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Abstract This study investigated the effect of three experimental fire regimes on the fecundity, ovule development and seedfall of two common wet-dry tropical savanna eucalypts, Eucalyptus minima and Eucalyptus tetrodonta, in northern Australia. Both species flower early in the dry season and ovule development occurs during the dry season. This coincides with a period of frequent fires. The three fire regimes considered were applied for four years between 1990 and 1994. These regimes were (i) Unburnt, (ii) Early, fires lit early in the dry season, and (iii) Late, fires lit late in the dry season. The treatments were applied to nine catchments (15–20 km2) with each fire regime replicated three times. Fire intensity typically increases as the dry season proceeds. Therefore, early dry season fires generally differ from late dry season fires in both their intensity and their timing in relation to the reproductive phenology of the eucalypts. Late dry season burning significantly reduced the fecundity of both species, whereas Early burning had no significant effect. Ovule success was significantly reduced by the Early burning for both species. The Late burning significantly reduced ovule success in E. tetrodonta, but not in E. miniata. The results suggest that fire intensity and fire timing may both be important determinants of seed supply. Fire intensity may be a determinant of fecundity, whereas fire timing in relation to the reproduction phenology may have a significant impact on ovule survival. Both fire regimes resulted in a substantial reduction in seed supply compared with the Unburnt treatment. This may have a significant impact on seedling regeneration of these tropical savanna eucalypts.  相似文献   

Abstract Plant responses to fire are variable between and within species and are influenced by numerous factors including fire severity. This study investigated the effects of fire severity on the regeneration and recruitment of forest eucalypts in the Cotter River Catchment, Australian Capital Territory (ACT). This study also examined the potential for the obligate seeder Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T. Baker (Myrtaceae) to expand into adjacent stands dominated by the facultative resprouter Eucalyptus fastigata H. Deane & Maiden (Myrtaceae) by seed shed and seedling establishment beyond the pre‐fire boundary. Sites were located in areas of either higher or lower fire severity, and transects were placed across the boundary of stands of E. delegatensis and E. fastigata. Species distributions, tree survival and seedling densities and heights were recorded, and the location of each boundary was determined as the region of maximum change in species composition along the transects. Eucalyptus delegatensis was the only eucalypt killed by higher severity fire. However, E. delegatensis seedling density was greater at higher severity sites than lower severity sites. Eucalyptus fastigata seedling density was low across all sites, with other eucalypts producing few, if any, seedlings. There was no evidence that E. delegatensis had increased its range into downslope stands dominated by E. fastigata. Patterns of vegetative recovery and seedling recruitment may be related to a number of factors, including differences in allocation patterns between seeders and sprouters, and the effects of overstory and understory competition. It is unclear what processes impede E. delegatensis seedling establishment beyond the stand boundary, but may involve an inability of E. delegatensis to shed seed sufficiently far downslope; unsuitable conditions for germination beyond the boundary; or, competition from a retained or resprouting overstory, despite the potential for increased dispersal distance soon after fire.  相似文献   

Eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp. and Corymbia spp.) dominate many communities across Australia, including frequently burnt tropical savannas and temperate forests, which receive less frequent but more intense fires. Understanding the demographic characteristics that allow related trees to persist in tropical savannas and temperate forest ecosystems can provide insight into how savannas and forests function, including grass–tree coexistence. This study reviews differences in critical stages in the life cycle of savanna and temperate forest eucalypts, especially in relation to fire. It adds to the limited data on tropical eucalypts, by evaluating the effect of fire regimes on the population biology of Corymbia clarksoniana, a tree that dominates some tropical savannas of north‐eastern Australia. Corymbia clarksoniana displays similar demographic characteristics to other tropical savanna species, except that seedling emergence is enhanced when seed falls onto recently burnt ground during a high rainfall period. In contrast to many temperate forest eucalypts, tropical savanna eucalypts lack canopy‐stored seed banks; time annual seed fall to coincide with the onset of predictable wet season rain; have very rare seedling emergence events, including a lack of mass germination after each fire; possess an abundant sapling bank; and every tropical eucalypt species has the ability to maintain canopy structure by epicormically resprouting after all but the most intense fires. The combination of poor seedling recruitment strategies, coupled with characteristics allowing long‐term persistence of established plants, indicate tropical savanna eucalypts function through the persistence niche rather than the regeneration niche. The high rainfall‐promoted seedling emergence of C. clarksoniana and the reduction of seedling survival and sapling growth by fire, support the predictions that grass–tree coexistence in savannas is governed by rainfall limiting tree seedling recruitment and regular fires limiting the growth of juvenile trees to the canopy.  相似文献   

The vegetation of Kings Park, near the centre of Perth, Western Australia, once had an overstorey of Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) or Eucalyptus gomphocephala (tuart), and many trees still remain in the bushland parts of the Park. Avenues and roadsides have been planted with eastern Australian species, including Eucalyptus cladocalyx (sugar gum) and Eucalyptus botryoides (southern mahogany), both of which have become invasive. The present study examined the effect of a recent burn on the level of herbivory on these native and exotic eucalypts. Leaf damage, shoot extension and number of new leaves were measured on tagged shoots of saplings of each tree species in unburnt and burnt areas over an 8‐month period. Leaf macronutrient levels were quantified and the number of arthropods on saplings was measured at the end of the recording period by chemical knockdown. Leaf macronutrients were mostly higher in all four species in the burnt area, and this was associated with generally higher numbers of canopy arthropods and greater levels of leaf damage. It is suggested that the pulse of soil nutrients after the fire resulted in more nutrient‐rich foliage, which in turn was more palatable to arthropods. The resulting high levels of herbivory possibly led to reduced shoot extension of E. gomphocephala, E. botryoides and, to a lesser extent, E. cladocalyx. This acts as a negative feedback mechanism that lessens the tendency for lush, post‐fire regrowth to outcompete other species of plants. There was no consistent difference in the levels of the various types of leaf damage or of arthropods on the native and the exotic eucalypts, suggesting that freedom from herbivory is not contributing to the invasiveness of the two exotic species.  相似文献   

The restoration of the northern jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest after bauxite mining is a major objective of Alcoa of Australia Limited. The typically variable and sometimes low emergence of broadcast seed of jarrah-forest plant species may relate to microclimatic changes associated with mining disturbance. This study examined the effect of the presence and absence of a canopy and topographic position in the post-mining landscape on the emergence of four canopy species (E. marginata, E. calophylla, E. patens, and E. diversicolor) and related these patterns to detailed measures of surface soil temperature and moisture. The absence of a canopy in the restoration appeared to result in adverse microclimatic conditions for the successful early establishment of E. marginata and E. calophylla from seed, particularly in the low topographic regions of the restoration. Emergence beneath a canopy compared to that in the open was 17% and 6%, respectively, for E. marginata and 23% and 2%, respectively, for E. calophylla. For both species, emergence was also greater at upland than at lowland open restoration sites (9% and 3%, respectively, for E. marginata; 4% and 0.3%, respectively, for E. calophylla). In contrast, canopy removal and position on the topographic landscape did not reduce the early establishment success of E. patens and E. diversicolor. Field measurements revealed that soils were drier and that diurnal temperature fluctuations were wider in the open restoration sites than beneath a canopy. Furthermore, cold conditions were more frequent at lowland than at upland restoration sites, suggesting the occurrence of cold-air drainage to Jew-lying areas. It is therefore possible that the field emergence patterns reflected the lower tolerance of E. marginata and E. calophylla than both E. diversicolor and E. patens to cold and dry surface-soil conditions. The ecological significance and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Frequent fires reduce the abundance of woody plant species and favour herbaceous species. Plant species richness also tends to increase with decreasing vegetation biomass and cover due to reduced competition for light. We assessed the influence of variable fire histories and site biomass on the following diversity measures: woody and herbaceous species richness, overall species richness and evenness, and life form evenness (i.e. the relative abundance or dominance among six herbaceous and six woody plant life forms), across 16 mixed jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Corymbia calophylla) forest stands in south‐west Australia. Fire frequency was defined as the total number of fires over a 30‐year period. Overall species richness and species evenness did not vary with fire frequency or biomass. However, there were more herbaceous species (particularly rushes, geophytes and herbs) where there were fewer shrubs and low biomass, suggesting that more herbaceous species coexist where dominance by shrubs is low. Frequently burnt plots also had lower number and abundance of shrub species. Life form evenness was also higher at both high fire frequency and low biomass sites. These results suggest that the impact of fire frequency and biomass on vegetation composition is mediated by local interactions among different life forms rather than among individual species. Our results demonstrate that measuring the variation in the relative diversity of different woody and herbaceous life forms is crucial to understanding the compositional response of forests and other structurally complex vegetation communities to changes in disturbance regime such as increased fire frequency.  相似文献   

Abstract Levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were measured for the foliage of two co-dominant eucalypts at each of two sites, one in eastern Australia and the other in Western Australia. In eastern Australia, foliage was sampled in the canopy and subcanopy for narrow-leaved ironbark Eucalyptus crebra and grey box E. mollucana and in Western Australia, for jarrah E. marginata and marri E. calophylla. The Western Australian trees were also sampled for ‘young’ and ‘old’ leaves. Both eucalypts in eastern Australia had greater nitrogen and phosphorus levels, but lower potassium, than E. marginata or E. calophylla. Eucalyptus calophylla foliage had greater levels of all three nutrients than E. marginata foliage as did E. crebra relative to E. mollucana. At both sites, foliar nutrient levels were greater in the canopy than subcanopy foliage, and, at least in Western Australia, the younger leaves had greater nutrient levels than the older leaves. The observed differences in foliar nutrient levels are consistent with observed trends in the abundance and diversity of foliage arthropods and the use of the trees as foraging substrates by birds.  相似文献   

Northern Australia's savannas are among the most fire‐prone biomes on Earth and are dominated by eucalypts (Eucalyptus and Corymbia spp.). It is not clear what processes allow this group to dominate under such extreme fire frequencies and whether a superior ability to compete for nutrients and water might play a role. There is evidence that eucalypts are adapted to frequent fires; juvenile eucalypts escape the fire trap by growing rapidly in height between fires. However, non‐eucalypts are less able to escape the fire trap and tend to have stand structures strongly skewed toward suppressed juveniles. The mechanisms that drive these contrasting fire responses are not well understood. Here, we describe the results of a controlled glasshouse seedling experiment that evaluated the relative importance of nutrient and water availability in determining height growth and biomass growth of two eucalypt and one noneucalypt tree species, common in northern Australian savannas. We demonstrate that growth of eucalypt seedlings is particularly responsive to nutrient addition. Eucalypt seedlings are able to rapidly utilize soil nutrients and accumulate biomass at a much greater rate than noneucalypt seedlings. We suggest that a seasonal spike in nutrient availability creates a nutrient‐rich microsite that allows eucalypt seedlings to rapidly gain height and biomass, increasing their likelihood of establishing successfully and reaching a fire‐resistant size. Our results extend our understanding of how eucalypts dominate northern Australian savannas under extremely high fire frequencies.  相似文献   

Forests that regenerate exclusively from seed following high‐severity fire are particularly vulnerable to local extinction if fire frequency leaves insufficient time for regenerating plants to reach sexual maturity. We evaluate the relative importance of extrinsic (such as fire weather and climate cycles) and intrinsic (such as proneness to fire due to stand age and structural development) factors in driving the decline of obligate seeder forests. We illustrate this using obligate seeding alpine ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis) forests in the montane regions of Victoria, Australia, that were burnt by megafires in 2003 (142,256 ha) or 2007 (79,902 ha), including some twice‐burnt areas (11,599 ha). Geospatial analyses showed only a small effect of stand age on the remote sensing estimates of crown defoliation, but a substantial effect of forest fire weather, as measured by forest fire danger index (FFDI). Analysis of meteorological data over the last century showed that 5‐year increases in FFDI precede cycle major fires in the E. delegatensis forests. Such strong extrinsic climate/weather driving of high‐severity fires is consistent with the ‘interval squeeze model’ that postulates the vulnerability of obligate seeder forests to landscape‐scale demographic collapse in response to worsening fire weather under climate change.  相似文献   

Chemical knockdown and branch clipping procedures were used in wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo) woodland and jarrah (E. marginata)/marri (E. calophylla) open-forest to sample arboreal invertebrate faunas on three species of Western Australian eucalypts. Jarrah was sampled in both habitats and had significantly lower invertebrate populations and a less diverse fauna than either wandoo or marri. The two procedures provided similar results with respect to the relative abundance of invertebrates on each plant species but the knockdowns sampled a more diverse fauna, including species sheltering in or on bark. Chemical knockdowns underestimated the abundance of sessile invertebrates, such as psyllids. Branch clipping sampled insufficient numbers of large, mobile, or cryptic invertebrates to estimate abundances, but provided a more accurate estimate of the abundance of sessile, leaf-dwelling organisms. Neither procedure provides a complete sample of arboreal invertebrates, but they are complementary. When used in conjunction with each other a more complete estimate of arboreal invertebrate abundance and diversity is obtained. Both procedures can be used concurrently with only a small increase in field time.  相似文献   

Obligate seeder trees requiring high‐severity fires to regenerate may be vulnerable to population collapse if fire frequency increases abruptly. We tested this proposition using a long‐lived obligate seeding forest tree, alpine ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis), in the Australian Alps. Since 2002, 85% of the Alps bioregion has been burnt by several very large fires, tracking the regional trend of more frequent extreme fire weather. High‐severity fires removed 25% of aboveground tree biomass, and switched fuel arrays from low loads of herbaceous and litter fuels to high loads of flammable shrubs and juvenile trees, priming regenerating stands for subsequent fires. Single high‐severity fires caused adult mortality and triggered mass regeneration, but a second fire in quick succession killed 97% of the regenerating alpine ash. Our results indicate that without interventions to reduce fire severity, interactions between flammability of regenerating stands and increased extreme fire weather will eliminate much of the remaining mature alpine ash forest.  相似文献   

Questions: Did fire regimes in old‐growth Pinus ponderosa forest change with Euro‐American settlement compared to the pre‐settlement period? Do tree age structures exhibit a pattern of continuous regeneration or is regeneration episodic and related to fire disturbance or fire‐free periods? Are the forests compositionally stable? Do trees have a clumped spatial pattern and are clumps even‐ or mixed‐age? How might information from this old‐growth forest inform current restoration and management practices? Location: A 235‐ha old‐growth forest in the Ishi Wilderness, southern Cascade Mountains, California. Methods: Age, size, and spatial pattern of trees were quantified in seven stands. Fire history was reconstructed using fire scar dendrochronology. The influence of fire on stand structure was assessed by comparing fire history with age, size, and spatial structure of trees and identifying and measuring trees killed by two recent fires. Results: Species composition in plots was similar but density and basal area of tree populations varied. Age structure for P. ponderosa and Quercus kelloggii showed periods of episodic recruitment that varied among plots. Fire disturbance was frequent before 1905, with a median period between fires of 12 years. Fire frequency declined after 1905 but two recent fires (1990, 1994) killed 36% and 41% of mostly smaller diameter P. ponderosa and Q. kelloggii. Clusters of similar age trees occurred at scales of 28‐1018 m2 but patches were not even‐aged. Interactions between tree regeneration and fire promoted development of uneven age groups of trees. Conclusions: Fire disturbance strongly influenced density, basal area, and spatial structure of tree populations. Fire exclusion over the last 100 years has caused compositional and structural changes. Two recent fires, however, thinned stands and created gaps favorable for Q. kelloggii and P. ponderosa regeneration. The effects of infrequent 20th century fire indicate that a low fire frequency can restore and sustain structural characteristics resembling those of the pre‐fire suppression period forest.  相似文献   

Fire is the prevalent disturbance in the Araucaria–Nothofagus forested landscape in south‐central Chile. Although both surface and stand‐replacing fires are known to characterize these ecosystems, the variability of fire severity in shaping forest structure has not previously been investigated in Araucaria–Nothofagus forests. Age structures of 16 stands, in which the ages of approximately 650 trees were determined, indicate that variability in fire severity and frequency is key to explaining the mosaic of forest patches across the Araucaria–Nothofagus landscape. High levels of tree mortality in moderate‐ to high‐severity fires followed by new establishment of Nothofagus pumilio typically result in stands characterized by one or two cohorts of this species. Large Araucaria trees are highly resistant to fire, and this species typically survives moderate‐ to high‐severity fires either as dispersed individuals or as small groups of multi‐aged trees. Small post‐fire cohorts of Araucaria may establish, depending on seed availability and the effects of subsequent fires. Araucaria's great longevity (often >700 years) and resistance to fire allow some individuals to survive fires that kill and then trigger new Nothofagus cohorts. Even in relatively mesic habitats, where fires are less frequent, the oldest Araucaria–Nothofagus pumilio stands originated after high‐severity fires. Overall, stand development patterns of subalpine AraucariaN. pumilio forests are largely controlled by moderate‐ to high‐severity fires, and therefore tree regeneration dynamics is strongly dominated by a catastrophic regeneration mode.  相似文献   

Worldwide, extreme climatic events such as drought and heatwaves are associated with forest mortality. However, the precise drivers of tree mortality at individual and stand levels vary considerably, with substantial gaps in knowledge across studies in biomes and continents. In 2010–2011, a drought‐associated heatwave occurred in south‐western Australia and drove sudden and rapid forest canopy collapse. Working in the Northern Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) Forest, we quantified the response of key overstory (E. marginata, Corymbia calophylla) and midstory (Banksia grandis, Allocasuarina fraseriana) tree species to the extreme climate event. Using transects spanning a gradient of drought impacts (minimal (50–100 m), transitional (100–150 m) and severe (30–60 m)), tree species mortality in relation to stand characteristics (stand basal area and stem density) and edaphic factors (soil depth) was determined. We show differential mortality between the two overstory species and the two midstory species corresponding to the drought‐associated heatwave. The dominant overstory species, E. marginata, had significantly higher mortality (~19%) than C. calophylla (~7%) in the severe zone. The midstory species, B. grandis, demonstrated substantially higher mortality (~59%) than A. fraseriana (~4%) in the transitional zone. Banksia grandis exhibited a substantial shift in structure in response to the drought‐associated heatwave in relation to tree size, basal area and soil depth. This study illustrates the role of climate extremes in driving ecosystem change and highlights the critical need to identify and quantify the resulting impact to help predict future forest die‐off events and to underpin forest management and conservation.  相似文献   

  1. The shift from shade‐intolerant species to shade‐tolerant mesophytic species in deciduous and mixed forests of the temperate zone is well described in studies from North America. This process has been termed mesophication and it has been linked to changes in fire regime. Fire suppression results in the cessation of establishment of heliophytic, fire‐dependent tree species such as oak (Quercus) and pine (Pinus). Due to the scarcity of old‐growth forests in Europe, data on long‐term compositional changes in mixed forests are very limited, as is the number of studies exploring whether fire played a role in shaping the dynamics.
  2. The aim of this study was to reconstruct tree succession in a 43‐ha natural mixed deciduous forest stand in Bia?owie?a Forest (BF), Poland using dendrochronological methods. In addition, the presence of aboveground fire legacies (charred and fire‐scarred deadwood) enabled the fire history reconstruction.
  3. Dendrochronological data revealed tree establishment (Quercus) back to the end of the 1500s and fires back to 1659. Under a regime of frequent fires until the end of the 18th century, only oak and pine regenerated, sporadically. A shift in the fire regime in the first half of the 19th century triggered oak and pine cohort regeneration, then gradually spruce (Picea) encroached. Under an increasingly dense canopy and less flammable conditions, regeneration of shade‐tolerant Carpinus, Tilia, and Acer began simultaneously with the cessation of oak and pine recruitment.
  4. Synthesis. The study reports the first evidence of mesophication in temperate Europe and proves that fire was involved in shaping the long‐term dynamics of mixed deciduous forest ecosystems. Our data suggest that fire exclusion promoted a gradual recruitment of fire‐sensitive, shade‐tolerant species that inhibited the regeneration of oak and pine in BF.

Abstract. The contribution of resprouts and seedling recruitment to post-fire regeneration of the South African fynbos conifer Widdringtonia nodiflora was compared eight months after wildfires in 1990. Stems on all trees were killed by fire but resprouting success was > 90 % at all but one site. A demographic study of burned skeletons revealed that prior to these fires, nearly all plants were multi-stemmed (4–9 stems/plant) and multi-aged, indicating continuous sprout production between fires. All stems were killed by these 1990 fires and at most sites > 90 % of the stems were burned to ground level. All diameter stems were susceptible to such incineration as, at most sites, there was no difference in average diameter of stems burned to ground level and those left standing. Individual genets usually had all ramets incinerated to ground level or all ramets charred, but intact, suggesting certain micro-sites burned hotter, whereas other sites were somewhat protected. Although not true of the 1990 fires, there was evidence that occasionally Widdring-tonia stems may survive fire. At one site, four of the 16 plants sampled had a burned stem twice as old as the oldest burned stem on the other 12 plants at the site, suggesting some stems had survived the previous fire (ca. 1970) and this conclusion was supported by fire-scars on these four stems that dated to ca. 1970. Based on the highly significant correlation between stem diameter and cone density left standing after the 1990 fires, we calculated that for most sites > 80 % of the initial cone crop was incinerated by fire. This is important because we observed a strong relationship between size of the canopy cone crop surviving fire and post-fire seedling recruitment. Under these conditions we hypothesize that sprouting confers a selective advantage to genets when fires cause heavy losses of seed. The infrequent occurrence of sprouting in the Cupressaceae suggests the hypothesis that resprouting is an apomorphic or derived trait in Widdringtonia. Data from this study suggests resprouting provides a selective advantage under severe fynbos fires, which are not only 'stand-replacing fires,’but also are intense enough to incinerate cone-bearing stems.  相似文献   

A comprehensive and contemporary understanding of habitat and resource requirements has been critical to the conservation of multiple taxa and ecosystems globally. Until recently, much of the ecological knowledge that contributes to conservation priorities and strategies for the Critically Endangered western ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis) was largely derived from decades‐old observations in peppermint (Agonis flexuosa) and marri‐jarrah (Corymbia calophylla and Eucalyptus marginanta) woodlands in the northern parts of the species range. These observations do not account for more recent evidence of their flexible use of habitat resources in other regions of its range. This may represent a significant conservation opportunity for the species through the identification of additional habitats that warrant protection. In a region where knowledge of their ecology is scarce, we used scat analysis and quantitative spotlighting to determine the diet and density of western ringtail possums in three vegetation types: peppermint, sheoak (Allocasuarina fraseriana) and marri‐eucalypt (C. calophylla, E. marginanta and Eucalyptus staerii) woodlands. Given the species’ reported dependence on peppermint woodlands and dominant canopy species for food sources, we hypothesised that western ringtail possums would be most abundant in this habitat type and that their diet would comprise the foliage of few (≤2 species) canopy species. We found western ringtail possums consumed a higher diversity of plant species than expected (8–14), exhibited dietary preference for non‐dominant canopy species and were present in all sampled vegetation types at substantially higher densities than previously recorded for the region (as high as 17 possums ha?1). Our results confirm (i) the western ringtail possum is flexible in its use of habitat resources and (ii) the significant conservation value of sheoak and marri‐eucalypt woodlands in the southernmost portion of its distribution.  相似文献   

Birds were censused at 24 plots which had been subjected to 14 years of four experimental fire regimes (fire-exclusion, annual early burn, annual late burn and biennial burn) in Eucalyptus open forest and woodland at Munmarlary, Northern Territory. In addition, short-term responses of birds to fire at a savannah woodland site near Katherine were examined. At this site patches of the study area were burnt in April, June and August 1987, and birds were censused monthly over the period April to October 1987. Many bird species were attracted to areas that had been recently burnt. These were mostly granivorous species, and omnivorous and carnivorous species which fed on the ground. Influxes of these species occurred because fires increased accessibility to food by clearing the ground of its previous dense grass layer. Succession of bird species to long-unburnt areas was relatively limited, although species which fed or nested in the shrubby understorey occurred at greater densities in such areas. Frugivorous birds may become more common in areas protected from fire, thereby driving succession to monsoon vine forests from Eucalyptus forests, though, in terms of current fire regime, this process may be prohibitively slow. The hot fires of the mid to late Dry season may be less beneficial to granivores than the cooler fires typical of the early Dry. Accordingly, recent changes in the fire regime may have contributed to the decline of some bird species.  相似文献   

We investigated the fire resistance conferred by bark of seven common tree species in north Australian tropical savannas. We estimated bark thermal conductance and examined the relative importance of bark thickness, density and moisture content for protecting the cambium from lethal fire temperatures. Eucalypt and non-eucalypt species were contrasted, including the fire-sensitive conifer Callitris intratropica. Cambial temperature responses to bark surface heating were measured using a modified wick-fire technique, which simulated a heat pulse comparable to surface fires of moderate intensity. Bark thickness was a better predictor of resistance to cambial injury from fires than either bark moisture or density, accounting for 68% of the deviance in maximum temperature of the cambium. The duration of heating required to kill the cambium of a tree (τc) was directly proportional to bark thickness squared. Although species did not differ significantly in their bark thermal conductance (k), the thinner barked eucalypts nevertheless achieved similar or only slightly lower levels of fire resistance than much thicker barked non-eucalypts. Bark thickness alone cannot account for the latter and we suggest that lower bark moisture content among the eucalypts also contributes to their apparent fire resistance. Unique eucalypt meristem anatomy and epicormic structures, combined with their bark traits, probably facilitate resprouting after fire and ensure the dominance of eucalypts in fire-prone savannas. This study emphasises the need to take into account both the thermal properties of bark and the mechanism of bud protection in characterising the resprouting ability of savanna trees.  相似文献   

Aim Forest ecosystems dominated by fire‐sensitive species could suffer shifts in composition under altered crown fire regimes mediated by climate change. The aims of this study were to: (1) study the spatio‐temporal patterns and the climatic distribution of fires in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests during the last 31 years in north‐eastern Spain, (2) evaluate the climatic vulnerability to fire of these forests in Spain, (3) analyse the regeneration of Scots pine after fire, and (4) predict the mid‐term maintenance or replacement of Scots pine in burned areas. Location Catalonia (north‐eastern Spain): the southern distribution limit of Scots pine. Methods We characterized the spatio‐temporal and the climatic distribution of fires that occurred in Catalonia between 1979 and 2009. We used a generalized linear model to characterize the climatic vulnerability to fire of Scots pine in the whole of Spain. We assessed the regeneration of the species after crown fires in nine burned areas in Catalonia. The resulting data were integrated into a stochastic matrix model to predict the mid‐term maintenance or replacement of Scots pine in burned areas. Results During the last three decades, Scots pine forests distributed in dry sites were most affected by fire. Our assessment of the vulnerability to fire of Scots pine forests in Spain as a whole, based on climatic and topographical variables, showed that 32% of these forests are vulnerable to fire, and that this proportion could increase to 66% under a conservative climate change scenario. Field data showed almost no regeneration of Scots pine after crown fires, and a limited capacity to recolonize from unburned edges, even in relatively old fires, with 90% of recruits located in the first 25 m from the edge. This process could be delayed by the elapsed time for new recruits to achieve reproductive maturity, which we estimated to be c. 15 years. Finally, our matrix model predicted the replacement of burned Scots pine forests by oak (Quercus sp.) forests, shrublands or mixed resprouter forests. Main conclusions Increased vulnerability to fire of Scots pine forests under future, warmer conditions may result in vegetation shifts at the southern edge of the distribution of the species.  相似文献   

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