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Aim To reconstruct the last c. 7000 years of vegetation and climate change in an unusual region of modern Great Plains grassland and scarp woodland in south‐east Colorado (USA), and to determine the late Holocene biogeography of Colorado piñon (Pinus edulis) at its easternmost extent, using a series of radiocarbon‐dated packrat (Neotoma sp.) middens. Location The West Carrizo Canyon drains the Chaquaqua Plateau, a plateau that projects into the western extent of the southern Great Plains grasslands in south‐eastern Colorado, USA. Elevations of the study sites are 1448 to 1525 m a.s.l. Today the plateau is mostly Juniperus scopulorumP. edulis woodland. Methods Plant macrofossils and pollen assemblages were analysed from 11 14C‐dated packrat middens. Ages ranged from 5990 yr bp (6839 cal. yr bp ) to 280 yr bp (485 cal. yr bp ). Results The results presented here provide information on the establishment and expansion of JuniperusP. edulis woodland at its eastern limits. The analysis of both plant macrofossils and pollen from the 11 middens documents changes in plant communities over the last 7000 years, and the establishment of P. edulis at its easternmost limit. Though very minor amounts of P. edulis pollen occur as early as the middle Holocene, plant macrofossils were only recovered in middens dating after c. 480 cal. yr bp . Main conclusions Originally, midden research suggested a late glacial refuge to the north‐east of the Carrizo Canyon site, and a middle Holocene expansion of P. edulis. Results reported here are consistent with a late Holocene expansion, here at its eastern limits, but noted elsewhere at its northern and north‐eastern limits. In general, this late Holocene expansion is consistent with pollen data from sediments in Colorado and New Mexico, and suggests that P. edulis is still expanding its range at its present extremes. This has implications for further extension of its range due to changing climatic conditions in the future.  相似文献   

Aim To document the impact of late Quaternary pluvial events on plant movements between the coast and the Andes across the Atacama Desert, northern Chile. Location Sites are located along the lower and upper fringes of absolute desert (1100–2800 m a.s.l.), between the western slope of the Andes and the Coastal Ranges of northern Chile (24–26° S). Methods We collected and individually radiocarbon dated 21 rodent middens. Plant macrofossils (fruits, seeds, flowers and leaves) were identified and pollen content analysed. Midden assemblages afford brief snapshots of local plant communities that existed within the rodents’ limited foraging range during the several years to decades that it took the midden to accumulate. These assemblages were then compared with modern floras to determine the presence of extralocal species and species provenance. Results Five middens span the last glacial period (34–21 ka) and three middens are from the last glacial–interglacial transition (19–11 ka). The remaining 13 middens span the last 7000 years. Coastal hyperarid sites exhibit low taxonomic richness in middens at 19.3, 1.1, 1.0, 0.9, 0.5 ka and a modern sample. Middens are also dominated by the same plants that occur today. In contrast, middens dated to 28.1, 21.3, 17.3, 3.7 and 0.5 ka contain more species, including Andean extralocals. Precordillera middens (c. 2700 m) show a prominent increase in plant macrofossil richness, along with the appearance of Andean extralocals and sedges at 34.5 and 18.9 ka. Six younger middens dated to 6.10.1 ka are similar to the modern local vegetation. Main conclusions Increased species richness and Andean extralocal plants occurred along the current lower fringes of absolute desert during the last glacial–interglacial transition and late Holocene. The absence of soil carbonates indicates the persistence of absolute desert throughout the Quaternary. Colonization by Andean plants could have been accomplished through long‐distance seed dispersal either by animals or floods that originated in the Andes. We postulate that dispersal would have been most frequent during regional pluvial events and associated increases in groundwater levels, forming local wetlands in the absolute desert, and generating large floods capable of crossing the Central Depression.  相似文献   

Aim Plant macrofossils in fossil woodrat (Neotoma) middens are the primary source of information on late Quaternary biogeographical history of plants in arid and semi‐arid regions of North America. Macrofossil records from middens are playing particularly important roles in documenting spatial and temporal patterns of plant migrations and invasions since the last glacial maximum 21,000 years ago. However, relatively few actualistic studies comparing contents of modern middens with surrounding flora and vegetation have been carried out. The primary aim of this study is to assess the reliability of midden assemblages in detecting the presence of tree, shrub and several other plant species growing on the surrounding landscape. The secondary aims are to determine whether probability of occurrence of species in middens is related to abundance in vegetation, and whether representation of individual species in middens is contingent on presence/absence or abundance of other species. Location Our five study sites were bedrock escarpments or canyons in the central Rocky Mountains (north‐eastern Utah, central Wyoming and south‐central Montana). All sites were in conifer woodland or forest/woodland variously dominated by Juniperus osteosperma, J. scopulorum, Pinus edulis, P. flexilis and Pseudotsuga menziesii. Neotoma cinerea is the only woodrat species in the region. Methods Macrofossil assemblages from 59 modern middens (all showing clear signs of recent or ongoing woodrat activity) were compared with floristic composition of vegetation within 50 m of the middens, and with percent cover of vegetation within 30 m of the middens. Results Coniferous trees and shrubs were well‐represented in middens, occurring consistently even when abundance in the local vegetation was very low. Juniperus osteosperma and J. scopulorum were particularly well‐represented, occurring in middens regardless of local abundance. Other conifers (P. edulis, P. flexilis, P. ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii) were occasionally absent from middens when abundance in vegetation was low (< 20% canopy cover). Occurrence of dicot shrubs and graminoids was less consistent. Main conclusions Middens constructed by N. cinerea are highly reliable sensors of presence/absence of J. osteosperma and J. scopulorum, and hence can be used to infer invasions and past biogeographical distributions of these species. The middens are also reliable in registering populations of other conifers, although presence in middens may be contingent on local abundance. Additional comparative studies are needed to develop a sound empirical basis for using middens of N. cinerea and other species to infer past presence/absence of plant species on the landscape, and to explore the vegetation‐sensing properties of midden assemblages.  相似文献   

Aim A conspicuous climatic and biogeographical transition occurs at 40–45° N in western North America. This pivot point marks a north–south opposition of wet and dry conditions at interannual and decadal time‐scales, as well as the northern and southern limits of many dominant western plant species. Palaeoecologists have yet to focus on past climatic and biotic shifts along this transition, in part because it requires comparisons across dissimilar records [i.e. pollen from lacustrine sediments to the north and plant macrofossils from woodrat (Neotoma) middens to the south]. To overcome these limitations, we are extending the woodrat‐midden record northward into the lowlands of the central Rocky Mountains. Location Woodrat middens were collected from crevices and rock shelters on south‐facing slopes of Dutch John Mountain (2000–2200 m, 40°57′ N, 109°25′ W), situated on the eastern flanks of the Uinta Mountains in north‐eastern Utah. The site is near the regional limits for Pinus ponderosa, P. edulis, P. contorta, Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intricatus, Abies concolor, Ephedra viridis and other important western species. Methods We analysed pollen and plant macrofossils from the 40,000‐year midden sequence. The middens represent brief, depositional episodes (mostly years to decades). Four middens represent the early to full‐glacial period (40,000–18,000 cal‐yr bp ), eight middens are from the late‐glacial/early Holocene transition (13,500–9000 cal yr bp ), and 33 middens span the mid‐to‐late Holocene (last 7500 years). Temporal density of our Holocene middens (one every c. 210 years) is comparable with typical Holocene pollen sequences from lake sediments. Results Early to full‐glacial assemblages are characterized by low diversity and occurrence of montane conifers (Picea pungens, Pseudotsuga menziesii, P. flexilis, Juniperus communis) absent from the site today. Diversity increases in the late‐glacial samples with the addition of J. scopulorum, J. horizontalis, C. montanus, C. ledifolius var. intricatus and mesic understory species. The coniferous trees and J. communis declined and J. osteosperma appeared during the late‐glacial/Holocene transition. Juniperus osteosperma populations have occupied the site throughout the Holocene. Pinus ponderosa was established by 7500 cal‐yr bp , and has occurred at least locally ever since. Montane conifers and J. horizontalis persisted until c. 5500 cal‐yr bp . The signature events of the late Holocene were the invasions of P. edulis and Ephedra viridis and establishment of pinyon–juniper woodland in the last 800 years. Main conclusions The Dutch John Mountain midden record adds to an emerging picture in which mid‐elevation conifers (P. flexilis, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Picea pungens, J. scopulorum, J. communis) dominated vegetation over a wide area of the Colorado Plateau and adjacent Rocky Mountains. Rather than being fragmented, as often assumed in phylogeographical studies, these species had broader and more‐connected distributions than they do in the region today. Paradoxically, subalpine conifers (Picea engelmannii, A. lasiocarpa) occurred at higher elevations to the south, possibly representing declining precipitation from south to north owing to southward displacement of the polar jet stream. The Dutch John Mountain record displays a series of extinction and invasion events. Most of the extinctions were local in scale; nearly all constituents of fossil midden assemblages occur within a few kilometres of Dutch John Mountain, and some occur at least locally on its slopes. The sole exception is J. horizontalis, which is regionally extinct. In contrast to extinctions, Holocene invasions were regional in scale; J. osteosperma, P. ponderosa, P. edulis and Ephedra viridis immigrated from glacial‐age source populations far to the south.  相似文献   

A new compilation of pollen and packrat midden data from western North America provides a refined reconstruction of the composition and distribution of biomes in western North America for today and for 6000 and 18,000 radiocarbon years before present (14C yr bp ). Modern biomes in western North America are adequately portrayed by pollen assemblages from lakes and bogs. Forest biomes in western North America share many taxa in their pollen spectra and it can be difficult to discriminate among these biomes. Plant macrofossils from packrat middens provide reliable identification of modern biomes from arid and semiarid regions, and this may also be true in similar environments in other parts of the world. However, a weighting factor for trees and shrubs must be used to reliably reconstruct modern biomes from plant macrofossils. A new biome, open conifer woodland, which includes eurythermic conifers and steppe plants, was defined to categorize much of the current and past vegetation of the semiarid interior of western North America. At 6000 14C yr bp , the forest biomes of the coastal Pacific North‐west and the desert biomes of the South‐west were in near‐modern positions. Biomes in the interior Pacific North‐west differed from those of today in that taiga prevailed in modern cool/cold mixed forests. Steppe was present in areas occupied today by open conifer woodland in the northern Great Basin, while in the central and southern Rocky Mountains forests grew where steppe grows today. During the mid‐Holocene, cool conifer forests were expanded in the Rocky Mountains (relative to today) but contracted in the Sierra Nevada. These differences from the forests of today imply different climatic histories in these two regions between 6000 14C yr bp and today. At 18,000 14C yr bp , deserts were absent from the South‐west and the coverage of open conifer woodland was greatly expanded relative to today. Steppe and tundra were present in much of the region now covered by forests in the Pacific North‐west.  相似文献   

Fossil rodent middens are powerful tools in paleoecology. In arid parts of western North America, packrat (Neotoma spp.) middens preserve plant and animal remains for tens of thousands of years. Midden contents are so well preserved that fragments of endogenous ancient DNA (aDNA) can be extracted and analyzed across millennia. Here, we explore the use of shotgun metagenomics to study the aDNA obtained from packrat middens up to 32,000 C14 years old. Eleven Illumina HiSeq 2500 libraries were successfully sequenced, and between 0.11% and 6.7% of reads were classified using Centrifuge against the NCBI “nt” database. Eukaryotic taxa identified belonged primarily to vascular plants with smaller proportions mapping to ascomycete fungi, arthropods, chordates, and nematodes. Plant taxonomic diversity in the middens is shown to change through time and tracks changes in assemblages determined by morphological examination of the plant remains. Amplicon sequencing of ITS2 and rbcL provided minimal data for some middens, but failed at amplifying the highly fragmented DNA present in others. With repeated sampling and deep sequencing, analysis of packrat midden aDNA from well‐preserved midden material can provide highly detailed characterizations of past communities of plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi present as trace DNA fossils. The prospects for gaining more paleoecological insights from aDNA for rodent middens will continue to improve with optimization of laboratory methods, decreasing sequencing costs, and increasing computational power.  相似文献   

Botanical remains, especially pollen, preserved in dung middens of rock‐dwelling hyraxes (herbivorous mammals belonging to the genus Procavia) have been studied in the Southern African winter‐rainfall area. Seven middens from a single rock shelter on the north‐eastern side of the Cederberg mountain range, Cape Province, are dated by 15 radiocarbon age determinations to between about 19,700 and 1370 yr BP. Plant remains in the middens are mainly fine, partly digested fragments. Identifiable macro‐botanical rests like seeds are scarce, therefore this preliminary investigation is focused on analysis of abundant pollen grains. The results show changes in a Southern Hemisphere equivalent of the Mediterranean macchia vegetation, viz. “fynbos”;. Although “fynbos”; prevailed at the site throughout the studied period, an altitudinal lowering of vegetation belts is indicated during the Last Glacial Maximum, while an increase in arboreal pollen types, especially Dodonea is shown during terminal Pleistocene and Holocene times.  相似文献   

Abstract. Pollen, plant macrofossils and charcoal from a small forest hollow were analyzed to determine the formation and dynamics of a Pinus strobus-dominated forest stand on outwash soil in northern New York. P. strobus, Betula papyrifera and Abies balsamea colonized the upland surrounding the hollow following a major disturbance that occurred ca. 360 yr ago. Pre-disturbance vegetation consisted of shade-tolerant Tsuga canadensis, Fagus grandifolia and Picea ruhens. The size-class distribution of modern vegetation suggests continuing recruitment of A. balsamea and Acer rubrum at the site. The status of P. strobus and B. papyrifera in the stand is uncertain, but there is no evidence for recolonization of T. canadensis, F. grandifolia or P. rubens. Frequent windthrow has probably played a role in stand dynamics since ca. 310 yr BP due to the high wind-susceptibility of overstory and understory tree taxa in the modern forest patch. Vegetation change that occurred following fire(s) ca. 310 yr BP was recorded by plant macrofossils but not by pollen, indicating that the pollen assemblage was insensitive to vegetation change within at least 30 m (and potentially 60 m) of the hollow. The apparent insensitivity of this small-hollow pollen assemblage to local vegetation change may be related to the relatively large size of the hollow (75 m2) and/or to its close proximity to a 0.24 ha kettle pond.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Habitat destruction and degradation are major factors in reducing abundance, placing populations and species in jeopardy. Monitoring changes to habitat and identifying locations of habitat for a species, after disturbance, can assist mitigation of the effects of human-caused or -amplified habitat disturbance. Like many areas in the western United States, the Pinaleño Mountains of southeastern Arizona, USA, have suffered catastrophic fire and large-scale insect outbreaks in the last decade. The federally endangered Mt. Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis) is only found in the Pinaleño Mountains, and to assess effects of forest disturbance on habitat we modeled their potential habitat by identifying characteristics of cover surrounding their centrally defended middens. We classified high-spatial resolution satellite imagery into ground cover classes, and we used logistic regression to determine areas used by squirrels. We also used known midden locations in conjunction with slope, elevation, and aspect to create a predictive habitat map. Squirrels selected areas of denser forest with higher seedfall for midden sites. Among active middens, those in the densest and least damaged forests were occupied in more seasons than those in more fragmented and damaged areas. The future conservation of red squirrels and the return of healthy mature forests to the Pinaleño Mountains will rely on preservation of mixed conifer zones of the mountain and active restoration of spruce-fir forests to return them to squirrel habitat. Our ability to evaluate the spectrum of fine- to coarse-scale disturbance effects (individual tree mortality to area wide boundaries of a disturbance) with high-resolution satellite imagery shows the utility of this technique for monitoring future disturbances to habitat of imperiled species.  相似文献   

Dorcas gazelles are believed to use middens to mark their territories and transmit information. Given the commitment to maintaining a midden, it is believed that middens are not placed randomly. We examined how the habitat (tree height and maximum canopy) and anthropogenic disturbance (camel and human presence) influenced the selection of midden sites by Dorcas gazelles in South Sinai, Egypt. Our results showed that Dorcas gazelles did not place middens at larger trees, while favoring relatively smaller trees and shrubs where the anthropogenic disturbance and perceived hunting risk are less. Our results, in light of the previous findings, suggest that selection of midden sites is species context‐dependent behavior. In areas with less anthropogenic disturbance and hunting, Dorcas gazelles have been shown to select the largest trees of the same species as midden sites. In contract, in our study site with high anthropogenic disturbance and no protection from hunting, gazelles did not utilize the presumably optimum landmarks for midden sites. Our study showed that Dorcas gazelles instead utilized smaller trees and some shrubs that are less conspicuous and presumably less effective as advertisement sites, but safer.  相似文献   

Aim Data from packrat middens have established a hypothesized historical biogeography of piñon pine, Pinus edulis, including locations of glacial refugia in the south‐western USA and subsequent migration out of the refugia. In this study, we used molecular techniques to test the glacial refugial hypotheses inferred from packrat (Neotoma) midden data for P. edulis. Location South‐western USA. Methods Two fragments of chloroplast DNA (a portion of the matK gene and a portion of the rbcL gene) for a total of 1045 base pairs were amplified and sequenced for 100 individuals. Thirty‐one populations were sampled throughout the range of P. edulis. Phylogenetic analyses included maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. Results Very little variation existed among the individuals sampled. Four haplotypes were identified. The inferred ancestral haplotype was the most widespread; it was most common in Texas and New Mexico where, with the exception of one individual, it was the only haplotype found. Arizona and Utah populations were more diverse, with almost half of the populations containing two or more haplotypes. The most derived haplotype was most abundant in Arizona. Main conclusions The distribution of haplotypes is geographically informative. Only one haplotype exists in the south‐eastern portion of the range of P. edulis whereas up to four haplotypes are found in other populations, suggesting one of two hypotheses: either all modern populations are descended from a refugial population in central Arizona, or modern populations are descended from two refugial populations, one in central Arizona and another in Texas–southern New Mexico. Interpreting these data in the light of packrat midden data gives more support for the latter hypothesis.  相似文献   

The objective biomization method developed by Prentice et al. (1996) for Europe was extended using modern pollen samples from Beringia and then applied to fossil pollen data to reconstruct palaeovegetation patterns at 6000 and 18,000 14C yr bp . The predicted modern distribution of tundra, taiga and cool conifer forests in Alaska and north‐western Canada generally corresponds well to actual vegetation patterns, although sites in regions characterized today by a mosaic of forest and tundra vegetation tend to be preferentially assigned to tundra. Siberian larch forests are delimited less well, probably due to the extreme under‐representation of Larix in pollen spectra. The biome distribution across Beringia at 6000 14C yr bp was broadly similar to today, with little change in the northern forest limit, except for a possible northward advance in the Mackenzie delta region. The western forest limit in Alaska was probably east of its modern position. At 18,000 14C yr bp the whole of Beringia was covered by tundra. However, the importance of the various plant functional types varied from site to site, supporting the idea that the vegetation cover was a mosaic of different tundra types.  相似文献   

Summary Fencing incentive programmes have been widely used throughout Australia to assist landholders to fence remnant woodland vegetation, to control grazing and improve native vegetation condition. This study investigated vegetation and soil condition in remnant woodlands fenced for 7–9 years in the Murray catchment area in southern New South Wales. Surveys were undertaken at 42 sites, where vegetation condition was assessed in paired fenced and unfenced sites. Semi‐structured interviews were also conducted with landholders to gather management information. Woodlands surveyed were Yellow Box/Blakely's Red Gum (Eucalyptus melliodora/E. blakelyi, 15 sites), Grey Box (E. microcarpa, 13 sites) and White Cypress Pine (Callitris glaucophylla, 14 sites). Fencing resulted in a range of responses which were highly variable between sites and vegetation types. In general, fenced sites had greater tree regeneration, cover of native perennial grasses, less cover of exotic annual grasses and weeds, and less soil compaction than unfenced sites. However, there was greater tree recruitment in remnants to the west of the study area, and tree recruitment was positively correlated with time since fencing. Within sites, tree recruitment tended to occur in more open areas with a good cover of native perennial grasses, as compared to sites with a dense tree canopy, or dominated by exotic annuals grasses or weeds. Forty‐eight per cent of fenced sites had no tree regeneration. There was a significant decline in native perennial grasses, and increase of several unpalatable weeds in many fenced areas, suggesting certain ecological barriers may be preventing further recovery. However, drought conditions and associated grazing are the most likely cause of this trend. A range of grazing strategies was implemented in fenced sites which require further research as a conservation management tool. Continued long‐term monitoring is essential to detect key threats to endangered woodland remnants.  相似文献   

A survey of fluvial landforms was conducted at Widden Brook, an unregulated sand‐bed stream in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales (NSW), Australia, to investigate the physical factors associated with vegetation pattern in Riverine Oak Forest. Groundwater depth and chemistry (pH, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity) were measured using piezometers and submersible data loggers on three fluvial landforms (i.e. toe of bank, top of bank and floodplain) along five transects. Floristic composition, canopy cover, bare ground and leaf litter were assessed within 45 quadrats on the three landforms along the five transects. Elevation above the bed and flood return period were determined by cross‐sectional survey and flood frequency analysis, while flow duration was determined from the gauge record. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated that vegetation composition was associated with average watertable depth and flood variables to a similar extent. The relative importance of these factors would be expected to vary with flood‐ and drought‐dominated climatic periods on a scale of several decades. Floristic composition was moderately associated with the canopy cover of the dominant woody species, Casuarina cunninghamiana (Miq.), but weakly correlated with bare ground and groundwater chemistry. Suites of species were associated with particular fluvial landforms and their corresponding flood and watertable conditions. The reach examined has characteristics similar to both the semi‐arid and mesic riparian ecosystems of the USA. The coarse sediments, high flood variability, short flood duration and dominance by a pioneer tree that relies on groundwater are similar to riparian ecosystems in the western USA, while the relatively broad floodplain and the development of a forest canopy that is associated with the distribution of understorey plants are similar to the mesic riparian systems in the eastern USA.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of smooth shelled blue mussels of the genus Mytilus has received considerable attention in the last 25 years. Despite this, the situation in the southern hemisphere remains uncertain and is in need of clarification. Recent work suggests that contemporary New Zealand mussels from two cool/cold temperate locations are M. galloprovincialis. However, the distribution of Mytilus in New Zealand ranges from 35 ° to 52 ° south (~ 1800 km), meaning that large areas of the subtropical/warm temperate north and the subantarctic south remain unsampled, an important consideration when species of this genus exhibit pronounced macrogeographical differences in their distributions which are associated with environmental variables such as water temperature, salinity, wave action and ice cover. This study employed multivariate morphometric analyses of one fossil, 83 valves from middens, and 92 contemporary valves from sites spanning the distributional range of blue mussels to determine a historical and contemporary perspective of the taxonomic status of Mytilus in New Zealand. The findings indicated that all fossil and midden mussels are best regarded as M. galloprovincialis and confirmed that contemporary mussels, with one possible regional exception, are also best regarded as M. galloprovincialis. Contemporary mussels from the Bay of Islands (warm temperate/subtropical) exhibited much greater affinity to M. edulis than they did to M. galloprovincialis, indicating that mussels from this area require detailed genetic examination to determine their taxonomic status. The analyses revealed a significant difference between the fossil/midden mussels and the contemporary mussels, consistent with levels of present day differentiation among intraspecific populations and not thought to reflect any substantive temporal change between mussels of the two groups. The continuous distribution of M. galloprovincialis in New Zealand from the warm north to the subantarctic south indicates that the physiology of this species is adapted to a wide range of water temperature conditions. Therefore, the distribution of this species on a worldwide scale is unlikely to be restricted by its adaptation to warm water alone, as has previously been widely assumed. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 329–344.  相似文献   

The Holocene lake history, vegetation history and climate history of Brurskardstjørni, an alpine lake in the Jotunheimen Mountains of south-central Norway, are reconstructed. The reconstructions are based on fossil pollen, plant macrofossils, diatoms, chironomids and sediment characteristics. Subsequent to deglaciation, the lake was formed at about 11,000 cal years BP. A diverse chironomid assemblage quickly colonised the lake, whereas the first diatoms were found about 400 years later. At that time, the lake water was turbid with a high pH. The surrounding soils were immature and unstable and dominated by open pioneer vegetation. Compared to the present, summer temperatures were warmer and there was less winter precipitation. From about 10,000 cal years BP, local organic production increased rapidly and from about 9,500 cal years BP a few macrofossils and a high pollen influx of birch suggest that the tree-line was close to the lake. Pine most likely reached its highest tree-line altitude around 9,000 cal years BP and has receded since that time. From about 5,000 cal years BP, the total amount of trees and shrubs decreased and the landscape became more open, probably due to decreasing temperatures and increasing effective moisture lowering the birch tree-line. Coinciding with a cooling during the last 3,000 years, lake-water pH decreased. There is large incongruence between the Holocene July temperatures inferred from pollen and chironomids. The biological proxies responded to a combined effect of environmental change and biotic interactions. This response is interpreted with reference to taxon–environment relationships in the modern calibration data sets and with reference to the latent structure and ecological demands of the fossil assemblages.  相似文献   

The islands of Torres Strait occupy a shallow area of submerged continental shelf narrowly separating Cape York Peninsula, Australia, from New Guinea. The human history of Torres Strait is unique with respect to mainland northern Australia. Island vegetation, however, exhibits a strong affinity with the environments of the western lowlands regions of Cape York Peninsula and with the vegetation of seasonal tropical Australia in general. Cape York Peninsula is both climatically and biologically diverse, yet few pollen studies have been carried out in its seasonally tropical environments. A summary presentation of palynological results, tracing the nature of vegetation change in Torres Strait, offers a possible framework for vegetation changes in similar environments on mainland Australia and also provides an opportunity to explore the relationship between Quaternary change in humid-tropical Australian environments and their seasonal-tropical counterparts.Six pollen records from Torres Strait provide evidence of vegetation change and fire history over approximately the last 8000 years. Near-shore sediments reveal a Holocene succession in vegetation incorporating lower-tidal mangrove, upper-tidal mangrove, saltmarsh and freshwater swamp communities. Extensive stable mangrove communities dominated coastal Torres Strait between approximately 6000 and 3000 radiocarbon years before present (yr BP). Inland, the strongest Myrtaceae-forest and rainforest representation occurs around the mid-Holocene only to be replaced by open sclerophyll woodlands, as tree density and diversity decline in the last 3000 years. The development of continuous island freshwater swamp conditions, at the coast and inland, is similarly restricted to the late Holocene (c. 2600 yr BP) and fire, as a prominent feature in the Torres Strait environment, is also a relatively recent phenomenon. Comparisons with regional mainland Australian palynological records reveal a degree of consistency in results from Torres Strait suggesting a similarity in late Quaternary trends through Australian humid and seasonally tropical environments. A number of differences, however, are also apparent, highlighting a degree of diversity which warrants further attention.  相似文献   

Abstract. Plant macrofossils extracted from fossil woodrat (Neotoma spp.) middens at a single locale in the northwestern Great Basin were used to examine vegetation dynamics during the last 30 000 yr. Although the modern assemblage of xeric species at the study site is a recent occurrence, a large proportion of the modern plant taxa near the study locale were also found 12 000 - 30 000 yr BP. The persistence of extant species through time was likely facilitated by within-species genetic diversity and the formation of coenospecies. The diverse topographic and microhabitat features in the northwestern Great Basin also allowed different species to coexist during glacial periods. Changes in species composition occurred during two time intervals: 20 000 - 30 000 and 10 000 - 12 000 yr BP. Vegetation changes during 20 000 - 30 000 yr BP were cyclic; community composition oscillated between two groups of taxa. Vegetation changes between 10 000 - 12 000 yr BP occurred during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition and were largely directional from the Pleistocene assemblages through two transition assemblages to a Holocene assemblage. These changes in species composition generally reflect changes in climate. The presence of relatively mesic species during 10 000 - 30 000 yr BP is consistent with the regional late-Pleistocene climate, and the gradual loss of relatively mesic species during the Holocene parallels the change to a more xeric climate. Contrasted with other areas of North America and Europe, the magnitude of vegetation changes at our study area were relatively small. Furthermore, the persistence of many species through time at this site in the northwestern Great Basin also differs from results at other study sites in North America and Europe. These differences are probably related to land form characteristics and genetic diversity within species.  相似文献   

Reestablishment of perennial vegetation is often needed after wildfires to limit exotic species and restore ecosystem services. However, there is a growing body of evidence that questions if seeding after wildfires increases perennial vegetation and reduces exotic plants. The concern that seeding may not meet restoration goals is even more prevalent when native perennial vegetation is seeded after fire. We evaluated vegetation cover and density responses to broadcast seeding native perennial grasses and mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. spp. vaseyana [Rydb.] Beetle) after wildfires in the western United States in six juniper (Juniperus occidentalis ssp. occidentalis Hook)‐dominated mountain big sagebrush communities for 3 years postfire. Seeding native perennial species compared to not seeding increased perennial grass and sagebrush cover and density. Perennial grass cover was 4.3 times greater in seeded compared to nonseeded areas. Sagebrush cover averaged 24 and less than 0.1% in seeded and nonseeded areas at the conclusion of the study, respectively. Seeding perennial species reduced exotic annual grass and annual forb cover and density. Exotic annual grass cover was 8.6 times greater in nonseeded compared to seeded areas 3 years postfire. Exotic annual grass cover increased over time in nonseeded areas but decreased in seeded areas by the third‐year postfire. Seeded areas were perennial‐dominated and nonseeded areas were annual‐dominated at the end of the study. Establishing perennial vegetation may be critical after wildfires in juniper‐dominated sagebrush steppe to prevent the development of annual‐dominated communities. Postwildfire seeding increased perennial vegetation and reduced exotic plants and justifies its use.  相似文献   

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