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Nuclear-encoded chloroplast proteins are imported from the cytosol into the chloroplast stroma by a common translocation machinery. Several components of the import apparatus, including GTP-binding proteins and Hsp70 proteins, have recently been identified and characterized. This review discusses the role of these proteins in chloroplast protein import.  相似文献   

Transport of isoprenoid intermediates across chloroplast envelope membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The common precursor for isoprenoid biosynthesis in plants, isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP), is synthesized by two pathways, the cytosolic mevalonate pathway and the plastidic 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate/methylerythritol phosphate (DOXP/MEP) pathway. The DOXP/MEP pathway leads to the formation of various phosphorylated intermediates, including DOXP, 4-hydroxy-3-methylbutenyl diphosphate (HMBPP), and finally IPP. There is ample evidence for metabolic cross-talk between the two biosynthetic pathways. The present study addresses the question whether isoprenoid intermediates could be exchanged between both compartments by members of the plastidic phosphate translocator (PT) family that all mediate a counter-exchange between inorganic phosphate and various phosphorylated compounds. Transport experiments using intact chloroplasts, liposomes containing reconstituted envelope membrane proteins or recombinant PT proteins showed that HMBPP is not exchanged between the cytosol and the chloroplasts and that the transport of DOXP is preferentially mediated by the recently discovered plastidic transporter for pentose phosphates, the xylulose 5-phosphate translocator. Evidence is presented that transport of IPP does not proceed via the plastidic PTs although IPP transport is strictly dependent on various phosphorylated compounds on the opposite side of the membrane. These phosphorylated trans compounds are, in part, also used as counter-substrates by the plastidic PTs but appear to only trans activate IPP transport without being transported.  相似文献   

Ferrous ion transport across chloroplast inner envelope membranes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The initial rate of Fe(2+) movement across the inner envelope membrane of pea (Pisum sativum) chloroplasts was directly measured by stopped-flow spectrofluorometry using membrane vesicles loaded with the Fe(2+)-sensitive fluorophore, Phen Green SK. The rate of Fe(2+) transport was rapid, coming to equilibrium within 3s. The maximal rate and concentration dependence of Fe(2+) transport in predominantly right-side-out vesicles were nearly equivalent to those measured in largely inside-out vesicles. Fe(2+) transport was stimulated by an inwardly directed electrochemical proton gradient across right-side-out vesicles, an effect that was diminished by the addition of valinomycin in the presence of K(+). Fe(2+) transport was inhibited by Zn(2+), in a competitive manner, as well as by Cu(2+) and Mn(2+). These results indicate that inward-directed Fe(2+) transport across the chloroplast inner envelope occurs by a potential-stimulated uniport mechanism.  相似文献   

A system has been developed for the import in vitro of precursor proteins into Euglena chloroplasts, which have three envelope membranes. Preparation of functional chloroplasts with intact envelope membranes has been optimized. Import of the precursor (50 kDa) for the tetrapyrrole biosynthesis enzyme porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD), and processing to the mature size (40 kDa), occurred at 25 degrees C in the light and the presence of ATP, with an estimated efficiency of 62%. Pretreatment of the chloroplasts with proteases abolished this import, suggesting the involvement of specific protein receptors. The presequence of PBGD was found to be cleaved by Escherichia coli leader peptidase to an intermediate form (46 kDa). A construct in which the first 30 residues of the presequence (presumed to be the region removed by leader peptidase) had been deleted was no longer imported. Neither prePBGD nor the truncated precursor were imported into pea chloroplasts, although both bound to the pea chloroplast envelope. Conversely, a chimeric construct, in which the mature PBGD protein was fused downstream of the transit peptide for pea ferredoxin-NADP reductase, was efficiently imported into pea chloroplasts and processed to the mature size. However, this was not imported into Euglena chloroplasts, although again it bound to them. These results provide preliminary evidence for the possibility of two functional domains within the Euglena PBGD presequence. The implications of these findings with respect to the evolution of Euglena chloroplasts are discussed.  相似文献   

The development and maintenance of chloroplasts relies on the contribution of protein subunits from both plastid and nuclear genomes. Most chloroplast proteins are encoded by nuclear genes and are post-translationally imported into the organelle across the double membrane of the chloroplast envelope. Protein import into the chloroplast consists of two essential elements: the specific recognition of the targeting signals (transit sequences) of cytoplasmic preproteins by receptors at the outer envelope membrane and the subsequent translocation of preproteins simultaneously across the double membrane of the envelope. These processes are mediated via the co-ordinate action of protein translocon complexes in the outer (Toc apparatus) and inner (Tic apparatus) envelope membranes.  相似文献   

The transverse distribution of chloroplast cytochromes b-559 (high and low potentials), b-563 and f in pea thylakoid membranes was studied by the effects of trypsin and pronase on inside-out and right-side-out thylakoid vesicles. The high potential (HP) form of cytochrome b-559 was degraded to a low potential (LP) form most rapidly in right-side-out vesicles. In either type of vesicle there was no overall loss of the cytochrome from the membrane. This suggests that the haem group is buried in the membrane but that the cytochrome environment is most labile at the outer surface. Cytochrome b-563 was unaffected by trypsin and only slightly degraded by pronase in inverted vesicles. However, pronase caused the loss of an Mr 1000, non-haem fraction from the cytochrome f polypeptide in inside-out vesices only. The total cytochrome f content (measured spectrophotometrically and by staining polyacrylamide gels for haem associated peroxidase activity) decayed only slightly in either type of vesicle. These observations suggest that cytochrome f is, in part, exposed to the intrathylakoid lumen, whilst its haem group is retained in a more hydrophobic region.  相似文献   

Comparing with other angiosperms, most members within the family Orchidaceae have lower photosynthetic capacities. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Cypripedium and Paphiopedilum are closely related phylogenetically in Orchidaceae, but their photosynthetic performances are different. We explored the roles of internal anatomy and diffusional conductance in determining photosynthesis in three Cypripedium and three Paphiopedilum species, and quantitatively analyzed their diffusional and biochemical limitations to photosynthesis. Paphiopedilum species showed lower light-saturated photosynthetic rate (A N), stomatal conductance (g s), and mesophyll conductance (g m) than Cypripedium species. A N was positively correlated with g s and g m. And yet, in both species A N was more strongly limited by g m than by biochemical factors or g s. The greater g s of Cypripedium was mainly affected by larger stomatal apparatus area and smaller pore depth, while the less g m of Paphiopedilum was determined by the reduced surface area of mesophyll cells and chloroplasts exposed to intercellular airspace per unit of leaf area, and much thicker cell wall thickness. These results suggest that leaf anatomical structure is the key factor affecting g m, which is largely responsible for the difference in photosynthetic capacity between those two genera. Our findings provide new insight into the photosynthetic physiology and functional diversification of orchids.  相似文献   

Cytosolically synthesized thylakoid proteins must be translocated across the chloroplast envelope membranes, traverse the stroma, and then be translocated into or across the thylakoid membrane. Protein transport across the envelope requires ATP hydrolysis but not electrical or proton gradients. The energy requirements for the thylakoid translocation step were studied here for the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP), an integral membrane protein, and for several thylakoid lumen-resident proteins: plastocyanin and OE33, OE23, and OE17 (the 33-, 23-, and 17-kDa subunits of the oxygen-evolving complex, respectively). Dissipation of the thylakoid protonmotive force during an in organello protein import assay partially inhibited the thylakoid localization of LHCP and OE33, totally inhibited localization of OE23 and OE17, and had no effect on localization of plastocyanin. We used reconstitution assays for LHCP insertion and for OE23 and OE17 transport into isolated thylakoids to investigate the energy requirements in detail. The results indicated that LHCP insertion absolutely requires ATP hydrolysis and is enhanced by a transthylakoid delta pH and that transport of OE23 and OE17 is absolutely dependent upon a delta pH. Surprisingly, OE23 and OE17 transport occurred maximally in the complete absence of ATP. These results establish the thylakoid membrane as the only membrane system in which a delta pH can provide all of the energy required to translocate proteins across the bilayer. They also demonstrate that the energy requirements for integration into or translocation across the thylakoid membranes are protein-specific.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll biosynthesis requires a metabolic dialog between the chloroplast envelope and thylakoids where biosynthetic activities are localized. Here, we report the first plant S-adenosyl-l-methionine:Mg-protoporphyrin IX methyltransferase (MgP(IX)MT) sequence identified in the Arabidopsis genome owing to its similarity with the Synechocystis sp. MgP(IX)MT gene. After expression in Escherichia coli, the recombinant Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA was shown to encode a protein having MgP(IX)MT activity. The full-length polypeptide exhibits a chloroplast transit peptide that is processed during import into the chloroplast. The mature protein contains two functional regions. The C-terminal part aligns with the Synechocystis full-length protein. The corresponding truncated region binds to Ado-met, as assayed by UV crosslinking, and is shown to harbor the MgP(IX)MT activity. Downstream of the cleaved transit peptide, the 40 N-terminal amino acids of the mature protein are very hydrophobic and enhance the association of the protein with the membrane. In A. thaliana and spinach, the MgP(IX)MT protein has a dual localization in chloroplast envelope membranes as well as in thylakoids. The protein is active in each membrane and has the same apparent size corresponding to the processed mature protein. The protein is very likely a monotopic membrane protein embedded within one leaflet of the membrane as indicated by ionic and alkaline extraction of each membrane. The rationale for a dual localization of the protein in the chloroplast is discussed.  相似文献   

Envelope- and stroma-free thylakoid membranes of Vicia faba chloroplasts were disintegrated and the electrophoretic behavior of the components studied with special regard to the pigment-protein complexes. The process of denaturation of the complexes was found to differ with respect to the other protein components. As the result of denaturation, the pigment-free protein moieties exhibit altered electrophoretic mobilities in relation to the “intact” complexes mainly conditioned by two processes contrary in their action, i.e. increase of charge and change of the hydrodynamic properties.Exhaustive extraction of the thylakoid membranes with 6 M guanidine · HCl removes the proteins mainly associated by polar and weak hydropobic interactions. The insoluble residue quantitatively exhibits the pigment-protein complexes including their denatured protein moieties, two extrinsic hydrophobic proteins as well as some protein traces. Electron-microscopic studies demonstrate the material still to have a high degree of order and preserved basic structure. After removing the lipids from the basic membrane, large amounts of the protein moiety of Complex II become soluble in guanidine · HCl. Since all other lamellar proteins are removable either by guanidine · HCl extraction or by trypsin digestion it is assumed the basic membrane of thylakoid to consist only of the pigment-protein complexes embedded into a lipid matrix.  相似文献   

Thylakoid membranes from cucumbers and peas have been examined by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. Data was collected during both heating and subsequent cooling scans in order to observe reversibility. Cucumber thylakoids exhibited almost no reversibility; a very small reversible exothermic peak was observed at approximately 12 degrees C in cooling scans. However, thylakoids from peas had reversible transitions at 50 and 68 degrees C, as well as other transitions which were visible as shoulders in a second heating scan. When pea grana thylakoids were unstacked, the high temperature transitions were sharpened and their reversibility was enhanced. This is the first report of chloroplast thylakoid membranes exhibiting reversible high temperature transitions. The results indicate that considerable variation can occur in the calorimetric profiles of thylakoids from different plants.  相似文献   

During thylakoid transport of the chimeric precursor protein 16/23 which takes place by the twin arginine translocation (TAT) (Deltaph)-dependent pathway, two distinct translocation intermediates can be identified which represent successive steps in the translocation process. Both intermediates are partially inserted into the thylakoid membrane and can be distinguished by specific degradation fragments occurring after thermolysin treatment of the thylakoids. While the formation of the early translocation intermediate does not depend on a functional TAT translocation machinery, the appearance of the late intermediate is strictly coupled to the Deltaph-dependent transport of the 16/23 chimera. Accordingly, this translocation intermediate is found associated with two distinct complexes in the thylakoid membrane having apparent molecular masses of approximately 560 and 620 kDa, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of tentoxin on the ATPase activities of coupling factor 1 proteins (CF1) and photophosphorylation with isolated chloroplasts and chloroplasts reconstituted with coupling factor proteins have been examined. 1. The calcium-dependent ATPase activities of coupling factors isolated from spinach, lettuce and Nicotiana otophora are completely inhibited by tentoxin. The ATPase activities of coupling factors isolated from Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana knightiana are not affected by tentoxin. 2. Phenazine methosulfate-catalyzed cyclic photophosphorylation with chloroplasts isolated from spinach, lettuce and N. otophora is completely inhibited by tentoxin, whereas chloroplasts isolated from N. knightiana and N. tabacum are relatively insensitive to tentoxin. 3. Spinach chloroplasts, partially depleted in CF1, can be reconstituted with coupling factors isolated from a wide variety of plants including lettuce, radish, N. tabacum, N. knightiana and N. otophora. 4. Spinach chloroplasts reconstituted with spinach, lettuce and N. otophora CF1 retain their sensitivity to tentoxin; however, when reconstituted with N. knightiana and N. tabacum coupling factor proteins, a significant fraction of the reconstituted rate remains tentoxin insensitive. These data are interpreted as evidence that coupling factors that reconstitute with spinach thylakoid membranes have both a catalytic and structural function.  相似文献   

The uptake of radioactively labeled dicarboxylates into the sorbitol-impermeable 3H2O space (the space surrounded by the inner envelope membrane) of spinach chloroplasts has been studied by means of silicone layer filtering centrifugation. 1. Malate, aspartate and a number of other dicarboxylates are rapidly transported across the envelope leading to an accumulation in the chloroplasts. This uptake proceeds mainly by a counterexchange with the dicarboxylates present there. 2. The dicarboxylate transport shows saturation characteristics allowing the determination of Km and V. 3. All dicarboxylates transported act as competitive inhibitors of the transport. 4. The activation energy of the transport as determined from the temperature dependency is evaluated to be 7 kcal/mol. 5. The rate of dicarboxylate transport is influenced by illumination, the countertransported molecules and the pH in the medium. These changes effect the transport velocity, whereas the corresponding Km values are not altered. 6. It is discussed whether there is more than one carrier involved in dicarboxylate transport in spinach chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Chloroplast thylakoids with attached ribosomes were isolated from Chlamydomonas reinhardti. They were allowed to incorporate labeled amino acids into polypeptides. Labeled membranes were recovered from the reaction mixture, and a portion was treated with puromycin. The amount of labeled polypeptides released to the medium, and to the membranes by puromycin was determined by comparing radioactivity in soluble protein before, and after untreated, and puromycin-treated membranes were solubilized with the detergent Nonidet P-40. About 20% of the radioactive protein associated with the membranes was in nascent chains which were terminated by puromycin. Essentially all of terminated nascent chains remained with the membranes, and thus, were vectorially released. The results support the hypothesis that polypeptides which are synthesized by thylakoid-bound ribosomes are being incorporated into the membranes as they are synthesized.  相似文献   

Subcellular organelles in eukaryotes are surrounded by lipid membranes.In an endomembrane system,vesicle trafficking is the primary mechanism for the delivery of organellar proteins to specific organelles.However,organellar proteins for chloroplasts,mitochondria,the nucleus,and peroxisomes that are translated in the cytosol are directly imported into their target organelles.Chloroplasts are a plant-specific organelle with outer and inner envelope membranes,a dual-membrane structure that is simil...  相似文献   

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