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Incubation periods of Neotropical birds are often longer than those of related species at temperate latitudes. We conducted a common-garden experiment to test the hypothesis that longer tropical incubation periods result from longer embryo development times rather than from different patterns of parental incubation behavior. House wrens, one of few species whose geographic range includes tropical equatorial and temperate high latitudes, have incubation periods averaging 1.2 days longer at tropical latitudes. We incubated eggs of house wrens in Illinois and Panama under identical conditions in mechanical incubators. Even after factoring out differences in egg size, tropical house wrens still required 1.33 days longer, on average, to hatch. We conclude that parental attendance patterns do not account for latitudinal differences in incubation period but that some other as yet unmeasured factor intrinsic to the egg or embryo, or both, extends development time in the tropics.  相似文献   

Mahale KN  Kempraj V  Dasgupta D 《Gene》2012,497(1):83-89
The formation and breaking of hydrogen bonds between nucleic acid bases are dependent on temperature. The high G+C content of organisms was surmised to be an adaptation for high temperature survival because of the thermal stability of G:C pairs. However, a survey of genomic GC% and optimum growth temperature (OGT) of several prokaryotes revoked any direct relation between them. Significantly high purine (R=A or G) content in mRNAs is also seen as a selective response for survival among thermophiles. Nevertheless, the biological relevance of thermophiles loading their unstable mRNAs with excess purines (purine-loading or R-loading) is not persuasive. Here, we analysed the mRNA sequences from the genomes of 168 prokaryotes (as obtained from NCBI Genome database) with their OGTs ranging from -5 °C to 100 °C to verify the relation between R-loading and OGT. Our analysis fails to demonstrate any correlation between R-loading of the mRNA pool and OGT of a prokaryote. The percentage of purine-loaded mRNAs in prokaryotes is found to be in a rough negative correlation with the genomic GC% (r(2)=0.655, slope=-1.478, P<000.1). We conclude that genomic GC% and bias against certain combinations of nucleotides drive the mRNA-synonymous (sense) strands of DNA towards variations in R-loading.  相似文献   

Females of several lizard species modify their body temperature during pregnancy, probably in connection with the optimisation of hatchling phenotypes. We studied variations in the temperature selected by gravid females compared with those selected by males and non-gravid females in an oviparous population of Zootoca vivipara (Jacquin, 1797) (Squamata: Lacertidae) of Northern Spain and examined the effects of incubation temperature on the phenotypic variation of hatchlings. Cloacal temperatures of gravid females active in the field were lower than those of males and non-gravid females, as well as the temperatures selected in a thermal gradient created in the laboratory (mean±s.d.: 32.33±1.27 °C for gravid females; 34.05±1.07 °C for males and non-gravid females). Effects of temperature were assessed by incubating eggs at five constant temperatures (21, 25, 29, 32 and 34 °C). Incubation time decreased as temperature increased, following a negative exponential function. Incubation temperatures also affected the hatchlings’ morphology: hatchlings incubated at 34 °C had shorter heads than those from other temperatures. Survival at 34 °C (58%) was significantly lower than at the other temperatures (mean 93%). Pregnant females select lower body temperature, approaching the temperatures that optimise hatchling phenotypes, according to predictions of the maternal manipulation hypothesis on the evolution of viviparity. The shift in preferred temperature by pregnant females would result in only a very short delay, if any, of hatching time and, because the temperature selected by pregnant females is much higher than average temperatures recorded in natural nests of Z. vivipara, egg retention considerably shortens incubation time, according to predictions of the cold-climate hypothesis. Our experimental results indicate that the two main hypotheses on the evolution of viviparity are compatible in our study model.  相似文献   

1. Generalists are assumed to play a key role in structuring and stabilising animal–plant mutualistic networks. Until now, analyses on the effects of generalists have been based on empirical field data or simulations. The present natural field experiment manipulated the abundance of a generalist and abundant stingless bee [Melipona (Eomelipona) marginata] to determine the effects on the mutualistic network. 2. Networks were generated, and associated metrics were used for comparing replicate plots with and without the insertion of stingless bee nests. 3. Unweighted metrics and the basic qualitative structural pattern of networks (high nestedness, very low modularity and specialisation) was not affected by experimental variation in stingless bee abundance because they exert strong basal effects on the plant–pollinator community under natural conditions of abundance. Still, increased abundance caused significant variation in weighted nestedness and modularity and community-level specialisation. 4. Supporting predictions of neutral models, increased abundance of the stingless bee led to an increase in most of its specific metrics, expressing the expansion of its realised trophic niche. 5. During this process, specialist and other generalist bees were affected in different ways. More plant species became even more dependent on this stingless bee (increased asymmetry). 6. Long-term effects could not be inferred directly from instantaneous values of network metrics. Nonetheless, the increased abundance of the generalist stingless bee may both reduce the local level of ecological specialisation in the short term and affect the spatial distribution of less abundant and/or specialist bee species and plants in the long term.  相似文献   

The tropical–temperate interface of the southern Neotropics harbours an interdigitating array of biomes (Puna, Monte, Chaco, Yungas). This topographic and climatically complex region needs urgent conservation efforts, as it is being transformed by human activities at an accelerating pace. We analyse georeferenced field records of mammal species in northwestern Argentina (provinces: Catamarca, Jujuy, Salta, Tucuman) in order to define biodiversity hotspots on the basis of 0.5°× 0.5° grid cells within northwestern Argentina according to total richness of mammal species, richness of megaspecies (species above 10 kg), and endemic species (species restricted to Argentina or neighbouring countries with shared biomes). The mammal fauna of northwestern Argentina is fairly well known (176 species). The biomes differ considerably in species richness (Puna low, Yungas high) and species composition. We found no significant difference between endemic and non-endemic species regarding cell occupancy or body size. Cell occupancy was not correlated to body size. Across grids, species richness, number of megaspecies as well as richness of endemics are all correlated to sampling effort. More than 50% of the species in the region are restricted to one or two biomes. Overall, the species turn-over between biomes in northwestern Argentina is high. Using a simple algorithm we identified 10 grid cells which covered 90% of the total number of recorded species, and contrast them with the protected areas. While the Puna and Yungas biomes are rather well protected, the arid and semiarid Monte and Chaco are in need of urgent attention in biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Background: Understanding floristic and geographic patterns in one of the most biodiverse regions in the world – the Atlantic forest of eastern Bahia, Brazil – can identify the drivers of diversity in tropical forests and provide useful information for biological conservation.

Aims: To understand the role of both climate and geographical location on variation in tree species composition in a region characterised by an abrupt transition from wet forests to semi-arid thorn-woodlands. To test whether a regional classification of forests according to elevation belts and leaf flush pattern is consistent with floristic composition.

Methods: We submitted 14,094 tree species occurrence records and 31 geo-climatic variables prepared for 57 sites in eastern Bahia, Brazil, to multivariate and regression analyses and variance partitioning.

Results: Climate and space were both significantly (P ≤ 0.05) contributing to explaining floristic variations. Actual evapotranspiration, duration of water deficit, and minimum temperature of coldest month were the main predictors. Floristic differences were significant except when comparing evergreen lower plains and upper plains forests.

Conclusions: Although distance among sites may play an important role, species composition is chiefly influenced by environmental gradients. This highlights environmental heterogeneity as a key factor in the planning of biodiversity conservation in tropical forests.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed to enumerate selectively Lactobacillus casei populations in yoghurt-type fermented milks that can also contain strains of Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium infantis. Commercial LBS agar was acidified to pH 5.4, and the plates were incubated at 15°C for 14 days under anaerobic conditions. Acidification prevented the development of streptococci, and incubation at 15°C limited the development of the lactobacilli and the bifidobacteria. L. casei formed colonies on HHD medium which were different from those obtained with L. bulgaricus. Counts of L. casei on HHD confirmed results obtained on LBS - pH 5.4 medium and incubated at 15°C. L. casei did not form colonies on M17, nor did L. acidophilus or L. bulgaricus.  相似文献   

Four tetraploid potato genotypes (194.10, 199.13, 201.5, 201.12) were examined in anther culture. The androgenic responses were in general high. Cv. 199.13 contributed with the best response, varying between 0.38 and 0.55 embryoids per anther. Gellan gum or potato starch were used as gelling agents in a double-layer medium. Anthers incubated on potato starch gave a higher embryo yield in the beginning of the culture period, compared to anthers cultivated on gellan gum. The number of embryoids per anther, however, was higher on gellan gum at the end of the culture period. Anther cultures of potato were incubated in two different temperatures (20 °C and 25 °C), and the highest embryo yield was obtained in 25 °C except for genotype 201.12 where no difference was found between the two temperatures. Experiments with pollen germination in various temperatures (10 °C and 20 °C) were correlated to anther culture experiments. Also in case of pollen germination, genotype 201.12 was temperature-independent, while germination was stimulated by higher temperatures in the other genotypes.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to result in an increase in the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events. Alhagi sparsifolia is an important factor for wind prevention and sand fixation in the forelands of the Taklamakan Desert. The effects of high temperature on desert plants remain widely unknown. In this work, chlorophyll a fluorescence induction kinetics were investigated at different time stresses of 5, 20, 40, and 60 min at temperature gradients of 38–44 °C at 2 °C intervals. A pronounced K-step was found, and the values of the maximum quantum yield for primary photochemistry, the quantum yield of electron transport, the density of reaction centers and the performance index on absorption basis were lowest after 60 min at 44 °C, thus indicating that the oxygen-evolving complex was damaged, the inactivated reaction centers increased, and the activity of the photosystem II (PSII) reaction center in leaves was seriously limited. Therefore, we suggest that under normal temperature (below 42 °C), the PSII of A. sparsifolia would be unaffected. When such temperature is maintained for 40 min, the activity of PSII would be limited, and when retained for 60 min, PSII may be severely damaged.  相似文献   



Microarray gene expression data are commonly perceived as being extremely noisy because of many imperfections inherent in the current technology. A recent study conducted by the MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) Consortium and published in Nature Biotechnology provides a unique opportunity to probe into the true level of technical noise in such data.  相似文献   

Rainforests in tropical Australia occupy a very small, discontinuous area (<1% of the continent), yet they are floristically diverse (c. 2800 vascular species) with high endemicity. There is a distinctive Gondwanan and autochthonous element, and some of the world's ancestral links to the basal angiosperms are uniquely found here. The rainforests can be evergreen or deciduous, but there is a distinct dry season with intermittent drought years. With these characters, the evolutionary pressures on species may be very different to that experienced elsewhere. Sexual systems of 1113 tree species (83 families) from northern Australia were compared with published accounts from the paleo- and neotropics. Hermaphroditic systems dominated all tree floras, and within all floras but Australia dioecy was the most common unisexual system. In tropical Australia, however, significantly more monoecy than dioecy occurred at landscape and community levels. Incorporating phylogeny revealed that sex and fruit types are significantly clustered. The Euphorbiaceae and Sapindaceae contributed c. 50% of the monoecious taxa. Inefficient pollinators (e.g., beetles) may have favored the maintenance of monoecy at the expense of dioecy in the Australian tropics although <1% of the flora has been studied for pollinators and none of the monoecious tree species.  相似文献   

Previous anatomical and physiological studies have implicated the lateral habenula, and especially its medial division (LHbM), as a candidate component of the circadian timing system in rodents. We assayed lateral habenula rhythmicity in rodents using c-FOS immunohistochemistry and found a robust rhythm in immunoreactive cell counts in the LHbM, with higher counts during the dark phase of a light-dark (LD) cycle and during subjective night in constant darkness. We have also observed an obvious asymmetry of c-FOS expression in the LHbM of behaviorally "split" hamsters in constant light, but only during their active phase (when they were running in wheels). Locomotor activity rhythms appear to be regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) via multiple output pathways, one of which might be diffusible while the other might be neural, involving the lateral habenula.  相似文献   

BackgroundSoil-transmitted helminths infect about one fifth of the world’s population and have a negative impact on health. The Kato-Katz technique is the recommended method to detect soil-transmitted helminth eggs in stool samples, particularly in programmatic settings. However, some questions in its procedure remain. Our study aimed to investigate the effect of storage time, storage temperature and stirring of stool samples on fecal egg counts (FECs).Methodology/Principal findingsIn the framework of a clinical trial on Pemba Island, United Republic of Tanzania, 488 stool samples were collected from schoolchildren. These samples were evaluated in three experiments. In the first experiment (n = 92), two Kato-Katz slides were prepared from the same stool sample, one was stored at room temperature, the other in a refrigerator for 50 hours, and each slide was analyzed at nine time points (20, 50, 80, 110, 140 minutes, 18, 26, 42 and 50 hours). In the second experiment (n = 340), whole stool samples were split into two, one part was stored at room temperature, and the other part was put in a refrigerator for 48 hours. From each part one Kato-Katz slide was prepared and analyzed at three time points over two days (0, 24 and 48 hours). In the third experiment (n = 56), whole stool samples where stirred for 15 seconds six times and at each time point a Kato-Katz slide was prepared and analyzed.Mean hookworm FECs of Kato-Katz slides stored at room temperature steadily decreased following slide preparation. After two hours, mean hookworm FECs decreased from 22 to 16, whereas no reduction was observed if Kato-Katz slides were stored in the refrigerator (19 vs 21). The time x storage interaction effect was statistically significant (coefficient 0.26, 95% CI: 0.17 to 0.35, p < 0.0001). After 24 hours mean hookworm FECs dropped close to zero, irrespective of the storage condition. Whole stool samples stored at room temperature for one day resulted in a mean hookworm FEC decrease of 23% (p < 0.0001), compared to a 13% reduction (p < 0.0001) if samples were stored in the refrigerator. Fecal egg counts of A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura remained stable over time regardless of storage temperature of whole stool samples. Finally, we found a significant reduction of the variation of hookworm and T. trichiura eggs with increasing rounds of stirring the sample, but not for A. lumbricoides. For hookworm we observed a simultaneous decrease in mean FECs, making it difficult to draw recommendations on stirring samples.Conclusions/SignificanceOur findings suggest that stool samples (i) should be analyzed on the day of collection and (ii) should be analyzed between 20–30 minutes after slide preparation; if that is not possible, Kato-Katz slides can be stored in a refrigerator for a maximum of 110 minutes.  相似文献   

Many birds initiate incubation before clutch completion, which results in asynchronous hatching. The ensuing within-brood size disparity often places later-hatched nestlings at a developmental disadvantage, but the functional significance of the timing of the onset of incubation is poorly understood. Early incubation may serve to maintain the viability of early-laid eggs, which declines over time owing to the putative effects of ambient temperature. An unexplored risk to egg viability is trans-shell infection by micro-organisms. We experimentally investigated the rate and magnitude of microbial trans-shell infection of the egg, and the relative effects of ambient temperature and micro-organisms on hatching success. We show that infection of egg contents is prevalent and occurs within the time required to lay a clutch. The probability of infection depends on the climatic conditions, the exposure period and the phylogenetic composition of the eggshell microbiota. We also demonstrate that microbial infection and ambient temperature act independently to reduce egg viability considerably. Our results suggest that these two factors could affect the onset of avian incubation in a wide range of environments.  相似文献   

Although a number of studies have demonstrated a correlation between ambient temperature and the timing of reproductive behavior in many bird species, the relationships between temperature, activation of the hypothalamus–pituitary–gonad (HPG) axis, laying, and hatching in free-living birds, remain unclear. We investigated the relationships between spring temperature, reproductive hormones, and behavior, in a population of the Asian short-toed lark (Calandrella cheleensis) on the Inner Mongolian Grasslands in 2014, 2015 and 2016. LH and T levels peaked earliest in the year with the highest April temperature (2014) and latest in the year with the lowest April temperature (2016), and rose faster in 2014 than in 2015 or 2016. Laying and hatching occurred earliest in 2014 and latest in 2016. E2 also peaked earlier in 2014 than in the other two years but there was no significant difference in peak E2 levels among the three years. The peak of hatching only coincided with the peak in grasshopper nymph (the main food of nestlings) abundance in 2015 and the nestling fledging rate in 2015 was significantly higher than that in 2014 and 2016. We also conducted a controlled experiment on the effect of temperature on plasma LH, T and E2 levels in wild-caught larks, which shows that mean plasma LH, T and E2 levels in the 16 °C group all peaked 4 days earlier than in the 13 °C group. All these results suggest that activation of HPG endocrine axis in the Asia short-toed lark population is closely related to ambient temperature, and that this subsequently influences the timing of laying and hatching. The HPG axis' endocrine function is a physiological factor that mediates effects of ambient temperature on the timing of breeding. Temperature induced annual variation in the timing of hatching was, however, insufficient to synchronize the nestling period with the annual peak in grasshopper nymph abundance. Unusually warm, or cold, spring temperatures advanced, or delayed, grasshopper nymph development to an extent that exceeded the Asian short-toed lark's capacity to advance or delay the onset of breeding and reproductive success was lower in the two years of the study in which the nestling period was asynchronous with the peak of grasshopper nymph abundance. Long-term research on the relationship between the timing of reproduction and population demographics of the Asian short-toed lark is required to understand the effects of climate change on this species and on temperate birds in general.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) standing stock and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in Kenyan highland streams was determined by sampling seven sites on three rivers (2000–2700 m a.s.l.). Taxa recorded were allocated to functional feeding groups using published literature, mouthpart analysis and examination of gut contents. Patterns were compared with five structurally similar streams in three areas of Europe (south-west France, south-east England, north-east England).
2. Number of individuals and proportion of detritivores in Kenyan streams were equivalent to, or greater than, those in European sites. Shredders were, however, almost completely absent from Kenyan sites, despite high standing stocks of CPOM. Shredders were abundant in all European sites.
3. The phenomenon of low shredder abundance has been observed in other tropical streams in south-east Asia and Central and South America but, in contrast to these regions, the African rivers studied were devoid of shrimps or fish which may occupy the shredding niche elsewhere.
4. These preliminary data suggest that shredder-mediated detritus processing, which is a key functional component of streams in the North Temperate Zone, does not operate in East African streams. There are three possible reasons for this. The first is that tropical African rivers are functionally different to those in temperate regions. This could be because of enhanced microbial activity replacing shredder activity at high temperatures. Alternatively, it could be a result of low palatability of detrital inputs from dominant riparian trees in the region. The second and third are methodological: that our allocation to functional feeding groups is incorrect, and that our sampling methods missed a potentially key shredding taxon – the freshwater crab Potamonautes sp.  相似文献   

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