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The initial step in mammalian nucleotide excision repair (NER) of the major UV-induced photoproducts, cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and 6-4 photoproducts (6-4PPs), requires lesion recognition. It is believed that the heterodimeric proteins XPC/hHR23B and UV-DDB (UV-damaged DNA binding factor, composed of the p48 and p127 subunits) perform this function in genomic DNA, but their requirement and lesion specificity in vivo remains unknown. Using repair-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum (XP)-A cells that stably express photoproduct-specific photolyases, we determined the binding characteristics of p48 and XPC to either CPDs or 6-4PPs in vivo. p48 localized to UV-irradiated sites that contained either CPDs or 6-4PPs. However, XPC localized only to UV-irradiated sites that contained 6-4PPs, suggesting that XPC does not efficiently recognize CPDs in vivo. XPC did localize to CPDs when p48 was overexpressed in the same cell, signifying that p48 activates the recruitment of XPC to CPDs and may be the initial recognition factor in the NER pathway.  相似文献   

Normal human fibroblasts were UV-irradiated and incubated for 6 hr with harman. The losses of sites, in the extracted DNA, sensitive to a UV specific endonuclease were determined as precision measures of the excision of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers. Harman inhibited excision, rising from ~ 30% inhibition at 200 μM to 75% inhibition at 600 μM.  相似文献   

The excision repair of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers was investigated in three genes: Gart, Notch and white in a permanent Drosophila cell line Kc, derived from wild type Drosophila melanogaster embryonic cells. In this cell line Gart and Notch are actively transcribed, whereas white is not expressed. In all three genes UV-induced pyrimidine dimers were removed with the same rate and to the same extent: 60% removal within 16 hours, up to 80-100% in 24 hours after irradiation with 10 or 15 J/m2 UV. These kinetics are similar to the time course of dimer removal measured in the genome overall. No difference in repair of the inactive white locus compared to the active Gart and Notch genes was found. Similar results were obtained using a different wild type cell line, SL2, although repair appeared to be somewhat slower in this cell line. The results are discussed with respect to the data found for gene specific repair in other eukaryotic systems.  相似文献   

The CDC25B phosphatase regulates the activation of CDK1-Cyclin B at the onset of mitosis, being a key target of the checkpoint pathways activated by cellular stress and DNA damage. Previous work has reported that checkpoint activation induces the sequestration of CDC25B in the cytoplasm. Here we show that in response to UV irradiation, the levels of CDC25B protein can be downregulated independently of classical checkpoints pathways such as p53, ATM/ATR and p38 MAPK. We also show that translational repression mediated by eIF2α phosphorylation regulates CDC25B expression levels. Taken together, our results illustrate a new mechanism of CDC25B regulation in response to stress.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae lacks several common DNA repair pathways found in other organisms. As recent evidence had indicated that gonococci use recombinational repair to repair UV-induced DNA lesions, this study examined whether the gonococcal RecJ homologue contributes in this repair capacity. The recJ gene from strain MS11 was cloned and sequenced and was found to show a considerable degree of identity to its Escherichia coli homologue. A N. gonorrhoeae delta recJ mutant was constructed and tested for recombinational proficiency as well as for defects in DNA repair. In the absence of the RecJ exonuclease, DNA transformation and pilin switching occurred at wild type levels, indicating that the efficiency of recombination remained unimpaired. In contrast, N. gonorrhoeae delta recJ mutants showed extreme sensitivity to low levels of UV irradiation and to exposure to DNA-alkylating reagents [e.g. ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS)]. Complementation of the gonococcal recJ mutant in cis restored resistance to low-level UV, indicating that the gonococcal RecJ protein is involved in recombinational repair, and can act independently of other single-strand-specific exonucleases. Furthermore, transformation competence was not required for RecJ-dependent DNA repair. Overall, the data show that N. gonorrhoeae recJ mutants present a unique phenotype when compared to their E. coli recJ counterparts, and further support the contention that RecORJ-dependent recombinational repair is a major DNA repair pathway in the genus Neisseria.  相似文献   

The rate of removal of pyrimidine dimers from DNA of UV (254 nm)-irradiated (1 J/m2) normal and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells maintained in culture as nondividing populations was determined. Several normal and XP strains from complementation groups A, C and D were studied. The excision rates and survival ability of nondividing cells were examined to determine if an abnormal sensitivity was associated with a decreased rate of dimer excision. The results show that all normal strains studied excise pyrimidine dimers at the same rate, with the rate curve characterized by two components. All 'excision-deficient' XP strains excise dimers at a slower-than-normal rate, with the rate curves also characterized by two components. The rate constants for the first components of all of the XP strains (group A, C and D) are the same, one tenth of the normal rate constant, except for XP8LO (group A). XP8LO has a first-component rate constant similar to that of normal strains and a second component rate constant similar to that of other group A strains (XP12BE, XP25RO). Thus, the slower rate of dimer excision in XP8LO is due to a defect in the mechanism responsible for the second component of the excision-rate curve. In general, an abnormal sensitivity of nondividing cells to UV is associated with a reduced dimer-excision rate. A notable exception to this is the group C strain XP1BE which has an initial repair rate similar to that of group A XP12BE but is considerably more resistant when survival is measured.  相似文献   

Summary Germinated conidia of Neurospora have been monitored for their ability to excise pyrimidine dimers. Dimer concentration was measured in DNA extracted immediately after UV treatment, and it was compared to that of DNA from cells which had a post-UV incubation before extraction. Two methods were used to assay dimer level in DNA: 1) measurement of the number of single-strand breaks (as revealed in alkaline sucrose gradients) produced by a dimer-specific endonuclease; 2) monitoring the ability to compete for binding to dimer-specific antibodies in a radioimmuno assay. Both methods showed efficient excision of dimers by wild-type and by uvs-2, even though an earlier study had reported that uvs-2 was unable to excise dimers.UV-induced mutation shows a dose-rate effect: acute UV yields several times as many mutations as does the same dose of chronic UV. There is a parallel effect on dimer accumulation. The concentration of dimers at the conclusion of the UV treatment shows a strong correlation with the resultant mutation frequency.  相似文献   

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