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Parthenogenesis‐inducing (PI) Wolbachia, infecting the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma kaykai Pinto and Stouthamer (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), were successfully maintained and cultivated in a mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), cell line, NIAS‐AeAl‐2. A parthenogenesis‐inducing (PI) Wolbachia strains with wasp ovaries were introduced into flasks with cultures of the cell line. The PI Wolbachia proliferated in NIAS‐AeAl‐2 as confirmed using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction method. Our final goal is to induce parthenogenesis in other hymenopteran species of commercial interest through the artificial transfer of PI Wolbachia. As a step towards this goal, we microinjected pupae of Trichogramma with PI Wolbachia culture in NIAS‐AeAl‐2 cells and PI Wolbachia was detected from recipient by PCR with Wolbachia specific primers (wsp gene).  相似文献   

Whereas sexual reproduction may facilitate adaptation to complex environments with many biotic interactions, simplified environments are expected to favour asexual reproduction. In agreement with this, recent studies on invertebrates have shown a prevalence of asexual species in agricultural (simplified) but not in natural (complex) environments. We investigated whether the same correlation between reproductive mode and habitat can be found in different populations within one species. The parasitoid wasp Tetrastichus coeruleus forms an ideal model to test this question, since it occurs both in natural and agricultural environments. Further, we investigated whether Wolbachia infection caused parthenogenesis in female‐biased populations. In contrast to the general pattern, in Dutch and French natural areas, we found Wolbachia‐infected, highly female‐biased populations that reproduce parthenogenetically. In contrast, populations on Dutch agricultural fields were not infected with Wolbachia, showed higher frequencies of males and reproduced sexually. However, we also found a female‐only, Wolbachia‐infected population on agricultural fields in north‐eastern United States. All Wolbachia‐infected populations were infected with the same Wolbachia strain. At this moment, we do not have a convincing explanation for this deviation from the general pattern of ecology and reproductive mode. It may be that asparagus agricultural fields differ from other crop fields in ways that favour sexual reproduction. Alternatively, Wolbachia may manipulate life history traits in its host, resulting in different fitness pay‐offs in different habitats. The fixation of Wolbachia in the United States populations (where the species was introduced) may be due to founder effect and lack of uninfected, sexual source populations.  相似文献   

The alpha‐proteobacteria of the genus Wolbachia is a widespread group of maternally inherited endosymbionts of arthropod and nematode hosts. Wolbachia infection induces a range of host phenotypes, including cytoplasmic incompatibility, male killing, feminization, and induction of thelytokous parthenogenesis. Heterogony (cyclical parthenogenesis) is a remarkable characteristic of oak gallwasps, Cynipini, the largest tribe of the Cynipidae. A few species of Cynipini are exceptional in that they are univoltine and exhibit thelytokous parthenogenesis, probably because they lost the arrhenotokous generation of their heterogonic ancestor species due to Wolbachia infection. In this study, the presence of Wolbachia was detected using polymerase chain reaction primers for the wsp genes in a thelytokous parthenogenetic species [Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Yasumatsu)] (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini). Approximately 29.8 and 87.1% of adults of the Zhuzhou and Fuzhou strains, respectively, were infected with Wolbachia while all females of the remaining four strains collected from other localities in China were Wolbachia free. The length of the wsp fragment of Zhuzhou and Fuzhou strains was found to be 573 and 561 bp, respectively. The nucleotide sequence of the bacterial wsp fragment indicated that the endosymbiotic bacteria of the Zhuzhou and Fuzhou strains are members of supergroup A, but belong to different clades; they probably originated from two independent infection events. In conclusion, thelytokous parthenogenesis of D. kuriphilus is not caused by Wolbachia infection and the deletion of the arrhenotokous generation is thus not associated with such an infection.  相似文献   

Among eukaryotes, sexual reproduction is by far the most predominant mode of reproduction. However, some systems maintaining sexuality appear particularly labile and raise intriguing questions on the evolutionary routes to asexuality. Thelytokous parthenogenesis is a form of spontaneous loss of sexuality leading to strong distortion of sex ratio towards females and resulting from mutation, hybridization or infection by bacterial endosymbionts. We investigated whether ecological specialization is a likely mechanism of spread of thelytoky within insect communities. Focusing on the highly specialized genus Megastigmus (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), we first performed a large literature survey to examine the distribution of thelytoky in these wasps across their respective obligate host plant families. Second, we tested for thelytoky caused by endosymbionts by screening in 15 arrhenotokous and 10 thelytokous species for Wolbachia, Cardinium, Arsenophonus and Rickettsia endosymbionts and by performing antibiotic treatments. Finally, we performed phylogenetic reconstructions using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to examine the evolution of endosymbiont‐mediated thelytoky in Megastigmus and its possible connections to host plant specialization. We demonstrate that thelytoky evolved from ancestral arrhenotoky through the horizontal transmission and the fixation of the parthenogenesis‐inducing Wolbachia. We find that ecological specialization in Wolbachia's hosts was probably a critical driving force for Wolbachia infection and spread of thelytoky, but also a constraint. Our work further reinforces the hypothesis that community structure of insects is a major driver of the epidemiology of endosymbionts and that competitive interactions among closely related species may facilitate their horizontal transmission.  相似文献   

Summary. Facultative parthenogenesis has great adaptive significance, especially with regard to low pairing efficiency. In the termite Reticulitermes speratus, females that fail to mate with males reproduce parthenogenetically and found colonies cooperatively with partner females or even alone. Comparison of colony foundation success at 400 days between colonies founded by single females (F), female-female pairs (FF), and male-female pairs (FM) showed that female-female cooperation promoted colony survivorship over monogamous foundation. We report here for the first time the mode of parthenogenesis in Isoptera. Combining chromosome observations and genetic analysis using microsatellites, we show that the mode of parthenogenesis is diploid thelytoky and that the restoration of ploidy is most likely accomplished by terminal fusion. Parthenogens show a higher mortality and a longer egg-development time than sexually produced offspring, probably due to reduced heterozygosity. In addition Wolbachia bacteria were detected in R. speratus. However, since Wolbachia was also detected in non-parthenogenetic R. flavipes, it is unlikely that Wolbachia is the cause of parthenogenesis in R. speratus.Received 30 October 2003; revised 4 March 2004; accepted 17 March 2004.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that parthenogenesis in weevil species is of hybrid origin, but some have speculated that Wolbachia infection plays a role through the modification of host breeding systems. Here we focus on Strophosoma weevils, which are known to be pests in young forest stands. Using molecular data, we investigated the diversity of the two most common Strophosoma species in Europe: S. capitatum, which reproduces bisexually, and S. melanogrammum, which is parthenogenetic. Also researched were their associations with the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia. These species of weevil were found to be clearly distinguishable based on their mitochondrial DNA, with the bisexual taxa being more diverse. However, the nuclear DNA divergence of the two species was very low, and the parthenogenetic taxon was found to be heterozygous. Wolbachia infection was detected in all individuals of the S. melanogrammum populations and less than half of the S. capitatum populations. Moreover, multiple Wolbachia strains were found in both taxa (two in the former and three in the latter). The results of this research suggest that parthenogenesis in this genus is of hybrid origin and that Wolbachia could have played a role in speciation of these weevils.  相似文献   

Trichogramma wasps (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) are egg parasitoids commonly employed in augmentative biological control releases against a variety of mainly lepidopteran pests. By exploiting the mechanism by which the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia induces parthenogenesis in this genus, we created a set of completely homozygous Wolbachia‐infected recombinant isofemale lines (RILs), each consisting of a different combination of the genome of two well‐characterized lines of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley. We subsequently use 16 of these RILs to investigate the effect of genetic variation on various measures associated with offspring production under laboratory conditions. Unsurprisingly, substantial differences were found between the RILs in their propensity to parasitize hosts, the number of hosts they parasitize, and the levels of mortality in their offspring. Such measures can be used to choose an optimal line for biological control purposes. A method was also developed to characterize the 16 RILs using their allelic state at five loci. Essentially, this binary system uses high‐resolution melt analysis to resolve identity at each locus, with alleles originating from either the grandmaternal or grandpaternal line, and is such that each RIL can be distinguished from each other RIL by their allelic state at one or more loci. The method facilitates the easy diagnosis of line origin when two or more lines are competing with each other in competition assays, allowing for the design of more complicated tests of parasitoid quality. Future field experiments will determine which genetic line performs best under more realistic biological control conditions. The fact that these lines are infected with parthenogenesis‐inducing Wolbachia will allow for prolonged rearing without appreciable change in their genetic makeup, which should lead to a predictable biological control performance.  相似文献   

Several hymenopteran parasitoids are infected with parthenogenesis‐inducing (PI) Wolbachia. Infected wasps produce daughters instead of sons from unfertilized eggs. Thus far, little is known about the direct effects of PI Wolbachia on their host's fitness. Here, we report reduced competitive ability due to Wolbachia infection in a minute parasitoid wasp, Trichogramma kaykai Pinto and Stouthamer (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Immature survival of infected individuals in a host parasitized by a single infected female, laying a normal clutch of eggs, was lower than those parasitized by a single uninfected individual. When the offspring of infected and uninfected females shared the same host, the infected immatures had significantly lower survival rates than their uninfected counterparts. The survival rate of infected immatures was higher when they competed with other infected immatures from a different infected parent than in competition with uninfected immatures of conspecific wasps. Thus, the host Trichogramma can suffer a substantial reduction in fitness when it is infected with the PI Wolbachia. We discuss why such a reduction is to be expected when populations of infected and uninfected individuals co‐occur, and how the reduced competitive ability of PI Wolbachia influences the spread of the bacteria in the field.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a ubiquitous, Gram-negative, vertically transmitted, alpha-proteobacterium that causes an array of reproductive abnormalities including cytoplasmic incompatibility, feminization of genetic males, parthenogenesis in a number of insect species, among others. Wolbachia is now being exploited as an agent for pest and vector control. Previous surveys indicated that it is commonly seen in 16–76% of arthropods. In this paper, using polymerase chain reaction assay based on specific amplification of the ftsZ-A and-B supergroup Wolbachia gene fragments, we found that 30% of insects and pests screened were positive for Wolbachia. Among them 66.7% harbour double Wolbachia infection, while 33.3% harbour single Wolbachia infection. These results indicate widespread infection with both double and single Wolbachia, and provide a wealth of information to exploit this endobacterium for the management of pests and vectors.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are endocellular bacteria known for manipulating the reproductive systems of many of their invertebrate hosts. Wolbachia are transmitted vertically from mother to offspring. In addition, new infections result from horizontal transmission between different host species. However, to what extent horizontal transmission plays a role in the spread of a new infection through the host population is unknown. Here, we investigate whether horizontal transmission of Wolbachia can explain clonal genetic variation in natural populations of Leptopilina clavipes, a parasitoid wasp infected with a parthenogenesis‐inducing Wolbachia. We assessed variance of markers on the nuclear, mitochondrial and Wolbachia genomes. The nuclear and mitochondrial markers displayed significant and congruent variation among thelytokous wasp lineages, showing that multiple lineages have become infected with Wolbachia. The alternative hypothesis in which a single female became infected, the daughters of which mated with males (thus introducing nuclear genetic variance) cannot account for the presence of concordant variance in mtDNA. All Wolbachia markers, including the hypervariable wsp gene, were invariant, suggesting that only a single strain of Wolbachia is involved. These results show that Wolbachia has transferred horizontally to infect multiple female lineages during the early spread through L. clavipes. Remarkably, multiple thelytokous lineages have persisted side by side in the field for tens of thousands of generations.  相似文献   

Rickettsia-like maternally inherited bacteria are commonly associated with the induction of severe modifications of the reproductive behaviour of their hosts, such as parthenogenesis. Among them, the endosymbiont Wolbachia is the best known because it is widespread in many arthropods, including insects, terrestrial isopods and the exclusively aquatic ostracods. The genus Artemia (Crustacea, Anostraca) that consists of both bisexual species and parthenogenetic strains was—to our knowledge—for the first time tested for infection with Wolbachia. We screened 38 Artemia populations (parthenogenetic and bisexual) using a PCR assay. Our results clearly show that Wolbachia is not involved in the induction of parthenogenesis in Artemia.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is an endocytoplasmic bacterium responsible for various reproductive modifications in arthropods. In several species, Wolbachia induces a phenomenon called cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), whereby crosses between a Wolbachia-infected male and a healthy female are incompatible. In haplodiploid species reproducing with arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, CI crosses produce only parthenogenetic males, inducing a male-biased sex ratio in the population. Here, we used two modeling approaches to evaluate the respective influences of demographic and biological parameters on Wolbachia fixation probability and on the sex ratio peak occurring during a Wolbachia invasion, and compared these parameters to values reported in the literature. Results suggest that the impact of Wolbachia invasion on population dynamics remains relatively limited, especially for parasitoids with high rates of sib-mating. The consequences for introduction of the parasitoids for biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

Kremer N  Huigens ME 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(17):3496-3498
A huge variety of Arthropod species is infected with endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria that manipulate their host’s reproduction to invade populations. In addition to vertical transmission from mother to offspring through the egg cytoplasm, it has been demonstrated through phylogenetic analyses and natural transfer experiments that horizontal transmission of Wolbachia (i.e. contagion) can occur between Arthropod hosts. More recently, factors influencing horizontal transfer have also been explored. While it is clear that horizontal transmission between species plays a major role in the evolutionary history of Wolbachia infections among insects, its role in the spread of a new infection through a host population, notably through within‐species transfers, remained unknown. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Kraaijeveld et al. (2011) present the first evidence that horizontal transmission played a key role in the early spread of parthenogenesis‐inducing Wolbachia through the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina clavipes. To support their finding, the authors studied genetic variation in three types of markers, including host nuclear DNA, mitochondrial DNA and Wolbachia DNA. Specifically, they examined potential associations between their diversity patterns. No diversity was detected in Wolbachia genes, indicating that a single Wolbachia strain must have infected and spread through L. clavipes. In addition, a correlation between substantial variation in mitochondrial and nuclear genotypes suggested that horizontal transmission played an important role in the current clonal genetic variation in this wasp. Such horizontal transmission could be facilitated by a specific host ecology (e.g. parasitoid wasps sharing the same host resource) and potentially impact co‐evolution between host and symbiont.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a maternally inherited bacterium that manipulates host reproduction by inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), parthenogenesis or male killing (MK). Here, we report on a screening of seven leafcutter ant species of the genera Atta and Acromyrmex. Using Wolbachia‐specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers we show that all species are infected, usually by double A + B strain infections. For Acromyrmex echinatior and A. octospinosus, a screening across all castes shows that gynes (prospective queens) have higher infection rates than workers and males. The low infection rate of workers suggests that workers lose their infection during development. This we interpret as adaptive, because a heritable symbiont does not benefit from being present in sterile workers. Both CI and MK could potentially account for the low infection rate of males. Formal theoretical models show greater support for the MK scenario in the free living species A. echinatior and A. octospinosus but indicate that Wolbachia in the social parasite A. insinuator may cause CI, supporting a scenario of sympatric speciation of the social parasite. We conclude that Wolbachia represents a previously unrecognized source of reproductive conflict in leafcutter ant colonies.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis, the development of unfertilized eggs resulting in the exclusive production of female offspring, is rare in animals relative to sexual reproduction and is mainly reported in invertebrates. It has been hypothesized that polyploidy, hybridization and endosymbiont infections are its major causal events but the mechanisms triggering asexual reproduction remain unclear. Here, we study the proximate causes at the origin of parthenogenesis in the first reported case of asexuality in the Coccinellidae (Coleoptera). The asexual populations were found in the Azores and the Mascarene archipelagos, and were identified as Nephus voeltzkowi Weise, a bisexual species widespread in sub-Saharan Africa. The specimens from both populations are diploid but present different karyotypes and heterozygosities that evoke hybrid origins, commonly associated with parthenogenesis in Coleoptera. However, the close proximity of their genomes (99.8% homology for the complete mitochondrial genome and 99.9% for the complete nuclear ribosomal cluster) together with the congruence between the mtDNA tree and the nuclear tree, and the low heterozygosity levels, suggests that the two populations are not hybrid. We propose that they belong to a single chromosomally polymorphic species undergoing Robertsonian fusions. Furthermore, specimens from both populations are infected with Wolbachia (supergroup B strain), contrary to sympatric bisexual species of the same genus. Although Wolbachia has been shown to induce parthenogenesis in haplodiploid organisms, it has been recently suggested that it could also induce parthenogenesis in hosts with other sex determination systems. Whether chromosome rearrangements and/or Wolbachia infections are post-parthenogenetic events or are at the origin of parthenogenesis still needs to be determined.  相似文献   

Biological systems with asexual reproduction have often attracted research on parasites and host immune defence, because parasites are expected to be better able to exploit genetically less diverse populations. In addition, maternally inherited parasitic microorganisms such as Wolbachia can directly alter the reproductive systems of their hosts and induce parthenogenesis. In the freshwater ostracod Eucypris virens, both sexual and asexual reproduction is known, and we speculated that parasite pressures might help to explain their co‐existence. This species complex inhabits shallow, often eutrophic temporary water bodies, conditions that should provide ample opportunities for parasite infections. We surveyed natural populations of E. virens throughout its Europe‐wide range for natural parasites, and particularly tested for the presence of intracellular Wolbachia bacteria. Surprisingly, the results indicate that very few E. virens populations support parasite infections. We also found no evidence for the presence of Wolbachia in the populations screened. The results therefore show that parasitic infections do not play a role in the maintenance of sex in this system. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 207–216.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are endosymbiotic bacteria known to manipulate the reproduction of their hosts by, for example, inducing parthenogenesis. In most cases of Wolbachia‐induced parthenogenesis, the infection is fixed and the entire host population consists of females. In the absence of males and sexual reproduction, genes involved in sexual reproduction are not actively maintained by selection. Accumulation of neutral mutations or selection against maintenance of sexual traits may lead to their loss or deterioration. In addition, females may lose the ability to reproduce sexually due to ‘functional virginity mutations’ that may spread concomitantly with the Wolbachia infection through a population. The parasitoid wasp Tetrastichus coeruleus (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) forms an ideal model to study the decay of sexual functionality, because it has both Wolbachia‐infected, parthenogenetic populations and uninfected, sexual populations. We compared several components of sexual functionality of arrhenotokous (sexual) and thelytokous (parthenogenetic) T. coeruleus females. First, we tested whether arrhenotokous and thelytokous females were equally attractive and receptive to males. Second, we examined whether mating is costly to females by measuring the life span of mated and virgin females. Last, we studied the morphology of the spermathecae of arrhenotokous and thelytokous females. Mated females had shorter life spans than virgin females, showing that mating carried a fitness cost. Two sexual traits of thelytokous females have degraded compared to arrhenotokous females. Arrhenotokous and thelytokous females were equally attractive to males, but thelytokous females were unreceptive to males. Furthermore, there was a clear difference in spermathecal morphology between arrhenotokous and thelytokous females. Our data do not allow distinction between the various potential causes of such degradation. Although the longevity cost of mating may indicate selection against the maintenance of costly sexual traits, accumulation of neutral mutations, functional virginity mutations, manipulation by Wolbachia, and/or the genetic distance between the two populations may all have contributed to the decay of sexual traits in thelytokous females.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are endosymbiotic bacteria known to manipulate the reproduction of their hosts. These manipulations are expected to have consequences on the population genetics of the host, such as heterozygosity levels, genetic diversity and gene flow. The parasitoid wasp Tetrastichus coeruleus has populations that are infected with parthenogenesis‐inducing Wolbachia and populations that are not infected. We studied the population genetics of T. coeruleus between and within Wolbachia‐infected and uninfected populations, using nuclear microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA. We expected reduced genetic diversity in both DNA types in infected populations. However, migration and gene flow could introduce new DNA variants into populations. We therefore paid special attention to individuals with unexpected (genetic) characteristics. Based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, two genetic clusters were evident: a thelytokous cluster containing all Wolbachia‐infected, parthenogenetic populations and an arrhenotokous cluster containing all uninfected, sexual populations. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA did not exhibit concordant patterns of variation, although there was reduced genetic diversity in infected populations for both DNA types. Within the thelytokous cluster, there was nuclear DNA variation, but no mitochondrial DNA variation. This nuclear DNA variation may be explained by occasional sex between infected females and males, by horizontal transmission of Wolbachia, and/or by novel mutations. Several females from thelytokous populations were uninfected and/or heterozygous for microsatellite loci. These unexpected characteristics may be explained by migration, by inefficient transmission of Wolbachia, by horizontal transmission of Wolbachia, and/or by novel mutations. However, migration has not prevented the build‐up of considerable genetic differentiation between thelytokous and arrhenotokous populations.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is an endosymbiont prevalent in arthropods. To maximize its transmission thorough the female germline, Wolbachia induces in infected hosts male‐to‐female transformation, male killing, parthenogenesis, and cytoplasmic incompatibility, depending on the host species and Wolbachia strain involved. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these host manipulations by Wolbachia remain largely unknown. The Wolbachia strain wMel, an inhabitant of Drosophila melanogaster, impairs host oogenesis only when transplanted into a heterologous host, for example, Drosophila simulans. We found that egg polarity defects induced by wMel infection in D. simulans can be recapitulated in the natural host D. melanogaster by transgenic overexpression of a variant of the Wolbachia protein Toxic manipulator of oogenesis (TomO), TomOwMel?HS, in the female germline. RNA immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that TomO physically associates with orb mRNA, which, as a result, fails to interact with the translation repressor Cup. This leads to precocious translation of Orb, a posterior determinant, and thereby to the misspecification of oocytes and accompanying polarity defects. We propose that the ability of TomO to bind to orb mRNA might provide a means for Wolbachia to enter the oocyte located at the posterior end of the egg chamber, thereby accomplishing secure maternal transmission thorough the female germline.  相似文献   

Wolbachia: intracellular manipulators of mite reproduction   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cytoplasmically transmitted Wolbachia (alpha-Proteobacteria) are a group of closely related intracellular microorganisms that alter reproduction in arthropods. They are found in a few isopods and are widespread in insects. Wolbachia are implicated as the cause of parthenogenesis in parasitic wasps, feminization in isopods and reproductive (cytoplasmic) incompatibility in many insects. Here we report on the widespread occurrence of Wolbachia in spider mites and predatory mites based on a PCR assay for a 730 bp fragment of the ftsZ gene with primers that are specific for Wolbachia. An additional PCR, using two primer pairs that amplify a 259 bp region of the ftsZ gene that are diagnostic for the two Wolbachia subdivisions A and B, showed that infected mites only carried type B and not type A Wolbachia. The fact that some species tested negative for Wolbachia does not mean that the entire species is uninfected. We found that natural populations of Tetranychus urticae are polymorphic for the infection. The possible effects of Wolbachia on mite reproduction and post-zygotic reproductive isolation are discussed.To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Kruislaan 320, 1098 SM Amsterdam, The Netherlands  相似文献   

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