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Objective: The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays an important role in regulating energy expenditure and body fat content; however, the extent to which the ANS contributes to pediatric obesity remains inconclusive. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether sympathetic and/or the parasympathetic nerve activities were altered in an obese pediatric population. We further examined a physiological association between the duration of obesity and the sympatho‐vagal activities to scrutinize the nature of ANS alteration as a possible etiologic factor of childhood obesity. Research Methods and Procedures: Forty‐two obese and 42 non‐obese healthy sedentary school children were carefully selected from 1080 participants initially recruited to this study. The two groups were matched in age, gender, and height. The clinical records of physical characteristics and development of the obese children were retrospectively reviewed to investigate the onset and progression of obesity. The ANS activities were assessed during a resting condition by means of heart rate variability power spectral analysis, which enables us to identify separate frequency components, i.e., total power (TP), low‐frequency (LF) power, and high‐frequency (HF) power. The spectral powers were then logarithmically transformed for statistical testing. Results: The obese children demonstrated a significantly lower TP (6.77 ± 0.12 vs. 7.11 ± 0.04 ln ms2, p < 0.05), LF power (6.16 ± 0.12 vs. 6.42 ± 0.05 ln ms2, p < 0.05), and HF power (5.84 ± 0.15 vs. 6.34 ± 0.07 ln ms2, p < 0.01) compared with the non‐obese children. A partial correlation analysis revealed that the LF and HF powers among 42 obese children were negatively associated with the duration of obesity independent of age (LF: partial r = ?0.55, p < 0.001; HF: partial r = ?0.40, p < 0.01). The obese children were further subdivided into two groups based on the length of their obesity. All three spectral powers were significantly reduced in the obese group with obesity of >3 years (n = 18) compared to the group with obesity of <3 years. Discussion: Our data indicate that obese children possess reduced sympathetic as well as parasympathetic nerve activities. Such autonomic depression, which is associated with the duration of obesity, could be a physiological factor promoting the state and development of obesity. These findings further imply that preventing and treating obesity beginning in the childhood years could be an urgent and crucial pediatric public health issue.  相似文献   

ARONNE, LOUIS J, RONALD MACKINTOSH, MICHAEL ROSENBAUM, RUDOLPH L LEIBEL, JULES HIRSCH. Cardiac autonomic nervous system activity in obese and never-obese young men. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity in age-matched, weight-stable, free-living, ad libitumfed, obese (OB) and never-obese (NO) young men (body mass index means [SD], 38.5 [3.9] and 22.0 [1.7], respectively) was evaluated by sequential blockade of cardiac autonomic innervation with weight-adjusted doses of parasympathetic (atropine) and sympathetic (esmolol) blockers so as to produce maximal effects on heart rate. Change in heart period (interbeat interval) from baseline, induced by atropine, defined parasympathetic control (PC), and the subsequent change, after esmolol administration, defined sympathetic control (SC). The heart period, after PC and SC blockade, defined intrinsic heart period (I). In the OB group, baseline heart period and PC were lower, and SC and I were higher, than in the NO group. The results in the OB, relative to the NO subjects, are similar to those reported in a previous study of NO subjects who had undergone a 10% weight gain by overfeeding. These findings suggest that the ANS of individuals with obesity is chronically altered in a way that would tend to oppose their excessive adiposity, and that these autonomic changes are more likely to be responses to other forces that induce obesity, rather than being primary agents in the production of the disease.  相似文献   

The effect of jasmine tea odor on the autonomic nervous system was investigated by a power spectral analysis of the heart rate variability. We assigned eight volunteers to two groups with either a predilection for or antipathy toward the jasmine tea odor. We tested both high- and low-intensity jasmine tea odors. The low-intensity odor was produced by diluting 20-fold the jasmine tea used for the high-intensity odor test. The low-intensity odor produced an increase in parasympathetic nervous activity in both the predilection and antipathy groups. The high-intensity odor produced an increase in parasympathetic nervous activity in the predilection group, but an increase in sympathetic nervous activity in the antipathy group. The odor of Chinese green tea, a basic ingredient of jasmine tea, produced no effects similar to those of the jasmine tea odor. These results suggest that the jasmine tea odor activated the parasympathetic nerve, whereas the higher-intensity odor activated the sympathetic nerve in those subjects who disliked the odor.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare actual versus mentally simulated preparation for a complex motor skill. Two behavioral periods are observed during weightlifting: (i) an initial phase in which the subject standing behind the bar is thought to focus his attention on forthcoming execution and (ii) a second phase between hands/bar contact and execution during which the subject is thought to increase activation. Such mental processes accompanying behavioral sequences are correlated with autonomic nervous system activity, phasic responses corresponding to allocation of attentional resources, and tonic variations related to increasing general activation. To study mental processes during preparation for action, 12 subjects performed actual and imagined preparation phases of execution. Six autonomic variables were measured continuously. Skin potential (2 = 0.16), skin temperature amplitude (Z = –0.66) and duration (Z = –1.78), skin blood flow amplitude (Z = –0.56) and duration (Z = –1.51), respiratory frequency amplitude (Z = –0.14) and duration (Z = –0.13), and duration of heart rate response (Z = –1.25) were shown to be comparable (p >.05), whatever the modality of preparation. However, during mentally simulated preparation, skin resistance response was shorter than in actual preparation (Z = –2.12, p <.05), thus attesting to a weaker load, whereas lower decrease in heart rate was elicited (Z = –1.96, p <.05). This may be explained by this particular experimental condition because mental preparation would not lead to actual action. Such autonomic variables could be used as feedback to improve performance.  相似文献   

Objective: Long‐term, possibly lifetime, use of medications for the management of obesity may be thought to be similar to the use of pharmacotherapy for other chronic diseases such as hypertension or diabetes. Because there have been no systematic studies of this extended use, the experience of eight patients who have used obesity medications in a sustaining manner was studied. Research Methods and Procedures: The clinical characteristics of eight adult patients, each of whom has experience with long‐term (more than 10 years) use of medications for weight loss and weight maintenance, were studied. Results: The clinical experience of these eight patients was analyzed. Each chose to sustain the use of weight management medications for more than 10 years because of perceived benefit, comfort, and the absence of significant side effects. There has been no evidence of the development of tolerance, addiction, or misuse and no adverse events related to the medication. The beneficial effects of the medication have not diminished with time. Discussion: The clinical characteristics of eight patients, each of whom has used obesity pharmacotherapy for more than 10 years, are described. The experience of these eight individuals cannot be generalized to the entire population of overweight or obese patients. It does suggest, however, that some patients respond successfully to this form of therapy and that they will derive value from it for the management of this disease. Efforts should be made to identify these patients, and consideration should be given to the use of chronic medications for the continuing management of obesity.  相似文献   

Objective: We investigated the impact of a three‐amino acid deletion (12Glu9) polymorphism in the α2B‐adrenergic receptor gene on autonomic nervous function. The short form (Glu9/Glu9) of the polymorphism has previously been associated with a reduced basal metabolic rate in obese subjects. Because autonomic nervous function participates in the regulation of energy metabolism, there could be a link between this polymorphism and autonomic nervous function. Research Methods and Procedures: Data of a 10‐year follow‐up study with 126 nondiabetic control subjects and 84 type 2 diabetic patients were used to determine the effects of the 12Glu9 polymorphism on autonomic nervous function. A deep breathing test and an orthostatic test were used to investigate parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic nervous function. In addition, cardiovascular autonomic function was studied using power spectral analysis of heart rate variability. Results: No significant differences were found in the frequency of the 12Glu9 deletion polymorphism between nondiabetic and diabetic subjects. The nondiabetic men with the Glu9/Glu9 genotype, especially those with abdominal obesity, had significantly lower total and low‐frequency power values in the power spectral analysis when compared with other men. Furthermore, in a longitudinal analysis of 10 years, the decrease in parasympathetic function was greater in nondiabetic men with the Glu9/Glu9 genotype than in the men with the Glu9/Glu12 or Glu12/Glu12 genotypes. Discussion: The results of the present study suggest that the 12Glu9 polymorphism of the α2B‐adrenergic receptor gene modulates autonomic nervous function in Finnish nondiabetic men. In the nondiabetic men with the Glu9/Glu9 genotype, the general autonomic tone is depressed, and vagal activity especially becomes impaired with time. Furthermore, this association is accentuated by central obesity.  相似文献   

Current evidence demonstrates that pharmacologic agents, alone or in combination produce short-term weight-loss and may remain effective for extended periods of time in obese patients. We have evaluated the weight loss of a selective inhibitor of serotonin uptake, fluoxetine, alone as compared with combined therapeutic trial with another serotoninergic drug, dexfenfluramine. Thirty-three patients were randomly assigned in a double-blind randomized clinical trial divided to two groups: Group I [Fluoxetine 40 mg and placebo (n=13)] and Group II [Fluoxetine 40 mg plus dexfenfluramine 15 mg at night (n=20)]. Both groups had a significant weight loss at the end of 8 months (Group I, mean ± SEM 6.2 ± 2.8 kg and Group II 13.4 ± 6.3 kg, p < 0.05). Group II patients had a significantly greater weight loss as compared with Group I both in terms of mean weight loss in kg and BMI in kg/m2. However significance between Group I and II related to BMI mean values and weight mean values were only achieved after, respectively, 4 and 6 months of treatment. At laboratory level there was an elevation of HDL-cholesterol and lowering of serum lipids values (cholesterol and triglycerides) in both groups. Side effects were relatively minor and no altered clinical vital signs or abnormal laboratory values were observed. We concluded that the combination of fluoxetine (daytime) and dexfenfluramine (at night) may be more effective than fluoxetine alone in weight reduction although the small size of this study does not permit broad generalization.  相似文献   

Objective: Epidemiological studies suggest that high birth weight might be associated with an increased risk of obesity later in life. Programming of metabolic, endocrine, and/or autonomic pathways during intrauterine development has been proposed to explain this association. Research Methods and Procedures: To determine the relationship between birth weight and body composition and energy metabolism later in life, we measured fat mass and fat‐free mass (hydrodensitometry or double‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry), 24‐hour energy expenditure, sleeping metabolic rate, and 24‐hour respiratory quotient (respiratory chamber) in 272 adult nondiabetic Pima Indians (161 males/111 females, age 25 ± 5 years, mean ± SD). In these subjects, birth weight varied over a wide range (2000 to 5000 g). Individuals known to be offspring of diabetic pregnancies were excluded. In 44 of the 272 subjects, muscle sympathetic nerve activity was assessed by microneurography. Results: Birth weight was positively correlated with adult height (r = 0.20, p < 0.001) and fat‐free mass (r = 0.21, p < 0.001), but not with fat mass (r = 0.01, not significant). Sleeping metabolic rate, adjusted for age, sex, fat‐free mass, and fat mass, was negatively related to birth weight (r = ?0.13, p < 0.05), whereas adjusted 24‐hour energy expenditure (r = 0.07, not significant) and 24‐hour respiratory quotient (r = ?0.09, not significant) were not. There was no relationship between birth weight and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (r = 0.12, not significant, n = 44). Discussion: In Pima Indians who are not offspring of diabetic pregnancies, high birth weight is associated with increased height and lean body mass, but not with increased adiposity later in life. Although high birth weight may be associated with relatively low resting energy expenditure, it is not associated with major abnormalities in 24‐hour energy metabolism or with low muscle sympathetic nerve activity later in life.  相似文献   

The influence of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) on triggering and perpetuation of atrial fibrillation (AF) is well established. Ganglionated plexi (GP) ablation achieves autonomic denervation by affecting both the parasympathetic and sympathetic components of the ANS. An anatomic approach for GP ablation at relevant atrial sites appears to be safe, and improves the results of PV isolation in patients with paroxysmal and persistent AF. GP ablation can be accomplished endocardially or epicardially, ie, during the maze procedure or thoracoscopic approaches. Further experience is needed to assess the clinical value of this promising technique.  相似文献   

Objective: Body fatness is partly under hypothalamic control with effector limbs that include the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system (ANS). In previous studies of both obese and never‐obese subjects, we have shown that weight increase leads to increased sympathetic and decreased parasympathetic activity, whereas weight decrease leads to decreased sympathetic and increased parasympathetic activity. We now report on the effect of leptin, independent of weight change, on the ANS. Research Methods and Procedures: Normal weight males (ages 20–40 years) were fed a solid food diet, measured carefully to maintain body weight, for 3 weeks, as inpatients at the Rockefeller University General Clinical Research Center. In a single‐blind, 22‐day, placebo/drug/placebo design, six subjects received leptin 0.3 mg/kilogram subcutaneously for 6 days. ANS measures of amount of parasympathetic control and sympathetic control of heart period (interbeat interval) were made by sequential pharmacological blockade with intravenous atropine and esmolol. Norepinephrine, dopamine, and epinephrine levels in 24‐hour urine collections were also measured as well as resting metabolic rate. Results: Sufficient food intake maintained constant body weight in all subjects. There was no evidence that leptin administration led to changes in energy metabolism sufficient to require additional food intake or to alter resting metabolic rate. Likewise, leptin administration did not alter autonomic activity. Parasympathetic control and sympathetic control, as well as the urinary catecholamines, were not significantly affected by leptin administration. Glucose and insulin levels were increased by food intake as expected, but leptin had no affect on these levels before or after food intake. Discussion: ANS responses to changes in energy metabolism found when food intake and body weight are altered were not found in these never‐obese subjects given leptin for 6 days. Although exogenous leptin administration has profound effects on food intake and energy metabolism in animals genetically deprived of leptin, we found it to have no demonstrable effect on energy metabolism in never‐obese humans. The effects of longer periods of administration to obese individuals and to those who have lost weight demand additional investigation.  相似文献   

孙淑娜  桂永浩  蒋璆  钱林溪  宋后燕 《中国实验动物学报》2010,18(2):127-130,I0006,I0007
目的观察二氢叶酸还原酶基因(DHFR)功能阻抑斑马鱼胚胎的颅脑部发育情况,初步探讨二氢叶酸还原酶基因在斑马鱼神经系统发育过程中的作用。方法采用显微注射吗啡啉修饰的反义核苷酸(MO)的方法进行DHFR表达阻抑。胚胎发育至受精后48hpf观察胚胎的颅部发育情况,在60hpf时经石蜡切片进一步观察胚胎的脑发育状况。利用胚胎整体原位杂交的方法检测影响神经系统发育的关键因子ngn1和huc的表达情况。结果显微注射MO可成功的进行DHFR表达阻抑。DHFR表达阻抑组胚胎存在颅脑部发育明显异常和ngn1、huc的表达强度明显减弱,且与显微注射的MO剂量呈正相关。结论DHFR在斑马鱼颅脑发育中有重要作用;其功能阻抑可导致胚胎颅脑部发育异常,其机理与ngn1和huc的的表达减弱有关。  相似文献   

The epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) or epicardial fat is a visceral fat depot in the heart that contains intrinsic adrenergic and cholinergic nerves, through which it interacts with the cardiac sympathetic (adrenergic) and parasympathetic (cholinergic) nervous systems. These EAT nerves represent a significant source of several adipokines and other bioactive molecules, including norepinephrine, epinephrine, and free fatty acids. The production of these molecules is biologically relevant for the heart, since abnormalities in EAT secretion are implicated in the development of pathological conditions, including coronary atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure. Sympathetic hyperactivity and parasympathetic (cholinergic) derangement are associated with EAT dysfunction, leading to a variety of adverse cardiac conditions, such as heart failure, diastolic dysfunction, atrial fibrillation, etc.; therefore, several studies have focused on exploring the autonomic regulation of EAT as it pertains to heart disease pathogenesis and progression. In addition, Regulator of G protein Signaling (RGS)-4 is a protein with significant regulatory roles in both adrenergic and muscarinic receptor signaling in the heart. In this review, we provide an overview of the autonomic regulation of EAT, with a specific focus on cardiac RGS4 and the potential roles this protein plays in this regulation.  相似文献   

单克隆抗体药物是一种新兴的治疗药物,具有高选择性,被用于多种疾病的治疗,如肿瘤、免疫疾病等,也可以用于中枢神经系统疾病,如阿尔茨海默病、帕金森病、中风和脑肿瘤等。然而,因为血脑屏障低通透性,限制了抗体药物在中枢神经系统疾病治疗中的应用,在很多神经系统疾病临床试验中,抗体药物并没有取得预期效果。如今,人们利用血脑屏障上内源性转运蛋白介导,设计了可以通过血脑屏障的抗体药物。对通过血脑屏障治疗性抗体药物研发进展及其应用前景进行了综述。  相似文献   

  1. The use of tritiated norepinephrine (NE) to measure the turnover rate of NE in sympathetically innervated organs was pioneered in the laboratory of Julius Axelrod. This technique provides an organ specific assessment of sympathetic activity, integrated over a 24 h period, in free living laboratory animals. As such it has proved useful in estimating changes in sympathetic outflow in different physiologic and patho-physiologic states.2. Studies employing NE turnover techniques in laboratory rodents have demonstrated conclusively that fasting suppresses and overfeeding stimulates the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). These changes in sympathetic activity also occur in humans.3. Diet-induced changes in SNS activity are regulated by insulin-mediated glucose uptake and metabolism in central neurons sensitive to insulin and located anatomically in the ventro-medial hypothalamus. The regulation is imposed by descending inhibition of tonically active sympathetic brainstem centers.4. Diet-induced changes in SNS activity mediate changes in energy production known as dietary thermogenesis. The capacity for dietary thermogenesis serves as a potential buffer against weight gain.5. Insulin stimulated SNS activity contributes to obesity-related hypertension. The insulin resistance of obesity, and consequent hyperinsulinemia, drives sympathetically mediated thermogenesis, restoring energy balance at the expense of SNS over activity. The association of obesity and hypertension, therefore, may be the unintended consequence of mechanisms recruited in the obese to limit further weight gain.  相似文献   

为了给涡虫神经生物学的比较研究提供基础资料和通过RNAi技术为研究与脑部再生有关基因的功能奠定基础,本研究使用石蜡连续切片技术,经HE和Masson染色后,对日本三角涡虫Dugesia japonica的神经系统进行观察.日本三角涡虫的中枢神经系统由脑和2条纵神经索组成,脑呈马蹄形;纵神经索从头部到尾部逐渐变细;脑部神经细胞突起连接成网状,纵神经索内神经细胞突起呈纵向排列;咽壁神经组织排列成内外2个圆筒状.这些结构差异反映出日本三角涡虫在涡虫纲系统演化中处于较高级的地位.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine whether there is a difference in risk‐factor improvement for coronary heart disease (CHD) between the intra‐abdominal fat (IF) and subcutaneous fat (SF) obesity phenotypes after weight loss. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects included 55 mildly obese women (body mass index, 25 to 36 kg/m2; age range, 34 to 63 years) who had at least two of three CHD risk factors [systolic blood pressure (SBP), >140 mm Hg; total cholesterol (TC), >220 mg/dL; fasting plasma glucose, >110 mg/dL). Using computed tomography, IF obesity was classified as ≥110 cm2 of the IF area measured; subjects with <110 cm2 were classified as having SF obesity. The IF and SF obesity groups were divided into diet‐only and diet‐plus‐exercise groups. Assays and measurements were performed before and after a 14‐week (98‐day) intervention. Results: Weight was reduced by 7 to 10 kg in each group. The IF and SF areas, SBP, diastolic blood pressure, TC, and low‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol were significantly reduced in all groups (p < 0.01). Reduction in IF area was greater in IF obesity than in SF obesity, whereas no differences were observed in the improvement of CHD risk factors. Sample sizes needed for observing a significant difference for SBP, TC, triglycerides, and fasting plasma glucose were greater than the number of subjects in this study. Discussion: Our results suggest that the influence of the obesity phenotype on improving CHD risk factors is not apparent. A larger study is needed to prove the validity of this finding.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the impact of diet‐induced weight loss on cardiac autonomic nervous system modulation and arrhythmias in subjects with severe obesity and the influence of a high‐fat or a high‐carbohydrate diet regimen on heart rate variability in reduced‐obese individuals. Research Methods and Procedures: Eight severely obese subjects (BMI ≥ 40.0 kg/m2) underwent a 3‐month weight loss program followed by a 3‐month reduced‐weight maintenance regimen. Thereafter, each subject was admitted for an inpatient period of 17 days on two separate occasions. A high‐carbohydrate (60%) or high‐fat (55%) diet of appropriate energy content for weight maintenance was prescribed during each inpatient phase. Heart rate variability was derived from a 24‐hour Holter monitoring system in all subjects during their inpatient stay. Cardiac Holter monitoring was performed at three occasions (baseline, diet phase I, and diet phase II), including the second night of a two overnight calorimetry chamber stay. Results: After the diet regimen, there was a 10% decrease in weight. There were no significant changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, arrhythmias, glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, low‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol, high‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol, respiratory exchange ratio, and resting energy expenditure between experiments. Mean heart rate was lower after weight loss compared with baseline (p < 0.001). After weight loss, there was an increase in the parasympathetic indices of heart rate variability showing an increase in cardiac vagal modulation (all p < 0.05). Discussion: Weight loss is associated with significant improvement in autonomic cardiac modulation through enhancement of parasympathetic modulation, which clinically translates into a decrease in heart rate.  相似文献   

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