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Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), a lipid growth factor, is critical to the maintenance and enhancement of vascular barrier function via processes highly dependent upon cell membrane raft-mediated signaling events. Anti-phosphotyrosine 2 dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) immunoblots confirmed that disruption of membrane raft formation (via methyl-β-cyclodextrin) inhibits S1P-induced protein tyrosine phosphorylation. To explore S1P-induced dynamic changes in membrane rafts, we used 2-D techniques to define proteins within detergent-resistant cell membrane rafts which are differentially expressed in S1P-challenged (1 μM, 5 min) human pulmonary artery endothelial cells (EC), with 57 protein spots exhibiting > 3-fold change. S1P induced the recruitment of over 20 cell membrane raft proteins exhibiting increasing levels of tyrosine phosphorylation including known barrier-regulatory proteins such as focal adhesion kinase (FAK), cortactin, p85α phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (p85αPI3K), myosin light chain kinase (nmMLCK), filamin A/C, and the non-receptor tyrosine kinase, c-Abl. Reduced expression of either FAK, MLCK, cortactin, filamin A or filamin C by siRNA transfection significantly attenuated S1P-induced EC barrier enhancement. Furthermore, S1P induced cell membrane raft components, p-caveolin-1 and glycosphingolipid (GM1), to the plasma membrane and enhanced co-localization of membrane rafts with p-caveolin-1 and p-nmMLCK. These results suggest that S1P induces both the tyrosine phosphorylation and recruitment of key actin cytoskeletal proteins to membrane rafts, resulting in enhanced human EC barrier function.  相似文献   

Stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) plays a pivotal role in store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE), an essential mechanism in cellular calcium signaling and in maintaining cellular calcium balance. Because O-GlcNAcylation plays pivotal roles in various cellular function, we examined the effect of fluctuation in STIM1 O-GlcNAcylation on SOCE activity. We found that both increase and decrease in STIM1 O-GlcNAcylation impaired SOCE activity. To determine the molecular basis, we established STIM1-knockout HEK293 (STIM1-KO-HEK) cells using the CRISPR/Cas9 system and transfected STIM1 WT (STIM1-KO-WT-HEK), S621A (STIM1-KO-S621A-HEK), or T626A (STIM1-KO-T626A-HEK) cells. Using these cells, we examined the possible O-GlcNAcylation sites of STIM1 to determine whether the sites were O-GlcNAcylated. Co-immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that Ser621 and Thr626 were O-GlcNAcylated and that Thr626 was O-GlcNAcylated in the steady state but Ser621 was not. The SOCE activity in STIM1-KO-S621A-HEK and STIM1-KO-T626A-HEK cells was lower than that in STIM1-KO-WT-HEK cells because of reduced phosphorylation at Ser621. Treatment with the O-GlcNAcase inhibitor Thiamet G or O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) transfection, which increases O-GlcNAcylation, reduced SOCE activity, whereas treatment with the OGT inhibitor ST045849 or siOGT transfection, which decreases O-GlcNAcylation, also reduced SOCE activity. Decrease in SOCE activity due to increase and decrease in O-GlcNAcylation was attributable to reduced phosphorylation at Ser621. These data suggest that both decrease in O-GlcNAcylation at Thr626 and increase in O-GlcNAcylation at Ser621 in STIM1 lead to impairment of SOCE activity through decrease in Ser621 phosphorylation. Targeting STIM1 O-GlcNAcylation could provide a promising treatment option for the related diseases, such as neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

The phase behavior of bovine rod outer segment disk lipids has been investigated using freeze-fracture and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. 31P-NMR spectra of isolated disk membranes were taken as a function of temperature between 25°C and 45°C. The 31P-NMR spectrum characteristic of phospholipid bilayers was observed at all temperatures both in the absence of Ca2+ and in the presence of 10 mM and 50 mM Ca2+. A similar study was performed on lipids isolated from the disk membranes. In the absence of Ca2+ only lamellar phase behavior was observed. In the presence of less than 10 mM Ca2+, however, there was a change in morphology to non-lamellar structures. Removal of the Ca2+ caused the system to reassume the lamellar form.  相似文献   



Phospholipid scramblases are a group of four homologous proteins conserved from C. elegans to human. In human, two members of the scramblase family, hPLSCR1 and hPLSCR3 are known to bring about Ca2+ dependent translocation of phosphatidylserine and cardiolipin respectively during apoptotic processes. However, affinities of Ca2+/Mg2+ binding to human scramblases and conformational changes taking place in them remains unknown.


In the present study, we analyzed the Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to the calcium binding motifs of hPLSCR1–4 and hPLSCR1 by spectroscopic methods and isothermal titration calorimetry.


The results in this study show that (i) affinities of the peptides are in the order hPLSCR1  > hPLSCR3 > hPLSCR2 > hPLSCR4 for Ca2+ and in the order hPLSCR1 > hPLSCR2 > hPLSCR3 > hPLSCR4 for Mg2+, (ii) binding of ions brings about conformational change in the secondary structure of the peptides. The affinity of Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to protein hPLSCR1 was similar to that of the peptide I. A sequence comparison shows the existence of scramblase-like motifs among other protein families.


Based on the above results, we hypothesize that the Ca2+ binding motif of hPLSCR1 is a novel type of Ca2+ binding motif.

General significance

Our findings will be relevant in understanding the calcium dependent scrambling activity of hPLSCRs and their biological function.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the question of whether the PhoE protein pore has a preference for Pi and Pi-containing solutes only or whether it constitutes a general anion-preferring channel, have not given an unequivocal answer either because the presence of the phosphate binding protein was not ascertained or because only arsenate was tested as a non Pi-containing control solute. Permeability properties of PhoE, OmpF and OmpC protein pores for negatively charged solutes were measured in vivo in the presence of phosphate-binding protein. It appeared that the PhoE protein pore is the most efficient channel for the three tested solutes phosphate, succinate and sulphate. Conditions were established to measure the frequency of ethyl methane sulphonate induced mutations as a function of the presence of pore proteins. These results indicate that PhoE protein also forms the most efficient channel for ethyl methane sulphonate. We conclude that the preference of the PhoE protein pore is not restricted to Pi and Pi-containing solutes but also concerns several other negatively charged solutes.  相似文献   

In previous works, we have shown that L-type voltage-operated calcium channels, N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDAr), neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and cytochrome b5 reductase (Cb5R) co-localize within the same lipid rafts-associated nanodomains in mature cerebellar granule neurons (CGN). In this work, we show that the calcium transport systems of the plasma membrane extruding calcium from the cytosol, plasma membrane calcium pumps (PMCA) and sodium–calcium exchangers (NCX), are also associated with these nanodomains. All these proteins were found to co-immunoprecipitate with caveolin-1 after treatment with 25 mM methyl-β-cyclodextrin, a lipid rafts solubilizing agent. However, the treatment of CGN with methyl-β-cyclodextrin largely attenuated the rise of cytosolic calcium induced by l-glutamate through NMDAr. Fluorescence energy transfer imaging revealed that all of them are present in sub-microdomains of a size smaller than 200 nm, with a peripheral distribution of the calcium extrusion systems PMCA and NCX. Fluorescence microscopy images analysis revealed high calcium dynamic sub-microcompartments near the plasma membrane in fura-2-loaded CGN at short times after addition of l-glutamate. In addition, the close proximity between sources of nitric oxide (nNOS) and superoxide anion (Cb5R) suggests that these nanodomains are involved in the fast and efficient cross-talk between calcium and redox signaling in neurons.  相似文献   

Neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1) is a major modulator of Ca2+ signaling with a known role in neurotransmitter release. NCS-1 has one cryptic (EF1) and three functional (EF2, EF3, and EF4) EF-hand motifs. However, it is not known which are the regulatory (Ca2+-specific) and structural (Ca2+- or Mg2+-binding) EF-hand motifs. To understand the specialized functions of NCS-1, identification of the ionic discrimination of the EF-hand sites is important. In this work, we determined the specificity of Ca2+ binding using NMR and EF-hand mutants. Ca2+ titration, as monitored by [15N,1H] heteronuclear single quantum coherence, suggests that Ca2+ binds to the EF2 and EF3 almost simultaneously, followed by EF4. Our NMR data suggest that Mg2+ binds to EF2 and EF3, thereby classifying them as structural sites, whereas EF4 is a Ca2+-specific or regulatory site. This was further corroborated using an EF2/EF3-disabled mutant, which binds only Ca2+ and not Mg2+. Ca2+ binding induces conformational rearrangements in the protein by reversing Mg2+-induced changes in Trp fluorescence and surface hydrophobicity. In a larger physiological perspective, exchanging or replacing Mg2+ with Ca2+ reduces the Ca2+-binding affinity of NCS-1 from 90 nM to 440 nM, which would be advantageous to the molecule by facilitating reversibility to the Ca2+-free state. Although the equilibrium unfolding transitions of apo-NCS-1 and Mg2+-bound NCS-1 are similar, the early unfolding transitions of Ca2+-bound NCS-1 are partially influenced in the presence of Mg2+. This study demonstrates the importance of Mg2+ as a modulator of calcium homeostasis and active-state behavior of NCS-1.  相似文献   

GCAPs are neuronal Ca2 +-sensors playing a central role in light adaptation. GCAPs are N-terminally myristoylated membrane-associated proteins. Although, the myristoylation of GCAPs plays an important role in light adaptation its structural and physiological roles are not yet clearly understood. The crystal-structure of GCAP-1 shows the myristoyl moiety inside the hydrophobic core of the protein, stabilizing the protein structure; but 2H-solid-state NMR investigations on the deuterated myristoyl moiety of GCAP-2 in the presence of liposomes showed that it is inserted into the lipid bilayer. In this study, we address the question of the localization of the myristoyl group of Ca2 +-bound GCAP-2, and the influence of CHAPS-, DPC-micelles and DMPC/DHPC-bicelles on the structure, and on the localization of the myristoyl group, of GCAP-2 by solution-state NMR. We also carried out the backbone assignment. Characteristic chemical shift differences have been observed between the myristoylated and the non-myristoylated forms of the protein. Our results support the view that in the absence of membrane forming substances the myristoyl moiety is buried inside a hydrophobic pocket of GCAP-2 similar to the crystal structure of GCAP-1. Addition of CHAPS-micelles and DMPC/DHPC-bicelles cause specific structural changes localized in and around the myristoyl binding pocket. We interpret these changes as an indication for the extrusion of the myristoyl moiety from its binding pocket and its insertion into the hydrophobic interior of the membrane mimic. On the basis of the backbone chemical shifts, we propose a structural model of myristoylated GCAP-2 in the presence of Ca2 + and membrane mimetics.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor Class B type 1 (SR-B1) is a lipid transporter and sensor. In intestinal epithelial cells, SR-B1-dependent lipid sensing is associated with SR-B1 recruitment in raft-like/ detergent-resistant membrane domains and interaction of its C-terminal transmembrane domain with plasma membrane cholesterol. To clarify the initiating events occurring during lipid sensing by SR-B1, we analyzed cholesterol trafficking and raft-like domain composition in intestinal epithelial cells expressing wild-type SR-B1 or the mutated form SR-B1-Q445A, defective in membrane cholesterol binding and signal initiation. These features of SR-B1 were found to influence both apical cholesterol efflux and intracellular cholesterol trafficking from plasma membrane to lipid droplets, and the lipid composition of raft-like domains. Lipidomic analysis revealed likely participation of d18:0/16:0 sphingomyelin and 16:0/0:0 lysophosphatidylethanolamine in lipid sensing by SR-B1. Proteomic analysis identified proteins, whose abundance changed in raft-like domains during lipid sensing, and these included molecules linked to lipid raft dynamics and signal transduction. These findings provide new insights into the role of SR-B1 in cellular cholesterol homeostasis and suggest molecular links between SR-B1-dependent lipid sensing and cell cholesterol and lipid droplet dynamics.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that the nature and characteristics of transport across eukaryotic membranes are so complex as to defy intuitive understanding. In these circumstances, quantitative mathematical modeling is an essential tool, both to integrate detailed knowledge of individual transporters and to extract the properties emergent from their interactions. As the first, fully integrated and quantitative modeling environment for the study of ion transport dynamics in a plant cell, OnGuard offers a unique tool for exploring homeostatic properties emerging from the interactions of ion transport, both at the plasma membrane and tonoplast in the guard cell. OnGuard has already yielded detail sufficient to guide phenotypic and mutational studies, and it represents a key step toward ‘reverse engineering’ of stomatal guard cell physiology, based on rational design and testing in simulation, to improve water use efficiency and carbon assimilation. Its construction from the HoTSig libraries enables translation of the software to other cell types, including growing root hairs and pollen. The problems inherent to transport are nonetheless challenging, and are compounded for those unfamiliar with conceptual ‘mindset’ of the modeler. Here we set out guidelines for the use of OnGuard and outline a standardized approach that will enable users to advance quickly to its application both in the classroom and laboratory. We also highlight the uncanny and emergent property of OnGuard models to reproduce the ‘communication’ evident between the plasma membrane and tonoplast of the guard cell.  相似文献   

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a myocardial disorder that is characterized by dilation and dysfunction of the left ventricle (LV). Accumulating evidence has implicated aberrant Ca2+ signaling and oxidative stress in the progression of DCM, but the molecular details are unknown. In the present study, we report that inhibition of the transient receptor potential canonical 3 (TRPC3) channels partially prevents LV dilation and dysfunction in muscle LIM protein-deficient (MLP (−/−)) mice, a murine model of DCM. The expression level of TRPC3 and the activity of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) were increased in MLP (−/−) mouse hearts. Acitivity of Rac1, a small GTP-binding protein that participates in NADPH oxidase (Nox) activation, and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were also increased in MLP (−/−) mouse hearts. Treatment with pyrazole-3, a TRPC3 selective inhibitor, strongly suppressed the increased activities of CaMKII and Rac1, as well as ROS production. In contrast, activation of TRPC3 by 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), or by mechanical stretch, induced ROS production in rat neonatal cardiomyocytes. These results suggest that up-regulation of TRPC3 is responsible for the increase in CaMKII activity and the Nox-mediated ROS production in MLP (−/−) mouse cardiomyocytes, and that inhibition of TRPC3 is an effective therapeutic strategy to prevent the progression of DCM.  相似文献   

In all eukaryotic cells, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the mitochondria establish a tight interplay, which is structurally and functionally modulated through a proteinaceous tether formed at specific subdomains of the ER membrane, designated mitochondria-associated membranes or MAMs. The tethering function of the MAMs allows the regulation of lipid synthesis and rapid transmission of calcium (Ca2 +) signals between the ER and mitochondria, which is crucial to shape intracellular Ca2 + signaling and regulate mitochondrial bioenergetics. Research on the molecular characterization and function of MAMs has boomed in the last few years and the list of signaling and structural proteins dynamically associated with the ER–mitochondria contact sites in physiological and pathological conditions, is rapidly increasing along with the realization of an unprecedented complexity underlying the functional role of MAMs. Besides their established role as a signaling hub for Ca2 + and lipid transfer between ER and mitochondria, MAMs have been recently shown to regulate mitochondrial shape and motility, energy metabolism and redox status and to be central to the modulation of various key processes like ER stress, autophagy and inflammasome signaling. In this review we will discuss some emerging cell-autonomous and cell non-autonomous roles of the MAMs in mammalian cells and their relevance for important human diseases. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium signaling in health and disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial impairment and calcium (Ca++) dyshomeostasis are associated with Parkinson's disease (PD). When intracellular ATP levels are lowered, Ca++-ATPase pumps are impaired causing cytoplasmic Ca++ to be elevated and calpain activation. Little is known about the effect of calpain activation on Parkin integrity. To address this gap, we examined the effects of mitochondrial inhibitors [oligomycin (Oligo), antimycin and rotenone] on endogenous Parkin integrity in rat midbrain and cerebral cortical cultures. All drugs induced calpain-cleavage of Parkin to ~36.9/43.6 kDa fragments. In contrast, treatment with the proinflammatory prostaglandin J2 (PGJ2) and the proteasome inhibitor epoxomicin induced caspase-cleavage of Parkin to fragments of a different size, previously shown by others to be triggered by apoptosis. Calpain-cleaved Parkin was enriched in neuronal mitochondrial fractions. Pre-treatment with the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid prior to Oligo-treatment, stabilized full-length Parkin phosphorylated at Ser65, and reduced calpain-cleavage of Parkin. Treatment with the Ca++ ionophore A23187, which facilitates Ca++ transport across the plasma membrane, mimicked the effect of Oligo by inducing calpain-cleavage of Parkin. Removing extracellular Ca++ from the media prevented oligomycin- and ionophore-induced calpain-cleavage of Parkin. Computational analysis predicted that calpain-cleavage of Parkin liberates its UbL domain. The phosphagen cyclocreatine moderately mitigated Parkin cleavage by calpain. Moreover, the pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP27), which stimulates cAMP production, prevented caspase but not calpain-cleavage of Parkin. Overall, our data support a link between Parkin phosphorylation and its cleavage by calpain. This mechanism reflects the impact of mitochondrial impairment and Ca++-dyshomeostasis on Parkin integrity and could influence PD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that mitochondrial membrane potential disruption is involved in mechanisms underlying differential vulnerabilities to the excitotoxicity mediated by N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors between primary cultured neurons prepared from rat cortex and hippocampus. To further elucidate the role of mitochondria in the excitotoxicity after activation of NMDA receptors, neurons were loaded with the fluorescent dye calcein diffusible in the cytoplasm and organelles for determination of the activity of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) responsible for the leakage of different mitochondrial molecules. The addition of CoCl2 similarly quenched the intracellular fluorescence except mitochondria in both cultured neurons, while further addition of NMDA led to a leakage of the dye into the cytoplasm in hippocampal neurons only. An mPTP inhibitor prevented the NMDA-induced loss of viability in hippocampal neurons, while an activator of mPTP induced a similarly potent loss of viability in cortical and hippocampal neurons. Although NMDA was more effective in increasing rhodamine-2 fluorescence as a mitochondrial calcium indicator in hippocampal than cortical neurons, a mitochondrial calcium uniporter inhibitor significantly prevented the NMDA-induced loss of viability in hippocampal neurons. Expression of mRNA was significantly higher for the putative uniporter uncoupling protein-2 in hippocampal than cortical neurons. These results suggest that mitochondrial calcium uniporter would be at least in part responsible for the NMDA neurotoxicity through a mechanism relevant to promotion of mPTP orchestration in hippocampal neurons.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJs) regulate the passage of ions and molecules through the paracellular pathway in epithelial and endothelial cells. TJs are highly dynamic structures whose degree of sealing varies according to external stimuli, physiological and pathological conditions. In this review we analyze how the crosstalk of protein kinase C, protein kinase A, myosin light chain kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinases, phosphoinositide 3-kinase and Rho signaling pathways is involved in TJ regulation triggered by diverse stimuli. We also report how the phosphorylation of the main TJ components, claudins, occludin and ZO proteins, impacts epithelial and endothelial cell function.  相似文献   

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