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The impact of elevated CO2 and N‐fertilization on soil C‐cycling in Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens pastures were investigated under Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) conditions. For six years, swards were exposed to ambient or elevated CO2 (35 and 60 Pa pCO2) and received a low and high rate of N fertilizer. The CO2 added in the FACE plots was depleted in 13C compared to ambient (Δ? 40‰) thus the C inputs could be quantified. On average, 57% of the C associated with the sand fraction of the soil was ‘new’ C. Smaller proportions of the C associated with the silt (18%) and clay fractions (14%) were derived from FACE. Only a small fraction of the total C pool below 10 cm depth was sequestered during the FACE experiment. The annual net input of C in the FACE soil (0–10 cm) was estimated at 4.6 ± 2.2 and 6.3 ± 3.6 (95% confidence interval) Mg ha? 1 for T. repens and L. perenne, respectively. The maximum amount of labile C in the T. repens sward was estimated at 8.3 ± 1.6 Mg ha? 1 and 7.1 ± 1.0 Mg ha? 1 in the L. perenne sward. Mean residence time (MRT) for newly sequestered soil C was estimated at 1.8 years in the T. repens plots and 1.1 years for L. perenne. An average of 18% of total soil C in the 0–10 cm depth in the T. repens sward and 24% in the L. perenne sward was derived from FACE after 6 years exposure. The majority of the change in soil δ13C occurred in the first three years of the experiment. No treatment effects on total soil C were detected. The fraction of FACE‐derived C in the L. perenne sward was larger than in the T. repens sward. This suggests a priming effect in the L. perenne sward which led to increased losses of the old C. Although the rate of C cycling was affected by species and elevated CO2, the soil in this intensively managed grassland ecosystem did not become a sink for additional new C.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration may result in increased below‐ground carbon allocation by trees, thereby altering soil carbon cycling. Seasonal estimates of soil surface carbon flux were made to determine whether carbon losses from Pinus radiata trees growing at elevated CO2 concentration were higher than those at ambient CO2 concentration, and whether this was related to increased fine root growth. Monthly soil surface carbon flux density (f) measurements were made on plots with trees growing at ambient (350) and elevated (650 μmol mol?1) CO2 concentration in large open‐top chambers. Prior to planting the soil carbon concentration (0.1%) and f (0.28 μmol m?2 s?1 at 15 °C) were low. A function describing the radial pattern of f with distance from tree stems was used to estimate the annual carbon flux from tree plots. Seasonal estimates of fine root production were made from minirhizotrons and the radial distribution of roots compared with radial measurements of f. A one‐dimensional gas diffusion model was used to estimate f from soil CO2 concentrations at four depths. For the second year of growth, the annual carbon flux from the plots was 1671 g y?1 and 1895 g y?1 at ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations, respectively, although this was not a significant difference. Higher f at elevated CO2 concentration was largely explained by increased fine root biomass. Fine root biomass and stem production were both positively related to f. Both root length density and f declined exponentially with distance from the stem, and had similar length scales. Diurnal changes in f were largely explained by changes in soil temperature at a depth of 0.05 m. Ignoring the change of f with increasing distance from tree stems when scaling to a unit ground area basis from measurements with individual trees could result in under‐ or overestimates of soil‐surface carbon fluxes, especially in young stands when fine roots are unevenly distributed.  相似文献   

After a step increase in the atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), the availability of mineral N may be insufficient to meet the plant's increased demand for N. Over time, however, the ecosystem may adapt to the new conditions, and a new equilibrium may be established in the fluxes of C and N. This would result in a higher dry mass (DM) yield response of the plants to elevated pCO2. The effect of elevated atmospheric pCO2 (60 Pa pCO2) was studied in Lolium perenne L. swards with two N fertilization treatments (14 and 56 g m?2 y?1) in a six‐year FACE (Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment) experiment. In the high N treatment, the input of N with fertilizer considerably exceeded the export of N with the harvested plant material in both CO2 treatments leading to an apparent net input of N into the ecosystem. Accordingly, the proportion of harvested N derived from 15N labelled fertilizer N, applied throughout the experiment (< 6 years), increased over the years. Under these high N conditions, the annual DM yield response of the Lolium perenne sward to elevated pCO2 increased (from 7% in 1993 to 25% in 1998). In parallel, the response of N yield to elevated pCO2 increased, and the initially negative effect of elevated pCO2 on specific leaf area (SLA) disappeared. The high N input system seemed to overcome in part an initially limiting effect of N on the yield response to elevated pCO2 within a few years. In contrast, there was no apparent net input of N into the ecosystem in the low N treatment, because N fertilization just compensated the export of N with the harvested plant material. Accordingly, the proportion of harvested N yield, derived from fertilizer N, which was applied throughout the experiment, remained low. At low N, the availability of mineral N strongly limited plant growth and yield production in both CO2 treatments; the low yields of DM and N, the low concentration of N in the plant material, and the low SLA reflected this. Although the plants grew under the same environmental conditions and the same management treatment as plants in the high N treatment, the response of DM yields to elevated pCO2 in the low N treatment remained weak throughout the experiment (5% in 1993 and 9% in 1998). The results are discussed in the context of the sizes of the different N pools in the soil, the allocation of N within the plant and the possible effects on temporal immobilization, and the availability of mineral N for yield production as affected by elevated pCO2 and N fertilization.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate change may substantially alter soil carbon (C) dynamics, which in turn may impact future climate through feedback cycles. However, only very few field experiments worldwide have combined elevated CO2 (eCO2) with both warming and changes in precipitation in order to study the potential combined effects of changes in these fundamental drivers of C cycling in ecosystems. We exposed a temperate heath/grassland to eCO2, warming, and drought, in all combinations for 8 years. At the end of the study, soil C stocks were on average 0.927 kg C/m2 higher across all treatment combinations with eCO2 compared to ambient CO2 treatments (equal to an increase of 0.120 ± 0.043 kg C m?2 year?1), and showed no sign of slowed accumulation over time. However, if observed pretreatment differences in soil C are taken into account, the annual rate of increase caused by eCO2 may be as high as 0.177 ± 0.070 kg C m?2 year?1. Furthermore, the response to eCO2 was not affected by simultaneous exposure to warming and drought. The robust increase in soil C under eCO2 observed here, even when combined with other climate change factors, suggests that there is continued and strong potential for enhanced soil carbon sequestration in some ecosystems to mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations under future climate conditions. The feedback between land C and climate remains one of the largest sources of uncertainty in future climate projections, yet experimental data under simulated future climate, and especially including combined changes, are still scarce. Globally coordinated and distributed experiments with long‐term measurements of changes in soil C in response to the three major climate change‐related global changes, eCO2, warming, and changes in precipitation patterns, are, therefore, urgently needed.  相似文献   

The anthropogenic rise in atmospheric CO2 is expected to impact carbon (C) fluxes not only at ecosystem level but also at the global scale by altering C cycle processes in soils. At the Swiss Canopy Crane (SCC), we examined how 7 years of free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) affected soil CO2 dynamics in a ca. 100‐year‐old mixed deciduous forest. The use of 13C‐depleted CO2 for canopy enrichment allowed us to trace the flow of recently fixed C. In the 7th year of growth at ~550 ppm CO2, soil respiratory CO2 consisted of 39% labelled C. During the growing season, soil air CO2 concentration was significantly enhanced under CO2‐exposed trees. However, elevated CO2 failed to stimulate cumulative soil respiration (Rs) over the growing season. We found periodic reductions as well as increases in instantaneous rates of Rs in response to elevated CO2, depending on soil temperature and soil volumetric water content (VWC; significant three‐way interaction). During wet periods, soil water savings under CO2‐enriched trees led to excessive VWC (>45%) that suppressed Rs. Elevated CO2 stimulated Rs only when VWC was ≤40% and concurrent soil temperature was high (>15 °C). Seasonal Q10 estimates of Rs were significantly lower under elevated (Q10=3.30) compared with ambient CO2 (Q10=3.97). However, this effect disappeared when three consecutive sampling dates of extremely high VWC were disregarded. This suggests that elevated CO2 affected Q10 mainly indirectly through changes in VWC. Fine root respiration did not differ significantly between treatments but soil microbial biomass (Cmic) increased by 14% under elevated CO2 (marginally significant). Our findings do not indicate enhanced soil C emissions in such stands under future atmospheric CO2. It remains to be shown whether C losses via leaching of dissolved organic or inorganic C (DOC, DIC) help to balance the C budget in this forest.  相似文献   

The removal of perennial bioenergy crops, such as Miscanthus, has rarely been studied although it is an important form of land use change. Miscanthus is a C4 plant, and the carbon (C) it deposits during its growth has a different isotopic signature (12/13C) compared to a C3 plant. Identifying the proportion of C stored and released to the atmosphere is important information for ecosystem models and life cycle analyses. During a removal experiment in June 2011 of a 20‐year old Miscanthus field (Grignon, France), vegetation was removed mechanically and chemically. Two replicate plots were converted into a rotation of annual crops, two plots had Miscanthus removed with no soil disturbance, followed by bare soil (set‐aside), one control plot was left with continued Miscanthus cultivation, and an adjacent field was used as annual arable crops control. There was a significant difference in the isotopic composition of the total soil C under Miscanthus compared with adjacent annual arable crops in all three measured soil layers (0–5, 5–10 and 10–20 cm). Before Miscanthus removal, total C in the soil under Miscanthus ranged from 4.9% in the top layer to 3.9% in the lower layers with δ13C values of ?16.3 to ?17.8 while soil C under the adjacent arable crop was significantly lower and ranged from 1.6 to 2% with δ13C values of ?23.2. This did not change much in 2012, suggesting the accumulation of soil C under Miscanthus persists for at least the first year. In contrast, the isotopic signals of soil respiration 1 year after Miscanthus removal from recultivated and set‐aside plots were similar to that of the annual arable control, while just after removal the signals were similar to that of the Miscanthus control. This suggests a rapid change in the form of soil C pools that are respired.  相似文献   

Studies have suggested that more carbon is fixed due to a large increase in photosynthesis in plant–soil systems exposed to elevated CO2 than could subsequently be found in plant biomass and soils –‐ the locally missing carbon phenomenon. To further understand this phenomenon, an experiment was carried out using EcoCELLs which are open‐flow, mass‐balance systems at the mesocosm scale. Naturally occurring 13C tracers were also used to separately measure plant‐derived carbon and soil‐derived carbon. The experiment included two EcoCELLs, one under ambient atmospheric CO2 and the other under elevated CO2 (ambient plus 350 μL L? 1). By matching carbon fluxes with carbon pools, the issue of locally missing carbon was investigated. Flux‐based net primary production (NPPf) was similar to pool‐based primary production (NPPp) under ambient CO2, and the discrepancy between the two carbon budgets (12 g C m? 2, or 4% of NPPf) was less than measurement errors. Therefore, virtually all carbon entering the system under ambient CO2 was accounted for at the end of the experiment. Under elevated CO2, however, the amount of NPPf was much higher than NPPp, resulting in missing carbon of approximately 80 g C m? 2 or 19% of NPPf which was much higher than measurement errors. This was additional to the 96% increase in rhizosphere respiration and the 50% increase in root growth, two important components of locally missing carbon. The mystery of locally missing carbon under elevated CO2 remains to be further investigated. Volatile organic carbon, carbon loss due to root washing, and measurement errors are discussed as some of the potential contributing factors.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 may alter decomposition rates through changes in plant material quality and through its impact on soil microbial activity. This study examines whether plant material produced under elevated CO2 decomposes differently from plant material produced under ambient CO2. Moreover, a long‐term experiment offered a unique opportunity to evaluate assumptions about C cycling under elevated CO2 made in coupled climate–soil organic matter (SOM) models. Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne plant materials, produced under elevated (60 Pa) and ambient CO2 at two levels of N fertilizer (140 vs. 560 kg ha?1 yr?1), were incubated in soil for 90 days. Soils and plant materials used for the incubation had been exposed to ambient and elevated CO2 under free air carbon dioxide enrichment conditions and had received the N fertilizer for 9 years. The rate of decomposition of L. perenne and T. repens plant materials was unaffected by elevated atmospheric CO2 and rate of N fertilization. Increases in L. perenne plant material C : N ratio under elevated CO2 did not affect decomposition rates of the plant material. If under prolonged elevated CO2 changes in soil microbial dynamics had occurred, they were not reflected in the rate of decomposition of the plant material. Only soil respiration under L. perenne, with or without incorporation of plant material, from the low‐N fertilization treatment was enhanced after exposure to elevated CO2. This increase in soil respiration was not reflected in an increase in the microbial biomass of the L. perenne soil. The contribution of old and newly sequestered C to soil respiration, as revealed by the 13C‐CO2 signature, reflected the turnover times of SOM–C pools as described by multipool SOM models. The results do not confirm the assumption of a negative feedback induced in the C cycle following an increase in CO2, as used in coupled climate–SOM models. Moreover, this study showed no evidence for a positive feedback in the C cycle following additional N fertilization.  相似文献   

Increased below-ground carbon allocation in forest ecosystems is a likely consequence of rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. If this results in changes to fine root growth, turnover and distribution long-term soil carbon cycling and storage could be altered. Bi-weekly measurements were made to determine the dynamics and distribution of fine roots (< 1 mm diameter) for Pinus radiata trees growing at ambient (350 μmol mol–1) and elevated (650 μmol mol–1) CO2 concentration in large open-top chambers. Measurements were made using minirhizotrons installed horizontally at depths of 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.9 m. During the first year, at a depth of 0.3 m, the increase in relative growth rate of roots occurred 6 weeks earlier in the elevated CO2 treatment and the maximum rate was reached 10 weeks earlier than for trees in the ambient treatment. After 2 years, cumulative fine root growth (Pt) was 36% greater for trees growing at elevated CO2 than at ambient CO2 concentration, although this difference was not significant. A model of root growth driven by daily soil temperature accounted for between 43 and 99% of root growth variability. Total root loss (Lt) was 9% in the ambient and 14% in the elevated CO2 treatment, although this difference was not significant. Root loss was greatest at 0.3 m. In the first year, 62% of fine roots grown between mid-summer and late-autumn disappeared within a year in the elevated CO2 treatment, but only 18% in the ambient CO2 treatment (P < 0.01). An exponential model relating Lt to time accounted for between 74 and 99% of the variability. Root cohort half-lives were 951 d for the ambient and 333 d for the elevated treatment. Root length density decreased exponentially with depth in both treatments, but relatively more fine roots grown in the elevated CO2 treatment tended to occur deeper in the soil profile.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) uptake by terrestrial ecosystems represents an important option for partially mitigating anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Short‐term atmospheric elevated CO2 exposure has been shown to create major shifts in C flow routes and diversity of the active soil‐borne microbial community. Long‐term increases in CO2 have been hypothesized to have subtle effects due to the potential adaptation of soil microorganism to the increased flow of organic C. Here, we studied the effects of prolonged elevated atmospheric CO2 exposure on microbial C flow and microbial communities in the rhizosphere. Carex arenaria (a nonmycorrhizal plant species) and Festuca rubra (a mycorrhizal plant species) were grown at defined atmospheric conditions differing in CO2 concentration (350 and 700 ppm) for 3 years. During this period, C flow was assessed repeatedly (after 6 months, 1, 2, and 3 years) by 13C pulse‐chase experiments, and label was tracked through the rhizosphere bacterial, general fungal, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities. Fatty acid biomarker analyses and RNA‐stable isotope probing (RNA‐SIP), in combination with real‐time PCR and PCR‐DGGE, were used to examine microbial community dynamics and abundance. Throughout the experiment the influence of elevated CO2 was highly plant dependent, with the mycorrhizal plant exerting a greater influence on both bacterial and fungal communities. Biomarker data confirmed that rhizodeposited C was first processed by AMF and subsequently transferred to bacterial and fungal communities in the rhizosphere soil. Over the course of 3 years, elevated CO2 caused a continuous increase in the 13C enrichment retained in AMF and an increasing delay in the transfer of C to the bacterial community. These results show that, not only do elevated atmospheric CO2 conditions induce changes in rhizosphere C flow and dynamics but also continue to develop over multiple seasons, thereby affecting terrestrial ecosystems C utilization processes.  相似文献   

Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens were grown in a Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) system at elevated (600 μimol mol-1) and ambient (340 μmol mol-1) carbon dioxide concentrations during a whole growing season. Using a root ingrowth bag technique the extent to which CO2 enrichment influenced the growth of L, perenne and T. repens roots under two contrasting nutrient regimes was examined. Root ingrowth bags were inserted for a fixed time into the soil in order to trap roots. It was also possible to follow the mortality of roots in bags inserted for different time intervals. Root ingrowth of both L. perenne and T. repens increased under elevated CO2 conditions. In L. perenne, root ingrowth decreased with increasing nutrient fertilizer level, but for T. repens the root ingrowth was not affected by the nutrient application rate. Besides biomass measurements, root length estimates were made for T, repens. These showed an increase under elevated CO2 concentrations. Root decomposition appeared to decrease under elevated CO2 concentrations. A possible explanation for this effect is the observed changes in tissue composition, such as the increase in the carbon: nitrogen ratio in roots of L. perenne at elevated CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Increased partitioning of carbon (C) to fine roots under elevated [CO2], especially deep in the soil profile, could alter soil C and nitrogen (N) cycling in forests. After more than 11 years of free‐air CO2 enrichment in a Liquidambar styraciflua L. (sweetgum) plantation in Oak Ridge, TN, USA, greater inputs of fine roots resulted in the incorporation of new C (i.e., C with a depleted δ13C) into root‐derived particulate organic matter (POM) pools to 90‐cm depth. Even though production in the sweetgum stand was limited by soil N availability, soil C and N contents were greater throughout the soil profile under elevated [CO2] at the conclusion of the experiment. Greater C inputs from fine‐root detritus under elevated [CO2] did not result in increased net N immobilization or C mineralization rates in long‐term laboratory incubations, possibly because microbial biomass was lower in the CO2‐enriched plots. Furthermore, the δ13CO2 of the C mineralized from the incubated soil closely tracked the δ13C of the labile POM pool in the elevated [CO2] treatment, especially in shallower soil, and did not indicate significant priming of the decomposition of pre‐experiment soil organic matter (SOM). Although potential C mineralization rates were positively and linearly related to total SOM C content in the top 30 cm of soil, this relationship did not hold in deeper soil. Taken together with an increased mean residence time of C in deeper soil pools, these findings indicate that C inputs from relatively deep roots under elevated [CO2] may increase the potential for long‐term soil C storage. However, C in deeper soil is likely to take many years to accrue to a significant fraction of total soil C given relatively smaller root inputs at depth. Expanded representation of biogeochemical cycling throughout the soil profile may improve model projections of future forest responses to rising atmospheric [CO2].  相似文献   

Stomata help plants regulate CO2 absorption and water vapor release in response to various environmental changes, and plants decrease their stomatal apertures and enhance their water status under elevated CO2. Although the bottom‐up effect of elevated CO2 on insect performance has been extensively studied, few reports have considered how insect fitness is altered by elevated CO2‐induced changes in host plant water status. We tested the hypothesis that aphids induce stomatal closure and increase host water potential, which facilitates their passive feeding, and that this induction can be enhanced by elevated CO2. Our results showed that aphid infestation triggered the abscisic acid (ABA) signaling pathway to decrease the stomatal apertures of Medicago truncatula, which consequently decreased leaf transpiration and helped maintain leaf water potential. These effects increased xylem‐feeding time and decreased hemolymph osmolarity, which thereby enhanced phloem‐feeding time and increased aphid abundance. Furthermore, elevated CO2 up‐regulated an ABA‐independent enzyme, carbonic anhydrase, which led to further decrease in stomatal aperture for aphid‐infested plants. Thus, the effects of elevated CO2 and aphid infestation on stomatal closure synergistically improved the water status of the host plant. The results indicate that aphid infestation enhances aphid feeding under ambient CO2 and that this enhancement is increased under elevated CO2.  相似文献   

The long‐term effects of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and tropospheric O3 concentrations on fungal communities in soil are not well understood. Here, we examine fungal community composition and the activities of cellobiohydrolase and N‐acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) after 10 years of exposure to 1.5 times ambient levels of CO2 and O3 in aspen and aspen–birch forest ecosystems, and compare these results to earlier studies in the same long‐term experiment. The forest floor community was dominated by saprotrophic fungi, and differed slightly between plant community types, as did NAG activity. Elevated CO2 and O3 had small but significant effects on the distribution of fungal genotypes in this horizon, and elevated CO2 also lead to an increase in the proportion of Sistotrema spp. within the community. Yet, although cellobiohydrolase activity was lower in the forest floor under elevated O3, it was not affected by elevated CO2. NAG was also unaffected. The soil community was dominated by ectomycorrhizal species. Both CO2 and O3 had a minor effect on the distribution of genotypes; however, phylogenetic analysis indicated that under elevated O3Cortinarius and Inocybe spp. increased in abundance and Laccaria and Tomentella spp. declined. Although cellobiohydrolase activity in soil was unaffected by either CO2 or O3, NAG was higher (~29%) under CO2 in aspen–birch, but lower (~18%) under aspen. Time series analysis indicated that CO2 increased cellulolytic enzyme activity during the first 5 years of the experiment, but that the magnitude of this effect diminished over time. NAG activity also showed strong early stimulation by elevated CO2, but after 10 years this effect is no longer evident. Elevated O3 appears to have variable stimulatory and repressive effects depending on the soil horizon and time point examined.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to quantify the differences in soil carbon stores after exposure of birch seedlings (Betula pendula Roth.) over one growing season to ambient and elevated carbon dioxide concentrations. One-year-old seedling of birch were transplanted to pots containing C4 soil derived from beneath a maize crop, and placed in ambient (350 L L–1) and elevated (600 L L–1) plots in a free-air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) experiment. After 186 days the plants and soils were destructively sampled, and analysed for differences in root and stem biomass, total plant tissue and soil C contents and 13C values. The trees showed a significant increase (+50%) in root biomass, but stem and leaf biomasses were not significantly affected by treatment. C isotope analyses of leaves and fine roots showed that the isotopic signal from the ambient and elevated CO2 supply was sufficiently distinct from that of the C4 soil to enable quantification of net root C input to the soil under both ambient and elevated CO2. After 186 days, the pots under ambient conditions contained 3.5 g of C as intact root material, and had gained an additional 0.6 g C added to the soil through root exudation/turnover; comparable figures for the pots under elevated CO2 were 5.9 g C and 1.5 g C, respectively. These data confirm the importance of soils as an enhanced sink for C under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We propose the use of C4 soils in elevated CO2 experiments as an important technique for the quantification of root net C inputs under both ambient and elevated CO2 treatments.  相似文献   

The ecological impacts of long‐term elevated atmospheric CO2 (eCO2) levels on soil microbiota remain largely unknown. This is particularly true for the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, which form mutualistic associations with over two‐thirds of terrestrial plant species and are entirely dependent on their plant hosts for carbon. Here, we use high‐resolution amplicon sequencing (Illumina, HiSeq) to quantify the response of AM fungal communities to the longest running (>15 years) free‐air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) experiment in the Northern Hemisphere (GiFACE); providing the first evaluation of these responses from old‐growth (>100 years) semi‐natural grasslands subjected to a 20% increase in atmospheric CO2. eCO2 significantly increased AM fungal richness but had a less‐pronounced impact on the composition of their communities. However, while broader changes in community composition were not observed, more subtle responses of specific AM fungal taxa were with populations both increasing and decreasing in abundance in response to eCO2. Most population‐level responses to eCO2 were not consistent through time, with a significant interaction between sampling time and eCO2 treatment being observed. This suggests that the temporal dynamics of AM fungal populations may be disturbed by anthropogenic stressors. As AM fungi are functionally differentiated, with different taxa providing different benefits to host plants, changes in population densities in response to eCO2 may significantly impact terrestrial plant communities and their productivity. Thus, predictions regarding future terrestrial ecosystems must consider changes both aboveground and belowground, but avoid relying on broad‐scale community‐level responses of soil microbes observed on single occasions.  相似文献   

Upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) was grown at both ambient (350 μmol mol?1) and elevated (700 μmol mol?1) CO2 in either the presence or absence of the root hemi‐parasitic angiosperm Striga hermonthica (Del) Benth. Elevated CO2 alleviated the impact of the parasite on host growth: biomass of infected rice grown at ambient CO2 was 35% that of uninfected, control plants, while at elevated CO2, biomass of infected plants was 73% that of controls. This amelioration occurred despite the fact that O. sativa grown at elevated CO2 supported both greater numbers and a higher biomass of parasites per host than plants grown at ambient CO2. The impact of infection on host leaf area, leaf mass, root mass and reproductive tissue mass was significantly lower in plants grown at elevated as compared with ambient CO2. There were significant CO2 and Striga effects on photosynthetic metabolism and instantaneous water‐use efficiency of O. sativa. The response of photosynthesis to internal [CO2] (A/Ci curves) indicated that, at 45 days after sowing (DAS), prior to emergence of the parasites, uninfected plants grown at elevated CO2 had significantly lower CO2 saturated rates of photosynthesis, carboxylation efficiencies and ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco; EC contents than uninfected, ambient CO2‐grown O. sativa. In contrast, infection with S. hermonthica prevented down‐regulation of photosynthesis in O. sativa grown at elevated CO2, but had no impact on photosynthesis of hosts grown at ambient CO2. At 76 DAS (after parasites had emerged), however, infected plants grown at both elevated and ambient CO2 had lower carboxylation efficiencies and Rubisco contents than uninfected O. sativa grown at ambient CO2. The reductions in carboxylation efficiency (and Rubisco content) were accompanied by similar reductions in nitrogen concentration of O. sativa leaves, both before and after parasite emergence. There were no significant CO2 or infection effects on the concentrations of soluble sugars in leaves of O. sativa, but starch concentration was significantly lower in infected plants at both CO2 concentrations. These results demonstrate that elevated CO2 concentrations can alleviate the impact of infection with Striga on the growth of C3 hosts such as rice and also that infection can delay the onset of photosynthetic down‐regulation in rice grown at elevated CO2.  相似文献   

van Ginkel  J.H.  Gorissen  A.  van Veen  J.A. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(2):299-308
The effect of elevated CO2 on the carbon and nitrogen distribution within perennial ryegrass (L. perenne L.) and its influence on belowground processes were investigated. Plants were homogeneously 14C-labelled in two ESPAS growth chambers in a continuous 14C-CO2 atmosphere of 350 and 700 L L-1 CO2 and at two soil nitrogen regimes, in order to follow the carbon flow through all plant and soil compartments.After 79 days, elevated CO2 increased the total carbon uptake by 41 and 21% at low (LN) and high nitrogen (HN) fertilisation, respectively. Shoot growth remained unaffected, whereas CO2 enrichment stimulated root growth by 46% and the root/soil respiration by 111%, irrespective of the nitrogen concentration. The total 14C-soil content increased by 101 and 28% at LN and HN, respectively. The decomposition of the native soil organic matter was not affected either by CO2 or by the nitrogen treatment.Elevated CO2 did not change the total nitrogen uptake of the plant either at LN or at HN. Both at LN and HN elevated CO2 significantly increased the total amount of nitrogen taken up by the roots and decreased the absolute and relative amounts translocated to the shoots.The amount of soil nitrogen immobilised by micro-organisms and the size of the soil microbial biomass were not affected by elevated CO2, whereas both were significantly increased at the higher soil N content.Most striking was the 88% increase in net carbon input into the soil expressed as: 14C-roots plus total 14C-soil content minus the 12C-carbon released by decomposition of native soil organic matter. The net carbon input into the soil at ambient CO2 corresponded with 841 and 1662 kg ha-1 at LN and HN, respectively. Elevated CO2 increased these amounts with an extra carbon input of 950 and 1056 kg ha-1. Combined with a reduced decomposition rate of plant material grown at elevated CO2 this will probably lead to carbon storage in grassland soils resulting in a negative feed back on the increasing CO2 concentration of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2, rhizosphere processes,and soil organic matter decomposition   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Cheng  Weixin  Johnson  Dale W. 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(2):167-174
The rhizosphere is one of the key fine-scale components of C cycles. This study was undertaken to improve understanding of the potential effects of atmospheric CO2 increase on rhizosphere processes. Using C isotope techniques, we found that elevated atmospheric CO2 significantly increased wheat plant growth, dry mass accumulation, rhizosphere respiration, and soluble C concentrations in the rhizosphere. When plants were grown under elevated CO2 concentration, soluble C concentration in the rhizosphere increased by approximately 60%. The degree of elevated CO2 enhancement on rhizosphere respiration was much higher than on root biomass. Averaged between the two nitrogen treatments and compared with the ambient CO2 treatment, wheat rhizosphere respiration rate increased 60% and root biomass only increased 26% under the elevated CO2 treatment. These results indicated that elevated atmospheric CO2 in a wheat-soil system significantly increased substrate input to the rhizosphere due to both increased root growth and increased root activities per unit of roots. Nitrogen treatments changed the effect of elevated CO2 on soil organic matter decomposition. Elevated CO2 increased soil organic matter decomposition (22%) in the nitrogen-added treatment but decreased soil organic matter decomposition (18%) without nitrogen addition. Soil nitrogen status was therefore found to be important in determining the directions of the effect of elevated CO2 on soil organic matter decomposition.  相似文献   

Changes in plant inputs under changing atmospheric CO2 can be expected to alter the size and/or functional characteristics of soil microbial communities which can determine whether soils are a C sink or source. Stable isotope probing was used to trace autotrophically fixed 13C into phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers in Mojave Desert soils planted with the desert shrub, Larrea tridentata. Seedlings were pulse‐labeled with 13CO2 under ambient and elevated CO2 in controlled environmental growth chambers. The label was chased into the soil by extracting soil PLFAs after labeling at Days 0, 2, 10, 24, and 49. Eighteen of 29 PLFAs identified showed 13C enrichment relative to nonlabeled control soils. Patterns of PLFA enrichment varied temporally and were similar for various PLFAs found within a microbial functional group. Enrichment of PLFA 13C generally occurred within the first 2 days in general and fungal biomarkers, followed by increasingly greater enrichment in bacterial biomarkers as the study progressed (Gram‐negative, Gram‐positive, actinobacteria). While treatment CO2 level did not affect total PLFA‐C concentrations, microbial functional group abundances and distribution responded to treatment CO2 level and these shifts persisted throughout the study. Specifically, ratios of bacterial‐to‐total PLFA‐C decreased and fungal‐to‐bacterial PLFA‐C increased under elevated CO2 compared with ambient conditions. Differences in the timing of 13C incorporation into lipid biomarkers coupled with changes in microbial functional groups indicate that microbial community characteristics in Mojave Desert soils have shifted in response to long‐term exposure to increased atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

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