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Current HIV vaccine approaches are focused on immunogens encoding whole HIV antigenic proteins that mainly elicit cytotoxic CD8+ responses. Mounting evidence points toward a critical role for CD4+ T cells in the control of immunodeficiency virus replication, probably due to cognate help. Vaccine-induced CD4+ T cell responses might, therefore, have a protective effect in HIV replication. In addition, successful vaccines may have to elicit responses to multiple epitopes in a high proportion of vaccinees, to match the highly variable circulating strains of HIV. Using rational vaccine design, we developed a DNA vaccine encoding 18 algorithm-selected conserved, “promiscuous” (multiple HLA-DR-binding) B-subtype HIV CD4 epitopes - previously found to be frequently recognized by HIV-infected patients. We assessed the ability of the vaccine to induce broad T cell responses in the context of multiple HLA class II molecules using different strains of HLA class II- transgenic mice (-DR2, -DR4, -DQ6 and -DQ8). Mice displayed CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses of significant breadth and magnitude, and 16 out of the 18 encoded epitopes were recognized. By virtue of inducing broad responses against conserved CD4+ T cell epitopes that can be recognized in the context of widely diverse, common HLA class II alleles, this vaccine concept may cope both with HIV genetic variability and increased population coverage. The vaccine may thus be a source of cognate help for HIV-specific CD8+ T cells elicited by conventional immunogens, in a wide proportion of vaccinees.  相似文献   

BackgroundSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel virus that first occurred in Wuhan in December 2019. The spike glycoproteins and nucleocapsid proteins are the most common targets for the development of vaccines and antiviral drugs.ObjectiveWe herein analyze the rate of evolution along with the sequences of spike and nucleocapsid proteins in relation to the spatial locations of their epitopes, previously suggested to contribute to the immune response caused by SARS-CoV-2 infections.MethodsWe compare homologous proteins of seven human coronaviruses: HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43, SARS-CoV, HCoV-NL63, HCoV-HKU1, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2. We then focus on the local, structural order-disorder propensity of the protein regions where the SARS-CoV-2 epitopes are located. ResultsWe show that most of nucleocapsid protein epitopes overlap the RNA-binding and dimerization domains, and some of them are characterized by a low rate of evolutions. Similarly, spike protein epitopes are preferentially located in regions that are predicted to be ordered and well- conserved, in correspondence of the heptad repeats 1 and 2. Interestingly, both the receptor-binding motif to ACE2 and the fusion peptide of spike protein are characterized by a high rate of evolution.ConclusionOur results provide evidence for conserved epitopes that might help develop broad-spectrum SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.  相似文献   

T-cell based vaccine approaches have emerged to counteract HIV-1/AIDS. Broad, polyfunctional and cytotoxic CD4+ T-cell responses have been associated with control of HIV-1 replication, which supports the inclusion of CD4+ T-cell epitopes in vaccines. A successful HIV-1 vaccine should also be designed to overcome viral genetic diversity and be able to confer immunity in a high proportion of immunized individuals from a diverse HLA-bearing population. In this study, we rationally designed a multiepitopic DNA vaccine in order to elicit broad and cross-clade CD4+ T-cell responses against highly conserved and promiscuous peptides from the HIV-1 M-group consensus sequence. We identified 27 conserved, multiple HLA-DR-binding peptides in the HIV-1 M-group consensus sequences of Gag, Pol, Nef, Vif, Vpr, Rev and Vpu using the TEPITOPE algorithm. The peptides bound in vitro to an average of 12 out of the 17 tested HLA-DR molecules and also to several molecules such as HLA-DP, -DQ and murine IAb and IAd. Sixteen out of the 27 peptides were recognized by PBMC from patients infected with different HIV-1 variants and 72% of such patients recognized at least 1 peptide. Immunization with a DNA vaccine (HIVBr27) encoding the identified peptides elicited IFN-γ secretion against 11 out of the 27 peptides in BALB/c mice; CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell proliferation was observed against 8 and 6 peptides, respectively. HIVBr27 immunization elicited cross-clade T-cell responses against several HIV-1 peptide variants. Polyfunctional CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, able to simultaneously proliferate and produce IFN-γ and TNF-α, were also observed. This vaccine concept may cope with HIV-1 genetic diversity as well as provide increased population coverage, which are desirable features for an efficacious strategy against HIV-1/AIDS.  相似文献   

The recent West Nile virus (WNV) outbreak in the United States underscores the importance of understanding human immune responses to this pathogen. Via the presentation of viral peptide ligands at the cell surface, class I HLA mediate the T cell recognition and killing of WNV infected cells. At this time, there are two key unknowns in regards to understanding protective T cell immunity: 1) the number of viral ligands presented by the HLA of infected cells, and 2) the distribution of T cell responses to these available HLA/viral complexes. Here, comparative mass spectroscopy was applied to determine the number of WNV peptides presented by the HLA-A*11:01 of infected cells after which T cell responses to these HLA/WNV complexes were assessed. Six viral peptides derived from capsid, NS3, NS4b, and NS5 were presented. When T cells from infected individuals were tested for reactivity to these six viral ligands, polyfunctional T cells were focused on the GTL9 WNV capsid peptide, ligands from NS3, NS4b, and NS5 were less immunogenic, and two ligands were largely inert, demonstrating that class I HLA reduce the WNV polyprotein to a handful of immune targets and that polyfunctional T cells recognize infections by zeroing in on particular HLA/WNV epitopes. Such dominant HLA/peptide epitopes are poised to drive the development of WNV vaccines that elicit protective T cells as well as providing key antigens for immunoassays that establish correlates of viral immunity.  相似文献   

HCV分离株主要分为4个基因型(HCV Ⅰ~Ⅳ),各型间的氨基酸及核苷酸组成同源性均小于80%, 氨基酸变异率分别为C 8%,E1 35%,E2/NS1 53%,NS3 27%,NS4 35%,NS5 39%.不同型别的HCV有不同的地区分布特征.根据HCV表达产物多肽的保守性、亲水性、抗原性及空间构型等特性,已在HCV表达产物中鉴定出一些高度保守的候选B细胞表位及T细胞表位, 其中B细胞表位一般为12~40肽, T细胞表位一般为7~9肽, 这些B/T细胞保守表位的鉴定, 将有助于推动HCV的免疫治疗及疫苗研究的发展.  相似文献   

The immune system should constitute a strong selective pressure promoting viral genetic diversity and evolution. However, HIV shows lower sequence variability at T-cell epitopes than elsewhere in the genome, in contrast with other human RNA viruses. Here, we propose that epitope conservation is a consequence of the particular interactions established between HIV and the immune system. On one hand, epitope recognition triggers an anti-HIV response mediated by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs), but on the other hand, activation of CD4+ helper T lymphocytes (TH cells) promotes HIV replication. Mathematical modeling of these opposite selective forces revealed that selection at the intrapatient level can promote either T-cell epitope conservation or escape. We predict greater conservation for epitopes contributing significantly to total immune activation levels (immunodominance), and when TH cell infection is concomitant to epitope recognition (trans-infection). We suggest that HIV-driven immune activation in the lymph nodes during the chronic stage of the disease may offer a favorable scenario for epitope conservation. Our results also support the view that some pathogens draw benefits from the immune response and suggest that vaccination strategies based on conserved TH epitopes may be counterproductive.  相似文献   

利用肽扫描技术对4株IBDV VP3的单克隆抗体(HRB-3F、HRB-7B、HRB-7C和HRB-10E)的抗原表位进行了研究.通过Western blot和ELISA鉴定,将HRB-3F和HRB-7B的抗原表位定位于VP3 109~119 aa(位于IB-DV聚合蛋白的864~874 aa),HRB-7C和HRB-10E的抗原表位定位于VP3 177~190 aa(位于IBDV聚合蛋白的932~945 aa).进一步检测其反应原性及免疫原性,结果表明,这两个表位均能与抗IBDV阳性血清反应.将这两个表位短肽免疫BALB/c小鼠,其血清可以和IBDV反应,具有较好的免疫原性.与D6948、HK46和UK661等多株IBDV相应区域的同源性进行了比较,结果显示,这两个表位在多种毒株中同源性为100%.通过IBDV VP3抗原表位的研究,筛出两个新的保守线性表位并进行精确定位,对进一步分析IBDV结构与功能以及建立以表位为基础的抗原抗体诊断方法具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

Nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) of hepatitis C virus (HCV), codes for protease and helicase carrying NTPase enzymatic activities, plays a crucial role in viral replication and an ideal target for diagnosis, antiviral therapy and vaccine development. In this study, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to NS3 helicase were characterized by epitope mapping and biological function test. A total of 29 monoclonal antibodies were produced to the truncated NS3 helicase of HCV-1b (T1b-rNS3, aa1192–1459). Six mAbs recognized 8/29 16mer peptides, which contributed to identify 5 linear and 1 discontinuous putative epitope sequences. Seven mAbs reacted with HCV-2a JFH-1 infected Huh-7.5.1 cells by immunofluorescent staining, of which 2E12 and 3E5 strongly bound to the exposed linear epitope 1231PTGSGKSTK1239 (EP05) or core motif 1373IPFYGKAI1380 (EP21), respectively. Five other mAbs recognized semi-conformational or conformational epitopes of HCV helicase. MAb 2E12 binds to epitope EP05 at the ATP binding site of motif I in domain 1, while mAb 3E5 reacts with epitope EP21 close to helicase nucleotide binding region of domain 2. Epitope EP05 is totally conserved and EP21 highly conserved across HCV genotypes. These two epitope peptides reacted strongly with 59–79% chronic and weakly with 30–58% resolved HCV infected blood donors, suggesting that these epitopes were dominant in HCV infection. MAb 2E12 inhibited 50% of unwinding activity of NS3 helicase in vitro. Novel monoclonal antibodies recognize highly conserved epitopes at crucial functional sites within NS3 helicase, which may become important antibodies for diagnosis and antiviral therapy in chronic HCV infection.  相似文献   

目的:筛选高致病禽流感病毒核蛋白(NP)中可用于高致病禽流感病毒感染检测或疫苗设计的CTL表位,为评价疫苗接种效果和开发新型疫苗奠定基础。方法:根据NCBI公布的NP的核苷酸序列设计特异性引物,以2006年深圳株高致病禽流感H5N1病人分离的病毒cDNA为模板扩增NP全长基因(1500 bp)并测序。通过生物信息学方法,预测NP氨基酸序列中潜在的HLA-A觹0201限制性表位。构建重组pJW4303-NP核酸疫苗并肌肉免疫HLA-A2/DP4转基因小鼠,利用ELISPOT法筛选特异性CTL表位。结果:克隆了2006年深圳株高致病禽流感NP基因,构建的重组pJW4303-NP核酸疫苗能在体外COS-7细胞中表达,免疫小鼠后能引起小鼠产生特异性的体液免疫和细胞免疫。结论:生物信息学和转基因小鼠模型筛选相结合的方法,能用于高致病性禽流感核蛋白CTL表位的筛选。  相似文献   

Selectins are C-type, cell surface lectins that are key players in leukocyte adhesion to the blood vessel wall endothelium. We describe here epitopes for a series of novel monoclonal antibodies (moAbs), UZ4-UZ7, directed against mouse E-selectin. All four antibodies specifically bind to mouse E-selectin, but not to P- or L-selectin, and all inhibit the adhesion of granulocytes, peripheral blood lymphocytes, and promyelocytic HL-60 cells to cytokine-activated mouse endothelium. Three moAbs, UZ5, UZ7, and UZ6, specifically inhibit mouse E-selectin-mediated adhesion by binding to epitopes in domains CR1 or CR2. moAb UZ4 inhibits leukocyte adhesion to both human and murine endothelium activated with IL-1 or other proinflammatory stimuli. UZ4 is the first described moAb that detects an epitope in the lectin domain which is conserved in both murine and human E-selectin (CXKKKL), but is not present in the other members of the selectin family, P- and L-selectin. Interestingly, UZ5, UZ6, and UZ7 more efficiently interfere with lymphocyte than with granulocyte adhesion to cytokine-activated endothelium, while UZ4 completely blocks adhesion of PMN, lymphocytes, and HL-60 and U937 cell lines. The data suggest that E-selectin–ligand engagement differs between lymphocytes and PMN, and that these differences may be accentuated by the CR1 and CR2 domains in the E-selectin cell adhesion molecule.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) is a major pathogenic flavivirus which causes human neuro-invasive disease, worldwide. Still successful vaccine and therapeutic treatment against WNV infection is not available, which demands the development of more potential WNV vaccines. The present study used immunoinformatics methods viz. Matrix and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based algorithm to identify the promiscuous and conserve T cell epitopes from entire WNV proteome followed by structure based analysis of identified epitopes. The epitopes were also taken for TAP binding analysis and epitope conservancy analysis. Among 89 identified epitopes, eight epitopes showed high potential and conserve nature but two epitopes viz. capsid 40FVLALLAFF48 and NS2B 9LMFAIVGGL17 were found most promiscuous and having high population coverage in comparison of other identified epitopes and known antigenic positive control epitopes. Further, Autodock 4.2 and NAMD–VMD molecular dynamics simulation were used for docking and molecular dynamics simulation respectively, to validate epitope and allele complex stability. The 3D structure models were generated for epitopes and corresponding HLA allele by Pepstr and Modeller 9.10, respectively. Epitope FVLALLAFF-B*3501 allele and epitope LMFAIVGGL-B*5101 HLA allele complexes have shown best energy minimization and stable complexes during simulation. The study also showed the optimum binding epitopes FVLALLAFF and LMFAIVGGL with cTAP1 (PDB ID: 1JJ7) cavity, as revealed by Autodock 4.2, concluding favored passage through the ER membrane from cytosol to the ER lumen during cytosolic processing. The docking experiment of epitopes FVLALLAFF, LMFAIVGGL with cTAP1 very well show 1 H-bond state with a binding energy of ?1.62 and ?0.23 kcal/mol, respectively. These results show a smooth pass through of the epitope across the channel of cTAP1 via being weakly bonded and released into the ER lumen through the cavity of cTAP1. Overall, identified peptides have potential application in the development of short peptide based vaccines and diagnostic agents for West Nile virus.  相似文献   

Compelling evidence now suggests that alphabeta CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) have an important role in preventing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and/or slowing progression to AIDS. Here, we describe an HIV type 1 CTL polyepitope, or polytope, vaccine comprising seven contiguous minimal HLA A2-restricted CD8 CTL epitopes conjoined in a single artificial construct. Epitope-specific CTL lines derived from HIV-infected individuals were able to recognize every epitope within the construct, and HLA A2-transgenic mice immunized with a recombinant virus vaccine coding for the HIV polytope also generated CTL specific for different epitopes. Each epitope in the polytope construct was therefore processed and presented, illustrating the feasibility of the polytope approach for HIV vaccine design. By simultaneously inducing CTL specific for different epitopes, an HIV polytope vaccine might generate activity against multiple challenge isolates and/or preempt the formation of CTL escape mutants.  相似文献   

Diarrhoeal diseases due to Shigellosis account for deaths of ~1.5 million children every year in developing countries. Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of Gram negative bacteria have been shown to be excellent subunit vaccine candidates against various pathogens. However, effective immune response can be generated using specific immunogenic determinants or peptides instead of whole protein or pathogen. In the present study, we chose six OMPs of Shigella flexneri 2a to predict peptides with good antigenic potential. Various tools were used in a systematic flow to predict B- and T-cell epitopes. Stringent selection criteria were used for epitope screening to ensure generation of both arms of immunity. These epitopes are predicted to be effective against a significantly large population of the diarrhoea afflicted countries in Southeast Asia. Most of the predicted epitopes are located towards the outer exposed region of proteins. The epitopes were docked with respective MHC Class I and II molecules to study peptide–MHC interactions. In conclusion, we have predicted an epitope ensemble against Shigellosis which can be experimentally validated for its immunogenic efficacy. We also propose a systematic workflow for immune-optimization to design effective peptide vaccines.  相似文献   

利用噬菌体展示的线性12肽库从马抗SARS-CoVIgG筛选SARS-CoV的抗原表位。经生物淘洗富集的噬菌体克隆被测序。获得两个共有序列:DXXDP和TXTLL。它们分别与SARS-CoVN蛋白341-345和392-396位氨基酸序列高度同源。含共有序列的克隆在ELISA竞争抑制试验中与SARS-CoVN蛋白竞争结合马抗SARS-CoVIgG。将两个共有序列肽通过基因重组技术成功展示到大肠杆菌鞭毛,获得重组菌F1和F2。用重组菌F1和F2免疫接种试验Balb/c小鼠产生的血清均能与SARS-CoVN蛋白特异结合。说明DXXDP和TXTLL是SARS-CoVN蛋白的两个连续抗原表位。  相似文献   

A recombinant fusion protein (BBG2Na) comprising the central conserved domain of the respiratory syncytial virus subgroup A (RSV-A) (Long) G protein (residues 130 to 230) and an albumin binding domain of streptococcal protein G was shown previously to protect mouse upper (URT) and lower (LRT) respiratory tracts against intranasal RSV challenge (U. F. Power, H. Plotnicky-Gilquin, T. Huss, A. Robert, M. Trudel, S. Stahl, M. Uhlén, T. N. Nguyen, and H. Binz, Virology 230:155-166, 1997). Panels of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and synthetic peptides were generated to facilitate dissection of the structural elements of this domain implicated in protective efficacy. All MAbs recognized native RSV-A antigens, and five linear B-cell epitopes were identified; these mapped to residues 152 to 163, 165 to 172, 171 to 187 (two overlapping epitopes), and 196 to 204, thereby covering the highly conserved cysteine noose domain. Antibody passive-transfer and peptide immunization studies revealed that all epitopes were implicated in protection of the LRT, but not likely the URT, against RSV-A challenge. Pepscan analyses of anti-RSV-A and anti-BBG2Na murine polyclonal sera revealed lower-level epitope usage within the central conserved region in the former, suggesting diminished immunogenicity of the implicated epitopes in the context of the whole virus. However, Pepscan analyses of RSV-seropositive human sera revealed that all of the murine B-cell protective epitopes (protectopes) that mapped to the central conserved domain were recognized in man. Should these murine protectopes also be implicated in human LRT protection, their clustering around the highly conserved cysteine noose region will have important implications for the development of RSV vaccines.  相似文献   

利用噬菌体展示的线性12肽库从马抗SARS-CoV IgG筛选SARS-CoV的抗原表位.经生物淘洗富集的噬菌体克隆被测序.获得两个共有序列DXXDP和TXTLL.它们分别与SARS-CoV N蛋白341-345和392-396位氨基酸序列高度同源.含共有序列的克隆在ELISA竞争抑制试验中与SARS-CoV N蛋白竞争结合马抗SARS-CoVIgG.将两个共有序列肽通过基因重组技术成功展示到大肠杆菌鞭毛,获得重组菌F1和F2.用重组菌F1和F2免疫接种试验Balb/c小鼠产生的血清均能与SARS-CoVN蛋白特异结合.说明DXXDP和TXTLL是SARS-CoVN蛋白的两个连续抗原表位.  相似文献   

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