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The long‐term effects of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and tropospheric O3 concentrations on fungal communities in soil are not well understood. Here, we examine fungal community composition and the activities of cellobiohydrolase and N‐acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) after 10 years of exposure to 1.5 times ambient levels of CO2 and O3 in aspen and aspen–birch forest ecosystems, and compare these results to earlier studies in the same long‐term experiment. The forest floor community was dominated by saprotrophic fungi, and differed slightly between plant community types, as did NAG activity. Elevated CO2 and O3 had small but significant effects on the distribution of fungal genotypes in this horizon, and elevated CO2 also lead to an increase in the proportion of Sistotrema spp. within the community. Yet, although cellobiohydrolase activity was lower in the forest floor under elevated O3, it was not affected by elevated CO2. NAG was also unaffected. The soil community was dominated by ectomycorrhizal species. Both CO2 and O3 had a minor effect on the distribution of genotypes; however, phylogenetic analysis indicated that under elevated O3Cortinarius and Inocybe spp. increased in abundance and Laccaria and Tomentella spp. declined. Although cellobiohydrolase activity in soil was unaffected by either CO2 or O3, NAG was higher (~29%) under CO2 in aspen–birch, but lower (~18%) under aspen. Time series analysis indicated that CO2 increased cellulolytic enzyme activity during the first 5 years of the experiment, but that the magnitude of this effect diminished over time. NAG activity also showed strong early stimulation by elevated CO2, but after 10 years this effect is no longer evident. Elevated O3 appears to have variable stimulatory and repressive effects depending on the soil horizon and time point examined.  相似文献   

Elevation of atmospheric CO2 concentration is predicted to increase net primary production, which could lead to additional C sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil C input was determined under ambient and Free Atmospheric Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) conditions for Lolium perenne L. and Trifolium repens L. grown for four years in a sandy‐loam soil. The 13C content of the soil organic matter C had been increased by 5‰ compared to the native soil by prior cropping to corn (Zea mays) for > 20 years. Both species received low or high amounts of N fertilizer in separate plots. The total accumulated above‐ground biomass produced by L. perenne during the 4‐year period was strongly dependent on the amount of N fertilizer applied but did not respond to increased CO2. In contrast, the total accumulated above‐ground biomass of T. repens doubled under elevated CO2 but remained independent of N fertilizer rate. The C:N ratio of above‐ground biomass for both species increased under elevated CO2 whereas only the C:N ratio of L. perenne roots increased under elevated CO2. Root biomass of L. perenne doubled under elevated CO2 and again under high N fertilization. Total soil C was unaffected by CO2 treatment but dependent on species. After 4 years and for both crops, the fraction of new C (F‐value) under ambient conditions was higher (P= 0.076) than under FACE conditions: 0.43 vs. 0.38. Soil under L. perenne showed an increase in total soil organic matter whereas N fertilization or elevated CO2 had no effect on total soil organic matter content for both systems. The net amount of C sequestered in 4 years was unaffected by the CO2 concentration (overall average of 8.5 g C kg?1 soil). There was a significant species effect and more new C was sequestered under highly fertilized L. perenne. The amount of new C sequestered in the soil was primarily dependent on plant species and the response of root biomass to CO2 and N fertilization. Therefore, in this FACE study net soil C sequestration was largely depended on how the species responded to N rather than to elevated CO2.  相似文献   

The ecological impacts of long‐term elevated atmospheric CO2 (eCO2) levels on soil microbiota remain largely unknown. This is particularly true for the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, which form mutualistic associations with over two‐thirds of terrestrial plant species and are entirely dependent on their plant hosts for carbon. Here, we use high‐resolution amplicon sequencing (Illumina, HiSeq) to quantify the response of AM fungal communities to the longest running (>15 years) free‐air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) experiment in the Northern Hemisphere (GiFACE); providing the first evaluation of these responses from old‐growth (>100 years) semi‐natural grasslands subjected to a 20% increase in atmospheric CO2. eCO2 significantly increased AM fungal richness but had a less‐pronounced impact on the composition of their communities. However, while broader changes in community composition were not observed, more subtle responses of specific AM fungal taxa were with populations both increasing and decreasing in abundance in response to eCO2. Most population‐level responses to eCO2 were not consistent through time, with a significant interaction between sampling time and eCO2 treatment being observed. This suggests that the temporal dynamics of AM fungal populations may be disturbed by anthropogenic stressors. As AM fungi are functionally differentiated, with different taxa providing different benefits to host plants, changes in population densities in response to eCO2 may significantly impact terrestrial plant communities and their productivity. Thus, predictions regarding future terrestrial ecosystems must consider changes both aboveground and belowground, but avoid relying on broad‐scale community‐level responses of soil microbes observed on single occasions.  相似文献   

Soil carbon is returned to the atmosphere through the process of soil respiration, which represents one of the largest fluxes in the terrestrial C cycle. The effects of climate change on the components of soil respiration can affect the sink or source capacity of ecosystems for atmospheric carbon, but no current techniques can unambiguously separate soil respiration into its components. Long‐term free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments provide a unique opportunity to study soil C dynamics because the CO2 used for fumigation has a distinct isotopic signature and serves as a continuous label at the ecosystem level. We used the 13C tracer at the Duke Forest FACE site to follow the disappearance of C fixed before fumigation began in 1996 (pretreatment C) from soil CO2 and soil‐respired CO2, as an index of belowground C dynamics during the first 8 years of the experiment. The decay of pretreatment C as detected in the isotopic composition of soil‐respired CO2 and soil CO2 at 15, 30, 70, and 200 cm soil depth was best described by a model having one to three exponential pools within the soil system. The majority of soil‐respired CO2 (71%) originated in soil C pools with a turnover time of about 35 days. About 55%, 50%, and 68% of soil CO2 at 15, 30, and 70 cm, respectively, originated in soil pools with turnover times of less than 1 year. The rest of soil CO2 and soil‐respired CO2 originated in soil pools that turn over at decadal time scales. Our results suggest that a large fraction of the C returned to the atmosphere through soil respiration results from dynamic soil C pools that cannot be easily detected in traditionally defined soil organic matter standing stocks. Fast oxidation of labile C substrates may prevent increases in soil C accumulation in forests exposed to elevated [CO2] and may consequently result in shorter ecosystem C residence times.  相似文献   

The influence of N availability on C sequestration under prolonged elevated CO2 in terrestrial ecosystems remains unclear. We studied the relationships between C and N dynamics in a pasture seeded to Lolium perenne after 8 years of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (FACE) conditions. Fertilizer‐15N was applied at a rate of 140 and 560 kg N ha2?1 y2?1 and depleted 13C‐CO2 was used to increase the CO2 concentration to 60 Pa pCO2. The 13C–15N dual isotopic tracer enabled us to study the dynamics of newly sequestered C and N in the soil by aggregate size and fractions of particulate organic matter (POM), made up by intra‐aggregate POM (iPOM) and free light fraction (LF). Eight years of elevated CO2 did not increase total C content in any of the aggregate classes or POM fractions at both rates of N application. The fraction of new C in the POM fractions also remained largely unaffected by N fertilization. Changes in the fractions of new C and new N (fertilizer‐N) under elevated CO2 were more pronounced between POM classes than between aggregate size classes. Hence, changes in the dynamics of soil C and N cycling are easier to detect in the POM fractions than in the whole aggregates. Within N treatments, fractions of new C and N in POM classes were highly correlated with more new C and N in large POM fractions and less in the smaller POM fractions. Isotopic data show that the microaggregates were derived from the macro‐aggregates and that the C and N associated with the microaggregates turned over slower than the C and N associated with the macroaggregates. There was also isotopic evidence that N immobilized by soil microorganisms was an important source of N in the iPOM fractions. Under low N availability, 3.04 units of new C per unit of fertilizer N were sequestered in the POM fractions. Under high N availability, the ratio of new C sequestered per unit of fertilizer N was reduced to 1.47. Elevated and ambient CO2 concentrations lead to similar 15N enrichments in the iPOM fractions under both low and high N additions, clearly showing that the SOM‐N dynamics were unaffected by prolonged elevated CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

A scrub‐oak woodland has maintained higher aboveground biomass accumulation after 11 years of atmospheric CO2 enrichment (ambient +350 μmol CO2 mol?1), despite the expectation of strong nitrogen (N) limitation at the site. We hypothesized that changes in plant available N and exploitation of deep sources of inorganic N in soils have sustained greater growth at elevated CO2. We employed a suite of assays performed in the sixth and 11th year of a CO2 enrichment experiment designed to assess soil N dynamics and N availability in the entire soil profile. In the 11th year, we found no differences in gross N flux, but significantly greater microbial respiration (P≤0.01) at elevated CO2. Elevated CO2 lowered extractable inorganic N concentrations (P=0.096) considering the whole soil profile (0–190 cm). Conversely, potential net N mineralization, although not significant in considering the entire profile (P=0.460), tended to be greater at elevated CO2. Ion‐exchange resins placed in the soil profile for approximately 1 year revealed that potential N availability at the water table was almost 3 × greater than found elsewhere in the profile, and we found direct evidence using a 15N tracer study that plants took up N from the water table. Increased microbial respiration and shorter mean residence times of inorganic N at shallower depths suggests that enhanced SOM decomposition may promote a sustained supply of inorganic N at elevated CO2. Deep soil N availability at the water table is considerable, and provides a readily available source of N for plant uptake. Increased plant growth at elevated CO2 in this ecosystem may be sustained through greater inorganic N supply from shallow soils and N uptake from deep soil.  相似文献   

Changes in plant inputs under changing atmospheric CO2 can be expected to alter the size and/or functional characteristics of soil microbial communities which can determine whether soils are a C sink or source. Stable isotope probing was used to trace autotrophically fixed 13C into phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers in Mojave Desert soils planted with the desert shrub, Larrea tridentata. Seedlings were pulse‐labeled with 13CO2 under ambient and elevated CO2 in controlled environmental growth chambers. The label was chased into the soil by extracting soil PLFAs after labeling at Days 0, 2, 10, 24, and 49. Eighteen of 29 PLFAs identified showed 13C enrichment relative to nonlabeled control soils. Patterns of PLFA enrichment varied temporally and were similar for various PLFAs found within a microbial functional group. Enrichment of PLFA 13C generally occurred within the first 2 days in general and fungal biomarkers, followed by increasingly greater enrichment in bacterial biomarkers as the study progressed (Gram‐negative, Gram‐positive, actinobacteria). While treatment CO2 level did not affect total PLFA‐C concentrations, microbial functional group abundances and distribution responded to treatment CO2 level and these shifts persisted throughout the study. Specifically, ratios of bacterial‐to‐total PLFA‐C decreased and fungal‐to‐bacterial PLFA‐C increased under elevated CO2 compared with ambient conditions. Differences in the timing of 13C incorporation into lipid biomarkers coupled with changes in microbial functional groups indicate that microbial community characteristics in Mojave Desert soils have shifted in response to long‐term exposure to increased atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高和氮(N)添加对土壤碳库的影响是当前国际生态学界关注的一个热点。为阐述土壤不同形态有机碳的抗干扰能力, 运用大型开顶箱, 研究了4种处理((1)高CO2浓度(700 µmol·mol-1)和高氮添加(100 kg N·hm-2·a-1) (CN); (2)高CO2浓度和背景氮添加(CC); (3)高氮添加和背景CO2浓度(NN); (4)背景CO2和背景氮添加(CK))对南亚热带模拟森林生态系统土壤有机碳库稳定性的影响。近5年的试验研究表明: (1) CN处理能明显地促进各土层中土壤总有机碳含量的增加, 其中, 下层土壤(5-60 cm土层)中的响应达到统计学水平。(2)活性有机碳库各组分对处理的响应有所差异: 不同土层中微生物生物量碳(MBC)的含量对各处理的响应趋势基本一致, 各土层中的MBC含量均为CN > CC > NN > CK, 其中0-5 cm、5-10 cm、10-20 cm 3个土层的处理间差异都达到了显著水平; 10-20 cm与20-40 cm两个土层中的易氧化有机碳处理间有显著差异; 而对于各土层中水溶性有机碳, 处理间差异均不明显。(3)各团聚体组分中的有机碳含量的响应也有所差异: 20-40 cm与40-60 cm土层中250-2000 μm组分的有机碳含量存在处理间差异; 40-60 cm土层中53-250 μm组分的有机碳对各处理响应敏感, CC处理和NN处理都有利于该组分碳的深层积累, 尤其CN处理下的效果最为明显; 在各处理10-20 cm、20-40 cm及40-60 cm土壤中, < 53 μm组分中的碳含量间差异显著。大气CO2浓度上升和N添加促进了森林生态系统中土壤有机碳的增加, 尤其有利于深层土壤中微团聚体与粉粒、黏粒团聚体等较稳定组分中有机碳的积累, 增加了土壤有机碳库的稳定性。  相似文献   

Reduced soil N availability under elevated CO2 may limit the plant's capacity to increase photosynthesis and thus the potential for increased soil C input. Plant productivity and soil C input should be less constrained by available soil N in an N2‐fixing system. We studied the effects of Trifolium repens (an N2‐fixing legume) and Lolium perenne on soil N and C sequestration in response to 9 years of elevated CO2 under FACE conditions. 15N‐labeled fertilizer was applied at a rate of 140 and 560 kg N ha?1 yr?1 and the CO2 concentration was increased to 60 Pa pCO2 using 13C‐depleted CO2. The total soil C content was unaffected by elevated CO2, species and rate of 15N fertilization. However, under elevated CO2, the total amount of newly sequestered soil C was significantly higher under T. repens than under L. perenne. The fraction of fertilizer‐N (fN) of the total soil N pool was significantly lower under T. repens than under L. perenne. The rate of N fertilization, but not elevated CO2, had a significant effect on fN values of the total soil N pool. The fractions of newly sequestered C (fC) differed strongly among intra‐aggregate soil organic matter fractions, but were unaffected by plant species and the rate of N fertilization. Under elevated CO2, the ratio of fertilizer‐N per unit of new C decreased under T. repens compared with L. perenne. The L. perenne system sequestered more 15N fertilizer than T. repens: 179 vs. 101 kg N ha?1 for the low rate of N fertilization and 393 vs. 319 kg N ha?1 for the high N‐fertilization rate. As the loss of fertilizer‐15N contributed to the 15N‐isotope dilution under T. repens, the input of fixed N into the soil could not be estimated. Although N2 fixation was an important source of N in the T. repens system, there was no significant increase in total soil C compared with a non‐N2‐fixing L. perenne system. This suggests that N2 fixation and the availability of N are not the main factors controlling soil C sequestration in a T. repens system.  相似文献   

After a step increase in the atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), the availability of mineral N may be insufficient to meet the plant's increased demand for N. Over time, however, the ecosystem may adapt to the new conditions, and a new equilibrium may be established in the fluxes of C and N. This would result in a higher dry mass (DM) yield response of the plants to elevated pCO2. The effect of elevated atmospheric pCO2 (60 Pa pCO2) was studied in Lolium perenne L. swards with two N fertilization treatments (14 and 56 g m?2 y?1) in a six‐year FACE (Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment) experiment. In the high N treatment, the input of N with fertilizer considerably exceeded the export of N with the harvested plant material in both CO2 treatments leading to an apparent net input of N into the ecosystem. Accordingly, the proportion of harvested N derived from 15N labelled fertilizer N, applied throughout the experiment (< 6 years), increased over the years. Under these high N conditions, the annual DM yield response of the Lolium perenne sward to elevated pCO2 increased (from 7% in 1993 to 25% in 1998). In parallel, the response of N yield to elevated pCO2 increased, and the initially negative effect of elevated pCO2 on specific leaf area (SLA) disappeared. The high N input system seemed to overcome in part an initially limiting effect of N on the yield response to elevated pCO2 within a few years. In contrast, there was no apparent net input of N into the ecosystem in the low N treatment, because N fertilization just compensated the export of N with the harvested plant material. Accordingly, the proportion of harvested N yield, derived from fertilizer N, which was applied throughout the experiment, remained low. At low N, the availability of mineral N strongly limited plant growth and yield production in both CO2 treatments; the low yields of DM and N, the low concentration of N in the plant material, and the low SLA reflected this. Although the plants grew under the same environmental conditions and the same management treatment as plants in the high N treatment, the response of DM yields to elevated pCO2 in the low N treatment remained weak throughout the experiment (5% in 1993 and 9% in 1998). The results are discussed in the context of the sizes of the different N pools in the soil, the allocation of N within the plant and the possible effects on temporal immobilization, and the availability of mineral N for yield production as affected by elevated pCO2 and N fertilization.  相似文献   

Studies have suggested that more carbon is fixed due to a large increase in photosynthesis in plant–soil systems exposed to elevated CO2 than could subsequently be found in plant biomass and soils –‐ the locally missing carbon phenomenon. To further understand this phenomenon, an experiment was carried out using EcoCELLs which are open‐flow, mass‐balance systems at the mesocosm scale. Naturally occurring 13C tracers were also used to separately measure plant‐derived carbon and soil‐derived carbon. The experiment included two EcoCELLs, one under ambient atmospheric CO2 and the other under elevated CO2 (ambient plus 350 μL L? 1). By matching carbon fluxes with carbon pools, the issue of locally missing carbon was investigated. Flux‐based net primary production (NPPf) was similar to pool‐based primary production (NPPp) under ambient CO2, and the discrepancy between the two carbon budgets (12 g C m? 2, or 4% of NPPf) was less than measurement errors. Therefore, virtually all carbon entering the system under ambient CO2 was accounted for at the end of the experiment. Under elevated CO2, however, the amount of NPPf was much higher than NPPp, resulting in missing carbon of approximately 80 g C m? 2 or 19% of NPPf which was much higher than measurement errors. This was additional to the 96% increase in rhizosphere respiration and the 50% increase in root growth, two important components of locally missing carbon. The mystery of locally missing carbon under elevated CO2 remains to be further investigated. Volatile organic carbon, carbon loss due to root washing, and measurement errors are discussed as some of the potential contributing factors.  相似文献   

Increased plant productivity under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations might increase soil carbon (C) inputs and storage, which would constitute an important negative feedback on the ongoing atmospheric CO2 rise. However, elevated CO2 often also leads to increased soil moisture, which could accelerate the decomposition of soil organic matter, thus counteracting the positive effects via C cycling. We investigated soil C sequestration responses to 5 years of elevated CO2 treatment in a temperate spring wheat agroecosystem. The application of 13C‐depleted CO2 to the elevated CO2 plots enabled us to partition soil C into recently fixed C (Cnew) and pre‐experimental C (Cold) by 13C/12C mass balance. Gross C inputs to soils associated with Cnew accumulation and the decomposition of Cold were then simulated using the Rothamsted C model ‘RothC.’ We also ran simulations with a modified RothC version that was driven directly by measured soil moisture and temperature data instead of the original water balance equation that required potential evaporation and precipitation as input. The model accurately reproduced the measured Cnew in bulk soil and microbial biomass C. Assuming equal soil moisture in both ambient and elevated CO2, simulation results indicated that elevated CO2 soils accumulated an extra ~40–50 g C m?2 relative to ambient CO2 soils over the 5 year treatment period. However, when accounting for the increased soil moisture under elevated CO2 that we observed, a faster decomposition of Cold resulted; this extra C loss under elevated CO2 resulted in a negative net effect on total soil C of ~30 g C m?2 relative to ambient conditions. The present study therefore demonstrates that positive effects of elevated CO2 on soil C due to extra soil C inputs can be more than compensated by negative effects of elevated CO2 via the hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

Increased partitioning of carbon (C) to fine roots under elevated [CO2], especially deep in the soil profile, could alter soil C and nitrogen (N) cycling in forests. After more than 11 years of free‐air CO2 enrichment in a Liquidambar styraciflua L. (sweetgum) plantation in Oak Ridge, TN, USA, greater inputs of fine roots resulted in the incorporation of new C (i.e., C with a depleted δ13C) into root‐derived particulate organic matter (POM) pools to 90‐cm depth. Even though production in the sweetgum stand was limited by soil N availability, soil C and N contents were greater throughout the soil profile under elevated [CO2] at the conclusion of the experiment. Greater C inputs from fine‐root detritus under elevated [CO2] did not result in increased net N immobilization or C mineralization rates in long‐term laboratory incubations, possibly because microbial biomass was lower in the CO2‐enriched plots. Furthermore, the δ13CO2 of the C mineralized from the incubated soil closely tracked the δ13C of the labile POM pool in the elevated [CO2] treatment, especially in shallower soil, and did not indicate significant priming of the decomposition of pre‐experiment soil organic matter (SOM). Although potential C mineralization rates were positively and linearly related to total SOM C content in the top 30 cm of soil, this relationship did not hold in deeper soil. Taken together with an increased mean residence time of C in deeper soil pools, these findings indicate that C inputs from relatively deep roots under elevated [CO2] may increase the potential for long‐term soil C storage. However, C in deeper soil is likely to take many years to accrue to a significant fraction of total soil C given relatively smaller root inputs at depth. Expanded representation of biogeochemical cycling throughout the soil profile may improve model projections of future forest responses to rising atmospheric [CO2].  相似文献   

Quantification of rhizodeposition (root exudates and root turnover) represents a major challenge for understanding the links between above‐ground assimilation and below‐ground anoxic decomposition of organic carbon in rice paddy ecosystems. Free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) fumigating depleted 13CO2 in rice paddy resulted in a smaller 13C/12C ratio in plant‐assimilated carbon, providing a unique measure by which we partitioned the sources of decomposed gases (CO2 and CH4) into current‐season photosynthates (new C) and soil organic matter (old C). In addition, we imposed a soil‐warming treatment nested within the CO2 treatments to assess whether the carbon source was sensitive to warming. Compared with the ambient CO2 treatment, the FACE treatment decreased the 13C/12C ratio not only in the rice‐plant carbon but also in the soil CO2 and CH4. The estimated new C contribution to dissolved CO2 was minor (ca. 20%) at the tillering stage, increased with rice growth and was about 50% from the panicle‐formation stage onwards. For CH4, the contribution of new C was greater than for heterotrophic CO2 production; ca. 40–60% of season‐total CH4 production originated from new C with a tendency toward even larger new C contribution with soil warming, presumably because enhanced root decay provided substrates for greater CH4 production. The results suggest a fast and close coupling between photosynthesis and anoxic decomposition in soil, and further indicate a positive feedback of global warming by enhanced CH4 emission through greater rhizodeposition.  相似文献   

The net balance of greenhouse gas (GHG) exchanges between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) remains poorly understood. Here, we synthesise 1655 measurements from 169 published studies to assess GHGs budget of terrestrial ecosystems under elevated CO2. We show that elevated CO2 significantly stimulates plant C pool (NPP) by 20%, soil CO2 fluxes by 24%, and methane (CH4) fluxes by 34% from rice paddies and by 12% from natural wetlands, while it slightly decreases CH4 uptake of upland soils by 3.8%. Elevated CO2 causes insignificant increases in soil nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes (4.6%), soil organic C (4.3%) and N (3.6%) pools. The elevated CO2‐induced increase in GHG emissions may decline with CO2 enrichment levels. An elevated CO2‐induced rise in soil CH4 and N2O emissions (2.76 Pg CO2‐equivalent year?1) could negate soil C enrichment (2.42 Pg CO2 year?1) or reduce mitigation potential of terrestrial net ecosystem production by as much as 69% (NEP, 3.99 Pg CO2 year?1) under elevated CO2. Our analysis highlights that the capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to act as a sink to slow climate warming under elevated CO2 might have been largely offset by its induced increases in soil GHGs source strength.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate change may substantially alter soil carbon (C) dynamics, which in turn may impact future climate through feedback cycles. However, only very few field experiments worldwide have combined elevated CO2 (eCO2) with both warming and changes in precipitation in order to study the potential combined effects of changes in these fundamental drivers of C cycling in ecosystems. We exposed a temperate heath/grassland to eCO2, warming, and drought, in all combinations for 8 years. At the end of the study, soil C stocks were on average 0.927 kg C/m2 higher across all treatment combinations with eCO2 compared to ambient CO2 treatments (equal to an increase of 0.120 ± 0.043 kg C m?2 year?1), and showed no sign of slowed accumulation over time. However, if observed pretreatment differences in soil C are taken into account, the annual rate of increase caused by eCO2 may be as high as 0.177 ± 0.070 kg C m?2 year?1. Furthermore, the response to eCO2 was not affected by simultaneous exposure to warming and drought. The robust increase in soil C under eCO2 observed here, even when combined with other climate change factors, suggests that there is continued and strong potential for enhanced soil carbon sequestration in some ecosystems to mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations under future climate conditions. The feedback between land C and climate remains one of the largest sources of uncertainty in future climate projections, yet experimental data under simulated future climate, and especially including combined changes, are still scarce. Globally coordinated and distributed experiments with long‐term measurements of changes in soil C in response to the three major climate change‐related global changes, eCO2, warming, and changes in precipitation patterns, are, therefore, urgently needed.  相似文献   

Ocean acidity has increased by 30% since preindustrial times due to the uptake of anthropogenic CO2 and is projected to rise by another 120% before 2100 if CO2 emissions continue at current rates. Ocean acidification is expected to have wide‐ranging impacts on marine life, including reduced growth and net erosion of coral reefs. Our present understanding of the impacts of ocean acidification on marine life, however, relies heavily on results from short‐term CO2 perturbation studies. Here, we present results from the first long‐term CO2 perturbation study on the dominant reef‐building cold‐water coral Lophelia pertusa and relate them to results from a short‐term study to compare the effect of exposure time on the coral's responses. Short‐term (1 week) high CO2 exposure resulted in a decline of calcification by 26–29% for a pH decrease of 0.1 units and net dissolution of calcium carbonate. In contrast, L. pertusa was capable to acclimate to acidified conditions in long‐term (6 months) incubations, leading to even slightly enhanced rates of calcification. Net growth is sustained even in waters sub‐saturated with respect to aragonite. Acclimation to seawater acidification did not cause a measurable increase in metabolic rates. This is the first evidence of successful acclimation in a coral species to ocean acidification, emphasizing the general need for long‐term incubations in ocean acidification research. To conclude on the sensitivity of cold‐water coral reefs to future ocean acidification further ecophysiological studies are necessary which should also encompass the role of food availability and rising temperatures.  相似文献   

The impact of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on climate change may be mitigated in part by C sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems as rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations stimulate primary productivity and ecosystem C storage. Carbon will be sequestered in forest soils if organic matter inputs to soil profiles increase without a matching increase in decomposition or leaching losses from the soil profile, or if the rate of decomposition decreases because of increased production of resistant humic substances or greater physical protection of organic matter in soil aggregates. To examine the response of a forest ecosystem to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, the Duke Forest Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment in North Carolina, USA, has maintained atmospheric CO2 concentrations 200 μL L?1 above ambient in an aggrading loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation over a 9‐year period (1996–2005). During the first 6 years of the experiment, forest‐floor C and N pools increased linearly under both elevated and ambient CO2 conditions, with significantly greater accumulations under the elevated CO2 treatment. Between the sixth and ninth year, forest‐floor organic matter accumulation stabilized and C and N pools appeared to reach their respective steady states. An additional C sink of ~30 g C m?2 yr?1 was sequestered in the forest floor of the elevated CO2 treatment plots relative to the control plots maintained at ambient CO2 owing to increased litterfall and root turnover during the first 9 years of the study. Because we did not detect any significant elevated CO2 effects on the rate of decomposition or on the chemical composition of forest‐floor organic matter, this additional C sink was likely related to enhanced litterfall C inputs. We also failed to detect any statistically significant treatment effects on the C and N pools of surface and deep mineral soil horizons. However, a significant widening of the C : N ratio of soil organic matter (SOM) in the upper mineral soil under both elevated and ambient CO2 suggests that N is being transferred from soil to plants in this aggrading forest. A significant treatment × time interaction indicates that N is being transferred at a higher rate under elevated CO2 (P=0.037), suggesting that enhanced rates of SOM decomposition are increasing mineralization and uptake to provide the extra N required to support the observed increase in primary productivity under elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics ultimately govern the ability of soil to provide long‐term C sequestration and the nutrients required for ecosystem productivity. Predicting belowground responses to elevated CO2 requires an integrated understanding of SOM transformations and the microbial activity that governs them. It remains unclear how the microorganisms upon which these transformations depend will function in an elevated CO2 world. This study examines SOM transformations and microbial metabolism in soils from the Duke Free Air Carbon Enrichment site in North Carolina, USA. We assessed microbial respiration and net nitrogen (N) mineralization in soils with and without elevated CO2 exposure during a 100‐day incubation. We also traced the depleted C isotopic signature of the supplemental CO2 into SOM and the soils' phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA), which serve as biomarkers for living cells. Cumulative net N mineralization in elevated CO2 soils was 50% that in control soils after a 100‐day incubation. Respiration was not altered with elevated CO2. C : N ratios of bulk SOM did not change with elevated CO2, but incubation data suggest that the C : N ratios of mineralized organic matter increased with elevated CO2. Values of SOM δ13C were depleted with elevated CO2 (?26.7±0.2 vs. ?30.2±0.3‰), reflecting the depleted signature of the supplemental CO2. We compared δ13C of individual PLFA with the δ13C of SOM to discern incorporation of the depleted C isotopic signature into soil microbial groups in elevated CO2 plots. PLFA i15:0, a15:0, and 10Met18:0 reflected significant incorporation of recently produced photosynthate, suggesting that the bacterial groups defined by these biomarkers are active metabolizers in elevated CO2 soils. At least one of these groups (actinomycetes, 10Met18:0) specializes in metabolizing less labile substrates. Because control plots did not receive an equivalent 13C tracer, we cannot determine from these data whether this group of organisms was stimulated by elevated CO2 compared with these organisms in control soils. Stimulation of this group, if it occurred in the elevated CO2 plot, would be consistent with a decline in the availability of mineralizable organic matter with elevated CO2, which incubation data suggest may be the case in these soils.  相似文献   

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