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An enzyme with both inorganic polyphosphate [poly(P)]- and ATP-dependent NAD kinase activities was isolated from Micrococcus flavus. The enzyme was a dimer consisting of 34 kDa subunits, and was named poly(P)/ATP-NAD kinase. Internal amino acid sequences of the enzyme showed homologies with some function-unknown proteins released on the GenBank database. Among such proteins, hypothetical Rv1695 protein (Accession No. Z98268-16), which was encoded by a gene named "Rv1695" on genomic DNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, was proposed to be poly(P)-dependent NAD kinase. By cloning and expression in Escherichia coli, Rv1695 was shown to encode poly(P)/ATP-NAD kinase and named ppnk. The ppnk product, recombinant-poly(P)/ATP-NAD kinase (Ppnk) was purified and characterized. The enzyme was a tetramaer consisting of 35 kDa subunits when expressed in E. coli. Poly(P)/ATP-NAD kinases of M. flavus and Ppnk of M. tuberculosis H37Rv specifically and completely phosphorylated NAD by utilizing commercially available poly(P)s and nucleoside triphosphates as phosphoryl donors.  相似文献   

We report a series of dual-task experiments, in which a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task was combined with a visual search task. Orientation, motion, and color were used as the defining target features in the search task. Lag between target onsets was manipulated and interference between the two tasks was quantified by measuring detection scores for the search task as a function of lag. While simultaneous performance of an orientation detection task with an RSVP letter identification task resulted in a performance decrease for lags up to 320 ms, no such decrease was detected for highly salient motion- and color-defined targets. Subsequently, detectability of the motion and color feature was matched to that of the orientation-feature resulting in the reintroduction of a (smaller) performance decrease, but only during simultaneous performance (lag 0 ms). The results suggest that there are two causes for the impaired search performance occurring when a feature search task is combined with an RSVP task. The first is short-lasting interference probably due to attentional competition; the second, which plays a role only when targets for both tasks share features, is interference that may be attributed to a central processing bottleneck.  相似文献   

The abilities to predict future rewards and assess the value of reward delivery are crucial aspects of adaptive behavior. While the mesolimbic system, including dopaminergic midbrain, ventral striatum and prefrontal cortex have long been associated with reward processing, recent studies also indicate a prominent role of early visual brain regions. However, the precise underlying neural mechanisms still remain unclear. To address this issue, we presented participants with visual cues predicting rewards of high and low magnitudes and probability (2×2 factorial design), while neural activity was scanned using magnetoencephalography. Importantly, one group of participants received 150 mg of the dopamine precursor levodopa prior to the experiment, while another group received a placebo. For the placebo group, neural signals of reward probability (but not magnitude) emerged at ∼100 ms after cue presentation at occipital sensors in the event-related magnetic fields. Importantly, these probability signals were absent in the levodopa group indicating a close link. Moreover, levodopa administration reduced oscillatory power in the high (20–30 Hz) and low (13–20 Hz) beta band during both reward anticipation and delivery. Taken together, our findings indicate that visual brain regions are involved in coding prospective reward probability but not magnitude and that these effects are modulated by dopamine.  相似文献   

During a period of phosphate starvation, the phosphate contentof cells of Chlorella vulgaris which had been grown in phosphate-richsolution, decreased. The levels of most phosphate fractionsdeclined, especially those of inorganic polyphosphates, whichat first accounted for about 5 per cent of the total phosphateand virtually disappeared after 36 h starvation. On return toa phosphate medium, phosphate was taken up at a much fasterrate than before starvation, with a striking increase in acid-solublepolyphosphate. The stimulated phosphate uptake and polyphosphateincrease have been shown to be specific effects of phosphatestarvation, occurred only when excess phosphate was suppliedand required light or air for the provision of energy. Therewas relatively little change in the concentrations of otherphosphate fractions, including orthophosphate. Inorganic polyphosphatewas found to be synthesized solely from phosphate absorbed fromthe medium. It is argued that polyphosphate synthesis is a consequenceof the stimulation of phosphate uptake, induced by the starvationperiod.  相似文献   

Glibenclamide closes an ATP-sensitive K+ channel (K-ATP channel) by interaction with the sulfonylurea receptor in the plasma membrane of pancreatic B cells and thereby initiates insulin release. Previous studies demonstrated that the Mg2+ complex of ATP decreases glibenclamide binding to the sulfonylurea receptor from pancreatic islets. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of adenine and guanine nucleotides on binding of sulfonyl-ureas to the cerebral sulfonylurea receptor. For this purpose, binding properties of the particulate and solubilized site from rat or pig cerebral cortex were analyzed. Maximum recovery of receptors in detergent extracts amounted to 40-50%. Specific binding of [3H]glibenclamide to the solubilized receptors corresponded well to specific binding to microsomes. In microsomes and detergent extracts, the Mg2+ complexes of ATP, ADP, GTP, and GDP inhibited binding of [3H]glibenclamide. These effects were not observed in the absence of Mg2+. In detergent extracts, Mg-ATP (300 microM) reduced the number of high-affinity sites for [3H]-glibenclamide by 52% and increased the dissociation constant for [3H]glibenclamide by eightfold; Mg-ATP was half-maximally effective at 41 microM. Alkaline phosphatase accelerated the reversal of Mg-ATP-induced inhibition of [3H]glibenclamide binding. The data suggest similar control of the sulfonylurea receptor from brain and pancreatic islets by protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of future carbon (C) pools for policy and land management decisions under various climate change scenarios, predictions of these pools under altered climate vary considerably. Chronic warming will likely impact both ecosystem C fluxes and the abundance and distribution of plant functional types (PFTs) within systems, potentially interacting to create novel patterns of C exchange. Here, we report results from a 3-year warming experiment using open top chambers (OTC) on the Tibetan Plateau meadow grassland. Warming significantly increased C uptake through gross primary productivity (GPP) but not ecosystem respiration (ER), resulting in a 31.0% reduction in net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in warmed plots. The OTC-induced changes in ecosystem C fluxes were not fully explained by the corresponding changes in soil temperature and moisture. Warming treatments significantly increased the biomass of graminoids and legumes by 12.9 and 27.6%. These functional shifts were correlated with enhanced local GPP, but not ER, resulting in more negative NEE in plots with larger increases in graminoid and legume biomass. This may be due to a link between greater legume abundance and higher levels of total inorganic nitrogen, which can potentially drive higher GPP, but not higher ER. Overall, our results indicate that C-climate feedbacks might be closely mediated by climate-induced changes in PFTs. This highlights the need to consider the impacts of changes in PFTs when predicting future responses of C pools under altered climate scenarios.  相似文献   

Within the endomembrane system of eukaryotic cells, multisubunit tethering complexes together with their corresponding Rab‐GTPases coordinate vesicle tethering and fusion. Here, we present evidence that two homologous hexameric tethering complexes, the endosomal CORVET (Class C core vacuole/endosome transport) and the vacuolar HOPS (homotypic vacuole fusion and protein sorting) complex, have similar subunit topologies. Both complexes contain two Rab‐binding proteins at one end, and the Sec1/Munc18‐like Vps33 at the opposite side, suggesting a model on membrane bridging via Rab‐GTP and SNARE binding. In agreement, HOPS activity can be reconstituted using purified subcomplexes containing the Rab and Vps33 module, but requires all six subunits for activity. At the center of HOPS and CORVET, the class C proteins Vps11 and Vps18 connect the two parts, and Vps11 binds both HOPS Vps39 and CORVET Vps3 via the same binding site. As HOPS Vps39 is also found at endosomes, our data thus suggest that these tethering complexes follow defined but distinct assembly pathways, and may undergo transition by simple subunit interchange.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions (PPI) mediate the formation of intermolecular networks that control biological signaling. For this reason, PPIs are of outstanding interest in pharmacology, as they display high specificity and may represent a vast pool of potentially druggable targets. However, the study of physiologic PPIs can be limited by conventional assays that often have large sample requirements and relatively low sensitivity. Here, we build on a novel method, immunoprecipitation detected by flow cytometry (IP-FCM), to assess PPI modulation during either signal transduction or pharmacologic inhibition by two different classes of small-molecule compounds. First, we showed that IP-FCM can detect statistically significant differences in samples possessing a defined PPI change as low as 10%. This sensitivity allowed IP-FCM to detect a PPI that increases transiently during T cell signaling, the antigen-inducible interaction between ZAP70 and the T cell antigen receptor (TCR)/CD3 complex. In contrast, IP-FCM detected no ZAP70 recruitment when T cells were stimulated with antigen in the presence of the src-family kinase inhibitor, PP2. Further, we tested whether IP-FCM possessed sufficient sensitivity to detect the effect of a second, rare class of compounds called SMIPPI (small-molecule inhibitor of PPI). We found that the first-generation non-optimized SMIPPI, Ro-26-4550, inhibited the IL-2:CD25 interaction detected by IP-FCM. This inhibition was detectable using either a recombinant CD25-Fc chimera or physiologic full-length CD25 captured from T cell lysates. Thus, we demonstrate that IP-FCM is a sensitive tool for measuring physiologic PPIs that are modulated by signal transduction and pharmacologic inhibition.  相似文献   

High cholesterol and diabetes are major risk factors for atherosclerosis. Regression of atherosclerosis is mediated in part by the Liver X Receptor (LXR) through the induction of genes involved in cholesterol transport and efflux. In the context of diabetes, regression of atherosclerosis is impaired. We proposed that changes in glucose levels modulate LXR-dependent gene expression. Using a mouse macrophage cell line (RAW 264.7) and primary bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) cultured in normal or diabetes relevant high glucose conditions we found that high glucose inhibits the LXR-dependent expression of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1), but not ABCG1. To probe for this mechanism, we surveyed the expression of a host of chromatin-modifying enzymes and found that Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 2 (PRMT2) was reduced in high compared to normal glucose conditions. Importantly, ABCA1 expression and ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux were reduced in Prmt2 -/- compared to wild type BMDMs. Monocytes from diabetic mice also showed decreased expression of Prmt2 compared to non-diabetic counterparts. Thus, PRMT2 represents a glucose-sensitive factor that plays a role in LXR-mediated ABCA1-dependent cholesterol efflux and lends insight to the presence of increased atherosclerosis in diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Mucolipidosis type IV (MLIV) is caused by loss of function mutations in the TRPML1 ion channel. We previously reported that tissue zinc levels in MLIV were abnormally elevated; however, the mechanism behind this pathologic accumulation remains unknown. Here, we identify transmembrane (TMEM)‐163 protein, a putative zinc transporter, as a novel interacting partner for TRPML1. Evidence from yeast two‐hybrid, tissue expression pattern, co‐immunoprecipitation, mass spectrometry and confocal microscopy studies confirmed the physical association of TMEM163 with TRPML1. This interaction is disrupted when a part of TMEM163's N‐terminus was deleted. Further studies to define the relevance of their interaction revealed that the plasma membrane (PM) levels of TMEM163 significantly decrease when TRPML1 is co‐expressed in HEK‐293 cells, while it mostly localizes within the PM when co‐expressed with a mutant TRPML1 that distributes mostly in the PM. Meanwhile, co‐expression of TMEM163 does not alter TRPML1 channel activity, but its expression levels in MLIV patient fibroblasts are reduced, which correlate with marked accumulation of zinc in lysosomes when these cells are acutely exposed to exogenous zinc (100 μM). When TMEM163 is knocked down or when TMEM163 and TRPML1 are co‐knocked down in HEK‐293 cells treated overnight with 100 nm zinc, the cells have significantly higher intracellular zinc levels than untreated control. Overall, these findings suggest that TMEM163 and TRPML1 proteins play a critical role in cellular zinc homeostasis, and thus possibly explain a novel mechanism for the pathological overload of zinc in MLIV disease.   相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae is the etiologic agent of cholera in humans. Intestinal colonization occurs in a stepwise fashion, initiating with attachment to the small intestinal epithelium. This attachment is followed by expression of the toxin-coregulated pilus, microcolony formation, and cholera toxin (CT) production. We have recently characterized a secreted attachment factor, GlcNAc binding protein A (GbpA), which functions in attachment to environmental chitin sources as well as to intestinal substrates. Studies have been initiated to define the regulatory network involved in GbpA induction. At low cell density, GbpA was detected in the culture supernatant of all wild-type (WT) strains examined. In contrast, at high cell density, GbpA was undetectable in strains that produce HapR, the central regulator of the cell density-dependent quorum-sensing system of V. cholerae. HapR represses the expression of genes encoding regulators involved in V. cholerae virulence and activates the expression of genes encoding the secreted proteases HapA and PrtV. We show here that GbpA is degraded by HapA and PrtV in a time-dependent fashion. Consistent with this, ΔhapA ΔprtV strains attach to chitin beads more efficiently than either the WT or a ΔhapA ΔprtV ΔgbpA strain. These results suggest a model in which GbpA levels fluctuate in concert with the bacterial production of proteases in response to quorum-sensing signals. This could provide a mechanism for GbpA-mediated attachment to, and detachment from, surfaces in response to environmental cues.Vibrio cholerae has adapted to lifestyles in dual environments, allowing survival in aquatic locations, as well as the ability to colonize the epithelium of the human small intestine. This intestinal colonization by V. cholerae is a prerequisite for the disease cholera in humans. Intestinal colonization proceeds in a stepwise manner, initiating with attachment to the epithelial cell layer by multiple attachment factors (26). This stable attachment localizes the bacterium in an environment conducive for activation of subsequent virulence factors, including the toxin-coregulated pilus, a type IVb pilus that mediates cell-cell interactions and microcolony formation (27). Cholera toxin (CT) is produced and extracellularly secreted by bacteria within the microcolonies and enters into intestinal epithelial cells. CT causes the disruption of fluid and electrolyte balance and results in the voluminous rice water diarrhea characteristically observed with cholera patients.The ability of V. cholerae to bind to surfaces is crucial for the initial stages of colonization of both the aquatic and intestinal environments. Previous studies observing V. cholerae in the aquatic setting identified the ability of the bacteria to attach to zooplankton and phytoplankton, binding to surface structures that include chitin as a major component (7, 10, 11, 19, 21, 42). Chitin, a polymer consisting primarily of a β-1,4 linkage of GlcNAc monomers, is the most abundant aquatic carbon source and, when presented on the surfaces of zooplankton, aquatic exoskeletons, algae, and plants, provides a substrate for V. cholerae surface binding (8, 19-22). V. cholerae is able to break down chitin into carbon to use as a nutrient source via degradation by secreted chitinases (12). We have described a protein, GbpA (GlcNAc binding protein A), which facilitates the binding of V. cholerae to chitin, specifically to the chitin monomer GlcNAc, a sugar residue that is also found on the surface of epithelial cells (3, 16, 26). GbpA mediates binding to chitin, GlcNAc, and exoskeletons of Daphnia magna, as well as participates in effective intestinal colonization within the infant mouse model of cholera (26). GbpA is a secreted protein that exits the cell via the type 2 secretion system by which it mediates attachment by a yet uncharacterized mechanism (26). Previous studies examining the role of GbpA in binding to surfaces have been conducted utilizing various wild-type (WT) strains of V. cholerae, specifically O395 (26) and N16961 (33). These strains both are of the O1 serogroup but are differentially classified as classical (43) and El Tor biotypes (18), respectively. The classical biotype was responsible for the first six pandemics of cholera, whereas El Tor is the cause of the current pandemic (39).Quorum sensing regulates multiple bacterial processes, including virulence, formation of biofilms, and bioluminescence (25, 35, 36). In contrast to many other bacterial quorum-sensing systems, virulence gene expression and biofilm formation in V. cholerae is expressed under conditions of low cell density and repressed at high cell density (17, 35, 48). HapR, a member of the TetR family of regulatory proteins, is a central regulator on which the three parallel inputs of the V. cholerae quorum-sensing system converge (30, 35). During low-cell-density conditions, characteristic of growth within the aquatic environment or stages of early intestinal colonization, the quorum-sensing system is not engaged. Under conditions of high cell density, bacterial numbers and secreted autoinducer molecules are increased to a level that triggers the V. cholerae quorum-sensing system.HapR regulates gene function in two ways, serving as both an activator and repressor. At high cell density, HapR functions in the capacity of a repressor of the toxin-coregulated pilus and CT virulence cascade (29, 31) as well as a repressor of vps gene expression (17), preventing biofilm formation. In addition to repressing gene expression, at high cell density HapR activates the expression of genes encoding extracellularly secreted proteases HapA and PrtV (14, 17, 23, 45-47). HapA, also referred to as hemagglutinin/protease (HA/P), was first reported as a mucinase by Burnet (6) and later characterized as a zinc- and calcium-dependent metalloprotease (4). Extracellularly secreted via the V. cholerae type 2 secretion pathway (40), HA/P has been demonstrated to cleave fibronectin, lactoferrin, and mucin (15), as well as to participate in the activation of the CT A subunit (5). Further studies have led to the suggestion that HA/P is a detachase, critical for the release of V. cholerae from the surface of intestinal cells (2, 14, 38). PrtV is a second protease encoded by a gene that is activated by HapR (47). It has been demonstrated to be essential for both V. cholerae killing of Caenorhabditis elegans, as well as protecting V. cholerae from predator grazing by various flagellates (32, 45).The data presented here indicate that HapA and PrtV participate in the targeted degradation of the attachment factor GbpA. We demonstrate that GbpA is present during the logarithmic phase of growth and conditions of low cell density but that it is not present in the supernatant of high-cell-density cultures of strains that express functional HapR. Further studies revealed that during stages of high cell density, proteases HapA and PrtV, encoded by HapR-activated genes, are responsible for GbpA degradation in the culture supernatant. These findings suggest that the attachment factor GbpA is potentially a ligand targeted for protease degradation during the epithelial detachment process. This process could aid in the release of V. cholerae back into the aquatic environment following late stages of intestinal colonization.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of three clinical psychological variables (non-pathological levels of depression and anxiety, as well as experimentally manipulated mood) on fat and taste perception in healthy subjects. After a baseline orosensory evaluation, ‘sad’, ‘happy’ and ‘neutral’ video clips were presented to induce corresponding moods in eighty participants. Following mood manipulation, subjects rated five different oral stimuli, appearing sweet, umami, sour, bitter, fatty, which were delivered at five different concentrations each. Depression levels were assessed with Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) and anxiety levels were assessed via the Spielberger’s STAI-trait and state questionnaire. Overall, subjects were able to track the concentrations of the stimuli correctly, yet depression level affected taste ratings. First, depression scores were positively correlated with sucrose ratings. Second, subjects with depression scores above the sample median rated sucrose and quinine as more intense after mood induction (positive, negative and neutral). Third and most important, the group with enhanced depression scores did not rate low and high fat stimuli differently after positive or negative mood induction, whereas, during baseline or during the non-emotional neutral condition they rated the fat intensity as increasing with concentration. Consistent with others’ prior observations we also found that sweet and bitter stimuli at baseline were rated as more intense by participants with higher anxiety scores and that after positive and negative mood induction, citric acid was rated as stronger tasting compared to baseline. The observation that subjects with mild subclinical depression rated low and high fat stimuli similarly when in positive or negative mood is novel and likely has potential implications for unhealthy eating patterns. This deficit may foster unconscious eating of fatty foods in sub-clinical mildly depressed populations.  相似文献   

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