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The morphogenesis of lobed plant cells has been considered to be controlled by microtubule (MT) and/or actin filament (AF) organization. In this article, a comprehensive mechanism is proposed, in which distinct roles are played by these cytoskeletal components. First, cortical MT bundles and, in the case of pavement cells, radial MT arrays combined with MT bundles determine the deposition of local cell wall thickenings, the cellulose microfibrils of which copy the orientation of underlying MTs. Cell growth is thus locally prevented and, consequently, lobes and constrictions are formed. Arch-like tangential expansion is locally imposed at the external periclinal wall of pavement cells by the radial arrangement of cellulose microfibrils at every wall thickening. Whenever further elongation of the original cell lobes occurs, AF patches assemble at the tips of growing lobes. Intercellular space formation is promoted or prevented by the opposite or alternate, respectively, arrangement of cortical MT arrays between neighboring cells. The genes that are possibly involved in the molecular regulation of the above morphogenetic procedure by MT and AF array organization are reviewed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Photosynthesis is one of the processes most susceptible to low-temperature inhibition in maize, a tropical C4 crop not yet fully adapted to a temperate climate. C4 photosynthesis relies on symplasmic exchange of large amounts of photosynthetic intermediates between Kranz mesophyll (KMS) and bundle sheath (BS) cells. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the slowing of maize photosynthesis at low temperature is related to ultrastructural changes in the plasmodesmata between KM and BS as well as BS and vascular parenchyma (VP) cells.


Chilling-tolerant (CT) KW 1074 and chilling-sensitive (CS) CM 109 maize (Zea mays) lines were studied. The effect of moderate chilling (14 °C) on the rate of photosynthesis, photosynthate transport kinetics, and the ultrastructure of plasmodesmata linking the KMS, BS and VP cells were analysed. Additionally, the accumulation of callose and calreticulin was studied by the immunogold method.

Key Results

Chilling inhibited photosynthesis, photosynthate transfer to the phloem and photosynthate export from leaves in both lines. This inhibition was reversible upon cessation of chilling in the CT line but irreversible in the CS line. Simultaneously to physiological changes, chilling induced swelling of the sphincters of plasmodesmata linking KMS and BS cells and a decreased lumen of the cytoplasmic sleeve of plasmodesmata at the BS/VP interface in the CS line but not in the CT line. Accumulation of calreticulin, which occurred near the neck region of the closed plasmodesmata was observed after just 4 h of chilling and over-accumulation of callose at the KMS/BS and BS/VP interfaces occurred after 28 h of chilling.


Stronger chilling sensitivity of the CM 109 maize line compared with the KW 1074 line, shown by decreased photosynthesis and assimilate export from a leaf, is related to changes in the ultrastructure of leaf plasmodesmata at low temperature. The chain of reactions to chilling is likely to include calreticulin action resulting in rapid and efficient closure of the plasmodesmata at both KMS/BS and BS/VP interfaces. Callose deposition in a leaf was a secondary effect of chilling.  相似文献   

  • The distribution of homogalacturonans (HGAs) displaying different degrees of esterification as well as of callose was examined in cell walls of mature pavement cells in two angiosperm and two fern species. We investigated whether local cell wall matrix differentiation may enable pavement cells to respond to mechanical tension forces by transiently altering their shape.
  • HGA epitopes, identified with 2F4, JIM5 and JIM7 antibodies, and callose were immunolocalised in hand‐made or semithin leaf sections. Callose was also stained with aniline blue. The structure of pavement cells was studied with light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
  • In all species examined, pavement cells displayed wavy anticlinal cell walls, but the waviness pattern differed between angiosperms and ferns. The angiosperm pavement cells were tightly interconnected throughout their whole depth, while in ferns they were interconnected only close to the external periclinal cell wall and intercellular spaces were developed between them close to the mesophyll. Although the HGA epitopes examined were located along the whole cell wall surface, the 2F4‐ and JIM5‐ epitopes were especially localised at cell lobe tips. In fern pavement cells, the contact sites were impregnated with callose and JIM5‐HGA epitopes. When tension forces were applied on leaf regions, the pavement cells elongated along the stretching axis, due to a decrease in waviness of anticlinal cell walls. After removal of tension forces, the original cell shape was resumed.
  • The presented data support that HGA epitopes make the anticlinal pavement cell walls flexible, in order to reversibly alter their shape. Furthermore, callose seems to offer stability to cell contacts between pavement cells, as already suggested in photosynthetic mesophyll cells.


Background and Aims

The maize lrt1 (lateral rootless1) mutant is impaired in its development of lateral roots during early post-embryonic development. The aim of this study was to characterize, in detail, the influences that the mutation exerts on lateral root initiation and the subsequent developments, as well as to describe the behaviour of the entire plant under variable environmental conditions.


Mutant lrt1 plants were cultivated under different conditions of hydroponics, and in between sheets of moist paper. Cleared whole mounts and anatomical sections were used in combination with both selected staining procedures and histochemical tests to follow root development. Root surface permeability tests and the biochemical quantification of lignin were performed to complement the structural data.

Key Results

The data presented suggest a redefinition of lrt1 function in lateral roots as a promoter of later development; however, neither the complete absence of lateral roots nor the frequency of their initiation is linked to lrt1 function. The developmental effects of lrt1 are under strong environmental influences. Mutant primordia are affected in structure, growth and emergence; and the majority of primordia terminate their growth during this last step, or shortly thereafter. The lateral roots are impaired in the maintenance of the root apical meristem. The primary root shows disturbances in the organization of both epidermal and subepidermal layers. The lrt1-related cell-wall modifications include: lignification in peripheral layers, the deposition of polyphenolic substances and a higher activity of peroxidase.


The present study provides novel insights into the function of the lrt1 gene in root system development. The lrt1 gene participates in the spatial distribution of initiation, but not in its frequency. Later, the development of lateral roots is strongly affected. The effect of the lrt1 mutation is not as obvious in the primary root, with no influences observed on the root apical meristem structure and maintenance; however, development of the epidermis and cortex are impaired.  相似文献   

RNA and protein synthesis in sperm cells isolated from Zea mays L. pollen   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Sperm cells are thought to be quiescent in pollen and activated upon pollen germination. To test this hypothesis, protein, RNA and DNA synthesis were assessed in Zea mays sperm cells at different times after isolation from pollen. Protein synthesis changed with time; while some proteins were found to be constitutive in both 0 and 24 h cells, others were synthesized and some disappeared. Overall, the number of proteins detected at 24 h doubled compared with freshly isolated cells. Incorporation of [3H]leucine in 24 h cells was about 50 times that in freshly isolated cells, and that of [5, 6-3H]uridine, about 7 times. Very low incorporation of [6-3H]thymidine into the cells was detected; there was no difference between freshly isolated and 24 h cells. It is possible that the differences in synthetic activity between freshly isolated and 24-h-old cells might correspond to sperm cell activation during pollen tube growth. If so, these metabolic changes may play an important role in fertilization.Supported by funds from a Strategic Grant (D.D.C.) and an Operating Grant (D.J.G.) from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Formation of root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) can be induced by nutrient deficiency. In species adapted to aerobic soil conditions, this response is adaptive by reducing root maintenance requirements, thereby permitting greater soil exploration. One trade-off of RCA formation may be reduced radial transport of nutrients due to reduction in living cortical tissue. To test this hypothesis, radial nutrient transport in intact roots of maize (Zea mays) was investigated in two radiolabelling experiments employing genotypes with contrasting RCA.


In the first experiment, time-course dynamics of phosphate loading into the xylem were measured from excised nodal roots that varied in RCA formation. In the second experiment, uptake of phosphate, calcium and sulphate was measured in seminal roots of intact young plants in which variation in RCA was induced by treatments altering ethylene action or genetic differences.

Key Results

In each of three paired genotype comparisons, the rate of phosphate exudation of high-RCA genotypes was significantly less than that of low-RCA genotypes. In the second experiment, radial nutrient transport of phosphate and calcium was negatively correlated with the extent of RCA for some genotypes.


The results support the hypothesis that RCA can reduce radial transport of some nutrients in some genotypes, which could be an important trade-off of this trait.  相似文献   

Landraces of maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and its wild teosinte relatives (Zea mays spp. parviglumis and mexicana) were surveyed for sensitivity to fumonisin B(1), a phytotoxin produced by the maize pathogen Gibberella moniliformis. Only two of 42 Z. mays samples were highly insensitive to FB(1) (ED(50) = ca. 200 microM). The teosintes and 76% of the maize landraces were moderately or highly sensitive to FB(1) (ED(50) < or = 30 microM), which indicates that FB(1) sensitivity is likely to be an ancestral trait in Z. mays. F(1) generations derived from crosses between FB(1)-sensitive maize inbred B73 and insensitive landraces were significantly less sensitive than B73. Thus, our data indicate that FB(1)-insensitivity is a relatively rare but heritable trait in maize. We also report the sensitivity of maize to other Gibberella toxins - beauvericin, diacetoxyscirpenol, and moniliformin.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of cyst nematode, Vittatidera zeaphila, is described from Tennessee. The new genus is superficially similar to Cactodera but is distinguished from other cyst-forming taxa in having a persistent lateral field in females and cysts, persistent vulval lips covering a circumfenestrate vulva, and subventral gland nuclei of the female contained in a separate small lobe. Infective juveniles (J2) are distinguished from all previously described Cactodera spp. by the short stylet in the second-stage juvenile (14-17 μm); J2 of Cactodera spp. have stylets at least 18 μm long. The new species also is unusual in that the females produce large egg masses. Known hosts are corn and goosegrass. DNA analysis suggests that Vittatidera forms a separate group apart from other cyst-forming genera within Heteroderinae.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plant cell enlargement is unambiguously coupled to changes in cell wall architecture, and as such various studies have examined the modification of the proportions and structures of glucuronoarabinoxylan and mixed-linkage glucan in the course of cell elongation in grasses. However, there is still no clear understanding of the mutual arrangement of these matrix polymers with cellulose microfibrils and of the modification of this architecture during cell growth. This study aimed to determine the correspondence between the fine structure of grass cell walls and the course of the elongation process in roots of maize (Zea mays).


Enzymatic hydrolysis followed by biochemical analysis of derivatives was coupled with immunohistochemical detection of cell wall epitopes at different stages of cell development in a series of maize root zones.

Key Results

Two xylan-directed antibodies (LM11 and ABX) have distinct patterns of primary cell wall labelling in cross-sections of growing maize roots. The LM11 epitopes were masked by mixed-linkage glucan and were revealed only after lichenase treatment. They could be removed from the section by xylanase treatment. Accessibility of ABX epitopes was not affected by the lichenase treatment. Xylanase treatment released only part of the cell wall glucuronoarabinoxylan and produced two types of products: high-substituted (released in polymeric form) and low-substituted (released as low-molecular-mass fragments). The amount of the latter was highly correlated with the amount of mixed-linkage glucan.


Three domains of glucuronoarabinoxylan were determined: one separating cellulose microfibrils, one interacting with them and a middle domain between the two, which links them. The middle domain is masked by the mixed-linkage glucan. A model is proposed in which the mixed-linkage glucan serves as a gel-like filler of the space between the separating domain of the glucuronoarabinoxylan and the cellulose microfibrils. Space for glucan is provided along the middle domain, the proportion of which increases during cell elongation.  相似文献   

With respect to the significance of improving hybrid corn performance under stress, this experiment was conducted at the Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch, Iran. A complete randomized block design with three levels of irrigations (at 100%, 75% and 50% crop water requirement), two levels of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (Glumus intraradisis) (including control), and three levels of zinc (Zn) sulfate (0, 25 and 45 kg ha−1), was performed. Results of the 2-year experiments indicated that irrigation treatment significantly affected corn yield and its components at P = 1%. AM fungi and increasing Zn levels also resulted in similar effects on corn growth and production. Although AM fungi did not significantly affect corn growth at the non-stressed irrigation treatment, at moderate drought stress AM fungi significantly enhanced corn quality and yield relative to the control treatment. The combined effects of AM fungi and Zn sulfate at 45 kg ha−1 application significantly affected corn growth and production. In addition, the tripartite treatments significantly enhanced corn yield at P = 1%. Effects of Zn and AM fungi on plant growth under drought stress is affected by the stress level.  相似文献   

The pectin content of the cell walls of maize suspension cells was modified to investigate its role in the expression of aluminium (Al) toxicity. Long‐term adaptation to NaCl or to the cellulose synthesis inhibitor 2,6‐dichlorbenzonitirle (DCB) increased the pectin content by 31 and 86%, respectively. Subculturing salt‐adapted cells for up to 3 weeks without NaCl supply or treatment of cells with pectolyase for up to 15 min reduced pectin contents by up to 46%. Such pre‐cultured cells were incubated for 2 h in presence of Al. There was a close positive correlation between pectin and both total and BaCl2 non‐exchangeable Al contents. Aluminium‐induced callose formation as an indicator of Al injury was closely positively correlated to the loss of cell viability. In NaCl‐adapted and pectolyase‐treated cells, Al‐induced callose formation was reduced when compared with normal cells. However, there was a close positive relationship between pectin contents and relative callose induction (digitonin‐induced callose formation, reflecting the different capabilities of cells to synthesize callose set to 100%) indicating that cells with higher pectin contents are more Al‐sensitive. The results presented support our view that the binding of Al to the cell wall pectin‐matrix represents an important step in the expression of Al toxicity.  相似文献   

Kim YS  Kim TW  Kim SK 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(9):1000-1006
GC-MS analysis revealed that primary roots of maize contain 6-deoxocathasterone, 6-deoxoteasterone and 6-deoxotyphasterol. These brassinosteroids, and the previously identified campesterol, campestanol, 6-deoxocastasterone and castasterone, in the roots are members of a biosynthetic pathway to castasterone, namely the late C-6 oxidation pathway, suggesting that its biosynthetic pathway is operative in the roots. To verify this, a cell-free enzyme extract was prepared from maize roots, and enzymatic conversions from campesterol to castasterone through the aforementioned sterols and brassinosteroids were examined. The presence for the biosynthetic sequences, campesterol-->24-methylcholest-4-en-3beta-ol-->24-methylcholest-4-en-3-one-->24-methylcholest-5 alpha-cholestan-3-one-->campestanol and 6-deoxoteasterone-->6-deoxo-3-dehydroteasterone-->6-deoxotyphasterol-->6-deoxocastasterone-->castasterone were demonstrated. These results indicate that maize roots contain a complete set of enzymes involved in the late C-6 oxidation pathway, thereby demonstrating that endogenous brassinosteroids are biosynthesized in the roots.  相似文献   

Plant growth and development are greatly affected due to changes in environmental conditions and become a serious challenge to scientific people. Therefore, present study was conducted to determine the role of secondary metabolites on the growth and development of maize under abiotic stress conditions. Cinnamic acid (CA) is one of the basic phenylpropanoid with antioxidant activity, produced by plants in response to stressful conditions. Response of maize seeds to the presoaking treatment with 0.5 mM CA was studied under different concentrations of NaCl stress. Exogenous CA increased growth characteristics in saline and non-saline conditions, while effects of CA were more significant under saline conditions in comparison to non-saline conditions in maize plants. CA also reduced oxidative damage through the induction of ROS scavenging enzymes such as supperoxide dismutase (SOD) (EC, peroxidase (POD) (EC, while the activity of enzyme catalase (CAT) (EC was decreased. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) was reduced significantly in maize leaf under CA treatment. Changes in protein banding patterns in the maize leaves showed a wide variation in response to NaCl-stress, while in the presence of CA salt-induced expression of polypeptides was reduced significantly. Present study clearly reports the alleviative effects of CA in response to salinity stress on growth, metabolic activity and changes in protein profile of 21 days old maize plants.  相似文献   

Summary B-A translocations have been used to map the catalase genes, Cat1, Cat2, and Cat3 of Zea mays. Cat1 was found to be on the short arm of chromosome 5, 9.1 map units from brittle endosperm (bt 1). Cat2 was located on chromosome 1S, while Cat3 was located on the distal half of chromosome 1L. There was no linkage between Cat2 and Cat3. The significance of mapping the catalase structural genes is discussed.This research was supported by Grant No. GM22733 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health, USPHS to JGS.This is Paper No. 6437 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC  相似文献   

Our previous studies showed that Brewbaker and Kwack salts, which have been widely used in pollen germination and sperm isolation, are not appropriate for the maintenance of isolated maize (Zea mays L.) sperm cells. In the present study, we have characterized the effects of each BKS component salt on the integrity of isolated sperm cells using hemacytometry. At 0.01 and 0.1 mM, there were no differences in cell number between control and any salt-treated cells except a 22% decrease with 0.1 mM MgSO4 at 48 h. At the 1 mM level, cell number decreased with time in the presence of Ca(NO3)2 and MgSO4, with loss of integrity of most cells at 48 h, while KNO3 and H3BO3 had little or no effect. Further characterization of calcium-induced reduction in cell integrity using flow cytometry showed that depletion of possible residual free calcium by addition of EGTA to the suspension medium improved cell longevity and viability. Exposure of isolated sperm cells to 1 mM calcium had no effect on cell integrity and viability in 5 h; however, only 12% of cells remained intact at 24 h. The reduction in cell integrity was hastened when cells were pretreated with the calcium ionophore A23187 prior to exposure to 1 mM calcium, with a 54% reduction in cell number at 1 h and complete cell lysis at 24 h. However, depletion of cytosolic free calcium by pretreatment of cells with the calcium ionophore followed by resuspension in the presence of EGTA resulted in rapid reduction of cell integrity as well. These results collectively suggest that maize sperm cells are sensitive to exogenous free calcium; however, a certain level of cytosolic free calcium is necessary for maintenance of integrity. Mechanisms of calcium-induced reduction in cell integrity are discussed along with possible roles of the sensitivity of sperm cells to calcium in fertilization.  相似文献   

Summary Microtubules (MTs) in cells of various tissues at different distances from the apex of the maize root exhibited different sensitivities to cold (5 °C), as judged by MT reorientation and tendency to depolymerization. Their responses seem to be related to their initial intracellular arrangements. Generally, MTs in cells which were ceasing elongation were the least sensitive during the early stages (6–24 h) of cold treatment, but during the later stages (5–7 d) MTs in most of these cells eventually depolymerized. Pericycle cells showed a unique cold response. Here the MTs were conspicuously cold-labile and quickly depolymerized near the root-tip. However, after 1 d many pericycle cells in more proximal regions had repolymerized their MTs as dense, randomly organized arrays. These persisted for the remainder of the cold treatment. A similar resistance to longterm chilling, by means of MT repolymerization, was found in cells of the root cap, quiescent centre and cells of the distal part of the former meristem. MT repolymerization in the cold may enable the apex to resume growth when more favourable (warmer) conditions return.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethylether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - IgG immunoglobulin G - MT microtubule - PEG polyethylene glycol - PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis(diethanesulfonic acid)  相似文献   

Usually the presence of the quiescent centre in roots is demonstrated by the absence of labelled nuclei following treatment of the root with appropriate radioactive markers. By modification of the pulselabelling technique, a negative image of the quiescent center, showing more intense labelling from [3H]thymidine than the surrounding area, was obtained in regenerating root apices of Zea mays L.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated egg cell protoplasts ofZea mays L., inbred line A 188, have been studied at the transmission electron microscope level. Their preparation for electron microscopy has been performed by embedding in ultra-low gelling agarose as a preliminary step. Five isolated egg cell protoplasts were serially ultrathin sectioned and studied in detail. One of these protoplasts was reconstructed in three dimensions to provide additional information on its structure. After enzymatic digestion and microdissection, isolated egg cells are true, highly vacuolized protoplasts. The structure of their organelles agrees with in situ observations, indicating an ultrastructural intactness after isolation: the mitochondria are polymorphic, form reticulate networks, and have well developed cristae; the plastids contain starch grains; and the spherical nucleus is euchromatic. As in situ, the organelles of the isolated egg cell protoplasts are aggregated near the nucleus. The complete picture provided by this work should serve as a comparative base for studies on in vitro fertilization products.  相似文献   

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