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Activation of potassium conductance in squid axons with membrane depolarization is delayed by conditioning hyperpolarization of the membrane potential. The delayed kinetics superpose with the control kinetics almost, but not quite, exactly following time translation, as demonstrated previously in perfused axons by Clay and Shlesinger (1982). Similar results were obtained in this study from nonperfused axons. The lack of complete superposition argues against the Hodgkin and Huxley (1952) model of potassium conductance. The addition of a single kinetic state to their model, accessible only by membrane hyperpolarization, is sufficient to describe this effect (Young and Moore, 1981).  相似文献   

The effects of aminopyridines on ionic conductances of the squid giant axon membrane were examined using voltage clamp and internal perfusion techniques. 4-Aminopyridine (4-AP) reduced potassium currents, but had no effect upon transient sodium currents. The block of potassium channels by 4-AP was substantially less with (a) strong depolarization to positive membrane potentials, (b) increasing the duration of a given depolarizing step, and (c) increasing the frequency of step depolarizations. Experiments with high external potassium concentrations revealed that the effect of 4-AP was independent of the direction of potassium ion movement. Both 3- and 2-aminopyridine were indistinguishable from 4-AP except in potency. It is concluded that aminopyrimidines may be used as tools to block the potassium conductance in excitable membranes, but only within certain specific voltage and frequency limits.  相似文献   

We have used data obtained from measurements of ionic and gating currents to study the process of K+ channel activation in squid giant axons. A marked improvement in the recording of K+ channel gating currents (IKg) was obtained by total replacement of Cl- in the external solution by NO-3, which eliminates approximately 50% of the Na+ channel gating current with no effect on IKg. The midpoint of the steady state charge-voltage (Qrel - V) relationship is approximately 40 mV hyperpolarized to that of the steady state activation (fo - V) curve, which is an indication that the channel has many nonconducting states. Ionic and gating currents have similar time constants for both ON and OFF pulses. This eliminates any Hodgkin-Huxley nx scheme for K+ channel activation. An interrupted pulse paradigm shows that the last step in the activation process is not rate limiting. IKg shows a nonartifactual rising phase, which indicates that the first step is either the slowest step in the activation sequence or is voltage independent. These data are consistent with the following general scheme for K+ channel activation: (formula; see text)  相似文献   

Gating current (Ig) underlying Na-channel activation is large enough to enable resolution of components both preceding and paralleling Na conductance (gNa) turn-on. For large depolarizations (beyond +20 mV), an additional "slow phase" of Ig is observed during a time when Na activation is already complete, but when K-channel opening is just becoming detectable. If Na- and K-channel gating are similar, the slow kinetics and long delay for K activation predict that K channel Ig must be relatively small and slow. Externally applied dibucaine almost totally blocks gNa and greatly reduces the fast (Na channel) Ig without altering gK or the Ig slow phase. The slow phase of Ig depends in part of the presence of functional K channels. Selective diminution in amplitude of the slow phase is consistently observed after a 30-min perfusion with both external and internal K-free media, a procedure which destroys nearly all K channels. This decrease of Ig amounts to approximately 10% of the total charge movements at +40 to +80 mV, with gating charge and K channels disappearing in a ratio of less than 1 e- per picosiemens of gK. These findings are consistent with the idea that part of the Ig slow phase represents gating current generated by the early steps in K-channel activation.  相似文献   

Associated with the opening and closing of the sodium channels of nerve membrane is a small component of capacitative current, the gating current. After termination of a depolarizing step the gating current and sodium current decay with similar time courses. Both currents decay more rapidly at relatively negative membrane voltages than at positive ones. The gating current that flows during a depolarizing step is diminished by a pre-pulse that inactivates the sodium permeability. A pre-pulse has no effect after inactivation has been destroyed by internal perfusion with the proteolytic enzyme pronase. Gating charge (considered as positive charge) moves outward during a positive voltage step, with voltage dependent kinetics. The time constant of the outward gating current is a maximum at about minus 10 mV, and has a smaller value at voltages either more positive or negative than this value.  相似文献   

Aminopyridines (2-AP, 3-AP, and 4-AP) selectively block K channels of squid axon membranes in a manner dependent upon the membrane potential and the duration and frequency of voltage clamp pulses. They are effective when applied to either the internal or the external membrane surface. The steady-state block of K channels by aminopyridines is more complete for low depolarizations, and is gradually relieved at higher depolarizations. The K current in the presence of aminopyridines rises more slowly than in control, the change being more conspicuous in 3-AP and 4-AP than in 2-AP. Repetitive pulsing relieves the block in a manner dependent upon the duration and interval of pulses. The recovery from block during a given test pulse is enhanced by increasing the duration of a conditioning depolarizing prepulse. The time constant for this recovery is in the range of 10-20 ms in 3-AP and 4-AP, and shorter in 2-AP. Twin pulse experiments with variable pulse intervals have revealed that the time course for re-establishment of block is much slower in 3-AP and 4-AP than in 2-AP. These results suggest that 2-AP interacts with the K channel more rapidly than 3-AP and 4-AP. The more rapid interaction of 2-AP with K channels is reflected in the kinetics of K current which is faster than that observed in 3-AP or 4-AP, and in the pattern of frequency-dependent block which is different from that in 3-AP or 4-AP. The experimental observations are not satisfactorily described by alterations of Hodgkin-Huxley n-type gating units. Rather, the data are consistent with a simple binding scheme incorporating no changes in gating kinetics which conceives of aminopyridine molecules binding to closed K channels and being released from open channels in a voltage-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The properties of the small fraction of tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive Na channels that remain open in the steady state were studied in internally dialyzed voltage clamped squid giant axons. The observed Ussing flux ratio exponent (n') of 0.97 plus minus 0.03 (calculated from simultaneous measurements of TTX-sensitive current and (22)Na efflux) and nonindependent behavior of Na current at high internal [Na] are explained by a one-site ("1s") permeation model characterized by a single effective binding site within the channel pore in equilibrium with internal Na ions (apparent equilibrium dissociation constant K(Nai)(0) = 0.61 +/- 0.08 M). Steady-state open probability of the TTX-sensitive channels can be modeled by the product p(a)p(infinity), where p(a) represents voltage-dependent activation described by a Boltzmann distribution with midpoint V(a) = -7 mV and effective valence z(a) = 3.2 (Vandenberg, C.A., and F. Bezanilla. 1991. BIOPHYS: J. 60:1499--1510) coupled to voltage-independent inactivation by an equilibrium constant (Bezanilla, F., and C.M. Armstrong. 1977. J. Gen. Physiol. 70:549--566) K(eq) = 770. The factor p(infinity) represents voltage-dependent inactivation with empirical midpoint V(infinity)= -83 plus minus 5 mV and effective valence z(infinity) = 0.55 plus minus 0.03. The composite p(a)p(infinity)1s model describes the steady-state voltage dependence of the persistent TTX-sensitive current well.  相似文献   

Single-channel, macroscopic ionic, and macroscopic gating currents were recorded from the voltage-dependent sodium channel using patch-clamp techniques on the cut-open squid giant axon. To obtain a complete set of physiological measurements of sodium channel gating under identical conditions, and to facilitate comparison with previous work, comparison was made between currents recorded in the absence of extracellular divalent cations and in the presence of physiological concentrations of extracellular Ca2+ (10 mM) and Mg2+ (50 mM). The single-channel currents were well resolved when divalent cations were not included in the extracellular solution, but were decreased in amplitude in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. The instantaneous current-voltage relationship obtained from macroscopic tail current measurements similarly was depressed by divalents, and showed a negative slope-conductance region for inward current at negative potentials. Voltage dependent parameters of channel gating were shifted 9-13 mV towards depolarized potentials by external divalent cations, including the peak fraction of channels open versus voltage, the time constant of tail current decline, the prepulse inactivation versus voltage relationship, and the charge-voltage relationship for gating currents. The effects of divalent cations are consistent with open channel block by Ca2+ and Mg2+ together with divalent screening of membrane charges.  相似文献   

Inactivation of Na channels has been studied in voltage-clamped, internally perfused squid giant axons during changes in the ionic composition of the intracellular solution. Peak Na currents are reduced when tetramethylammonium ions (TMA+) are substituted for Cs ions internally. The reduction reflects a rapid, voltage-dependent block of a site in the channel by TMA+. The estimated fractional electrical distance for the site is 10% of the channel length from the internal surface. Na tail currents are slowed by TMA+ and exhibit kinetics similar to those seen during certain drug treatments. Steady state INa is simultaneously increased by TMA+, resulting in a "cross-over" of current traces with those in Cs+ and in greatly diminished inactivation at positive membrane potentials. Despite the effect on steady state inactivation, the time constants for entry into and exit from the inactivated state are not significantly different in TMA+ and Cs+. Increasing intracellular Na also reduces steady state inactivation in a dose-dependent manner. Ratios of steady state INa to peak INa vary from approximately 0.14 in Cs+- or K+-perfused axons to approximately 0.4 in TMA+- or Na+-perfused axons. These results are consistent with a scheme in which TMA+ or Na+ can interact with a binding site near the inner channel surface that may also be a binding or coordinating site for a natural inactivation particle. A simple competition between the ions and an inactivation particle is, however, not sufficient to account for the increase in steady state INa, and changes in the inactivation process itself must accompany the interaction of TMA+ and Na+ with the channel.  相似文献   

The time-, frequency-, and voltage-dependent blocking actions of several cationic drug molecules on open Na channels were investigated in voltage-clamped, internally perfused squid giant axons. The relative potencies and time courses of block by the agents (pancuronium [PC], octylguanidinium [C8G], QX-314, and 9-aminoacridine [9-AA]) were compared in different intracellular ionic solutions; specifically, the influences of internal Cs, tetramethylammonium (TMA), and Na ions on block were examined. TMA+ was found to inhibit the steady state block of open Na channels by all of the compounds. The time-dependent, inactivation-like decay of Na currents in pronase-treated axons perfused with either PC, 9-AA, or C8G was retarded by internal TMA+. The apparent dissociation constants (at zero voltage) for interaction between PC and 9-AA with their binding sites were increased when TMA+ was substituted for Cs+ in the internal solution. The steepness of the voltage dependence of 9-AA or PC block found with internal Cs+ solutions was greatly reduced by TMA+, resulting in estimates for the fractional electrical distance of the 9-AA binding site of 0.56 and 0.22 in Cs+ and TMA+, respectively. This change may reflect a shift from predominantly 9-AA block in the presence of Cs+ to predominantly TMA+ block. The depth, but not the rate, of frequency-dependent block by QX-314 and 9-AA is reduced by internal TMA+. In addition, recovery from frequency-dependent block is not altered. Elevation of internal Na produces effects on 9-AA block qualitatively similar to those seen with TMA+. The results are consistent with a scheme in which the open channel blocking drugs, TMA (and Na) ions, and the inactivation gate all compete for a site or for access to a site in the channel from the intracellular surface. In addition, TMA ions decrease the apparent blocking rates of other drugs in a manner analogous to their inhibition of the inactivation process. Multiple occupancy of Na channels and mutual exclusion of drug molecules may play a role in the complex gating behaviors seen under these conditions.  相似文献   

The interaction of internal anions with the delayed rectifier potassium channel was studied in perfused squid axons. Changing the internal potassium salt from K+ glutamate- to KF produced a reversible decline of outward K currents and a marked slowing of the activation of K channels at all voltages. Fluoride ions exert a differential effect upon K channel gating kinetics whereby activation of IK during depolarizing steps is slowed dramatically, but the rate of closing after the step is not much altered. These effects develop with a slow time course (30-60 min) and are specific for K channels over Na channels. Both the amplitude and activation rate of IK were restored within seconds upon return to internal glutamate solutions. The fluoride effect is independent of the external K+ concentration and test membrane potential, and does not recover with repetitive application of depolarizing voltage steps. Of 11 different anions tested, all inorganic species induced similar decreases and slowing of IK, while K currents were maintained during extended perfusion with several organic anions. Anions do not alter the reversal potential or shape of the instantaneous current-voltage relation of open K channels. The effect of prolonged exposure to internal fluoride could be partially reversed by the addition of cationic K channel blocking agents such as TEA+, 4-AP+, and Cs+. The competitive antagonism between inorganic anions and internal cationic K channel blockers suggests that they may interact at a related site(s). These results indicate that inorganic anions modify part of the K channel gating mechanism (activation) at a locus near the inner channel surface.  相似文献   

Temperature effects on gating currents in the squid giant axon.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of temperature (3 degrees-26 degrees C) on the nonlinear components of the displacement current were measured in internally perfused, voltage clamped squid axons. Steps of potential were applied from a holding potential of -70mV (outside ground) to values from -130 to +70mV and either the current or its integral (charge) was recorded as a function of time. For that component of the charge movement not linearly related to voltage, the total charge moved in a few milliseconds (about 1,500 electronic charges/micron2) between saturation limits (e.g. -100mV to +50mV) showed an apparent increase of 13 +/- 5% for a 10 degrees C rise in temperature. Attempts to fit the falling phase of the gating current (or charge) with the sum of two exponentials showed temperature effects on both components but there was considerable scattering. At short times, records for current or charge made at 16 degrees C, expanded by a factor alpha, superimposed on those made at 6 degrees C for alpha about 1.6. For long times alpha was about 2.3.  相似文献   

The activation of potassium ion conductance in squid axons by voltage-clamp depolarization is delayed when the depolarizing step is preceded by a conditioning hyperpolarization of the axonal membrane. Moreover, the control conductance kinetics superpose with the delayed kinetics when they are translated along the time axis by an amount equal to the delay. We have found that the degree of superposition with internally perfused axons depends upon voltage-clamp protocol. The kinetics superpose almost exactly for modest test depolarizations, whereas they clearly fail to superpose completely for more positive levels of membrane depolarization. We have modeled these results by incorporating a time dependence into the rate constant of activation of potassium channel gates in the Hodgkin and Huxley model of potassium ionic conductance.  相似文献   

Aminopyridines are known to block potassium (K) currents in excitable membranes in a manner dependent upon membrane potential, such that the block is relieved by depolarization and restored upon repolarization. In the present study, the effects of aminopyridines on voltage-dependent potassium (K) channels were examined in internally perfused, voltage-clamped squid giant axons. The time course of block restoration after conditioning depolarization was found to be modulated by membrane electric field, K-channel gating, and external cations. Depolarized holding potentials accelerated block restoration without altering steady-state block levels, suggesting that the voltage dependence of block restoration may be related to K channel gating rather than drug binding per se. In support of this notion, low external calcium concentration, which shifts the voltage dependence of K-channel gating to more negative potentials, also accelerated block restoration. Conversely, the relationship between the rate of block restoration and membrane holding potential was shifted in the depolarizing direction by phloretin, an agent that shifts the dependence of K-channel opening on membrane potential in a similar manner. Modification of K-channel gating also was found to alter the rate of block restoration. Addition of internal zinc or internal treatment with glutaraldehyde slowed the time course of both K-channel activation and aminopyridine block restoration. Aminopyridines also were found to interact in the K channel with external Cs+, NH4+, and Rb+, each of which slowed aminopyridine block restoration. Our results suggest that aminopyridines enter and occlude K channels, and that the availability of the binding site may be modulated by channel gating such that access is limited by the probability of the channel reaching an intermediate closed state at the resting potential.  相似文献   

Asymmetric displacement currents, Ig, were measured in squid axons at different hydrostatic pressures, P, up to 60 MPa. Potassium and sodium currents were abolished by intracellular Cs+ and TEA+, by extracellular Tetrodotoxin (TTX), and by Na+ substitution with Tris+. The time course of Ig became progressively slower with increasing pressure, and the amplitude decreased. With appropriate scaling in time and amplitude, Ig records at any given P could be made to superimpose very well with those obtained at atmospheric pressure. The same scaling factors yielded a good superposition of all records obtained for voltage steps to membrane potentials in the range-30 to +42 mV. The ratio between the amplitude and time factors was larger than unity and increased with P, indicating a progressive decrease (up to 35% at 60 MPa) of the total charge displaced, Q, with no significant change in its voltage dependence. The time-scaling factor increased exponentially with P, as expected if all the steps involved in the opening of a sodium channel, and producing a major charge redistribution, have the same activation volume, V g 17 cm3/mol. This value is roughly one-half of that characterizing the pressure dependence of sodium current activation, suggesting that some late, rate-limiting step in the opening of sodium channels has a large activation volume without being accompanied by an easily detected charge movement.Part of the decrease of Q with pressure could be attributed to an increase in sodium inactivation. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that there is a reversible reduction in the number of fast activating sodium channels, similar to the phenomenon that has been reported to occur at low temperatures (Matteson and Armstrong 1982).  相似文献   

Single sodium channels from the squid giant axon   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Since the work of A. L. Hodgkin and A. F. Huxley (1952. J. Physiol. [Lond.].117:500-544) the squid giant axon has been considered the classical preparation for the study of voltage-dependent sodium and potassium channels. In this preparation much data have been gathered on macroscopic and gating currents but no single sodium channel data have been available. This paper reports patch clamp recording of single sodium channel events from the cut-open squid axon. It is shown that the single channel conductance in the absence of external divalent ions is approximately 14 pS, similar to sodium channels recorded from other preparations, and that their kinetic properties are consistent with previous results on gating and macroscopic currents obtained from the perfused squid axon preparation.  相似文献   

Possible physical mechanisms are considered which come close to a quantitative explanation for features of the potassium admittance magnitude. At 1–30 Hz there is an elevation of [Y] and positive phase above that obtained from the Hodgkin-Huxley model. Moreover there appears to be a slight negative phase for lower frequencies. An additional important feature for model fitting is the movement of the middle zero-phase crossing to the left with depolarization. Two general classes of subsystems are discussed. (1) Extracellular: potassium accumulation, barriers to diffusion near or adjacent to the excitable membrane, diffusion with volume flow, bulklimited diffusion through the Schwann cell layer and adsorption or absorption by the Schwann cells; (2) processes intrinsic to the excitable membrane: cyclic steady state, co-operative, inactivating and second order. A generalized potassium inactivation is treated in detail which provides fairly quantitative fits to transmembrane transfer data with a voltage-dependent inactivation time constant ranging between 40 and 100 ms. However, potassium accumulation coupled with hypothesized sorptive effects of the greater membrane, particularly the Schwann cell layer, also provide reasonable fits. Based on lack of experimental evidence for an inactivation, the choice is made for a multicompartment model. When an HH membrane element is combined with accumulation-depletion in an extracellular space and with a bulk limited or surface limited diffusion through the Schwann cells good agreement is obtained with measured admittance.  相似文献   

The original experiments of Cole and Moore (1960. Biophys. J. 1:161-202.), using conditioning and test membrane potentials to examine the dynamics of the potassium channel conductance in the squid axon, have been extended to test voltage levels by the use of tetrodotoxin to block the sodium conductance. The potassium currents for test voltage levels from -20 to +85 mV were superposable by translation along the time axis for all conditions tested: (a) with depolarizing conditioning voltages; (b) with hyperpolarizing conditioning voltages; and (c) in normal and in high potassium external media. The only deviations from superposition seen were when the internal sodium concentration was abnormally high and the potassium currents showed saturation at high levels of depolarization. Some restoration toward normal kinetics could be obtained by rapidly repeated depolarizations.  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of the sodium gating current in the squid giant axon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A critical study has been made of the characteristics of the kinetic components of the sodium gating current in the squid giant axon, of which not less than five can be resolved. In addition to the principal fast component Ig2, there are two components of appreciable size that relax at an intermediate rate, Ig3 alpha and Ig 3 beta. Ig3 alpha has a fast rise, and is present over the whole range of negative test potentials. Ig3 beta is absent below -40 mV, exhibits a delayed onset and disappears on inactivation of the sodium system. There are also two smaller components, Ig1 and Ig4, with very fast and much slower relaxation time constants, respectively.  相似文献   

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