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Russian Journal of Developmental Biology - A number of retinal diseases are known to result in impaired vision and even blindness. In this regard, the major issue that modern biology faces nowadays...  相似文献   

Data on the use of various immunochemical markers specifically indicating cell types of the neural retina and pigment epithelium are reviewed. It is demonstrated how this approach can be applied to the analysis of specific features of vertebrate retinal development, including the order and timing of differentiation of the main cell types, their interdependence in the course of this process, and factors controlling the latter. Problems concerning the state of differentiation and its change in the cells of retinal pigment epithelium and glial cells are discussed in respect to their analysis with the aid of specific protein markers. The current state of retina regeneration research involving the use of labeled cell sources and regenerated cells in lower vertebrates is analyzed. Problems in the search for new markers of retinal photoreceptor, macroglial, and microglial cells and their use in experiments are addressed.  相似文献   

Rodolfo Salm 《Biotropica》2006,38(4):558-560
Spatial‐scale‐dependent patterns of Attalea maripa seed predation and removal by the beetle Pachymerus cardo and vertebrates were examined in a palm patch and its adjacent forest in southeastern Amazon. Seed survivorship depended on the distance from the palm patch, but was unrelated to distance from individual fruiting palms.  相似文献   

In Drosophila photoreceptors, the NINAC-encoded myosin III is found in a complex with a small, MORN-repeat containing, protein Retinophilin (RTP). Expression of these two proteins in other cell types showed NINAC myosin III behavior is altered by RTP. NINAC deletion constructs were used to map the RTP binding site within the proximal tail domain of NINAC. In vertebrates, the RTP ortholog is MORN4. Co-precipitation experiments demonstrated that human MORN4 binds to human myosin IIIA (MYO3A). In COS7 cells, MORN4 and MYO3A, but not MORN4 and MYO3B, co-localize to actin rich filopodia extensions. Deletion analysis mapped the MORN4 binding to the proximal region of the MYO3A tail domain. MYO3A dependent MORN4 tip localization suggests that MYO3A functions as a motor that transports MORN4 to the filopodia tips and MORN4 may enhance MYO3A tip localization by tethering it to the plasma membrane at the protrusion tips. These results establish conserved features of the RTP/MORN4 family: they bind within the tail domain of myosin IIIs to control their behavior.  相似文献   

Marine Invertebrate Cell Cultures: New Millennium Trends   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This review analyzes activities in the field of marine invertebrate cell culture during the years 1999 to 2004 and compares the outcomes with those of the preceding decade (1988 to 1998). During the last 5 years, 90 reports of primary cell culture studies of marine organisms belonging to only 6 taxa (Porifera, Cnidaria, Crustacea, Mollusca, Echinodermata, and Urochordata) have been published. This figure represents a 2-fold increase in the annual number of publications over the decade 1988 to 1998. Three other trends distinguish the two reviewed periods. First, in recent years studies attempting to improve cell culture methodologies have decreased, while interest in applications of already existing methodologies has increased. This reflects the effects of short-term cultures in attracting new researchers and scientific disciplines to the field. Second, only 17.8% of the recent publications used long-term cultures, compared with 30.0% of the publications in the previous decade. Third, during recent years research in cell cultures has studied fewer model species more extensively (mainly, Botryllus schlosseri, Crassostrea, Mytilus, Penaeus, and Suberites domuncula), signifying a shift from previous investigations that had studied a more diverse range of organisms. From 1988 to 1998 the phylum Mollusca was the most studied taxon (34.4%), but recent years have seen more studies of Porifera and Crustacea (30.0% and 32.2% of publications) than of Mollusca (21.1%). Still, not even a single established cell line from any marine invertebrate has yet been made available. However, the use of new cellular, genomic, and proteomic tools may fundamentally change our strategy for the development of cell cultures from marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Relationships among some cytoplasmic deoxyriboviruses were investigated by deoxyribonucleic acid/ribonucleic acid hybridization experiments. Evidence of base-sequence homology between nucleic acids of different viruses was found within, but not between, the poxvirus and iridescent virus groups. Viruses of the vaccinia subgroup of poxviruses were 30 to 100% related, and the degree of relatedness was correlated with serological relatedness. Relationships within the iridescent virus group depended on the laboratory of origin and passage history of the virus strains used. None of these viruses was related to a superficially similar virus of frogs.  相似文献   

The insulin system including hormone insulin and signaling mechanisms realizing a wide spectrum of its regulatory effect is one of the major systems in the animals and human organism. At present the history of origin of this regulatory system in the course of evolution starts to be formed. There are grounds to believe that it appeared in unicellular eukaryotes, developed in multicellular ones, and achieved significant perfection in higher vertebrates. This paper analyzes the structural-functional organization of insulin-like peptides, their receptors, and the corresponding signaling mechanisms in four types of invertebrates (sponges, nematodes, molluscs, arthropods) in comparison with those in higher vertebrates. There is revealed evolutionary conservatism in the common structural-functional organization of insulin-like peptides of invertebrates and insulin of vertebrate animals; receptors of insulin-like peptides of invertebrates and receptors of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 of vertebrates that have tyrosine kinase activity; the insulin-like signaling systems including signaling blocks, similar by their primary structure in invertebrate and vertebrate animals (IRS-proteins, G-proteins, adenylyl cyclase, protein kinases A and C, etc.). The point of view is put forward that the conservatism of the functional blocks of the insulin system does not mean the absence of evolutionary changes of this system as a whole. Examples of such evolutionary changes leading to complication of the insulin system organization at supramolecular and cellular levels and to an increase of efficiency of its functioning are presented.  相似文献   

Grasslands support large populations of herbivores and store up to 30% of the world’s soil carbon (C). Thus, herbivores likely play an important role in the global C cycle. However, most studies on how herbivory impacts the largest source of C released from grassland soils—soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions—only considered the role of large ungulates. This ignores all other vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores and their collective effects on ecosystem properties. We progressively excluded large, medium, and small vertebrates and invertebrates from two subalpine grasslands (productive, heavily grazed short-grass; less productive, lightly grazed tall-grass) using size-selective fences, assessed the impact on soil CO2 emissions and related biotic and abiotic variables. Exclusion resulted in significant changes in soil CO2 emissions in both vegetation types. Short-grass soil CO2 emissions progressively increased when large and medium mammals were excluded. However, no difference was detected among plots were all or no herbivores grazed. In contrast, tall-grass soil CO2 emissions were not affected by mammal exclusion, but excluding all herbivores lead to reduced emissions. Soil micro-climatic parameters best predicted the patterns of soil CO2 emissions in short-grass vegetation, whereas root biomass was the best predictor of CO2 release in tall-grass vegetation. Our results showed that diverse herbivore communities affect soil respiration differently than assumed from previous studies that only excluded large ungulates. Such information is important if we are to understand how changes in herbivore species composition—as could happen through altered management practices, extinction or invasion—impact grassland C storage and release.  相似文献   

Ommochromes are widely occurring coloured molecules of invertebrates, arising from tryptophan catabolism through the so‐called Tryptophan → Ommochrome pathway. They are mainly known to mediate compound eye vision, as well as reversible and irreversible colour patterning. Ommochromes might also be involved in cell homeostasis by detoxifying free tryptophan and buffering oxidative stress. These biological functions are directly linked to their unique chromophore, the phenoxazine/phenothiazine system. The most recent reviews on ommochrome biochemistry were published more than 30 years ago, since when new results on the enzymes of the ommochrome pathway, on ommochrome photochemistry as well as on their antiradical capacities have been obtained. Ommochromasomes are the organelles where ommochromes are synthesised and stored. Hence, they play an important role in mediating ommochrome functions. Ommochromasomes are part of the lysosome‐related organelles (LROs) family, which includes other pigmented organelles such as vertebrate melanosomes. Ommochromasomes are unique because they are the only LRO for which a recycling process during reversible colour change has been described. Herein, we provide an update on ommochrome biochemistry, photoreactivity and antiradical capacities to explain their diversity and behaviour both in vivo and in vitro. We also highlight new biochemical techniques, such as quantum chemistry, metabolomics and crystallography, which could lead to major advances in their chemical and functional characterisation. We then focus on ommochromasome structure and formation by drawing parallels with the well‐characterised melanosomes of vertebrates. The biochemical, genetic, cellular and microscopic tools that have been applied to melanosomes should provide important information on the ommochromasome life cycle. We propose LRO‐based models for ommochromasome biogenesis and recycling that could be tested in the future. Using the context of insect compound eyes, we finally emphasise the importance of an integrated approach in understanding the biological functions of ommochromes.  相似文献   

Recognition is growing that besides ungulates, small vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores are important drivers of grassland functioning. Even though soil microarthropods play key roles in several soil processes, effects of herbivores—especially those of smaller body size—on their communities are not well understood. Therefore, we progressively excluded large, medium and small vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores for three growing seasons using size-selective fences in two vegetation types in subalpine grasslands; short-grass and tall-grass vegetation generated by high and low historical levels of ungulate grazing. Herbivore exclusions generally had few effects on microarthropod communities, but exclusion of all herbivore groups resulted in decreased total springtail and Poduromorpha richness compared with exclusion of only ungulates and medium-sized mammals, regardless of vegetation type. The tall-grass vegetation had a higher total springtail richness and mesostigmatid mite abundance than the short-grass vegetation and a different oribatid mite community composition. Although several biotic and abiotic variables differed between the exclusion treatments and vegetation types, effects on soil microarthropods were best explained by differences in nutrient and fibre content of the previous year’s vegetation, a proxy for litter quality, and to a lesser extent soil temperature. After three growing seasons, smaller herbivores had a stronger impact on these functionally important soil microarthropod communities than large herbivores. Over longer time-scales, however, large grazers created two different vegetation types and thereby influenced microarthropod communities bottom-up, e.g. by altering resource quality. Hence, both short- and long-term consequences of herbivory affected the structure of the soil microarthropod community.  相似文献   

Methods of determining the numerical density of cell organelles described in literature were critically reviewed in a morphometrical and stereological study of muscle cell mitochondria (heart muscle cells, diaphragm cells, sceletal muscle cells). A review of the method described by WEIBEL and GOMEZ showed that the numerical density of the mitochondria depends to a great extent on their shape and not so much on their size distribution. For this reason serial sections should be used to determine the shape factor in biological objects of unknown geometric shape. Generally, the numerical densities of mitochondria determined by using the method proposed by DEHOFF and RHINES were higher than those obtained with the method described by WEIBEL and GOMEZ. This is attributed to certain corrections used in the former method. Elaborate computations are generally involved and the geometric shapes of the object examined must be known in order to determine the numerical density of cell organelles or of other biological structures. The numerous sources of error involved in these methods give this parameter the character of an objective estimate. For this reason it is recommended that the value obtained should be checked by determining a two-dimensional parameter. Our examinations of heart muscle mitochondria showed good agreement between the two parameters.  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complex (SC) is an evolutionarily well-conserved structure that mediates chromosome synapsis during prophase of the first meiotic division. Although its structure is conserved, the characterized protein components in the current metazoan meiosis model systems (Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Mus musculus) show no sequence homology, challenging the question of a single evolutionary origin of the SC. However, our recent studies revealed the monophyletic origin of the mammalian SC protein components. Many of them being ancient in Metazoa and already present in the cnidarian Hydra. Remarkably, a comparison between different model systems disclosed a great similarity between the SC components of Hydra and mammals while the proteins of the ecdysozoan systems (D. rnelanogaster and C. elegans) differ significantly. In this review, we introduce the basal-branching metazoan species Hydra as a potential novel invertebrate model system for meiosis research and particularly for the investigation of SC evolution, function and assembly. Also, available methods for SC research in Hydra are summarized.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries of similarities in the developmental geneticsunderlying the formation of insect and vertebrate eyes, hearts,segments, and other structures have fueled new speculation anddebate about the origins of these features and the morphologicalcomplexity of early bilaterians. The pivotal issue concerningthese developmental similarities is whether they represent convergenceof pattern-forming mechanisms or reveal developmental regulatorymechanisms or even physical characteristics derived from a commonancestor. Here, we set forth an explicit hierarchical set ofcriteria for assessing developmental genetic similarities amonganimals. We suggest that interpretations of convergence versusdescent from common ancestors should be weighed by the number,type, and phylogenetic distribution of genetic regulatory similarities.We then apply these criteria to the analysis of appendage evolution.We conclude that there has been no continuity of any structurefrom which the insect and vertebrate appendages could be derived,i.e., they are not homologous structures. However, there isabundant evidence for continuity in the genetic informationfor building body wall outgrowths and/or appendages in severalphyla which must date at least to the common, potential appendage-bearingpre-Cambrian ancestor of most protostomes and deuterostomes.In order to further trace the origin of this genetic informationand of appendages, it will be essential to analyze more primitivetaxa such as the Cnidaria and to obtain a much better fossilrecord of pre-Cambrian animals.  相似文献   

1. By means of cell separation, pectinase cell separation and routine paraffin method, we studied the cell types of leaves of wheat, Nongda 183 and several other varieties. 2. We observed in all the cell types, the presence of mitochondria, spherosomes, plastids or chloroplasts, though the morphology and distribution of these organelles vary to a certain extent they do not interfere with the recognition of these cell types. 3. The plastids and mitochondria of the long cells in the epidermis are of various forms. Most of these organelles are distributed in the portion of the cell away from the leaf surface. 4. In each one of the guard cells, there are many morphologically stable, pale-colored but shining plastids. They are peculiar to the guard cells and cannot be found in any other cell types. 5. The bulliform cells are in ball and socket connection with the mesophyll cells underneath, while the organelles of bulliform cells are concentrated at the surface of the socket. 6. The number of the chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells is not quite constant. From the external morphology and the distribution of the chloroplasts, the mesophyll cells can be divided into, at least, two morphological types. 7. The outer bundle sheath cell is divided into chloroplast-prominent and mitochondria-prominent halves. This peculiar structure of the cell reveals the function and the transitional position it occupies in the leaf. This is a good example of unity of function and structure. 8. The inner bundle sheath cells can be recognized readily by the presence of prominent pits in the walls. The protoplasmic streaming of these cells is very active. Plastids and mitochondria can be seen clearly. 9. The importance of the cell types of these specialized cells and their variously shaped and distributed organelles is discussed.  相似文献   

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