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In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, fem-1, fem-2, and fem-3 play crucial roles in male sexual development. Among these three genes, fem-2 encodes a PP2C (serine/threonine phosphatase type 2C)-like protein, whose activity promotes the development of masculinity. Different from the canonical PP2Cs, FEM-2 consists of an additional N-terminal domain (NTD) apart from its C-terminal catalytic domain. Interestingly, genetic studies have indicated indispensable roles for both of these two domains of FEM-2 in promoting male development, but the underlying mechanism remains unknown. In the present study, we solved the crystal structure of full-length FEM-2, which revealed a novel structural fold formed by its NTD. Structural and functional analyses demonstrated that the NTD did not directly regulate the in vitro dephosphorylation activity of FEM-2, but instead functioned as a scaffold domain in the assembly of the FEM-1/2/3 complex, the executioner in the final step of the sex determination pathway. Biochemical studies further identified the regions in the NTD involved in FEM-1 and FEM-3 interactions. Our results not only identified a novel fold formed by the extra domain of a noncanonical PP2C enzyme, but also provided important insights into the molecular mechanism of how the NTD works in mediating the sex-determining role of FEM-1/2/3 complex.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an antibiotic-resistant strain of S. aureus afflicting hospitals and communities worldwide. Of greatest concern is its development of resistance to current last-line-of-defense antibiotics; new therapeutics are urgently needed to combat this pathogen. Ceftobiprole is a recently developed, latest generation cephalosporin and has been the first to show activity against MRSA by inhibiting essential peptidoglycan transpeptidases, including the β-lactam resistance determinant PBP2a, from MRSA. Here we present the structure of the complex of ceftobiprole bound to PBP2a. This structure provides the first look at the molecular details of an effective β-lactam-resistant PBP interaction, leading to new insights into the mechanism of ceftobiprole efficacy against MRSA.  相似文献   

The Rho GTPase members and their effector proteins, such as the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP), play critical roles in regulating actin dynamics that affect cell motility, endocytosis, cell division, and transport. It is well established that Caenorhabditis elegans wsp-1 plays an essential role in embryonic development. We were interested in the role of the C. elegans protein WSP-1 in the adult nematode. In this report, we show that a deletion mutant of wsp-1 exhibits a strong sensitivity to the neuromuscular inhibitor aldicarb. Transgenic rescue experiments demonstrated that neuronal expression of WSP-1 rescued this phenotype and that it required a functional WSP-1 Cdc42/Rac interactive binding domain. WSP-1-GFP fusion protein was found localized presynaptically, immediately adjacent to the synaptic protein RAB-3. Strong genetic interactions with wsp-1 and other genes involved in different stages of synaptic transmission were observed as the wsp-1(gm324) mutation suppresses the aldicarb resistance seen in unc-13(e51), unc-11(e47), and snt-1 (md290) mutants. These results provide genetic and pharmacological evidence that WSP-1 plays an essential role to stabilize the actin cytoskeleton at the neuronal active zone of the neuromuscular junction to restrain synaptic vesicle release.  相似文献   

Previously, we have identified Caprin-2 as a new regulator in canonical Wnt signaling through a mechanism of facilitating LRP5/6 phosphorylation; moreover, we found that its C-terminal C1q-related domain (Cap2_CRD) is required for this process. Here, we determined the crystal structures of Cap2_CRD from human and zebrafish, which both associate as a homotrimer with calcium located at the symmetric center. Surprisingly, the calcium binding-deficient mutant exists as a more stable trimer than its wild-type counterpart. Further studies showed that this Caprin-2 mutant disabled in binding calcium maintains the activity of promoting LRP5/6 phosphorylation, whereas the mutations disrupting Cap2_CRD homotrimer did impair such activity. Together, our findings suggested that the C-terminal CRD domain of Caprin-2 forms a flexible homotrimer mediated by calcium and that such trimeric assembly is required for Caprin-2 to regulate canonical Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

Oxygen deprivation is accompanied by the coordinated expression of numerous hypoxia-responsive genes, many of which are controlled by hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). However, the cellular response to hypoxia is not likely to be mediated by HIF-1 alone, and little is known about HIF-1-independent hypoxia responses. To better establish the molecular mechanisms of HIF-1-independent hypoxia responses, we sought to characterize the molecular basis of the hypoxia response of the hsp-16.1 gene in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans; this gene has been shown to be induced by hypoxia independently of hif-1. Using affinity purification followed by LC-MS/MS, we identified HMG-1.2 as a protein that binds to a specific promoter region under hypoxic conditions. By systematic prediction followed by validation of these interactions through RNAi, we identified the chromatin modifiers isw-1 and hda-1, histone H4, and NURF-1 chromatin-remodeling factors as new components of the hif-1-independent hypoxia response. These data suggest that the modulation of nucleosome positioning at the hsp-16.1 promoter may be important for the hypoxia response. In addition, we found that calcineurin acts independently of hif-1 to modulate the cellular response to hypoxia and that calcium ions are necessary for the induction of hsp-16.1 under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

The cellular recycling process of autophagy has been extensively characterized with standard assays in yeast and mammalian cell lines. In multicellular organisms, numerous external and internal factors differentially affect autophagy activity in specific cell types throughout the stages of organismal ontogeny, adding complexity to the analysis of autophagy in these metazoans. Here we summarize currently available assays for monitoring the autophagic process in the nematode C. elegans. A combination of measuring levels of the lipidated Atg8 ortholog LGG-1, degradation of well-characterized autophagic substrates such as germline P granule components and the SQSTM1/p62 ortholog SQST-1, expression of autophagic genes and electron microscopy analysis of autophagic structures are presently the most informative, yet steady-state, approaches available to assess autophagy levels in C. elegans. We also review how altered autophagy activity affects a variety of biological processes in C. elegans such as L1 survival under starvation conditions, dauer formation, aging, and cell death, as well as neuronal cell specification. Taken together, C. elegans is emerging as a powerful model organism to monitor autophagy while evaluating important physiological roles for autophagy in key developmental events as well as during adulthood.  相似文献   

Apoptotic cell death is an integral part of cell turnover in many tissues, and proper corpse clearance is vital to maintaining tissue homeostasis in all multicellular organisms. Even in tissues with high cellular turnover, apoptotic cells are rarely seen because of efficient clearance mechanisms in healthy individuals. In Caenorhabditis elegans, two parallel and partly redundant conserved pathways act in cell corpse engulfment. The pathway for cytoskeletal rearrangement requires the small GTPase CED-10 Rac1 acting for an efficient surround of the dead cell. The CED-10 Rac pathway is also required for the proper migration of the distal tip cells (DTCs) during the development of the C. elegans gonad. Parkin, the mammalian homolog of the C. elegans PDR-1, interacts with Rac1 in aged human brain and it is also implicated with actin dynamics and cytoskeletal rearrangements in Parkinsons''s disease, suggesting that it might act on engulfment. Our genetic and biochemical studies indicate that PDR-1 inhibits apoptotic cell engulfment and DTC migration by ubiquitylating CED-10 for degradation.  相似文献   

随着世界人口老龄化步伐的加快,衰老机制及抗衰老药物的研究日益成为生物医学领域的热点前沿之一.国内外已有大量研究报道抗衰老药物能够延长多种模式生物包括线虫、果蝇、小鼠、大鼠及灵长类等的寿命,然而,这些药物延缓衰老方式的差异仍缺乏系统研究.因此,本研究以衰老研究的热点模式生物线虫为对象,搜集1990年以来国内外刊物上正式发表的有关抗衰老药物寿命试验的研究文献及其涉及的生存曲线,利用荟萃分析比较了不同抗衰老药物与生存曲线变化类型间的关系,并结合药物的药理作用探讨其延寿机制.生存曲线特征聚类结果与药物生物学分类交叉分析结果表明,药理作用类型与增益类型具有很强相关性,提示这2种分类方法的结果是匹配的.抗氧化剂类药物和控制血糖类药物对生存曲线的改善总体增益虽然不是最高,但相对于正常组生存曲线其增益部分呈平移形,表明该类药物可以通过改善年龄结构对整个群体产生显著增益,且其衰老曲线的特征与自然衰老相似.抗癫痫药物及胃肠道菌群相关药物总体增益较大,其曲线增益形状呈梯形,提示该类药物(尤其是胃肠道菌群相关药物)尽管显著延长了少数个体的最大寿命,但是从整个群体来看,大多数个体寿命延长程度并不明显,受益的少数个体可能需要较长的外界资源支持方能保持较长时间的存活状态,这种模式既不大众化也不经济.综上所述,清除自由基和控制血糖类药物对健康老年有着更为积极合理的作用与效应.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved process of programmed cell death, apoptosis, is essential for development of multicellular organisms and is also a protective mechanism against cellular damage. We have identified dynein light chain 1 (DLC-1) as a new regulator of germ cell apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans. The DLC-1 protein is highly conserved across species and is a part of the dynein motor complex. There is, however, increasing evidence for dynein-independent functions of DLC-1, and our data describe a novel dynein-independent role. In mammalian cells, DLC-1 is important for cellular transport, cell division and regulation of protein activity, and it has been implicated in cancer. In C. elegans, we find that knockdown of dlc-1 by RNA interference (RNAi) induces excessive apoptosis in the germline but not in somatic cells during development. We show that DLC-1 mediates apoptosis through the genes lin-35, egl-1 and ced-13, which are all involved in the response to ionising radiation (IR)-induced apoptosis. In accordance with this, we show that IR cannot further induce apoptosis in dlc-1(RNAi) animals. Furthermore, we find that DLC-1 is functioning cell nonautonomously through the same pathway as kri-1 in response to IR-induced apoptosis and that DLC-1 regulates the levels of KRI-1. Our results strengthen the notion of a highly dynamic communication between somatic cells and germ cells in regulating the apoptotic process.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans vulva provides a simple model for the genetic analysis of pattern formation and organ morphogenesis during metazoan development. We have discovered an essential role for the polarity protein PAR-1 in the development of the vulva. Postembryonic RNA interference of PAR-1 causes a protruding vulva phenotype. We found that depleting PAR-1 during the development of the vulva has no detectable effect on fate specification or precursor proliferation, but instead seems to specifically alter morphogenesis. Using an apical junction-associated GFP marker, we discovered that PAR-1 depletion causes a failure of the two mirror-symmetric halves of the vulva to join into a single, coherent organ. The cells that normally form the ventral vulval rings fail to make contact or adhere and consequently form incomplete toroids, and dorsal rings adopt variably abnormal morphologies. We also found that PAR-1 undergoes a redistribution from apical junctions to basolateral domains during morphogenesis. Despite a known role for PAR-1 in cell polarity, we have observed no detectable differences in the distribution of various markers of epithelial cell polarity. We propose that PAR-1 activity at the cell cortex is critical for mediating cell shape changes, cell surface composition, or cell signaling during vulval morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Jordan D. Ward 《Genetics》2015,201(4):1279-1294
Recent and rapid advances in genetic and molecular tools have brought spectacular tractability to Caenorhabditis elegans, a model that was initially prized because of its simple design and ease of imaging. C. elegans has long been a powerful model in biomedical research, and tools such as RNAi and the CRISPR/Cas9 system allow facile knockdown of genes and genome editing, respectively. These developments have created an additional opportunity to tackle one of the most debilitating burdens on global health and food security: parasitic nematodes. I review how development of nonparasitic nematodes as genetic models informs efforts to import tools into parasitic nematodes. Current tools in three commonly studied parasites (Strongyloides spp., Brugia malayi, and Ascaris suum) are described, as are tools from C. elegans that are ripe for adaptation and the benefits and barriers to doing so. These tools will enable dissection of a huge array of questions that have been all but completely impenetrable to date, allowing investigation into host–parasite and parasite–vector interactions, and the genetic basis of parasitism.  相似文献   

Dopamine-modulated behaviors, including information processing and reward, are subject to behavioral plasticity. Disruption of these behaviors is thought to support drug addictions and psychoses. The plasticity of dopamine-mediated behaviors, for example, habituation and sensitization, are not well understood at the molecular level. We show that in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a D1-like dopamine receptor gene (dop-1) modulates the plasticity of mechanosensory behaviors in which dopamine had not been implicated previously. A mutant of dop-1 displayed faster habituation to nonlocalized mechanical stimulation. This phenotype was rescued by the introduction of a wild-type copy of the gene. The dop-1 gene is expressed in mechanosensory neurons, particularly the ALM and PLM neurons. Selective expression of the dop-1 gene in mechanosensory neurons using the mec-7 promoter rescues the mechanosensory deficit in dop-1 mutant animals. The tyrosine hydroxylase-deficient C. elegans mutant (cat-2) also displays these specific behavioral deficits. These observations provide genetic evidence that dopamine signaling modulates behavioral plasticity in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans reticulon interacts with RME-1 during embryogenesis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Reticulon (RTN) family proteins are localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). At least four different RTN genes have been identified in mammals, but in most cases, the functions of the encoded proteins except mammalian RTN4-A and RTN4-B are unknown. Each RTN gene produces 1-3 proteins by different promoters and alternative splicing. In Caenorhabditis elegans, there is a single gene (rtn gene) encoding three reticulon proteins, nRTN-A, B, and C. mRNA of nRTN-C is expressed in germ cells and embryos. However, nRTN-C protein is only expressed during embryogenesis and rapidly disappears after hatch. By yeast two-hybrid screening, two clones encoding the same C-terminal region of RME-1, a protein functioning in the endocytic recycling, were isolated. These findings suggest that nRTN-C functions in the endocytic pathway during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Ma L  Tan Z  Teng Y  Hoersch S  Horvitz HR 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2011,17(12):2201-2211
The in vivo analysis of the roles of splicing factors in regulating alternative splicing in animals remains a challenge. Using a microarray-based screen, we identified a Caenorhabditis elegans gene, tos-1, that exhibited three of the four major types of alternative splicing: intron retention, exon skipping, and, in the presence of U2AF large subunit mutations, the use of alternative 3' splice sites. Mutations in the splicing factors U2AF large subunit and SF1/BBP altered the splicing of tos-1. 3' splice sites of the retained intron or before the skipped exon regulate the splicing pattern of tos-1. Our study provides in vivo evidence that intron retention and exon skipping can be regulated largely by the identities of 3' splice sites.  相似文献   

Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) is a key secondary messenger used in signal transduction in various types of sensory neurons. The importance of cGMP in the ASE gustatory receptor neurons of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was deduced by the observation that multiple receptor-type guanylyl cyclases (rGCs), encoded by the gcy genes, and two presently known cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel subunits, encoded by the tax-2 and tax-4 genes, are essential for ASE-mediated gustatory behavior. We describe here specific mechanistic features of cGMP-mediated signal transduction in the ASE neurons. First, we assess the specificity of the sensory functions of individual rGC proteins. We have previously shown that multiple rGC proteins are expressed in a left/right asymmetric manner in the functionally lateralized ASE neurons and are required to sense distinct salt cues. Through domain swap experiments among three different rGC proteins, we show here that the specificity of individual rGC proteins lies in their extracellular domains and not in their intracellular, signal-transducing domains. Furthermore, we find that rGC proteins are also sufficient to confer salt sensory responses to other neurons. Both findings support the hypothesis that rGC proteins are salt receptor proteins. Second, we identify a novel, likely downstream effector of the rGC proteins in gustatory signal transduction, a previously uncharacterized cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) ion channel, encoded by the che-6 locus. che-6 mutants show defects in gustatory sensory transduction that are similar to defects observed in animals lacking the tax-2 and tax-4 CNG channels. In contrast, thermosensory signal transduction, which also requires tax-2 and tax-4, does not require che-6, but requires another CNG, cng-3. We propose that CHE-6 may form together with two other CNG subunits, TAX-2 and TAX-4, a gustatory neuron-specific heteromeric CNG channel complex.  相似文献   

The presence of multiple homologues of the same yeast Atg protein endows an additional layer of complexity on the autophagy pathway in higher eukaryotes. The physiological function of the individual genes, however, remains largely unknown. Here we investigated the role of the two Caenorhabditis elegans homologues of the cysteine protease Atg4 in the pathway responsible for degradation of protein aggregates. Loss of atg-4.1 activity causes defective degradation of a variety of protein aggregates, whereas atg-4.2 mutants remove these substrates normally. LGG-1 precursors accumulate in atg-4.1 mutants, but not atg-4.2 mutants. LGG-1 puncta, formation of which depends on lipidation of LGG-1, are present in atg-4.1 and atg-4.2 single mutants, but are completely absent in atg-4.1; atg-4.2 double mutants. In vitro enzymatic analysis revealed that ATG-4.1 processes LGG-1 precursors about 100-fold more efficiently than ATG-4.2. Expression of a mutant form LGG-1, which mimics the processed precursor, rescues the defective autophagic degradation of protein aggregates in atg-4.1 mutants and, to a lesser extent, in atg-4.1; atg-4.2 double mutants. Our study reveals that ATG-4.1 and ATG-4.2 are functionally redundant yet display differential LGG-1 processing and deconjugating activity in the aggrephagy pathway in C. elegans.  相似文献   

We have identified in Caenorhabditis elegans a homologue of the vertebrate Crim1, crm-1, which encodes a putative transmembrane protein with multiple cysteine-rich (CR) domains known to have bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) binding activity. Using the body morphology of C. elegans as an indicator, we showed that attenuation of crm-1 activity leads to a small body phenotype reminiscent of that of BMP pathway mutants. We showed that the crm-1 loss-of-function phenotype can be rescued by constitutive supply of sma-4 activity. crm-1 can enhance BMP signaling and this activity is dependent on the presence of the DBL-1 ligand and its receptors. crm-1 is expressed in neurons at the ventral nerve cord, where the DBL-1 ligand is produced. However, ectopic expression experiments reveal that crm-1 gene products act outside the DBL-1 producing cells and function non-autonomously to facilitate dbl/sma pathway signaling to control body size.  相似文献   

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