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The intestinal mucoprotein synthesis rate was measured in vivo for the first time. For this, a rapid, reproducible, and convenient method to purify mucoproteins from large numbers of intestinal samples at the same time was developed. The method takes advantage of both the high mucin resistance to protease activities due to their extensive glycosylations and the high mucin molecular size. Intestinal homogenates were partially digested with Flavourzyme. Nonprotected proteins partially degraded were easily separated from mucoproteins by small gel filtration chromatography using Sepharose CL-4B. Electrophoretically pure mucins were obtained. Their amino acid composition was typical of purified intestinal epithelial mucins. The mucoprotein synthesis rate was determined in vivo in rats using the flooding dose method with the stable isotope L-[1-13C]valine. Free L-[1-13C]valine enrichments in the intracellular pool were determined by GC-MS. L-[1-13C]valine enrichments into purified mucoproteins or intestinal mucosal proteins were measured by gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. In rats, we found that the gut mucosa protein synthesis rate (%/day) decreased regularly from duodenum (122%/day) to colon (43%/day). In contrast, mucoprotein fractional synthesis rates were in the same range along the digestive tract, between 112%/day (colon) and 138%/day (ileum).  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E knockout (apoE-KO) mice present synaptic loss, cognitive dysfunction, and high plasma lipid levels that may affect brain function simulating Alzheimer disease. Plasma and brain sterols were measured in apoE-KO and in wild type control mice on a cholesterol-free, phytosterol-containing diet by gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer. Plasma cholesterol and phytosterols (campesterol and sitosterol) were higher in apoE-KO compared to control mice. Cholesterol precursors (desmosterol and lathosterol) were not detected in plasma of control mice but were present in apoE-KO mice. In the brain amounts of cholesterol, desmosterol, campesterol and 24-hydroxycholesterol were significantly lower in apoE-KO than in controls. There is a tendency in apoE-KO for lower values of 7α-hydroxycholesterol and 7β-hydroxycholesterol. Cholesterol content, synthesis rates (desmosterol) and export of 24-hydroxycholesterol are reduced in the brain of the severe hypercholesterolemic apoE-KO mice.  相似文献   

Kinetics of electron transfer, following variation of actinic light intensity, for photosynthetic reaction centers (RCs) of purple bacteria (isolated and membrane-bound) were analyzed by measuring absorbance changes in the primary photoelectron donor absorption band at 865 nm. The bleaching of the primary photoelectron donor absorption band in RCs, following a sudden increase of illumination from the dark to an actinic light intensity of I exp, obeys a simple exponential law with the rate constant , in which α is a parameter relating the light intensity, measured in mW/cm2, to a corresponding theoretical rate in units of reciprocal seconds, and k rec is the effective rate constant of the charge recombination in the photosynthetic RCs. In this work, a method for determining the α parameter value is developed and experimentally verified for isolated and membrane-bound RCs, allowing for rigorous modeling of RC macromolecule dynamics under varied photoexcitation conditions. Such modeling is necessary for RCs due to alterations of the forward photoexcitation rates and relaxation rates caused by illumination history and intramolecular structural dynamics effects. It is demonstrated that the classical Bouguer–Lambert–Beer formalism can be applied for the samples with relatively low scattering, which is not necessarily the case with strongly scattering media or high light intensity excitation. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Due to the high medical and commercial value of recombinant proteins for clinical and diagnostic purposes, the protein synthesis machinery of mammalian host cells is the subject of extensive research by the biopharmaceutical industry. RNA translation and protein synthesis are steps that may determine the extent of growth and productivity of host cells. To address the problems of utilization of current radioisotope methods with proprietary media, we have focused on the application of an alternative method of measuring protein synthesis in recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. This method employs puromycin as a nonradioactive label which incorporates into nascent polypeptide chains and is detectable by western blotting. This method, which is referred to as SUnSET, successfully demonstrated the expected changes in protein synthesis in conditions that inhibit and restore translation activity and was reproducibly quantifiable. The study of the effects of feed and sodium butyrate addition on protein synthesis by SUnSET revealed an increase following 1 h feed supplementation while a high concentration of sodium butyrate was able to decrease translation during the same treatment period. Finally, SUnSET was used to compare protein synthesis activity during batch culture of the CHO cell line in relation to growth. The results indicate that as the cells approached the end of batch culture, the global rate of protein synthesis declined in parallel with the decreasing growth rate. In conclusion, this method can be used as a “snapshot” to directly monitor the effects of different culture conditions and treatments on translation in recombinant host cells. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:1043–1049, 2013  相似文献   

Squalene monooxygenase (SM) is a vital sterol synthesis enzyme across eukaryotic life. In yeast, it is a therapeutic target for treating certain fungal infections, and in mammals it is a rate-limiting enzyme that represents a key control point in the cholesterol synthesis pathway. SM introduces an oxygen atom to squalene, which becomes the signature oxygen of the hydroxyl group in cholesterol. Our knowledge of SM has advanced tremendously since its initial cloning and characterization. Early research developed mammalian SM inhibitors to target SM for cholesterol-lowering purposes. The substrate squalene has gained considerable interest for its health benefits and in nanomedicine for delivery of drugs. More recently, SM has been implicated as a key dysregulated component in certain cancers. In this review, we summarize our present knowledge of SM, focusing on the regulation of SM and the gene encoding it, SQLE. Furthermore, we offer insights into the role of SM across different organisms and its significance in human health and disease.  相似文献   

A simple and accurate procedure to determine the diffusion coefficient from Active Enzyme Centrifugation experiments is presented. Using computer-simulated concentration distributions we demonstrate that the procedure, derived by Vinograd for the conventional band sedimentation, is suitable to exploit Active Enzyme Centrifugation experiments when the Cohen's Difference Curves Method is used. This new empirical method avoids all the difficulties of the rigorous method previously proposed by Cohen et al., without any loss of accuracy. Optimal conditions are described which allow the determination of the enzyme diffusion coefficient with a 5% uncertainty. Such an easy determination of the sedimentation and diffusion coefficients by the AEC technique can provide a good and rapid estimation of the active enzyme molecular weight, either with a low amount of material or in very impure preparations.  相似文献   

Embryonic Drosophila cells (Kc cells) and [5-3H]mevalonate (less than or equal to 10 microM) were used to determine the absolute basal in vivo rate of total mevalonic acid synthesis/utilization. An absolute in vivo mevalonic acid synthesis rate of 0.69 nmol/h/mg total cell protein was measured. Absolute mevalonate utilization was obtained by correcting for the extent of endogenous dilution of exogenous [3H]mevalonate at isotopic equilibrium. Cellular [3H]farnesol specific radioactivity was used as representative of a rapidly turning over isopentenoid pool. Although our previous Kc cell study (Havel, C. M., Rector, E. R. II, Watson, J. A., 1986, J. Biol. Chem. 261, 10,150-10,156) demonstrated that greater than or equal to 40% of the metabolized [3H]mevalonate appeared as 3H-labeled media water, this report established that t,t-3,7,11-[3H]trimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatriene-1,12 dioic acid was also secreted. Media accumulation of the C15-alpha,omega-prenyl dioic acid and 3H2O was related directly to [3H]mevalonic acid availability. This is the first mevalonate carbon balance study reported for a eukaryotic organism. It was concluded that (i) Kc cells synthesized more mevalonate than needed for normal growth and essential isopentenoids and (ii) excess mevalonate carbon accumulated intra- and extracellularly as isopentenoid compounds distal to C5 products. Finally, this study emphasized the need to measure total mevalonate utilization and not mevalonate conversion to a single isopentenoid end product in carbon balance investigations.  相似文献   

Essential background on the determination of absolute configuration by way of single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) is presented. The use and limitations of an internal chiral reference are described. The physical model underlying the Flack parameter is explained. Absolute structure and absolute configuration are defined and their similarities and differences are highlighted. The necessary conditions on the Flack parameter for satisfactory absolute-structure determination are detailed. The symmetry and purity conditions for absolute-configuration determination are discussed. The physical basis of resonant scattering is briefly presented and the insights obtained from a complete derivation of a Bijvoet intensity ratio by way of the mean-square Friedel difference are exposed. The requirements on least-squares refinement are emphasized. The topics of right-handed axes, XRD intensity measurement, software, crystal-structure evaluation, errors in crystal structures, and compatibility of data in their relation to absolute-configuration determination are described. Characterization of the compounds and crystals by the physicochemical measurement of optical rotation, CD spectra, and enantioselective chromatography are presented. Some simple and some complex examples of absolute-configuration determination using combined XRD and CD measurements, using XRD and enantioselective chromatography, and in multiply-twinned crystals clarify the technique. The review concludes with comments on absolute-configuration determination from light-atom structures.  相似文献   

Chen X  Wolfgang DE  Sampson NS 《Biochemistry》2000,39(44):13383-13389
To elucidate the cholesterol oxidase-membrane bilayer interaction, a cysteine was introduced into the active site lid at position-81 using the Brevibacterium enzyme. To eliminate the possibility of labeling native cysteine, the single cysteine in the wild-type enzyme was mutated to a serine without any change in activity. The loop-cysteine mutant was then labeled with acrylodan, an environment-sensitive fluorescence probe. The fluorescence increased and blue-shifted upon binding to lipid vesicles, consistent with a change into a more hydrophobic, i.e., lipid, environment. This acrylodan-labeled cholesterol oxidase was used to explore the pH, ionic strength, and headgroup dependence of binding. Between pH 6 and 10, there was no significant change in binding affinity. Incorporation of anionic lipids (phosphatidylserine) into the vesicles did not increase the binding affinity nor did altering the ionic strength. These experiments suggested that the interactions are primarily driven by hydrophobic effects not ionic effects. Using vesicles doped with either 5-doxyl phosphatidylcholine, 10-doxyl phosphatidylcholine, or phosphatidyl-tempocholine, quenching of acrylodan fluorescence was observed upon binding. Using the parallax method of London [Chattopadhyay, A., and London, E. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 39-45], the acrylodan ring is calculated to be 8.1 +/- 2.5 A from the center of the lipid bilayer. Modeling the acrylodan-cysteine residue as an extended chain suggests that the backbone of the loop does not penetrate into the lipid bilayer but interacts with the headgroups, i.e., the choline. These results demonstrate that cholesterol oxidase interacts directly with the lipid bilayer and sits on the surface of the membrane.  相似文献   

The true rate of cholesterogenesis in cultured monocyte-macrophages was determined from the incorporation of [2-14C]acetate into cholesterol, using the desmosterol (cholesta-5,24-dien-3 beta-ol) that accumulated in the presence of the drug triparanol to estimate the specific radioactivity of the newly formed sterols. It was shown that this procedure could be successfully adapted for use with cultured monocytes despite the accumulation of other unidentified biosynthetic intermediates. In cells maintained in 20% (v/v) whole serum approx. 25% of the sterol carbon was derived from exogenous acetate. Cholesterol synthesis was as high in normal cells as in cells from homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemic (FH) subjects and accounted for 50% of the increase in cellular cholesterol. The addition of extra low-density lipoprotein (LDL) reduced cholesterol synthesis, apparently through a decrease in the activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG-CoA reductase). When incubated in lipoprotein-deficient serum some cells did not survive, but those that remained showed a normal increase in protein content; the amount of cellular protein and cholesterol in each well did not increase and cholesterol synthesis was reduced by over 80%. HMG-CoA reductase activity fell less dramatically and the proportion of sterol carbon derived from exogenous acetate increased, suggesting that the low rate of cholesterogenesis with lipoprotein-deficient serum was due to a shortage of substrate. The results indicate that under normal conditions monocyte-macrophages obtain cholesterol from endogenous synthesis rather than through receptor-mediated uptake of LDL, and that synthesis together with non-saturable uptake of LDL provides the majority of the cholesterol required to support growth.  相似文献   

Closed-system respirometry is a standard technique used to determine aerobic metabolism of aquatic organisms. Open-top systems are rarely used due to concerns of gas exchange across the air–water interface. Here, we evaluated an open-top respirometry system by comparing the mass-specific routine metabolic rate (RMR) of the tropical diadromous finfish barramundi, Lates calcarifer, in both closed-top and open-top respirometers. The RMR of 190?g barramundi was determined across broad temperatures ranging from 18 to 38?°C. There was no significant difference in RMR between barramundi in either closed- or open-top respirometers at any temperature (p?>?0.05). To ensure RMR measurements were not an artifact of the respirometry system, barramundi were reciprocally transplanted into either respective closed-top or open-top respirometer and oxygen consumption re-measured at each temperature treatment. The RMR of transplanted barramundi was found to be virtually identical in either respirometer. RMR increased linearly with increasing temperature; the relationship between RMR and temperature (T; 18–38?°C) can be described as 3.658T?36.294?mg?O2?kg?0.8?h?1. The daily energetic cost of RMR was 1.193T?11.838?kJ?kg?0.8?day?1. Q10 for barramundi increased significantly with increasing temperature (p?Q10(18–28) was the lowest at 1.7 and Q10(28–38) the highest at 1.9, over the whole experiment temp range Q10(18–28) was 1.8. The current study demonstrates that open-top respirometry is a reliable and practical alternative to closed-top respirometry for accurate determination of the aerobic metabolism of barramundi and has potential application for a number of different aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

A simple, quick and sensitive method was used to detect telomerase activity in Plasmodium falciparum. The telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP assay) was modified using electrophoresis and staining with SYBR-green I to detect telomerase activity in a range of 10 to 10(7) parasites. This might be a useful way to ascertain telomerase activity in different types of nontumor cells.  相似文献   

A new parameter ethanol evolution rate (EER) was developed to aid in the determination of glucose feeding rate in avermectin production. The EER characterized the level of primary metabolism and its value was affected mainly by the supply of O2 and glucose. In an abnormal batch, over-feeding of glucose led to 2.5-fold increase of the maximum EER value compared to the normal one, and the production was thus decreased by nearly 80%. Together with other criteria, the EER helped to control utilization of substrate, so it has been successfully used to control glucose feeding in an industrial process.  相似文献   

Efficacy of vaccine candidates against toxoplasmosis may be expressed in terms of reduction in cyst number in brains of animals vaccinated and then challenged with a cyst-forming strain of Toxoplasma gondii, compared to non-vaccinated animals. Cyst number generally has been determined by microscopic examination of brain homogenate samples, a technique which has a low sensitivity and is time-consuming. Here we describe a quantitative competitive PCR method, which allows quantifying T. gondii DNA in brain samples. The method uses a primer pair, which allows the amplification of a 301 bp fragment of the 35-fold repeated T. gondii B1 gene and an internal standard (non-homologous competitor) derived from phage lambda, which can be amplified using the same primers and whose size and G/C content are similar to that of the B1 target sequence. The method is sensitive (as few as 10 parasites can be quantified), reproducible, and is not affected by the presence of DNA extracted from mouse brain by means of a simple and rapid technique. It is suitable to quantify the parasite load in the brain of infected mice and to evaluate efficacy of toxoplasmosis vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

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