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Cre/Loxp和四环素系统在基因可控表达中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了目前最常见的四环素调控系统和Cre/LoxP系统的基本原理、应用情况、近年来的研究进展总结,比较了两种系统的优缺点,介绍了两种系统联合应用的成果,并且提出了Cre/Loxp系统在HPV11全基因组定向表达中的应用,并由此提出利用Cre/Loxp系统解决多个基因定向表达问题的设想。  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular pathogen that replicates in a vacuole termed the inclusion. Many of the interactions of chlamydiae with the host cell are dependent upon bacterial protein synthesis and presumably exposure of these proteins to the cytosol. Because of the dearth of genetic tools for chlamydiae, previous studies examining secreted proteins required the use of heterologous bacterial systems. Recent advances in genetic manipulation of chlamydia now allow for transformation of the bacteria with plasmids. We describe here a shuttle vector system, pBOMB4, that permits expression of recombinant proteins under constitutive or conditional promoter control. We show that the inclusion membrane protein IncD is secreted in a type III-dependent manner from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and also secreted from C. trachomatis in infected cells where it localizes appropriately to the inclusion membrane. IncD truncated of the first 30 amino acids containing the secretion signal is no longer secreted and is retained by the bacteria. Cytosolic exposure of secreted proteins can be confirmed by using CyaA, GSK, or microinjection assays. A protein predicted to be retained within the bacteria, NrdB is indeed localized to the chlamydia. In addition, we have shown that the chlamydial effector protein, CPAF, which is secreted into the host cell cytosol by a Sec-dependent pathway, also accesses the cytosol when expressed from this system. These assays should prove useful to assess the secretion of other chlamydial proteins that are potentially exposed to the cytosol of the host cell.  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis is the trachoma agent and causes most bacterial sexually transmitted infections worldwide. Its major outer membrane protein (MOMP) is a well-known porin and adhesin and is the dominant antigen. So far, investigation of MOMP variability has been focused mainly on molecular epidemiological surveys. In contrast, we aimed to evaluate the impact of the host pressure on this key antigen by analyzing its evolutionary dynamics in 795 isolates from urogenital infections, taking into account the MOMP secondary structure and the sizes/positions of antigenic regions. One-third of the specimens showed a mutational drift from the corresponding genotype, where ∼42% of the mutations had never been described. Amino acid alterations were sixfold more frequent within B-cell epitopes than in the remaining protein (P = 0.027), and some mutations were also found within or close to T-cell antigenic clusters. Interestingly, the two most ecologically successful genotypes, E and F, showed a mutation rate 60.3-fold lower than that of the other genotypes (P < 10−8), suggesting that their efficacy may be the result of a better fitness in dealing with the host immune system rather than of specific virulence factors. Furthermore, the variability exhibited by some genetic variants involved residues that are known to play a critical role during the membrane mechanical movements, contributing to a more stable and flexible porin conformation, which suggests some plasticity to deal with environmental pressure. Globally, these MOMP mutational trends yielded no mosaic structures or important phylogenetic changes, but instead yielded point mutations on specific protein domains, which may enhance pathogen''s infectivity, persistence, and transmission.Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular human pathogen that can be classified into 18 serovariants based on the immunoreactivity of its major outer membrane protein (MOMP) or ompA (which encodes MOMP) polymorphism: serovars A to C and Ba are responsible for trachoma; serovars D to K, Da, Ia, and Ja are normally associated with infection of the urogenital tract; and serovars L1 to L3 cause lymphogranuloma venereum (22). This preference for particular cell types is not exclusive, and therefore ocular strains can occasionally be found in the urogenital tract and vice versa. However, it is thought that only L1 to L3 strains possess the ability to invade the inguinal lymph nodes.MOMP has been implicated in the mechanisms of attachment, infection, and/or pathogenesis due to its variability, surface exposure, and antigenic properties. Previous studies have shown that MOMP may act as a putative cytoadhesin by promoting nonspecific interactions with host cells (64). This major chlamydial membrane component, which constitutes about 60% of the membrane dry weight (9), is also thought to play a role in maintaining structural integrity of the organism (9, 10) by forming a trimeric structure (66). Also, during chlamydial replication, MOMP may act as a porin (6) that is folded into a β-barrel structure containing five constant domains (CDI to CDV) of transmembrane β-strands and periplasmic turns and four highly variable surface-exposed domains (VDI to VDIV) (34, 59, 69). Furthermore, MOMP possesses species- and serovar-specific epitopes (2, 48, 73, 74) that are able to elicit both the humoral (B-cell mediated through the production of antibodies) and cellular (T-cell mediated and also influencing the B-cell response) immune responses, making this dominant chlamydial antigen a potential candidate for the development of vaccines and therapeutic strategies (8, 17, 23, 61). Indeed, although no efficacious chlamydial vaccine has been developed so far, the use of inactivated or live-attenuated pathogens has been replaced by peptide or subunit vaccines, and MOMP is definitely one of the leading candidates (19).To improve our knowledge of the effects of the host pressure on MOMP and also of the molecular epidemiology of the circulating C. trachomatis strains, it is imperative to investigate genetic variability in ompA. Here, we performed a sequence-based analysis of the ompA mutational trends in clinical isolates that were collected from patients with sexually transmitted C. trachomatis infections. So far, most studies have been limited to a small number of strains with variations in ompA (16, 33, 36, 42, 44, 47, 49, 52, 57, 62) or were restricted to the analysis of VDs (7, 14, 15, 32, 63), discarding the CDs, which contain numerous cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) and T helper (Th) cell epitopes (30, 38, 39, 55, 56). We performed a detailed bioinformatic and statistical analysis of the mutational dispersion on both VDs and CDs, based on MOMP structure and on the mapping of all the B- and T-cell epitopes reported in the literature. We present statistically validated genomic evidence of the adaptation of this pathogen''s key antigen to the host pressure, which strongly indicates a strategy to evade the human immune system.  相似文献   

Summary Trachoma organisms of serotype B were grown serially in irradiated cells (McCoy, BHK-21, Microbiological Associates, and BHK-21, Lister) and tested for infectivity in monolayers of five mammalian cell lines (BHK-21, CHO, HeLa S3, McCoy and OWMK) and two diploid strains (ST/BTL and WI-38). All cell types had low susceptibility to chlamydial infection but the number of inclusions increased when the inoculum was centrifuged onto the monolayers, or when the cells were irradiated. Infection was higher in non-irradiated CHO than in irradiated CHO in three out of a total of six experiments. Inclusion number was increased 300 times in HeLa S3 and up to three times in the other cell types after treatment with diethylaminoethyl-dextran (DEAE-D). Serial passage of Chlamydia trachomatis serotype B (strain Har-36) in CO60 McCoy and CO60 BHK-21 Lister resulted in partial adaptation of the strain to the host cell. The phenomenon of adaptation of serotype B to McCoy compensated for the lower susceptibility of this cell revealed when McCoy cells were inoculated with trachoma elementary bodies grown in BHK-21 Lister or in chick embryo yolk sac. Trachoma organisms of immunotypes A, B and C prepared in yolk sac produced more inclusion-forming units per ml in CO60 BHK-21 Lister than in CO60 McCoy. This research was supported by a grant from the National Eye Institute (EI-00812-08), and by the Arabian American Oil Company. The paper is dedicated to the memory of Francis B. Gordon, who pioneered research methods for the cultivation of trachoma and inclusion conjunctivitis (TRIC) agents in cell culture. Dr. Gordon patiently studied tables and photographs which accompany this text when he visited our laboratory on the day prior to his sailing to England on the ill-fated voyage in which he and Mrs. Gordon perished (October 1973).  相似文献   

利用Bac-to-Bac系统表达棉蚜的乙酰胆碱酯酶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bac-to-Bac昆虫杆状病毒表达系统是一种高效真核表达系统。采用重组DNA技术构建棉蚜乙酰胆碱酯酶1(AChE1)表达质粒,应用该系统在昆虫Sf9细胞系中成功表达了棉蚜的AChE1。表达的AChE以可溶性形式释放于细胞培养液中,对其自然底物类似物ATChI的Km值为(144·5±28·6)μm;对抗蚜威、唑蚜威、氧化乐果和灭赐松等4种杀虫剂的敏感性指数(Ki值)分别为513、1883、5和23(mM·min)-1,与文献报道的测定结果基本一致。昆虫细胞被重组病毒感染后第2~3天所得产物的活性最高;该产物在-20℃保存90d后活性没有明显下降,4℃保存60d后下降40%,室温(22℃)保存7d后即下降70%。  相似文献   

Developmental-stage-specific plasmid supercoiling in Chlamydia trachomatis   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Chlamydia trachomatis elementary body (EB) and reticulate body (RB) developmental stages have polymorphic plasmid DNA. Several plasmid forms separated by gel electrophoresis were identified as topoisomers by treatment with topoisomerase I. Among these topoisomers was one form unique to EBs and one form unique to RBs. The unique EB plasmid topoisomer was characterized as highly supercoiled, on the basis of band migrations by gel electrophoresis and its appearance by electron microscopy. The unusual physical state of this topoisomer was probably mediated, in part, by DNA-specific structural proteins. The unique RB plasmid topoisomer was a supercoiled form of lower superhelical density than the other identified topoisomers. Developmental-stage-specific differences in super-helical density of plasmid DNA suggest cause-and-effect relationships between DNA topology and metabolic activity in RBs and metabolic quiescence in EBs.  相似文献   

The inference of gene regulatory network from expression data is an important area of research that provides insight to the inner workings of a biological system. The relevance-network-based approaches provide a simple and easily-scalable solution to the understanding of interaction between genes. Up until now, most works based on relevance network focus on the discovery of direct regulation using correlation coefficient or mutual information. However, some of the more complicated interactions such as interactive regulation and coregulation are not easily detected. In this work, we propose a relevance network model for gene regulatory network inference which employs both mutual information and conditional mutual information to determine the interactions between genes. For this purpose, we propose a conditional mutual information estimator based on adaptive partitioning which allows us to condition on both discrete and continuous random variables. We provide experimental results that demonstrate that the proposed regulatory network inference algorithm can provide better performance when the target network contains coregulated and interactively regulated genes.  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis, the etiological agent of sexually transmitted diseases and ocular infections, remains poorly characterized due to its intractability to experimental transformation with recombinant DNA. We developed an approach to perform genetic analysis in C. trachomatis despite the lack of molecular genetic tools. Our method involves: i.) chemical mutagenesis to rapidly generate comprehensive libraries of genetically-defined mutants with distinct phenotypes; ii.) whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to map the underlying genetic lesions and to find associations between mutated gene(s) and a common phenotype; iii.) generation of recombinant strains through co-infection of mammalian cells with mutant and wild type bacteria. Accordingly, we were able to establish causal relationships between genotypes and phenotypes. The coupling of chemically-induced gene variation and WGS to establish correlative genotype–phenotype associations should be broadly applicable to the large list of medically and environmentally important microorganisms currently intractable to genetic analysis.  相似文献   

K Numazaki  M A Wainberg  J McDonald 《CMAJ》1989,140(6):615-622
In recent years considerable progress has been made in understanding chlamydial infections. The spectrum of pediatric Chlamydia trachomatis infection includes neonatal inclusion conjunctivitis, infantile pneumonia, occasional respiratory or genital tract infections in older children and sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents. The role of maternal chlamydial infection in prematurity and in perinatal death is currently an area of active study. We outline the current knowledge of the biologic characteristics of C. trachomatis, the epidemiologic features of chlamydial infection, and the clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment of neonatal chlamydial infections.  相似文献   

利用杆状病毒表达系统表达金鱼生长激素I基因   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以不含起始密码ATG的质粒Psxivvi+X3为转移载体,将编码金鱼生长激素I的Cdna插入粉纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(TnNPV)基因组中,构建了形成多角体的重组病毒株TnNPV—SX+gfGHl21a。该毒株能利用合成多角体XIV串联启动子,在重组病毒感染的草地贪夜蛾(Spodoptera frugiperda,Sf)昆虫细胞及银纹夜蛾幼虫中表达金鱼生长激素I基因。感染离体细胞及虫俸后的蛋白SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳表明.所表达的蛋白分子量为22.5kDa,与理论计算值相符。Westem印迹证实。金鱼生长激素特异蛋白得到表达。  相似文献   

杜昆  霍治  王芙艳  杨文  余平 《激光生物学报》2010,19(6):809-812,797
目的:构建含沙眼衣原体(Chlamydia trachomatis, Ct)基因CT703的真核重组表达质粒pcDNA4/CT703,并检测其在HeLa细胞中的表达.方法:利用RT-PCR扩增CT703基因,然后将其亚克隆到真核表达载体pcDNA4,PCR、双酶切和测序检测重组质粒.将正确的重组质粒瞬时转染HeLa细胞,免疫荧光和Western Blot实验检测重组质粒目的蛋白表达. 结果:经PCR、双酶切和测序鉴定后,成功构建了真核重组表达质粒pcDNA4/CT703,将其转染HeLa细胞后,免疫荧光和Western Blot实验能检测到目的蛋白的表达.结论:成功构建了重组质粒pcDNA4/CT703,并能在HeLa细胞中表达,为进一步研究CT703的功能奠定了基础.  相似文献   

In this study, we have cloned the Chlamydia trachomatis genes incB and incC into the expression plasmid vectors from pET series for the subsequent isolation of recombinant proteins. As a result, we have obtained the first full-length recombinant C. trachomatis proteins IncB and IncC, which can be used for following antibody production and for study of their protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

Tet调控STGC3基因表达CNE2细胞系的建立及其功能初步研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用Tet-on调控系统,建立受强力霉素诱导STGC3基因表达的CNE2细胞系,为进一步研究STGC3的功能提供了一个理想的实验平台.先后将调控质粒pTet-on和反应质粒pTRE-STGC3转染入CNE2细胞,并用G418和潮霉素分别进行两轮筛选,运用RT-PCR选择对强力霉素诱导敏感的细胞克隆.用不同浓度强力霉素诱导CNE2/Tet/pTRE-STGC3细胞,RT-PCR检测STGC3的表达,确定强力霉素的最佳诱导浓度.采用此浓度的强力霉素分别诱导CNE2、CNE2/Tet/pTRE、CNE2/Tet/pTRE-STGC3三组细胞,测定细胞的生长曲线、克隆形成率和细胞周期分布.诱导STGC3基因高表达,CNE2细胞增殖速度显著减慢(P<0.05),克隆形成能力显著降低(P<0.01);流式细胞仪检测结果显示,瘤细胞群体中处于G0/G1期细胞数增加,细胞阻滞于G0/G1期.Tet调控STGC3基因表达CNE2细胞系的成功建立,为进一步研究STGC3基因的功能提供一个理想的细胞模型.  相似文献   

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