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A case of a four-year-old boy from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, with a probable Lábrea hepatitis is reported. He ran a rapid course of fever, jaundice, abdominal pain, agitation, coma and death. Histologically, the liver presented widespread hepatic cell lytic and coagulative necrosis, acute fatty changes, mononuclear cell infiltration and cholestasis. The study of the case raises the question whether Lábrea hepatitis can occur outside the Amazonian region, or else its clinico-pathological features lack specificity.  相似文献   

The alleles that are detrimental to health, especially in older age, are thought to persist in populations because they also confer some benefits for individuals (through antagonistic pleiotropy). The ApoE4 allele at the ApoE locus, encoding apolipoprotein E (ApoE), significantly increases risk of poor health, and yet it is present in many populations at relatively high frequencies. Why has it not been replaced by natural selection with the health-beneficial ApoE3 allele? ApoE is a major supplier of cholesterol precursor for the production of ovarian oestrogen and progesterone, thus ApoE has been suggested as the potential candidate gene that may cause variation in reproductive performance. Our results support this hypothesis showing that in 117 regularly menstruating women those with genotypes with at least one ApoE4 allele had significantly higher levels of mean luteal progesterone (144.21 pmol l−1) than women with genotypes without ApoE4 (120.49 pmol l−1), which indicates higher potential fertility. The hormonal profiles were based on daily data for entire menstrual cycles. We suggest that the finding of higher progesterone in women with ApoE4 allele could provide first strong evidence for an evolutionary mechanism of maintaining the ancestral and health-worsening ApoE4 allele in human populations.  相似文献   

The leaves of Caladium steudneriifolium (Araceae) of the understorey of a submontane rainforest in the Podocarpus National Park (South East Ecuador, 1,060 m a.s.l.) are plain green or patterned with whitish variegation. Of the 3,413 individual leaves randomly chosen and examined in April 2003, two-thirds were plain green, whereas one third were variegated (i.e., whitish due to absence of chloroplasts). Leaves of both morphs are frequently attacked by mining moth caterpillars. Our BLAST analysis based on Cytochrome-c-Oxidase-subunit-1 sequences suggests that the moth is possibly a member of the Pyraloidea or another microlepidopteran group. It was observed that the variegated leaf zones strongly resemble recent damages caused by mining larvae and therefore may mimic an attack by moth larvae. Infestation was significantly 4–12 times higher for green leaves than for variegated leaves. To test the hypothesis that variegation can be interpreted as mimicry to deter ovipositing moths, we first ruled out the possibility that variegation is a function of canopy density (i.e., that the moths might be attracted or deterred by factors unrelated to the plant). Then plain green leaves were artificially variegated and the number of mining larvae counted after 3 months. The results on infestation rate (7.88% of green leaves, 1.61% of the variegated leaves, 0.41% of white manipulated leaves and 9.12% of uncoloured manipulated leaves) suggest that ovipositing moths are deterred by the miner-infestation mimicry. Thus, variegation might be beneficial for the plants despite the implicated loss of photosynthetically active surface.  相似文献   

In the last decades, researchers have been able to determine the molecular basis of some phenotypes, to test for evidence of natural selection upon them, and to demonstrate that the same genes or genetic pathways can be associated with convergent traits. Colour traits are often subject to natural selection because even small changes in these traits can have a large effect on fitness via camouflage, sexual selection or other mechanisms. The melanocortin‐1 receptor locus (MC1R) is frequently associated with intraspecific coat colour variation in vertebrates, but it has been far harder to demonstrate that this locus is involved in adaptive interspecific colour differences. Here, we investigate the contribution of the MC1R gene to the colour diversity found in toucans (Ramphastidae). We found divergent selection on MC1R in the clade represented by the genus Ramphastos and that this coincided with the evolution of darker plumage in members of this genus. Using phylogenetically corrected correlations, we show significant and specific relationships between the rate of nonsynonymous change in MC1R (dN) and plumage darkness across Ramphastidae, and also between the rate of functionally significant amino acid changes in MC1R and plumage darkness. Furthermore, three of the seven amino acid changes in MC1R that occurred in the ancestral Ramphastos branch are associated with melanism in other birds. Taken together, our results suggest that the dark colour of Ramphastos toucans was related to nonsynonymous substitutions in MC1R that may have been subject to positive selection or to a relaxation of selective pressure. These results also demonstrate a quantitative relationship between gene and phenotype evolution, representing an example of how MC1R molecular evolution may affect macroevolution of plumage phenotypes.  相似文献   

Summary A 38 base pair (bp) insertion in the pro 2(I) collagen gene (COL1A2) of a patient with Marfan syndrome has been proposed to be the possible cause of the disease (Henke et al. 1985). However, analysis of this insertion in DNA from the patient in question and from random normal individuals reveals it to be a common polymorphism. We suggest that the 38 bp insertion is not related to the primary defect in this case of Marfan syndrome.  相似文献   

Previously in this journal, Altaba (2015) presented an original hypothesis on the dispersal of small wetland snails in Central Europe after the Last Glacial Maximum, based on the discovery of rare species of the genus Vallonia at the foot of the Devín Hill (Slovakia). On the basis of the evidence available to us, it is our opinion that the existence of Vallonia declivis, Vallonia suevica, Vallonia enniensis, and Vallonia tenuilabris at Devín Gate has not been established, and that the hypothesis advanced in Altaba (2015) is therefore unsubstantiated by hard evidence.  相似文献   

A similarity has recently been found between the regulation of corticosteroid receptors in brain and in lymphoid tissue. We have studied the regulation of corticosteroid receptors in human mononuclear leukocytes as a possible marker of brain involution. Type I corticosteroid receptors are down regulated by excess of mineralocorticoids (primary and secondary hyperaldosteronism, pseudohyperaldosteronism) and of glucocorticoids (Cushing's syndrome). Type II corticosteroid receptors are not reduced by excess of endogenous corticostiroids (Cushing's syndrome). In normal adults there is a direct significant correlation between plasma cortisol and Type I and between plasma cortisol and Type II receptors in mononuclear leukocytes, while in Cushing's syndrome the correlation is inverse between plasma cortisol at 8 a.m. and Type II receptors. In an aged population the mean numbers of Type I and of Type II receptors are lower and plasma cortisol is higher than in adult controls, but the increase of plasma cortisol is not followed by a clinical picture of hypercorticism. Corticosteroid Type I and Type II receptors are inversely correlated with age. After dexamethasone suppression (1 mg at 11 p.m.) Type I receptors always decrease in controls while the response of Type II is not homogeneous. In an aged group of patients, both receptors are reduced by dexamethasone. We conclude that the decrease with age of corticosteroid receptors is possibly related to a physiological involution of corticosteroid receptors and that this reduction does increase plasma cortisol concentration, without affecting the glucocorticoid effector mechanism.  相似文献   

Wang J  Bi J  Liu X  Li K  Di J  Wang B 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(4):4571-4579
Epidemiological studies have evaluated the association between has-miR-146a polymorphism (rs2910164) and cancer risk. However, published data are still inconclusive. Here, we performed a meta-analysis to assess the relationship between has-miR-146a polymorphism (rs2910164) and cancer susceptibility until May 8, 2010. Nineteen published case–control studies including a total of 10,496 cases and 12,885 controls were acquired. Overall, Increased cancer risk was found in domain model (OR = 1.18, 95% CI: 1.03–1.35) rather than in other genetic models when all studies were pooled into the meta-analysis. Stratified analysis shown that significant association between rs2910164 polymorphism and cancer susceptibility was present in Asians (OR = 1.14, 95% CI: 1.01–1.29 for CG vs. CC; OR = 1.19, 95% CI: 1.03–1.39 for GG + CG vs. CC), but not in Caucasian populations. In the subgroup analysis by cancer types, no significantly increased risk of breast, gastric, prostate or bladder cancer were found in any of the genetic models. In summary, this meta-analysis suggests that has-miR-146a polymorphism (rs2910164) is associated with increased cancer susceptibility in Asians. However, further well-designed studies with large sample size will be necessary to validate the risk identified in the current meta-analysis.  相似文献   

Newborn infants in endemic areas are markedly resistant to Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Consequently, severe disease is rare during the first few months of life, and infections tend to be low density and relatively asymptomatic during this period. Although this is generally ascribed to passively transferred immunity, attempts to identify the targets and mechanisms of this protection have been unsuccessful. The implications of the hypothesis that the progression from resistance through susceptibility and back to resistance during infancy and early childhood reflects the gradual acquisition of IgG to variant surface antigens (VSAs), while protection from maternal VSA-specific IgG steadily fades, are discussed here.  相似文献   

Floral scents of male and female inflorescences of three dioeciousSalix species were collected by head-space adsorption, and analysed by GC-MS. InSalix caprea andS. cinerea 1,4-dimethoxy benzene was the main compound, and male and female scents showed a high degree of resemblance. No dominant compound was found inS. repens and malefemale scent similarity was low. Floral scent inSalix is likely a strong orientation cue, guiding pollinators between male and female plants ensuring pollen transfer and pollination. We suggest that a high degree of male-female floral scent resemblance is coupled to a high degree of insect pollination. Floral scent does not promote reproductive isolation betweenS. caprea andS. cinerea.  相似文献   

MARCKS: a case of molecular exaptation?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MARCKS (myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate, 32 kDa) and its 20 kDa brother MARCKS-related protein (MRP) are abundant, widely distributed proteins unusually rich in alanine and glutamic acid, and with lysines, serines and phenylalanines concentrated in a compact "effector domain" (ED) near the middle of the sequence. Its conformation in solution appears to be labile, with little evidence for definite secondary structure. MARCKS (and MRP) interact inter alia with lipid bilayer membranes (via the myristoyl group and the ED), with protein kinases (which phosphorylate the serines in the ED), and with calmodulin (via the ED); synergies between these diverse interactions present an unusually rich array of possibilities for a variety of regulatory r?les. The proteins appear to be essential for controlling cell shape changes, possibly via involvement in cytoskeleton-membrane linkage. MRP deficiency leads to neural tube defects in brain development; MARCKS overexpression strongly depresses the proliferation of cancer cells.  相似文献   

If we lack data on the biology of rare species, then understanding of the biology of rarity will be incomplete at best, biased at worst. However, the extent of potential under-study is mostly unknown. We therefore ask for primates, one of the better known orders of mammals, whether data are lacking on rare species. The measure used is published data on a crucial aspect of biology, namely density. Rare species are here defined as those with both geographic range sizes and habitat breadths less than the median for primates; common species are at or above the median for those two measures. Globally, nearly half, 47%, of the 32 rare species lack data on their density, compared to only 10% of the 83 common species (2corr. = 17.1, p < 0.001). Within realms, Asia and Madagascar show a particularly strong bias, missing density data for over 50% of their rare species. Thus, rare species are indeed severely under-studied compared to common species, even in this well-studied mammalian taxon.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Wilms' tumor 1 (WT1) gene expression is seen in a significant number of cases of human neoplasia; however, the mechanism of action remains to be clarified. We hypothesized that WT1 gene is a surrogate marker of proliferation in normal hematopoietic cells and leukemias. While we and others have recognized its value as a tool for the detection of minimal residual disease (MRD), the objective of this study was to confirm our hypothesis regarding normal. METHODS: Samples from healthy donors (n=16) and UC blood (n=9) were cultured in Methocult for 21 days. Colonies were analyzed on days 7, 14 and 21 by RT-PCR for WT1 gene expression. Our positive controls were samples from patients with leukemia (n=91). Negative controls were from normal volunteers without stimulation (n=26). RESULTS: Results showed a statistically significant difference (P<0.0001) between cultured groups, with the highest level of WT1 gene expression in the positive controls and on day 14, when cells are at their maximal proliferation. DISCUSSION: In conclusion, WT1 gene expression in the proliferating colonies was highest on day 14, although less than in leukemia samples, confirming our hypothesis that WT1 gene is a surrogate marker of proliferation, not only in leukemogenesis but also, to a lesser degree, in normal cell proliferation.  相似文献   

A redefinition of the cyanobacterial lineage has been proposed based on phylogenomic analysis of distantly related nonphototrophic lineages. We define Cyanobacteria here as “Organisms in the domain bacteria able to carry out oxygenic photosynthesis with water as an electron donor and to reduce carbon dioxide as a source of carbon, or those secondarily evolved from such organisms.”  相似文献   

A new diaryl-methylene piperidine derivative, 2, displayed an atypical antipsychotic profile both in vitro and in vivo. The main pharmacological characteristics of this compound appears to reside in a more potent antagonism of the 5-HT2 serotonergic receptor than of the D2 dopaminergic receptor. This confirms that molecules displaying a D2/5-HT2 binding ratio < 1 possess clozapine-like antipsychotic activity.  相似文献   

Male dimorphism has been reported across different taxa and is usually expressed as the coexistence of a larger morph with exaggerated male traits and a smaller one with reduced traits. The evolution and maintenance of male dimorphism are still poorly understood for several of the species in which it has been observed. Here, we analyse male dimorphism in several species of reptile parasitic nematodes of the genus Spauligodon, in which a major male morph (exaggerated morph), which presents the traditional male morphological traits reported for this taxon, coexists with a minor morph with reduced morphological traits (i.e. reduced genital papillae) resembling more closely the males of the sister genus Skrjabinodon than Spauligodon major males. Because of the level of uncertainty in the results of ancestral state reconstruction, it is unclear if the existence of male dimorphism in this group represents independent instances of convergent evolution or an ancestral trait lost multiple times. Also, although the number of major males per host was positively correlated with the number of females, the same did not hold true for minor males, whose presence was not associated with any other ecological factor. Nevertheless, the existence of male dimorphism in Spauligodon nematodes is tentatively interpreted as resulting from alternative reproductive tactics, with differences in presence and number of individuals as indicators of differences in fitness, with the lower numbers of minor males per host likely maintained by negative frequency‐dependent selection.  相似文献   

The appearance of pink-blue spots (termed here as pink-blue spot syndrome - PBSS) in the branching coral Acropora eurystoma from the Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea, is described. We monitored 18 transects (10 x 1 m2 each) in front of the H. Steinitz Marine Laboratory (Eilat), at 3, 6 and 9 m depth, during March and August in 2001 and 2002. Transect measurements revealed high frequencies of colonies with PBSS (up to 100% of colonies) between 3 and 9 m depth. Ten PBSS-affected colonies of A. eurystoma were labelled and monitored for the development of spots. From March to August 2001, the number of spots per colony increased and remained constantly high at both sampling dates in 2002. Spot size ranged between 7 and 149 mm2. Spots were primarily recorded in areas where coral tissues contacted foreign biological matter, either around regenerative wounds or when surrounded by encrusting organisms, in fast-growing areas and in allogeneic interactions. A preliminary biochemical examination suggested that the pink-blue pigment in A. eurystoma is part of a family of compounds (pocilloporin) responsible for the pink-blue colours in pocilloporid and acroporid corals. Pink-blue colour could be experimentally induced in A. eurystoma by tissue-to-tissue contacts between distressed and non-distressed allogeneic branches. PBSS was also induced in healthy coral tissue by contact with inert objects, e.g., by bandaging a branch with plastic strips. Any specific pink-blue colour spots faded within 1-3 months from onset. These results suggest that PBSS in A. eurystoma may not be considered a regular coral disease, but rather a locally induced syndrome caused by restricted environmental and/or biological stress conditions.  相似文献   

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