). 2. Inter‐annual differences in phytoplankton biomass were associated with temperature and total dissolved phosphorus. In 1995, phytoplankton biomass was positively correlated with total dissolved phosphorus. In contrast, the negative relationship between zooplankton and seston biomass (direct predatory effects) and the positive relationship between zooplankton P excretion and phytoplankton biomass in 1997 (indirect P‐recycling effects), reinforces the primary role of zooplankton in regulating the total biomass of phytoplankton but, at the same time, encouraging its growth via P‐recycling. 3. Year‐to‐year variations in seston C : P and N : P ratios exceeded intra‐annual variations. The C : P and N : P ratios were high in 1995, indicating strong P limitation. In contrast, in 1996 and 1997, these ratios were low during ice‐out (C : P < 100 and N : P < 10) and increased markedly as the season progressed. Atmospheric P load to the lake was responsible for the decline in C : P and N : P ratios. 4. Intra‐annual variations in zooplankton stoichiometry were more pronounced than the overall differences between 1995 and 1996. Thus, the zooplankton N : P ratio ranged from 6.9 to 40.1 (mean 21.4) in 1995, and from 10.4 to 42.2 (mean 24.9) in 1996. The zooplankton N : P ratio tended to be low after ice‐out, when the zooplankton community was dominated by copepod nauplii, and high towards mid‐ and late‐season, when these were replaced by copepodites and adults. 5. In 1995, the minimum demands for P of phytoplankton were satisfied by ice‐melting, atmospheric loading and zooplankton recycling over 100%. In order of importance, atmospheric inputs (> 1000%), zooplankton recycling (9–542%), and ice‐melting processes (0.37–5.16%) satisfied the minimum demand for P of phytoplankton during 1996 and 1997. Although the effect of external forces was rather sporadic and unpredictable in comparison with biologically driven recycle processes, both may affect phytoplankton structure and elemental composition. 6. We identified three conceptual models representing the seasonal phosphorus flux among the major compartments of the pelagic zone. While ice‐melting processes dominated the nutrient flow at the thaw, biologically driven processes such as zooplankton recycling became relevant as the season and zooplankton ontogeny progressed. The stochastic nature of P inputs associated with atmospheric events can promote rapid transitional changes between a community limited by internal recycling and one regulated by external load. 7. The elemental composition of the zooplankton explains changes in phytoplankton taxonomic and elemental composition. The elemental negative balance (seston N : P < zooplankton N : P, low N : P recycled) during the thaw, would promote a community dominated by species with a high demand for P (Cryptophyceae). The shift to an elemental positive balance (seston N : P > zooplankton N : P, high N : P recycled) in mid‐season would skew the N : P ratio of the recycled nutrients, favouring dominance by chrysophytes. The return to negative balance, as a consequence of the ontogenetic increase in zooplankton N : P ratio and the external P inputs towards the end of the ice‐free season, could alleviate the limitation of P and account for the appearance of other phytoplankton classes (Chlorophyceae or Dinophyceae).  相似文献   

Glacier foreland moraines provide an ideal model to examine the patterns of ecosystem development and the evolution of nitrogen and phosphorous limitation over successional time. In this paper, we focus on a 400‐year soil chronosequence in the glacier forelands of Santa Inés Island in the Magellan Strait, southern Chile by examining forest development on phosphorus (P)‐poor substrates in a uniquely unpolluted region of the world. Results show a steady increase in tree basal area and a humped trend in tree species richness over four centuries of stand development. The increase in basal area suggests that the late successional tree species were more efficient nutrient users than earlier successional ones. Total contents of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in soils increased during the chronosequence, reaching an asymptote in late succession. The net increases in soil C : N, C : P and N : P ratios observed over successional time suggest that nutrient limitation is maximal in 400‐year‐old substrates. Foliar C : N and C : P ratios also increased over time to reach an asymptote in old‐growth stages, following soil stoichiometric relationships; however the foliar N‐to‐P ratio remained constant throughout the chronosequence. Biological N fixation was greater in early postglacial succession, associated with the presence of the symbiotic N‐fixer Gunnera magellanica. Declining trends of δ15N in surface soils through the 400‐year chronosequence are evidence of decreasing N losses in old‐growth forests. In synthesis, glacier foreland chronosequences at this high South American latitude provide evidence for increasing efficiency of N and P use in the ecosystem, with the replacement of shade‐intolerant pioneers by more efficient, shade‐tolerant tree species. This pattern of ecosystem development produces a constant foliar N : P ratio, regardless of variation in soil N‐to‐P ratio over four centuries.  相似文献   

Separating genetic and environmental causes of the latitudinal differences among populations is crucial when evaluating the potential for microevolutionary responses to the changing environment. We studied among‐population and environmental components of variation in several life‐history traits of a lichen‐feeding moth Eilema depressum when offspring of replicate Swiss and Finnish females were reared in a common‐garden factorial experiment. A partial second generation was produced only among Swiss larvae, more likely so at higher temperature regime and higher host quality, and more frequently among the offspring of particular females. Growth rates of larvae that chose the diapause development were higher in northern individuals. Our results thus reveal adaptive differences between latitudinal populations in studied life‐history traits, allowing to expect rapid adaptation of the species to further environmental changes. In contrast, invariable responses of the growth rates of the larvae to temperature and host quality support the idea that some basic parameters of insect growth show a high degree of evolutionary conservatism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of limiting nutrients and the N:P ratios on the growth of phytoplankton (mainly cyanobacteria) in a shallow hypertrophic reservoir between November 2002 and December 2003. Nutrient enrichment bioassays (NEBs) were conducted, along with analyses of seasonal ambient nutrients and phytoplankton taxa, in the reservoir. The average DIN:TDP and TN:TP mass ratios in the ambient water were 90 (range: 17–187) and 34 (13–60), respectively, during the study period. The dissolved inorganic phosphorus showed seasonal variation, but less than that of inorganic nitrogen. The TN:TP ratios ranged from 13 to 46 (mean: 27 ± 6) during June–December when the cyanobacteria, Microcystis, dominated the phytoplankton composition. The NEBs showed that phytoplankton growth was mainly stimulated by the phosphorus (all of total 17 cases), rather than the nitrogen concentration (8 of 17 cases). The rapid growth rate of cyanobacteria was evident with TN:TP ratios less than 30. According to the results of the NEBs with different N concentrations (0.07, 0.7 and 3.5 mg l−1), but the same N:P ratios and when the nitrogen concentration was highest, the cyanobacterial growth reached a maximum at N:P ratios <1. Overall, the response of cyanobacterial growth was a direct function of added phosphorus in the NEBs, and was greater with increased N concentrations. Thus, cyanobacterial blooms favored relatively low N:P ratios in this hypertrophic reservoir system. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

The role of nitrogen (N2) fixation in balancing N supply to wetland metaphyton was assessed by comparing primary production with enzymatic, isotopic, and elemental correlates. Primary production, N2 fixation (acetylene reduction, AR), phosphatase activity, C:N:P ratio, and N isotopic composition of metaphyton were measured along a nutrient gradient in a freshwater marsh during May through September 2004. N2 fixation and phosphatase activity in metaphyton were negatively correlated with inorganic N and P concentrations, respectively. Although metaphyton N2 fixation demonstrated a clear spatial pattern along the nutrient gradient, N2 fixation rates varied monthly and decreased sharply in September. However, the percent contribution of N2 fixation to N uptake by metaphyton consistently decreased throughout the summer. Furthermore, the decreased contribution of N2 fixation to N uptake corresponded with an increase in metaphyton N content during the growing season. Nitrogen isotopic data suggested the sustained importance of an atmospheric N2 source through September at the most downstream (nutrient poor) site even though the percent contribution of N2 fixition to N uptake was lowest in that month. This suggests that metaphyton were efficiently accumulating and recycling fixed N2 in support of primary production. Over the course of the summer, metaphyton primary production showed a weak inverse correlation with metaphyton phosphatase activity (r 2 = 0.58). The largest residuals in this regression corresponded to the largest vartiation in metaphyton N content. When metaphyton primary production was normalized to metaphyton N content, production rates for the entire growing season were more strongly inversely correlated with metaphyton phosphatase activity (r 2 = 0.78). Results of the study suggest that N2 fixation in N poor areas may adequately supplement community N requirements in metaphyton, thereby causing limitation by other elemental resources such as P.  相似文献   

Virulence of infectious pathogens can be unstable and evolve rapidly depending on the evolutionary dynamics of the organism. Experimental evolution can be used to characterize pathogen evolution, often with the underlying objective of understanding evolution of virulence. We used experimental evolution techniques (serial transfer experiments) to investigate differential growth and virulence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), a fungal pathogen that causes amphibian chytridiomycosis. We tested two lineages of Bd that were derived from a single cryo‐archived isolate; one lineage (P10) was passaged 10 times, whereas the second lineage (P50) was passaged 50 times. We quantified time to zoospore release, maximum zoospore densities, and timing of zoospore activity and then modeled population growth rates. We also conducted exposure experiments with a susceptible amphibian species, the common green tree frog (Litoria caerulea) to test the differential pathogenicity. We found that the P50 lineage had shorter time to zoospore production (Tmin), faster rate of sporangia death (ds), and an overall greater intrinsic population growth rate (λ). These patterns of population growth in vitro corresponded with higher prevalence and intensities of infection in exposed Litoria caerulea, although the differences were not significant. Our results corroborate studies that suggest that Bd may be able to evolve relatively rapidly. Our findings also challenge the general assumption that pathogens will always attenuate in culture because shifts in Bd virulence may depend on laboratory culturing practices. These findings have practical implications for the laboratory maintenance of Bd isolates and underscore the importance of understanding the evolution of virulence in amphibian chytridiomycosis.  相似文献   

In ectotherms, lower temperatures in high-latitude environments would theoretically reduce the annual growth rates of individuals. If slower growth and resultant smaller body size reduce fitness, individuals in higher latitudes may evolve compensatory responses. Two alternative models of such latitudinal compensation are possible: Model I: thermal reaction norms for growth rates of high-latitude individuals may be horizontally shifted to a lower range of temperatures, or Model II: reaction norms may be vertically shifted so that high-latitude individuals can grow faster across all temperatures. Model I is expected when annual growth rates in the wild are only a function of environmental temperatures, whereas Model II is expected when individuals in higher latitudes can only grow during a shorter period of a year. A variety of mixed strategies of these two models are also possible, and the magnitude of horizontal versus vertical variation in reaction norms among latitudinal populations will be indicative of the importance of "temperature" versus "seasonality" in the evolution of latitudinal compensation. However, the form of latitudinal compensation may be affected by possible genetic constraints due to the genetic architecture of reaction norms. In this study, we examine the inter- and intrapopulation variations in thermal reaction norms for growth rate of the medaka fish Oryzias latipes. Common-environment experiments revealed that average reaction norms differed primarily in elevation among latitudinal populations in a manner consistent with Model II (adaptation to "seasonality"), suggesting that natural selection in high latitudes prefers individuals that grow faster even within a shorter growing season to individuals that have longer growing seasons by growing at lower temperatures. However, intrapopulation variation in reaction norms was also vertical: some full-sibling families grew faster than others across all temperatures examined. This tendency in intrapopulation genetic variation for thermal reaction norms may have restricted the evolution of latitudinal compensation, irrespective of the underlying selection pressure.  相似文献   

Summary. This review has focused on the evidence for the involvement of nitrative oxidation in certain neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinsons Disease, Alzheimers Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), stroke, and inflammatory and autoimmune disorders (with particular attention devoted to multiple sclerosis).The relationship between protein peroxidation and pathological changes observed in the above disorders has been reported. Whereas many of the findings are from studies with animal models and autoptic specimens from human patients, few data are available from cerebrospinal fluid and blood samples of the patients at different times and disease stages.The participation of nitrative oxidation to the direct and indirect injury of neurons and other cells of the brain (i.e., oligodendrocytes, for multiple sclerosis) is clear; less evident is their relevance for the development and progression of these disorders.Further studies should be aimed to establish the clinical and prognostic value of peroxidative markers for the CNS diseases considered. This is fundamental for the development of therapeutic interventions antagonizing nitric oxide-related species damage.  相似文献   

Abstract Virulence is thought to be a driving force in host–pathogen coevolution. Theoretical models suggest that virulence is an unavoidable consequence of pathogens evolving towards a high rate of intrahost reproduction. These models predict a positive correlation between the reproductive fitness of a pathogen and its level of virulence. Theoretical models also suggest that the demography and genetic structure of a host population can influence the evolution of virulence. If evolution occurs faster in pathogen populations than in host populations, the predicted result is local adaptation of the pathogen population. In our studies, we used a combination of molecular and physiological markers to test these hypotheses in an agricultural system. We isolated five strains of the fungal pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola from each of two wheat cultivars that differed in their level of resistance to this pathogen. Each of the 10 fungal strains had distinct genotypes as indicated by different DNA fingerprints. These fungal strains were re‐inoculated onto the same two host cultivars in a field experiment and their genotype frequencies were monitored over several generations of asexual reproduction. We also measured the virulence of these 10 fungal strains and correlated it to the reproductive fitness of each fungal strain. We found that host genotypes had a strong impact on the dynamics of the pathogen populations. The pathogen population collected from the moderately resistant cultivar Madsen showed greater stability, higher genotype diversity, and smaller selection coefficients than the pathogen populations collected from the susceptible cultivar Stephens or a mixture of the two host cultivars. The pathogen collection from the mixed host population was midway between the two pure lines for most parameters measured. Our results also revealed that the measures of reproductive fitness and virulence of a pathogen strain were not always correlated. The pathogen strains varied in their patterns of local adaptation, ranging from locally adapted to locally maladapted.  相似文献   

I. G. Burns 《Plant and Soil》1992,142(2):221-233
A method is described for determining the way in which growth rate varies with plant nutrient concentration using a simple nutrient interruption technique incorporating only 2 treatments. The method involves measuring the changes in growth and nutrient composition of otherwise well-nourished plants after the supply of one particular nutrient has been withheld. Critical concentrations are estimated from the relationship between the growth rate (expressed as a fraction of that for control plants of the same size which remained well-nourished throughout) and the concentration of the growth-limiting nutrient in the plants as deficiency developed. Trials of the method using young lettuce plants showed that shoot growth rate was directly proportional to total N (nitrate plus organic N) concentration, and linearly or near-linearly related to K and P concentration over a wide range; the corresponding relationship for nitrate was strongly curvi-linear. Critical concentrations (corresponding to a 10% reduction in growth rate) determined from these results were similar to critical values calculated from models derived from field data, but were generally higher than published estimates of critical concentration (based on reductions in shoot weight) for plants of a similar size. Reasons for these discrepancies are discussed. Nitrate, phosphate or potassium concentrations in sap from individual leaf petioles were highly sensitive to changes in shoot growth rate as deficiency developed, with the slope of the relationships varying with leaf position, due to differences both in their initial concentration and in the rates at which they were utilized in individual leaves. Each nutrient was always depleted more quickly in younger leaves than in older ones, providing earlier evidence of deficiency for diagnostic purposes. Although the plants were capable of accumulating nitrate, phosphate and potassium well in excess of that needed for optimum dry matter production during periods of adequate supply, the rate of mobilization of these reserves was insufficient to prevent reductions in growth rate as the plants became deficient. This brings into question the validity of the conventional concept that luxury consumption provides a store of nutrients which are freely available for use in times of shortage. The implications of these results for the use of plant analysis for assessing plant nutrient status are discussed.  相似文献   

We have obtained frameshift mutations of the bacteriophage T4 gene 67 by manipulating restriction cleavage sites within the gene cloned onto small plasmids. When these mutated genes were recombined back into the T4 genome the resulting phages were inviable. They could only be propagated by complementation in strains carrying a cloned, non-mutated copy of the gene on a plasmid. These experiments demonstrate that gene 67 is essential for T4 growth. Electron microscopy of bacteria infected with 67? phages revealed that phage head morphogenesis was blocked at an early stage and particles resembling abnormal preheads were found in large numbers. The gene 67 product, PIP, is therefore essential for correct prehead assembly.  相似文献   

For decades, studies have been focusing on the neuronal abnormalities that accompany neurodegenerative disorders. Yet, glial cells are emerging as important players in numerous neurological diseases. Astrocytes, the main type of glia in the central nervous system , form extensive networks that physically and functionally connect neuronal synapses with cerebral blood vessels. Normal brain functioning strictly depends on highly specialized cellular cross-talk between these different partners to which Ca2 +, as a signaling ion, largely contributes. Altered intracellular Ca2 + levels are associated with neurodegenerative disorders and play a crucial role in the glial responses to injury. Intracellular Ca2 + increases in single astrocytes can be propagated toward neighboring cells as intercellular Ca2 + waves, thereby recruiting a larger group of cells. Intercellular Ca2+ wave propagation depends on two, parallel, connexin (Cx) channel-based mechanisms: i) the diffusion of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate through gap junction channels that directly connect the cytoplasm of neighboring cells, and ii) the release of paracrine messengers such as glutamate and ATP through hemichannels (‘half of a gap junction channel’). This review gives an overview of the current knowledge on Cx-mediated Ca2 + communication among astrocytes as well as between astrocytes and other brain cell types in physiology and pathology, with a focus on the processes of neurodegeneration and reactive gliosis. Research on Cx-mediated astroglial Ca2 + communication may ultimately shed light on the development of targeted therapies for neurodegenerative disorders in which astrocytes participate. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium signaling in health and disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   

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