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Regulation of actin polymerization by membrane fraction of platelets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the interaction between the purified membrane fraction of human platelets and the polymerization of skeletal actin. The viscosity of actin was measured by the falling ball method. The fraction suppressed the polymerization of actin in the presence of 20 mM KCl and 0.4 mM EGTA. The addition of calcium ion or thrombin to the fraction did not cause suppression. A DNase I affinity column bound the membrane fraction in the presence of calcium ion. The frozen membrane fraction and the vesicles reconstituted with lipids from the platelet membrane enhanced the polymerization of actin. Trypsinized membrane fraction and the membrane fraction treated with phospolipase A2 enhanced the polymerization of actin, but membrane fraction treated with phospholipase C had no effect. The reconstituted membrane vesicles mentioned above lowered the critical concentration for actin polymerization. These findings suggested that the polymerization of intracellular actin is enhanced not only by the mobilization of calcium ion, but also by biochemical changes in the membrane lipids.  相似文献   

Regulation of actin dynamics by WASP family proteins   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Rapid reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton underlies morphological changes and motility of cells. WASP family proteins have received a great deal of attention as the signal-regulated molecular switches that initiate actin polymerization. The first member, WASP, was identified as the product of a gene of which dysfunction causes the human hereditary disease Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. There are now five members in this protein family, namely WASP, N-WASP, WAVE/Scar1, 2, and 3. WASP and N-WASP have functional and physical associations with Cdc42, a Rho family small GTPase involved in filopodium formation. In contrast, there is evidence that links the WAVE/Scar proteins with another Rho family protein, Rac, which is a regulator of membrane ruffling. All WASP family members have a VCA domain at the C-terminus through which Arp2/3 complex is activated to nucleate actin polymerization. Analyses of model organisms have just begun to reveal unexpected functions of WASP family proteins in multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Stretch activation of cation-permeable channels may be an important proximal sensory mechanism in mechanotransduction. As actin filaments may mediate cellular responses to changes of the mechanical properties of the substrate and regulate stretch-induced calcium transients, we examined the role of actin filaments and substrate flexibility in modulating the amplitude of stretch-activated intracellular calcium transients. Human gingival fibroblasts were subjected to mechanical stretch through integrins by magnetic force acting on collagen-coated ferric oxide beads. Intracellular calcium concentration was measured in fura-2-loaded cells by ratio fluorimetry. Cytochalasin D-treatment greatly increased (3-fold) the amplitude of stretch-activated calcium transients in well-spread cells grown on glass coverslips while phalloidin, colchicine or taxol exerted no signficant effects, indicating that actin filaments but not microtubules modulate stretch-activated calcium transients. In freshly plated cells with rounded shapes and poorly developed cortical actin filaments, stretch-induced calcium transients were of 3-fold higher amplitude than well-spread cells plated for 6-24 hrs and with well developed actin filaments. Cells plated on soft collagen-polyacrylamide gels showed round morphology but exhibited <50% of the response to stretch of well-spread cells on inflexible gels. Notably, cells on soft gels showed very heavy phalloidin staining for cortical actin filaments compared with cells on more inflexible surfaces which showed only light staining for cortical actin. While cell shape may have some effect on responsiveness to mechanical stretch, the rigidity of the cell membrane mediated by the extensive cortical actin network appears to be a central determinant in the regulation of stretch-induced calcium signals.  相似文献   

Mesangial cells in diverse glomerular diseases become myofibroblast-like, characterized by activation of smooth muscle alpha-actin (alpha-SMA) expression. In cultured mesangial cells, serum-deprivation markedly increases alpha-SMA expression, cell size, and stress fiber formation. Since stress fibers are assembled from actin monomers, we investigated the hypothesis that alterations in stress fiber formation regulate alpha-SMA expression and hypertrophy. Human mesangial cells were treated with agents that disrupt or stabilize actin stress fibers. Depolymerization of actin stress fibers in serum-deprived cells with actin-depolymerizing agents, cytochalasin B (CytB) and latrunculin B (LatB), or with inhibitors of Rho-kinase, Y-27632 and HA-1077 decreased alpha-SMA mRNA as judged by Northern blot analysis. Western blot analysis showed that CytB also reduced alpha-SMA protein levels. In serum-fed cells, agents that stabilized actin stress fibers, jasplakinolide (Jas) and phalloidin, increased alpha-SMA mRNA and protein. Treatment of human or rat mesangial cells with CytB, LatB, or Y-27632 decreased alpha-SMA promoter activity. In contrast, Jas increased promoter activity 5.6-fold in rat mesangial cells. The presence of an RNA polymerase inhibitor blocked degradation of alpha-SMA mRNA in cells treated with CytB suggesting that destabilization of this message is dependent on a newly transcribed or rapidly degraded factor. Inhibition of actin polymerization by CytB, LatB, Y-27623, and HA-1077 inhibited incorporation of (3)[H]-leucine into newly synthesized protein. Additionally, CytB and LatB decreased cell volume as determined by flow cytometry. Collectively, these results indicate that the state of polymerization of the actin cytoskeleton regulates alpha-SMA expression, hypertrophy, and myofibroblast differentiation in mesangial cells.  相似文献   

Mechanism of actin polymerization in cellular ATP depletion   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cellular ATP depletion in diverse cell types results in the net conversion of monomeric G-actin to polymeric F-actin and is an important aspect of cellular injury in tissue ischemia. We propose that this conversion results from altering the ratio of ATP-G-actin and ADP-G-actin, causing a net decrease in the concentration of thymosinactin complexes as a consequence of the differential affinity of thymosin beta4 for ATP- and ADP-G-actin. To test this hypothesis we examined the effect of ATP depletion induced by antimycin A and substrate depletion on actin polymerization, the nucleotide state of the monomer pool, and the association of actin monomers with thymosin and profilin in the kidney epithelial cell line LLC-PK1. ATP depletion for 30 min increased F-actin content to 145% of the levels under physiological conditions, accompanied by a corresponding decrease in G-actin content. Cytochalasin D treatment did not reduce F-actin formation during ATP depletion, indicating that it was predominantly not because of barbed end monomer addition. ATP-G-actin levels decreased rapidly during depletion, but there was no change in the concentration of ADP-G-actin monomers. The decrease in ATP-G-actin levels could be accounted for by dissociation of the thymosin-G-actin binary complex, resulting in a rise in the concentration of free thymosin beta4 from 4 to 11 microm. Increased detection of profilin-actin complexes during depletion indicated that profilin may participate in catalyzing nucleotide exchange during depletion. This mechanism provides a biochemical basis for the accumulation of F-actin aggregates in ischemic cells.  相似文献   

Regulation of cellular actin architecture by S100A10   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Actin structures are involved in several biological processes and the disruption of actin polymerisation induces impaired motility of eukaryotic cells. Different factors are involved in regulation and maintenance of the cytoskeletal actin architecture. Here we show that S100A10 participates in the particular organisation of actin filaments. Down-regulation of S100A10 by specific siRNA triggered a disorganisation of filamentous actin structures without a reduction of the total cellular actin concentration. In contrast, the formation of cytoskeleton structures containing tubulin was unhindered in S100A10 depleted cells. Interestingly, the cellular distribution of annexin A2, an interaction partner of S100A10, was unaffected in S100A10 depleted cells. Cells lacking S100A10 showed an impaired migration activity and were unable to close a scratched wound. Our data provide first insights of S100A10 function as a regulator of the filamentous actin network.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of ATP accompanying actin polymerization destabilizes the filament, controls actin assembly dynamics in motile processes, and allows the specific binding of regulatory proteins to ATP- or ADP-actin. However, the relationship between the structural changes linked to ATP hydrolysis and the functional properties of actin is not understood. Labeling of actin Cys374 by tetramethylrhodamine (TMR) has been reported to make actin non-polymerizable and enabled the crystal structures of ADP-actin and 5'-adenylyl beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate-actin to be solved. TMR-actin has also been used to solve the structure of actin in complex with the formin homology 2 domain of mammalian Dia1. To understand how the covalent modification of actin by TMR may affect the structural changes linked to ATP hydrolysis and to evaluate the functional relevance of crystal structures of TMR-actin in complex with actin-binding proteins, we have analyzed the assembly properties of TMR-actin and its interaction with regulatory proteins. We show that TMR-actin polymerized in very short filaments that were destabilized by ATP hydrolysis. The critical concentrations for assembly of TMR-actin in ATP and ADP were only an order of magnitude higher than those for unlabeled actin. The functional interactions of actin with capping proteins, formin, actin-depolymerizing factor/cofilin, and the VCA-Arp2/3 filament branching machinery were profoundly altered by TMR labeling. The data suggest that TMR labeling hinders the intramolecular movements of actin that allow its specific adaptative recognition by regulatory proteins and that determine its function in the ATP- or ADP-bound state.  相似文献   

Intracellular degradation of newly synthesised casein was measured by a pulse-chase method in freshly prepared goat mammary explants. After incubation in medium containing L-[5-3H]proline, explants were washed and cultured again in unlabelled medium containing 5 mM proline; at intervals up to 24 h the amount of radiolabel incorporated in casein was measured. Tissue was obtained in week 33 of lactation after goats had been milked incompletely in one gland (the test gland) for 24 weeks; the contra-lateral (control) gland was milked normally. In explants from the control gland, casein was not degraded during or after secretion: L-[5-3H]proline incorporated in casein increased to a maximum value which was maintained through the chase period. For four out of five goats, explants from the test gland showed a decrease in total [3H]casein radiolabel at 0-4 h of the chase, indicating that a proportion of casein was degraded during secretion. Intracellular casein degradation was also observed when control gland explants were cultured in chase medium containing a goat whey fraction known to inhibit casein production and milk secretion (Wilde, C.J. et al., (1987) Biochem. J. 242, 285-288). This suggests that the greater volume of residual milk left by incomplete milking reduced secretory efficiency, rendering casein susceptible to intracellular degradation, and that this occurred through the action of a secreted milk constituent, which acts as a chemical feedback inhibitor of milk secretion.  相似文献   

It was found that actin solutions contain ATP. Experiments in which hexokinase and creatine were added to actin show that the ensuing dephosphorylation of ATP affects actin so that it will not polymerize.  相似文献   

Prevention of actin polymerization with low concentrations of latrunculin B (Lat-B; 2 nm) exerts a profound inhibitory effect on pollen tube growth. Using flow-through chambers, we show that growth retardation starts after 10 min treatment with 2 nm Lat-B, and by 15 to 20 min reaches a basal rate of 0.1 to 0.2 microm/s, during which the pollen tube exhibits relatively few oscillations. If treated for 30 min, complete stoppage of growth can occur. Studies on the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration indicate that the tip-focused gradient declines in parallel with the inhibition of growth. Tubes exhibiting nonoscillating growth display a similarly reduced and nonoscillating Ca(2+) gradient. Studies on the pH gradient indicate that Lat-B eliminates the acidic domain at the extreme apex, and causes the alkaline band to move more closely to the tip. Removing Lat-B and returning the cells to control medium reverses these effects. Phalloidin staining of F-actin reveals that 2 nm Lat-B degrades the cortical fringe; it also disorganizes the microfilaments in the shank causing the longitudinally oriented elements to be disposed in swirls. Cytoplasmic streaming continues under these conditions, however the clear zone is obliterated with all organelles moving into and through the extreme apex of the tube. We suggest that actin polymerization promotes pollen tube growth through extension of the cortical actin fringe, which serves as a track to target cell wall vesicles to preferred exocytotic sites on the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Trafficking and signaling by fatty-acylated and prenylated proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A wide variety of signaling proteins are modified by covalently linked fatty acids and/or prenyl groups. These hydrophobic moieties, which include myristate, palmitate, farnesyl and geranylgeranyl, are more than just fat: they provide distinct information that modulates the specificity and efficiency of signal transduction. Recent studies show that lipid modification influences the movement of a signaling protein within the cell and its final destination. Protein lipidation can also confer reversible association with membranes and other signaling proteins. These findings provide new insights into the biochemical and biophysical mechanisms that regulate membrane targeting, trafficking and signaling by lipid-modified proteins.  相似文献   

Probing actin polymerization by intermolecular cross-linking   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We have used N,N'-1,4-phenylenebismaleimide, a bifunctional sulfhydryl cross-linking reagent, to probe the oligomeric state of actin during the early stages of its polymerization into filaments. We document that one of the first steps in the polymerization of globular monomeric actin (G-actin) under a wide variety of ionic conditions is the dimerization of a significant fraction of the G-actin monomer pool. As polymerization proceeds, the yield of this initial dimer ("lower" dimer with an apparent molecular mass of 86 kD by SDS-PAGE [LD]) is attenuated, while an actin filament dimer ("upper" dimer with an apparent molecular mass of 115 kD by SDS-PAGE [UD] as characterized [Elzinga, M., and J. J. Phelan. 1984. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 81:6599-6602]) is formed. This shift from LD to UD occurs concomitant with formation of filaments as assayed by N-(1-pyrenyl)iodoacetamide fluorescence enhancement and electron microscopy. Isolated cross-linked LD does not form filaments, while isolated cross-linked UD will assemble into filaments indistinguishable from those polymerized from unmodified G-actin under typical filament-forming conditions. The presence of cross-linked LD does not effect the kinetics of polymerization of actin monomer, whereas cross-linked UD shortens the "lag phase" of the polymerization reaction in a concentration-dependent fashion. Several converging lines of evidence suggest that, although accounting for a significant oligomeric species formed during early polymerization, the LD is incompatible with the helical symmetry defining the mature actin filament; however, it could represent the interfilament dimer found in paracrystalline arrays or filament bundles. Furthermore, the LD is compatible with the unit cell structure and symmetry common to various types of crystalline actin arrays (Aebi, U., W. E. Fowler, G. Isenberg, T. D. Pollard, and P. R. Smith. 1981. J. Cell Biol. 91:340-351) and might represent the major structural state in which a mutant beta-actin (Leavitt, J., G. Bushar, T. Kakunaga, H. Hamada, T. Hirakawa, D. Goldman, and C. Merril. 1982. Cell. 28:259-268) is arrested under polymerizing conditions.  相似文献   

Actin-based motility of the melioidosis pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei requires BimA (Burkholderia intracellular motility A). The mechanism by which BimA mediates actin assembly at the bacterial pole is ill-defined. Toward an understanding of the regions of B. pseudomallei BimA required for intracellular motility and the binding and polymerization of actin, we constructed plasmid-borne bimA variants and glutathione-S-transferase fusion proteins with in-frame deletions of specific motifs. A 13-amino-acid direct repeat and IP7 proline-rich motif were dispensable for actin binding and assembly in vitro, and expression of the mutated proteins in a B. pseudomallei bimA mutant restored actin-based motility in J774.2 murine macrophage-like cells. However, two WASP homology 2 (WH2) domains were found to be required for actin binding, actin assembly, and plaque formation. A tract of five PDASX direct repeats influenced the polymerization of pyrene-actin monomers in vitro and was required for actin-based motility and intercellular spread, but not actin binding. None of the mutations impaired surface expression or polar targeting of BimA. The number of PDASX repeats varied in natural isolates from two to seven. Such repeats acted additively to promote pyrene-actin polymerization in vitro, with stepwise increases in the rate of polymerization as the number of repeats was increased. No differences in the efficiency of actin tail formation could be discerned between strains expressing BimA variants with two, five, or seven PDASX repeats. The data provide valuable new insights into the role of conserved and variable motifs of BimA in actin-based motility and intercellular spread of B. pseudomallei.  相似文献   

Inhibition of actin polymerization by latrunculin A   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Latrunculin A, a toxin purified from the red sea sponge Latrunculia magnifica, was found previously to induce striking reversible changes in the morphology of mammalian cells in culture and to disrupt the organization of their microfilaments. We now provide evidence that latrunculin A affects the polymerization of pure actin in vitro in a manner consistent with the formation of a 1:1 molar complex between latrunculin A and G-actin. The equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) for the reaction in vitro is about 0.2 microM whereas the effects of the drug on cultured cells are detectable at concentrations in the medium of 0.1-1 microM.  相似文献   

pH control of actin polymerization by cofilin   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Cofilin, a 21,000 molecular weight actin-regulatory protein (Nishida, E., Maekawa, S., and Sakai, H. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 5307-5313), was here shown to be capable of reversibly controlling actin polymerization and depolymerization in a pH-sensitive manner. When cofilin was reacted with F-actin at different pH, the depolymerized actin concentration (= monomeric actin concentration) was higher at elevated pH. At pH less than 7.3, the monomeric actin concentrations did not exceed approximately 1 microM even in the presence of excess amounts of cofilin, whereas at pH greater than 7.3 it increased in proportion to the concentration of cofilin added, and complete depolymerization of F-actin occurred by the addition of an excess amount of cofilin. Moreover, in the presence of cofilin, rapid interconversion of monomeric and polymeric forms of actin can be induced by simply changing the pH of the medium. Thus, this study provides a new possible mechanism regulating actin polymerization, pH control.  相似文献   

A motile cell, when stimulated, shows a dramatic increase in the activity of its membrane, manifested by the appearance of dynamic membrane structures such as lamellipodia, filopodia, and membrane ruffles. The external stimulus turns on membrane bound activators, like Cdc42 and PIP2, which cause increased branching and polymerization of the actin cytoskeleton in their vicinity leading to a local protrusive force on the membrane. The emergence of the complex membrane structures is a result of the coupling between the dynamics of the membrane, the activators, and the protrusive forces. We present a simple model that treats the dynamics of a membrane under the action of actin polymerization forces that depend on the local density of freely diffusing activators on the membrane. We show that, depending on the spontaneous membrane curvature associated with the activators, the resulting membrane motion can be wavelike, corresponding to membrane ruffling and actin waves, or unstable, indicating the tendency of filopodia to form. Our model also quantitatively explains a variety of related experimental observations and makes several testable predictions.  相似文献   

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