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He Y  Dong W J  Guo X Y  Dan L 《农业工程》2007,27(12):5086-5092
The characteristics of terrestrial growth in China and its relationship with various climatic factors (e.g. temperature, precipitation and radiation) were investigated by using the data collected with the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). These data were collected once every 8 days during 2000–2003 and then again in 2005. The average annual gross primary production (GPP) in China during this period ranged from 0 to 3252.6 gC·m?2·a?1 with an average value of 491.1 gC·m?2·a?1. The maximum GPP values were observed over the regions of Yunnan, Hainan and Taiwan, and the southeast coastal areas, while the minimum values were observed in the cold and arid regions of the Tibetan Plateau, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia. Correlation analysis showed that temperature was the primary factor influencing this terrestrial growth, while precipitation played a secondary role. However, only the terrestrial growth that occurred in southern China was affected by radiation. The correlation coefficients of GPP with temperature and precipitation decreased from northern to southern China and were negatively correlated with the distribution of the associated climatic factors within China. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient of GPP with cloud contents was observed to increase from northern to southern China.  相似文献   

基于MODIS的中国陆地植被生长及其与气候的关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
何勇  董文杰  郭晓寅  丹利 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5086-5092
基于MODIS2000~2005(缺2004年)5a每8d的GPP资料,分析了中国陆地植被生长特征,讨论了我国气候因子(温度、降水以及辐射)对同期植被生长的影响。研究结果显示,中国陆地植被的年均GPP分布范围在0~3252.6gC.m-.2a-1之间,5a平均值为491.1gC.m-.2a-1;年均GPP最大的地方主要分布于云南南部、海南、台湾以及东南沿海部分地区,最小值主要出现在青藏高原、新疆以及内蒙古西部等高寒、干旱地区。温度是影响同期我国陆地植被生长的主要因子,其次为降水,辐射对我国陆地植被的影响比较小,主要影响区域在华南地区。陆地植被GPP与温度和降水的相关系数在我国表现为自北向南逐渐减小的分布特征,与对应气候因子的分布呈反向关系;而GPP与云量的相关系数则自北向南逐渐增大。  相似文献   

基于MODIS数据的三北防护林工程区植被覆盖度提取与分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以像元二分模型为基础,构建了基于归一化植被指数(NDVI)的植被覆盖度定量估算模型,并利用MODIS-NDVI时间序列数据,估算了三北防护林工程区2001年8月和2007年8月的植被覆盖度,分析了三北防护林工程区植被覆盖度的时空变化特征.结果表明:2001-2007年三北防护林工程区植被覆盖度变化较为明显,平均覆盖度增加了2.07%,其中吉林、山西、陕西和宁夏四省变化幅度最为显著,增加幅度分别达到27.37%、14.12%、9.29%和9.22%.研究区植被覆盖度增加的主要自然原因是降雨量的增加,主要人为原因是人们环境意识的提高以及国家实施的封山育林、退耕还林还草等一系列生态保护政策,特别是三北防护林体系建设工程.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the global pattern of the net primary production (NPP)/gross primary production (GPP) ratio of the Earth's land area along geographical and climatic gradients. Location The global planetary ecosystem. Methods The 4‐year average annual NPP/GPP ratio of the Earth's land area was calculated using 2000–03 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. The global pattern of the NPP/GPP ratio was investigated by comparing it among each typical terrestrial ecosystem and plotting it along a geographical and climatic gradient, including latitude, altitude, temperature and precipitation. Results The global terrestrial ecosystem had an average NPP/GPP ratio value of 0.52 with minor variation from 2000 to 2003. However, the NPP/GPP ratio showed considerable spatial variation associated with ecosystem type, geographical location and climate. Densely vegetated ecosystems had a lower NPP/GPP ratio than sparsely vegetated ecosystems. Forest ecosystems had a lower NPP/GPP ratio than shrub and herbaceous ecosystems. Geographically, the NPP/GPP ratio increased with altitude. In the Southern Hemisphere, the NPP/GPP ratio decreased along latitude from 30° to 10° and it exhibited high fluctuation in the Northern Hemisphere. Climatically, the NPP/GPP ratio exhibited a decreasing trend along enhanced precipitation when it was less than 2300 mm year?1 and a static trend when the annual precipitation was over 2300 mm. The NPP/GPP ratio showed a decreasing trend along temperature when it was between –20 °C and 10 °C, and showed an increasing trend along rising temperature when it was between –10 °C and 20 °C. Within each ecosystem, the NPP/GPP ratio revealed a similar trend to the global trend along temperature and precipitation. Conclusions The NPP/GPP ratio exhibited a pattern depending on the main climatic characteristics such as temperature and precipitation and geographical factors such as latitude and altitude. The findings of this research challenge the widely held assumption that the NPP/GPP ratio is consistent regardless of ecosystem type.  相似文献   

基于MODIS的海河流域生态系统空间格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以2007年23时相MODIS增强型植被指数为数据源,利用决策树分类方法对海河流域生态系统进行了分类,分析了生态系统空间分布格局及其与地形因子的关系。结果表明:利用MODIS植被指数时间序列数据进行的生态系统分类,精度达到85.6%,Kappa系数为0.82。农田、城市和湿地生态系统分别占流域总面积的53.8%、1.0%和1.3%,主要分布在海拔<200 m的平原;森林生态系统占22.5%,主要分布在500~1000 m的低山;草地生态系统占21.4%,主要分布在1000 m以上的区域。农田、城市和湿地生态系统主要分布在坡度<2°的地区,森林和草地生态系统主要分布在5°~15°的地区。随着坡度增加,农田、湿地和城市生态系统所占比例减小,森林生态系统所占比例增加,草地生态系统所占比例则先增加后减小。  相似文献   

易扬  胡昕利  史明昌  康宏樟  王彬  张辰  刘春江 《生态学报》2021,41(19):7796-7807
基于1999-2015年的MODIS NDVI时间序列遥感数据,应用趋势分析、变异系数、重标极差分析和偏相关分析等方法,分析了长江中游的植被时空变化特征及其与气象因子的关系。结果表明,长江中游地区NDVI均值总体上呈上升趋势(从0.72增加到0.80)。从空间分布来看,NDVI低值区域(0.1-0.5)占1.40%,高值区域(>0.7)占87.15%;NDVI空间格局呈"西高东低、北高南低"的分布特征,低值区域表现为以三省省会城市为中心向外辐射。Hurst指数显示,研究区大部分区域(60.54%)的NDVI变化趋势具有不确定性,持续性改善区域(34.78%)主要分布在西部山地区,持续性退化区域(3.26%)主要分布在人类活动频繁的较发达城市区域。在年际尺度上,研究区NDVI与各气象因子关系均不显著;月际尺度上,NDVI与降水、相对湿度和日照时数显著相关,降水和日照时数有明显的时滞性。区域内NDVI动态趋势以不确定性发展为主,城市群周边NDVI呈现持续退化的区域应该引起关注。  相似文献   

董丽洁  王晓利  桂峰  侯西勇 《生态学报》2024,44(14):6097-6110
海陆温差是海-陆间热力对比的重要表征,对区域乃至全球气候产生重要影响。研究基于2001-2021年中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)遥感数据,研究了中国东部地区地表温度、海表温度以及海陆温差的时空变化及区域差异特征。结果表明:2001-2021年中国东部地区地表温度和海表温度均呈显著上升趋势,上升幅度分别为0.34 ℃/10a和0.32 ℃/10a;夜间地表温度和海表温度的上升态势更突出;各季节中,冬季地表温度和夏季海表温度增幅最大,分别达0.45 ℃/10a和0.43 ℃/10a(P<0.05);空间上,中国东部地表温度总体呈南高北低的格局特征, 海表温度则表现出从东北向西南递增、近岸低于远岸的特征。研究时段内,中国东部地区海陆温差通常为负值,海表温度总体高于地表温度,且离海岸线越近的缓冲区范围内海陆温差越小;100 km、200 km和300 km缓冲区范围内年际海陆温差总体呈减小趋势,其中100 km缓冲区范围内的降幅最大;各季节中,春季和冬季海陆温差呈减小趋势,夏季和秋季的呈增大趋势;空间上,以30°N为界,以北和以南区域的海陆温差分别呈减小和增大趋势。  相似文献   

Grassland monitoring is important for both global change research and regional sustainable development. Gross primary production (GPP) is one of the key factors for understanding grass growing conditions. Methods for estimating GPP are plentiful, and the light use efficiency (LUE) model based on remote sensing data is widely used. The MODIS GPP product, which is employed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is calculated using the LUE model and the surface reflection data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer onboard the Terra/Aqua satellite. The MODIS GPP product harbors its own uncertainties arising from the sources and parameters, such as FPAR and light use efficiency (ɛ). In this study, we propose an improved indicator for monitoring grassland based on MODIS GPP and NDVI data. Fractional vegetation coverage and the percentage of grass area (1 km2) were used to reduce the mixed pixel effect. A function of NDVI was used to simulate the light use efficiency and FPAR. The modified GPP data were calculated and validated with in situ measured data from the Sichuan province, China, 2011. The results indicated that the modified GPP data were a more accurate indicator for monitoring grassland than previous indicators, and the precision of grass production simulated by SsGPPndvi reached 85.6%. Spatial statistic results were consistent with the practical condition in most cases. Since MODIS data are available twice a day, the improved indicator can meet the actual requirement of grassland monitoring at regional scale.  相似文献   

了解草地退化的分布、特征、变化趋势及持续性,揭示草地退化机理,可为有效管理和保护草地提供重要的科学依据。本研究选择草地覆盖度作为草地退化的遥感监测指标,建立了草地退化遥感监测和评价指标体系,对青藏高原草地退化现状(2016—2020年)进行了评价,利用线性回归和Hurst指数分析了长时间序列尺度上(1982—2020年)草地覆盖度变化的趋势及持续性,并且基于草地覆盖度与气候因子的偏相关分析,研究了气候因子对草地退化的影响。结果表明: 2016—2020年,平均草地退化面积达24.3%,主要表现为轻度退化和中度退化,主要分布在低海拔和高植被覆盖地区。1982—2020年,草地覆盖度在青藏高原北部、西部和西南部地区呈增加趋势,在东部和中部地区呈减少趋势。98.1%的地区草地覆盖度的Hurst指数小于0.5,草地覆盖度变化表现出反持续性。草地覆盖度与降水量的偏相关系数(0.096)整体高于其与温度的偏相关系数(-0.033),温度占主导地位的面积占比为16.0%,主要分布在青藏高原的中部和东南部,降水量占主导地位的面积占比为12.2%,主要分布在青藏高原东北部和西部。  相似文献   

基于MODIS时序数据的黑龙江流域火烧迹地提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨伟  张树文  姜晓丽 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5866-5873
火烧迹地信息是研究火灾的重要参数和基础数据,也是研究全球生态系统和碳循环扰动的重要依据之一。以受森林火灾影响较为严重的黑龙江流域为研究区,以MODIS时间序列数据为数据源建立了一个分为两阶段的火烧基地提取算法(即首先设定较为严格的提取条件对最有可能发生火灾的像元——核心像元进行提取,然后设定较为宽松的阈值提取距离核心像元一定范围内的火烧像元),对2000—2011年的火烧迹地信息进行了提取,生成了研究区长时间序列火烧迹地分布图,并对其时空分布特征进行了分析。选择黑龙江省为典型验证区对算法精度进行了验证,结果显示算法的整体精度较之以往的算法有了一定程度的提高。  相似文献   

The Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM) was used to simulate the gross primary productivities (GPP) of the alpine meadow ecosystem in the northern Tibet Plateau at three different spatial resolutions of 0.5 km, 1.5 km and 2.5 km, respectively. The linear relationships between enhanced vegetation indices (EVI) and GPP, with higher correlative coefficients, were better than those between normalized difference vegetation indices (NDVI) and GPP at the three resolutions. VPM could well simulate the seasonal changes and inter-annual variations of GPP, with similar trends at the three resolutions. There were significant differences (P < 0.0001) among the three modeled GPP with the three resolutions. Therefore, the modeled GPP at high resolution could not be directly extrapolated to low resolution, and vice versa. The contribution levels of different model parameters, including photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (Ta), NDVI, EVI and land surface water indices (LSWI), to modeled GPP could vary with spatial resolution based on multiple stepwise linear regression analysis. This indicated that it was important to choose parameters properly and consider their effects on modeled GPP.  相似文献   

Fu G  Shen Z X  Zhang X Z  You S C  Wu J S  Shi P L 《农业工程》2010,30(5):264-269
The Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM) was used to simulate the gross primary productivities (GPP) of the alpine meadow ecosystem in the northern Tibet Plateau at three different spatial resolutions of 0.5 km, 1.5 km and 2.5 km, respectively. The linear relationships between enhanced vegetation indices (EVI) and GPP, with higher correlative coefficients, were better than those between normalized difference vegetation indices (NDVI) and GPP at the three resolutions. VPM could well simulate the seasonal changes and inter-annual variations of GPP, with similar trends at the three resolutions. There were significant differences (P < 0.0001) among the three modeled GPP with the three resolutions. Therefore, the modeled GPP at high resolution could not be directly extrapolated to low resolution, and vice versa. The contribution levels of different model parameters, including photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (Ta), NDVI, EVI and land surface water indices (LSWI), to modeled GPP could vary with spatial resolution based on multiple stepwise linear regression analysis. This indicated that it was important to choose parameters properly and consider their effects on modeled GPP.  相似文献   

Predictions of species responses to climate change often focus on distribution shifts, although responses can also include shifts in body sizes and population demographics. Here, shifts in the distributional ranges (‘climate space’), body sizes (as maximum theoretical body sizes, L∞) and growth rates (as rate at which L∞ is reached, K) were predicted for five fishes of the Cyprinidae family in a temperate region over eight climate change projections. Great Britain was the model area, and the model species were Rutilus rutilus, Leuciscus leuciscus, Squalius cephalus, Gobio gobio and Abramis brama. Ensemble models predicted that the species' climate spaces would shift in all modelled projections, with the most drastic changes occurring under high emissions; all range centroids shifted in a north‐westerly direction. Predicted climate space expanded for R. rutilus and A. brama, contracted for S. cephalus, and for L. leuciscus and G. gobio, expanded under low‐emission scenarios but contracted under high emissions, suggesting the presence of some climate‐distribution thresholds. For R. rutilus, A. brama, S. cephalus and G. gobio, shifts in their climate space were coupled with predicted shifts to significantly smaller maximum body sizes and/or faster growth rates, aligning strongly to aspects of temperature‐body size theory. These predicted shifts in L∞ and K had considerable consequences for size‐at‐age per species, suggesting substantial alterations in population age structures and abundances. Thus, when predicting climate change outcomes for species, outputs that couple shifts in climate space with altered body sizes and growth rates provide considerable insights into the population and community consequences, especially for species that cannot easily track their thermal niches.  相似文献   

The interest in national terrestrial ecosystem carbon budgets has been increasing because the Kyoto Protocol has included some terrestrial carbon sinks in a legally binding framework for controlling greenhouse gases emissions. Accurate quantification of the terrestrial carbon sink must account the interannual variations associated with climate variability and change. This study used a process‐based biogeochemical model and a remote sensing‐based production efficiency model to estimate the variations in net primary production (NPP), soil heterotrophic respiration (HR), and net ecosystem production (NEP) caused by climate variability and atmospheric CO2 increases in China during the period 1981–2000. The results show that China's terrestrial NPP varied between 2.86 and 3.37 Gt C yr?1 with a growth rate of 0.32% year?1 and HR varied between 2.89 and 3.21 Gt C yr?1 with a growth rate of 0.40% year?1 in the period 1981–1998. Whereas the increases in HR were related mainly to warming, the increases in NPP were attributed to increases in precipitation and atmospheric CO2. Net ecosystem production (NEP) varied between ?0.32 and 0.25 Gt C yr?1 with a mean value of 0.07 Gt C yr?1, leading to carbon accumulation of 0.79 Gt in vegetation and 0.43 Gt in soils during the period. To the interannual variations in NEP changes in NPP contributed more than HR in arid northern China but less in moist southern China. NEP had no a statistically significant trend, but the mean annual NEP for the 1990s was lower than for the 1980s as the increases in NEP in southern China were offset by the decreases in northern China. These estimates indicate that China's terrestrial ecosystems were taking up carbon but the capacity was undermined by the ongoing climate change. The estimated NEP related to climate variation and atmospheric CO2 increases may account for from 40 to 80% to the total terrestrial carbon sink in China.  相似文献   

气候变化背景下华北地区冬小麦生育期的变化特征   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
以21世纪初近10年的冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)生育期调研数据和气象站点数据为基础, 利用“多元逐步回归分析+残差插值”方法, 绘制了2000年后华北地区冬小麦生育期等值线图, 通过研究两个时期(1971-1980年和21世纪初近10年)华北地区气候资源及冬小麦生育期的变化, 探讨了气候变化对华北地区冬小麦生育期的影响。结果表明: (1)华北地区北部年均气温及≥10 ℃积温增加显著, 但降水减少, 暖干趋势明显, 中部和南部年平均气温和≥10 ℃积温也呈现增加趋势, 但降水增多, 日照下降, 出现暖湿趋势; (2)除南部江苏、安徽两省冬小麦播种期无明显变化外, 华北地区冬小麦播种期普遍推迟, 一般在7-10天; 冬小麦返青期变化较为复杂, 西部地区的冬小麦返青期推迟2-10天, 而东南部的山东、安徽及江苏地区冬小麦返青期明显提前, 一般在5-7天; 华北地区冬小麦的拔节期提前, 北部地区幅度较大, 为5-10天; 冬小麦抽穗期推迟明显, 以华北中部和北部最为明显, 为10-15天; 除华北南部胶东半岛外, 华北大部分地区冬小麦成熟期推迟, 一般在5-10天; (3)气候要素的波动是引起华北地区冬小麦生育期变化的主要原因: 日照时数与冬小麦返青期和拔节期呈显著相关, 日照时数减少, 冬小麦返青期和拔节期提前, 而受年平均气温升高的影响, 冬小麦抽穗期有所推迟, 积温的增加对冬小麦成熟期有推迟作用, 同时降水对冬小麦生长的拔节和抽穗有促进作用。  相似文献   

王军邦  杨屹涵  左婵  顾峰雪  何洪林 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7085-7099
总初级生产力(GPP)是生态系统植被光合作用生成有机物的能力表征,是生态系统服务功能的基础,关系到区域社会经济可持续发展及区域生态安全。基于生态系统过程模型CEVSA2,应用中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)卫星遥感的叶面积指数数据产品(MCD15A2H),以强迫法构建了遥感数据驱动的模型新版本——CEVSA-RS;基于CEVSA-RS模拟分析了气候变化和人类活动对中国陆地生态系统GPP时空变化的相对影响,从气候潜在总初级生产力(GPPCL)和现实总初级生产力(GPPRS)的大小和趋势两方面厘定了人类活动影响。2000至2017年全国平均潜在GPP(1016.36 gC m-2a-1)略高于对应现实GPP(962.85 gC m-2a-1),但存在明显的空间分异:长江以南大部、秦岭、太行山脉以东以及大兴安岭以东和长白山地区等森林植被覆盖区,现实GPP高于潜在GPP;而西部草地及灌丛等地区现实GPP低于潜在GPP。全国GPP呈显著增加趋势(P<0.05)...  相似文献   

黄土高原半干旱区气候变化及其对马铃薯生长发育的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基于黄土高原半干旱区1988-2008年马铃薯生长发育定位观测资料、2007-2008年加密观测和1957-2008年地面气象观测资料,研究了气候变化对马铃薯生长发育的影响.结果表明:1957-2008年,研究区年降水量呈下降趋势,降水量变化曲线线性拟合倾向率为-13.359 mm·(10 a)-1;年均气温呈上升趋势,年均气温变化曲线线性拟合倾向率为0.239 ℃·(10 a)-1;作物生长季干燥指数呈显著上升趋势,干燥指数变化曲线线性拟合倾向率为0.102 ·(10 a)-1.从播种后第96 天开始,马铃薯块茎由缓慢生长转为迅速生长,在播种后第110天,马铃薯块茎的生长速度达最大;从播种后第124 天开始,马铃薯块茎从迅速生长又转为缓慢生长.从播种至出苗期的间隔日数为每10年缩短1~2 d,花序形成至采收期和全生育期的间隔日数均为每10年延长9~10 d.气候变暖导致马铃薯生育前期的营养生长阶段缩短以及生殖生长阶段和全生育期延长.  相似文献   

芦苇作为湿地生态系统中重要的群落类型,其地上生物量是衡量湿地生态系统质量的关键指标。应用面向对象的土地覆盖分类技术,基于多季相Landsat8 OLI遥感数据,提取松嫩平原西部芦苇湿地分布信息;依托野外实测芦苇地上生物量数据(AGB)和同期MODIS数据源的NDVI、EVI、RVI、MSAVI和WDVI 5种光谱植被指数,探讨不同光谱植被指数对芦苇AGB的敏感性,进而构建松嫩平原西部芦苇AGB遥感估算最优模型,并进行芦苇AGB遥感反演及空间格局分析。结果表明:2014年松嫩平原西部地区芦苇总面积为1653 km~2,其中扎龙湿地自然保护区内芦苇分布面积最大(1178km~2),占区域芦苇总面积的71.3%;所选取的5种植被指数均与芦苇AGB呈极显著正相关(P0.01),基于EVI构建的指数曲线模型为松嫩平原西部芦苇AGB反演的最优模型(R2=0.55)。研究区芦苇平均AGB为372.1g/m~2,AGB总量为6.14×105t,其中扎龙湿地自然保护区内芦苇AGB总量为4.38×105t;各保护区芦苇平均AGB由大到小依次为:向海保护区(469.7 g/m~2)大布苏保护区(454.1 g/m~2)莫莫格保护区(373.0 g/m~2)扎龙保护区(372.4 g/m~2)查干湖保护区(369.8 g/m~2);松嫩平原西部芦苇AGB总体呈现南高北低的分布格局,将为湿地生态系统管理与保护及芦苇资源的合理利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Pollen data collected with a Hirst spore-trap from 1981 to 1988 are presented and related to flora, vegetation and climate of the city of Turin. A comparison of vegetational and aerosporological data collected in other European cities show that, from this point of view, Turin is more similar to the Central-European area than to the Mediterranean one.  相似文献   

阿尔泰山的北方森林是中亚以及全球的生态系统的重要组成部分, 其生长动态可以影响到全球范围的热辐射、碳平衡等。因此, 探究影响阿尔泰山树木径向生长的主要因素至关重要。该研究以新疆喀纳斯国家级自然保护区的西伯利亚五针松(Pinus sibirica)为研究对象, 建立西伯利亚五针松年表, 通过分析不同时间间隔累年生长量、竞争指数以及气候因子之间的关系, 运用线性混合效应模型、相关分析等方法, 探究竞争和气候对新疆阿尔泰山西伯利亚五针松树木径向生长的影响。结果表明: (1)线性混合效应模型结果显示竞争树胸径和与西伯利亚五针松过去30年的累年生长量之间的拟合效果最好; (2)标准年表与3月的平均气温、平均最高气温、平均最低气温之间有显著正相关关系; (3)累年生长量最高值出现在气温0-5 ℃, 竞争指数低于100的时候。累年生长量最低时, 气温达到-10 ℃, 竞争指数也超过了300。目标树的树木径向生长受到竞争树胸径和及生长季前期气温的影响, 两者共同作用。但相较于气候因子而言, 竞争对西伯利亚五针松的树木径向生长有更大的影响作用。  相似文献   

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