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1. Chlorella cells, which had been grown synchronously undersulfur-deficient conditions and thus rendered unable to performcell division, were made capable of nuclear and cellular divisionby being supplied with 35S-labeled sulfate and nitrate underphotosynthesizing conditions, and the fate of sulfur duringthese recovery processes was followed. 2. When the S-starved cells were provided with sulfate aloneunder photosynthesizing conditions, cells grew appreciably inmass performing nuclear division but remaining incapable ofcellular division. During these processes most of the 35S wasfound to be incorporated into the protein fraction of algalcells. 3. When the cells which had been stalemated at the above-mentionedstage were supplied with nitrate, they grew further in massand eventually performed cellular division. During this periodthe 35S was found to be distributed not only in the proteinfraction, but also in an appreciable amount in the cold andhot acid-soluble fractions. 4. By paper-electrophoretic experiments it was found that thenature of the sulfur substances appearing in the hot acid-solublefraction changed strikingly during the process of cellular division.Zone electrophoresis and an anion-exchange chromatography ofthese substance isolated from the cells at the completion ofcellular division, disclosed that they were most probably deoxypentosepolynucleotides containing sulfur in some form yet unidentified. 5. It was demonstrated that there exist some antagonistic relationsbetween the protein synthesis and the formation of these sulfur-containingdeoxypentose polynucleotides, and that the former predominatesunder photosynthesizing conditions while the latter outweighsunder nonphotosynthesizing conditions. (Received August 9, 1960; )  相似文献   

The duration of mitosis and the cell cycle were determined for defined cell populations of the shoot apical meristem of Ceratopteris thalictroides Brong. by using the colchicine-induced metaphase accumulation technique. The results indicate that the apical cell is mitotically active and cycles at an apparently greater frequency than the cells of subjacent populations. Duration of mitosis was similar for all cells of the meristem. These results are correlated with mitotic indices of control apices, the geometry of the apex, and the mean number of cells in the meristem. Shoot apices from adult plants were examined to determine mitotic indices within the meristem; mitotic activity was again noted for the apical cell. These results contradict recent proposals that the pteridophyte apical cell serves as a unicellular quiescent center which lacks histogenic potential and offer experimental support for the classical concept of apical cell function in those fern shoot meristems which terminate in a single apical cell.  相似文献   

  1. The role of sulfur in the cell division of Chlorella was studiedby following the fate of the sulfur supplied to the sulfur-deficientcells using 35S as a tracer.
  2. The sulfur-deficient cells whichwere unable to perform celldivision were made capable of divisionby the provision of 36S-labeledsulfate under non-photosynthesizingconditions. Soon after theprovision of sulfate the labeledsulfur went rapidly into thecold perchloric acid (PCA)-solublefraction of algal cells,almost entirely in the form of sulfateand/or some other inorganicsulfur substance (s). With the lapseof time, more or less remarkablechanges occurred in the patternof 35S-distribution in differentfractions of cell material.It was noticed that, at the onsetof cell division, a sulfur-containingpeptide-nucleotide compound(s)(SPN), which has been reportedearlier, appeared in a largequantity in the cold PCA-solublefraction, and that its quantitydecreased gradually during thesubsequent process of cell division,suggesting that the compoundwas transformed into some othersubstance (s), presumably withits nucleotide moiety going intonucleic acids and the peptidemoiety going into some essentialproteins.
  3. Another noteworthyphenomenon observed during the process ofcell division wasthe incorporation of 36S in a group of hotPCA-soluble substances.These sulfur substances were revealedto be sulfur-containingnucleotidic compounds, which might possiblybe some essentialcomponents of, or substances in close relationto, deoxypentosenucleic acid (DNA).
(Received March 1, 1960; )  相似文献   

The successive ultrastructural changes during oogenesis in Sympetrum frequens (Odonata, Libellulidae) and Gryllus yemma (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) were studied.
The structures of the terminal filament and boundary between the terminal filament and the germarium differed from each other in these 2 species; in Sympetrum the boundary between the terminal filament and the germarium was a special acellular transverse septum, whereas that in Gryllus was composed of several flattened cells which seemed to be similar to the prefollicular cells in the germarium.
During the previtellogenesis, the nucleolar extrusions and emissions of the outer nuclear envelope were observed frequently in young oocytes. In Sympetrum , electron dense masses were observed in the oocyte cytoplasm, which seemed to be "yolk nuclei" or "Balbiani bodies" and were composed of aggregated small particles (about 200 A in diameter). They were gradually dispersed in the cytoplasm until the onset of vitellogenesis.
In both Sympetrum and Gryllus , yolk precursors seemed to be incorporated into oocytes by micropinocytosis as observed in various animals.
The egg membranes, viz. , the vitelline membrane and the chorion, seemed to be formed by products from follicle cells which developed rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies. Thus, both of these egg membranes were assumed to be the secondary egg membranes.  相似文献   

Fixation of cell cultures with 1 per cent OsO4 at constant pH and tonicity but variable cationic valence and dielectric constant causes profound changes in metaphase chromosomes. It is possible to make them disappear, flocculate, or show little change from the living cell in the phase contrast microscope. Conventional fixation for the electron microscope causes almost complete disappearance of metaphase chromosomes in phase contrast. Reasons for this behavior are discussed. It is postulated that intermolecular distances and consequently internal structure in chromosomes are governed by the same forces that govern these distances in colloidal sols.  相似文献   

The stealthy locomotion of the lorises is seen to be directly related to catching prey such as insects and roosting birds. The method of stalking prey contrasts strongly with the quick leaping method of food-catching presented by the galagos. The lorises, by virtue of their food-catching habits, are restricted to true forest, whereas some of the galagos, by the same token, have colonized more open country. This throws some light on the nature of the post-Miocene link between Africa and Asia and is suggested as a reason why the galagos are restricted to Africa whereas the lorises are found in both Africa and Asia.  相似文献   

Six varieties of Leishmaniasis are briefly described, namely,visceral leishmaniasis, oriental sore, Chiclero's ulcer, Panamaniancutaneous leishmaniasis, mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, and Uta.The natural foci of these diseases are described, and the evolutionof each infection from its original location in the animal reservoirto total humanisation is followed. In the main, the wild canidaeform the reservoir of the visceral diseases, and rodents ofthe cutaneous form. Many fallacies exist in the interpretation of what constitutesa zoonosis in leishmaniasis, and each situation must be lookedat very carefully to ascertain the precise epidemiology. Thecontrol measures depend entirely upon a correct assessment ofthe position.  相似文献   

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