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Abstract— Some problems associated with a cladistic treatment of complex taxa (hybrids and holobionts) are reviewed and discussed. The authors recommend aplication of standard cladistic analysis to all taxa, regardless of their supposed mode of origin. The position of a complex taxon depends entirely on the set of characters it shares with other taxa. This approach is preferable, because there are no means to distinguish deductively between various kinds of character conflicts (the recognition of one character as incongruous with others says nothing about its evolutionary origin). All other approaches have been proposed so as to reflect the topology of reticulate phylogenetic trees, but, at the same time, they require prior knowledge of the complex nature of a taxon.  相似文献   

现生长臂猿的新系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
马世来 《兽类学报》1997,17(2):81-91
本文综合形态、行为、生态、分布、染色体及有关化石资料的比较分析研究, 论述了白颊长臂猿(Hylobates leucog eny s) 和红颊长臂猿(Hylobates gabriellae) 的种级地位有效性; 着重讨论了黑长臂猿(Hylobates concolor) 及白眉长臂猿(Hylobates hoolock ) 的系统地位; 重新构建了现生11 种长臂猿系统发育的新系谱和依罗伯逊融合(Robert-sonian centric fusion) 进化途径的长臂猿演化假说。  相似文献   

Sequence variation of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) among populations, species, and genera of the diatom genus Stephanodiscus was investigated. ITS 1 and ITS 2, including the 5.8S gene, were sequenced from geographically distant and nearby populations of S. niagarae Ehrenberg. In addition, repeats from S. hantzschii Grunow and Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing were sequenced to determine the taxonomic range over which the ITS region could be used for diatom systematics. The morphologically distinct S. yellowstonensis Theriot & Stoermer, thought to have evolved from S. niagarae in Yellowstone Lake between 12,000 and 8000 years ago, also was sequenced to assess its relationship to nearby S. niagarae populations. The organization and relative sizes of ITS 1 and ITS 2 in Stephanodiscus species were similar to those reported for other eukaryotes. In general, ITS 2 was slightly larger and more variable than ITS 1. Cladistic analysis of ITS sequences did not resolve relationships of nearby S. niagarae and S. yellowstonensis populations. However, central North American S. niagarae populations were in a clade supported by two nucleotide changes. For Cyclotella, much of the ITS region was not alignable with that for Stephanodiscus species; therefore, generic-level comparison within the Thalassiosiraceae may not be possible. The variation (95–96% similarity) between S. hantzschii and other Stephanodiscus species suggests that interspecific relationships could be assessed with ITS sequences. Although S. yellowstonensis is morphologically distinct from S. niagarae, no autapomorphic nucleotide sites were identified. Two S. niagarae populations (Heart and Lewis Lakes), however, did possess autapomorphic ITS sites.  相似文献   

采用Hennig 86程序,以柄菌蚊科和喙菌蚊科代表种为外群,选取48个特征,使用mhen-nig^*和bb^*指令在586微机上运算,首次对菌蚊科中5亚科28属的28种进行支序分析,探讨各分类单元系统发育关系。结果表明:菌蚊亚科与滑菌蚊亚科的亲缘关系较近,二者互为姐妹群,粘菌蚊亚科属于原始类群;菌蚊亚科为5个亚科中的进化类群;邻菌蚊亚科可能为并系群;真菌蚊亚科是介于邻菌蚊亚科与菌蚊亚科之间的类群。  相似文献   


研究有机缓冲剂用于耐酸根瘤菌选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
五种缓冲剂对根瘤菌生长的酵母汁—阿拉伯糖—半乳糖培养基(YAG)低pH的缓冲作用进行了测定。30.7mM2[N-吗啉]乙醇磺酸(MES)具有维持pH(5.5或4.9)基本不变的缓冲能力,且根瘤菌数从10~(3-4)增加到10~9/ml.适用于耐酸的花生、大翼豆快生型根瘤菌选择。30mM的其它缓冲剂与慢生型根瘤菌的耐酸能力测定结果指出:苯甲酸(BA)pH6.0抑制根瘤菌生长;琥珀酸(SA)、柠檬酸(CA)pH变化较大;邻苯二甲酸氢钾(PHP)虽然在pH5.52条件下具有强的缓冲能力,且能区分菌株的生长差异,但在更低pH(4.5以下)条件下,则使根瘤菌生长受到抑制。  相似文献   

柠檬醛和桉叶油素的新资源植物   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
对湖北川桂叶油等四个样品的化学成分,使用毛细管气相色谱/质谱/计算机联用系统进行分析。结果表明,其中三个样品富含柠檬醛:长阳产川桂叶油(含77.99%)、咸丰产川桂叶油(含86.47%)和湖北樟叶油(含95.01%)。另外,樟树油樟型的叶油中,主要成分为1.8-桉叶油素,含量高达65.76%。这几种樟属植物是湖北的常见树种,资源丰富,鲜叶出油率较高,可供开发利用。  相似文献   

在数值分类、SDSPAGE 全细胞蛋白分析、DNADNA 杂交、16SrDNAPCRRFLP 的基础上,测定了两个分离自干旱地区苜蓿、草木樨根瘤菌新群1 、2 的中心株XJ96060 、XJ96408 的16SrDNA 全序列,并进一步将中心株和31 株已知菌、3 株分自黄土高原的根瘤菌进行了系统发育学分析。结果表明,供试菌株在系统发育树中基本分成Sinorhizobium 、Mesorhizobium 、AgrobacteriumRhizobium 、Rhizobiu m 、Bradyrhizobium 、Azorhizobium 六个分枝。群1 ,2 落入Sinorhizobiu m 分枝。  相似文献   

If we adopt a statistical approach to systematics and recognize that phylogenies are estimated with error, then we can begin to explore statistically justified methods for testing a variety of comparative hypotheses, including those concerning the evolution of life-history characters and biogeography. In this paper I examine two biogeographic hypotheses concerning the rodent genus Microtus. Like many comparative hypotheses, these can be phrased so that each predicts the existence of a particular monophyletic group. Neither of the predicted groups appear on the single best phylogeny as determined by both Dollo parsimony and maximum likelihood analysis of restriction site maps of mitochondrial DNA. Simulation studies, however, suggest that often the best phylogeny from a single data set has only a low probability of being exactly correct. We must also examine those trees that, while not the single best-supported tree, are not rejected by the data. If we find the best phylogeny for which a hypothesis is satisfied, then likelihood methods can be used to test whether that phylogeny is significantly worse then the best tree overall. If that tree can be rejected, then so can the hypothesis. Computational constraints limit the use of likelihood methods for searching among topologies, so parsimony is used as a data exploratory tool. One of the predicted groups cannot be rejected, even though the most parsimonious tree which includes that group requires 11 more steps than does the most parsimonious tree.  相似文献   

The Bryopsidales contains some of the most species rich and ecologically dominant algae in tropical ecosystems. However, the evolutionary relationships among the 29 genera and several hundred species of this order remain poorly resolved. Because of a lack of known reproductive characters for many taxa, evolutionary hypotheses grouped genera by similarities in morphological characters. To apply standard cladistical analyses to further our understanding of this group, this study presents the first comprehensive compilation of reported morphological, reproductive, and subcellular characteristics for genera in the Bryopsidales. Computer-assisted cladistical analyses ultimately identified phylogenetically informative and uninformative characters. Although the topology of the trees generated in this study is expected to change as additional data are added to this matrix, many traditional groupings and recent groupings based on molecular data were supported.  相似文献   

1. An efficient generator of focused ultrasound has been designed, built, and successfully operated. 2. The generator has been used to produce focal heating in the centers of paraffin blocks, and in a similar manner, focal areas of destruction were obtained deep in fresh liver tissue with minimal effects at the surface and no effects on the intervening tissue. 3. In animals, focused ultrasound of high intensity produced local cerebral changes as inferred from behavior disabilities and as demonstrated at autopsy. This local brain effect was achieved through intervening scalp, skull, and meninges. The resulting behavior disabilities disappeared in from 2 to 16 hours. 4. To date, it has not been possible to produce such brain changes without incidental injury to the skin and subcutaneous tissue lying at the base of the cone of radiation. 5. Improvements in generation and application of the focused supersonic beam are suggested whereby it should be possible to increase still further the focal effects in the brain, with a corresponding decrease or elimination of complicating surface injury.  相似文献   

Epifluorescence microscopy reveals the presence of fluorescence in the living cells of at least three classes of flagellates. In Ochromonas cells, the fluorescence is blue-green in color and is found only in the short flagellum, both in the flagellar swelling and throughout the length of the flagellum. As recognized by the locale and color of the flagellar fluorescence, the same fluorescence is observed in only certain other heterokont algal groups but is also found in one of the two isokont flagella of the prymnesiophyte Prymnesium parvum.  相似文献   

Using a Rank-Rating method, d'values were obtained for stimuli from a model system using 15-point, 9-point, 7-point and 5-point category scales. For an apple/grape juice system, d'values were compared for 9-point and 7-point scales. There was general agreement on d'values among the scales, except where stimuli had their scores 'bunched'into one category: this tended to occur for the strongest and weakest stimuli for Rank-Rating and for the scales with fewer points. Bunching altered distribution variances and distorted the calculated d'values. Further study gave d'values for the discrimination of confusable stimuli, using paired-comparison and rating data, thus providing numerical measures of their relative sensitivity.  相似文献   

Current ideas on the evolution of alternation of generations in land plants are reviewed in the context of important recent advances in plant systematics and the discovery of remarkable new palaeobotanical evidence on early embryophyte life cycles. An overview of relationships in major groups of green plants is presented together with a brief review of the early fossil record as a prelude to discussing hypotheses of life cycle evolution. Recent discoveries of life cycles in the early fossil record are described and assessed. The newly discovered gametophyte and sporophyte associations are based on exceptionally well-preserved material from the Rhynie Chert, Scotland (Middle Devonian: 380–408 Myr) and compression fossils from other Devonian localities. These data document diplobiontic life cycles in plants at the ‘protracheophyte’ and early tracheophyte level of organization. Furthermore, the early fossils have a more or less isomorphic alternation of generations, a striking departure from life cycles in extant embryophytes. This unexpected similarity between gametophyte and sporophyte calls for a cautious approach in identifying ploidy level in early groups. Viewed in a systematic context, the neontological and palaeontological data contribute towards the formulation of a coherent hypothesis of life cycle evolution in major, early embryophyte groups. Evidence from extant groups strongly supports a single direct origin of the diplobiontic life cycles of land plants from haploid, haplobiontic life cycles in ancestral ‘charophycean algae’. The interest of the new palaeobotanical data lies in its relevance to life cycle evolution at the restricted level of vascular plants rather than at the more general level of embryophytes (vascular plants plus ‘bryophytes’). The occurrence of morphologically complex, axial gametophytes in early vascular plants is consistent with the moss sister-group proposed in some cladistic analyses. Similarities of moss gametophytes to fossils in the vascular plant stem-group are discussed, and it is argued that the late appearance of mosses in the macrofossil record may be due to the problem of recognizing stem-group taxa. The new palaeobotanical evidence conflicts with previous hypotheses based on extant groups that interpret morphological simplicity as the plesiomorphic condition in the gametophytes of vascular plants. These new data indicate that a significant elaboration of both gametophyte and sporophyte occurred early in the tracheophyte lineage, and that the gametophytes of extant ‘pteridophytes’ are highly reduced compared to those of some of the earliest ‘protracheophytes’. Vestiges of this early morphological complexity may remain in the gametophytes of some extant groups such as Lycopodiaceae.  相似文献   

If all species in a clade are equally likely to speciate or become extinct, then highly symmetric and highly asymmetric phylogenetic trees are unlikely to result. Variation between species in speciation and extinction rates can cause excessive asymmetry. We developed six non-parametric statistical tests that test for nonrandom patterns of branching in any bifurcating tree. The tests are demonstrated by applying them to two published phylogenies for genera of beetles. Comparison of the power of the six statistics under a simple model of biased speciation suggests which of them may be most useful for detecting nonrandom tree shapes.  相似文献   

Polybutilate coated polyester (Dacron) sutures were evaluated in a variety of cardiovascular procedures performed on 117 patients. The age range was from 6 months to 88 years, and long-term follow-up was available in 100 patients. The most frequently sutured tissues were those of the aorta, atrium, fascia and pericardium. Suture sizes ranged from 1-0 through 5-0, the most common being 3-0. There were no suture related complications, and the performance was found to be superior to non-coated polyester sutures and other forms of coated sutures. Favorable characteristics were: 1) ease of passage through tissue, especially through prosthetic materials; 2) ease of tying, 3) increased knot security; and 4) better handling characteristics in general. Because of the firm bonding of polybutilate with the polyester suture, flaking (minute amounts of the coating which become dislodged) and suture drag characteristics of other coated polyester sutures were not experienced.  相似文献   

天然樟脑和芳樟醇的新资源植物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了湖北樟的分类位置、地理分布、生态环境及其叶油化学成分。其鲜叶出油率为1.7ml/100g,主要成分樟脑含量高达88.46%。湖北产芳樟和黄樟的鲜叶出油率均高达3.1ml/100g,主成分芳樟醇含量分別为89.59%和81.41%。  相似文献   

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