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Gao T Bunemann M Gerhardstein BL Ma H Hosey MM 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2000,275(33):25436-25444
We have previously demonstrated that formation of a complex between L-type calcium (Ca(2+)) channel alpha(1C) (Ca(V)1.2) and beta subunits was necessary to target the channels to the plasma membrane when expressed in tsA201 cells. In the present study, we identified a region in the C terminus of the alpha(1C) subunit that was required for membrane targeting. Using a series of C-terminal deletion mutants of the alpha(1C) subunit, a domain consisting of amino acid residues 1623-1666 ("targeting domain") in the C terminus of the alpha(1C) subunit has been identified to be important for correct targeting of L-type Ca(2+) channel complexes to the plasma membrane. Although cells expressing the wild-type alpha(1C) and beta(2a) subunits exhibited punctate clusters of channel complexes along the plasma membrane with little intracellular staining, co-expression of deletion mutants of the alpha(1C) subunit that lack the targeting domain with the beta(2a) subunit resulted in an intracellular localization of the channels. In addition, three other regions in the C terminus of the alpha(1C) subunit that were downstream of residues 1623-1666 were found to contribute to membrane targeting of the L-type channels. Deletion of these domains in the alpha(1C) subunit resulted in a reduction of plasma membrane-localized channels, and a concomitant increase in channels localized intracellularly. Taken together, these results have demonstrated that a targeting domain in the C terminus of the alpha(1C) subunit was required for proper plasma membrane localization of the L-type Ca(2+) channels. 相似文献
Lyford GL Strege PR Shepard A Ou Y Ermilov L Miller SM Gibbons SJ Rae JL Szurszewski JH Farrugia G 《American journal of physiology. Cell physiology》2002,283(3):C1001-C1008
Smooth muscle exhibitsmechanosensitivity independent of neural input, suggesting thatmechanosensitive pathways reside within smooth muscle cells. The nativeL-type calcium current recorded from human intestinal smooth muscle ismodulated by stretch. To define mechanosensitive mechanisms involved inthe regulation of smooth muscle calcium entry, we cloned the1C L-type calcium channel subunit (CaV1.2)from human intestinal smooth muscle and expressed the channel in aheterologous system. This channel subunit retained mechanosensitivitywhen expressed alone or coexpressed with a 2 calciumchannel subunit in HEK-293 or Chinese hamster ovary cells. Theheterologously expressed human cardiac 1C splice formalso demonstrated mechanosensitivity. Inhibition of kinase signalingdid not affect mechanosensitivity of the native channel. Truncation of the 1C COOH terminus, which containsan inhibitory domain and a proline-rich domain thought to mediatemechanosensitive signaling from integrins, did not disruptmechanosensitivity of the expressed channel. These data demonstratemechanical regulation of calcium entry through molecularly identifiedL-type calcium channels in mammalian cells and suggest that themechanosensitivity resides within the pore forming1C-subunit. 相似文献
Altier C Dubel SJ Barrere C Jarvis SE Stotz SC Scott JD Nargeot J Zamponi GW Bourinet E 《Channels (Austin, Tex.)》2012,6(3):157-165
L-type voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs) interact with a variety of proteins that modulate both their function and localization. A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins (AKAPs) facilitate L-type calcium channel phosphorylation through β adrenergic stimulation. Our previous work indicated a role of neuronal AKAP79/150 in the membrane targeting of Ca(V)1.2 L-type calcium channels, which involved a proline rich domain (PRD) in the intracellular II-III loop of the channel.(1) Here, we show that mutation of proline 857 to alanine (P857A) into the PRD does not disrupt the AKAP79-induced increase in Ca(v)1.2 membrane expression. Furthermore, deletion of two other PRDs into the carboxy terminal domain of Ca(V)1.2 did not alter the targeting role of AKAP79. In contrast, the distal carboxy terminus region of the channel directly interacts with AKAP79. This protein-protein interaction competes with a direct association of the channel II-III linker on the carboxy terminal tail and modulates membrane targeting of Ca(V)1.2. Thus, our results suggest that the effects of AKAP79 occur through relief of an autoinhibitory mechanism mediated by intramolecular interactions of Ca(v)1.2 intracellular regions. 相似文献
《Channels (Austin, Tex.)》2013,7(3):157-165
L-type voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs) interact with a variety of proteins that modulate both their function and localization. A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins (AKAPs) facilitate L-type calcium channel phosphorylation through β adrenergic stimulation. Our previous work indicated a role of neuronal AKAP79/150 in the membrane targeting of CaV1.2 L-type calcium channels, which involved a proline rich domain (PRD) in the intracellular II-III loop of the channel.1 Here, we show that mutation of proline 857 to alanine (P857A) into the PRD does not disrupt the AKAP79-induced increase in Cav1.2 membrane expression. Furthermore, deletion of two other PRDs into the carboxy terminal domain of CaV1.2 did not alter the targeting role of AKAP79. In contrast, the distal carboxy terminus region of the channel directly interacts with AKAP79. This protein-protein interaction competes with a direct association of the channel II-III linker on the carboxy terminal tail and modulates membrane targeting of CaV1.2. Thus, our results suggest that the effects of AKAP79 occur through relief of an autoinhibitory mechanism mediated by intramolecular interactions of Cav1.2 intracellular regions. 相似文献
《Channels (Austin, Tex.)》2013,7(1):42-50
Calcium entry through voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) initiates diverse cellular functions. VGCC pore-forming subunit (CaVα1) contains four homology repeats, each encompassing a voltage sensor and a pore domain. Three main classes of CaVα1 subunits have been described, CaV1, CaV2 and CaV3 that differ in their voltage-dependence of activation and in the extent in which this process is modulated by the auxiliary β-subunit (CaVβ). Association of CaVβ induces a coil-to-helix conformation of the I-II intracellular linker joining the first and second repeat of CaVα1 that is thought to be crucial for modulation of channel function. When expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes in the absence of CaVβ the voltage to reach 50% activation (V0.5) for CaV1.2 and CaV2.3 differs by more than 60 mV and the channel current-carrying capacity by more than thirty-fold. Here we report that the difference in V0.5 is reduced to about 30 mV and the current-carrying capacity becomes virtually identical when the I-II linkers of CaV1.2 and CaV2.3 are swapped. Co-expression with CaVβ increases the current-carrying capacity of chimeric channels by the same extent, while the difference in V0.5 with respect to their corresponding parental channels vanishes. Our findings indicate that CaVβ modulatory potency is determined by both, the nature of the I-II linker and the pore-forming subunit background. Moreover, they demonstrate that the I-II linker encodes self-reliant molecular determinants for channel activation and suggest that besides to the secondary structure adopted by this segment upon CaVβ association, its chemical nature is as well relevant. 相似文献
Gerhardstein BL Gao T Bünemann M Puri TS Adair A Ma H Hosey MM 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2000,275(12):8556-8563
Although most L-type calcium channel alpha(1C) subunits isolated from heart or brain are approximately 190-kDa proteins that lack approximately 50 kDa of the C terminus, the C-terminal domain is present in intact cells. To test the hypothesis that the C terminus is processed but remains functionally associated with the channels, expressed, full-length alpha(1C) subunits were cleaved in vitro by chymotrypsin to generate a 190-kDa C-terminal truncated protein and C-terminal fragments of 30-56 kDa. These hydrophilic C-terminal fragments remained membrane-associated. A C-terminal proline-rich domain (PRD) was identified as the mediator of membrane association. The alpha(1C) PRD bound to SH3 domains in Src, Lyn, Hck, and the channel beta(2) subunit. Mutant alpha(1C) subunits lacking either approximately 50 kDa of the C terminus or the PRD produced increased barium currents through the channels, demonstrating that these domains participate in the previously described (Wei, X., Neely, a., Lacerda, A. E. Olcese, r., Stefani, E., Perez-Reyes, E., and Birnbaumer, L. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 1635-1640) inhibition of channel function by the C terminus. 相似文献
Expression of the alpha(2)delta subunit interferes with prepulse facilitation in cardiac L-type calcium channels

We investigated the role of the accessory alpha(2)delta subunit on the voltage-dependent facilitation of cardiac L-type Ca(2+) channels (alpha(1C)). alpha(1C) Channels were coexpressed in Xenopus oocytes with beta(3) and alpha(2)delta calcium channel subunits. In alpha(1C) + beta(3), the amplitude of the ionic current (measured during pulses to 10 mV) was in average approximately 1.9-fold larger after the application of a 200-ms prepulse to +80 mV. This phenomenon, commonly referred to as voltage-dependent facilitation, was not observed when alpha(2)delta was coexpressed with alpha(1C) + beta(3). In alpha(1C) + beta(3), the prepulse produced a left shift ( approximately 40 mV) of the activation curve. Instead, the activation curve for alpha(1C) + beta(3) + alpha(2)delta was minimally affected by the prepulse and had a voltage dependence very similar to the G-V curve of the alpha(1C) + beta(3) channel facilitated by the prepulse. Coexpression of alpha(2)delta with alpha(1C) + beta(3) seems to mimic the prepulse effect by shifting the activation curve toward more negative potentials, leaving little room for facilitation. The facilitation of alpha(1C) + beta(3) was associated with an increase of the charge movement. In the presence of alpha(2)delta, the charge remained unaffected after the prepulse. Coexpression of alpha(2)delta seems to set all the channels in a conformational state from where the open state can be easily reached, even without prepulse. 相似文献
Tal Keren Raifman Prabodh Kumar Hannelore Haase Enno Klussmann Nathan Dascal Sharon Weiss 《Channels (Austin, Tex.)》2017,11(6):604-615
L-type-voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (L-VDCCs; CaV1.2, α1C), crucial in cardiovascular physiology and pathology, are modulated via activation of G-protein-coupled receptors and subsequently protein kinase C (PKC). Despite extensive study, key aspects of the mechanisms leading to PKC-induced Ca2+ current increase are unresolved. A notable residue, Ser1928, located in the distal C-terminus (dCT) of α1C was shown to be phosphorylated by PKC. CaV1.2 undergoes posttranslational modifications yielding full-length and proteolytically cleaved CT-truncated forms. We have previously shown that, in Xenopus oocytes, activation of PKC enhances α1C macroscopic currents. This increase depended on the isoform of α1C expressed. Only isoforms containing the cardiac, long N-terminus (L-NT), were upregulated by PKC. Ser1928 was also crucial for the full effect of PKC. Here we report that, in Xenopus oocytes, following PKC activation the amount of α1C protein expressed in the plasma membrane (PM) increases within minutes. The increase in PM content is greater with full-length α1C than in dCT-truncated α1C, and requires Ser1928. The same was observed in HL-1 cells, a mouse atrium cell line natively expressing cardiac α1C, which undergoes the proteolytic cleavage of the dCT, thus providing a native setting for exploring the effects of PKC in cardiomyocytes. Interestingly, activation of PKC preferentially increased the PM levels of full-length, L-NT α1C. Our findings suggest that part of PKC regulation of CaV1.2 in the heart involves changes in channel's cellular fate. The mechanism of this PKC regulation appears to involve the C-terminus of α1C, possibly corroborating the previously proposed role of NT-CT interactions within α1C. 相似文献
Voltage-activated Ca2+ channels play an important role in synaptic transmission, signal processing and development. The immunohistochemical localization of Cav1.2 (alpha1C) and Cav2.3 (alpha1E) Ca2+ channels was studied in the developing and adult mouse organ of Corti using subunit-specific antibodies and fluorescent secondary antibodies with cochlear cryosections. Cav1.2 immunoreactivity has been detected from postnatal day 14 (P14) onwards at the synapses between cholinergic medial efferents and outer hair cells as revealed by co-staining with anti-synaptophysin and anti-choline acetyltransferase. Most likely the Cav1.2 immunoreactivity was located presynaptically at the site of contact of the efferent bouton with the outer hair cell which suggests a role for class C L-type Ca2+ channels in synaptic transmission of the medial efferent system. The localization of the second Ca2+ channel tested, Cav2.3, showed a pronounced change during cochlear development. From P2 until P10, Cav2.3 immunoreactivity was found in the outer spiral bundle followed by the inner spiral bundle, efferent endings and by medial efferent fibers. Around P14, Cav2.3 immunoreactivity disappeared from these structures and from P19 onwards it was observed in the basal poles of the outer hair cell membranes. 相似文献
Ni(2+) inhibits current through calcium channels, in part by blocking the pore, but Ni(2+) may also allosterically affect channel activity via sites outside the permeation pathway. As a test for pore blockade, we examined whether the effect of Ni(2+) on Ca(V)3.1 is affected by permeant ions. We find two components to block by Ni(2+), a rapid block with little voltage dependence, and a slow block most visible as accelerated tail currents. Rapid block is weaker for outward vs. inward currents (apparent K(d) = 3 vs. 1 mM Ni(2+), with 2 mM Ca(2+) or Ba(2+)) and is reduced at high permeant ion concentration (110 vs. 2 mM Ca(2+) or Ba(2+)). Slow block depends both on the concentration and on the identity of the permeant ion (Ca(2+) vs. Ba(2+) vs. Na(+)). Slow block is 2-3x faster in Ba(2+) than in Ca(2+) (2 or 110 mM), and is approximately 10x faster with 2 vs. 110 mM Ca(2+) or Ba(2+). Slow block is orders of magnitude slower than the diffusion limit, except in the nominal absence of divalent cations ( approximately 3 muM Ca(2+)). We conclude that both fast and slow block of Ca(V)3.1 by Ni(2+) are most consistent with occlusion of the pore. The exit rate of Ni(2+) for slow block is reduced at high Ni(2+) concentrations, suggesting that the site responsible for fast block can "lock in" slow block by Ni(2+), at a site located deeper within the pore. In contrast to the complex pore block observed for Ca(V)3.1, inhibition of Ca(V)3.2 by Ni(2+) was essentially independent of voltage, and was similar in 2 mM Ca(2+) vs. Ba(2+), consistent with inhibition by a different mechanism, at a site outside the pore. 相似文献
Functional embryonic cardiomyocytes after disruption of the L-type alpha1C (Cav1.2) calcium channel gene in the mouse 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Seisenberger C Specht V Welling A Platzer J Pfeifer A Kühbandner S Striessnig J Klugbauer N Feil R Hofmann F 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2000,275(50):39193-39199
The L-type alpha(1C) (Ca(v)1.2) calcium channel is the major calcium entry pathway in cardiac and smooth muscle. We inactivated the Ca(v)1.2 gene in two independent mouse lines that had indistinguishable phenotypes. Homozygous knockout embryos (Ca(v)1. 2-/-) died before day 14.5 postcoitum (p.c.). At day 12.5 p.c., the embryonic heart contracted with identical frequency in wild type (+/+), heterozygous (+/-), and homozygous (-/-) Ca(v)1.2 embryos. Beating of isolated embryonic cardiomyocytes depended on extracellular calcium and was blocked by 1 microm nisoldipine. In (+/+), (+/-), and (-/-) cardiomyocytes, an L-type Ba(2+) inward current (I(Ba)) was present that was stimulated by Bay K 8644 in all genotypes. At a holding potential of -80 mV, nisoldipine blocked I(Ba) of day 12.5 p.c. (+/+) and (+/-) cells with two IC(50) values of approximately 0.1 and approximately 1 microm. Inhibition of I(Ba) of (-/-) cardiomyocytes was monophasic with an IC(50) of approximately 1 microm. The low affinity I(Ba) was also present in cardiomyocytes of homozygous alpha(1D) (Ca(v)1.3) knockout embryos at day 12.5 p.c. These results indicate that, up to day 14 p.c., contraction of murine embryonic hearts requires an unidentified, low affinity L-type like calcium channel. 相似文献
Martin SW Butcher AJ Berrow NS Richards MW Paddon RE Turner DJ Dolphin AC Sihra TS Fitzgerald EM 《Cell calcium》2006,39(3):275-292
Voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) in sensory neurones are tonically up-regulated via Ras/extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) signalling. The presence of putative ERK consensus sites within the intracellular loop linking domains I and II of neuronal N-type (Ca(v)2.2) calcium channels and all four neuronal calcium channel beta subunits (Ca(v)beta), suggests that Ca(v)2.2 and/or Ca(v)betas may be ERK-phosphorylated. Here we report that GST-Ca(v)2.2 I-II loop, and to a lesser extent Ca(v)beta1b-His(6), are substrates for ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Serine to alanine mutation of Ser-409 and/or Ser-447 on GST-Ca(v)2.2 I-II loop significantly reduced phosphorylation. Loss of Ser-447 reduced phosphorylation to a greater extent than mutation of Ser-409. Patch-clamp recordings from wild-type Ca(v)2.2,beta1b,alpha2delta1 versus mutant Ca(v)2.2(S447A) or Ca(v)2.2(S409A) channels revealed that mutation of either site significantly reduced current inhibition by UO126, a MEK (ERK kinase)-specific inhibitor that down-regulates ERK activity. However, no additive effect was observed by mutating both residues together, suggesting some functional redundancy between these sites. Mutation of both Ser-161 and Ser-348 on Ca(v)beta1b did not significantly reduce phosphorylation but did reduce UO126-induced current inhibition. Crucially, co-expression of Ca(v)2.2(S447A) with Ca(v)beta1b(S161,348A) had an additive effect, abolishing the action of UO126 on channel current, an effect not seen when Ca(v)beta1b(S161,348A) was co-expressed with Ca(v)2.2(S409A). Thus, Ser-447 on Ca(v)2.2 and Ser-161 and Ser-348 of Ca(v)beta1b appear to be both necessary and sufficient for ERK-dependent modulation of these channels. Together, our data strongly suggest that modulation of neuronal N-type VDCCs by ERK involves phosphorylation of Ca(v)2.2alpha1 and to a lesser extent possibly also Ca(v)beta subunits. 相似文献
Inhibition of N- (Cav2.2) and P/Q-type (Cav2.1) calcium channels by G-proteins contribute importantly to presynaptic inhibition as well as to the effects of opiates and cannabinoids. Accordingly, elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying G-protein inhibition of voltage-gated calcium channels has been a major research focus. So far, inhibition is thought to result from the interaction of multiple proposed sites with the Gbetagamma complex (Gbetagamma). Far less is known about the important interaction sites on Gbetagamma itself. Here, we developed a novel electrophysiological paradigm, "compound-state willing-reluctant analysis," to describe Gbetagamma interaction with N- and P/Q-type channels, and to provide a sensitive and efficient screen for changes in modulatory behavior over a broad range of potentials. The analysis confirmed that the apparent (un)binding kinetics of Gbetagamma with N-type are twofold slower than with P/Q-type at the voltage extremes, and emphasized that the kinetic discrepancy increases up to ten-fold in the mid-voltage range. To further investigate apparent differences in modulatory behavior, we screened both channels for the effects of single point alanine mutations within four regions of Gbeta1, at residues known to interact with Galpha. These residues might thereby be expected to interact with channel effectors. Of eight mutations studied, six affected G-protein modulation of both N- and P/Q-type channels to varying degrees, and one had no appreciable effect on either channel. The remaining mutation was remarkable for selective attenuation of effects on P/Q-, but not N-type channels. Surprisingly, this mutation decreased the (un)binding rates without affecting its overall affinity. The latter mutation suggests that the binding surface on Gbetagamma for N- and P/Q-type channels are different. Also, the manner in which this last mutation affected P/Q-type channels suggests that some residues may be important for "steering" or guiding the protein into the binding pocket, whereas others are important for simply binding to the channel. 相似文献
Poteser M Romanin C Schreibmayer W Mayer B Groschner K 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2001,276(18):14797-14803
Modulation of smooth muscle, L-type Ca(2+) channels (class C, Ca(V)1.2b) by thionitrite S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) was investigated in the human embryonic kidney 293 expression system at the level of whole-cell and single-channel currents. Extracellular administration of GSNO (2 mM) rapidly reduced whole-cell Ba(2+) currents through channels derived either by expression of alpha1C-b or by coexpression of alpha1C-b plus beta2a and alpha2-delta. The non-thiol nitric oxide (NO) donors 2,2-diethyl-1-nitroso-oxhydrazin (2 mM) and 3-morpholinosydnonimine-hydrochloride (2 mM), which elevated cellular cGMP levels to a similar extent as GSNO, failed to affect Ba(2+) currents significantly. Intracellular administration of copper ions, which promote decomposition of the thionitrite, antagonized its inhibitory effect, and loading of cells with high concentrations of dithiothreitol (2 mM) prevented the effect of GSNO on alpha1C-b channels. Intracellular loading of cells with oxidized glutathione (2 mM) affected neither alpha1C-b channel function nor their modulation by GSNO. Analysis of single-channel behavior revealed that GSNO inhibited Ca(2+) channels mainly by reducing open probability. The development of GSNO-induced inhibition was associated with the transient occurrence of a reduced conductance state of the channel. Our results demonstrate that GSNO modulates the alpha1 subunit of smooth muscle L-type Ca(2+) channels by an intracellular mechanism that is independent of NO release and stimulation of guanylyl cyclase. We suggest S-nitrosation of intracellularly located sulfhydryl groups as an important determinant of Ca(2+) channel gating and conductance. 相似文献
Molecular determinants of inactivation within the I-II linker of alpha1E (CaV2.3) calcium channels

Voltage-dependent inactivation of CaV2.3 channels was investigated using point mutations in the beta-subunit-binding site (AID) of the I-II linker. The quintuple mutant alpha1E N381K + R384L + A385D + D388T + K389Q (NRADK-KLDTQ) inactivated like the wild-type alpha1E. In contrast, mutations of alpha1E at position R378 (position 5 of AID) into negatively charged residues Glu (E) or Asp (D) significantly slowed inactivation kinetics and shifted the voltage dependence of inactivation to more positive voltages. When co-injected with beta3, R378E inactivated with tau(inact) = 538 +/- 54 ms (n = 14) as compared with 74 +/- 4 ms (n = 21) for alpha1E (p < 0.001) with a mid-potential of inactivation E(0.5) = -44 +/- 2 mV (n = 10) for R378E as compared with E(0.5) = -64 +/- 3 mV (n = 9) for alpha1E. A series of mutations at position R378 suggest that positively charged residues could promote voltage-dependent inactivation. R378K behaved like the wild-type alpha1E whereas R378Q displayed intermediate inactivation kinetics. The reverse mutation E462R in the L-type alpha1C (CaV1.2) produced channels with inactivation properties comparable to alpha1E R378E. Hence, position 5 of the AID motif in the I-II linker could play a significant role in the inactivation of Ca(V)1.2 and CaV2.3 channels. 相似文献
Arikkath J Chen CC Ahern C Allamand V Flanagan JD Coronado R Gregg RG Campbell KP 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2003,278(2):1212-1219
Voltage-gated calcium channels mediate excitationcontraction coupling in the skeletal muscle. Their molecular composition, similar to neuronal channels, includes the pore-forming alpha(1) and auxiliary alpha(2)delta, beta, and gamma subunits. The gamma subunits are the least characterized, and their subunit interactions are unclear. The physiological importance of the neuronal gamma is emphasized by epileptic stargazer mice that lack gamma(2). In this study, we examined the molecular basis of interaction between skeletal gamma(1) and the calcium channel. Our data show that the alpha(1)1.1, beta(1a), and alpha(2)delta subunits are still associated in gamma(1) null mice. Reexpression of gamma(1) and gamma(2) showed that gamma(1), but not gamma(2), incorporates into gamma(1) null channels. By using chimeric constructs, we demonstrate that the first half of the gamma(1) subunit, including the first two transmembrane domains, is important for subunit interaction. Interestingly, this chimera also restores calcium conductance in gamma(1) null myotubes, indicating that the domain mediates both subunit interaction and current modulation. To determine the subunit of the channel that interacts with gamma(1), we examined the channel in muscular dysgenesis mice. Cosedimentation experiments showed that gamma(1) and alpha(2)delta are not associated. Moreover, alpha(1)1.1 and gamma(1) subunits form a complex in transiently transfected cells, indicating direct interaction between the gamma(1) and alpha(1)1.1 subunits. Our data demonstrate that the first half of gamma(1) subunit is required for association with the channel through alpha(1)1.1. Because subunit interactions are conserved, these studies have broad implications for gamma heterogeneity, function and subunit association with voltage-gated calcium channels. 相似文献
Lao QZ Kobrinsky E Harry JB Ravindran A Soldatov NM 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2008,283(23):15577-15588
Ca(v)beta subunits support voltage gating of Ca(v)1.2 calcium channels and play important role in excitation-contraction coupling. The common central membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) region of Ca(v)beta binds to the alpha-interaction domain (AID) and the IQ motif of the pore-forming alpha(1C) subunit, but these two interactions do not explain why the cardiac Ca(v)beta(2) subunit splice variants differentially modulate inactivation of Ca(2+) currents (I(Ca)). Previously we described beta(2Deltag), a functionally active splice variant of human Ca(v)beta(2) lacking MAGUK. By deletion analysis of beta(2Deltag), we have now identified a 41-amino acid C-terminal essential determinant (beta(2)CED) that stimulates I(Ca) in the absence of Ca(v)beta subunits and conveys a +20-mV shift in the peak of the I(Ca)-voltage relationship. The beta(2)CED is targeted by alpha(1C) to the plasma membrane, forms a complex with alpha(1C) but does not bind to AID. Electrophysiology and binding studies point to the calmodulin-interacting LA/IQ region in the alpha(1C) subunit C terminus as a functionally relevant beta(2)CED binding site. The beta(2)CED interacts with LA/IQ in a Ca(2+)- and calmodulin-independent manner and need LA, but not IQ, to activate the channel. Deletion/mutation analyses indicated that each of the three Ca(v)beta(2)/alpha(1C) interactions is sufficient to support I(Ca). However, beta(2)CED does not support Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation, suggesting that interactions of MAGUK with AID and IQ are crucial for Ca(2+)-induced inactivation. The beta(2)CED is conserved only in Ca(v)beta(2) subunits. Thus, beta(2)CED constitutes a previously unknown integrative part of the multifactorial mechanism of Ca(v)beta(2)-subunit differential modulation of the Ca(v)1.2 calcium channel that in beta(2Deltag) occurs without MAGUK. 相似文献
Soosung Kang Garry Cooper Sara Fernandez Dunne Chi-Hao Luan D. James Surmeier Richard B. Silverman 《Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry》2013,21(14):4365-4373
The L-type calcium channel (LTCC) CaV1.3 is regarded as a new potential therapeutic target for Parkinson’s disease. Calcium influx through CaV1.3 LTCC during autonomous pacemaking in adult dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta is related to the generation of mitochondrial oxidative stress in animal models. Development of a CaV1.3 antagonist selective over CaV1.2 is essential because CaV1.2 pore-forming subunits are the predominant form of LTCCs and are abundant in the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. We have explored 1,4-dihydropyrimidines and 4H-pyrans to identify potent and selective antagonists of CaV1.3 relative to CaV1.2 LTCCs. A library of 36 dihydropyridine (DHP)-mimic 1,4-dihydropyrimidines and 4H-pyrans was synthesized, and promising chiral compounds were resolved. The antagonism studies of CaV1.3 and CaV1.2 LTCCs using DHP mimic compounds showed that dihydropyrimidines and 4H-pyrans are effective antagonists of DHPs for CaV1.3 LTCCs. Some 1,4-dihydropyrimidines are more selective than isradipine for CaV1.3 over CaV1.2, shown here by both calcium flux and patch-clamp electrophysiology experiments, where the ratio of antagonism is around 2–3. These results support the hypothesis that the modified hydrogen bonding donor/acceptors in DHP-mimic dihydropyrimidines and 4H-pyrans can interact differently with DHP binding sites, but, in addition, the data suggest that the binding sites of DHP in CaV1.3 and CaV1.2 LTCCs are very similar. 相似文献