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The mucosal events of HIV transmission have been extensively studied, but the role of infected cells present in the genital and rectal secretions, and in the semen, in particular, remains a matter of debate. As a prerequisite to a thorough in vivo investigation of the early transmission events through infected cells, we characterized in detail by multi-parameter flow cytometry the changes in macaque seminal leukocytes during SIVmac251 infection, focusing on T cells, macrophages and dendritic cells. Using immunocytofluorescence targeting SIV proteins and real-time quantitative PCR targeting SIV DNA, we investigated the nature of the infected cells on sorted semen leukocytes from macaques at different stages of infection. Finally, we cocultured semen CD4+ T cells and macrophages with a cell line permissive to SIV infection to assess their infectivity in vitro. We found that primary infection induced strong local inflammation, which was associated with an increase in the number of leukocytes in semen, both factors having the potential to favor cell-associated virus transmission. Semen CD4+ T cells and macrophages were productively infected at all stages of infection and were infectious in vitro. Lymphocytes had a mucosal phenotype and expressed activation (CD69 & HLA-DR) and migration (CCR5, CXCR4, LFA-1) markers. CD69 expression was increased in semen T cells by SIV infection, at all stages of infection. Macrophages predominated at all stages and expressed CD4, CCR5, MAC-1 and LFA-1. Altogether, we demonstrated that semen contains the two major SIV-target cells (CD4+ T cells and macrophages). Both cell types can be productively infected at all stages of SIV infection and are endowed with markers that may facilitate transmission of infection during sexual exposure.  相似文献   

目的测试气管插管法接种高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1感染恒河猴的优势效果及疾病分析,为有效感染恒河猴、制备H5N1疾病模型提供实验依据。方法使用人源H5N1病毒液经气管插管滴入恒河猴上呼吸道进行感染,观察感染恒河猴的临床表现,每天采集咽拭子、鼻灌洗液,在感染前2d感染后第3、5、7天采血,感染后第3和7天分别解剖1只恒河猴,取支气管淋巴结、肠淋巴结、鼻甲、心、肝、脾、肺、肾、肠、气管、脑及血液进行病毒分离、核酸载量检测和血常规测定。结果感染后第2天恒河猴出现食欲下降,活动减少,并伴有一过性体温升高,白细胞数和淋巴细胞数下降。咽拭子、鼻灌洗液、肺、心、气管、脑、肝、肾、肠和血液中都能分离到H5N1病毒。结论气管插管法接种H5N1病毒能有效感染恒河猴,并在猴体内多组织中分离、检测到病毒,为制备完善的H5N1模型和检测指标确定、进一步研究H5N1病毒的致病机制等奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Comprehensive studies of the frequencies and absolute numbers of the various cell lineages that synthesize IL-17 in the blood and corresponding gastrointestinal (GI) tissues, their correlation with CD4+ Tregs, CD8+ Tregs, total and IFN-α synthesizing plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) relative to plasma viral load in SIV infection has been lacking. The unique availability of SIV infected rhesus macaques (RM) classified as Elite Controllers (EC), and those with Low, Intermediate and High Viral Loads (HVL) provided a unique opportunity to address this issue. Results of these studies showed that EC demonstrated a remarkable ability to reverse changes that are induced acutely by SIV in the various cell lineages. Highlights of the differences between EC and HVL RM within Gastro-intestinal tissues (GIT) was the maintenance and/or increases in the levels of IL-17 synthesizing CD4, CD8, and NK cells and pDCs associated with slight decreases in the levels of CD4+ Tregs and IFN-α synthesizing pDCs in EC as compared with decreases in the levels of IL-17 synthesizing CD4, CD8 and NK cells associated with increases in pDCs and IFN-α synthesizing pDCs in HVL monkeys. A previously underappreciated role for CD8+ Tregs was also noted with a moderate increase in ECs but further increases of CD8+ Tregs with increasing VL in viremic monkeys. Positive correlations between plasma VL and decreases in the levels of Th17, Tc17, NK-17, CD4+ Tregs and increases in the levels of CD8+ Tregs, total and IFN-α synthesizing pDCs were also noted. This study also identified 2 additional IL-17+ subsets in GIT as CD3−/CD8+/NKG2a and CD3+/CD8+/NKG2a+ subsets. Studies also suggest a limited role for IFN-α synthesizing pDCs in chronic immune activation despite persistent up-regulation of ISGs. Finally, elevated persistent innate immune responses appear associated with poor prognosis. These findings provide an initial foundation for markers important to follow for vaccine design.  相似文献   

Innate immune responses are reasoned to play an important role during both acute and chronic SIV infection and play a deterministic role during the acute stages on the rate of infection and disease progression. NK cells are an integral part of the innate immune system but their role in influencing the course of SIV infection has been a subject of debate. As a means to delineate the effect of NK cells on SIV infection, use was made of a Janus kinase 3 (JAK3) inhibitor that has previously been shown to be effective in the depletion of NK cells in vivo in nonhuman primates (NHP). Extensive safety and in vitro/in vivo PK studies were conducted and an optimal dose that depletes NK cells and NK cell function in vivo identified. Six chronically SIV infected rhesus macaques, 3 with undetectable/low plasma viral loads and 3 with high plasma viral loads were administered a daily oral dose of 10 mg/kg for 35 days. Data obtained showed that, at the dose tested, the major cell lineage affected both in the blood and the GI tissues were the NK cells. Such depletion appeared to be associated with a transient increase in plasma and GI tissue viral loads. Whereas the number of NK cells returned to baseline values in the blood, the GI tissues remained depleted of NK cells for a prolonged period of time. Recent findings show that the JAK3 inhibitor utilized in the studies reported herein has a broader activity than previously reported with dose dependent effects on both JAK2 and JAK1 suggests that it is likely that multiple pathways are affected with the administration of this drug that needs to be taken into account. The findings reported herein are the first studies on the use of a JAK3 inhibitor in lentivirus infected NHP.  相似文献   

目的研究猴艾滋病毒感染急性期恒河猴肠道相关淋巴组织(mucosal associated lymphoid tissues,MALTs)NK细胞亚群和功能变化。方法 SIV静脉感染恒河猴后,定期进行动物感染指标测定,并在感染后不同时间点取肠组织,分离派氏淋巴结单个核细胞(peyer's patch mononuclear cells,PPMC)和粘膜固有层单个核细胞(lamina propria mononuclear cells,LPMC),进行T细胞和NK细胞表面抗体染色,流式分析。结果 SIV感染急性期MALTs CD56CD16+NK细胞亚群比例增幅明显,同时细胞毒性功能增强;CD56-CD16-NK细胞亚群数量减少,功能无明显变化;CD56+CD16+和CD56+CD16-NK细胞数量比例略有增加趋势,但免疫调节功能显著降低。结论SIV感染急性期恒河猴肠道MALTs中NK细胞脱颗粒作用增强,表型功能呈现出较强可塑性。该研究对探索艾滋病粘膜免疫机理、抗病毒治疗及药物研发具有参考意义。  相似文献   

Many viral infections, including HIV, exhibit sex-based pathogenic differences. However, few studies have examined vaccine-related sex differences. We compared immunogenicity and protective efficacy of monomeric SIV gp120 with oligomeric SIV gp140 in a pre-clinical rhesus macaque study and explored a subsequent sex bias in vaccine outcome. Each immunization group (16 females, 8 males) was primed twice mucosally with replication-competent Ad-recombinants encoding SIVsmH4 env/rev, SIV239 gag and SIV239 nefΔ1–13 and boosted twice intramuscularly with SIVmac239 monomeric gp120 or oligomeric gp140 in MF59 adjuvant. Controls (7 females, 5 males) received empty Ad and MF59. Up to 9 weekly intrarectal challenges with low-dose SIVmac251 were administered until macaques became infected. We assessed vaccine-induced binding, neutralizing, and non-neutralizing antibodies, Env-specific memory B cells and plasmablasts/plasma cells (PB/PC) in bone marrow and rectal tissue, mucosal Env-specific antibodies, and Env-specific T-cells. Post-challenge, only one macaque (gp140-immunized) remained uninfected. However, SIV acquisition was significantly delayed in vaccinated females but not males, correlated with Env-specific IgA in rectal secretions, rectal Env-specific memory B cells, and PC in rectal tissue. These results extend previous correlations of mucosal antibodies and memory B cells with protective efficacy. The gp140 regimen was more immunogenic, stimulating elevated gp140 and cyclic V2 binding antibodies, ADCC and ADCP activities, bone marrow Env-specific PB/PC, and rectal gp140-specific IgG. However, immunization with gp120, the form of envelope immunogen used in RV144, the only vaccine trial to show some efficacy, provided more significant acquisition delay. Further over 40 weeks of follow-up, no gp120 immunized macaques met euthanasia criteria in contrast to 7 gp140-immunized and 2 control animals. Although males had higher binding antibodies than females, ADCC and ADCP activities were similar. The complex challenge outcomes may reflect differences in IgG subtypes, Fc glycosylation, Fc-R polymorphisms, and/or the microbiome, key areas for future studies. This first demonstration of a sex-difference in SIV vaccine-induced protection emphasizes the need for sex-balancing in vaccine trials. Our results highlight the importance of mucosal immunity and memory B cells at the SIV exposure site for protection.  相似文献   

The ability of recombinant rhesus interleukin-12 (rMamu-IL-12) administration during acute simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac251 infection to influence the quality of the antiviral immune responses was assessed in rhesus macaques. Group I (n = 4) was the virus-only control group. Group II and III received a conditioning regimen of rMamu-IL-12 (10 and 20 microg/kg, respectively, subcutaneously [s.c.]) on days -2 and 0. Thereafter, group II received 2 microg of IL-12 per kg and group III received 10 microg/kg s.c. twice a week for 8 weeks. On day 0 all animals were infected with SIVmac251 intravenously. While all four group I animals and three of four group II animals died by 8 and 10 months post infection (p.i.), all four group III animals remained alive for >20 months p.i. The higher IL-12 dose led to lower plasma viral loads and markedly lower peripheral blood mononuclear cell and lymph node proviral DNA loads. During the acute viremia phase, the high-IL-12-dose monkeys showed an increase in CD3(-) CD8 alpha/alpha(+) and CD3(+) CD8 alpha/alpha(+) cells and, unlike the control and low-IL-12-dose animals, did not demonstrate an increase in CD4(+) CD45RA(+) CD62L(+) naive cells. The high-IL-12-dose animals also demonstrated that both CD8 alpha/alpha(+) and CD8 alpha/beta(+) cells produced antiviral factors early p.i., whereas only CD8 alpha/beta(+) cells retained this function late p.i. Long-term survival correlated with sustained high levels of SIV gag/pol and SIV env cytotoxic T lymphocytes and retention of high memory responses against nominal antigens. This is the first study to demonstrate the capacity of IL-12 to significantly protect macaques from SIV-induced disease, and it provides a useful model to more precisely identify correlates of virus-specific disease-protective responses.  相似文献   

While CD8+ T cells are clearly important in controlling virus replication during HIV and SIV infections, the mechanisms underlying this antiviral effect remain poorly understood. In this study, we assessed the in vivo effect of CD8+ lymphocyte depletion on the lifespan of productively infected cells during chronic SIVmac239 infection of rhesus macaques. We treated two groups of animals that were either CD8+ lymphocyte-depleted or controls with antiretroviral therapy, and used mathematical modeling to assess the lifespan of infected cells either in the presence or absence of CD8+ lymphocytes. We found that, in both early (day 57 post-SIV) and late (day 177 post-SIV) chronic SIV infection, depletion of CD8+ lymphocytes did not result in a measurable increase in the lifespan of either short- or long-lived productively infected cells in vivo. This result indicates that the presence of CD8+ lymphocytes does not result in a noticeably shorter lifespan of productively SIV-infected cells, and thus that direct cell killing is unlikely to be the main mechanism underlying the antiviral effect of CD8+ T cells in SIV-infected macaques with high virus replication.  相似文献   

恒河猴Mamu-A^*01基因与SIV/SHIV感染相关的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
SIV/SHIV感染的恒河猴是研究艾滋病及艾滋病药物筛选、疫苗评价较理想的动物模型。MHC在细胞免疫中起着关键作用,研究表明,MHC-I类分子的多态性与SIV/SHIV感染者的疾病进展有着明显的关联作用,Mamu-A^*01是恒河猴中的一种MHC-I类分子,它可以呈递特定的病毒蛋白片段到细胞的表面,从而激发CTL反应。国外发现Mamu-A^*01阳性的猴艾滋病恒河猴会出现疾病进展缓慢,存活时间长等特征。本文就恒河猴Mamu-A^*01基因与SIV/SHIV感染相关的研究进展做一综述,以期进一步加深对MHC在疫苗研究中的作用的了解,并促进更行之有效地对HIV/AIDS疫苗进行评价。  相似文献   

目的研究SHIV-XJ02170在中国恒河猴感染后期传代过程中病毒和宿主的变化特点,并分析env基因的序列变异。方法将感染中国恒河猴G0401V后期(5年)的SHIV-XJ02170病毒垂直传代2只猴(G0401V→G0402V→0403V),同时,剔除G0401V猴CD8+T细胞使潜伏的病毒大量复制后传代1只猴(G0401V→G0404V),应用流式细胞术、病毒载量测定、序列分析等方法研究该病毒在猴体内长期适应后的病毒和免疫学指标及序列变异特点。结果 G0401V在感染后期仍能稳定传代,且表现出毒力增强的特点。其传代猴G0402V在传代后41 d死亡,外周血CD4+T淋巴细胞衰竭,仅为43个/mL,符合艾滋病感染猴快速进展型的特征。剔除体内CD8+T细胞之后的传代猴G0404V的表现类似G0401V,即长期低水平的病毒血症水平。env基因序列分析发现SHIV-XJ02170在G0401V体内长期适应后发生了可遗传的序列变异,并引起糖基化位点的改变。结论 SHIV-XJ02170在猴体长期适应后的传代过程中表现出向强毒株过渡的特征,为进行SHIV-XJ02170感染性克隆的构建奠定了良好的实验基础。  相似文献   

Herpes B virus (or Herpesvirus simiae or Macacine herpesvirus 1) is endemic in many populations of macaques, both in the wild and in captivity. The virus elicits only mild clinical symptoms (if any) in monkeys, but can be transmitted by various routes, most commonly via bites, to humans where it causes viral encephalitis with a high mortality rate. Hence, herpes B constitutes a considerable occupational hazard for animal caretakers, veterinarians and laboratory personnel. Efforts are therefore being made to reduce the risk of zoonotic infection and to improve prognosis after accidental exposure. Among the measures envisaged are serological surveillance of monkey colonies and specific diagnosis of herpes B zoonosis against a background of antibodies recognizing the closely related human herpes simplex virus (HSV). 422 pentadecapeptides covering, in an overlapping fashion, the entire amino acid sequences of herpes B proteins gB and gD were synthesized and immobilized on glass slides. Antibodies present in monkey sera that bind to subsets of the peptide collection were detected by microserological techniques. With 42 different rhesus macaque sera, 114 individual responses to 18 different antibody target regions (ATRs) were recorded, 17 of which had not been described earlier. This finding may pave the way for a peptide-based, herpes B specific serological diagnostic test.  相似文献   



Dual epidemics of the malaria parasite Plasmodium and HIV-1 in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia present a significant risk for co-infection in these overlapping endemic regions. Recent studies of HIV/Plasmodium falciparum co-infection have reported significant interactions of these pathogens, including more rapid CD4+ T cell loss, increased viral load, increased immunosuppression, and increased episodes of clinical malaria. Here, we describe a novel rhesus macaque model for co-infection that supports and expands upon findings in human co-infection studies and can be used to identify interactions between these two pathogens.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Five rhesus macaques were infected with P. cynomolgi and, following three parasite relapses, with SIV. Compared to macaques infected with SIV alone, co-infected animals had, as a group, decreased survival time and more rapid declines in markers for SIV progression, including peripheral CD4+ T cells and CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratios. The naïve CD4+ T cell pool of the co-infected animals was depleted more rapidly than animals infected with SIV alone. The co-infected animals also failed to generate proliferative responses to parasitemia by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells as well as B cells while also having a less robust anti-parasite and altered anti-SIV antibody response.


These data suggest that infection with both SIV and Plasmodium enhances SIV-induced disease progression and impairs the anti-Plasmodium immune response. These data support findings in HIV/Plasmodium co-infection studies. This animal model can be used to further define impacts of lentivirus and Plasmodium co-infection and guide public health and therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

HIV-infected individuals with latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection are at significantly greater risk of reactivation tuberculosis (TB) than HIV-negative individuals with latent TB, even while CD4 T cell numbers are well preserved. Factors underlying high rates of reactivation are poorly understood and investigative tools are limited. We used cynomolgus macaques with latent TB co-infected with SIVmac251 to develop the first animal model of reactivated TB in HIV-infected humans to better explore these factors. All latent animals developed reactivated TB following SIV infection, with a variable time to reactivation (up to 11 months post-SIV). Reactivation was independent of virus load but correlated with depletion of peripheral T cells during acute SIV infection. Animals experiencing reactivation early after SIV infection (<17 weeks) had fewer CD4 T cells in the periphery and airways than animals reactivating in later phases of SIV infection. Co-infected animals had fewer T cells in involved lungs than SIV-negative animals with active TB despite similar T cell numbers in draining lymph nodes. Granulomas from these animals demonstrated histopathologic characteristics consistent with a chronically active disease process. These results suggest initial T cell depletion may strongly influence outcomes of HIV-Mtb co-infection.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) modulate B-cell survival and differentiation, mainly through production of growth factors such as B lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS/BAFF). In recent longitudinal studies involving HIV-1-infected individuals with different rates of disease progression, we have shown that DCs were altered in number and phenotype in the context of HIV-1 disease progression and B-cell dysregulations were associated with increased BLyS/BAFF expression in plasma and by blood myeloid DCs (mDCs) in rapid and classic progressors but not in HIV-1-elite controllers (EC). Suggesting that the extent to which HIV-1 disease progression is controlled may be linked to BLyS/BAFF expression status and the capacity to orchestrate B-cell responses. Herein, longitudinal analyses of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques also revealed increased expression of BLyS/BAFF by blood mDCs as soon as day 8 and throughout infection. Strikingly, granulocytes presented the highest BLyS/BAFF expression profile in the blood of SIV-infected macaques. BLyS/BAFF levels were also increased in plasma and correlated with viral loads. Consequently, these SIV-infected animals had plasma hyperglobulinemia and reduced blood B-cell numbers with altered population frequencies. These data underscore that BLyS/BAFF is associated with immune dysregulation in SIV-infected rhesus macaques and suggest that BLyS/BAFF is a key regulator of immune activation that is highly conserved among primates. These findings emphasize the potential importance of this SIV-infected primate model to test whether blocking excess BLyS/BAFF has an effect on the overall inflammatory burden and immune restoration.  相似文献   

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