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Transposable elements (TEs) are major components of plant genome and are reported to play significant roles in functional genome diversity and phenotypic variations. Several TEs are highly polymorphic for insert location in the genome and this facilitates development of TE-based markers for various genotyping purposes. Considering this, a genome-wide analysis was performed in the model plant foxtail millet. A total of 30,706 TEs were identified and classified as DNA transposons (24,386), full-length Copia type (1,038), partial or solo Copia type (10,118), full-length Gypsy type (1,570), partial or solo Gypsy type (23,293) and Long- and Short-Interspersed Nuclear Elements (3,659 and 53, respectively). Further, 20,278 TE-based markers were developed, namely Retrotransposon-Based Insertion Polymorphisms (4,801, ∼24%), Inter-Retrotransposon Amplified Polymorphisms (3,239, ∼16%), Repeat Junction Markers (4,451, ∼22%), Repeat Junction-Junction Markers (329, ∼2%), Insertion-Site-Based Polymorphisms (7,401, ∼36%) and Retrotransposon-Microsatellite Amplified Polymorphisms (57, 0.2%). A total of 134 Repeat Junction Markers were screened in 96 accessions of Setaria italica and 3 wild Setaria accessions of which 30 showed polymorphism. Moreover, an open access database for these developed resources was constructed (Foxtail millet Transposable Elements-based Marker Database; Taken together, this study would serve as a valuable resource for large-scale genotyping applications in foxtail millet and related grass species.  相似文献   

Two major gene families derived from Ty3/Gypsy long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons were recently identified in mammals. The sushi-ichi retrotransposon homologue (SIRH) family comprises 12 genes: 11 in eutherians including Peg10 and Peg11/Rtl1 that have essential roles in the eutherian placenta and 1 that is marsupial specific. Fifteen and 12 genes were reported in the second gene family, para-neoplastic antigen MA (PNMA), in humans and mice, respectively, although their biological functions and evolutionary history remain largely unknown. Here, we identified two novel candidate PNMA genes, PNMA-MS1 and -MS2 in marsupials. Like all eutherian-specific PNMA genes, they exhibit the highest homology to a Gypsy12_DR (DR, Danio rerio) Gag protein. PNMA-MS1 is conserved in both Australian and South American marsupial species, the tammar wallaby and grey short-tailed opossum. However, no PNMA-MS1 orthologue was found in eutherians, monotremes or non-mammalian vertebrates. PNMA-MS1 was expressed in the ovary, mammary gland and brain during development and growth in the tammar, suggesting that PNMA-MS1 may have acquired a marsupial-specific function. However, PNMA-MS2 seems to be a pseudogene. The absence of marsupial orthologues of eutherian PNMA genes suggests that the retrotransposition events of the Gypsy12_DR-related retrotransposons that gave rise to the PNMA family occurred after the divergence of marsupials and eutherians.  相似文献   



The mariner family of transposable elements is one of the most widespread in the Metazoa. It is subdivided into several subfamilies that do not mirror the phylogeny of these species, suggesting an ancient diversification. Previous hybridization and PCR studies allowed a partial survey of mariner diversity in the Metazoa. In this work, we used a comparative genomics approach to access the genus-wide diversity and evolution of mariner transposable elements in twenty Drosophila sequenced genomes.


We identified 36 different mariner lineages belonging to six distinct subfamilies, including a subfamily not described previously. Wide variation in lineage abundance and copy number were observed among species and among mariner lineages, suggesting continuous turn-over. Most mariner lineages are inactive and contain a high proportion of damaged copies. We showed that, in addition to substitutions that rapidly inactivate copies, internal deletion is a major mechanism contributing to element decay and the generation of non-autonomous sublineages. Hence, 23% of copies correspond to several Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements (MITE) sublineages, the first ever described in Drosophila for mariner. In the most successful MITEs, internal deletion is often associated with internal rearrangement, which sheds light on the process of MITE origin. The estimation of the transposition rates over time revealed that all lineages followed a similar progression consisting of a rapid amplification burst followed by a rapid decrease in transposition. We detected some instances of multiple or ongoing transposition bursts. Different amplification times were observed for mariner lineages shared by different species, a finding best explained by either horizontal transmission or a reactivation process. Different lineages within one species have also amplified at different times, corresponding to successive invasions. Finally, we detected a preference for insertion into short TA-rich regions, which appears to be specific to some subfamilies.


This analysis is the first comprehensive survey of this family of transposable elements at a genus scale. It provides precise measures of the different evolutionary processes that were hypothesized previously for this family based on PCR data analysis. mariner lineages were observed at almost all “life cycle” stages: recent amplification, subsequent decay and potential (re)-invasion or invasion of genomes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-727) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Cochliobolus heterostrophus is a dothideomycete that causes Southern Corn Leaf Blight disease. There are two races, race O and race T that differ by the absence (race O) and presence (race T) of ~ 1.2-Mb of DNA encoding genes responsible for the production of T-toxin, which makes race T much more virulent than race O. The presence of repetitive elements in fungal genomes is considered to be an important source of genetic variability between different species.


A detailed analysis of class I and II TEs identified in the near complete genome sequence of race O was performed. In total in race O, 12 new families of transposons were identified. In silico evidence of recent activity was found for many of the transposons and analyses of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) demonstrated that these elements were actively transcribed. Various potentially active TEs were found near coding regions and may modify the expression and structure of these genes by acting as ectopic recombination sites. Transposons were found on scaffolds carrying polyketide synthase encoding genes, responsible for production of T-toxin in race T. Strong evidence of ectopic recombination was found, demonstrating that TEs can play an important role in the modulation of genome architecture of this species. The Repeat Induced Point mutation (RIP) silencing mechanism was shown to have high specificity in C. heterostrophus, acting only on transposons near coding regions.


New families of transposons were identified. In C. heterostrophus, the RIP silencing mechanism is efficient and selective. The co-localization of effector genes and TEs, therefore, exposes those genes to high rates of point mutations. This may accelerate the rate of evolution of these genes, providing a potential advantage for the host. Additionally, it was shown that ectopic recombination promoted by TEs appears to be the major event in the genome reorganization of this species and that a large number of elements are still potentially active. So, this study provides information about the potential impact of TEs on the evolution of C. heterostrophus.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-536) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



The siRNA and piRNA pathways have been shown in insects to be essential for regulation of gene expression and defence against exogenous and endogenous genetic elements (viruses and transposable elements). The vast majority of endogenous small RNAs produced by the siRNA and piRNA pathways originate from repetitive or transposable elements (TE). In D. melanogaster, TE-derived endogenous siRNAs and piRNAs are involved in genome surveillance and maintenance of genome integrity. In the medically relevant malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae TEs constitute 12-16% of the genome size. Genetic variations induced by TE activities are known to shape the genome landscape and to alter the fitness in An. gambiae.


Here, using bioinformatics approaches we analyzed the small RNA data sets from 6 libraries formally reported in a previous study and examined the expression of the mixed germline/somatic siRNAs and piRNAs produced in adult An. gambiae females. We characterized a large population of TE-derived endogenous siRNAs and piRNAs, which constitutes 56-60% of the total siRNA and piRNA reads in the analysed libraries. Moreover, we identified a number of protein coding genes producing gene-specific siRNAs and piRNAs that were generally expressed at much lower levels than the TE-associated small RNAs. Detailed sequence analysis revealed that An. gambiae piRNAs were produced by both “ping-pong” dependent (TE-associated piRNAs) and independent mechanisms (genic piRNAs). Similarly to D. melanogaster, more than 90% of the detected piRNAs were produced from TE-associated clusters in An. gambiae. We also found that biotic stress as blood feeding and infection with Plasmodium parasite, the etiological agent of malaria, modulated the expression levels of the endogenous siRNAs and piRNAs in An. gambiae.


We identified a large and diverse set of the endogenously derived siRNAs and piRNAs that share common and distinct aspects of small RNA expression across insect species, and inferred their impact on TE and gene activity in An. gambiae. The TE-specific small RNAs produced by both the siRNA and piRNA pathways represent an important aspect of genome stability and genetic variation, which might have a strong impact on the evolution of the genome and vector competence in the malaria mosquitoes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1436-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Dendrobium species show tremendous morphological diversity and have broad geographical distribution. As repetitive sequence analysis is a useful tool to investigate the evolution of chromosomes and genomes, the aim of the present study was the characterization of repetitive sequences from Dendrobium moschatum for comparative molecular and cytogenetic studies in the related species Dendrobium aphyllum, Dendrobium aggregatum and representatives from other orchid genera.


In order to isolate highly repetitive sequences, a c0t-1 DNA plasmid library was established. Repeats were sequenced and used as probes for Southern hybridization. Sequence divergence was analysed using bioinformatic tools. Repetitive sequences were localized along orchid chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).

Key Results

Characterization of the c0t-1 library resulted in the detection of repetitive sequences including the (GA)n dinucleotide DmoO11, numerous Arabidopsis-like telomeric repeats and the highly amplified dispersed repeat DmoF14. The DmoF14 repeat is conserved in six Dendrobium species but diversified in representative species of three other orchid genera. FISH analyses showed the genome-wide distribution of DmoF14 in D. moschatum, D. aphyllum and D. aggregatum. Hybridization with the telomeric repeats demonstrated Arabidopsis-like telomeres at the chromosome ends of Dendrobium species. However, FISH using the telomeric probe revealed two pairs of chromosomes with strong intercalary signals in D. aphyllum. FISH showed the terminal position of 5S and 18S–5·8S–25S rRNA genes and a characteristic number of rDNA sites in the three Dendrobium species.


The repeated sequences isolated from D. moschatum c0t-1 DNA constitute major DNA families of the D. moschatum, D. aphyllum and D. aggregatum genomes with DmoF14 representing an ancient component of orchid genomes. Large intercalary telomere-like arrays suggest chromosomal rearrangements in D. aphyllum while the number and localization of rRNA genes as well as the species-specific distribution pattern of an abundant microsatellite reflect the genomic diversity of the three Dendrobium species.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Although monocotyledonous plants comprise one of the two major groups of angiosperms and include >65 000 species, comprehensive genome analysis has been focused mainly on the Poaceae (grass) family. Due to this bias, most of the conclusions that have been drawn for monocot genome evolution are based on grasses. It is not known whether these conclusions apply to many other monocots.


To extend our understanding of genome evolution in the monocots, Asparagales genomic sequence data were acquired and the structural properties of asparagus and onion genomes were analysed. Specifically, several available onion and asparagus bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) with contig sizes >35 kb were annotated and analysed, with a particular focus on the characterization of long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons.

Key Results

The results reveal that LTR retrotransposons are the major components of the onion and garden asparagus genomes. These elements are mostly intact (i.e. with two LTRs), have mainly inserted within the past 6 million years and are piled up into nested structures. Analysis of shotgun genomic sequence data and the observation of two copies for some transposable elements (TEs) in annotated BACs indicates that some families have become particularly abundant, as high as 4–5 % (asparagus) or 3–4 % (onion) of the genome for the most abundant families, as also seen in large grass genomes such as wheat and maize.


Although previous annotations of contiguous genomic sequences have suggested that LTR retrotransposons were highly fragmented in these two Asparagales genomes, the results presented here show that this was largely due to the methodology used. In contrast, this current work indicates an ensemble of genomic features similar to those observed in the Poaceae.  相似文献   

Several Meloidogyne incognita geographic populations were characterized by analysis of the restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) obtained after digestion of their total DNA and hybridization with a [³²P]-labeled probe. The probe consisted of a 1.7-kb-repeated DNA sequence, isolated from a M. incognita genomic library, that hybridized to multiple BamH I fragments in the genome of each isolate. The patterns showed sufficient polymorphism to enable the accurate differentiation of all the populations tested.  相似文献   

Cot curves derived from renaturation kinetics of sheared denatured DNA indicated that the genome of six populations representing the four most common root-knot nematode species (Meloidogyne incognita, M. arenaria, M. javanica, and M. hapla) is composed of 20% repetitive and 80% nonrepetitive sequences of DNA. Cot curves were almost identical, indicating that all populations had a haploid genome of approximately the same size. Calculations from an average Cot curve gave an estimate of 0.51 x 108 nucleotide base pairs for the haploid genome of the four Meloidogyne species. This genome is about 12-13 times larger than the genome of the E. coli strain used as a control.  相似文献   

Summary Two stable derivatives of the highly unstable niv-53::Tam1 allele of Antirrhinum majus were analysed. In both derivatives the Tam1 element is integrated at the same site and in the same orientation as in the parental niv-53::Tam1 allele. In both cases the Tam1 element was found to carry a 5 bp deletion (CACTA) in one of its termini. This explains the excision deficiency of these two alleles of Tam1, niv-53::Tam1-46 and niv-53::Tam1-49. Niv-44::Tam2, another stable nivea mutation, carries the 5 kb element Tam2, which is not a derivative of Tam1 but possesses identical terminal inverted repeats. When the stable lines 46 and 49 were corssed with line 44, suprisingly, a high number of the flowers in the F1 displayed a variegated phenotype. Sequence analysis of two germinal revertants isolated from the heterozygote niv-53::Tam1-46/niv-44::Tam2 shows excision of the Tam2 element. This indicates that Tam2 is a defective element, which can be complemented by an active Tam1 element. However, the variegated F1 phenotype observed is not inherited monofactorially. Variegation is seen only at particular times of development of the F1 plants. These phenomena seem to involve both the Tam1 and Tam2 transposable elements.  相似文献   

Replication of picornaviruses is dependent on VPg uridylylation, which is linked to the presence of the internal cis-acting replication element (cre). Cre are located within the sequence encoding polyprotein, yet at distinct positions as demonstrated for poliovirus and coxsackievirus-B3, cardiovirus, and human rhinovirus (HRV-A and HRV-B), overlapping proteins 2C, VP2, 2A, and VP1, respectively. Here we report a novel distinct cre element located in the VP2 region of the recently reported HRV-A2 species and provide evolutionary evidence of its functionality. We also experimentally interrogated functionality of recently identified HRV-B cre in the 2C region that is orthologous to the human enterovirus (HEV) cre and show that it is dispensable for replication and appears to be a nonfunctional evolutionary relic. In addition, our mutational analysis highlights two amino acids in the 2C protein that are crucial for replication. Remarkably, we conclude that each genetic clade of HRV and HEV is characterized by a unique functional cre element, where evolutionary success of a new genetic lineage seems to be associated with an invention of a novel cre motif and decay of the ancestral one. Therefore, we propose that cre element could be considered as an additional criterion for human rhinovirus and enterovirus classification.  相似文献   

Lazarow K  Du ML  Weimer R  Kunze R 《Genetics》2012,191(3):747-756
Activator/Dissociation (Ac/Ds) transposable elements from maize are widely used as insertional mutagenesis and gene isolation tools in plants and more recently also in medaka and zebrafish. They are particularly valuable for plant species that are transformation-recalcitrant and have long generation cycles or large genomes with low gene densities. Ac/Ds transposition frequencies vary widely, however, and in some species they are too low for large-scale mutagenesis. We discovered a hyperactive Ac transposase derivative, AcTPase(4x), that catalyzes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 100-fold more frequent Ds excisions than the wild-type transposase, whereas the reintegration frequency of excised Ds elements is unchanged (57%). Comparable to the wild-type transposase in plants, AcTPase(4x) catalyzes Ds insertion preferentially into coding regions and to genetically linked sites, but the mutant protein apparently has lost the weak bias of the wild-type protein for insertion sites with elevated guanine-cytosine content and nonrandom protein-DNA twist. AcTPase(4x) exhibits hyperactivity also in Arabidopsis thaliana where it effects a more than sixfold increase in Ds excision relative to wild-type AcTPase and thus may be useful to facilitate Ac/Ds-based insertion mutagenesis approaches.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic methods can distinguish divergent evolutionary lineages in what previously appeared to be single species, but it is not always clear what functional differences exist between such cryptic species. We used a metabolomic approach to profile biochemical phenotype (metabotype) differences between two putative cryptic species of the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus. There were no straightforward metabolite biomarkers of lineage, i.e. no metabolites that were always at higher concentration in one lineage. Multivariate methods, however, identified a small number of metabolites that together helped distinguish the lineages, including uncommon metabolites such as Nε-trimethyllysine, which is not usually found at high concentrations. This approach could be useful for characterizing functional trait differences, especially as it is applicable to essentially any species group, irrespective of its genome sequencing status.  相似文献   

Molecular paleontology of transposable elements from Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Kapitonov VV  Jurka J 《Genetica》1999,107(1-3):27-37
We report results of a comprehensive computer-assisted analysis of new transposable elements (TEs) from Arabidopsis thaliana. Our analysis revealed several previously unknown pogo- and En/Spm-like families and two novel superfamilies of DNA transposons, Arnold and Harbinger. One of the En/Spm-like families (Atenspm) was found to be involved in generating satellite arrays in paracentromeric regions. Of the two superfamilies reported, Harbinger is distantly related to bacterial IS5-like insertion elements, and Arnold contains DNA transposons without terminal inverted repeats (TIRs), which were never reported in eukaryotes before. Furthermore, we report a large number of young and diverse copia-like autonomous and nonautonomous retroelements and discuss their potential evolutionary relationship with mammalian retroviruses. The A.thaliana genome harbors copia-like retroelements which encode a putative env-like protein reported previously in the SIRE-1 retrotransposon from soybean. Finally, we demonstrate a nonrandom chromosomal distribution of the most abundant A.thaliana TEs clustered in the first half of chromosome II, which includes the centromeric region. The families of TEs from A.thaliana are relatively young, extremely diverse and much smaller than those from mammalian genomes. We discuss the potential factors determining similarities and differences in the evolution of TEs in mammals and A. thaliana. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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