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In altricial birds, energy supply during growth is a major predictor of the physical condition and survival prospects of fledglings. A number of experimental studies have shown that nestling body mass and wing length can vary with particular extrinsic factors, but between-year observational data on this topic are scarce. Based on a seven-year observational study in a central European Tengmalm’s owl population we examine the effect of year, brood size, hatching order, and sex on nestling body mass and wing length, as well as the effect of prey abundance on parameters of growth curve. We found that nestling body mass varied among years, and parameters of growth curve, i.e. growth rate and inflection point in particular, increased with increasing abundance of the owl’s main prey (Apodemus mice, Microtus voles), and pooled prey abundance (Apodemus mice, Microtus voles, and Sorex shrews). Furthermore, nestling body mass varied with hatching order and between sexes being larger for females and for the first-hatched brood mates. Brood size had no effect on nestling body mass. Simultaneously, we found no effect of year, brood size, hatching order, or sex on the wing length of nestlings. Our findings suggest that in this temperate owl population, nestling body mass is more sensitive to prey abundance than is wing length. The latter is probably more limited by the physiology of the species.  相似文献   

In altricial birds, the nestling period is an important part of the breeding phase because the juveniles may spend quite a long time in the nest, with associated high energy costs for the parents. The length of the nestling period can be variable and its duration may be influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors; however, studies of this have mostly been undertaken on passerine birds. We studied individual duration of nestling period of 98 Tengmalm’s owl chicks (Aegolius funereus) at 27 nests during five breeding seasons using a camera and chip system and radio-telemetry. We found the nestlings stayed in the nest box for 27 – 38 days from hatching (mean ± SD, 32.4 ± 2.2 days). The individual duration of nestling period was negatively related to wing length, but no formally significant effect was found for body weight, sex, prey availability and/or weather conditions. The fledging sequence of individual nestlings was primarily related to hatching order; no relationship with wing length and/or other factors was found in this case. We suggest the length of wing is the most important measure of body condition and individual quality in Tengmalm’s owl young determining the duration of the nestling period. Other differences from passerines (e.g., the lack of effect of weather or prey availability on nestling period) are considered likely to be due to different life-history traits, in particular different food habits and nesting sites and greater risk of nest predation among passerines.  相似文献   

Begging behaviour of nestlings has been intensively studied for several decades as a key component of parent-offspring conflict. There are essentially two main theories to account for intensity of food solicitation among offspring: that intensity of begging is related to some form of scramble competition between nest mates or that it offers honest signalling of need to parents. The vast majority of studies which have addressed begging behaviour have been based on observations of, and experiments on, nestlings and have not considered begging behaviour, during the post-fledging period. Begging vocalizations in this post-fledging phase of dependence have rarely been studied, despite the importance of vocalizations as a communication method between offspring and parents, particularly for nocturnal species. We radiotracked 39 fledglings of the Tengmalm’s owl (Aegolius funereus) in two years with different availability of prey: 2010 (n = 29 fledglings) and 2011 (n = 10 fledglings) and made 1320 nightly localizations in which we recorded presence or absence of begging calls. Within years, the most important measures related to the probability of vocalization were body condition at fledging, time of night, number of surviving siblings, age and weather conditions. Begging intensity increased with age in both years; however, in the year with low prey availability fledglings vocalized significantly more often. The main factor causing these differences between years was probably the different availability of prey, affecting breeding success, post-fledging behaviour, and thus also both short- and long-term needs of offspring. We believe that our results suggest honest signalling of their fledgling’s need.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic position of Blakiston’s fish owl (Bubo blakistoni), we sequenced the mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region and cytochrome b (cyt b) for nine Bubo species. Maximum-likelihood analyses of combined control region and cyt b sequences, and cyt b sequences alone, showed that species formerly placed in genus Ketupa comprise a monophyletic group. Unexpectedly, we discovered a long cluster of 20–25 tandem repeat units 77 or 78 bp long in the third control region domain in four of the nine Bubo species for which the control region was sequenced (B. blakistoni, B. flavipes, and B. ketupu in the Ketupa clade; B. lacteus), leading to overall control region lengths of 3.0–3.8 kpb estimated from agarose gel electrophoresis. The control region in B. lacteus is the longest (3.8 kbp) reported to date in vertebrates. Sequencing of eight repeat units at each end of the cluster in 20 B. blakistoni individuals detected several types of repeat units 77 or 78 bp long, and six patterns in the order of unit types. The occurrence of a repeat cluster in all three species examined in the Ketupa clade suggests their common ancestor also had a cluster, whereas a maximum parsimony tree showed repeat-unit types grouping by species, rather than by paralog groups, suggesting independent origins of the clusters. We reconcile these results with a turnover model, in which the range in cluster-length variation and unit types at the 5′ end are hypothetically functionally constrained by the protein-binding function of the control region, but otherwise there is a continual turnover of units in evolutionary time, with new unit types arising through mutations, proliferating by duplication of single and double repeat blocks, and being lost through deletion. Estimated free energies for reconstructed secondary structures of single and especially pairs of repeat units were higher than for homologous single-unit blocks in species lacking a repeat cluster, supporting slipped-strand mispairing as the mechanism of cluster turnover.  相似文献   

Based on a long-term dataset (1999–2010), we investigated how the availability of main prey affects the breeding density and food ecology of the Tengmalm’s owl (Aegolius funereus) in the Czech Republic. In particular, we assessed the role of Microtus voles and Apodemus mice in the diet, based on the main predictions of the optimal diet theory that the diet composition depends on the availability of the main prey. We found that (i) the Tengmalm’s owl exhibited no numerical response to the availability of Microtus voles and Apodemus mice in the field; (ii) the availability of Apodemus mice in the field positively affected their proportion in the diet (26 %), and despite a high proportion of Microtus voles in the owls’ diet (47 %), no relationship was found between their availability in the field and proportion in the diet; (iii) the proportion of Apodemus mice was negatively correlated to the proportion of Microtus voles, Sorex shrews and birds in the diet, but no similar relationship was detected for Microtus voles; (iv) the reproductive output of Tengmalm’s owls was positively correlated to the proportion of Apodemus mice in the diet, as well as to Apodemus mice and Microtus vole availability in the field; and (v) diet diversity and diet overlap were not significantly affected by the abundance of Apodemus mice and Microtus voles. Therefore, the validity of these main optimal diet theory predictions was not confirmed, especially for Microtus vole prey, due to an opportunistic choice between Apodemus mice and Microtus voles. We suggest that the reproductive output of nocturnal raptors in Central Europe may be less dependent on Microtus vole supply than that of their northern counterparts.  相似文献   

We perform the first multidisciplinary study of parasites from an extinct megafaunal clade using coprolites from the New Zealand moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes). Ancient DNA and microscopic analyses of 84 coprolites deposited by four moa species (South Island giant moa, Dinornis robustus; little bush moa, Anomalopteryx didiformis; heavy-footed moa, Pachyornis elephantopus; and upland moa, Megalapteryx didinus) reveal an array of gastrointestinal parasites including coccidians (Cryptosporidium and members of the suborder Eimeriorina), nematodes (Heterakoidea, Trichostrongylidae, Trichinellidae) and a trematode (Echinostomida). Parasite eggs were most prevalent and diverse in coprolites from lowland sites, where multiple sympatric moa species occurred and host density was therefore probably higher. Morphological and phylogenetic evidence supports a possible vicariant Gondwanan origin for some of the moa parasites. The discovery of apparently host-specific parasite taxa suggests paleoparasitological studies of megafauna coprolites may provide useful case-studies of coextinction.  相似文献   

The sex ratio at hatching in broods of Tengmalms owl (Aegolius funereus) in northern Sweden was investigated for 3 years characterized by different phases of the vole and owl cycle. Previous work showed the sex ratio in this species to be male-biased for 1 year with a favourable food supply, and that in feeding experiments male nestlings (but not females) suffered higher mortality when food was limited, but not otherwise. Here we present data from a complete 3-year owl cycle, showing that mean brood sex ratio varied significantly among years, being male-biased (65% males) in the first year of high owl breeding density, unbiased (49%) in the second year of high owl breeding density, and female-biased (33% males) in the owls low year. Brood sex ratio did not vary significantly within years with laying date or parental age. Vole availability, and therefore the owls food supply, declined during the 3 years studied. Tengmalms owl parents thus appear to adaptively adjust the sex ratio of their broods according to the expected annual mortality risk of sons.  相似文献   

The global distribution of the reddish egret is characterized by disjunct colonies occurring from the Pacific side of Northwest Mexico to the Caribbean. We examined distantly isolated colonies of reddish egret to determine global population genetic structure. We used seven polymorphic microsatellites to accomplish five goals: (1) to assess range wide population differentiation among reddish egret (Egretta rufescens) populations, (2) identify extent of gene flow, (3) determine any historical occurrence of bottlenecks, (4) assess genetic differentiation between color morphs, (5) clarify subspecies status of E. r. dickeyi, a completely dark morph population located in and around the Baja California peninsula, Mexico. Genetic differentiation was dramatic (global Fst = 0.161) throughout the reddish egrets range extending from Baja California, Mexico to Great Inagua, Bahamas. Differentiation occurred among three distinct regions (Fst = 0.238) but not among colonies/islands within regions suggesting regional philopatry. Genetic diversity (alleles per locus, and heterozygosity) in Baja California Sur, Mexico and Great Inagua, Bahamas populations is lower than in the Texas/Mexico population due to minimal dispersal between regions and smaller population sizes. Dark and white color morphs when present within the same region showed no differentiation. Patterns of recent population bottlenecks are not evident in each of the three regional populations. With evidence of limited gene flow in addition to low genetic diversity and prospects of habitat loss we recommend that reddish egrets be managed as three distinct or evolutionary significant units.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the Late Pleistocene Egorov’s narrow-skulled vole from the Indigirka River basin is performed. The taxon was previously regarded as a subspecies of Microtus (Stenocranius) gregalis (Pallas, 1779). Based on a number of morphological characters, it is shown that this vole is closer to the American species Mynomes (Vocalomys) miurus (Osgood, 1901). It is proposed that Mynomes (V.) miurus egorovi (Fejgin in Baranova et Fejgin, 1980) penetrated into northeastern Siberia during the Zyryanian glacial.  相似文献   

Geraskina  A. P.  Shevchenko  N. E. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(8):1176-1188
Biology Bulletin - This paper discusses earthworm communities inhabiting forests in the Bol’shaya Laba River basin. The biotopic allocation of morpho-ecological earthworm groups to various...  相似文献   

Prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.) have been eliminated from over 95% of their historic range in large part from direct eradication campaigns to reduce their purported competition with cattle for forage. Despite the longstanding importance of this issue to grassland management and conservation, the ecological interactions between cattle and prairie dogs have not been well examined. We address this issue through two complementary experiments to determine if cattle and prairie dogs form a mutualistic grazing association similar to that between prairie dogs and American bison. Our experimental results show that cattle preferentially graze along prairie dog colony edges and use their colony centers for resting, resembling the mutualistic relationship prairie dogs have with American bison. Our results also show that prairie dog colonies are not only an important component of the grassland mosaic for maintaining biodiversity, but also provide benefits to cattle, thereby challenging the long-standing view of prairie dogs as an undesirable pest species in grasslands.  相似文献   

The genetic impact of barriers and Pleistocene glaciations on high latitude resident species has not been widely investigated. The Clark’s nutcracker is an endemic North American corvid closely associated with Pinus-dominated forests. The nutcracker’s encompasses known barriers to dispersal for other species, and glaciated and unglaciated areas. Clark’s nutcrackers also irruptively disperse long distances in search of pine seed crops, creating the potential for gene flow among populations. Using the highly variable mitochondrial DNA control region, seven microsatellite loci, and species distribution modeling, we examined the effects of glaciations and dispersal barriers on population genetic patterns and population structure of nutcrackers. We sequenced 900 bp of mitochondrial control region for 169 individuals from 15 populations and analysed seven polymorphic microsatellite loci for 13 populations across the Clark’s nutcracker range. We used species distribution modeling and a range of phylogeographic analyses to examine evolutionary history. Clark’s nutcracker populations are not highly differentiated throughout their range, suggesting high levels of gene flow among populations, though we did find some evidence of isolation by distance and peripheral isolation. Our analyses suggested expansion from a single refugium after the last glacial maximum, but patterns of genetic diversity and paleodistribution modeling of suitable habitat were inconclusive as to the location of this refugium. Potential barriers to dispersal (e.g. mountain ranges) do not appear to restrict gene flow in Clark’s nutcracker, and postglacial expansion likely occurred quickly from a single refugium located south of the ice sheets.  相似文献   

The Ring-necked Parakeet, Psittacula krameri, an invasive bird species in Oman was found to be feeding on the immature green pods of another invasive tree species, Prosopis juliflora, commonly known as Mesquite. This parakeet strips the pods and consumes the soft seeds within. The green pods collected from the base of trees were a mixture of stripped pods showing various levels of feeding damage and un-stripped pods without any damage. The percentage of stripped pods was significantly higher than that of un-stripped pods. The mean percentage number of pods in the five levels of feeding damage (10, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) significantly differed from each other. The un-stripped and undamaged pods indicate wasteful feeding activity. The comparison of the five levels of feeding damage (10, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) and the undamaged condition (0%) to the mean number of pods as percentages suggests that wasteful feeding is not a random event; the reasons for this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

In highly variable environments, conditions can be so stressful in some years that entire populations forgo reproduction in favor of higher likelihood of surviving to breed in future years. In two out of five years, Clark’s nutcrackers (Nucifraga Columbiana) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem exhibited population-wide failure to breed. Clark’s nutcrackers at the study site experienced substantial interannual differences in food availability and weather conditions, and the two nonbreeding years corresponded with low whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) cone crops the previous autumn (≤ an average of 8 ± 2 cones per tree versus ≥ an average of 20 ± 2 cones per tree during breeding years) and high snowpack in early spring (≥ 61.2 ± 5.5 cm versus ≤ 51.9 ± 4.4 cm during breeding years). The average adult body condition index during the breeding season was significantly lower in 2011 (-1.5 ± 1.1), a nonbreeding year, as compared to 2012 (6.2 ± 2.0), a breeding year. The environmental cues available to the birds prior to breeding, specifically availability of cached whitebark pine seeds, may have allowed them to predict that breeding conditions would be poor, leading to the decision to skip breeding. Alternatively, the Clark’s nutcrackers may have had such low body energy stores that they chose not to or were unable to breed. Breeding plasticity would allow Clark’s nutcrackers to exploit an unpredictable environment. However, if large-scale mortality of whitebark pines is leading to an increase in the number of nonbreeding years, there could be serious population-level and ecosystem-wide consequences.  相似文献   

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