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The depolymerisation of legume seed Galactomannans by commercial preparation "Celloviridin G20x" to produce fragments of macromolecules with unchanged monomer ratio was studied. The hydrolysis of four galactomannans in whole range of monomer ratio for this phytopolysaccharide group 1.1-5.1 was performed by enzyme preparation, which is a sum of carbohydrases (producent--Trichoderma reesei). Degree of substitution 1,4-beta-D-mannopyranose chain on C-6 position by alpha-galactose residues had influence on values of molecular mass of final reaction products. The fragments with high yelds and monomer ratio nearly of that initial polysaccharides were obtained.  相似文献   

A low-molecular-weight water-soluble chitosan was obtained from high-molecular-weight crab chitosan using the enzyme preparation Celloviridine G20x. Optimum conditions for the enzymatic hydrolysis were designed. The reaction should be performed for 4 h in a sodium-acetate buffer (pH 5.2) at 55 degrees C and the enzyme to substrate ratio of 1:400. Fractional extraction of chitosan hydrolysate by aqueous ethanol (ethanol: distilled water) yielded fractions with molecular weights in the range 3.2-26.4 kDa.  相似文献   

A low-molecular-weight water-soluble chitosan was obtained from high-molecular-weight crab chitosan using the enzyme preparation Celloviridine G20x. Optimum conditions for enzymatic hydrolysis were designed. The reaction should be performed for 4 h in a sodium-acetate buffer (pH 5.2) at 55°C and an enzyme to substrate ratio of 1 : 400. Fractional extraction of chitosan hydrolysate by aqueous ethanol (ethanol:distilled water) yielded fractions with molecular weights in the range 3.2–26.4 kDa.  相似文献   

The degree of acetylation exerted only insignificant effects on the enzymatic hydrolysis of chitosan, while affecting the composition of the resulting hydrolysates and their water solubility. Chitosan with various degrees of acetylation was produced by reacetylation of the original chitosan (the solvents, methanol and 2% acetic acid, were present at a ratio of 54:51 v/v; the amount of acetic anhydride was in the range 0.1-2.0 mmol per 1 g chitosan). Hydrolysis by the enzymatic preparation Celloviridin G20x was performed at the enzyme to substrate ratio of 1:400 in sodium-acetate buffer, pH 5.2 (55 degrees C) for 1 h.  相似文献   

The degree of acetylation was shown to exert only insignificant effects on the enzymatic hydrolysis of chitosan, while affecting the composition of the resulting hydrolysates and their water solubility. Chitosan with various degrees of acetylation was produced by reacetylation of the initial chitosan (the solvents, methanol and 2% acetic acid, were present in a ratio of 54 : 51 v/v; the amount of acetic anhydride was in the range 0.1–2.0 mmol per gram chitosan). Hydrolysis by the enzymatic preparation Celloviridin G20kh was performed at an enzyme-to-substrate ratio of 1 : 400 in sodium–acetate buffer, pH 5.2 (55°C) for 1 h.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1987,162(2):271-276
A water-soluble galactomannan, isolated from the seeds of Cassia alata Linn, has been investigated by using methylation analysis, periodate and CrO3 oxidation, n.m.r. spectroscopy, and reaction with Bandeiraea simplicifolia lectin and an α-d-galactosidase. The polysaccharide is composed of heptasaccharide units joined by β-(1→4) linkages. The polysaccharide has a molecular weight of 26,400, corresponding to ∼23 units.  相似文献   

A water soluble galactomannan isolated from Leucaena leucocephala seeds gave an intrinsic viscosity of 3.5dl/g and viscosity average molecular mass, M(v), of 6.98×10(5)g/mol. This was in reasonably good agreement with the value of the weight average molecular mass, M(w), of 5.44±0.20×10(5)g/mol determined by GPC-MALLS coupled to RI. The onset of polymer coil overlap occurred at c*[η] of 2.1, with slope of 3.0 above and 1.3 below the point of polymer coil overlap. The shear viscosity of the polysaccharide was temperature dependent and decreased with increasing temperature. The activation energy for viscous flow of 3.0% polysaccharide concentration obtained by Arrhenius plot of zero shear viscosity as a function of temperature was 26.4kJ/mol. Both the storage modulus (G') and loss modulus (G″) showed strong dependence on frequency indicating the presence of entangled coils. The Cox-Merz plot gave close superimposition of the complex and shear viscosities.  相似文献   

Galactomannan deposition was investigated in developing endosperms of three leguminous species representative of taxonomic groups which have galactomannans with high, medium and low galactose content. These were fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.; mannose/galactose (Man/Gal) = 1.1), guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.; Man/Gal = 1.6) and Senna occidentalis (L.) Link. (Man/Gal = 3.3), respectively. Endosperms were analysed at different stages of seed development for galactomannan content and the levels, in cell-free extracts, of a mannosyltransferase and a galactosyltransferase which have been shown to catalyse galactomannan biosynthesis in vitro (M. Edwards et al., 1989, Planta 178, 41–51). There was a close correlation in each case between the levels of the biosynthetic mannosyl- and galactosyltransferases and the deposition of galactomannan. The relative in vitro activities of the mannosyl- and galactosyltransferases in fenugreek and guar were similar, and almost constant throughout the period of galactomannan deposition. In Senna the ratio mannosyltransferase/galactosyltransferase was always higher than in the other two species, and it increased substantially throughout the period of galactomannan deposition. In fenugreek and guar the galactomannans present in the endosperms of seeds at different stages of development had the Man/Gal ratios characteristic of the mature seeds. By contrast the galactomannan present in Senna endosperms at the earliest stages of deposition had a Man/Gal ratio of about 2.3. During late deposition this ratio increased rapidly, stabilising at about 3.3, the ratio characteristic of the mature seed. The levels of -galactosidase in the developing endosperms of fenugreek and guar were low and remained fairly constant throughout the deposition of the galactomannan. In Senna, -galactosidase activity in the endosperm was low during early galactomannan deposition, but increased subsequently, peaking during late galactomannan deposition. The developmental patterns of the -galactosidase activity and of the increase in Man/Gal ratio of the Senna galactomannan were closely similar, indicating a cause-and-effect relationship. The endosperm -galactosidase activity in Senna was capable, in vitro, of removing galactose from guar galactomannan without prior depolymerisation of the molecule. In fenugreek and in guar the genetic control of the Man/Gal ratio in galactomannan is not the result of a post-depositional modification, and must reside in the biosynthetic process. In Senna, the Man/Gal ratio of the primary biosynthetic galactomannan product is controlled by the biosynthetic process. Yet the final Man/Gal ratio of the galactomannan in the mature seed is, to an appreciable extent, the result of galactose removal from the primary biosynthetic product by an -galactosidase activity which is present in the endosperm during late galactomannan deposition.Abbreviations al galactose - Man mannose This work was carried out with the aid of a Cooperative Research Grant (No. CRG 1) awarded by the Agricultural and Food Research Council, UK.  相似文献   

The basic idea of the source simulation technique is to replace the scatterer (or radiator by a system of simple sources located within the envelope of the original body. The extent to which the simulated field reproduces the original field depends on the degree of correspondence between the simulated and the given boundary conditions. Numerical simulations have shown that: (1) the shape of the auxiliary surface, (2) the number of sources, and (3) the way the sources are distributed are the most relevant parameters to ensure an accurate solution for the problem. In the case of the single-layer method, sources should not be positioned close to the center of the body, because the problem becomes ill-conditioned. The auxiliary surface and the scatterer should be as similar as possible in order to minimize the boundary error. With respect to the number of sources (N), there are two opposite effects: (1) if (N) is too small, the sound field is not reproduced accurately; (2) if (N) is too large, computing time increases and solution accuracy decreases. The method beaks down when excitation frequency coincides with the eigenfrequencies — a narrow range of frequencies — of the space formed by the auxiliary surface. As the auxiliary surface is frequently represented by simple surfaces (cylinder, sphere), one can easily calculate the eigenfrequencies and therefore avoid them.
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Copyright © 2003 Urban & Fischer Verlag Published by Elsevier GmbH
Pre-dispersal seed predation and seed limitation in an annual legume
Arpád Szentesia, , and Tibor Jermya
aZoology Department, Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary  相似文献   

Using genomics to study legume seed development   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Le BH  Wagmaister JA  Kawashima T  Bui AQ  Harada JJ  Goldberg RB 《Plant physiology》2007,144(2):562-574

The preparation and use of legume seed inoculants     
R. J. Roughley 《Plant and Soil》1970,32(1-3):675-701

V-shaped scaffold: a new architectural motif identified in an A x (G x G x G x G) pentad-containing dimeric DNA quadruplex involving stacked G(anti) x G(anti) x G(anti) x G(syn) tetrads     
Zhang N  Gorin A  Majumdar A  Kettani A  Chernichenko N  Skripkin E  Patel DJ 《Journal of molecular biology》2001,308(5):1063-1079

Improvement of the nutritional quality of legume seed storage proteins by molecular breeding     
Daisuke Yamauchi  Takao Minamikawa 《Journal of plant research》1998,111(1):1-6
Legume seeds contain a large amount of proteins and are one of the essential protein sources for humans and animals. However, the protein, in legume seeds is usually poor in sulfur-containing amino acids, and its nutritional value is lower than the protein from animal sources. Recently plant breeding has become available by the introduction of molecular biology, and a technique, called molecular breeding, was applied to the production of legume seeds that contain proteins with high nutritional quality. This review describes the expression of legume seed protein genes and the transformation of legume plants. Approaches to improve the legume seed storage protein will be discussed.  相似文献   

Survival of some slow-growing Rhizobium on inoculated legume seed     
D. F. Herridge  R. J. Roughley 《Plant and Soil》1974,40(2):441-444

Composition and structure of galactomannan from the seed of Gleditsia ferox Desf     
Egorov AV  Mestechkina NM  Shcherbukhin VD 《Prikladnaia biokhimiia i mikrobiologiia》2004,40(3):370-375
Galactomannan, a heteropolysaccharide with a molecular weight of 1660 kDa, was isolated form the seed of Gleditsia ferox Desf., introduced in Russia, with a yield of 18.9%. Its aqueous solutions were optically active ([alpha]D = +30.5 degrees) and highly viscous ([eta] = 1430 ml/g). Analysis of the heteropolysaccharide using chemical, enzymatic, and chromatographic procedures showed that it consists of D-mannopyranose and D-galactopyranose residues (molar ratio, 2.54:1). The main chain of this galactomannan consists of 1,4-beta-D-mannopyranose residues, 39.2% of which are substituted at C6 with single residues of alpha-D-galactopyranose. The probability of occurrence of mannobiose units differentially substituted with galactose was determined by 13C-NMR data and equaled, respectively, 0.37, 0.47, and 0.16 for non-substituted Man-Man units, monosubstituted Gal(Man-Man) and (Man-Man)Gal units taken together, and for the disubstituted Gal(Man-Man)Gal units.  相似文献   

Depolymerization of hyaluronan by sonication     
Kohmei Kubo  Toshiya Nakamura  Keiichi Takagaki  Yutaka Yoshida  Masahiko Endo 《Glycoconjugate journal》1993,10(6):435-439
High molecular weight hyaluronan (M r 400 000) obtained from human umbilical cord was depolymerized by sonication for 10 h into small molecules and finally into molecules of constant size (M r 11 000). The molecular size of the depolymerized hyaluronan was unaltered even under different conditions of sonication. After sonication, the main sugar residues at the reducing and non-reducing termini of depolymerized hyaluronan wereN-acetylglucosamine (86%) and glucuronic acid (98%), respectively. Hyaluronans derived from rooster comb (M r 1×106) andStreptococcus zooepidemicus (M r 1.2×106) were deploymerized into molecules of different but characteristic sizes by sonication. On the other hand, neither chondroitin sulfate nor glycogen was depolymerized by sonication. These results suggest that high molecular weight hyaluronan may have some weak linkages related toN-acetylglucosamine in the chain, which are extremely sensitive to sonication. At present, however, the nature of these linkages is still unclear.Abbreviations HA hyaluronan - PA 2-aminopyridine  相似文献   

Antigenic relationship of legume seed proteins to the 7S seed storage protein of soybean     
Jeff J. Doyle  Beth F. Ladin  Roger N. Beachy 《Biochemical Systematics and Ecology》1985,13(2):123-132
Extracts enriched for globulin proteins were prepared from the seeds of a large number of legume species and were tested for homology to antisera prepared against the glycosylated 7S seed storage protein of the soybean (Glycine max). Electrophoretic identification and subsequent analysis of proteins precipitated with 7S antisera was useful at relatively short taxonomic distances, particularly within the tribe Phaseoleae, to which G. max belongs. Glycine and most other members of the subtribe Glycininae are unusual within the Phaseoleae in having high molecular weight (> 70 000 dalton) subunit polypeptides. Seeds from other plants representing other subtribes of the Phaseoleae also contained proteins that cross-reacted with the G. max antisera; the molecular weights of these proteins varied from 30 000 to nearly 90 000 daltons. Homology was detected across a wider range of legume tribes within the subfamily Papilionoideae by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The results of these experiments suggest both that the 7S proteins of these tribes are evolutionarily related and that at least some features of these apparently rapidly-evolving proteins are under relatively strong selectional constraint.  相似文献   

Immobilization of pectawamorine G10x by gel entrapment     
A V Bogatski?  T I Davidenko  I V Areshidze  T A Gren'  O V Sevast'ianov 《Prikladnaia biokhimiia i mikrobiologiia》1979,15(5):747-750
Polyacrylamide gel immobilization of pectawamorine G10x was investigated. Its pectinesterase and polygalacturonase activity and stability in storage were measured. The degree of pectawamorine binding during gel immobilization was 80--90%, 55% of initial activity being retained. Thermal stability of the immobilized and native preparations was equal. Pectinesterase activity of the gel immobilized enzyme increased during storage.  相似文献   

Increasing phosphorus concentration in seed of annual pasture legume species increases herbage and seed yields     
M. D. A. Bolland  B. H. Paynter 《Plant and Soil》1990,125(2):197-205
In glasshouse experiments with low levels of soil applied phosphorus (P), yields of four annual pasture legumes (Medicago polymorpha, Trifolium subterraneum, T. balansae, Ornithopus compressus) increased with increasing P concentration in the seed. In a further experiment, M. polymorpha cv. Serena was grown at the same plant density from seed of two P concentrations and two seed sizes when two levels of finely ground superphosphate were applied to the soil. Higher P concentrations in the seed increased yields of dried tops by about 30% for the first harvest (21 days), 20% for the second harvest (52 days), and 9% at maturity (103 days), and seed yields by 11%. Larger seeds increased yields of dried tops by between 6–46% for the first two harvests but at maturity yields of dried tops and seed were unaffected by seed size. None of the interactions were statistically significant (P>0.05), except for the first harvest when two interactions (P concentration in the seed × seed size (i.e. P content in seed), and P applied to the soil × P concentration in the seed × seed size) were significant at P<0.05 level. In a field experiment, Trifolium subterraneum clover seed (two cultivars) of the same size but with two different P concentrations was sown at the same plant density and two levels of granulated (0.2–5 mm) superphosphate were applied to the soil surface. The higher level of superphosphate increased dried herbage yields of the dense clover swards by three- to four-fold 90 and 120 days after sowing. The higher P concentration in the seed increased yields of dried herbage by between 50 to 25%, depending on the level of P applied to the soil and the harvest date.  相似文献   

Depolymerization of light meromyosin by urea     
SZENT-GYORGYI AG  BORBIRO M 《Archives of biochemistry and biophysics》1956,60(1):180-197

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