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In a previous study, we showed that isoproterenol induced actin depolymerization in human airway smooth muscle cells by both protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent and -independent signaling pathways. We now investigate the signaling pathway of PKA-independent actin depolymerization induced by isoproterenol in these cells. Cells were briefly exposed to isoproterenol or PGE(1) in the presence and absence of specific inhibitors of Src-family tyrosine kinases, phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3 kinase), or MAP kinase, and actin depolymerization was measured by concomitant staining of filamentous actin with FITC-phalloidin and globular actin with Texas red DNase I. Isoproterenol, cholera toxin, and PGE(1) induced actin depolymerization, indicated by a decrease in the intensity of filamentous/globular fluorescent staining. Pretreatment with the Src kinase inhibitors 4-amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(t-butyl)pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyriimidine (PP2) or geldanamycin or the PKA inhibitor Rp-cAMPS only partly inhibited isoproterenol- or PGE(1)-induced actin depolymerization. In contrast, PP2 and geldanamycin did not inhibit forskolin-induced actin depolymerization, and AG-213 (an EGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor) did not inhibit isoproterenol- or PGE(1)-induced actin depolymerization. PI3 kinase or MAP kinase inhibition did not inhibit isoproterenol-induced actin depolymerization. Moreover, isoproterenol but not forskolin induced tyrosine phosphorylation of an Src family member at position 416. These results further confirm that both PKA-dependent and PKA-independent pathways mediate actin depolymerization in human airway smooth muscle cells and that the PKA-independent pathway by which isoproterenol induces actin depolymerization in human airway smooth muscle cells involves Src protein tyrosine kinases and the G(s) protein.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) is a key remodelling factor in asthma. It is produced as a latent complex and the main limiting step in TGFβ bioavailability is its activation. Mast cell tryptase has been shown to stimulate the release of functionally active TGFβ from human airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells [P. Berger, P.O. Girodet, H. Begueret, O. Ousova, D.W. Perng, R. Marthan, A.F. Walls, J.M. Tunon de Lara, Tryptase-stimulated human airway smooth muscle cells induce cytokine synthesis and mast cell chemotaxis, FASEB J. 17 (2003) 2139-2141]. The aim of this study was to determine if tryptase could cause TGFβ activation as well as expression in ASM cells via its receptor, proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2). Tryptase caused TGFβ activation without affecting levels of total TGFβ. This effect was inhibited by the selective tryptase inhibitor FUT175 and leupeptin but not mimicked by the PAR2 activating peptide SLIGKV-NH2. Furthermore, the ASM cells used in the study did not express PAR2. The results indicate that tryptase activates TGFβ via a PAR2-independent proteolytic mechanism in human ASM cells and may help understanding the role of tryptase in asthma.  相似文献   

Length adaptation in airway smooth muscle (ASM) is attributed to reorganization of the cytoskeleton, and in particular the contractile elements. However, a constantly changing lung volume with tidal breathing (hence changing ASM length) is likely to restrict full adaptation of ASM for force generation. There is likely to be continuous length adaptation of ASM between states of incomplete or partial length adaption. We propose a new model that assimilates findings on myosin filament polymerization/depolymerization, partial length adaptation, isometric force, and shortening velocity to describe this continuous length adaptation process. In this model, the ASM adapts to an optimal force-generating capacity in a repeating cycle of events. Initially the myosin filament, shortened by prior length changes, associates with two longer actin filaments. The actin filaments are located adjacent to the myosin filaments, such that all myosin heads overlap with actin to permit maximal cross-bridge cycling. Since in this model the actin filaments are usually longer than myosin filaments, the excess length of the actin filament is located randomly with respect to the myosin filament. Once activated, the myosin filament elongates by polymerization along the actin filaments, with the growth limited by the overlap of the actin filaments. During relaxation, the myosin filaments dissociate from the actin filaments, and then the cycle repeats. This process causes a gradual adaptation of force and instantaneous adaptation of shortening velocity. Good agreement is found between model simulations and the experimental data depicting the relationship between force development, myosin filament density, or shortening velocity and length.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammation of the coronary arteries. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) stimulated by cytokines and chemokines accelerate the inflammatory response and migrate to the injured endothelium during the progression of atherosclerosis. Activation of AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK), a key sensor maintaining metabolic homeostasis, suppresses the inflammatory response. However, how AMPK regulates the inflammatory response is poorly understood. To identify the mechanism of this response, we focused on phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), which is a negative regulator of inflammation. We investigated that activation of AMPK-induced PTEN expression and suppression of the inflammatory response through the AMPK-PTEN pathway in VSMCs. We treated with the well-known AMPK activator metformin to induce PTEN expression. PTEN was induced by metformin (2mM) and inhibited by compound C (10μM) and AMPK siRNA. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) was used to induce inflammation. The inflammatory response was confirmed by cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, and activation of nuclear factor (NF)-κB. Metformin suppressed COX-2 and iNOS mRNA and protein expression dose dependently. Treatment with compound C and bpv (pic) in the presence of metformin, iNOS and COX-2 protein expression increased. NF-κB activation decreased in response to metformin and was restored by inhibiting AMPK and PTEN. Inhibiting AMPK and PTEN restored ROS levels stimulated with TNF-α. Taken together, PTEN could be a possible downstream regulator of AMPK, and the AMPK-PTEN pathway might be important in the regulation of the inflammatory response in VSMCs.  相似文献   

A growing body of data supports a view of the actin cytoskeleton of smooth muscle cells as a dynamic structure that plays an integral role in regulating the development of mechanical tension and the material properties of smooth muscle tissues. The increase in the proportion of filamentous actin that occurs in response to the stimulation of smooth muscle cells and the essential role of stimulus-induced actin polymerization and cytoskeletal dynamics in the generation of mechanical tension has been convincingly documented in many smooth muscle tissues and cells using a wide variety of experimental approaches. Most of the evidence suggests that the functional role of actin polymerization during contraction is distinct and separately regulated from the actomyosin cross-bridge cycling process. The molecular basis for the regulation of actin polymerization and its physiological roles may vary in diverse types of smooth muscle cells and tissues. However, current evidence supports a model for smooth muscle contraction in which contractile stimulation initiates the assembly of cytoskeletal/extracellular matrix adhesion complex proteins at the membrane, and proteins within this complex orchestrate the polymerization and organization of a submembranous network of actin filaments. This cytoskeletal network may serve to strengthen the membrane for the transmission of force generated by the contractile apparatus to the extracellular matrix, and to enable the adaptation of smooth muscle cells to mechanical stresses. Better understanding of the physiological function of these dynamic cytoskeletal processes in smooth muscle may provide important insights into the physiological regulation of smooth muscle tissues.  相似文献   

Dysfunctional regulation of airway smooth muscle tone is a feature of obstructive airway diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Airway smooth muscle contraction is directly associated with changes in the phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC), which is increased by Rho and decreased by Rac. Although cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)‐elevating agents are believed to relieve bronchoconstriction mainly via activation of protein kinase A (PKA), here we addressed the role of the novel cAMP‐mediated exchange protein Epac in the regulation of airway smooth muscle tone. Isometric tension measurements showed that specific activation of Epac led to relaxation of guinea pig tracheal preparations pre‐contracted with methacholine, independently of PKA. In airway smooth muscle cells, Epac activation reduced methacholine‐induced MLC phosphorylation. Moreover, when Epac was stimulated, we observed a decreased methacholine‐induced RhoA activation, measured by both stress fibre formation and pull‐down assay whereas the same Epac activation prevented methacholine‐induced Rac1 inhibition measured by pull‐down assay. Epac‐driven inhibition of both methacholine‐induced muscle contraction by Toxin B‐1470, and MLC phosphorylation by the Rac1‐inhibitor NSC23766, were significantly attenuated, confirming the importance of Rac1 in Epac‐mediated relaxation. Importantly, human airway smooth muscle tissue also expresses Epac, and Epac activation both relaxed pre‐contracted human tracheal preparations and decreased MLC phosphorylation. Collectively, we show that activation of Epac relaxes airway smooth muscle by decreasing MLC phosphorylation by skewing the balance of RhoA/Rac1 activation towards Rac1. Therefore, activation of Epac may have therapeutical potential in the treatment of obstructive airway diseases.  相似文献   

The contractile activation of airway smooth muscle tissues stimulates actin polymerization, and the inhibition of actin polymerization inhibits tension development. Actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF) and cofilin are members of a family of actin-binding proteins that mediate the severing of F-actin when activated by dephosphorylation at serine 3. The role of ADF/cofilin activation in the regulation of actin dynamics and tension development during the contractile activation of smooth muscle was evaluated in intact canine tracheal smooth muscle tissues. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that ADF and cofilin exist in similar proportions in the muscle tissues, and that approximately 40% of the total ADF/cofilin in unstimulated tissues is phosphorylated. Phospho-ADF/cofilin decreased concurrently with tension development in response to stimulation with acetylcholine (ACh) or potassium depolarization indicating the activation of ADF/cofilin. Expression of an inactive phospho-cofilin mimetic (cofilin S3E) but not wild type cofilin in the smooth muscle tissues inhibited endogenous ADF/cofilin dephosphorylation and ACh-induced actin polymerization. Expression of cofilin S3E in the tissues depressed tension development in response to ACh, but it did not affect myosin light chain phosphorylation. The ACh-induced dephosphorylation of ADF/cofilin required the Ca2+-dependent activation of calcineurin (PP2B). The results indicate that the activation of ADF/cofilin is regulated by contractile stimulation in tracheal smooth muscle and that cofilin activation is required for actin polymerization and tension development in response to contractile stimulation.  相似文献   

Liao XB  Zhou XM  Li JM  Yang JF  Tan ZP  Hu ZW  Liu W  Lu Y  Yuan LQ 《Amino acids》2008,34(4):525-530
Vascular calcification develops within atherosclerotic lesions and results from a process similar to osteogenesis. Taurine is a free β-amino acid and plays an important physiological role in mammals. We have recently demonstrated that vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) express a functional taurine transporter. To evaluate the possible role of taurine in vascular calcification, we assessed its effects on osteoblastic differentiation of VSMCs in vitro. The results showed that taurine inhibited the β-glycerophosphate-induced osteoblastic differentiation of VSMCs as evidenced by both the decreasing alkaline phosphate (ALP) activity and expression of the core binding factor α1 (Cbfα1). Taurine also activated the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) pathway. Inhibition of ERK pathway reversed the effect of taurine on ALP activity and Cbfα1 expression. These results suggested that taurine inhibited osteoblastic differentiation of vascular cells via the ERK pathway.  相似文献   

Differentiation of Dictyostelium spores initiates with rapid encapsulation of prespore cells under the control of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), followed by further maturation processes involving cytoskeletal reorganization. Constitutive activation of PKA induces precocious formation of viable spores in development and confers the ability to encapsulate under specific submerged conditions. In this study, we show that the stability of these spores depends upon conditions of high osmotic strength during spore differentiation, indicating that a hypertonic signal is required in addition to PKA to induce maturation to stable spores. The formation of stable spores under hypertonic conditions requires high cell density, suggesting the involvement of additional cellular signaling.  相似文献   

Stiffness changes in cultured airway smooth muscle cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Airwaysmooth muscle (ASM) cells in culture stiffen when exposed tocontractile agonists. Such cell stiffening may reflect activation ofthe contractile apparatus as well as polymerization of cytoskeletalbiopolymers. Here we have assessed the relative contribution of thesemechanisms in cultured ASM cells stimulated with serotonin(5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) in the presence or absence of drugs thatinhibit either myosin-based contraction or polymerization offilamentous (F) actin. Magnetic twisting cytometry was used to measurecell stiffness, and associated changes in structural organization ofactin cytoskeleton were evaluated by confocal microscopy. We found that5-HT increased cell stiffness in a dose-dependent fashion and alsoelicited rapid formation of F-actin as marked by increased intensity ofFITC-phalloidin staining in these cells. A calmodulin antagonist (W-7),a myosin light chain kinase inhibitor (ML-7) and a myosin ATPaseinhibitor (BDM) each ablated the stiffening response but not theF-actin polymerization induced by 5-HT. Agents that inhibited theformation of F-actin (cytochalasin D, latrunculin A, C3 exoenzyme, andY-27632) attenuated both baseline stiffness and the extent of cellstiffening in response to 5-HT. Together, these data suggest thatagonist-evoked stiffening of cultured ASM cells requires actinpolymerization as well as myosin activation and that neitheractin polymerization nor myosin activation by itself is sufficient toaccount for the cell stiffening response.


A mitogen for growth-arrested cultured bovine aortic smooth muscle cells was purified to homogeneity from the supernatant of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells by heparin affinity chromatography and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. This mitogen was revealed to be tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 (TFPI-2), which is a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor. TFPI-2 was expressed in baby hamster kidney cells using a mammalian expression vector. Recombinant TFPI-2 (rTFPI-2) stimulated DNA synthesis and cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner (1-500 nM). rTFPI-2 activated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity and stimulated early proto-oncogene c-fos mRNA expression in smooth muscle cells. MAPK, c-fos expression and the mitogenic activity were inhibited by a specific inhibitor of MAPK kinase, PD098059. Thus, the mitogenic function of rTFPI-2 is considered to be mediated through MAPK pathway. TFPI has been reported to exhibit antiproliferative action after vascular smooth muscle injury in addition to the ability to inhibit activation of the extrinsic coagulation cascade. However, structurally similar TFPI-2 was found to have a mitogenic activity for the smooth muscle cell.  相似文献   

Abnormal airway smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) proliferation is an important pathological process in airway remodeling contributes to increased mortality in asthma. Mitochondrial dynamics and metabolism have a central role in the maintenance of the cell function. In this study, lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced ASMCs proliferative model was used to investigate the effect of mitochondria on the proliferation of ASMCs and the possible mechanism. We used cell and molecular biology to determine the effect of dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) on LPS-mediated ASMCs cell cycle progression and glycolysis. The major findings of the current study are as follows: LPS promoted an increased mitochondrial fission and phosphorylation of Drp1 at Ser616 (p-Drp1 Ser616). LPS-induced ASMCs proliferation and cell cycle progression, which was significantly inhibited application of Drp1 RNA interfering. Glycolysis inhibitor 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) depressed ASMCs proliferative process induced by LPS stimulation. LPS caused mitochondrial metabolism disorders and aerobic glycolysis in a dependent on Drp1 activation. These results indicated that Drp1 may function as a key factor in asthma airway remodeling by mediating ASMC proliferation and cell cycle acceleration through an effect on mitochondrial metabolic disturbance.  相似文献   

There is evidence for a role of cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) in intracellular Ca2+ regulation in smooth muscle. cADPR is synthesized and degraded by ADP-ribosyl cyclase and cADPR hydrolase, respectively, by a bifunctional protein, CD38. Nitric oxide (NO) inhibits intracellular Ca2+ mobilization in airway smooth muscle. The present study was designed to determine whether this inhibition is due to regulation of ADP-ribosyl cyclase and/or cADPR hydrolase activity. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, NO donors, produced a concentration-dependent decrease in ADP-ribosyl cyclase, but not cADPR hydrolase, activity. The NO scavenger carboxy-PTIO prevented and reversed, and reduced glutathione prevented, the inhibition of ADP-ribosyl cyclase by SNP, suggesting S-nitrosylation by NO as a mechanism. N-ethylmaleimide, which covalently modifies protein sulfhydryl groups, making them incapable of nitrosylation, produced a marked inhibition of ADP-ribosyl cyclase, but not cADPR hydrolase, activity. SNP and N-ethylmaleimide significantly inhibited the ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity in recombinant human CD38 without affecting the cADPR hydrolase activity. These results provide a novel mechanism for differential regulation of CD38 by NO through a cGMP-independent pathway involving S-nitrosylation of thiols.  相似文献   

Serotonin-induced DNA synthesis in bovine aortic smooth muscle cells was totally abolished by pretreatment of cultures with 5 ng/ml pertussis toxin. The half maximally effective concentration of toxin was approximately 10 pg/ml. Pertussis toxin did not affect platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-stimulated DNA synthesis and actually enhanced the mitogenic effect of the phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Pertussis toxin did not inhibit serotonin-stimulated inositol phosphate accumulation or increases in intracellular calcium or cAMP concentrations under conditions sufficient to completely inhibit serotonin-induced (3H)thymidine incorporation. These results demonstrate that a novel, pertussis-sensitive pathway is required for serotonin-, but not platelet-derived growth factor-induced DNA synthesis in vascular smooth muscle cells. The pertussis-sensitive step does not involve cAMP, phosphoinositide hydrolysis, mobilization of intracellular calcium, or phorbol ester-sensitive protein kinase C activity.  相似文献   

Smooth muscles develop isometric force over a very wide range of cell lengths. The molecular mechanisms of this phenomenon are undefined, but are described as reflecting "mechanical plasticity" of smooth muscle cells. Plasticity is defined here as a persistent change in cell structure or function in response to a change in the environment. Important environmental stimuli that trigger muscle plasticity include chemical (e.g., neurotransmitters, autacoids, and cytokines) and external mechanical signals (e.g., applied stress and strain). Both kinds of signals are probably transduced by ionic and protein kinase signaling cascades to alter gene expression patterns and changes in the cytoskeleton and contractile system. Defining the signaling mechanisms and effector proteins mediating phenotypic and mechanical plasticity of smooth muscles is a major goal in muscle cell biology. Some of the signaling cascades likely to be important include calcium-dependent protein kinases, small GTPases (Rho, Rac, cdc42), Rho kinase, protein kinase C (PKC), Src family tyrosine kinases, mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, and p21 activated protein kinases (PAK). There are many potential targets for these signaling cascades including nuclear processes, metabolic pathways, and structural components of the cytoskeleton. There is growing appreciation of the dynamic nature of the actin cytoskeleton in smooth muscles and the necessity for actin remodeling to occur during contraction. The actin cytoskeleton serves many functions that are probably critical for muscle plasticity including generation and transmission of force vectors, determination of cell shape, and assembly of signal transduction machinery. Evidence is presented showing that actin filaments are dynamic and that actin-associated proteins comprising the contractile element and actin attachment sites are necessary for smooth muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Contractile agonists may stimulate mitogenic responses in airway smooth muscle by mechanisms that involve tyrosine kinases. The role of contractile agonist-evoked activation of tyrosine kinases in contractile signaling is not clear. We addressed this issue using cultured rat airway smooth muscle cells. In these cells, serotonin (5-HT, 1 microM) caused contraction (quantitated by a decrease in cell area), which was blocked by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein (40 microM). Genistein and tyrphostin 23 (40 and 10 microM, respectively) significantly decreased 5-HT-evoked peak Ca(2+) responses, and the effect of genistein could be observed in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+). The specific inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase PD-98059 (30 microM) had no significant effect on peak Ca(2+) levels. Western analysis of cell extracts revealed that 5-HT caused a significant increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins with molecular masses of approximately 70 kDa within 10 s of stimulation but no measurable tyrosine phosphorylation of the gamma isoform of phospholipase C (PLC-gamma). Tyrosine phosphorylation was inhibited by genistein. Furthermore, genistein (40 microM) significantly attenuated 5-HT-induced inositol phosphate production. We conclude that in airway smooth muscle contractile agonists acting on G protein-coupled receptors may activate tyrosine kinase(s), which in turn modulate calcium signaling by affecting, directly or indirectly, PLC-beta activity. It is unlikely that PLC-gamma or the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is involved in Ca(2+) signaling to 5-HT.  相似文献   

Asthma is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is characterized by airway dysfunction and inflammation. A key determinant of the asthma phenotype is infiltration of airway smooth muscle bundles by activated mast cells. We hypothesized that interactions between these cells promotes airway smooth muscle differentiation into a more contractile phenotype. In vitro coculture of human airway smooth muscle cells with beta-tryptase, or mast cells with or without IgE/anti-IgE activation, increased airway smooth muscle-derived TGF-beta1 secretion, alpha-smooth muscle actin expression and agonist-provoked contraction. This promotion to a more contractile phenotype was inhibited by both the serine protease inhibitor leupeptin and TGF-beta1 neutralization, suggesting that the observed airway smooth muscle differentiation was driven by the autocrine release of TGF-beta1 in response to activation by mast cell beta-tryptase. Importantly, in vivo we found that in bronchial mucosal biopsies from asthmatics the intensity of alpha-smooth muscle actin expression was strongly related to the number of mast cells within or adjacent to an airway smooth muscle bundle. These findings suggest that mast cell localization in the airway smooth muscle bundle promotes airway smooth muscle cell differentiation into a more contractile phenotype, thus contributing to the disordered airway physiology that characterizes asthma.  相似文献   

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