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Two multi‐year field experiments investigated the effects of integrating revegetation with invasive plant management methods to rehabilitate coastal dune and woodland vegetation invaded by Bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera (L.) Norl. ssp. rotundata (DC.) Norl.) in New South Wales, Australia. The revegetation technique used was to sow directly seeds of three native species common to coastal habitats. Management treatments involved combinations of prescribed fire, manual removal of Bitou bush and an application of herbicide. Addition of native seeds significantly increased density of native species in both habitats. The benefits of manually removing Bitou bush were observed only where densities of native species were at their lowest. Fire increased densities of some native species in the woodland, but decreased those of others in the dune. Densities of Acacia longifolia ssp. sophorae (Labill.) Court (woodland) and of Banksia integrifolia L.f. (woodland and dune) were significantly reduced within 4 months of herbicide application, alone or in combination with other treatments. The majority of these effects, however, did not persist. Manual removal in both habitats and addition of seed in the woodland were most effective in reducing Bitou bush densities when applied post‐fire. Herbicide treatment on its own or in combination with other treatments did not significantly reduce Bitou bush densities by the end of the experiments. We conclude that restoration of coastal ecosystems invaded by a major invasive plant species requires a whole‐of‐system approach involving revegetation in combination with known management methods to assist recovery of native species in the longer term.  相似文献   

Allelopathy has been suggested as a mechanism promoting the monoculture formation of some invasive exotic plants. Previous studies have shown that hydrophobic extracts of the roots and soil of exotic bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera spp. rotundata (DC.) T. Norl.) inhibited the seedling growth of five Australian native plants, including the dominant acacia (Acacia longifolia var. sophorae (Labill.) F. Muell.). Based on this finding, we compared the hydrophobic root and soil chemical profiles of bitou bush and acacia to determine whether bitou bush roots release allelopathic compounds that are novel to the invaded system. We detected three compounds that were exclusive to the bitou bush root and soil, and seven compounds that were common to the bitou bush and acacia roots but only present in the bitou bush soil. The compounds unique to the bitou bush invaded soil were all sesqui- and diterpenes. Several of these compounds were found to inhibit the seedling growth of a native sedge, Isolepis nodosa (Rott.) R. Br. Of particular interest are the sesquiterpenes: β-maaliene, α-isocomene, β-isocomene, δ-cadinene, 5-hydroxycalamenene and 5-methoxycalamenene which were found in high concentrations in the bitou bush root and soil extracts and exhibited phytotoxic activity. Therefore, we present evidence to suggest that bitou bush exudes low molecular weight volatile compounds into the soil which inhibit native plant seedling growth. The reduced establishment of native plants via allelopathy is likely to create space and contribute to the invasion of bitou bush on the eastern Australian coast.  相似文献   

Bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. rotundata) is a major environmental weed of littoral habitats on the southeastern coast of Australia. This study investigates the impacts upon selected arthropod assemblages of habitat invasion by this weed. Sixteen sites were placed at four geographic localities within nature reserves between Forster and Budgewoi on the coast of New South Wales. The sampling design included two spatial scales (between and within localities) and eight repeat samples (taken at two scales of temporal separation). Arthropods were collected from both arboreal and epigaeic micro-habitats. Specimens of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), beetles (Coleoptera), true bugs (Heteroptera) and spiders (Araneae) were identified to species level. Differences in α diversity and species abundance distributions between the taxonomic assemblages are described, along with comparisons of data contrasts between bitou bush-free (“control”) and bitou bush-invaded (“impact”) habitats and between geographic localities. A subsidiary impact associated with herbicide application for control of the weed is also examined. Analysis of environmental differences indicates that bitou bush acts as a dampening agent, reducing the degree of seasonal fluctuation in factors such as leaf litter cover. Arboreal Heteroptera were the only group to show consistent evidence of significant differences in taxon richness or abundance between control and impact treatments within a locality, seen as a disruption of normal seasonal variation in diversity in bitou bush-impacted sites. Significant differences between geographic localities were more common, suggesting an effect at broader spatial scales. Evidence for arthropod assemblages characteristic of specific vegetation types was detected for several groups, as were changes in arthropod assemblage composition following application of herbicide for bitou bush control.  相似文献   

Morphophysiological dormancy was investigated in seeds of Ribes multiflorum Kit ex Roem et Schult. ssp. sandalioticum Arrigoni, a rare mountain species endemic to Sardinia (Italy). There were no differences in imbibition rates between intact and scarified seeds, suggesting a lack of physical dormancy, while methylene blue solution (0.5%) highlighted a preferential pathway for solution entrance through the raphe. Embryos were small at seed dispersal, with an initial embryo:seed ratio (E:S) of ca. 0.2 (embryo length, ca. 0.5 mm), whereas the critical E:S ratio for germination was three times longer (ca. 0.6). Gibberellic acid (GA(3), 250 mg · l(-1)) and warm stratification (25 °C for 3 months) followed by low temperature (<15 °C) enhanced embryo growth rate (maximum of ca. 0.04 mm · day(-1) at 10 °C) and subsequent seed germination (radicle emergence; ca. 80% at 10 °C). Low germination occurred at warmer temperatures, and cold stratification (5 °C for 3 months) induced secondary dormancy. After radicle emergence, epicotyl emergence was delayed for ca. 2 months for seeds from three different populations. Mean time of epicotyl emergence was affected by GA(3) . Seeds of this species showed non-deep simple (root) - non-deep simple (epicotyl) morphophysiological dormancy, highlighting a high synchronisation with Mediterranean seasonality in all the investigated populations.  相似文献   

Lonicera maackii (Amur honeysuckle) is a non‐native species that has invaded forest stands throughout the eastern United States. This research examined using aerially applied glyphosate in autumn 2013 to control L. maackii in oak‐hickory forest stands in Missouri, U.S.A. We targeted the spraying time period when L. maackii was still green and most native plants were dormant. Across treatment units, the mean difference in L. maackii stem density significantly declined (p = 0.004) by 5.4 stems per plot from spring 2013 to summer 2014 when compared to control units which increased by 1.8 stems per plot. Treated units with a high initial infestation level of L. maackii (>50% cover) had a significant (p = 0.004) decline in the mean difference in L. maackii cover of ?50.0% per plot between spring 2013 and summer 2014 compared to an average increase of 9.2% in the controls. Similar results were found for treated units with a low initial infestation level of L. maackii (10–50% cover). Mortality of native overstory and understory trees post‐treatment was negligible. In the ground layer of forest stands with a low initial L. maackii infestation level, native non‐spray‐sensitive forb cover per plot significantly increased (p = 0.023) relative to controls between summer 2013 and summer 2014 while native spray‐sensitive species cover significantly decreased (p = 0.021) during the same period. These results suggest that an aerial application of glyphosate can provide an L. maackii control option, but with trade‐offs in compositional shifts in the native ground‐layer vegetation.  相似文献   

In the article by R. Penjweini, M. M. Kim et al. (doi: 10.1002/jbio.201600121 ), published in J. Biophotonics 9, 1344–1354 (2016), the constants C01, C02, b1, and b2 determined from fitting the fluorescence single value decomposition (SVD) for phantoms with different optical properties and the corresponding Figure 2(a) are not correct. This erratum is published to correct the Section 2.3 and Figure 2(a).  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study were (1) to describe the diversity of mycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Uapaca bojeri, an endemic Euphorbiaceae of Madagascar, and (2) to determine the potential benefits of inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi [ectomycorrhizal and/or arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi] on the growth of this tree species and on the functional diversity of soil microflora. Ninety-four sporophores were collected from three survey sites. They were identified as belonging to the ectomycorrhizal genera Afroboletus, Amanita, Boletus, Cantharellus, Lactarius, Leccinum, Rubinoboletus, Scleroderma, Tricholoma, and Xerocomus. Russula was the most frequent ectomycorrhizal genus recorded under U. bojeri. AM structures (vesicles and hyphae) were detected from the roots in all surveyed sites. In addition, this study showed that this tree species is highly dependent on both types of mycorrhiza, and controlled ectomycorrhization of this Uapaca species strongly influences soil microbial catabolic diversity. These results showed that the complex symbiotic status of U. bojeri could be managed to optimize its development in degraded areas. The use of selected mycorrhizal fungi such the Scleroderma Sc1 isolate in nursery conditions could be of great interest as (1) this fungal strain is very competitive against native symbiotic microflora, and (2) the fungal inoculation improves the catabolic potentialities of the soil microflora.  相似文献   

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