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R. Wu R. F. Stettler 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1994,89(7-8):1046-1054
One approach to gain an insight into the genetics of tree architecture is to make use of morphologically divergent parents and study their segregating progeny in the F2 and backcross (B1) generations. This approach was chosen in the present study in which material of a three-generation pedigree growing side by side in a replicated plantation, was analyzed. The pedigree included Populus trichocarpa (T) and P. deltoides (D) parents, their F1 and F2 hybrids and their B1 hybrids to the D parent. The trees were grown in the environment of the T parent and measured for the first 2 years of growth. Nine quantitative traits were studied at the stem, branch and leaf levels of tree architecture, in which the original parents differed. Strong F1 hybrid vigor relative to the better parent (T) was expressed in growth and its components. Most quantitative traits in the F2 and B1 hybrids were intermediate between the T and D parents but displayed a wide range of variation due to segregation. The results from the analysis of variance indicated that all morphometric traits were significantly different among F2 and B1 clones, but the B1 hybrids were more sensitive to replicates than the F2. Broad-sense heritabilities (H
2) based on clonal means ranged from moderately high to high (0.50–0.90) for the traits studied, with H
2 values varying over age. The H
2 estimates reflected greater environmental noise in the B1 than in the F2, presumably due to the greater proportion of maladaptive D alleles in those hybrids. In both families, sylleptic branch number and length, and leaf size on the terminal, showed strong genetic correlations with stem growth. The large divergence between the two original parents in the traits studied, combined with the high chromosome number in Populus (2n=38), makes this pedigree well suited for the estimation of the number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying quantitative variation by Wright's biometric method (1968). Variation in several traits was found to be under the control of surprisingly few major QTLs: 3–4 in 2nd-year height and diameter growth, a single QTL in stem diameter/height ratio. 相似文献
P. D. S. Caligari J. Brown R. J. Abbott 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1986,73(2):218-222
Summary A number of unselected potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) clones were grown at two locations (a seed site and a ware site) in three consecutive years. The repeatability of total yield and yield components in the first two clonal years was compared with the same characters recorded in the third clonal year. Selection for yield in the first clonal year was only marginally more effective than a random reduction in number of genotypes, while selection in the second clonal year appeared to be somewhat more effective as judged by performance in the third clonal year. The inefficiency of selection in the first clonal year was ascribed, at least in part, to the inaccuracy of yield assessment as well as the carry-over effect of the mother tubers. Correlations of total yield were higher between different years in the same location than between different locations. Selection under growing conditions suitable for production of seed tubers tended to result in selection of early maturing clones which would not necessarily be optimal for ware growing conditions. 相似文献
J. Hill R. Ortiz W. W. Wagoire O. Stølen 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1999,98(2):305-309
Effectiveness of indirect selection for grain yield was investigated among eight bread wheat lines, selected in a stress
environment in the East African Highlands, where they showed a wide response to yellow rust, the biotic factor causing the
stress. The lines were intercrossed to give an 8×8F1 diallel, which was grown in this same environment for three consecutive growing seasons during 1994 and 1995. Half of the
last trial was sprayed with fungicide. From the estimates of narrow-sense heritabilities for yield and yellow rust severity,
and the genetic correlation between them, indirect selection for yield in the unsprayed plots, obtained by choosing the most
resistant 5% of this material was, on average, 12% higher than selecting for yield itself. In the fungicide-treated plots,
indirect selection was only 73% as efficient as direct selection. The implications of these results for selecting for yield
in stress environments are discussed.
Received: 10 April 1998 / Accepted: 5 August 1998 相似文献
J. Gopal P. C. Gaur M. S. Rana 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1992,84(5-6):709-713
Summary A random sample of seedlings representing high, medium and poor vigour was studied for tuber colour, tuber shape, eye depth, tuber cracking, tuber yield per plant, average tuber weight and number of tubers per plant in four successive generations (F1, F1, F1C2, and F1C3). Based on the performance of vigour groups in various generations and inter-generation correlation coefficients, we propose a procedure for the elimination of unproductive genotypes early in the breeding programme. The data indicates that seedlings of poor vigour can be discarded at the seedling stage prior to transplantation in the field. The rejection of clones on the basis of tuber colour, tuber shape, eye depth and tuber cracking can also be initiated at the seedling stage. For tuber yield and average tuber weight a negative selection (rejection of poor phenotypes) is suggested from the first clonal generation and for number of tubers, from second clonal generation, until statistically sound replicated trials can be conducted for carrying out positive selection. 相似文献
R. Frankham B. H. Yoo B. L. Sheldon 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1988,76(6):909-914
Summary The maintenance of reproductive fitness in lines subjected to artificial selection is one of the major problems in animal breeding. The decline in reproductive performance has neither been predictable from heritabilities and genetic correlations, nor have conventional selection indices been adequate to avoid the problem. Gowe (1983) has suggested that the heritabilities of reproductive traits are non-linear, with heritabilities being higher on the lower fitness side. Consequently, he has predicted that culling on reproductive fitness in artificial selection lines will be effective in preventing the usual declines in fitness. An experimental evaluation of Gowe's prediction has been carried out by comparing fitnesses of replicated lines of three treatments: selection for increased inebriation time without culling on fitness (HO), selection for inebriation time with culling of 20% (4/20) of selected females on reproductive fitness (HS), and unselected controls (C). Response to selection for inebriation time in the two selection treatments was similar. After 25 generations, the competitive index, a measure of reproductive fitness, was significantly lower in the HO treatment than the HS treatment, while the HS treatment did not differ from the control lines or the base population. These results demonstrate for the first time that culling on reproductive fitness in selection lines can be used to prevent the usual decline in reproductive performance. 相似文献
S. Veillet M. C. Filippi A. Gallais 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1996,92(6):644-653
The CNA-IRAT 5 upland rice population has been improved for 4 years by recurrent selection for blast resistance in Brazil. In order to predict the efficiency of recurrent selection in different test systems and to compare the relative advantage of hybrids versus pure line breeding, a combined genetic analysis of partial blast resistance in the CNA-IRAT 5 population was undertaken. A three-level hierarchical design in inbreeding and a factorial design were derived from the base population. Partial blast resistance of lines and hybrids was evaluated in the greenhouse and in the field by inoculation with one virulent blast isolate. The means and genetic variances of the hybrids and lines were estimated. Genetic advance by recurrent selection was predicted from estimates of variance components. The inheritance of partial blast resistance was mainly additive but non-additive effects were detected at both levels of means and variances. Mean heterosis ranged from 4%–8% for lesion size and lesion density to 10–12% for leaf and panicle resistance. High dominance or homozygous dominance variances relative to additive variance and negative covariance between additive and homozygous dominance effects were estimated. A low frequency of favourable alleles for partial resistance would explain the observed organisation of genetic variability in the base population. Recurrent selection will efficiently improve partial blast resistance of the CNA-IRAT 5 population. Genetic advance for line or hybrid values was expected to be higher testing doubled haploid lines than S1 lines, or than general combining ability. Two components of partial resistance assessed in the greenhouse, lesion size and lesion density, could be used as indirect selection criteria to improve field resistance. On the whole, hybrid breeding for partial blast resistance appeared to be slightly more advantageous than pure line breeding. 相似文献
Predation can have strong direct and indirect effects on the behavior of prey. We investigated whether predation by chain
pickerel (Esox niger) caused adult eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) to alter their habitat use and whether pickerel predation influenced survival of adult and neonate mosquitofish. The number
of adult mosquitofish using the riskier of three habitats was lowest when two predators occupied the risky habitat, intermediate
in the treatment with one predator, and highest when no predators occurred there. More mosquitofish neonates survived high
predation treatments than treatments lacking pickerel. We conclude that pickerel predation causes adult mosquitofish to shift
to refuge habitats. The pattern of neonate survival suggests that adult habitat use may create a refuge from cannibalism for
neonate mosquitofish, resulting in higher neonate survival in treatments with more pickerel. Hence, pickerel predation has
a direct effect on adult mosquitofish behavior and a strong indirect effect on neonate survival. Both interspecific and intraspecific
predation can effect prey populations and can interact to produce important indirect effects. 相似文献
B. L. Srivastava M. Cooper R. T. Mullins 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1994,87(6):627-640
An objective of the CSR sugarcane breeding programme in Australia was to assess the scope for broadening the genetic base of the commercial sugarcane germ plasm through interspecific hybridization with Saccharum spontaneum clones. The contribution of both selection history and S. spontaneum to sugar yield and its components was investigated in the germ plasm pool assembled. The analysis was conducted on a data-set of 256 clones, consisting of parents and full-sib families generated from 32 biparental crosses, tested in six environments. The minimum number of generations back to S. spontaneum ancestor in the clone's pedigree was used as a germ plasm score. The geographical origin and selection history of each parent and their use in the biparental crosses were used to develop a selection history score for parents and offspring. The variation for seven attributes, cane yield, commercial cane sugar %, sugar yield, stalk number per stool, stalk weight, fibre % and ash % juice was partitioned according to the germ plasm and selection history scores. Significant (P<0.05) clone variation and clone x environment interaction for all attributes was present. The germ plasm scores accounted for a significant (P<0.05) component of the clone variation for all of the attributes except cane yield. There was an increase in sugar yield with an increase in the minimum number of generations back to a S. spontaneum clone. The selection history groups accounted for a high proportion of the variation among parental clones for all of the attributes except cane yield. This suggested that parents were the outcome of strong selection pressure for the commercial cane attributes. However, the selection history groups for the offspring produced by random mating of parents did not account for a high proportion of the variation for the attributes. Using the mixture method of classification we partitioned the 256 clones into five groups for patterns of performance for the seven attributes across the six environments. The five groups emphasized major differences in the patterns of performance for the seven attributes across environments. The distribution of germ plasm and selection history scores in each of the five groups indicated that their patterns of performance were associated with selection history and minimum generations to S. spontaneum. Therefore, both the analysis on selection history and germ plasm scores (extrinsic classification) and the analysis on the mixture method of classification (intrinsic classification) emphasized the influence of selection history on the sugar yield of sugarcane. 相似文献
Experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of 4/2 light-dark cycles (4 h of light followed by 2 h of dark) on the rooting responses of shoots cultivated in vitro of the fruit tree rootstocks GF 677 (peach × almond hybrid), Mr.S. 2/5 (Prunus cerasifera), MM 106 (apple Nothern Spy × Paradise M1) and BA 29 (Cydonia oblonga). Under this light regime rooting percentage of GF 677, Mr.S. 2/5 and MM 106 shoots reached 100 % as in the control treatment (16/8), while in BA 29 shoots, short light-dark cycles increased rooting response by about 65 %. Moreover, the shoots of all rootstocks submitted to the 4/2 cycle showed an appreciable increase in root number and length, and an earlier root emergence of about 4 – 5 d compared to the 16/8 cycle. Finally, rooting percentage of BA 29 shoots submitted to the 4/2 light regime and treated with 0.2 mg dm−3 indolebutyric acid (IBA), was equal to that reported with 0.4 mg dm−3 IBA under the 16/8 regime, indicating that the former light regime also amplified the rhizogenic effect of auxin. 相似文献
Summary Contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Mn in aboveground tree components of five deciduous species were determined in closely-spaced (0.9×0.6 m) 4-year-old plantations growing on a river terrace site in the Ohio Valley region of western Kentucky (USA). Species evaluated were: a hybrid poplar, American sycamore, European alder, river birch and green ash. The only significant difference in dry weight of tree components was greater bolebark biomass of the hybrid poplar. Total aboveground elemental content of N, K, Ca, and Mn varied significantly for some species. N content of green ash was significantly lower and K content of the hybrid poplar and Mn content of European alder were significantly greater compared with the other species. Ca contents of the hybrid poplar, American sycamore and European alder were significantly greater than those of other species. Based on the relationship between biomass production and nutrient content of the harvested biomass, it seems that on this and comparable sites, river birch is a preferred species in view of the lower potential nutrient removals in the harvested biomass.The investigation reported in this paper (79-8-129) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with approval of the Director. 相似文献
F. Lefèvre C. Pichot J. Pinon 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1994,88(3-4):501-507
Clonal variation for rust resistance was studied in a factorial mating design of Populus trichocarpa and P. deltoides with 17 intraspecific and 15 interspecific progenies. Susceptibility to Melampsora larici-populina was assessed both under natural conditions in the nursery and after leaf-disk inoculation with two pathogen races in a controlled environment. Different components of the resistance were taken into account: immunity in the field or in the laboratory, latent period, number and size of uredia in the laboratory, and field resistance at the end of the growing season. Genes controlling immunity were contributed only by the P. deltoides parents. The distributions of clonal means within each family suggested a polygenic inheritance of field resistance in the P. trichocarpa x P. trichocarpa crosses, but major gene effects were suspected in the interspecific progenies. Inefficiency of the quantitative mechanisms of resistance in the interspecific F1 hybrids might have important implications for future breeding strategies. Field and laboratory trials complemented each other well, and a combined selection approach is proposed. 相似文献
Increase in anthocyanin yield from wild-carrot cell cultures by a selection system based on cell-aggregate size 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Wild-carrot (Daucus carota L.) cell cultures were screened to yield small (less than 63 m) or large (greater than 170 m) cell aggregates which were then subcultured. Cultures of the small-size class had a higher, those of the large-size class a lower anthocyanin yield than the unscreened culture. This relationship became accentuated with an increasing number of passages with screening prior to subculture. At the end of six months (12 passages), the pigment yield of the small-size class was triple that of the unscreened cells. Following this selection period, the tendency of the small-size fraction to increase in clump size when subcultured without screening was much less than that of freshly isolated cell aggregates of the same size. These observations may be explainable on the basis of a differential distribution of cytokinin between aggregates of different sizes. High levels of cytokinin inhibit anthocyanin accumulation and inhibit cell separation; these effects result in large cell aggregates having low levels of anthocyanin. In support of this hypothesis, it is shown that addition of kinetin to cultures of small cell aggregates causes an increase in the size of cell aggregates and a parallel decrease in anthocyanin yield. 相似文献
Hideyuki Nagao 《Mycoscience》2008,49(6):403-406
Two species were newly identified in Japan. Lachnum lanariceps was characterized by a central and cylindrical stipe and hairs containing pale yellow pigment with red or garnet resinous matter. Lachnum oncospermatum was identified after comparison with the holotype of Dasyscyphus oncospermatis. This fungus has the characteristics of wrinkled apothecium and branched stipe. 相似文献
J. C. Daly 《Genetica》1993,90(2-3):217-226
Pyrethroid resistance inHelicoverpa armigera provides a model system in which to study evolution in natural populations. Resistance is seen to evolve as a consequence of selection pressure that varies within and between life-stages and gene flow. Although three different mechanisms are involved, present day fluctuations in phenotype frequency can be explained by variation in only one of these, metabolic resistance, that is inherited as a single, incompletely dominant gene,mfo. Selective mortality of phenotypes occurs in both larvae and adults in the presence of the pyrethroid insecticides. Although most individuals of all three genotypes are killed in young larvae, selection in this age-class contributes significantly to evolution of resistance. While there is some evidence of reduced fitness of resistant pupae during winter diapause, most of the decline in resistance frequencies each spring occurs as a result of immigration of susceptible individuals into insecticide-treated populations. 相似文献
V. Lind 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1988,76(4):560-564
Summary Three rye populations originating from different cultivars were subjected to half sib progeny selection for three cycles to improve their resistance to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis DC. f.sp. secalis Marchal). Selection was carried out in the greenhouse (measurement of spore production at the three-leaf stage), in the field (scoring of mildew infections at ear emergence) or at both locations. All selections resulted in significant responses, the level of which varied depending on the genetic base of mildew resistance in the populations. Greenhouse selection was most effective when the frequency of dominant genes could be increased, whereas field selection was less effective. Estimates for heritability in the narrow sense ranged from 0.42–0.94 indicating that mildew resistance can be increased effectively. Inbred lines should be selected in base populations with a high level of quantitative resistance and/or a high frequency of dominant genes. For an effective resistance strategy in hybrid breeding such dominant genes are most valuable, and can be selected in young growth stages. In Strain CG the increase of dominant resistance genes by early selection resulted in a significant improvement of kernel yield. 相似文献
M. Quesada J. A. Winsor A. G. Stephenson 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1996,92(7):885-890
We examined the effects of pollen selection for rapid pollen-tube growth on progeny vigor. First, we crossed a wild gourd (Cucurbita texana) to a cultivated zucchini (Cucurbita pepo cv Black Beauty) to produce an F1 and then an F2 generation. Half of the F1 seeds were produced by depositing small loads of C. texana pollen onto the stigmas of C. pepo. These small pollen loads were insufficient to produce a full complement of seeds and, consequently, both the fast- and the slow-growing pollen tubes were permitted to achieve fertilization. An F2 generation was then produced by depositing small loads of F1 pollen onto stigmas of F1 plants. The F2 seeds resulting from two generations of small pollen loads are termed the non-selected line because there was little or no selection for pollen-tube growth rate on these plants. The other half of the F1 and F2 seeds were produced by depositing large pollen loads (>10 000 pollen grains) onto stigmas and then allowing only the first 1% or so of the pollen tubes that entered the ovary to fertilize the ovules. We did this by excising the styles at the ovary at 12–15 h after pollination. The resulting F2 seeds are termed the selected line because they were produced by two generations of selection for only the fastest growing pollen tubes. Small pollen loads from the F2plants, both the selected and the non-selected lines, were then deposited onto stigmas of different C. pepo flowers, and the vigor of the resulting seeds was compared under greenhouse and field conditions. The results showed that the seeds fertilized by pollen from the selected line had greater vegetative vigor as seedlings and greater flower and fruit production as mature plants than the seeds fertilized by pollen from the non-selected line. This study demonstrates that selection for fast pollen-tube growth (selection on the microgametophyte) leads to a correlated increase in sporophyte (progeny) vigor. 相似文献
Inheritance of seed weight in Cucumis sativus (L.) var. sativus and var. hardwickii (Royle) Kitamura
D. Globerson A. Genizi J. E. Staub 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1987,74(4):522-526
Summary A series of experiments was conducted to determine the inheritance of seed weight in cucumber. Matings between a Cucumis sativus var. sativus (Cs) L. inbred line (USDA WI 1606; P1) and a C. sativus var. hardwickii (Royle) Kitamura (Ch) collection (PI 215589; P2) were made to produce seed of reciprocal F1, F2, and BC1 families. Families were grown under field and greenhouse conditions, and seeds were extracted from fruit 55 to 60 days post-pollination. Seed of F1 and F2 families was obtained using the Cs inbred WI2808 (P12) and the Ch collection LJ 90430 (P10), and seed of F1 families were produced using a North Carolina Design II mating scheme in which three Cs (P3= GY-14; P4=WI 1379; P5=WI 1909) inbreds were used as maternal parents and seven Ch collections (P2; P6= PI462369; P7=486336; P8=LJ91176; P9=273469; P10= 2590430; P11=PI187367) were used as paternal parents. Mean seed weights of F1 progeny reflected the dominance of genes of the C. sativus var. sativus parent. Transformation to number of seeds per unit weight resulted in increased variance homogeneity within generations and a broad-sense heritability ranging between 26% to 56%. Additive and dominance effects were important in the expression of seed weight in P1×P2 progeny produced in the greenhouse and additive effects were important in field grown progeny resulting from P1×P2 and P10×P12 matings. The estimated number of factors or loci involved ranged between 10 to 13, depending on the method of calculation. 相似文献
A procedure is described for the routine establishment and multiplication of red clover, Trifolium pratense L., shoot tips which should be applicable to a wide genotypic background. The addition of CO2 to the culture vial or use of polypropylene closures enhanced shoot multiplication at high levels of benzyladenine (BA). Horizontal orientation of crown buds resulted in more efficient multiplication. Culture of nodes from flowering stems was unsuccessful. The cytokinin BA was most effective for shoot multiplication at 2.0 mg/l with maximum shoot production by four weeks. A comparison of several genotypic sources revealed a 10-fold range in response to the multiplication medium with no differences observed among agronomic type or ploidy level. An additional study revealed that multiplication ability of a genotype can be determined after the second subculture since multiplication ability does not change during repeated subculture.Contribution from the Plant Cell Culture Centre, University of Guelph, Department of Crop Science, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1 相似文献
We consider discrete time stochastic processes defined by solutions to some non-linear difference equations whose coefficients are autocorrelated random sequences. It is proved that these processes converge weakly in D[0, T] to diffusion processes, under the assumption that the random sequences satisfy some mixing condition. Diffusion approximation for stochastic selection models in population genetics is discussed, as the application of this limit theorem. 相似文献