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Rare recombination in otherwise asexually reproducing organisms is known to beneficially influence the fitness in small populations. In most of the investigated organisms, asexual and rare sexual generations with recombination follow each other sequentially. Here we present a case where clonal reproduction and rare recombination occur simultaneously in the same population. The hybridogenetic water frog Rana esculenta (E), a hybrid between R. lessonae (L) and R. ridibunda (R) produces gametes that only contain the unaltered maternal R part of their genome. New generations of R. esculenta usually arise from E x L matings. Intraspecific E x E matings produce mostly inviable offspring, but in rare cases, female R. ridibunda arise from such matings which are capable of recombination. In the absence of conspecific males, these R females have to mate with E males, which results in further R females, or with L males, which produces new E lineages. This indirect mechanism reintroduces recombination into the otherwise clonally transmitted R genomes in R. esculenta populations. In this study, we show through Monte Carlo simulations that, in most cases, it is sufficient that only between 1 % and 10 % of mixed water frog populations consist of R females to prevent or significantly reduce the fixation and accumulation of deleterious mutations.  相似文献   

European water frog hybrids Rana esculenta reproduce hemiclonally, by hybridogenesis: In the germ line they exclude the genome of the parental species Rana lessonae and produce haploid, unrecombined gametes with a genome of the parental species Rana ridibunda . These hybrids coexist with and depend as sexual parasites on the host parental species R. lessonae (the L-E population system); matings with R. lessonae restore somatic hybridity in each generation of R. esculenta . We investigated 15 L-E system populations in northern Switzerland, which is outside R. ridibunda 's native range. Frequency of hybrids in samples varied from 8% in marsh ponds to 100% in gravel pits and forest ponds. Clonal diversity (variation among R. ridibunda genomes of hybrids), detected by six protein electrophoretic marker loci, revealed a total of eight hemiclones and locally ranged from uniclonal populations in southern parts of the survey region to six coexisting hemiclones in the north. All alleles distinguishing hemiclones occur commonly in the nearest native R. ridibunda populations of east-central Europe; the most probable source of clonal diversity in our samples is multiple clone formation by primary hybridizations in the sympatry area of R. ridibunda and R. lessonae and subsequent dispersal of hemiclonal lineages. A positive correlation between amount of clonal diversity and hybrid frequency, predicted by the Frozen Niche Variation (FNV) model (each hemiclone is characterized by a relatively narrow niche, coexistence is possible through niche partitioning), was not found; this contrasts with hemiclonally reproducing fish hybrids ( Poeciliopsis ). Historical factors, such as availability of different colonizing hemiclones may be strong enough to override the signal from operation of the FNV.  相似文献   

Because of intrinsic demographic load induced by hybridogenesis (infertility of homotypic hybrid matings), the maintenance of hybrid lineages supposes that they present better performances (heterosis) than their host species which allows them to coexist on a long-term basis. However, this necessity of high fitness can be relaxed if a relative niche partitioning occurs between the taxa, each of them differing in their ecological optima. In the waterfrog hybridogenetic complex (Rana esculenta complex), recent studies have revealed that hybrids show intermediate distribution between parental species across a gradient of river influence (that is related to a gradient of oxygen levels), and intermediate performances of their tadpoles with regard to oxygen availability (hypoxia). In investigating oxygen consumption rates, survival time in anoxia, and metabolite contents in the three forms of the complex, the present study confirms intermediate characteristics of hybrid tadpoles (R. esculenta) when compared to both parental lineages (R. lessonae and R. ridibunda). Whereas R. ridibunda tadpoles were the most sensitive to anoxia, R. lessonae tadpoles were the most tolerant. Because oxygen requirements of the hybrid proved to be intermediate, no heterosis was detected. These results confirm the hypothesis of the intermediate niche hypothesis to explain the coexistence of R. lessonae and R. esculenta and the success of the hybridogens.  相似文献   

Besides several exceptions, asexual metazoans are usually viewed as ephemeral sinks for genomes, which become ‘frozen’ in clonal lineages after their emergence from ancestral sexual species. Here, we investigated whether and at what rate the asexuals are able to introgress their genomes back into the parental sexual population, thus more or less importantly affecting the gene pools of sexual species. We focused on hybridogenetic hybrids of western Palaearctic water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus), which originate through hybridization between P. ridibundus and P. lessonae, but transmit only clonal ridibundus genome into their gametes. Although usually mating with P. lessonae, P. esculentus may upon mating with P. ridibundus or another hybrid produce sexually reproducing P. ridibundus offspring with the introgressed ex‐clonal genome. We compared the rate of nuclear amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and mitochondrial introgression in two types of populations, that is, those where P. ridibundus occurs in isolation and those where it lives with the hybridogens. Although significant differentiation (Φpt) between sexual and clonal ridibundus genomes suggested limited gene flow between sexuals and hybridogens, a non‐negligible (~5%) proportion of P. ridibundus bore introgressed mtDNA and AFLP markers. Whereas transfer of mtDNA was exclusively unidirectional, introgression of nuclear markers was bidirectional. The proportion of introgressed P. ridibundus was highest in syntopic populations with P. esculentus, proving an ongoing and site‐specific interspecific genetic transfer mediated by hybridogenetic hybrids. It turns out that asexual hybrids are not just a sink for genes of sexual species, but may significantly influence the genetic architecture of their sexual counterparts.  相似文献   

Phenotypes are the target of selection and affect the ability of organisms to persist in variable environments. Phenotypes can be influenced directly by genes and/or by phenotypic plasticity. The amphibian‐killing fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has a global distribution, unusually broad host range, and high genetic diversity. Phenotypic plasticity may be an important process that allows this pathogen to infect hundreds of species in diverse environments. We quantified phenotypic variation of nine Bd genotypes from two Bd lineages (Global Pandemic Lineage [GPL] and Brazil) and a hybrid (GPL‐Brazil) grown at three temperatures (12, 18 and 24°C). We measured five functional traits including two morphological traits (zoospore and zoosporangium sizes) and three life history traits (carrying capacity, time to fastest growth and exponential growth rate) in a phylogenetic framework. Temperature caused highly plastic responses within each genotype, with all Bd genotypes showing phenotypic plasticity in at least three traits. Among genotypes, Bd generally showed the same direction of plastic response to temperature: larger zoosporangia, higher carrying capacity, longer time to fastest growth and slower exponential growth at lower temperatures. The exception was zoospore size, which was highly variable. Our findings indicate that Bd genotypes have evolved novel phenotypes through plastic responses to temperature over very short timescales. High phenotypic variability likely extends to other traits and may facilitate the large host range and rapid spread of Bd.  相似文献   

Here, we describe the extreme plasticity in colour variation in the tadpole of the executioner clownfrog, Dendropsophus carnifex (Anura: Hylidae), found across nearby ponds in Mindo (Ecuador). Tadpole coloration was compared between individuals from four distinct ponds revealing two explicit colour schemes, a pale phenotype which is commonly described for this species and a bright phenotype which, to our knowledge, has not been described before. In addition, the bright phenotype revealed reversibility to the pale phenotype in laboratory conditions. We discuss the functionality and driving factors for these contrasting colour phenotypes including the potential role of distinct ecological conditions. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

The capacity of restored plant populations to adapt to new environmental challenges depends on within‐population genetic variation. We examined how much genetic and environmentally based variation for fitness‐associated traits exists within populations of two native grasses commonly used for restoration in California. We were also interested in understanding how phenotypic expression of genetic variation for these traits varies with growth environment. Thirty maternal families of Elymus glaucus (Blue wild rye) and Nassella pulchra (Purple needlegrass) were sampled from both coastal and interior populations and reciprocally transplanted into three replicated common gardens with and without interspecific competition at each site. Reproductive output of families differed both among years and with competition treatments. Phenotypic expression of genetic variation in culm production differed among populations and was very low when families were grown with interspecific competition. Without interspecific competition, the degree of genetic determination peaked in year two in both species (8.4 and 15.1% in E. glaucus and N. pulchra, respectively). Significant genetic differences in reproduction and phenotypic plasticity were found among N. pulchra subpopulations sampled less than 3 km apart, further highlighting the importance of thoroughly sampling available genetic variation in populations used for restoration. The variable and generally low expression of genetic variation indicates that rates of adaptation in restored populations of these native grasses may vary temporally and may be especially slow within competitive environments.  相似文献   

Environmentally inducible phenotypic plasticity is a major player in plant responses to climate change. However, metabolic responses and their role in determining the phenotypic plasticity of plants that are subjected to temperature variations remain poorly understood. The metabolomic profiles and metabolite levels in the leaves of three maize inbred lines grown in different temperature conditions were examined with a nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomic technique. The relationship of functional traits to metabolome profiles and the metabolic mechanism underlying temperature variations were then explored. A comparative analysis showed that during heat and cold stress, maize plants shared common plastic responses in biomass accumulation, carbon, nitrogen, sugars, some amino acids and compatible solutes. We also found that the plastic response of maize plants to heat stress was different from that under cold stress, mainly involving biomass allocation, shikimate and its aromatic amino acid derivatives, and other non‐polar metabolites. The plastic responsiveness of functional traits of maize lines to temperature variations was low, while the metabolic responsiveness in plasticity was high, indicating that functional and metabolic plasticity may play different roles in maize plant adaptation to temperature variations. A linear regression analysis revealed that the maize lines could adapt to growth temperature variations through the interrelation of plastic responses in the metabolomes and functional traits, such as biomass allocation and the status of carbon and nitrogen. We provide valuable insight into the plastic response strategy of maize plants to temperature variations that will permit the optimisation of crop cultivation in an increasingly variable environment.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is considered a potent evolutionary force in all sexually reproducing organisms, but direct tests in terms of experimental evolution of sexual traits are still lacking for simultaneously hermaphroditic animals. Here, we tested how evolution under enforced monogamy affected a suite of reproductive traits (including testis area, sex allocation, genital morphology, sperm morphology and mating behaviour) in the outcrossing hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano, using an assay that also allowed the assessment of phenotypically plastic responses to group size. The experiment comprised 32 independent selection lines that evolved under either monogamy or polygamy for 20 generations. While we did not observe an evolutionary shift in sex allocation, we detected effects of the selection regime for two male morphological traits. Specifically, worms evolving under enforced monogamy had a distinct shape of the male copulatory organ and produced sperm with shorter appendages. Many traits that did not evolve under enforced monogamy showed phenotypic plasticity in response to group size. Notably, individuals that grew up in larger groups had a more male‐biased sex allocation and produced slightly longer sperm than individuals raised in pairs. We conclude that, in this flatworm, enforced monogamy induced moderate evolutionary but substantial phenotypically plastic responses.  相似文献   

Many organisms display phenotypic plasticity as adaptation to seasonal environmental fluctuations. Often, such seasonal responses entails plasticity of a whole suite of morphological and life‐history traits that together contribute to the adaptive phenotypes in the alternative environments. While phenotypic plasticity in general is a well‐studied phenomenon, little is known about the evolutionary fate of plastic responses if natural selection on plasticity is relaxed. Here, we study whether the presumed ancestral seasonal plasticity of the rainforest butterfly Bicyclus sanaos (Fabricius, 1793) is still retained despite the fact that this species inhabits an environmentally stable habitat. Being exposed to an atypical range of temperatures in the laboratory revealed hidden reaction norms for several traits, including wing pattern. In contrast, reproductive body allocation has lost the plastic response. In the savannah butterfly, B. anynana (Butler, 1879), these traits show strong developmental plasticity as an adaptation to the contrasting environments of its seasonal habitat and they are coordinated via a common developmental hormonal system. Our results for Bsanaos indicate that such integration of plastic traits – as a result of past selection on expressing a coordinated environmental response – can be broken when the optimal reaction norms for those traits diverge in a new environment.  相似文献   

Globally, Arctic and Subarctic regions have experienced the greatest temperature increases during the last 30 years. These extreme changes have amplified threats to the freshwater ecosystems that dominate the landscape in many areas by altering water budgets. Several studies in temperate environments have examined the adaptive capacity of organisms to enhance our understanding of the potential repercussions of warming and associated accelerated drying for freshwater ecosystems. However, few experiments have examined these impacts in Arctic or Subarctic freshwater ecosystems, where the climate is changing most rapidly. To evaluate the capacity of a widespread ectotherm to anticipated environmental changes, we conducted a mesocosm experiment with wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) in the Canadian Subarctic. Three warming treatments were fully crossed with three drying treatments to simulate a range of predicted changes in wetland environments. We predicted wetland warming and drying would act synergistically, with water temperature partially compensating for some of the negative effects of accelerated drying. Across all drying regimes, a 1 °C increase in water temperature increased the odds of survival by 1.79, and tadpoles in 52‐day and 64‐day hydroperiod mesocosms were 4.1–4.3 times more likely to survive to metamorphosis than tadpoles in 45‐day mesocosms. For individuals who survived to metamorphosis, there was only a weak negative effect of temperature on size. As expected, increased temperatures accelerated tadpole growth through day 30 of the experiment. Our results reveal that one of the dominant herbivores in Subarctic wetlands, wood frog tadpoles, are capable of increasing their developmental rates in response to increased temperature and accelerated drying, but only in an additive manner. The strong negative effects of drying on survival, combined with lack of compensation between these two environmental drivers, suggest changes in the aquatic environment that are expected in this ecosystem will reduce mean fitness of populations across the landscape.  相似文献   

Burst escape speed is an effective and widely used behaviour for evading predators, with burst escape speed relying on several different morphological features. However, we know little about how behavioural and underlying morphological attributes change in concert as a response to changes in selective predation regime. We studied intercorrelated trait differentiation of body shape and burst‐swim‐mediating morphology in response to a habitat shift‐related reduction in burst escape speed using larvae of the dragonfly genus Leucorrhinia. Species in this genus underwent a well‐known habitat shift from predatory fish lakes (fish lakes) to predatory fish‐free lakes dominated by large predatory dragonflies (dragonfly lakes) accompanied by relaxed selection on escape burst speed. Results revealed that species from fish lakes that possess faster burst speed have evolved a suite of functionally intercorrelated traits, expressing a wider abdomen, a higher abdominal muscles mass and a larger branchial chamber compared with species from dragonfly lakes. In contrast, populations within species did not show significant differences in muscle mass and branchial chamber size between lake types in three of the species. High multicollinearity among variables suggests that traits have evolved in concert rather than independently when Leucorrhinia shifted from fish lakes to dragonfly lakes. Thus, relaxed selection on burst escape speed in dragonfly‐lake species resulted in a correlated reduction of abdominal muscles and a smaller branchial chamber, likely to save production and/or maintenance costs. Our results highlight the importance of studying integrated behavioural and morphological traits to fully understand the evolution of complex phenotypes.  相似文献   

Human activities can lead to a shift in wildlife species’ spatial distribution. Understanding the specific effects of human activities on ranging behavior can improve conservation management of wildlife populations in human‐dominated landscapes. This study evaluated the effects of forest use by humans on the spatial distribution of mammal species with different behavioral adaptations, using sympatric western lowland gorilla and central chimpanzee as focal species. We collected data on great ape nest locations, ecological and physical variables (habitat distribution, permanent rivers, and topographic data), and anthropogenic variables (distance to trails, villages, and a permanent research site). Here, we show that anthropogenic variables are important predictors of the distribution of wild animals. In the resource model, the distribution of gorilla nests was predicted by nesting habitat distribution, while chimpanzee nests were predicted first by elevation followed by nesting habitat distribution. In the anthropogenic model, the major predictors of gorilla nesting changed to human features, while the major predictors of chimpanzee nesting remained elevation and the availability of their preferred nesting habitats. Animal behavioral traits (body size, terrestrial/arboreal, level of specialization/generalization, and competitive inferiority/superiority) may influence the response of mammals to human activities. Our results suggest that chimpanzees may survive in human‐encroached areas whenever the availability of their nesting habitat and preferred fruits can support their population, while a certain level of human activities may threaten gorillas. Consequently, the survival of gorillas in human‐dominated landscapes is more at risk than that of chimpanzees. Replicating our research in other sites should permit a systematic evaluation of the influence of human activity on the distribution of mammal populations. As wild animals are increasingly exposed to human disturbance, understanding the resulting consequences of shifting species distributions due to human disturbance on animal population abundance and their long‐term survival will be of growing conservation importance.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity, the ability of one genotype to express different phenotypes in response to changing environmental conditions, is one of the most common phenomena characterizing the living world and is not only relevant for the ecology but also for the evolution of species. Daphnia, the water flea, is a textbook example for predator‐induced phenotypic plastic defences; however, the analysis of molecular mechanisms underlying these inducible defences is still in its early stages. We exposed Daphnia magna to chemical cues of the predator Triops cancriformis to identify key processes underlying plastic defensive trait formation. To get a more comprehensive idea of this phenomenon, we studied four genotypes with five biological replicates each, originating from habitats characterized by different predator composition, ranging from predator‐free habitats to habitats containing T. cancriformis. We analysed the morphologies as well as proteomes of predator‐exposed and control animals. Three genotypes showed morphological changes when the predator was present. Using a high‐throughput proteomics approach, we found 294 proteins which were significantly altered in their abundance after predator exposure in a general or genotype‐dependent manner. Proteins connected to genotype‐dependent responses were related to the cuticle, protein synthesis and calcium binding, whereas the yolk protein vitellogenin increased in abundance in all genotypes, indicating their involvement in a more general response. Furthermore, genotype‐dependent responses at the proteome level were most distinct for the only genotype that shares its habitat with Triops. Altogether, our study provides new insights concerning genotype‐dependent and general molecular processes involved in predator‐induced phenotypic plasticity in D. magna.  相似文献   

Euphorbia barnardii White, Dyer & Sloane is a relatively small, succulent shrub found in the Northern Province of South Africa. In 1994 it was listed as endangered by the Transvaal Threatened Plants Programme, because only three populations, totalling 1150 plants, were found. However, our study found five populations totalling 10 783 plants (9503 were reproductive). One population, found 50 km from the others, in the Bewaarkloof district, differs in terms of habitat type and morphology and may therefore be a different taxon. The other populations occur in Sekhukhuneland. Soil analyses showed that E. barnardii is restricted to ultramafic (serpentine) substrates. A sample of 2015 plants was examined in 1995 for size, stage, new growth, dead branches, reproduction (indices of vigour), damage and disease. Analysis of the results of 10 years’ demographic monitoring (1985–1995) on two of the Sekhukhuneland populations showed that one population, which was vigorous in 1995, showed little change in population size and structure, while the other, which had low vigour in 1995, showed a precipitous decline to local extinction in the monitoring plot. Aerial photographs taken in 1957 (1963 for Bewaarkloof) and 1986 showed large increases in human population density within 1.5 km of the E. barnardii populations except at Bewaarkloof, where it decreased. An increase in human habitation is associated with an increase in livestock (mostly cattle and goats) which trample plants. Trampling damages the terminal segments, which may lead to lowered reproductive output and increase susceptibility to opportunistic bacterial wilt pathogens. Bacterial wilts were prevalent on all populations but were particularly high at Bewaarkloof and on the population that showed a steep decline in numbers. Disease incidence was associated with the level of plant damage. The impact on plants further up the slopes and on the crest of hills (quite far from human settlements) was to a far lesser degree but further increases in human population density could change this situation. While this study has shown that the population size of E. barnardii is much greater than previously thought, the species is still threatened by several different processes and should be listed as ‘Vulnerable (A1a + c, B1, B2b + e, C1, D2)’ according to World Conservation Union categories.  相似文献   

Upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) was grown at both ambient (350 μmol mol?1) and elevated (700 μmol mol?1) CO2 in either the presence or absence of the root hemi‐parasitic angiosperm Striga hermonthica (Del) Benth. Elevated CO2 alleviated the impact of the parasite on host growth: biomass of infected rice grown at ambient CO2 was 35% that of uninfected, control plants, while at elevated CO2, biomass of infected plants was 73% that of controls. This amelioration occurred despite the fact that O. sativa grown at elevated CO2 supported both greater numbers and a higher biomass of parasites per host than plants grown at ambient CO2. The impact of infection on host leaf area, leaf mass, root mass and reproductive tissue mass was significantly lower in plants grown at elevated as compared with ambient CO2. There were significant CO2 and Striga effects on photosynthetic metabolism and instantaneous water‐use efficiency of O. sativa. The response of photosynthesis to internal [CO2] (A/Ci curves) indicated that, at 45 days after sowing (DAS), prior to emergence of the parasites, uninfected plants grown at elevated CO2 had significantly lower CO2 saturated rates of photosynthesis, carboxylation efficiencies and ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco; EC contents than uninfected, ambient CO2‐grown O. sativa. In contrast, infection with S. hermonthica prevented down‐regulation of photosynthesis in O. sativa grown at elevated CO2, but had no impact on photosynthesis of hosts grown at ambient CO2. At 76 DAS (after parasites had emerged), however, infected plants grown at both elevated and ambient CO2 had lower carboxylation efficiencies and Rubisco contents than uninfected O. sativa grown at ambient CO2. The reductions in carboxylation efficiency (and Rubisco content) were accompanied by similar reductions in nitrogen concentration of O. sativa leaves, both before and after parasite emergence. There were no significant CO2 or infection effects on the concentrations of soluble sugars in leaves of O. sativa, but starch concentration was significantly lower in infected plants at both CO2 concentrations. These results demonstrate that elevated CO2 concentrations can alleviate the impact of infection with Striga on the growth of C3 hosts such as rice and also that infection can delay the onset of photosynthetic down‐regulation in rice grown at elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Factors shaping the geographic range of a species can be identified when phylogeographic patterns are combined with data on contemporary and historical geographic distribution, range‐wide abundance, habitat/food availability, and through comparisons with codistributed taxa. Here, we evaluate range dynamism and phylogeography of the rocky intertidal gastropod Mexacanthina lugubris lugubris across its geographic range – the Pacific coast of the Baja peninsula and southern California. We sequenced mitochondrial DNA (CO1) from ten populations and compliment these data with museum records, habitat availability and range‐wide field surveys of the distribution and abundance of M. l. lugubris and its primary prey (the barnacle Chthamalus fissus). The geographic range of M. l. lugubris can be characterized by three different events in its history: an old sundering in the mid‐peninsular region of Baja (~ 417,000 years ago) and more recent northern range expansion and southern range contraction. The mid‐peninsular break is shared with many terrestrial and marine species, although M. l. lugubris represents the first mollusc to show it. This common break is often attributed to a hypothesized ancient seaway bisecting the peninsula, but for M. l. lugubris it may result from large habitat gaps in the southern clade. Northern clade populations, particularly near the historical northern limit (prior to the 1970s), have high local abundances and reside in a region with plentiful food and habitat – which makes its northern range conducive to expansion. The observed southern range contraction may result from the opposite scenario, with little food or habitat nearby. Our study highlights the importance of taking an integrative approach to understanding the processes that shape the geographic range of a species via combining range‐wide phylogeography data with temporal geographic distributions and spatial patterns of habitat/food availability.  相似文献   

The small hive beetle, Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), is a significant pest of managed honeybees in the USA and eastern Australia. The beetle damages hives by feeding on hive products and leaving behind fermented wastes. The beetle is consistently associated with the yeast Kodamaea ohmeri (Etchells & Bell) Yamada et al. (Saccharomycetales: Metschnikowiaceae), and this yeast is the presumed agent of the fermentation. Previous work has noted that the small hive beetle is attracted to volatiles from hive products and those of the yeast K. ohmeri. In this study, we investigated how the volatile compounds from the fermenting hive products change depending upon the source of the hive material and also how these volatiles change through time. We used gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and choice‐test behavioural assays to investigate these changes using products sampled from apiaries across the established range of the beetle in eastern Australia. The starting hive products significantly affected the volatile composition of fermenting hive products, and this composition varied throughout time. We found 61.7% dissimilarity between attractive and non‐attractive fermenting hive products, and identified individual compounds that characterise each of these groups. Eleven of these individual compounds were then assessed for attractiveness, as well as testing a synthetic blend in the laboratory. In the laboratory bioassay, 82.1 ± 0.02% of beetles were trapped in blend traps. These results have strong implications for the development of an out‐of‐hive attractant trap to assist in the management of this invasive pest.  相似文献   

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